God is Greater than Mental Illness Afternoon Session

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hey welcome back everybody online you're so glad to come back into our conference and it is called God is greater than mental illness yes we just had a wonderful Q&A luncheon with David Lovett I hope you weren't able to enjoy that it will be up on Facebook if it isn't already after this is all over go back and revisit that it's on Facebook and under our be and health page so we're gonna hand this over to David Leavitt go for Dave all right it's gonna be back talking about God is greater than mental illness so Pastor John and Pastor Adrian said welcome back all of you out there all over the country and world watching welcome back to you those here in Thomas in Georgia we want to go ahead and dive right in we've been this morning you know I just been sharing kind of some of my own journey hopefully helping to establish where God is at in all of this and how he thinks about this and how we should maybe be beginning to position ourselves how the meddling of psychology into the church has maybe been a hindrance we reviewed all that this morning and began to unfold the understanding of spirit soul and body in the pathways of thought so I want to continue that theme of spiritual body and pathways of thought but I first want to go to some scriptures in James chapter 3 starting in verse 13 James 3:13 we're gonna read through verse 16 says who is a wise man and endued with knowledge among you let him show out of a good conversation his works with meekness and wisdom I want you to really remember this word works this is what we do in life okay conversation when it says good conversation in especially the King James it means your way of life your mode of life your life as a whole and the works you do there with meekness and wisdom 4:14 but if you have bitter envying and strife in your hearts glory not and lie not against the truth this wisdom the sins not from above but is earthly sensual devilish for we're envying and strife is there is confusion and every evil work I think this this scripture here particular verse 15 earthly sensual and devilish is a great understanding of temptation and how it begins it begins earthly let's think about this let's think about the Garden what did Eve see she saw what a tree what's the harm in that she saw a tree we see many things in life don't we these are things that maybe just be normal not out of the ordinary wouldn't we wouldn't even think it's spiritual or non spiritual perhaps but then comes some sensuality comes feelings comes emotions comes drawings and even in the garden Eve saw the tree was good for fruit and so as the earthly is good for fruit and that it could make one wise that was the drawing the sensuality that comes and we have things in our life that represent that it's the craving but then it concludes in something called being devilish behind all the temptation behind all that was an evil spirit something a being at a Satan's Kingdom a demonic influence that has now ensnared the person in a way of thinking speaking and acting and now thinks and does have a right to that person's life until they've repented they ought to be forgiven of it because it says their eyes were open and now they knew that they were naked earthly sensual and devilish this wisdom quote wisdom from beneath is the same wisdom that leads us into slavery that you can read about in Romans 6 that brings us our members into slavery to sin and then the fruit we bear speaks for itself now God said in Genesis 3:11 after they they had ate the fruit Eve ate the fruit gave to her husband gave the fruit their eyes were open they saw they were naked they made fig leaves for themselves and then they went and hit the bushes the Lord God calls for him and then Adam finally says Here I am Lord and the Lord says why are you hiding the bushes and Adam said because we're naked then we were afraid then Laura said this who told you that you were naked who told you that that is very significant because the first things Adam and Eve experienced was fear guilt and shame you know there was fear because they hid in the bushes and he said they were afraid guilt was present you can see because it's hurt blaming each other that's when the first things you do when you feel guilty you stroke blaming other things you don't own up to it and the shame was there over their nakedness and so they sewed fig leaves together but these thoughts were not their own there's no telling how long they were in the garden before these thoughts came to them but one day after eating the fruit because of their disobedience that Kingdom had a right to bring fear guilt and shame and they began to do things and say things and act out things they're really indicated they now we're serving another master sometimes we too have become so one with this quote wisdom that were not able to really take responsibility for at the level we need to and we need mercy one of the the mercies that God's gift that God has left us in the beginnings is discerning of spirits and with that the ability to cast spirits out I know for me my own journey and there were just some things I couldn't overcome on my own no matter how hard I was trying to apprehend or to understand I couldn't see it until it was gone and that may be something that some of you need help with and it's available it's part of God's mercy some of you may need deliverance for all the talk of responsibility which we still need to take responsibility even the conditions that come to the place of deliverance there's a level of responsibility have to take and we'll talk about that you know I want to take this time just to talk about evil spirits for a minute because I think part of the reason quite a big part of the reason we're not having the success that we want to have corporately in the church is because we're not dealing with them I had a pastor that I that I know and he lives in another state and he called me up to see if there's any way a gentleman he was working with could come here for help cuz I don't see why not well this is how the process that come to come to for my life and all that and he asked me a question he said David do y'all still cast out evil spirits said well yeah we do he said good should I can't find anybody in this town to do it my thing it was why don't you but nevertheless why aren't we doing this well I think I think there's a few reason I think we're afraid I think fear of evil has has intimidated the church so where they're not going to confront that kingdom superstition I think this is one of the main reasons mental illness is not getting dealt with at the appropriate levels like it could and we're not seeing the freedom like we could and there's such a misperception of evil spirits it's it's Hollywood has totally skewed the issue what you see in Hollywood and what you see on TV is not the reality of it it's not okay that's just the enemy trying to intimidate and promote himself but sadly many churches are not participating in this ministry but the person for each church did they did they it was normal business for them it was primary in the life of Jesus one of the main things he did to help people become free from the cluck of Satan's Kingdom acts 10:38 how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power who went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil for God was with him what were they impressed with chemical imbalance no don't say they were oppressed with chemical imbalance says they were oppressed of the devil you know it's interesting if you really read you can go to Luke Luke 10 I'm not gonna read it all but if you go to Luke 10 when he charged the seventy to go out and and do ministry you know he didn't send one person out to do ministry that couldn't cast out an evil spirit that was the qualification did youdid read the Bible he never sent somebody out to do ministry unless they could heal the sick and cast out an evil spirit that's a challenging mandate for me and I hope for you I have to really think about that because I don't want to come up short but you're prone I can hear that kind of class taught in seminary if you do is from a theological intellectual standpoint that this is something that may have been done dah dah dah dah dah dah dah nod but it's not really a place for it well back then the qualification wasn't a seminary degree it was could you cast out an evil spirit and did you love people basically now this isn't the time or place to go deep into a study of deliverance but I wanted to bring it up because there's a place to bring it up especially in this topic and I'm not interested in giving good information and hoping you know what to do with it we're into application appropriation mixed with good doctrine but this thing works by love even power works by love not everybody likes this aspect of ministry or even what we do here but um I like what Derek Prince said about it if you know Derek princes he simply said this you know he began in his ministry casting out evil spirits when he saw some other things weren't working and he had a lot of people around him urging him to stop doing it said stop casting out the evil spirits stopped why are you going here you're you're losing your reputation all these different things and his reason for continuing to do it was very simple you know you said he said I'd do it for two reasons its scriptural and it works that's good enough it's scriptural and it works and I agree with him and as somebody that has studied the Bible as somebody that has cast out evil spirits and as somebody that has had evil spirits cast out of them it's scriptural and it works now let's go back to some of these charts because I want to show you how an evil spirit is able to take a person captive at the soul level that's producing a mental illness I want to show you how you can begin to as it says in 2nd Timothy 2:26 to recover your self from the snare of the devil so let's put up let's put up chart number 7 real quick here and I'm going to do my best to go very slow there's a lot of words up there in there okay here's what we'll do this is the same as the other chart except basically what I've done is I put a magnifying glass on the sole and added some details to it and I'm gonna go through I'm going to explain them and what each one represents and what it means okay you do not have to be that smart to understand this I promise you because I'm the one teaching it so on this chart are the components and functions of the soul in a general sense to say that this is like the most complete in-depth study the soul would be not true but it gives you enough and it gives me enough to begin to have some understanding now right underneath the soul the soul is made up of the mind will and emotions and you know what I'm sorry to those that are watching out there but I don't have the chart there so I'm gonna have to turn my back to you because I don't want to look at that little piece of paper so the souls meant the mind will and emotions now you can see that have mine kind of umbrella over the emotions in will I have a reason for that because the mind you know being the intellect in the current state of intent and focus and purpose you know the Bible says be spiritually minded or be thus minded it means that that's the place where you've really settled yourself and that's really who you are seat of your personality but with the mind it's also made up of your will your ability to make decisions and the emotions now none of this is evil however the enemy wants to use it for evil so it's not what the emotions get the emotions over here in you can see under it I have limbic system the limbic system is where you process and where you going to fight or flight it's made up of the amygdala basal ganglia ganglia hippocampus it's where we process the emotions process a lot of thoughts many people in science consider this to be the fear love center of the brain thus it's the emotional center of the brain and the limbic system really sets what is called the autonomic nervous system now you know that the ANS that's what happened over there this is the areas like your cardiovascular regulation digestion endocrine system hyper hypo dynamics this would be parts of the brain like if your frontal lobe was under active or if it was overactive or any part of the brain Earnie low over any gland was over under active not doing it the way it's supposed to be doing it the limbic system sets all of that that's why with mental illness often time so you will see physical diseases because other parts of the body are now getting out of whack so the limbic system is where fear and love are processed and controls the autonomic nervous system now let's come to your will your ability to make decisions underneath that I have the prefrontal cortex this is at the frontal lobe and the prefrontal cortex is your executive functioning center of your brain okay this is this is how you plan organize tasks you know problem-solve the forethought decision-making this is all the things you use this every single day you know decision decision decision your prefrontal cortex give you that gives you the ability to not say dumb things at the wrong time I mean just you know sometimes you want to say something like man should say that right now that's good that means it's working okay it's like you know if I say that then this consequence will happen on the line good so we got the will and we've got the emotions okay now the issues of mental illness lie right their mind will and emotions that's that is where the dysfunction is happening and oh by the way that CNS is your central nervous system that would cover the voluntary nervous system right here the VNS which would is what your will controls I moved my arm I said this thing I do this action I talk to this person I don't talk to this person that's all voluntary all right that has nothing to do with involuntary that's all I'm deciding and then put in the motion put an action put into speech but your long-term memory that is where the training occurs in your personality one way or another so this is where the issue of mental illness lies in the dysfunction of the mind will and emotions and by dysfunction I mean that they are not working together the way God intended to serve you these this is to serve you now we have will and emotions kind of next to each other either your will or your emotions have preeminence over each other hear me on your will does not have preeminence of you over your emotions your emotions don't have premiums over your will it means your will can't change your motions that means your emotions don't have to dictate your will however your emotions can influence your will or your decisions but actually it's your will what you do speech action and choosing to meditate on that actually establishes your emotions see we get this back we think if we could change my emotions I could do right things that is not how it works scripturally or scientifically I'm gonna prove both it's actually what you set in motion and thought speech and action okay in servitude to the Lord that then establishes your emotions appropriately thereby having peace I learned this science science observes that it's the voluntary nervous system that establishes the autonomic nervous system and the Bible would agree let's think about it really think with me does the Bible ever tell you to repent of emotions and/or feelings I can't think of one instance but it does tell me to repent of not forgiving my brother it does tell me to repent for following fear of man and avoiding somebody it does tell me to repent of things I say things I choose to put my heart on and things I choose to do that he would not do you see but sometimes and especially in the area of psychology in these other modalities we're trying to change our emotions you cannot directly change your emotions but you can directly change your behavior can't you we gotta decide if we're the head or the tail this is why this is where we're getting into personal responsibility is so important you decide what you're gonna have based on what you're gonna do I was so happy to hear this because I think all of us fall into this play sometimes of how do I change my emotions or how do I it's changed indirectly by your will what you do so if you're depressed and you locate and you begin to recognize the reason you're depressed okay then there's actually things you can put in motion according to the word that will begin to lift that sometimes as simple as getting around people sometimes people fall into a little hole they isolate isolation is sin because the Bible says that we're not to forsake fellowshipping with one another and it also tells us that we're not to forget to communicate with each other so we stop communicating and we're not fellowshipping have you considered that that is sin and we're quite following sin and fear and things like that so we begin to get back out and talk to people be a blessing to people communicate with people and you might just find your mood changes based on what you do now I got to be really careful here because I'm not teaching behaviorism people will think well okay so you're teaching like conditioning like dogs and stuff I'm not teaching conditioning like dogs that's not what we're doing here I'm teaching who do you serve how do I know who you serve how do you know who I serve by what I say and what I do is there really any other way to know who I serve and is there any way for me to know who you serve except by what you doing what you say sure people can put on a facade and fool you whatever but ultimately he that doeth righteousness is what righteous he do is unrighteousness is what unrighteous that's pretty easy that's pretty simple now let's get to some scriptures because the scriptures are under guarding what I'm saying right now and I personally think it may crack the code on how to restore these pathways I want you to turn to a proverb with me proverb proverbs 16 see if I can find it don't we throw this trouble to mark my Bible up and we still not using it proverbs 16:3 says this commit thy works unto the Lord and thou thoughts shall be established is that not what I just taught you commit your works to the Lord to be a what a doer of the word a doer of the work a doer of the word not unlegal ISM but in love because you know his ways are the best ways and we don't have it all in our way so we are a doer of the word in meditation speech and action and that will establish us emotionally ongoing as a way of life go to Philippians 4 9 Philippians 4 9 Paul this well let's read verse eight finally brethren what sort of things are true whatsoever things are honest whatsoever things are just whatsoever things are pure whatever things are lovely whatsoever things are of good report if there be any virtue of to be any praise think on these things verse nine those things which you have both learned and received and heard and seen in me do action in motion do them cause an effect and the God of peace shall be with you same concept same concept let us go to Genesis the story of Cain let's go to Genesis 4 Genesis 4 this is the story of Cain Abel you know story had a sacrifice the Lord accepted Abel's to not accept Cain's and verse 5 and justice 4 says but unto Cain and to his offering he had not respect and Cain was very wroth and his countenance fell that's his you know emotions you could tell on his face he was not having the best day his mood was lowered and he was mad and lord have said on the Cain why are you Roth and why is your countenance fallen if you doest well should you not be accepted but if you doest not well sin lieth at the door and unto thee shall be his desire and you shall rule over him so why are you getting so upset if you do well you're gonna be fine but if you do not well sin lies at the door to do what to become your master and we bear the fruit of it in mark chapter 7 verse 15 to the end of the chapter she said it's not that it's not the things to go into the man but defile the man he says the things that come out of the man those things to follow me and for from within out of the heart of men proceed evil thoughts fornication adultery lasciviousness pride foolishness and all these things all these things come out of the man they begin to do it they begin to put in motion and this is in the file the man about teaching behaviorism what we do and what we say indicates who we serve and who we serve will be our master and that is why being a doer of the word makes him your master and he's the Shepherd of our soul he's the Bishop of our soul and we get to enjoy the peace and the fruit and the joy that comes with that but if we do not do the word we have another master and we give him right to then bring all these curses into our lives including things like madness despair the astonishment of heart and even blindness as as it says in Deuteronomy 28 this becomes about our obedience or disobedience but again the question is well how do I begin to be obedient it's a good question but this is how the enemy takes her soul captive through temptation to get you to do his will so that he you are he is now your master and then he's able to put the fruit of it on you and trust me he does not know how to establish your emotions in peace he doesn't know how to establish your soul and rest in peace beginning to walk in his ways the Lord's ways one of the common threads throughout all mental illness that is observable well for most of them is a prefrontal cortex that is either under active or overactive when somebody's prefrontal cortex is always overactive like in the case of mania or underactive in the case of depression what you know is that person now lives by their emotions and their feelings not by the Word of God and so we must begin to learn how to be spiritual and set aside our feelings and emotions not try to change I'm asking you to suppress them but I'm asking you to try to override them I'm asking you to set them aside and no that's not who I really am that may be a current state I'm in but I can still take responsibility for my life and be a doer of the word in spite of my feelings see how many times I go against my feelings every single day of my life why because I love God I want to serve Him and if I don't I'm not do or the word then I'm gonna be serving another Kingdom and I don't want that fruit so temptation comes in grain ways of thinking come but I don't live by my emotions when I say live I don't make my decisions based on my emotions I make them based on the Word of God the best I know how at my current state sometimes any others I sometime gonna need the help of others to help me think through it there's nothing wrong with that but ultimately it's still my decision what I'm gonna do so when the prefrontal cortex here and the voluntary nervous system is now controlled by the emotions that person's been taken captive at the at the enemy's will to do is will this brings the inability to quote snap out of it so I'm not going to ask you a snap out of it I'm gonna ask you to return to the Lord as we recognize the ways that maybe don't match his ways because you can do something about that let's talk about some of the common diagnoses in and some of what they're rooted in let start with depression or major depressive disorder this occurs when a person does not feel right with God themselves or others the separation creates a devaluation of oneself what's happening is there is conflict on the inside conflict about their relationship with the father oh he loves them to conflict with themselves about who they are or conflict with others well how would you get in the conflict well let's look what are some dead works that can cause conflict well bitterness towards others would be one have you considered that unforgiveness could cause depression in the parable of the unforgiving servant he says that he wouldn't forgive his sorry he was forgiving of much why the Lord and by that king but he wouldn't forgive one of his servants and you know it says he got thrown in prison with the tormentors there that's a clue that's a good reason to forgive others shouldn't have some other open doors maybe hopes that were not realized and so apathy sets in you really had a hope and a desire in a dream and it didn't come to pass so we give up you're giving up as an action yeah apathy isn't you know inaction is action God is not inactive he is active they which we we meditate on past failures we always talk about him well if only this her if only that could have happened if only this if only that could have happened if only this was different maybe we were tempted with an ungodly fear of God so we avoid him when you avoid God because of an ungodly fear you're establishing that fear you are establishing it your soul is being trained is being formed you're establishing just as if we commit our works to the Lord our thoughts shall be established on good ground if we do works that he would not do but are unto the enemy even in ignorance our thoughts are established in the enemy's ways and the fruit thereof I'd say something inches I mean this proverbs 16:3 verse is really not about for you but to me it is eye-opening incantation that's interesting it's been taken out of the Septuagint it's not there the Septuagint is the Greek translation of the Old Testament in which many of the modern translations are translated from including the NIV I checked the NIV and it was in there I don't know why it would have it in there because that's not what they translated it from so they added it for good measure I suppose you see how the understanding that God wants us to have the enemy has always been tampering with so a depression the autonomic nervous system responds to these actions how about loss maybe there is a loss but you wouldn't allow yourself to grieve that brings a lot of conflict Bible says blessed blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted so if you don't allow yourself to mourn what cannot happen you can't be comforted so the autonomic nervous system responds the frontal lobes of the brain become under active motivation alertness and joy are diminished and the dysfunction of the frontal lobe activity continues to reinforce this well I don't have much motivation today well that's not make you very hopeful for the next day is it and so there's a perpetual state of reinforcing by an evil spirit and the training of our soul let's look at bipolar this would include one and two there's really no differences who said where they can consider severity levels used to be called manic depression this occurs when someone is trying to override depression in their own strength I consider this to be the what the Bible refers to is madness the manic state this definition from Webster's 1828 and defining madness and Strong's it just says craziness you're furiously but I felt like this Webster's definition to find it very well it says extreme folly therefore madness headstrong passion and rashness that act in opposition to reason I think that's a good definition of mania all due respect you know if you've had episodes it's not you and we can change you can change and if you've ever had one you know that it's an opposition to reason the decisions and actions that are made are in opposition to reason it's not thought out it's not rational and what happens is over time in that hyped up state you know bad decisions are made there could be poor moral choices at times you know there's all kinds of things that could happen fleeing running away there's all kind of things that can happen but you know bad decisions are made that's more room for guilt and shame now to come the more guilt and shame come and also the mind becomes exhausted from all the you know always on always alert that you hit another depressive state at some point try to get out of it again but it manifested meaning it's all in the person's own strength the Bible says it's not by power or my might but it is by his spirit it's by his spirit so I believe bipolar begins in the depressive state so if it begins in the depressive state there be an unloving spirit causing conflict at the spirit and soul level where they struggle with themselves about themselves those emotions are no fun so then another spirit comes a spirit of fear that brings a driven as' a hyper driven is to get them out of the depressed state usually they're driven to find some sort of identity there's some sort of black hole they're trying to fill whatever it is for them they're trying to fill some black hole it could be in hyper productivity it could be in you know just all kinds of things but this is the manic side you know I said well David how do you know that's what's actually happening I think I know because that's what's manifesting at the end of the day I'm all gonna deal with what's manifesting and if depression is manifesting and then something come that drives the person is manifesting I know there's an unloving spirit and a spirit of fear you just deal with it by what's manifesting is there another way should we make it more complicated should we make it more difficult to understand should we make it harder I don't think so let's go this chart number 10 this is what I would consider to be the pathway of how the enemy would want to train somebody and bipolar disorder or what is called bipolar disorder okay over here I know this might be tough to see you've got an evil spirit that green bubble got an unclean unloving spirit and you've got fear usually iniquity because this pattern of bipolar usually runs in family trees so we're looking at iniquity here through theta brainwave activity a person apprehends that uncleanness feelings about themselves there good self-hatred I'm not good I'm not worthy and oftentimes what's happening in the world around them is they're in an abusive or they came from non nurturing relationships when when you're an abusive or non nurturing relationships there's lack of affirmation this may be in childhood there's lack of affirmation lack of identity being you know spoken to you and and maybe there's abuse you become survivor so there's fear you definitely feel good about yourself these are the open doors for this evil spirit or these two spirits in particular here that I'm talking about so you're apprehending maybe in childhood you apprehended you were in a non nurturing home in an honoring home if you all alone your survivor your headstrong your survivor you can do it yourself but fear joins that and you don't feel good about yourself you've not been undergirded or affirmed in your identity so there's an unloving spirit as well you begin apprehending let's just take the depressive state that unclean unloving spirit at the soul level and mix with the non nurturing environment you conclude yeah you know I guess I'm really not worth loving I'm not worth loving it's what you conclude there and then what happens is those emotions that's what you are led by and those emotions then influence your will to do and act in certain ways that would undergird depression withdrawing isolating not being honest focusing on the past being lazy being lazy well what that's gonna do now is you act that out come over here that begins to establish your emotions and your what's going on at the autonomic nervous system so it becomes a perpetual state of mind that you have an underactive prefrontal cortex it becomes away and then your body might respond in different ways I don't know I just in a lack of energy but then this fear comes along as driven us you got to get out of this you gotta get out of this somehow all right fear comes because where there's not love there's fear and maybe you're trying to escape this abusive relationship maybe there's things you're trying to do and I would encourage you to get out of abusive relationships but there's a correct way to do it and there's a fear way to do it this fear straining this person that they can't stay like this and that because they've relied on themselves their whole lives because they couldn't trust anybody and these abusive and non nurturing relationships they don't trust anybody they're gonna do it themselves I do it myself you ever have your kids say that I do it myself well the enemy likes that they joins that because God wants you to do it with a body of believers we're not lone Ranger's this pipes up the your emotions pipes it up you begin to have a lot of chemical imbalance in the sense that a lot of adrenaline a lot of things like that might kick in and this can affect your decision-making in your will and you begin to do things again you may have lapses where you don't remember things you might begin to hallucinate there's things that can happen in the mania state some of these I've heard about me people move to different cities different states get jobs and then it come to one or what happened it's all this fear and driven as' pushing the person it may realize what they've done there's guilt and shame and we begin again that's kind of how I see it if I was to help somebody with bipolar I would I would encourage them to meditate on Isaiah 30 I can't read the whole thing never read some of it well certain seven for the Egyptians shall help in vain into no purpose and therefore have I cry concerning this that their strength is to sit still that's where our strength is is in stillness now I'm not saying that's inactivity it's being still being able to wait on God being patient now go write it before them in a table and note it in a book that it may be for the time to come forever and ever this is a rebellious people lying children children that will not hear the law of the Lord which say to the seers see not into the prophets prophesy not unto us right things speak unto a smooth things prophesy deceits get you out of the way turn aside out of the path cause the Holy One of Israel to cease from before us wherefore let's say at the Holy One of Israel because you despise the word and trust in oppression and perverseness and stay there on therefore this iniquity shall be to you as a breech ready to fall swelling out in a high wall breaking who's breaking comes suddenly in an instant and he shall break it as the breaking of the Potters vessel that is broken in pieces he shall not spare so that there shall not be found in the bursting of an ax sure to take fire from the hearth or to take water without from the pit verse 15 for thus saith the Lord God the Holy One of Israel in returning and rest shall you be saved and in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength and you would not have to decide if you're your own Savior you have to decide if you're your own Saviour if you're your own help if you're so strong that you can get out of this yourself but you said no for we will flee upon the horses therefore shall you flee and we will and we will ride upon the Swift therefore shall day that pursue you be Swift God's gonna let you do it 1000 shall flee at the rebuke of one at the rebuke of five shall you flee till you be left as a beacon upon the top of a mountain and as an ensign on the hill no listen and therefore will the lord wait he may be gracious unto you and therefore will he be exalted he may have mercy upon you and the Lord has a God of judgment and blessed are all they that wait on him the difficult thing here bipolar is a trust issue I really think can you really trust God in this can he is he really gonna be the one to come through for you is he really gonna be the one you can wait on and he's gonna establish you and deliver you and bring peace to you and take you into the millennium and a new heavens and new earth and it's gonna be great but he's the one that's gonna do it as you participate and serve Him or are we trying to do this thing ourselves we can all relate to this at some level whether you've ever had this kind of thing or not happen in your life that's what I would probably say because ever you look up I go back to that chart up here here's where God the Holy Spirit set peace and temperance that's his influence into our lives and so if we were go to chart number 11 this is the pathway that God wants to restore you in abusive non nurturing relationship that's happened okay and yes it may be open you up to some things but God wants to come and influence you with peace he's there peace about your future peace about where you are now that integrates at the soul level okay that abusive non nurturing relationship happened but you know what's in the past I've forgiven I have peace integration at the soul level now that's where your will begins to serve God the Holy Spirit and peace and in temperance though temperance amania no temperance and many of these mental illnesses okay you begin to do things speech an action that represent peace and temperance and that establishes your emotions in homeostasis does that make sense that makes sense I know sometimes you you've heard this be a doer of the word be a doer of the word and I know sometimes if we're honest it can even become cliche for us but being a doer the word really does bring blessings I hope you're seeing that in the most simple way possible that's about PTSD this involves a trauma event I believe PTSD is simply what the Bible calls astonishment of heart astonishment of heart astonishment let's let's read a definition here again this was from Webster's 1828 confusion of mind from fear surprise her admiration at an extraordinary or unexpected event sounds like PTSD to me and I thought that's when I had diagnosed and you're gonna hear from somebody that has also overcome it here our next session live right here that's that's how it goes events and we have surprise or confusion of mind from fear regarding the event and we can't come to a proper place of conclusion and moving on with life about it and the real debilitating thing about this diagnosis or astonishment of heart is the inability to properly process external and internal inputs basically there's a lot of confusion happens because with fear the limbic system is very activated and when the limbic system is very activated then the other parts of the brain responsible for processing begin to shut down because you're just in survival mode you're not in rational thinking mode look when you're trying to survive you don't want to you don't need your executive functioning do you you really know how to fight or run away that's all you need to know how to do when your arriving there's confusion because the limbic system in particular the amygdala and the basal ganglia are so overactive that the other parts that are responsible for processing thought begin to shut down now when trust me when you can't get ahold of your thoughts that brings what more fear more what's going on why can't I even work here oh I can't do this and it's tormenting it's the fear that has torment because it's like somebody flipped a switch on and you don't understand the switch people can't with this diagnosis can't understand why they can't get a grip like they used to they used to get a grip now they can but it's not a switch people that develop PTSD actually have ways in their life that are ingrained in their life and how they lived long before they were ever diagnosed with PTSD they dealt with things in such a way whether it was avoidance dealt with things in such a way of fear avoid people not talk to people withdrawn themselves try to figure out themselves they wouldn't open up difficulty trusting and and they felt safe in that because the problems of life were small but the problems of life become big and then we try to deal with it the same way in avoidance withdrawing going into ourselves not trusting but it's too much it's too much the trauma vents too much it's taking too much of an effect on the soul it's taking too much of a hit and you've got to be able to grieve and you've gotta be able to process you've got to be able to get this stuff out you've got to have you got to have an allowance for weakness a lot of people with mental illness make no allowance in their life to be weak they are so headstrong but then they're not to rely on someone else for help would be almost the end of the world for them some of them some of them go to the other extreme and that's all they want they don't want any responsibility they just want to rely on other people but this is how PTSD you manifest if we go to chart number eight again this is the pathway that I would see we have a trauma event you got pre him that trauma event through beta brainwave activity your five physical senses an evil spirit of fear okay speaks to your spirit you apprehend that fear at the soul level integrated with the trauma event and so this type of fear brings replay of the trauma event projecting the trauma event a lot of imaginations a lot of sights and sounds replaying in your head this plays havoc on the emotions because the emotional center of the brain the limbic system is very overactive now and then we may not make the best decisions because the prefrontal cortex is shutting down it's not activated like it should and we live by our emotions we live out of fear we're living that out now and as we do these things as we say these things and continue to avoid it's establishing this problem even more at the autonomic nervous system level so we've got a chart 9 the pathway of overcoming PTSD God the Holy Spirit brings hope for the future and peace and we could put a lot of different types of things in here for how the holy spirit wanna influence us I'm not saying that's the exact thing but you have a trauma event but God by his Spirit in his word and he reminds you that there's a hope beyond the trauma event and you can still have your peace in the midst of it so that way you're not gonna live out your emotions you're gonna do the will of God even though you may you might have pain there might be uncomfortableness something may have happened that really hurt I'm gonna ask you to suppress emotions I'm asking you not to live by emotions there's do you see the difference so we continue to be doers of the word even in the midst of the trauma we grieve we mourn but not hopelessly not not with ungodly sorrow we process and that establishes if we do that in hope and peace that establishes us and our emotions P just because you have a trauma event doesn't mean you're guaranteed to get PTSD it depends on what you do with it two people can be exposed to the same trauma event one gets PTSD the other doesn't why ones doing the word or ones not one had a spirit of fear the other one did not you look at Paul I think Paul could have had PTSD I mean somebody whipped me 40 times one and stoned me threaten me day in and day out to kill me I might I don't know let's hope it doesn't happen but he didn't because he kept his hope he kept his focus he knew where he was going he knew why he was doing what he was doing he didn't get PTSD even in the midst of extreme persecution avoidance is not fixing the problem perfect PTSD in their life avoidance usually fixed the problem but this time it's not you know that brings more panic and more fear so then the person goes into survival mode and is constantly trying to flee or fight one of the things I'm going to ask you to do today is to come out of this place of hiding and lying and be honest it's okay let's go to schizophrenia as we gonna close this one out I know there's some some like generalized anxiety disorder that'd be similar to PTSD I think you're getting the point around how the enemy takes your soul captive that's what I really want to get across here and schizophrenia this is a condition that typically occurs in a person's early 20s it can involve catatonic states hallucinations hearing voices and even producing odd behavior it seems to strike out of nowhere but not really the signs are really there all along this condition typically affects people who feel they must perform in order to be loved grades sports and even religions could be outlets for this performance they feel that there is no provision for weakness typically at some point the we'll have a failure though we all do don't we but the fear of man and the fear failure is so great they cannot be honest about the reality of the situation and then an evil spirit gives them another option an option to escape and disassociate and escape into an altered state of reality where they can quote feel safe but on the other side of that alternative reality and where they wanted to go to feel safe is an evil spirit that torments them a person that gets schizophrenia is a person that acts as if there is no mercy available to them they act as if there are no second chances in life and that the totality of their existence depends on it depends entirely on their performance a lot of times they're very good and successful and it just seems to switch one day it's because there's a failure they can not come to grips with and they are too afraid so afraid to admit the failure that's what we typically see now I could come out of abuse it can come out of occultism we're not just today this is not that we don't have time to get into a colton's but any level of occultism and servitude to idolatry can bring any one of these problems because what's on the other side of worshiping and idolatry in a cult ISM is an evil spirit that wants to be your Holy Spirit but he's not gonna give you the fruit of the Holy Spirit just the opposite so if you're into a cult ISM I have an encouragement for you stop throw the stuff away renounce it totally repent and call unto the Lord Jesus to deliver you as a work of the Holy Spirit according to the father's will I want to read something as we begin to close here Psalm 103 if anybody watching today has been diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia I said I want to read something to you Psalm 103 verse 8 the Lord is merciful and gracious slow to anger and plenteous in mercy he has not dealt with us after our sins nor has he rewarded us according to our iniquities for as the heaven is high above the earth so great is his mercy towards them that fear him and as far as the east is from the west so far has he removed our transgressions from us like as a father pitieth his children so the Lord pities them that fear Him for he knoweth our frame and he remembers that we are dust if you have paranoid schizophrenia can you can you please just remember that your dust the expectations that you have put on yourself the energies put on you is not where God is at in this and it not be so hard on yourself and be ok with some failure be ok with weakness and we going to open up and be honest about what you're hiding from seriously because on the other side of this ultra state of reality there are saints that love you and there are people that love you and that you can be safe with and begin to be established appropriately it's amazing we have testimonies from here and I've read them another research I've done where schizophrenic and psychotics without any medical intervention medicine therapies when people just got around them and love them for who they were for a couple months to a year all signs and symptoms of schizophrenia left and they wouldn't live normal lives they just in a safe place so with that I'm going to turn over to Pastor John and pastor Adrian I think what David we're gonna clap for David yeah yay what David's sharing I just love that we get to spend the whole day together to bring understanding from the Scriptures God has a lot to say about this and sometimes we just need to pull the car over and stop and think about what this journey is about and what God says about these very key topics that are really plaguing our world and so many people are searching everywhere for answers but they're not searching fully in the Holy Scriptures that were brought forth by our living father I know I'm when I'm listening to this I'm fading that amygdalas get back to normal you know you got to understand your part the part of your brain that's being affected by the enemy like this and we're fading as we're hearing that that part of the body can be restored to full function again so I love this it's coming great so I would encourage you as those that are online again 20% discount on anything that is a resource of being held 30 percent on key teachings that are important that has built what you're hearing that would be the father's love separation pathways to temptation overcoming depression fear guilt shame and lying and his ways versus our ways those have constructed what you are hearing today and I want to really encourage you invest in renewing your mind and the way that dr. Henry has set this up so that we could build a platform of learning about any kind of disease but today we're dealing with mental illness and seeing God's freedom but these teachings are critical to understand where all this is you're hearing today is where it's coming from are those teachings right and I think 30% off for those and 20% off of everything else and that's true for our bookstore here on campus too today I think you know anytime I hear something that's new and I'm an agreement with it I'm pretty like thinking what are the next steps for me to get more what what can I do to really get this under my belt and see change I think purchasing the resources help those are an ongoing investment into your own spirituality and you can share them whether other people and our for my life retreat is a world-renowned retreat we have helped people from all over the world as they have made a trip here to Thomas in Georgia for the one-week retreat but we've made it available online because not everybody can get here today or tomorrow but if you purchase the for my life retreat package online you can begin viewing it and start taking part in understanding the foundational teachings that will help set you free from any malady any disease any torment any vexation in any trouble in the name of Jesus this for my life online if it's normally four hundred and fifty nine dollars but today through midnight it's two hundred and ninety nine dollars an hour in house guests you can purchase that as well here it isn't a great investment into your life online you have three months to take it it's over twenty-one courses and we take you through the Word of God we lead you an understanding of things that though you could walk through repentance for we do deliverance and yes it even is effective online we've had many people set free delivered and healed by taking this online course so that's a very important investment that I think everyone should invest in their lives and really it may be online you've been here you're watching live streaming and you're not sure when you can come back for a refresher purchase this and you can start that refresher course as soon as possible all right yes so I we kind of repeat this through the day but different people joining us from different time zones we have people who watch a half day a whole day a quarter day so thanks for hearing it again and you know what you have to hear things many times for it to get into our minds so y'all ready for another lap around what's what happens when you donate and to be in health today what's our giving goal $5,000 we are inching our way up we are at $1100 online we've had giving within the house which is awesome and if you give $50 or more today you receive his ways versus our ways in the mail and we take care of the shipping and we normally retail this at $74.99 it's a 10 CD set of listening a doctor Henry helped us understand God's ways our ways and what the difference is between the two and how to get on the highway of having more of God's ways in our lives if you're watching on youtube click the link that says donate and that will take you to the portal that will sign you up to receive this if you give $50 or more if you are watching on be and health com there's not a link there you have to jump over to youtube.com forward slash be in health to find that link excellent what a mouthful good job girl thank you we're going to give overcoming depression away if you can reach through the camera you can have it I was wondering who wanted this who wanted this go crazy we're gonna get you in a second I can't run off to yet she raised her hand fast and made me someone raised it but I saw that one first yes if you're on YouTube you're checking things out just hit the subscribe and notification like we said we put multiple things out a week because we feel like it's in these days you know good solid truth is delicious and so come and eat of what we're posting on YouTube Facebook and all that social media stuff all right we're gonna take a short break we're gonna bake some brownies for on our livestream group go with queso and chips so we're gonna take a break but come back at 3:30 Eastern we have a very special guest interview we've had some nice fly-in to talk about overcoming and we will see you at 3:30 hi I'm Adrian shales at being health we have a recent testimony that I want to share with you from the Tobin family and I'm gonna read it my husband and I have been married for six years we asked the Lord for a baby and were blessed with our son Judah in 2017 as eager and nervous expectant parents we prayed and believed God for a blessed and safe birth however what happened didn't seem to match our prayers Judah was very posterior and I labored for three days without dilation there was no pressure on my cervix to cause an opening and for three days I contracted in pain without much sleep because I became scared and stressed out as much as I tried to relax fear gripped me instead of the natural birth I wanted I had to go to the hospital where I was induced ultimately I received three epidurals and two spinal taps because the epidurals did not appear to be working my baby was delivered by c-section and he was healthy according to the doctors and the nurses that trauma opened up the door for sadness postpartum depression anger fear and major anxiety in my life as soon as we brought our son home he began screaming night and day he was stiff as a board and never seemed to relax this distressed my husband and I greatly and we became very tense our baby did not sleep and spent many many hours crying and screaming the doctor said he had colic before long he started to vomit frequently I began to seek help for my baby which at the time included a chiropractor osteopath cranial Osteopathy dentist for tongue and lip Thai nutritionists neuro paths all kinds of potions and lotions and through all of this I had feelings of despair fear and anxiety I became very dark and very angry towards Judah when he would not settle to sleep but would cry for hours at a time I was in constant fight or flight during this time my physical health deteriorated along with my mental health I suffered thrush Candida liver failure and you Turrell infections through a very weakened immune system I was constantly sick and so was Judah as well as GERD diagnosis Judah was apparently allergic to everything I kept a strict regimen diet with about six safe foods we lost significant amounts of weight my husband didn't know what to do about it so he just carried on with our stress life ultimately I had thoughts of suicide and tried to take my own life through it all I loved the Lord dearly and couldn't work out why my baby was so sick I was obsessed with trying to heal him as I didn't want to see my baby suffer I received prayer from many well-meaning Christians over this 12-month period finally a woman who had been praying with me gave me a copy of a more excellent way from being health she gave the book to me only because she remembered it might talk about allergies I accepted the book with no intentions of reading it I felt I had received so much prayer over the years and there was seemingly no spiritual answer from at the time well because I just cannot give up I open the book and God began to speak to me I receive the teaching on God's heart and promised to keep us in health and my heart left for joy this was something I had already believed in my heart chapter by chapter I received biblical teaching and instruction the Holy Spirit began to bring conviction about all the fears that I had the writing on what fear stress and anxiety does to the body gave an explanation to what was happening in my body at this time fear fought to keep me terrified by this information but I clung to God and chose faith I've read the book cover-to-cover as a teaching resource more than once during this journey God has brought to my attention that trauma opened the door in my life to fear anxiety and stress then to occult practice there are many sins that the Holy Spirit has identified to me that I repented for not just as a result of this trauma but sins that were deeply held and not acknowledged by me since that I lacked knowledge of according to God sins of my ancestors I had to repent for unforgiveness bitterness and anger I had to repent for words spoken over my son Judah I had to repent for complaining and murmuring about my mother-in-law also of trying to be perfect in my professional life I was very driven I repented for entertaining the lies of allergies and judah's life I repented for not trusting my Heavenly Father to keep me safe I repented for trying to be the spiritual head of my family and trying to control my husband the list goes on and on I kept a journal that contained my walkout journey the devil battled hard to keep me in fear and anxiety then he battled hard to keep me in self-pity as my husband seemingly continued on passive about everything in our lives I washed myself in the Word of God over and over I read the Word of God I chose by faith to trust God to keep me safe and to keep my son safe I continually kept my heart in a position of forgiveness and love towards my husband seeing him as a brother in Christ I began to pray everyday over my husband as his helped me through this journey I've walked out the eight hours to freedom and will continue to do so loving and trusting God with my whole heart fills my heart with so much gratitude peace and love after working through the eight hours my son has been delivered of a spirit of fear and anxiety overnight he became a happy content baby he is healed from the allergies he eats everything reflux has gone colic is gone he is growing so well he's developing just as the Lord intended Judah is in health and prospers as his soul prospers I've been healed of stinking thinking this has required much washing of the water of the word and spending a lot of time with God this is a continual journey with God and faith through Jesus Christ by the power of His Holy Spirit many evil mindsets and thought patterns have been exposed by the Holy Spirit I replace these with the truth of God and his biblical promises I hold every thought captive to the obedience of Jesus Christ I am active every day in my mind to this end praise God for the good work he's completing in me I've been healed of woman's issues hemorrhoids trauma and the physical effects of fear and anxiety in my body the healing continues I continue to walk out my freedom in Christ Jesus I have a renewed mind and renew it daily in the word there has been much mental healing and emotional healing I am no longer ruled by my emotions preferring the truth of God in every situation I now have an excellent relationship with my mother-in-law there has been much healing between my husband and me and there's much to go I now submit to him as his help meet I pray earnestly for him and am guided by the Holy Spirit and my conversation with my husband for a time the devil tried to confuse me with accusations I became obsessed with examining myself trying to be perfect I ended up partnering with a kingdom of self spirit praise God that has been exposed and I repented of it I am now healed in my mind is continually being renewed this is from the Tobin family [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] 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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] welcome back everyone to the conference God is greater than mental illness welcome back to you those here in Thomaston welcome back all of you watching all over the country and all over the world we are so glad you could be with us we hope that today has been meaningful and we are not done yet but we wanted to kind of take a little reprieve here and do something a little different I have with me here Hiram and higher miss from Texas and Hiram you came here a couple years ago now was a couple years ago now and what was the diagnosis that you have been given I had been given a diagnosis of a diagnosis of severe PTSD and clinical depression as severe PTSD and clinical depression what what what were those events in life that you know the PTSD was stemming from if you could share some of that I was in law enforcement I was a police officer for about five years and just a lot of you know a lot of traumatic events you know he David talked about people's PTSD episodes stemming from one traumatic event as a police officer a traumatic event after a traumatic event every day now depending on where you work some is less sometimes more I happen to work in an area where it was every day so for me having to be at that heightened state at a constant rate every day overtime I was not able to shut that off so he talks about fight-or-flight well I was always ready to fight whenever looking for a threat whenever the threat even if there was not a threat I was looking for a threat because if there was one I was ready you know and that that really took it's affected my in my home with my wife and my kids and it was a rough time in our life yeah you know so you're actually in law enforcement you're trained you know to look for the threat and that's necessary at some level because of what you're doing but at the same time like you said it it can take a toll and you know one of the things I've been talking about today is you know even though you know these trauma events happen and you were exposed to them but there may have been things in your life way beforehand ways of dealing with things or not dealing with things that happened in life that may been set in place would you agree with that that there was ways that you were dealing with what you were seeing everyday that would not have been how God instructed us to deal with it absolutely so with these events I secluded myself from everyone alcohol was a huge part of my daily self-medicate every day when I got off work I mean my intention was not to just drink had a few drinks and relax my whole goal was to drink as much as I could and go to sleep I had horrible nightmares and they prevented me from sleeping most of the time well but I didn't trust anybody I didn't want to be around anybody my closest people my own wife I didn't trust her didn't want to be around her and it was nothing that she had done nothing but I secluded myself so much from everyone that I became unrecognizable in my mind I'm not the one that changed they were the ones that changed their view of me was different I was the same as I had ever been which of course is incorrect but yeah I dealt with things all the wrong way because I was trying to handle it all on my own I feel like even as a kid and growing up in your teen years is that kind of how you would handle the little problems of life handle on your own kind of secluded and not talk about it not trust people with things just I'm gonna figure it out I'm you know I'm a guy I know what to do and it's gonna kind of bootstrap it through absolutely I was I was very headstrong you know in my in my youth and I would I would seclude and if if it wasn't talked about then there was no issue I just stuffed it and of course I carried that I carried that on into my adult life and then into into my marriage and everything I mean if we weren't talking about it it wasn't an issue of assault it was over so yeah I mean I so these trauma events you'd experience if we don't talk about it then it didn't really happen the field will go away and it'll be another day but eventually that just wasn't the case correct it was not going away it was to the point it was so bad that I was seeing things in my awake hours I'm awake just like I'm sitting in front of you right now I was hallucinating I was I was seeing things that weren't there the smell of blood I smelled it like it was right in front of me you know so it was it was it was some pretty rough details to all that you know Hyrum and I have developed a really good relationship over the past year and a half or so I had the privilege of being a part of his life and he's been a part of my life and that's the way it's supposed to be and you know I asked him to come here you know you came all the way from Texas yes sir because he really cares and he really understands that God really is greater the mental illness and that there is freedom and he's been asked to speak at different trauma symposiums is that what you call it they call in different things to first responders and things like that because actually you came here you're likely to total 180 now I asked him I said I want you to be really honest about some of things and some of the things that were happening one of the things that you had to do for the safety of your family was actually move out correct right there was a period of I don't remember exactly how long but it was somewhere from 6 to 8 months that I I wasn't able to sleep in my own home because of the nightmares nightmares for me were well I was never I was never actually reaching my deep sleep so when I had a nightmare I was up and active so I was acting these dreams out so as a cop if you ever dream that the bad guys in a house and you're in the house trying to get the bad guy whoever's the closest to you is the bad guy so that person that was closest to me was my wife you can imagine how that went how scary that was for her that was probably some of the roughest time in that period for me was not being able to be at home with my family and knowing that it was because of the mental illness so you guys heard about us through a friend correct and you came here and you know you set through the for my life week and he in to hear what was going on and I remember because I wanted I want to share and have you talk a little bit about the journey of freedom one of the things about about Hiram and I sometimes uses him as an example I don't say his name but I'll say you know one time I helped a guy be healed of PTSD and what you know psychiatry in the medical community might say might take three years took three minutes see that's God I mean I'll take three minutes but there were conditions that you met but the conditions aren't necessarily what we always think the conditions we always think well if we can just be a better doer the word and we can just kind of pull up our bootstraps that's only gonna make the problem worse the thing that you came into agreement with him whether you really understand it or not I don't know and I my own journey yeah you know understanding it I know Trey until later but you met the condition of being broken completely broken and when you're broken your defenses are down your defenses have been up for your whole life but now your defenses were down and you came to the end of your ways and you're in a place of now mercy I need God he's the only one that can help me only can fix me and so when you came and you came up to ministry and you coming for me I had a broken man on my hands absolutely I was about as broken as I could be I tried to do everything on my own mm-hmm I have to fix it this is my problem this is a problem we're not going to talk about I'm a police officer we can handle this we fix everybody else's problems well now I've got a problem and who's gonna fix it I mean there were times where our visit I was visited at my house by police officers that I had worked with how embarrassing is that so during my journey of trying to fix it on my own I went through talking with counselors and therapists and I ended up just going and paying someone to listen to me talk and nod their head at me which just made me more frustrated and made me want to go home and drink more but I'd finally reached a point where nothing that I could do on my own was going to fix the problem that I had I was as broken as I as a man could be broken in in all sense of the word when I came here and I when I came here I was I was angry I was angry myself I was angry at my wife and I had no reason to be angry at her I had every reason to be angry at myself I thought and I might have been angry with God too but when I came up here and I stood in this very spot right here I I was I was a broken person in front of him and I looked at - David for answers I was like I know I know God can fix me I just don't know how because I'm so messed up I was a monster in my opinion and the way that I felt that others looked at me was the same way I felt like I was a monster and when I came up here and you began to pray for me I felt this overwhelming feeling come over my body that all of a sudden I didn't have to fight it myself anymore and I cried like a baby up here I mean just sobbing uncontrollably and I remember just standing here and you praying for me and about halfway through it you look at me and you said are you okay how are we doing and and you said let's just go for this you know and we just don't deport I'm in a long long time in years that I felt a sense of relief that I didn't have to I didn't have to fight because somebody was gonna fight for me I'm sure you remember more details of that than I do not really I just remember that point we said let's go for it yeah I told you something I don't know if it was important for you to hear or not but I looked you know said this I'm not afraid of you that's exactly what you say that's what I said I said I'm not afraid of you see you thought you're a monster I did but I said I'm not afraid of you so that's set who was in charge God was in charge love was in charge not the lies and we went for it and I spoke to something I could even see you did you did and you just cried and we I just me just held each other was dead and then you walked away and you know what I never even know what happened to you I know until you came back like I'm back he got in the baptism and he told the story I was like I never even knew that so hot I left here in September that first time that we were here and I had been living away from home right before Christmas I was able to go home we came back the next the next year and I knew at that time to further to the for my life we came back and I knew at that time I was a different person I wanted to be a born again man completely different I wanted to leave that old person that was here behind and just keep moving forward and I made that decision I wanted to be born again I wanted to be to be baptized in the water and I was so lucky that David was one in the bed tis Moe with me and he had no idea that I had been healed until what I had I had a few minutes to say a few words before I was baptized so I told the crowd of people that were standing there watching me you know what had happened that I was healed here of PTSD and then I remember probably one of the best hugs I ever had was after I was after I was baptized and looking at this guy and he just gave me the biggest hug and it was I think that's just where a lot of our relationship came from was at that moment this is as the body of Christ this should be a normal thing in and you know I hope what you're being understand from testimony and from this story is that this is real this is real we're just people but there's real deliverance there's real answers there's real healing there's it's real it really is and I've just enjoyed the friendship that we have been able to form and you know there's something I was gonna say and I've it's leaving me oh it's just been amazing to see you and your family come back now and y'all's children and and you you you're an entrepreneur you run your own business it's growing its successful I mean this is what God wants to do he wants to heal us grow us prosper us and thank you so much for sharing but it wasn't because you were perfect no absolutely not it was because you met conditions you were due or the word in that moment you got honest and we forget that sometimes that's where begin the beginning of being a doer the word is is in being honest so I want to thank you for coming all the way from Texas to share those of you out there I wanted you to I want you to have somebody right in front of you that could tell the story about God's power and His goodness and his healing and for those of you here as well so thank you so much and I love you man thank you so much for having me I love you too [Applause] that is awesome they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony that testimony should give all of us hope that the Word of God not that it's just true and real but it's active and it really works when we do it God's Way we have many more testimonies that are like that incredibly encouraging on our youtube channel check those out youtube.com forward slash be in health all right that was I was awesome what a highlight to hear from Hiram so hopeful as we begin our last session here today I want to begin to help us all of us perhaps begin to understand how to meet some of those conditions forgot to meet your there's conditions yes there are but they're not always what we think they are over the years and myself included I've seen many many many people take this aspect of being a doer of the word and running with it in a way that that's not what God intended they become legalistic they become driven they become performers in trying to do the word when really the word being and doing the word is much simpler than that but a lot of times we don't do the word because we have to face the fears and we have to be honest and we have to be willing to be teachable and correctable and change I want to read some scriptures to begin to unfold some of this and how God thinks and I want to begin in first Corinthians chapter 10 verses 1 through 13 I'm gonna read I'm probably read scripture for like 10 minutes here so just bear with me but first Corinthians chapter 10 starting in verse 1 this is more of her brethren I would not that you should be ignorant how that all our fathers were under the cloud and all passed through the sea all were baptized on the Moses in the cloud and in the sea and all did eat the same spiritual meat and all did drink the same spiritual drink for they drank of that spiritual rock and that rock that followed them and that rock was Christ but with many of them so this is somewhat Israel ok but with many of them God was not well pleased for they were overthrown in the wilderness now these things were our examples to the intent that we should not lust after evil things as they also lusted either be idolaters as some as some of them as it is written the people sat down to eat and drink and rose up the play and neither let us commit fornication as some of them committed and fell in one day three and twenty thousand neither let us tempt Christ as some of them also tempted and were destroyed of serpents and neither murmur ye as some of them also murmured and were destroyed of the destroyer now I want to go back to the Book of Numbers and I want to highlight this scripture about tempting Christ not tempting Christ as some of them also tempted and were destroyed of serpents tempting Christ is to say you know what I can do things my way still and not face the consequences one aspect of it but if we go to numbers 29 and I am gonna be I am getting somewhere it's just bear with me if I can find numbers Genesis XS Leviticus numbers Deuteronomy okay right there chapter 21 and we're gonna read the Old Testament account of what I just read in the testament to bring a little more details then we're gonna go back to the New Testament to see how this thing works in even greater detail so numbers chapter 21 starting in verse 4 they journeyed from Mount hor by the way of the Red Sea to compass the land of Edom and the soul of the people was much discouraged because the way and the people spake against God and against Moses wherefore have you brought us up out of Egypt to die in the wilderness for there is no bread neither is there any water and our soul loveth this light bread and complaining and the Lord sent fiery serpents among the people and they bit the people and much people of Israel died therefore the people came to Moses and said we have sinned for we have spoken against the Lord and against thee pray unto the Lord that he may take away the Serpent's from us and Moses prayed for the people and the Lord said unto Moses make thee a fiery Serpent and set it upon a pole and it shall come to pass that every one that is bitten when he looks upon it shall live and Moses made a serpent of brass and put it upon a pole and it came to pass that if a serpent had bitten any man when he beheld the serpent of brass he lived this was God's provision for them now notice he did not take away the Serpent's they would not bite if they walked in his ways but if they got out of his ways and they bit they could look upon the fiery Serpent and they could still live now let's go to John 3 John chapter 3 and I'm going to begin in verse we'll start in verse 10 Jesus has been talking to Nicodemus the Pharisee about what it is to be born again Nicodemus is not understanding he's not understanding so Jesus really is gonna bring up an Old Testament he said well maybe this guy's a master of Israel surely he knows a story about the the serpent in the wilderness and the fiery serpent and how the people could live maybe he'll understand it if I tell it in this context I'm not sure that's what Jesus was thinking but why else would he say it first 10 jesus answered and said unto him are you a master of Israel and no not these things verily verily I say unto thee we speak that we do know and testify that we have seen and you receive none our witness if I have told you earthly things and you believe not how shall you believe if I tell you of heavenly things and no man has ascended up to heaven but he that came down from heaven even the Son of Man which is in heaven now listen verse 14 as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness so even so must the Son of Man be lifted up that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life Jesus is following the same pattern that Moses set forth according to the Lord in the wilderness that if anybody's bitten anybody if some if you believe he's gonna be lifted up and if you believe on him you shall be saved even from your sin an Old Testament it was even from a snakebite for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life for God sent not his son into the world to condemn the world but that the world through him might be saved now I want to talk about what it means to believe on the Lord Jesus it's not just a profession of faith and the rest of John chapter 3 begins to expound on how we actually come to this proper place of looking upon Jesus as Israel looked up on the fiery serpent live but there's something we have to do unfolds right here verse 18 he that believes on him is not condemned but he that believes not is condemned already because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten son of God and this is the condemnation that light has come into the world and Men loved darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil for every one that doeth evil hates the light neither comes to the light lest his deeds should be reproved well let me just finish up the chapter here but he that doeth truth cometh to the light that his deeds may be made manifest that they are wrought in God what does all this mean this is not about this profession you can profess in Jesus and hide truly coming to a saving faith in the Lord Jesus comes with it a willingness to come into the light what is that it means that you're gonna be honest and you're gonna allow the deeds in your life to be looked at and judged and Wade and reproved if necessary but evil loves darkness evil loves darkness and what I mean my darkness is secrecy we don't we don't trust people we don't just like Hyrum talked about we're not open with people we're not honest with people we hide we stuff we're trying to figure it out on our own we're afraid of what people are gonna think if we were real we have so much shame we think that people would think were you know out to lunch if we were really honest or they wouldn't like us and there's so many things fear of man fear rejection fear of failure that keep us in darkness and to come to the place where we can look on him and just as moze lift up the serpent in the wilderness means we have to come into the light this is being a doer of the word and may be the first step of being a doer of the word and coming out of a mental illness I'm not asking you to hype then I ask you to proclaim Scripture I'm not asking you to do all these different things the first step be honest be honest and come into the light because according to scripture here John 3:16 and all the benefits don't work unless you come to the light rather there's gonna be condemnation this is the condemnation if you struggle with condemnation it may be not just an accusing spirit it may be also that you are hiding something there is something that you're afraid that if you confessed it it would not be forgiven and therefore we cocoon that's a lot of that's a lot to bear and then we come to something Paul talked about in 2nd Corinthians and I alluded to some of this in the QA but I came across this I don't know a couple months ago and boy I tell you it I think this really gives the the picture you know it probably does more than anything it probably gives you the picture of how to prevent a mental illness I I just have to you know I just have to say this but no human being is immune to getting a mental illness did you know that we are just one I don't mean us to scare you don't let fear do here it's but this is this honesty we are one traumatic event away and handling that traumatic event in an unscriptural way from developing a mental illness all of us so I think all of us should be interested in some level of prevention as you know my journey as I've talked about some this morning I've come through one myself so what do you think I teach my children prevention I teach them prevention I don't want them to go through that I really know it's gonna second corinthians chapter 4 starting in verse 1 they were foreseeing we have received this ministry as we have received mercy we faint not now this word faint here is not we're saying oh they fainted give them some ammonia okay they're back up there good no faint means giving up it means despair it means depression many of the things that could come with what we were diagnosed as a mental illness and Paul saying it's because we have received mercy we don't faint he was smarter from nothing in his own strength they would eventually faint in this and become discouraged how do you receive mercy you know you cannot receive mercy unless you work totally honest or otherwise you don't need mercy see when you're honest you need mercy because you're admitting and confessing the shortcomings and we've all fallen short of the glory of God and we all need mercy but here you come into a place of bringing all that into the light rather than trying to hide it and he received this ministry he didn't qualify to get it he didn't earn it himself it was given to him and there was mercy in that so you receive his mercy in his love by coming to him praying reading the word thanking him and not avoiding God you cannot receive receive mercy avoiding God so well warning God's just a feeling right no it's all those times you decide not to pray because well you got other things to do it's all those times you get don't get in the word cuz you don't maybe not want to do it or because it's gonna tell you something to do that's gonna be hard to do these are the ways we avoid God and one of the things as people are trying i people all-time seem to receive his love but they're trying to receive his love and avoidance that won't ever work my wife loves me but if i'm always avoiding her am I going to know that so again to receive mercy there can be no defenses no barriers no self justifications honesty so therefore seeing we have received this ministry as we have received mercy we faint not but here's what we have done and this this is gonna solidify why we're not gonna faint but we have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty means pulsing I'm not gonna pretend like I have it all together I'm not going to pretend like I'm a superstar I am the chief of all sinners I'm the first in line and I needed mercy no I don't have it all together he has it all together no I'm not strong I'm weak he's strong we renounce these hidden things of dishonesty but the world system trains us and how to be strong especially you men but many of you ladies as well that's what's taught even as a positive attribute I'm not saying that we're helpless people that's not what I'm teaching we know where we need help and where we need mercy we know that we are not God unto ourself so we've renounced the hidden things of dishonesty so I want to break this down hidden things are secret things ways we think speaking act that we keep in the dark because we are ashamed of them oh man this will this will keep you tormented in your mind definition of dishonesty is this confusion caused by the shame and dishonor of things in our lives confusion caused by the shame and dishonor of things in our lives you know here's back doctor right he taught a conference it's a three-day conference three days you know on fear guilt and shame and as he was preparing for the conference through this thing in there said no no that's not gonna be the name of the conference somebody called fear guilt shame and lying I thought why got throw that in there I mean come on if you're guilting shame that's yeah ass dude and lying and lying I didn't know if I didn't understand if I just didn't want to understand why he threw that in there with those big three but I understand now there's a lot of fear there's a lot of guilt there's a lot of shame with mental illness but lying is a root cause lying as an action we lie with our mouths we lie with our inactions we lie with our facades we lie lieing separates you in relationships with God with others and even to a point you may not know who you are because you've been lying so long I remember one time you know sometimes you just remember one-liners you know I'll never forget this this was just like during a church service and I this was probably I don't know who knows how long ago it was but during a church service and dr. Wright said this he said you know the the real difference the only difference between people the people that get it and don't get it okay wasn't their intellect or how smart they were or how good they can perform or how well they spoke or their giftings that they had nothing to do with it he said the real difference between those that get it and don't get it is this are they honest or not because God always honors honesty God always honors when you bring things into the light so some of you may need to renounce the hidden things of dishonesty and just get real Hyrum did I had to do it myself many of you have had to do it but that's where God meets you boy don't we wish you meet us in our in our high places he's not gonna settle for anything less he doesn't want you in hiding places he wants you to be a part of this creation in his kingdom and you can't hide now these lies are not necessarily boldface or bold-faced lies you know these are things that you're hiding and you're not telling anybody cuz we you're afraid of other people you're afraid of being rejected we're afraid of being abandoned in it feeling like others couldn't handle our mess we feel like if we were tell them we would be failing that person afraid of what people would think the new real us I remember the first time I began to share some things with my wife Cassie about some things I was struggling with and I thought for sure she thought was gonna be the weakest most terrible husband and regret marrying me I knew it I knew it was coming I knew and I just sighed might as well get it over with David that wasn't her response it happened it was amazing she trusted me more get that you're honest and the person trusted trusts you more what a concept but you know that really helped me because I wasn't alone anymore we're not strong enough to do it alone sometimes being honest we feel like the prospect of it it just it's just too much that if we were too real the enemy tells us through fear spirit of fear tells us if we were to be honest and broken it'd be all over but if we're not honest what are we left with well we're not gonna be a doer of the word we're not harkening unto the word and the voice of Lord our God to be open and honest what we're left with is then the curses that come when we don't hearken Deuter are Deuteronomy 2015 3 of them were madness astonishment of heart and blindness I mean let's think about this let's look at the 10 commandments let's just look there there's two in particular I think you could we could probably break them all down and find something going on but let's look at two in particular that I think are very prevalent behind mental illness the one is the first commandment you shall have no other gods before me if we have other gods before God that is idolatry and that is an open door for the enemy to bring torment of the soul and confusion anything none of god is confusing that's what I have found because he's perfect and his order is perfect and he's not a God nor the author of confusion his ways are not confusing they are pragmatic they work they make sense and we were designed to walk in them idolatry weren't designed to walk in those ways but now here's the other one skip down I think it's commandment number nine this is this you shall not bear false witness what is bearing false witness lying this is a little lie this false witness in a Deuteronomy if we bear false witness we don't get the blessings verses 1 through 14 we get the curses 15 through the end of the chapter in most cases of schizophrenia and a person feels like they can't perform well enough but they have such a fear of failure they cannot admit their failure to whomever they're trying to perform for a lot of times it happens you're trying to perform to earn a parents love they have a failure and and they just would rather escape into another reality than to be honest about the failure in front of them but if you're not honest guess what you can't get you can't receive forgiveness and if you can't you don't receive forgiveness you don't get the release you don't get the release from the guilt instead what you get in this case schizophrenia you get what Deuteronomy 29 verse 19 says I want to read this because this isn't only eyesight just gets a frame but there are may 29 for 19 if we're not doing these words if we're not doing the commands it's not come to pass that when he hears the words this curse then he shall bless himself in his heart and he shall say I have peace though I walk in the imagination of my heart to add drunkenness to thirst and that's what's happening and evil spirits come and they live out an imagination in their heart they say I'll have peace in this place of torment I don't want to be in reality I can't face the reality but it simply adds drunkenness to their thirst for needing a safe place its dishonesty even with themselves next thing paul says is this let's keep going here contract second corinthians 4 so we've renounced the hidden things of dishonesty not walking in craftiness okay so these are the facades and the things we do in front of others so that we don't have to be real we've kind of got a not an official thing but a little theme going on here being health right now that I like no fear no fraud no fear no fraud we're gonna be real this is you can see an example of craftiness with Adam and Eve now this would be a good idea we're ashamed of our nakedness let's put on some fig leaves that was their solution that was their cover-up we had talked about it but in the case of what they call multiple personality disorder or dissociative identity disorder these would be the personalities that come to put on a facade so that you can hide a person can hide so these are the devices that we use and that the enemy gives us to make everyone around us think that everything is just fine but it's actually very exhausting it's not good for the brain it's not good for your body and then it eventually brings a hopelessness because in the inside you're still there you know it's not the real thing you know it's not you but you have no other idea or way to live and then we can come-to nor handling the Word of God deceitfully it's amazing sometimes how people will use the word of God to justify keeping their sin Amy likes to bring the sort of justification the way they do this is they typically will begin to use the word as a weapon to accuse others so they themselves don't have to be looked at in it they don't to face their own stuff if they can find everybody else's problem they don't have to look at themselves it's another way of escaping but today I want us to be honest somewhere in your heart and you said well how do I do it it's just being honest it's not there's no formula to it there's not gonna nobody can coach you in how to be honest it looks different things sometimes it's just you're falling apart other times it's confession of a sin it's something you've never told anybody I love it when people are honest I've had people I've ministered to if they've confessed adultery to me they've confessed all kind of things never said anything to anybody before in their life about it and you know what the result of that was freedom for them but boy it was hard and it was kicking against the pricks holding it in dishonesty you know wanted to take responsibility because there are shortcomings in her life there are sin there is sin in our life if the Bible says that if if we say we have no sin we are liars one of the tragedies of 40 in teaching is that he teaches people are victims of their conscience victims of their conscience I would say this and I think the Bible would set us to know we're violators of our conscience that's why the Bible says even even if our conscience doesn't exactly line up with the word that's what scripture says if if there is something that is sin to somebody even though it may not be sent to another person if that person were in their conscience that thing's a sin to them and they do it it is in unto them and we become violators of our conscience our minds don't do well that's why the scripture Hebrews 9:14 to me has been so powerful in my life and I think it's just a very powerful scripture let's let's go there I want to read it to you because I wanted to give you boldness to be honest this is how much more shall the blood of Christ who through the Eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God purge your conscience from dead works to serve the Living God so if we admit that were violators of our conscience through sin through practicing sin and there's guilt there anybody's got guilt and shame and all sorts of things like that and he's hammering us through the work of the cross and forgiveness and confession the Holy Spirit honors that God honors that and the guilt will lift he's able to remove the guilt he's able to cleanse you from all unrighteousness he's able to purge your conscience from dead works so that you understand it wasn't even you you can move on and say yeah you sacked like that but I don't anymore and you know what it doesn't bother me I mean Paul I mean you think his conscience Amy had a heyday with him maybe maybe not it depends because he his conscience was clear even in his murdering of Christians so how can you do that it's because he understood they the old him was dead and that he'd been born again and he was alive to God and his conscience had been cleansed and purged as a work of the Holy Spirit but that doesn't happen unless you come to the light now coming to the light is not a spooky Wooky experience it's not some weird out there thing if you do in your head it's real it's can fashion the Bible says confess your faults one to another that you may be healed now if you're just a victim of your conscience guess what you don't need forgiveness and then you don't need forgiveness you don't get the release from the guilt in the shame but if you're a violator not just a violator of your own conscience but a violator of God's Word and you come to a place of confession there is mercy and there's forgiveness when you ask in the blood of Jesus Christ now I know that another big door point for the error of mental illness is the area of abuse especially physical and sexual abuse and I realized in these cases you're like David I didn't sin I get that somebody else did it wasn't your decision I get that I really knew but fear guilt and shame are still all there isn't it coming out of this abuse so I want to be very sensitive and how I say this you were not the perpetrator okay you were abused physically sexually or some other way and there's a lot of things that happen the body responds in a lot of different ways to that the question is what did you do in that sometimes it may not may sound like an unfair question because who none of us wouldn't know what to do especially as children how would we know what to do except follow our feelings but see the enemy knows that and he's unfair he used that against us and he uses that to put the same consequences on us because what did we do if you were abused you hit it you hit it and even though that may have been the only option you thought you had that still opens the door for the enemy to bring all kind of fear guilt and shame that causes mental torment in anguish this is the making of a broken heart and a broken heart is when a person can no longer give and receive love without fear if you can't give love without fear is that being into her the word No if you can't receive love without fear is that being into her the word no so the the consequences are the same they're the same so what are we gonna do today when my life was threatened if I said anything I get it and I am so sorry I really am I hate that that happened to you but I love you too much to let you stay a victim I want to help you come to a place where you can get on top of this thing rather than hanging down here in the slums of being a victim so what happened let's talk about what to do next Matthew 18 verse 5 no yeah Matthew 18 verses 5 through 6 and whosoever shall receive one such little child in my name shall receive me and whosoever shall offend one of these little ones which believes in me it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about him on his neck that he were drowned on the depths of the sea first thing you have to do is pray for the perpetrator I'm gonna pray for them forgive them I'm sorry forgive them whether they abused or not that is still a commandment of the Lord is to forgive you gonna forgive them but also your body especially in the area of sexual abuse it was used for an unclean act and the enemy is illegal s and he's using that against you in a queue zation and guilt and shame so how do you begin to how do you get the release I want to lead you if if you'd like to right now sighs want don't leave us to the end in a prayer of repentance for your body being used for an unclean act I know it wasn't your decision I know it wasn't your decision I know that if you had any other way you would never have done that but the enemy's hammering you with it perhaps and then what's happened is you you've been hiding you've been dealing with your own way you're a survivor you're a fighter you don't trust anybody but those were all the options that the enemy gave you to do and to say and to act out so begins and honestly coming before God and saying you know what father I believe there are some safe people out there and I want to begin to trust again and you're gonna stop hiding you say the same thing for abortion people hiding that and they live with the torment of that for years when all they had to do is confess it be honest about it say this happened and a brother sister that loves them can can say you know something thanks for sharing that with me I still think highly of you unless out who you are anymore let's let's just man the enemies on you let's just get rid of that enemy right now the Lord forgives you if you if you if you confess this you've asked for his forgiveness he has forgiven you and women did you tell that person removed that spirit of guilt the spirit of guilt get out of here in Jesus name go on I want to lead you through a prayer of repentance and I'm gonna ask just we're gonna take some baby steps here I'm gonna ask everybody to participate with this prayer because if I don't ask everybody the only people that are gonna do it are the people that has been done to and they're gonna feel vulnerable and maybe we're still working up to a place of vulnerability right now so but this may be the first time somebody has actually ever confessed these words with their mouth so you can follow along at home too if you're watching it's gonna be very simple and I know that this is heavy right now you know this is not a self-esteem conference I don't know if you noticed yet I don't want to be a downer either okay it's not a downer conference but we just got to get real about stuff because nobody's getting real about it some people are maybe but that's what we want to do I've always appreciated that about this place and what how pastor Henry made room for that he just made room for it to be a mess to get it dealt with to talk about it all in a safe place and in love so that we could just get deal with it and move on with life and help others now I want you know I love you in this so please okay everyone say father come to you in Jesus name and I want to confess something that my body was used for an unclean act and I've been hiding from others and from you and father the name of Jesus I ask for your forgiveness and I asked you it cleanse me from all unrighteousness and all unclean spirits thank you for forgiving me and receiving me Father in Jesus name Amen thanks I just you know to bring something like that up and not just kind of go ahead and begin to deal with it would not be fair to you or anybody watching it's just too much of a burden just to carry through but in all this honestly confession is a must again I don't know if we always understand confession I think a lot of times building of confession is something you do in a Catholic Church no no disrespect but you know you can even see the person you're confessing to is the way I understand it why I want to see the person I want to hold the person I want somebody the whole me because the Bible says when they cry you cry with them when they laugh you laugh with them bear ye one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ proverbs 28:13 says this about confession and this will give us some insight in the importance of honesty proverbs 28:13 thirteen thirteen he that covereth his sins shall not prosper but whosoever confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy there Gary go first John I've want chapter 1 5 through 10 I want you to have these scriptures you got you gotta have to have these because you got to know the confidence first John 1 5 through 10 this sin is the message which we have heard of him in declare unto you that God is light and in him is no darkness at all he just doesn't put up with darkness he just does not put up and he holds out and he presses the the issue until we come out of hiding and we say we have fellowship with him and walk in darkness we lie and do not the truth but if we walk in light as he is in the light we have fellowship one with another yeah and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin you say hey do you guys plead the blood of Jesus no we don't why not because if we walk in the light together as he is in the light the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin and we don't need to plead the blood it's working it's working if we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness if we say that we have not sinned we make him a liar and his word is not in us when I'm really trying to convey and talk about is that this being honest and coming to light that is being a doer of the word a lot of times what we do is we go and we make our checklist isolate and say well if I do these things then I will get the result I want but really we're still hiding and we're not gonna go anywhere I want to help you move ahead in something myself included into something that works not something that sounds good it's easier to make a checklist and try to do it all perfectly and hoping that yields a result and call yourself a do or the word more difficult to be honest more difficult to let each other in these are the works or at least some of the works that when we're committed to the Lord that bring this is the works that are meet for repentance that meet the conditions for repentance that will establish your thoughts and God will meet you and honor you in I mean when it's all out there before God and others and they still receive you what's left to accuse you seriously if if you confess your faults all the things you think would make people hate you and be afraid of you and not like you and you were to get that out all the junk all the stuff and and get it out there before God and and some other people you could trust and get out there and they say boy I still sure love you I think no differently about you and by the work of the Holy Spirit you know on the inside God bears witness that you're forgiven what power does the enemy have over your life the Bible says this it says that the law is the strength of sin you read that first Corinthians 15:50 6 the law is the strength of sin now is the law of the law is great the law of God is great so why is the law of the strength of sin it's the letter of the law that says you must do it perfectly that always accuses you because you can't do it perfectly but if even in your shortcomings where you know you've not measured up to the law of God and you repent and you can receive that forgiveness of sins the forgiveness and begin to walk in a new way guess what's happened the law has lost his strength in that way where the enemy's using it I mean let me explain what I'm talking about let's go to Romans chapter 7 now I'm gonna usually we're just talking like Romans chapter 7 verse 15 and so I want to skip up a little bit and start there's time do I have yeah well certain verse 4 Romans 7 wherefore my brother and you were also become dead to the law by the body of Christ dead to the law that you should be married to another even to him who has raised from the dead that we should bring forth fruit unto God for when we were in the flesh the motions of sin which were by the law did work in our members to bring forth fruit unto death but now we are delivered from the law that being dead were in we were held that we should serve in newness of spirit and not in the oldness of the law at letter what shall we say then is the law sin god forbid look I am NOT calling a law sin you just gotta know I'm not calling the law of God sin what shall we say is the law sin god forbid nay I had not known sin but by the law I had not known lust except the law had said you shall not covet but sin but sin taking occasion or advantage by the commandment wrought in me all manner of kaku persons for without the law sin was dead for I was alive without the law once but when the commandment came sin revived and I died and the commandment which was ordained to life I found to be unto death for sin taking occasion by the commandment deceived me and by it salumi wherefore the law is holy and the commandment holy and just and good wasn't that which is good made death unto me god forbid but sin sin that it might appear sin working death in me by that which is good that sin by the commandment might become exceeding sinful how is the enemy doing this here's an example you know good and evil from the word the law of God what is good what is evil and there is somewhere some area of your life that you have fallen short of that sin that it might appear sin uses the law of God against you to bring guilt and shame and fear so that you then hide from God and you try to do it your own strength adding sin unto sin that it might appear sin but you see we're not justified by the law we're justified by the faith of Jesus Christ so we've been pardoned and forgiven and that is our confidence so the law is good I've been talking about the law all day what's good and what's not good but that's not the basis for our justification in our faith and our acceptance it's the blood of Jesus his forgiveness his love the Father's love for us we know that we've transgressed and therefore were shamed the gospel is yes you've transgressed but there is forgiveness and redemption and restoration so come to the light don't allow sin to use the law against you to keep you in darkness and in hiding today what I feel so weak I I knew better I should be stronger than this you're not stronger you're not gonna hear that at the positive-thinking conference you're not that's the weakness where God meets you isaiah 57:15 says this for thus saith the high and lofty one that inhabiteth eternity and whose name is holy I dwell in the high and holy place with him also that is of a contrite and a humble spirit a contrite means broken to pieces to revive the spirit of the humble and to revive the heart of the contrite ones listen this for I will not contend for ever and neither will I always be Roth for the spirit should fail before me in the souls which I have made at some point may become broken before God it's not a negative thing is it easy I'm not saying it's easy either I'm not sure I can coach you in it it's a sacrifice it's a risk it's a chance you're gonna take by faith it's a sacrifice Psalm 34:18 psalm 51:17 the sacrifices of God are a broken in a contrite heart you better believe it's a sacrifice because everything's on the line I really think that Jesus the Bishop of our soul and our Father in heaven longs for us to be broken and contrite before him I'm not saying it always means a puddle of tears although it could but it's an honest confession with full responsibility honest confession taking full responsibility not blaming anybody else any circumstance or any situation no it can be a fearful thing because fear causes us to hide and lie everything's on the line you know my own journey I've been here a while and I mean I wasn't an ordained elder or teacher or anything like that but I was very active in ministry here I've worked here for years I had helped develop the walkout workshop I was probably when the at that time when the main program directors for the walkout workshop I had my hands in a lot of areas around here and you know I was growing up into what I do is I'm still growing up into what I do as all of us are and but there was something that I just really didn't want to tell anybody there we thought everything was just fine and that was still some of the torment left behind from the PTSD some things I couldn't quite grasp and grapple with and it was causing some insanity well if you're the person that's teaching you don't want to admit that you're insane do you doesn't look good doesn't not look good but you have to come to a place do you want to keep it you want to keep faking it while you're insane or would you rather just come clean and let what happen happens and so I decided one day just to come clean with it in all places not in the private meeting like in front of this many people right up there and I'll tell you I really this is how it this is what fear was telling me fear told me that my career if I could call that is on the line my friends are on the line my family is on the line my very I thought I was gonna die if I confess this seriously I hadn't I didn't know what was gonna happen that's just what fear does that's that's the barrier and that's the resistance to renouncing the hidden things of dishonesty and mental illness thrives in darkness so I came up here and I said I need to tell you something I still struggle with insanity and I remember you know pastors here he's encouraging me pastor Henry in and and and then I said something I think that was important to the whole thing is I said you know something I told him I said I didn't tell you because I was afraid you wouldn't trust me then he said well how about this I trust you with my life only what I told you I said I'm not afraid of you and look Fred of any of you our team here is not afraid of you we really love you I don't know you that well yet but you're here for a reason and we don't take it lightly that you would come to hear anything from us and at some level you're entrusting your life to us we don't take it lightly him telling me that he trusts me with his life broke the power of that fear broke the power of that isolation broke that torment because I saw that I didn't have to be the strong one anymore either and and I was never the same after that day so much freedom came that day and you know what they let me still work here I came to work the next day and they treated me the same as they'd always treated me in fact they they just rejoiced with me you know as I said today is not a self-esteem message it's something much much greater it's a message of learning and humbling yourself under the mighty hand of God that he may exalt you in due season that's how I see it broken and the midst of brokenness hope comes or it can come hope is so important to overcoming this sometimes there's quick fast freedom sometimes it's a little bit of a journey out here what it looks like hope is something you need to develop and ask God to help you understand without hope we have nothing Hebrews 6:19 says that hope is the anchor of the soul I my family you know are boys or girls you know we like the fish we're it's kind of a fishing family we don't get out as much as we would like to but we do and we we fish and I've been fishing a lot of my life but now he's been a short fisherman and really had a boat or fished off boats but we said we're gonna scrape up some money and we bought ourselves a little John boat off Facebook and everything trolling motor and stuff and we just want to get out there and do it so I went out there with my boys and I had no anchor that was the most frustrating day of fishing I never had you couldn't stay still you're always floating around with the water wherever it wanted to take you had no control except this trolling motor trying to go reversed this way this way my sons you know they're well I don't really fish anymore I bait things and I untangle things but that's a different story it's it's you know what it is it's some I mean I mean I'm making an investment because one day they're gonna do all the work for me it's gonna be yeah you you will clean the fish you get the rods ready I'm just gonna I'm dad I'm coming along you do all the work so I'm investing in them now so that one day I don't have to I hope that works out but I had no anchor in my boat and so I was all over the place when the wind comes you just you go with the wind wish I had an anchor I still need to buy one gasps still need an anchor but I do have one anchor and it's called hope and it's the anchor of my soul isn't about hope here's a powerful scripture let's go to Romans chapter 5 because this is a must along with brokenness you must hope faith is the evidence of things well I said that wrong let me go read it right faith is the substance of things hoped for faith is the understanding and believing things we cannot see with our physical eyes but are happening right now I have faith that God dwells in me a faith that I can pray for you and something will happen but Hope has everything to do with the future my faith in what I see in the word is the foundation for what I'm hoping for in the future I hope because if you don't have a future what do you have the spare Romans 5:3 verse 3 well I'll just do the first one therefore being justified by faith we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ by whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand and rejoice in hope of the glory of God and not only so but we glory in tribulations also now I'm not saying the tribulations you're all happy happy happy but you can still glory in them we glory in tribulations also knowing that tribulation works patience and patience works experience and experience hope in hope maketh not ashamed one of the big problems with mental illness is this element of shame hanging your head down about yourself feel like you don't fit in feel like you're not accepted of others this is very prevalent in in cultures and societies that if the child does something they don't want to do they go a different religion or something like that they shun them they kick them out and the you're a shame to our family that's not nice but hope makes you not ashamed listen I have a hope and you have a hope that much of the world doesn't have so if they badmouth me why should that make me ashamed I have something they don't not in a way that's holding that over their head but I'm not gonna be ashamed hope does not make ashamed so if you have shame I'd encourage you to find some hope not just hope that you're gonna win the lottery hoping something a little more sure than that or we're going and where God says he's taking us sons and daughters so hope maketh not ashamed because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us hope protects your mind in the midst of trying circumstances a lot of mental illness is rooted in trying circumstances trauma events abuse but hope protects your mind you're gonna feel the effects I mean you're gonna be peers it's not gonna feel great tribulation doesn't feel comfortable but hope will protect your mind from ever developing and coming down into a state of total despair and mental illness don't let anybody steal your hope no matter how highly you regard them if they come against your hope don't let them steal it from you and be thankful that you have a hope in the midst of tribulations my favorite scriptures in Romans 15:13 it's a wonderful wonderful scripture to turn into a prayer says this now the god of Hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing that you may abound in Hope through the power of the Holy Ghost and I hope through the understanding of John 3 that you you see that believing is not just profession believing involves coming into the light to have your your works reproved that they could be wrought in God so when we take the understanding here and they got a Paul Hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing and in coming to the light coming out of darkness coming out of the hidden places of dishonesty coming out of hiding that you would abound but just have some you would abound in hope to the power of the Holy Ghost you know some things I hope in the first resurrection when I get a new glorified body don't think I hope in the Bible says this in the Beatitudes says blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God but it's not talking about this lifetime Isaiah 25 and over in Revelation it says that we're gonna see him face to face and when we see him face to face you know he's gonna do according to the according to the Bible he's going to wipe away the tears off your face and remove the reproach or maybe better translated shame off of all his people I hope in that I hope as Peter instructs us to hope for the new heavens and the new earth to come after the Millennium wherein dwells righteousness I hope in that I hope in that those that have died in Christ before me that I will see them again so that I don't have over much sorrow I hope in that now I've given you some of my hopes and I want to ask you a question about my hopes do any of those hopes have anything to do with what is wrong in my life today not a one I think there's one of things wrong my does it have anything to do with the tribulation the challenge the circumstance the event the circle thing that I'm facing today has nothing to do with it all this hope has to do with is the future where I'm going as a son of God and what he has for me and what I has not seen an ear has not heard I'm hoping in that and that keeps me going and that keeps me unstuck if anxiety comes attempt if depression comes attempt if discouragement comes attempt there's hope and it's the anchor of my soul so no we're not getting stuck and drunk down I hope you need to find what you're hoping in but Paul said this hope that a scene is no hope at all Romans 8 he says we are saved by hope I does true the hopes I have saved me because if I don't have these hopes where I have I've got just another 30 40 years until death that's what I got but this hope takes me way beyond death it takes me into eternity and I'm saved by it and it anchors my soul and this is this is what we have that the father has given us in Jesus Christ there's a hope of eternal life that's the anchor of our soul that no matter what you're facing you can move forward in this there's hope that in your confession you're forgiven and you're accepted but hope that is seen is not hope at all so I'm not too concerned necessarily about seeing all my hopes happen today I don't need these hopes that happen today to have hopes because once they happen only to hope for it okay I'm looking forward to it for sure does that make sense it has nothing to do with where I'm at today or what I'm going through today and that anchors my soul in the midst of winds and anything else that could happen so I keep this in my thinking as I said before the NIV incorrectly quotes proverbs 1312 says something like hopes not fulfilled make the heart sick but when a hope is fulfilled it's that real life I disagree with that King James says Hope deferred makes the heart sick but when desire comes it's at real-life folks things I share with you personally those are my desires and for me they work out in me at real life they haven't come to pass yet they don't need to they anchor my soul they keep me hopeful they keep me focused they keep me going in the right direction it keeps me unstuck it key it gives me purpose gives me purpose and we need that you need a purpose because without a purpose you don't know who you are helps me know who I am so where I'm going and I don't fully know who I am because bowel says but I know who we are - we're there until the sons of God are manifested I'll understand more about Who I am and you'll understand more about who you are at the first resurrection so I'm not gonna try to figure it out now I'm gonna be faithful the best I know how and the things that are revealed to me and I look forward to the day that I can understand more hope I really hope I can leave you with hope today I want to pray I want to pray corporately and I want to for those of you watching so be pretty directed towards you although that you here can participate but we have some other things we may want to do with you here if that's what you like after we're done online I want to say thank you for joining us today you guys here have been a great audience you know when you talk about this stuff you don't know what you gonna get guys are awesome and those are you watching thanks for sticking around all day hope it's been meaningful and that it has getting you a shift in how you think in giving you direction and where you need to go but I want to maybe just lead you in some repentance I know the two big battlegrounds probably in this would be bitterness and fear these things just seem to show up everywhere there major blocks the healing their major I mean major blocks the healing they are major routes to disease and you know they're keeping us in the dark and separated from relationships you know doctor I did talk for years and we're still going to teach it that 80% of all disease whether psychological or biological is rooted in a separation from God yourself or others or sometimes more eighty percent bitterness and fear will do that every time separate you from God yourself or others it's a spray father I want to thank you for this day and I thank you for those watching and those in attendance and those that have come father I pray that the words that I have said anything that really represents you they would not forget and that you would use as a work of your Holy Spirit to helped them in their life to overcome until illness so-called anything father that they can need to forget and help them to forget it we're as people and we know in part and so we speak in part but it's enough to get the job done father I'm gonna lead them in repentance and I just ask that you had honor the integrity of their heart sums were so trying to so focus on trying to figure out how to do everything right the father I ask you again the boldness to just do it no matter what it looks like so here's woman do I'm gonna lead you in a prayer of repentance from bitterness and fear I want to release you from it at home and I want to pray for certain parts of your your brain and after that will be done then I believe that God by his Spirit wants to come and do something so you at home and you here you can perform you say father I come to you in the name of Jesus and I recognize bitterness that has separated me from others and you and even a lot self bitterness it separated me for myself they even wants me to do harm to myself father I recognize that and I take responsibility for I repent father I ask you to forgive me for serving those ways and father teach me how to walk in your ways father also repent of the fear the fear of man the fear of rejection fear of abandonment fear of failure all the things father that caused me to be dishonest and lie father I'm ready to be real with you and I asked father that you would provide people my life I can be real with so thank you for forgiving us Father in Jesus name Amen okay I'm gonna speak to some things in the name of Jesus I take authority over spirits of bitterness family tree bitterness self bitterness all self barriers that causes suicidal ideation go right now in Jesus name come off their souls in the name of Jesus right now Berenice towards others giving them thoughts and impressions of retaliation and things like that go you're unclean leave them right now in the name of Jesus father give them a heart of flesh not a heart of stone help them and teach them to forgive others and to be meek to walk in your ways father I take authority over spirit of fear all fear in the family line all fear of man fear of rejection fear of failure fear self all those fears that keep them in in hidden hiding away in the darkness afraid to come to you afraid to come to their brothers and sisters enough come out of them in Jesus name they are loved they're gonna be accepted they're gonna be so accepted they're gonna be so accepted but you are not fear but they are and they are the sons and daughters of God go father thank you for your perfect love that cast out fear Thank You father keep working with us keep encouraging us keep keep keep us going in the right direction father to walk in your ways they're so perfect and so good father we say in our hearts this day we love you we don't love sin we love you and we humbly come before you and ask for your mercy that you would restore our souls father any amygdalas that are enlarged any spirits causing to be enlarged causing fight-or-flight come off their soul in Jesus name and I command the Amigo not to come back to peace and to shrink back to a normal size all over activity in the basal ganglia you stop in Jesus name all under activity or over activity in the prefrontal cortex being normalized right now in Jesus name and father continue to deliver us we look to you for everything we admit father without you we cannot do it restore our souls restore proper brainwave activity in Jesus name and we thank you thank you father we bless you our souls bless you bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me with whole no good thing from them with whole no good thing from them Father in Jesus name we know you got this and we choose right now in Jesus name we're gonna look to you and not to man choose this day to have no idols before you no gods before you not even ourselves but just to let you be all in all to us in the name of Jesus amen I am so encouraged God is greater than mental illness and he's on the throne yes praise the Lord Wow what a blessing thank you David Levitt thank you so much for pouring your heart out and your soul out we honor you sir and we honor you Cassie you got to work that out a lot with him didn't you so I bless you for both sharing your lives in this teaching we're very honored thank you you know when when we glorify God for who he is everything does pale in comparison to who he is and even as Hyrum talked about he just felt like you know he had felt like a monster you know what that's what the enemy would tell tell us all of us all of us but God is greater than all things and Hyrum bet that wouldn't do it all so much you're you're a huge teddy bear you're amazing but if there's trouble in the area I'm coming to get you to help fight for me because you're in yeah so God is mighty he's mighty to save he's mighty to save all of us from everything and David the way you brought it forth today just made it so simple it's like are we in we're all in let's go for it so if you find that coming through this conference over the days weeks months and years that God does a work in you that came through what God brought forth through David today let us know we can't wait to rejoice with testimonies yeah we can't wait to hear and you could reach out to us outreach at bein health.com we get testimonies frequently and we're never like um file that under F for fibromyalgia oh my goodness send this everybody this is so exciting it encourages us to keep fighting and it encourages this Courage's us to continue to glorify God for the good works awesome right what's next I'll be right here till midnight again the foundational teachings we've already gone over fathers love separation pathways to temptation his ways verses our ways overcoming depression book all of them are thirty percent off and everything else is twenty percent off these are key foundational teachings invest folks in yourself and your journey with God these teachings were critical in helping David through pastor Henry right to develop what you heard today and so go take that opportunity and if that's a resource or any one of them you have questions about our resource time is open if you want to get those extra thirty percent use the code dec 14 December 14 but Dec 14 teachings in particular that you're interested in just plug that in on the checkout and you'll get that thirty percent everything else is twenty percent also through midnight tonight we have for my life online at a discount it's normally for fifty nine and it is two hundred and ninety nine dollars I tell you spending that money in that time to invest in your life will bring great benefits God really really wants us to pull um just kind of some time out in our lives to study his word and to set ourselves apart for him and to look at what the word says and on for my life online we teach we pray we minister and God gets the glory and he makes the increase and I wanna say about that and begin the journey it's a journey but begin it if you don't start somewhere you know for my life really will help you start digesting what a pilgrim in progress looks like and after salvation you kind of wonder what do I do next start it start at the for my life online is worth it we're going to pass out giving envelopes here in our live audience and online a few it just takes some time to invest financially and what we're doing our giving goal today is five thousand dollars online we've already had two thousand six hundred come in so we are moving forward we take this money God and his great ways multiplies it and we are able to reach thousands and thousands of people more so we would love that you would join us financially so we can continue to get the word out that God is greater than all disease God is greater than anything and he yeah greater than mental illness greater than cardiovascular disease and that we would love that you had partner with us if you are on being health dot-coms website watching hop over to youtube.com forward slash being health and if you give a gift fifty dollars or more we will send this to you shipping included his waves verses our ways for free yes it is a ten CD disc teaching by dr. Henry right and it is deep and amazing take it on the Holloway holiday road trip you're going on it's so good and with that what else did we want to share we're gonna do that yep keep in touch reach out with us get all that notification stuff on those favorite social medias things you enjoy Facebook we're on an Instagram YouTube listen there's a lot of trash out in the world that's trying to get into your inbox we're not gonna trash you we want to send good things from heaven through either your email or social media to bless you encourage you and help you fight the good fight of faith I have one last thing I don't know what you got six more thing okay 2020 we are hitting Conference Tour like pounding it is the most we've I've ever done because we feel like getting the word out is so critical for for the family maybe where we're going close to tell them hey go check this thing out they're gonna be at this certain date go look for conferences on our website and you'll see we're traveling to 20 ish cities from coast to coast and we're really investing in trying to find long-term from similar like-minded churches that we will partner with that's through the ax project tell you more about that later but at these conferences I want to tell you we really put two days like we hit the pedal to the metal and we do all this and more and we really take the time to lay down the foundations and it's a great snipper type of conference instead of coming all the way here to tell us that they're free tell people we'd love to see your face again if you were here and the audience are on YouTube we just love to connect with folks want at these conferences they're very powerful God gets a lot of work done in a two day period time so we'll see you on the road so to find our conference tour schedule not just us but you'll see it's a team of us that goes we are doing the exposing spiritual roots of disease conference tour powerful answers to your questions about healing and disease prevention go to be and health calm me we got the whole the whole schedule on there and you can really help us out by spreading the word most people as you saw came to this conference because a friend or family member said really you gotta go or you gotta listen so help get the word out because it helps save people's lives and you can be a part of saving people's lives by helping getting them to the conference all right we are excited you joined us this conference will be replaying on YouTube for the rest of eternity until we fly away I guess they're not taking YouTube to eternity but you know but I know of well just hanging out with God like that yeah yeah I'm not gonna work but like when it's on YouTube we are not taking it down you can watch this whole conference again and again and again all right to God be the glory yes we love you Father thank you so much for this time and the hearts that have been hungry because a lot of times I want to tell you content like this comes out because you were hungry we prepare but I want to tell you the Spirit of God draws out what needs to be said by those that are attending so we honor you in YouTube Lamb those that are here in the audience thank you so much for your participation even as you're sitting there and we bless you and pray peace upon you in Jesus name [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you you know how many people that I have held that would just weep and I would just weep with until we were both spent neither one of us for the same person ever again I never knew all of this stuff so I've got a new life and I got a new relationship with my father and that fills that that emptiness inside me and I could never I was looking for things to fill it and could never find it I got healed from scoliosis and I've had it since I was like 12 Vann help healed me from a Dede I've been able to open up and make more friends than I had before well for my life is one week of looking at your life and looking at your thoughts and looking at what is in your background was in your family history I'm looking at why you've got problems in your life or why you've had illnesses so it actually is a way of thinking about disease from a biblical or a spiritual perspective and that allows you then to think is your life action line with the Bible or is it actually totally out of line with what the Bible teaches it's a wonderful place it's a wonderful cabin experience and you get to hang out really cool people it's really neat to meet people from all over the US and even from other countries here the staff the staff at VA health is really oh my god there's you know it static from on the phone you know very engaging people and then to come and meet them in person and the you know they take that time they talk with you you know and we could be the shoulder if you need to cry on this opus these people are so caring there's no judgement I have experienced love compassion acceptance of Christ through each and every one well my life is life change life changes life changing it's a change that other people could say take time out for your life don't miss the opportunity [Music] [Music] Oh back to back before my like [Laughter]
Channel: Be in Health
Views: 5,639
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Id: 3Es4zfcu0TY
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Length: 202min 56sec (12176 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 14 2019
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