Healed of Diabetes II - Interview with Dale #TestimonyTuesday

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well good morning good morning I'm pastor John and this is pastor Adrienne and we're streaming being health Facebook live hello hello hello we've got something really fun today we are doing a live streaming interview with Dale Hebden who has been healed of type 2 diabetes he is somebody we've known for quite a few years and he came through the for my life retreat here in Thomaston Georgia and it's just great to hear the testimony you know many people have come here from all over the world and God has healed them as they've gone through the for my life retreat it's a one-week intensive retreat where we teach about the spiritual roots of disease blocks the healing we teach from the Word of God and we let people just listen and respond to the Word of God that we bring forth into their lives and we watch God by the power of His Holy Spirit do amazing things and this is one of the testimonies you know type 2 diabetes is very common it's very difficult and I got some yeah I got some information on that and we just want to celebrate how amazing God is yeah to remove this disease from deal and so in just a bit we're going to patch him in on a facebook live interview format and we're gonna let you hear his testimony and we'll chat a bit and then we'll talk more about type 2 diabetes so we can help bring understanding to you for your own life or for someone you love so they too might experience the freedom and blessing that God has for them or for you and we kind of know Dale a little bit for those that don't bales moved to Thomaston not too long ago but he's been coming to hope of the generations Church like 10 years for 10 years and he would travel 2 plus hours one way to come to hope of the generations cuz he was having some good he was being well fed here and he and his family finally we convinced him to move and so but he is actually serving as a deacon at hope with the generations Church so we've been around him a bit and we love his story so we have love for him and he loves the word so that's why we want to bring him on and if you just give me just a second Dale get ready cuz here we go I'm gonna add you in sir and I'm gonna ask Dale a couple questions as he comes on line and we're gonna just dialogue but he can he probably doesn't need any prompting but his story has been such a blessing because well let's just say he's he's not a spring chicken but I love that a wise chicken he's a wise Eagle yeah so in the in the in this attempt to understand I'm gonna bring him in and understanding how this journey works Dale had to break down pieces of what was spiritually behind diabetes - okay can you hold on if I push the wrong button y'all just hang with us we're adding him let's try this one more time yeah hey Dad okay there you go all right so what is behind diabetes - it's really different than diabetes one and you've probably you may know the difference may not um diabetes one only represents about 10% of all diabetes cases diabetes - I'll say this is 90% and it's an acquired it's an acquired breakdown of what's happening what I mean by acquired it means that the body is not processing sugar as it was meant to well where'd all this sugar come from isn't just spontaneously forming in your body back in 1985 this is just a little bit of research here there were about 30 million diabetes to cases 2025 years ago now 30 million sounds like a lot but they've researched again and 20 years into it they said we better check this thing again and diabetes 2 now is almost at 400 million people now I think they're taking it because there's only 300 ish million in America so we're talking like at a global scale but that exponential growth is alarming and sugars coming from somewhere but obviously it's it's not a illegal substance but does it have dangerous and you know problems problematic within the physical body absolutely and we've come to see that there are spiritual components that feed into this topic in fact when we've done conferences quite a few folks have come up for ministry for this very issue and be the reason why is visit it does come with really because it's a long-term issue diabetes too is not a an immediate thing there is a longevity of onset now consider this there's there's definitely a spiritual component to this but you're gonna hear in in Dale's testimony that there's a change in a shift that reflects a scripture I'm gonna use that still gives you the teeth to sink into and say I can do something about the spirituality but God's also asking us to do something about down into our biology and this would be in the area of being disciplined the the medical community says that diabetes and obesity have a relationship now it's not across the board for every single person but it is very connected and I wasn't there when they did their reports but that's what they said so in diabetes too we're gonna find out that discipline is critical having discipline is a part of a scripture that when God says he he wants us to sanctify our not only spirit but spirit soul and here we go our body spirit soul and body is critical the body is an amazing piece of architecture isn't it it's not like something that we've we invented ourselves it was given to us as a as a gift and it should catch our attention on how amazing it is and how to be responsible with it but the spiritual parts that influence how we use our physical bodies God has a lot to say about it so one point I want to make out well which they'll set up here spiritually speaking behind diabetes - the primary issue that is behind it is the stress and anxiety what is stress what is anxiety if I have concerns about relationships about myself about my circumstances that's not sin concerns you know we're playing with definitions here but when you look at it stress is is actually in the earth and it's a temptation that draws people to look into fear and not faith stress wants to take you into obviously a deeper place which is fear phobia panic but this under undertoads is right underneath the surface those that Kingdom that wants to just start nipping away at the blessings of God those are the problems that are we're going to identify here and what kind of stresses are behind diabetes I'll say this they're not going to be the same I'm not going to say well it has to be identified as this each man and woman has a journey as to what that looks like so I think it's healthy to hear maybe one what man's honest study of how they have processed a little bit of stress in their life and had to go after it with tenacity because stress doesn't want to go just cuz you don't because you don't want it there I'm so stressed out you know that doesn't mean that you've dealt with it just because you've identified it you have to go to the scriptures that give you the authority to think differently now why do what do we do when we go stress well what causes stress maybe some bad sleep maybe a work environment and maybe there's some spiritual way our spirituality around you that isn't like it should be you know you can't change those factors but what you put in you to find comfort maybe what the Scriptures are talking about here and I think they are so guess what we have a friend I found somebody in the studio I'm gonna scoot over all right he's gonna come hang out with you and then we'll be talking come on now Dale's right here on the other side of the camera and we're just going to talk about his journey and just to take a bit in this particular disease sir welcome say hi to everyone hi Dale hi good morning yeah um we we've already kind of give a little prep work and prep understanding about the stress factor mm-hmm behind diabetes - you haven't had this all your life oh no so about when did diabetes to kind of start infiltrating you're coming when did you first start noticing it in January of 2018 kind of lead up to it in seventeen in nog there's your friend in August yeah we lost my wife's brother in October we lost her mother and then Thanksgiving rolled around and Christmas and that's four events back and back to buying in and all of those you know food is prevalent especially the desserts why is it prevalent really because it's comfort yes so I kind of overdid it and I for several years I go to the doctor about every three months and just for a routine checkup yeah so we went first part of January and did our blood work and went back to seem and my blood sugar was 340 something yeah I have no clue what's good on a scale oh right a hundred is good and you're about what forty-five years old so so is that a good number I'm just kidding he he's a very youthful man well I don't mind telling you yeah this December I will have my 82nd birthday and I'm in good shape and I'm sure that range kind of changes per age or is that 100 a good level for everybody I think it's a good level for everybody okay but mine was almost 350 yeah that's and he was amazed he said you know you're a prime candidate for a stroke you're a prime candidate for a heart attack no and I'm giving you 30 days to get this under control or you're gonna start taking the needle stop right there what did you first think when he said I give you 30 days I said no needle okay I said no needle no needle so what's a needle that means the agent the injection event so I got and so he gave me some medication which I really didn't want but we we came home and and we we started dealing with issues first of all you know what is a factor in the dot type 2 diabetes because I've been healthy all my life I've never had any major surgeries every time I go my blood pressures good and you know with my agent I got off a lawnmower to come in here for this interview so you know I'm still very active and in in studying now dr. Wright taught that 80% of all disease and sickness has a spirit to root well what about the other 20% what about that so that's the we started digging into the spiritual roots who's we my wife and I oh you got a relationship don't we hear oh yes she did not want to lose me so yeah hi Liam Becky was very instrumental in helping me to overcome this but we found that fear is a major factor in the cause of diabetes - stress has a lot to do with it but fear well what kind of fear you know there's I think thousands of kinds of fears or whatever and I did say before you came on what you specifically had to address was particular to you so we can't say that what what someone else that may have diabetes you may not have the same particular that's right but the you're exposing how the kingdom thinks in and what it sets you up for so I I released you to share what you wanted or not want to in your journey because it's your story but I know you have a heart to help other people overcome so just go for what that might have been in you know it's skirt the surface and just kind of help people understand what does stress really sound like at this level okay let me go with the fear okay I love my wife I love my children very much I know you do and for years I had that fear of failure yeah you know your wife's gonna get tired of you you know she's she's gonna look for somebody else oh you you you make you make good financially but still you tell your wife or in your children what you know we really can't afford that and so that was something that just gnawed at me of your failure you know fear a failure and I did not want to fail them I've always wanted to give them not gold and silver but then the cestas is life let them enjoy life so that was one of my biggest fears was fear of failure and I also had a lot of people find this hard to believe I had a fear of man whoa man I didn't want confrontations with anybody but even though they would come but that was something that I really had to work on and overcome was the fear of failure and fear of man you know what why should I have stressed myself out and worried about what someone else thinks of me Father God his son the Lord Jesus Christ should be the only ones that I'm concerned about what they think of me that's a good goal so I really had to work on that and had to overcome that no I know this they're watching you online right now is this the first time they're hearing what those fears were yes huh all right really Wow so so you work this out in your heart yes yes absolute it took a lot of relationship probably them to test the waters of what those changes look like it did and I don't I'm really proud I don't I don't recall asking leadership for prayer on my diabetes to now and a half but I don't recall it Pastor Henry knew about it we shared with him but you know to say your brother would you pray for my diabetes - I don't recall us doing it we just talked to different ones to find out you know what is the card behind this and dealt with it good and okay and I want to talk just a moment if I can about this 20% yeah oh oh I alluded to us and I'm glad you're taking it down here ah good we talked about that the body being the temple of the Holy Ghost and how can I effectively serve my father with the sick diseased body that's full of pain and all this I can't not not effectively so in our journey of overcoming the diabetes - mm-hmm we went to a class up at the hospital a nurse talk for an hour about diabetes - and then another one a registered nurse talked for an hour about nutrition very rarely kind of emphasized and so you got some good I good advice so one of the first things we did and I I could not have conquered this I don't think without the help of my wife because she was right there and we learned that portion control is is very important to the way we eat and that's one of the things she was very I'll have to use the word adamant about what I hate and I asked the question several times a day you know what you take your sugar what was it you know what have you eat but she she stayed with me and to go back to my original doctor's appointment when he said he'd give me 30 days or the needle so in 30 days I dropped my blood sugar from Iran listen a little less than 350 down to about a hundred and fifty I lost 10 pounds well I was aggressive yes in four months I lost 40 pounds and I took myself off of the medication because I was down to about a hundred with good oversight yes right yes yeah now one thing that that we did I started doing a lot of walking mm-hmm and my doctor told me for years you know there you know I said doctor I walk all day long I'm on no no no you're not understanding me I want you to walk 30 minutes non-stop every day and so that's what we started doing we've enrolled in the gym up at the hospital and you know worked out on all those machines and everything and they did 20% combined with dealing with the spiritual roots yeah I conquered diabetes too I love that you just pulled those two things together they have to be you have to you cannot separate them yeah and and it's it's not all in vitamins and nutrition but Genesis talks about God gave us the herbs and the herb yielding seed for for me for food that's what he gave them to us good yeah so my advice to everyone is be careful what you eat you know why you eat it why are you eating it yeah now I still love my sweets if my wife makes a home made from scratch banana pudding she's had to take it away from me because you know wonderful so I still like my desserts but I really try to do everything in moderation and we hear so many times you all hearts of moderation what moderation well that's for you to decide what is moderation for you you can't over indulge and though I really believe that we've heard the old saying for years and years you are what you eat there is a lot of truth in them because we eat junk food the hamburger french fry route you know it's okay but if you're eating hamburgers and french fries three or four times a week you're not doing your body justice hmm so we need to not be glad to talk to anybody though yeah thank you thank you what I want to pile up before you go sir okay is that like you said you looked at the details of why you and I and I and and I think it's powerful that you saw those back to back to back to back events and there could have been some pre stuff prior to that but but that season of intensity and then having to lose people and you know you know traditionally holidays especially if you if you don't recognize fear of failure right going to the holidays thinking you have to make everyone happy you gotta give a little something and you hope it's the right thing you compound all that stuff your immune system or your body starts talking and I love sir that at your your youthful age of it would have been 80 years old at that point yes you still brought your body under subjection yes and within 30 days with with the working of an oversight of a doctor you were highly motivated but I saw the motivation of not just medical side you started what I hear in your story the motivation of the relational side of this that you wanted to be active still and you are still today for your family that's what they really want they really want you they don't want all the the stuff that's right right and I know it because I know your family and they'd rather have you a hundred years than getting any one more thing out of you well that's my goal yeah and beyond yes and beyond yeah well that make you a hundred eighty yeah hundred eighty-two right so it's been a pleasure and I'm so grateful for your your journey being explained in detail because it highlights in this season there is stresses going on in people's lives and we want to make sure that that people are going to make it through their season of any stress with the comfort of God clothing and also the wisdom because I want to tell you what is easy to pull off the shelf is something that's got a quick carbonate and folks we've got it we've got to be really diligent to think about in these days what are we putting in our in our bodies and but the decision comes before that it's it's before you go to the grocery store what are you going to obtain and work and it's not a black-and-white thing but you have to be very objective about this if you know that there's a season of stress be very careful not to compensate the comfort that God wants to give you with and and take it out by putting things in our bodies that are quick comforts and then they have ill effects down the road yeah you go grab that bottle of coca-cola and a big snicker bar oh you know I gotta have something good Dale Heston thank you sir we appreciate you sharing your life with us well now you can go back on that lawnmower you're good at that thank you so much Thank You Dale that was great oh no you know it's really fun to hear the exact story yeah person yeah and many times people want to know from someone who was healed what did you do how did you process that and like you said the journey is different for everybody but I know there was a nugget and I've been reading through the comments things that he said touched people in different ways and would give people ideas or even confirmation of what the Lord was doing and bringing forth in their heart and being health we we have to hit what where the enemy is attacking and right now he's attacking mankind with false comfort and I just looking at the numbers of twenty years of it's a 1,200 percent growth of diabetes cases that means he's really trying to attack and wear down the immune system through you know diabetes to has some pretty difficult the more you get into it it actually leads up to very a death environment now right off it doesn't so I don't spiritually I don't want you to think if you're if you the doctor and medical community saying hey you're pre-diabetic that although you got a spirit of death or something but the the mentality that you need to be aware of is that this stuff is even they're diagnosing AIDS groups not way up there that they're getting into diabetes and a - at a very young age and it's all for us it's an alarming thing because that shows the amount of stress in the home or or how the people of God are ignoring the scripture that says in these days stuff is going to happen but what does Jesus say fear not do not let your heart be troubled can I say it this way do not let your pancreas be troubled because of the times and the stresses that are going on in the world they have to come to pass these are just the shakings hey let everything that needs to shake let it shake but you don't have to you're you're not up this world so don't go shaking with the rest of the world you have to find yourself in the word that stabilizes what's going on so that was a scripture that I had in my heart is do not let your heart be troubled which thereby would bring your pancreas to peace that's good you know many times it helps to just have some practical steps about how to take this information always I love how practical you are so when you count it for my life we talked about the eight hours to freedom and the first R is to recognize and that's what what Dale started recognizing he started noticing okay he's lived a long life why is this coming upon him at this if this juncture in his life and he could identify four key events that drew him into stress you know and fear and then he started recognized recognizing specifically a fear of failure fear of man and so that may or may not be what kind of fear could be tempting you but the first thing is to recognize what is the enemy using to try to diminish your love joy and peace because his real plan is also to diminish your health because like Dale said it's it's not as easy to serve God and be on mission when we're sick in the bed you know we can still praise God on our bed at night we can still read the word and listen and you know be a blessing to those in our home maybe sometimes you're so sick in bed you can't even be you know out giving out to your home but God wants us to be healthy and mobile and on mission yep and so we recognized and then the second ours take responsibility and heard they'll do that hey I take responsibility for allowing fear to be a part of my life that fear failure the fear of man and I know he did step number three which was to repent to God and number three are repent to God where we have been an agreement and serving fear and and many times we didn't know we were serving fear it just would come and go and we could also get rid of that feeling of fear by even things we do or watch or eat and that brings a false comfort to make us think we are at peace and actually it was just a momentary peace so I know repentance of dead works according to Courtney to Hebrews 6 which is the doctrines of Christ number 1 repentance of dead works and then faith buried on it has to be in that order so we're reaching to God for where we have been in agreement with fear where we have not trusted God because when we are in fear we're not trusting God in that area and then renouncing that fear in our life just really saying I I will not serve fear I will not serve fear man I will not serve fear of failure and putting that fear on notice that you are at war against it yeah and then removing that fear something you just you reiterated is that the what how you just resist resist it the way you just expressed it I think is it's very helpful because it shows the ongoing push back yes it's it's it's so easy to know that the Word of God is powerful and you hold on to that one verse but God will give you creative ways to say it consistently and he will flee it's David you know they all had to resist the enemy and I know each time sometimes sitting down to eat a meal it's a battle because there is such a comfort in food and some of that's rightly so God wants with our food yeah but you may not want to see the whole blueberry pie if we wanted to do moderation yeah so I I like how you pushed into that scripture by by saying this is the what the resistance can look like and and you keep going and you keep resisting and it's and then you'll see that it it gives the scriptures and the Spirit of God the execution it it builds from the inside out what we need is believers when when we are when we were so used to stress we don't know any different until we do what the Scriptures tell us you know you're talking about James 4:6 it says draw nigh to God and He will draw nigh to you it also talks about submit yourself to God resist the devil and he will flee one key part I think we miss as many times we don't submit ourselves to God how did Dale submit himself to God he said I'm going to trust you I'm gonna put the fear down I'm gonna stop fearing I'm gonna remove that spirit of fear for my life that's submitting ourselves to God in His plan and then resisting the devil and the enemy did flee as Dale continued with his wife to stand against that fear this is why we're called hope of the generations church and because at any point no matter how old we are we're still called be overcomers and I am so encouraged with Dale's I remember the day that he shared on the open mic at our church service his story on that what he basically a real condensed version he shared it publicly at our church and I said whoa you know my kids need to hear ya that's someone in deep into into their enjoyment of life that they are still overcoming things so there are many levels this has been a wonderful conversation and these scriptures are awesome I know we got more I just wanted to celebrate right then in their firm again well we want to give you scriptures to hold on to because it talks about we overcome the enemy by what the border William thank you so much father for giving us the lamb yes and the word of our testing where do our testimony I wouldn't seem like you didn't know I just think how he enjoyed our testimony yeah and also we overcome the word overcome by the word and you know the scriptures say and Psalms lead me to a rock that is higher than I and sometimes we feel like we're drowning as believers under sin or under sickness or under disease or under oppression and we need to have the Word of God to climb up onto that solid rock and there is give us some rock yes there's a blog that came out last week on our website being held calm by David Levithan about trusting in God and one of the key scriptures he goes through I want to share it right here Jeremiah 17 it says verse 5 thus saith the Lord cursed be the man that trusts in man and makes flesh his arm that says I'm going to trust and something man can do to save me and whose heart departs from the Lord and when we're not trusting in God and we're trusting in man it it's in that area that it says our hearts have departed from God it doesn't mean like exactly eternally but in that area we're not trusting him we are departing from him it says in verse 6 for he shall be like the heath in the desert and shall not see when good comes but shall inhabit the parts places in the wilderness in a salt land and not be inhabited now here's the blessing in verse jeremiah 17:7 blessed is the man that trust in the Lord that's the complete opposite of fear anxiety and stress blessed is the man that trusts in the Lord and whose hope the Lord is for he shall be like a tree planted by the waters and that spreads out her roots by the river and she'll not see when he comes but her leaf shall be green and shall not be careful in the of drought neither shall cease from yielding fruit so when we talk about the doctrines of Christ Hebrews 6 the first one is repentance of dead work that's where we repent of the fear repent of being an agreement with stress and anxiety repent to God for not trusting him the faith towards God is trusting him the faith towards God is figuring out in these certain situations how we will trust him and trust in his word and it is very true if you'll spend time repenting for these dead works of fear and then putting your faith toward God in these areas using these scriptures by the power of the Holy Spirit God will meet you and will do something beyond what you or man can ever do for yourself I want to share another scripture please these are this is good good food to eat first Corinthians so let's see is it first or second Corinthians yes first corinthians 3 first corinthians 1:3 oh I'm just kidding haha just read the whole Bible also second one seconds 1 1 3 3 blessed be God even the father of our Lord Jesus yes thank you Father we bless you even the father of mercies I love it in the God of all comfort stop thank you Father for comfort yes so here's what you can do that's all good comfort father I repent for for following false comfort and not trusting you I ask that you would forgive me for following false comfort maybe even in food or in certain relationships or activities and I choose to lay that down and to take you up in your word that you Father here's the that was repentance so that works though here's your faith work towards God because you Father are the God of all comfort in fact call him call it's one of his name the father of mercies go ahead and tell him that he is the father of mercies and every good thing comes from the father of mercies see he he enjoys that when you appreciate that he has shared himself this way and so we need to say he is the source of all mercies not the source of all hammers and lightening bolts that's that wasn't even the law that wasn't even the father that was the Lord Jesus in the Old Testament so he is the father of mercies and he extends all good things and all it says here all comfort oh oh comfort and I love how pastor Henry would say what percentage is all what is all 100% you were the God of all comfort verse 4 who comforts us in our tribulation now God wants to comfort us in our tribulation but if we short circuit that and comfort ourselves with false comforters then we're denying the comfort from the Living God that he wants to give us because false comforters sometimes come with a consequence that maybe is short term or long term I mean it might come kind of quicker it might come kind of long further down the road who comforts us in our tribulations that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble how do we when we we let ourselves be comforted by God and then we go help someone in need we don't say here eat the whole blueberry pie we say oh you know you know how we do a church in somebody's trouble we take them a meal and mado kind of meal you take them in don't you know don't be unconcerned about because it's work to make a meal and clean it up is so so it's I get it I know but this is where God's people go so how do you comfort others as you do acts of mercy and kindness oh maybe means take them a meal yep but you comfort them with a comfort of God by directing them that they can truly find their comfort in the Living God because you have a testimony how God met you during your tribulation it says that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble no by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God yeah I'm comforted by Dale yeah I love that he is a stability in the body of Christ and he's able to be active and engaged and he's he's always doing something around but I appreciate that he took the personal responsibility on and his relationship with God seriously yes about this but it has comforted me in you know I don't live with him but you know I I see him in the body of Christ making himself available and and that's just a blessing for my family to see him and we see the fruit of of comfort and strength and stability and his wife and his kids and he has changed over you know over the few years that he's been here I've really seen him come up in his character and his expression he's been at peace and and that's another thing that a generation underneath looking up through needs to see that you can be at peace about even failure and finances and you know at any point right so I'm comforted right you know I think the one less that I have John is sharing about sometimes we just have to build new habits I know before we were married I lived overseas and you know life in third-world country I lived there for several years it's just daily stress in a way I wasn't used to as living an American life not that America is easy but comfort wise America has so many more physical comforts to offer it on offer on a daily basis and I remember I noticed at one point after a long day at work overseas when I'd come into my apartment I walk in and I would head right to the kitchen I mean just hanging right just put my stuff down and hanging right to the kitchen to put something in my mouth just as a relief for the day and the Holy Spirit really convicted me of that well so I had to teach my feet to walk in a different direction I said okay when I get home I'm gonna walk to my bedroom which was it left well and not hanging right to the kitchen and I would hang a left to the bathroom to the bedroom and I would sit and talk to God for a bit but I'm telling my home I was like reaching for a frigerator well I started letting God comfort me and I would walk into the house and I started enjoying hanging a left to go meet with God because every day was somehow a rough day did he control your feet I had to choose for my it sounds like you had to choose before you even went into the room yes the house yes and that really broke a habit of hanging it right so maybe you need to ask God are there any new habits you need to work on that just became a habit to fulfill a craving but really to fulfill a need of comfort and we need to hang a left and go spend time forgot with God for a while and you know I was at a place I didn't have responsibilities when I got home really as a grown adult that when I walk in the home if I've been somewhere I'm still on duty I can't just go sit in my bedroom I've got a family to take care of but he worked something deep within me that my comfort is not in the refrigerator there are things in the fridge I like and they helped me they nourish me and I'm like do you know give me a brownie and that's great but I'm not gonna eat the whole pan of brownies and sometimes we just need to make new habits build on the Word of God make a plan make a plan yeah well thanks for hanging out with this yeah so personal oh you got a make your body subject to the scriptures as well it isn't just your spirituality your body needs to be subject to the sanctification process and it goes in tandem with the spiritual and um I think Dale got an upgrade in his person because he did those things so they weren't the Temple of the Holy Ghost yeah take care of our temple yeah it's his right yes we're not our own we were bought with a price therefore honor God with your body yeah that's a good place to kind of end it up second Corinthians one two three four those are great scriptures if you have and maybe food isn't the comfort that you go to but any comfort that is not of God these scriptures will take you because there's there's all kinds of stuff they are being pitched these days as a comfort but this is a great way to start the whole second you know book to the Corinthians which yeah I could go on about that well if you haven't come to for my life yes we have it's a must it's amazing we had a for my life retreat this last week we had people come in from all over and I loved what one man said at the end of the week he said I don't think there's one I one living human that wouldn't benefit for my life even if they're not saved they'll come here they'll see how amazing God is and give it a life to him so we have a special right now for $399 you can take for my life online starting today from the comfort of your home and also come for a week in person we've never done this to have swore my life in person or Phase two which is the walk out workshop which is a one-week retreat these retreats will absolutely bless you and change your life go to be in health calm and on that main page you'll see where the special is where for $399 you can take the four each be online and come here for a week and take it and when you do come to take it you'll still need to buy your accommodations figure out we're going to stay we have beautiful clean places for you to stay here that are safe on our being Health Campus so that we have so thanks for hanging out with us god bless you god bless you
Channel: Be in Health
Views: 1,395
Rating: 4.8064518 out of 5
Keywords: Be in Health, beinhealth, henry wright, dr henry wright, pastor henry wright, food allergies, disease, allergies
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 12sec (3012 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 14 2020
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