Saddening News Regarding Dr. Henry W. Wright

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hello being health family my name is David Leavitt and I have here with me Pastor John shales and pastor Benny parish and we are elders at hope of the generations church we do have some important news that we need to share with you today and I'm going to turn over to pastor Benny to share it with you well we here at hope it generates a church and being held are grieving at this time I'd like to read this to you we are saddened that pastor Henry passed on to heaven the afternoon of Monday November 18th at approximately 3:00 p.m. this was a result of complications from a routine heart procedure Pastor Donna and elders pray for a miracle we pray that God would raise him from the dead but he did not revive a Henry pastor Donna heard in her heart two fathers say that Henry was with me and Henry is ok and I was very comforting a heart a team has been raised up here it being health over a number of years to carry on the vision that pastor Henry had set in place before he left the people of the Lord so in keeping with dr. Henry's legacy and faith we encourage you to focus on gratitude to the father for half pastor Henry's life an amazing heart of love and not the circumstances that surround his time see although we are grieving we have prepared a plan to continue and I want to turn it over to Pastor John to talk a little bit about that so eight years ago and doing a conference in Trinidad mr. Henry um had a heart attack and that initial episode was quite difficult for this team we we were not prepared and I want to tell you that I am so grateful that we got his life for another eight years and it was a real journey over these past eight years to really just rebuild and reform and and I want to tell you he hit the ground running in his heart about building team building the kingdom of God in other people and seeing the gifts and callings and as you were referring pastor Benny that team we've been God's been dealing with us personally to get us to the place where it's taken a whole team of us to replace his great heart that God is deposited in him and so we're excited we're we're full of joy we're grieving and we're full of joy it's this strange mingling that they can only be defined what the Holy Spirit does in these seasons and I want to tell you as as you've been tracking possibly with being health maybe you've gotten to know pastor Henry with his personality and the things that he says and watching you know things that he's presented in teachings I want to tell you God is art is building many voices that are carrying it we are getting such good feedback on people that have heard this news for the first time within our local fellowship and the people that we've known for years and years and they've just given us such solid feedback about what they've seen God deposit through him so I just want to tell you from this from eight years ago to this day we were prepared he was preparing and we were being prepared but obviously it's a shock the very moment that we heard the news and so we just want to bear hearts with you this is really real to us we feel very raw about it I want to encourage you that the Scriptures say that there may be many teachers but when it comes down to faith and implementing the word and knowing how to craft and bring people to decision and show them how an overcomer looks like the scripture says but there are a few fathers and I want to encourage you that there can be many fathers being developed because of what pastor Henry left in place and we're signing up as a team what God's been doing in our hearts and in the team being health and I just want to encourage you we're in a good place we're in a very good place and with that I know David you've got some things in your heart that kind of tag with that absolutely you know some of the questions may come like you were saying Patrick Henry was an amazing man a wonderful father in the faith and he seemed to cover so many different areas and sometimes a question may come what do you guys gonna do now and will you ever tell you what we're gonna do we're gonna do the same thing we've been doing we're gonna be healing the sick in Jesus name we're gonna be casting off those we're going to be bring freedom we're going to be restoring the generations we're gonna be establishing generations of overcomers and our team is not going to stop doing that dr. Wright is going to be greatly missed but his work in his ministry is going to continue on not just in resources and teachings but through the people that he raised up to continue to do this and we're not just doing it for our generation we believe this will happen for every generation so until the return of Jesus Christ and the first resurrection occurs this next year we've got 21 cities that we got to go to and we're going okay we're not canceling it in we are going because there's people out there that need this kind of freedom we are we've scheduled more for my life programs here on us and 12 more than we had last year here in Thomaston Georgia because people need this information any of this ministry they need the knowledge that we'll make them free because those people are perishing for lack of knowledge and just before his passing even last week he's set in place a goal for 2020 that 21 acts gatherings and churches would be started in 2020 absolutely that's a god thing but we have faith for it and it was set in place and we are going to do everything within our power to make sure it can happen with his help so if you ask what we're doing we're gonna do the same thing and we're going to be going even more so you can count on us to be here in Thompson Georgia when you need us you can count on us to be on the road when you need us we're going to be here until a first resurrection so with that thank you for letting us share our hearts with you regardless matter it's never easy news to share as Pastor John you said there's a there's a shock there are emotions that go up and down and that's how grief goes and I know many of you watching this your family it's like you may be watching through this video but you are family and you know that you are grieving as well and so we just want to pray for you as well as all of us here as we move through this time though well let's pray just pray well father we just come to you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ the Father we was are so thankful for the life of dr. Henry right our senior pastor we're thankful that you put within him the things that helped other people that brought them to healing to brought them to a stronger relationship with you father if father we ask that we we were going to carry on that tradition here it'd be a help and puzzle valley hopefully the generations church and we know we're gonna you're gonna be with us and we're not alone that's why we're not afraid because we're we're gonna let you Father work through us to bring many people to the kingdom and we thank you for this opportunity we pray for the family as they grieve peace for them and peace for all of those out there in our audience today that you would be able to have peace even during this time of Lawson and we pray all of that in the name of Jesus amen Jesus aim and we love it was [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Be in Health
Views: 22,569
Rating: 4.9397364 out of 5
Keywords: Be in Health, beinhealth, henry wright, dr henry wright, pastor henry wright, food allergies, disease, allergies
Id: zwf0zqKddjI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 17sec (617 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 19 2019
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