INSIDE THE VAULT: How Jessica Myers Became the Youngest Black Female Hotel Owner

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whenever anyone is having issues with money yeah they can't get it it's a lack of ideas oh and that's why i talked about the mindset conversation pushing past fear because all of those considerations are going to try to keep you from taking that quantum leap it could be things that you don't know that you don't know that you don't even know you don't know that's blocking you from getting to the next level and i think that that's the part of the conversation that people don't understand about money because anybody i'm talking to about wealth or anything like that they're coming up with ideas they're constantly in the mode of creation yeah and that's utilizing your god force to create and when you understand that money looks different so i think that's the myth where people think to get more money i got to work harder i got to work smarter but it's just about coming up with ideas pay attention and listen to me bout to teach class inside the boat my man asked to get your man right thursday nights 8 p.m change all night me and their [Music] black [Music] all right so welcome to another awesome episode of inside the vault with ash cash the most greatest most powerful money mindset show on the planet listen when i tell you we are bringing you heat after heat after heat uh you know i'm excited about this interview because uh you know i know a lot of people in real estate i know a lot of people who do some awesome things but i have never met in the flesh someone who owns a hotel someone who has done multi-million dollars in projects and is helping to educate people forget that not people but people who look like me and you how to become a a hotel owner we have the jessica myers in the building hey thank you how you doing i am i feel amazing i'm living the dream yes and it's so awesome to be here like your energy if you weren't inspired by his energy just now to get up and do yes like i don't know what i appreciate i don't know if you got a post i appreciate you i appreciate you and it's great because one of the things we do inside the vault we have a lot of uh big dogs that come through a lot of multi-millionaires and people who are moving and shaking and so uh behind the scenes see we need we nee we need to we need a show called behind the vault i'll be honest with you right we need a show called behind the vault where we're giving you inside the vault but before you get inside if you come behind a vault then i mean a billion dollars worth of game because literally uh jessica just just dropped a billion dollar idea like and i'm not even exaggerating dropped the billion-dollar idea within us just talking about you know just uh chopping it up um but but but that but that's beside the point miss jessica mize i appreciate you um you know you know inside the vault is the greatest money mindset showing on the planet and our goal is to take people literally inside the vault but figuratively inside the mindset we want to talk about you know people's mindset like how did you know how do people get to success how do you get to where you are but before we get into all of that uh for those who don't know in your words who is jessica myers so hi i am jessica myers and i am a real estate developer and entrepreneur and while i wear many hats and i got a cute one on today um it's a lot that i do in real estate i actually started out as a wholesaler in real estate and so when you say talking starting from the bottom wholesaling is at the bottom like you're doing the grunt work you're chasing down the sellers you're chasing down the buyers to make it all happen but in the midst of that that's how you develop the skill set and the know-how of what to do when you see an opportunity how to take advantage of it how to understand the numbers so that's what i've done i've worked my way from the bottom all the way up from whole seller to hotel owner and i help people along the way i love it and so for those out there uh who don't know what wholesaling is right because i think people understand what you know yo i flip houses right when people say i flip houses i think people understand that flipping houses meaning you're buying a house distressed property or whatever you fix it up you sell it so you're flipping it right um buying and holding i know people you know understand that buying and holding meaning you know you're buying you you have a house uh you buy it you hold it you rent it out you know and that's part of your portfolio um but i hear the term wholesale a lot i know what wholesaling is but there's somebody who's watching it who knows wholesale is part of real estate but like what is wholesaling like for real like what is it so now like for example i'm an investor i buy a properties all the time yeah but i'm busy i'm running a hotel i'm teaching like i'm running boot camps and everything i don't have the time to go look for new properties anymore so that's the job of a wholesaler the whole seller they is a low-risk investing technique in that i don't need my credit i don't need to to sign for the house at the bank i find as plenty of times we drive by these dilapidated houses how is that a run over i call them drab houses where it's like somebody need to do something to the house yeah so that's where somebody comes in like myself as a wholesaler i negotiate the price with the seller i get the property under contract and now i go market it to a buyer or someone who's actually going to do the work someone who didn't have the time to look for the deal i've laid it out i'm like hey you can buy this property it's going to be worth 100 000. you can buy for 20 000. you can put forty thousand worth of work into it and you get a nice little profit so i as a wholesaler you're the one who facilitates the deal puts it all together no money down no cash out of your pocket no credit and it is a way to generate income to get started in real estate and so how do you get paid though right so now i have this property let's say there's a property that's 20 000 uh i i'm able to secure a contract where somebody says look the property is 20 000 um and so you know you just sell you know you can sell it for 20 000 so now you have that contract you go to uh you know an investor and you say hey all you gotta do is put forty thousand in exactly right and so and so now um do you sell it to the investor for twenty thousand like how much do you sell it's an investor for so so good point because like you said the value of the house is a hundred thousand so you still want to make sure that the numbers make sense because there are percentages that you want to stay within when you start getting to the weeds of the deal right so let's say i do get the property under contract for twenty thousand i then go to the buyer and say hey doesn't this property look good at 25 000. this property looks amazing at 25 000. you need 40 000 worth of work you're still gonna get that hundred thousand dollar value that difference between what i got it under contract with the seller and when i got under contract with the buyer it's called an assignment fee and that when you when it's all said and done we go to the closing attorney that's where they distribute the money they distribute the seller their 20 000 after the buyer pays their 25 000 and then they give you as the whole seller that five thousand dollar delta i get it and so that's why when people say wholesaling you don't need so i don't need to be a real estate agent i don't need to have my like you can't even do it as a real estate right right this is a concept that strictly you cannot be a licensed professional to do this because as a licensed professional your job is you know if you get an increase we just said the property was 20 000 right and you got to increase to 25. yeah as a licensed professional you have to give those funds to the seller so that's where wholesaling is is separate from a licensed professional because a lot of people think like oh let me be licensed to get no yeah no you do not have to be licensed um to get into wholesaling but that's a good way to start because i know for me it was about buying my time yeah like i could as much as i wanted to get involved in real estate i didn't have hundreds of thousands of dollars and yeah we just bought this amazing million dollar hotel yeah we didn't you know you you can't get started if it's so big so that's where whole selling is a low-risk technique that helps you get in stack up some cash because the average deal is about five to ten thousand that you get per wholesale deal yeah so when i first got started when i was able to generate my annual income in 90 days yeah i was like oh wait six a year worth of time just got shrunk down to 90 days yeah hello and so what what did you do prior to wholesaling what was what was your nine to five i was actually in media oh nice so i went to school for like i was eat breathe sleep media i was like i remember at 16 i messaged the nbc affiliate like i would just dust the counters just let me come in and so by 17 i got a job at fox and i was working there until i graduated college and i ran so quickly at the corporate ladder because i was so determined i'm working at the nick candy morning show at cbs in new york by 22. wow and i was like great sing all these celebrities like hey jay-z hey lady gaga seen all these celebrities but it felt hollow i was like i was so determined to make a difference in in the world and in the industry but then it was like i was only stumping for the gram yeah so it was like something has to give and i remember talking to my dad and he was like you spent so much time climbing the corporate ladder what if the ladder was on the wrong wall oh oh that's a bar oh that's a bar right there but i mean you're saying this to a 22 year old who just spent so much time going one direction yeah and as much as i was like cool well let me find something else you know you stay at the job you know because you get consistent pay yeah so it's like i knew i needed to do something different but how do you walk away from two every two weeks you're getting income like how do you take the bet on yourself and so thankfully i went to quit my job after taking like a real estate boot camp cause i was like wait real estate i can make money and my boss was like what are you gonna do i was like i don't know i'm gonna figure it out and i was trying to explain to him what wholesaling was and he's like that sounds like a scam wow yeah he was like stay here a year yeah figure it out and then leave that was the best thing that could have ever happened to me because in this year i received a five year plaque because i did get you know you get a little time it's tense when you feel like there's no other options but then when they lose it you know you're kind of like oh well i can't watch this show cause i'm i'm set yeah you know i got a job that he said i can stay for the next year while i figure this out yeah and you start getting relaxed yeah and you start and it was until i received a five year plaque in this period yeah and at the same time someone else was receiving a 25-year plan wow yeah and it was like here is the trajectory of my job yeah here across the table for me if i stay here for 20 years bust my ass i won't own anything else i won't be any more vested in the company i would have just get here live in the future yeah yeah yeah yeah and i was like i'll be doing if i'm you know working on this this whole time just to go there yeah so so that's where um i was like hey i got to do something different it jolted me and i was like gotta get it together we got a year let's figure this out and that's when i went balls to the walls in wholesaling that's how i was able to generate my annual salary in a 90-day period wow because i was like we gotta go and that's when i jumped into renovation and development and and then like jumping into wholesaling did you like did you have a mentor did somebody teach you did you just like you know looking at youtube videos like what how'd you make your annual income in 90 days like so it was a lot of youtube videos and it was um i definitely went to one of those weekend courses like oh come learn real estate this weekend and i was like what are they gonna teach you in a weekend yeah and obviously they sign you up for more education yeah but it was that weekend um the secondary educational course that taught me a lot of the elements now there still were a lot get to the front door and what do i do next like even though they explained the concept they explained the buyer they explained the seller but they didn't show the contracts yeah they didn't show like what to do next the negotiations and that's where i was like wait what do i do so thankfully i did find um a mentor it was it was this real estate group here in atlanta that i was able to latch on to and within the first few weeks i was able to buy my first property and then that's where i was able to start like okay i got this thing figured out that's when i was able to start transacting deals and really and really make an impact once i really connected with the right team nice nice i love that so now you're wholesaling you made your income uh you know i well you know at what point you know mid your annual income in nine days at what point did you quit and say all right this is this is it full time so finally i mean after after i hit that milestone of my annual salary i didn't realize it was 90 days like they say hindsight is 20 20 because it makes for a beautiful story now but in and i'm like oh hey what am i doing like i was freaking out but that's where you know my mentor he had weekly meetings yeah so that's why i was showing up to the weekly like i get now how church is so sensational because you need to be there to be in that energy to be around the people to stay focused because a lot of people want to jump to well how did you get the hotel how did you pay millions of dollars but just like you said it starts with the mindset it starts with with being in the right place having the right people and talk having the right conversations yeah so it's not just about oh um you know you can do it on your own it's about joining the collective circle that help encourage you and push you through those hard days yeah but really once i reached that milestone after being a part of this group the synergy the deals that we were able to do you know within the group you come present a deal you get a property under contract present the deal at the meeting and then you got somebody in the back who could buy it wow so that that was an immediate way yeah to get like cool after i was able to do one you did two yeah i was able to tune it and i was like wait i'm just transacting i'm getting literally you know at the time i wasn't making that much yeah so i was thinking like hmm if i just got this one five thousand dollar deal from doing this little bit of time imagine if i it would take me four or three months about two or three months to get this on my job minus taxes so probably even more than that right so what would it be if i took that same time and put it on myself or more into wholesaling and that's where my boss gave me that year to focus on that that's what it gave me is like ah and especially once i turned up yeah like that's what really made the difference nice nice nice and so now wholesale you make it you're making money uh take me to the next uh you know transition of going from hotel uh or going to wholesale to hotel owner i i mean i don't know what was what was in the middle of that but take me to the next one i mean i mean so i really started doing renovations now that i had a nest egg of money because so much of me was like oh i don't have any money to get involved because you see people on tv hdtv like somebody's a painter and an artist and they have a million dollar budget and i'm like how does this where's the real world practicality yeah and so that's where i was able to use wholesaling to save up money yeah and once i stacked up enough cash and as you know once you're in the industry it's ways to get access to capital absolutely yeah and because on the outside looking in you think that you're the one who pays like when they say the 350 000 price tag it's not always you yeah you can um come up with other strategies and use other people's money to come up with you know just a portion of that yeah and so that's what i was able to do like if i get 10 000 if i get 20 000 i can get into a flip that may cost 300 000. and so what was that was that the trajectory though where you um intentionally like all right now i'm in media yep now i'm in wholesaling but like did you always want to become a you know a real estate owner do you really did you always wanted to like rent like where did renovations come from i mean honestly it was just the next order of business because really it started out just buying my own time yeah it did it didn't go from me wanting to be a developer wanting to be in real estate it was just about wait this hustle this hustle and it's just like when you start getting around a better circle when you start getting around other investors and seeing how they're generating money you're just like wait that's a lot of the same things that i already do how can i now get a part of the circle and be a part of this conversation and i mean hence you know at the same time going to lunch with with my business partner um devon we just started going to lunch we went to college together it was just like hey let girl what you doing so i'm telling her about my days in the single family space because i ultimately did start to do renovations and development um now that was its own rocky rocky road and um because you know i gave a contractor thirty thousand dollars yeah they ran off with my money wow i gave another contractor um you know this is as i'm leaving wholesaling i'm like wait i just worked hard for that 30 000. and so now i'm trying to get into the renovation space they're walking away with your money and then this happens and then they're selling drugs out of my house and so it was just like you had the trap house it was one of the biggest like drug busts that you know the police wound up having to do just because you know i i didn't have a team it was just me i was trying to do everything yeah and i would and i like to travel too so i was gone on a cruise like cool it takes four weeks to get this done yeah i'll give you two months yeah come back that's when i found out drugs are being sold at my house so that's where it it took me to build a team to really get my base because it was just like okay to your point how do you focus yeah what are you doing that's working yeah what are you doing that's not working and how can you move forward yeah so ultimately that's how i began to build my team yeah okay and so now my team are watching after my projects so i'm not just flying by night but we have a team during development so now that gives me time again to rethink how will i make more yeah so that's why i was like where am i going with this what am i doing like is this just piecemeal because like you said i was trying to be in tv right but when that trajectory changed now starting from the bottom as a wholeseller i still have that same hustle that same driver where's the the trajectory where does this go and that's where i was like cool i want to get 1 000 doors i will get one thousand dollars now from a person who owned two houses right one thousand seem like a lot right but then when you go to lunch with your friend yeah yeah and she's like you know one thousand dollars you get five hotels that can be one thousand doors in itself wow meanwhile like i got two right right i'm like you know and i'm just like how how wow you can really make that exponential leap yeah and talking about your net worth being uh your net worth being your net worth like that exposure to understand how to be a part of something you never thought possible like as a wholesaler i did have tunnel vision yeah i was thinking small yeah but then that's where you have a friend or somebody in your circle to push you greater yeah and so that's where she was just like a lot of the same concepts that you do in the single family space apply that to the commercial space and you'll be that much more exponential towards your goal hey how you guys doing hold on don't press that button because that's what i do every time i'm looking at an ad that i don't want to see this ad just happened to be life-changing i just happen to own one of the biggest home health care companies in the state of georgia i can help you create your own just to give you a little bit of insight i send out registered nurses lpns and cnas to take care of people inside of the homes that cannot take care of their cells but guess what you don't have to have any medical background and you don't have to have any medical knowledge so if you wanted to change your life and you have a passion for actually taking care of people then go ahead and sign up for home healthcare blueprint i'll see you guys later it's funny because and i love that because there's a book from price per check called u-squared right um and u-squared talks about taking the quantum leap and a lot of times people think that because they're wherever they are that that that the next logical step means like if you're you know doing two family the next logical steps is multi-family and multi-flaming right and so people take these logical steps but you know you know you squared says listen do the quantum leap right instead of just just thinking about this one you know single family and going to multiple i mean goal single family two whole right you take a quantum leap you actually get to your goal a little faster and the truth of the matter and i think i think magic johnson said this right magic johnson said like the same work that it like the same work and the same energy it takes to make a million dollars it's the same work and energy it takes to make a billion dollars right and the truth of the matter is like and i and i'll just tell you from my purview um that you know i when when i was making you know let's say you know four figures a month you know working a nine to five i worked really really hard and then getting to the five figures a month or the six like that like like it's just i'm working hard right and so you choose your heart are you are you gonna work hard and and and make four figures or can you work hard and make six figures or can you work hard and make seven right like like the same hard that it takes for you to to to do this one thing just take that same energy and flow and if you just take it from a uh psychological perspective you will always get what you focus on exactly oh exactly and that's why it's so important to start with mindset because so many people like uh how did you get this 8.3 million and i'm just like if you the same principle that you learn and understand down here because if you're not faithful diligent and consistent with this one thing and that and that was actually something that my mentor one of my mentors told me too because i did a lot of transformational training which helped to train my mind and one of the things she said the one thing yeah she was like every day i would come home and take off my makeup yeah because she was like sometimes she used to have a bad habit of falling asleep with it on and she was just like i got so focused on that one thing so my one thing is making up my bed every day yeah because i used to be a hit or miss sometimes but focusing on that one thing yeah yeah every day is what kept me in consistent behavior to now be an entrepreneur because remember i didn't trust myself to make a salary before because i'm like i'm taking naps i'm i'm going taking long lunches like i was not the best employee i am not a good employee i am not good at working for nobody right so that that was one thing i was scared yeah to go into entrepreneurship because i was like if this is how i am for somebody else how am i going to be for myself but it took a mindset it took a paradigm shift and it took focusing on that one thing to really change it and focusing on making my bed up every day is ultimately what led me to the steps of focusing on my focusing on my business every day yeah and now having the success and the results that you guys have man so now you are officially a hotel owner like like talk to us about that like you own a whole hotel like yeah i mean it's it's amazing when you think about it um looking back at us like wow because you know i'm not gonna lie you know when i thought about the hotel space and what i could afford i was thinking we were going to get some rickety thing but the deals we were looking at were huge like developmental deals and we kissed a lot of frogs before we got here so it's good to reflect now and like wow we got a hotel but getting here it was a long journey yeah it was you know evaluating a lot of deals that fell through that didn't work that people told us no people wanted to walk away because you know we're pitching the capital partners to be a part of this deal nobody wanted to take a chance on us like as much as we thought we were doing a lot we weren't but we had to stay persistent we had to keep knocking down walls and i was still doing the work that i was doing in the development side which helped to build the credibility for what we were doing in the hotel space so we we kept doing webinars we kept doing things to really educate community it wasn't really receptive all the way but we stayed fervent on our goal and our vision and then it was when um actually my business partner's grandmother passed away and she was like she didn't get to see me on a hotel that's when it turned up and drive that's when it had more purpose that's when it had the legs of yes the thousand doors but we're doing this for legacy absolutely yeah and that's what really changed and took off and i'm not gonna lie when i went there uh in because it's in el reno oklahoma there's a home to suites by hilton in el reno oklahoma when we went there and it was a lady working at the front desk and she was like are you guys the new owners and to be two hours away from tulsa oklahoma where my ancestors couldn't even walk through the front door of this hotel yeah and to have to tell this white lady yeah yes yes yeah yeah we are yeah that to me was everything that we worked for wow i just got goosebumps just now because that's like an ancestor's dream like the ancestors are like yo we going we going to get you this hotel right yeah especially who you had working there and we were able to say because that's the thing it's like we come in love we come in peace we were able to save jobs yeah yeah we were able to um provide 401ks one lady was just like i couldn't see wow and now so that's a layer we didn't even think about because yes you have the real estate asset but you also have the business that's on top of it yeah that you have to run so now not only are we a hotel owner and we own that's getting me closer to my thousand doors but we have people's lives that are at stake their livelihood is in our hands they're helping to keep our asset running because everybody's like did you move to oklahoma no but i take care of the people that help make sure that i don't have to absolutely they're they're working to make sure that our asset is operational that it's and so of course i want to look out for them yeah of course i want to take onus but it's just something to say to be two hours away from where my ancestors once couldn't go wow wow that's powerful and then so um you know you know talk about the the that process though right of uh buying a hotel right was it you know did you you know from from being a wholesaler are they just saying did you save up eight point three million dollars you know what i said is it that lucrative should i should i should i stop hosting the show and stop wholesaling saga you know make 8.3 million dollars like like what was that well one of the things that always drove me um there was a movie called the big short that came out and that really got me to thinking like wait because you know i know everybody i was in college in 2008 when the market crashed and everybody kept saying we're waiting for it to crash again in 2019 they were like we're waiting for the crash again so already i was like wait there are people who won right in the crash like rather than being scared because then i was like well should i do something else i mean this is kind of plan a and that's it there was no plan b yeah so it was just like if there is a looming economy crash coming up who won during that time and during and watching movies like the big short exposed me to that side of it the people who found opportunity in the midst of a perceivable loss absolutely so unfortunately the pandemic came last year yeah but most millionaires are made in a down market because it's about acquiring the assets when they are wholesale yep and that's what i meant by understanding how to identify opportunity for a larger game yeah the hotel play is a long-term play yeah it's about cool you messing up you can't pay a rent cause the travel is down yeah we're gonna seize this asset obviously for way less absolutely than its value oh yeah yeah yeah and that's how we're talking about spicy jack sucks and spicy okay that's how we were able to make the deal happen yeah because we were able to find the opportunity of somebody who was on the downtrodden right we come in and bring it on the uptry and then now the bank is happy yes we're happy yes and everybody wins yes wow and that's how we were able to do the deal really from looking for opportunity to see like hmm who is not able to keep up with everything due to the pandemic who did i mean we quickly learned who didn't have more than 30 30 days you know they they they tell us like oh make sure you have three months or not uh uh six years of expenses yeah yeah yeah we found it very quickly how many businesses don't have savings wow yeah and that's where you find opportunities absolutely especially when you're ready and you're looking and from 2008 i i couldn't make you know i was in media right i'm in college that didn't connect to me yeah but after watching the big short it exposed the whole sector of people that won during a down economy and that's what we were able to do i love it i love it and so now you know uh you're you know you you have like a personal mission right to like you don't want to be the only hotel owner right like you have a personal mission uh to really like educate uh you know people on the process right from wholesale to hotel owner talk about your educational program and platform yeah so the part of um what i found when i was in corporate america is that everybody wanted to leave but just like me they didn't know how thankfully i had a boss that helped me to take a bet on myself yeah but so many people are like we want to get out we don't know how we don't know how we're going to make it yeah so that's where i'm like look look look you can be a hotel owner yeah but you need to learn certain steps to even have a conversation yeah because a lot of times when you mention a hotel and you start talking you know you start throwing out words and start talking about cap rate and all that stuff people can be like what overwhelmed right so the understanding wholesaling is about understanding low risk beginner investing strategies that help you to learn the deal without having to lose the money because you understand how to identify opportunity what i can now do with it how to find buyers to fund the deal and then now how do we bring all the players together to through the attorney that same concept obviously on a scalable much larger level is the same principles that i was able to use to get to the hotel so that's what we focus on we have an attorney we have contracts and things that protect you protect your money we talk about how to find sellers how to get their number how to hunt them down and make the connection how you negotiate you know especially when they come you know you hear it's over 50 projects going on in atlanta right so everybody think their property worth 10 million dollars because of the property is coming down down the street so so we discussed negotiation tactics like how to get to the numbers of where you need to be and those concepts are things that you scale and you can get into much larger opportunities but you have to understand the groundwork and that's what we cover in wholesale it's a hotel owner i love that because i know i know even in your story right um you know having that support system when you incorporate uh you know of the ball you know boss telling you like guiding you right and telling you listen just you know create the plan first before you leave getting into the wholesale game but having a team of people that were helping usher and that helped you out and so i love you know the fact that you know uh you're able to use uh the the the collective uh uh education of people who have done it before to kind of propel right to kind of leap you know have that quantum leap uh and to save some time and so what would you say uh is the is the is the biggest obstacle right when you think about wholesaling when you think about um you know just being in in this development space what's the biggest obstacle uh that you faced and others you know potentially wanting to get into that space will face well i think the biggest obstacle when i so when i quit my job and i had that 90 day and i generated my annual salary nobody told me that you don't know when the next check will come and especially as an entrepreneur you eat what you kill absolutely so i think for me the biggest obstacle was those gaps in between yes you may make a large lump sum of money at one time but then how do you fill in and color the the you know between wholesale deals because especially if you don't stay on it especially if you coast up and you start to relax you'll realize those those time windows in between the check is is farther and farther away yeah that was a reality check yeah because i can speak about it now but i mean this is a five year journey that got me here um one of my favorite books is the alchemist because oh that's my that's my oh yeah yeah yeah because it helped me to appreciate the journey absolutely it helped me to appreciate all the elements that go in to where i am yeah and that's one of the things like it took me you know not knowing where my next check was coming from to light a fire in my ass to make me go because like i said i can't i can get a little coasting coasting like oh my goodness you know i just got back from maui but it helps to light a fire up onto my ass absolutely when i understand that it's nothing else coming up unless you set it up unless you create it unless you generate it so that's really what helped me to start thinking about cash flow yeah that's what really got me on the target of a thousand doors because it was like wholesaling is great it was an entry point but if i want to sustain this i have to start coloring in the lines i have to stay hungry and that's one of the things that i was able to accomplish like okay and now i have my goal set on 83 000 a month how can i generate through these 1 000 doors or more at least 83 000 a month and that's what i've been on a mission to do but that's a huge obstacle and i'm still climbing that mountain nice no i love that i love that and then so now you know you you you climb that obstacle uh you you know you've been through you know all the grind and figured things out um you know you know where you are today and looking back at your 18 year old self if you could give jessica myers 18 year old jessica myers um some advice what would you tell her push past fear push past fear because it almost i don't know if you remember the movie 300 300 yeah yeah yeah but remember it was like they had all these like uh b uh uh six packs and everything like that and it was like they used some cgi technology and it was only six people really on set right but it looked like it was thousands yeah yeah that's how furious when you push past that first few rows of people you see it's nothing there yeah yeah i could have went back and told my 18 year old self that yeah you would have been talking to a hotelier in 20. wow wow yeah and so now you know somebody's watching this uh who is you know they got one foot in one foot out meaning that uh they are they're entrepreneur uh they want to or they're not an entrepreneur they work a nine-to-five they want to be an entrepreneur so they started this you know side hustle whatever the case may be uh you know what you know what what advice do you have for that you know for that side hustler plan it out to play it out and that's one of the things that i know when i was working at corporate america i just at least knew i don't know how but my bills were being taken care of like if phone will come in cool i've hated whatever my brother sat me down especially when i went to quit my job he was like how much are you bringing in how much are you putting out i don't know how but it seemed like the outcome was greater than the income so i don't know how bills were paid or whatever but i was not money smart i was not tracking the process i was not writing down financial fiscal goals it was just like one day i'm going to be a millionaire i'm going to be great and then i'm going to live a happy life yeah but i had no idea of how to build that so that's where i think so long we were left out of those conversations and that's why it's important like your platform and what we're able to do it's important to have those conversations to show people how to put together short-term midterm and long-term goals so that short-term goal cool that's my whole selling that's that three to six months i'm i'm gonna do enough deals let me tabulate um how much i need to generate and if somebody works nine to five it's kind of easy because you at least already got how much you're willing to put up for whatever they're paying you so if they're paying you 17 an hour how much ever it falls down to you've already agreed to it yeah so just multiply 17 40 hours a week how much in three to six months do i need to save up that's what i need to do short term wise how can i generate that short term now moving on to my midterm that's that one you know for me it's flipping houses and development so that's where you know i build houses and maybe once a quarter or three or four times a year i'm i'm actually flipping a house that's my midterm goals and that's generally about six months to a year and a half as far as worth of savings you want to have yeah um or engines that you put your money into and then you got your long-term goal your long-term goal that is the cash flow that is though without me having to do anything but you need to buy your time incrementally so that you can get to the point so you can think long term because so many times you can't think long i'm talking to somebody about cash flow in a hotel they're just like well let me get you know 50 000 real quick and then i'll join you right but how do you even get there right you got to look at the short-term approach you got to look at the midterm approach to get to the long-term so we're having long-term conversations but it starts with the practical skill of short term that's why i titled the course whole seller to hotel owner right because you really want to take advantage of the steps that it takes right to build a solid foundation yeah and i love that because it's like yo fall in love with the process right like you can't you know like to be 20 years old you can't just wake up and blink your eyes and be 20 years it takes 20 years to be 20 years old right and so you know you know so but but not necessarily in time but it does take uh you learning a process and then once you fall in love with the process then you get to start taking that quantum leap so i love that and so you know you said something earlier about you know opportunity being in like downtime right and so you know someone's watching who uh is an entrepreneur and they you know they're going all in it's you know the the pandemic looks like it's over and it's looking like the country's about to open back up um you know what do you tell that entrepreneur um you know who might have had some tough times but is now like i'm ready to bounce back like what do you tell them uh you know in in order to get them like really kind of back on their feet and really flourishing as an entrepreneur well for one do an audit of what happened because a lot of times we can just take it as well i didn't make any money or i lost everything but really look at what happened yeah you lost everything because of what so really do an audit on your success your failure know what you did right because even in a failure you did something right yeah know what you did wrong and then now understand what i can do differently to move forward yeah because when i hop on a plane i know that i know i don't know how to drive a plane but i know that i can go to pilot school and figure it out and ultimately i can be a pilot but a lot of times financially if you don't necessarily it could be things that you don't know that you don't know that you don't even know you don't know that's blocking you from getting to the next level and that's why i talked about the mindset conversation pushing past fear because all of those considerations are going to try to keep you from taking that quantum leap but when you understand that the universe responds the universe gets you as long as you get the education yeah you still have to get the education to know the basics of what it is that you're looking to do and that's how you can start making the leaps that's how you can you can say okay i went through this but this is now to prepare me for this which is why the alchemist is one of my favorite books because when he was in the jewelry store you didn't know you didn't see the mastery that was coming right it's just like oh he's working in a jewelry store he's working for ten dollars an hour but if i go back and look that i was working there to understand mastery to understand patience to understand diligence to understand consistency then it was all part of the journey and work the treasure in the end wow oh that's a big bar it's a big bar all right so uh we are in the inside the vault uh and so i i i want to shift gears a little bit and just kind of like you know just talk about uh you personally right and so as somebody i know you like the vacation i look right but somebody who um has been able to uh you know work on your multi-million dollar projects and you know amass a lot of money uh what would you say is the most uh extravagant thing you've done with money so far oh i mean i would say i splurged on my wedding okay okay um i flew off a rooftop actually at the hilton garden inn right here we flew off the top away and wetted bliss um we spared no expense and it was an amazing just to celebrate love unity and then the rock that my husband is for me so that was a huge splurge because i know people in my family at the time like several of my cousins they went to the courthouse and they were like re-buying a house right right and i was just like well i'm i'm creating a memory right absolutely so um and then two we did a huge huge trip to africa nice we brought our africa paradigm shift yeah i've been back several times since but our most expensive trip was when we went to nairobi and then we went to um zanzibar and uh tanzania nice so that was the biggest splurge but that helped me to appreciate like this is what i do it for to connect with people and the motherland is so beautiful yes yes it was such a special trip yes yeah i'm looking forward my family and i we're actually uh this year we're going to touch to test the motherland oh where are you going uh so we're going to go to benin so i i actually did a uh dna test 20 30 uh nigerian uh and 25 cents uh 25 of benin i swear it's a doppelganger of us every like in every like over there we we all look you're gonna see so many brothers and sisters no it's funny because um you know both my parents are from haiti uh and i remember working uh at a bank uh and talking to you know one of the customers who was from benin uh and when i told him that you know i'm from haiti he was like oh you're my brother and i was like what are you talking about like no you're my brother i'm from benin but you you know most of the people from benin we were dropped off in haiti and i said oh okay and so when i and and and he was right because when i went to go check you know we uh yeah and then because there's something powerful about knowing where you came that's where the power lies right because because even when we went over there like our driver he was like he knew 25 generations back i was like i know three but to be able to look and be like my granddad built that because over there in africa when they have kids um or when they buy land they'll partition it based on how many children that they have wow and so it's like cool you already set you're already set so it's like imagine if we knew this makeup with our creativity yeah like that's why the media tries to disconnect but going back is so much more powerful for the greater mission yeah because yes i love real estate and what we get to do but the greater mission is helping our people rise again absolutely i am on a mission to create memorable magical moments absolutely and that's what life is about that's the last shall be first so uh actually oh this is this this is good it's just like real estate is a cherry on top yeah but it's really about that fulfillment of purpose and that's what i i'm so excited about yeah and i love that and so what would you say is uh the most impactful thing that you have done with money i would say being able to um do this and my parents see it and being able to create experiences for them and being able to give like when i got my first job and i said i didn't make much but my mom had never made even that much in her whole 25-year career wow yeah so being able to give back and for no reason give her cash out yeah yeah yeah to me yeah that's the most impactful because i know how much my mom sacrificed and even now i don't have any kids yeah but even my girlfriends tell me oh girl we had to give up this we had to give up that and it really reminded me like damn yeah my mom gave up a lot for me so to be able to send her cash out yeah and she'll call me like what's this moment yeah yeah yeah that is the impact absolutely i love it i love it um and so what what uh you know you know being around money and realizing uh you know how money works and things of that nature what would you say uh is uh the biggest money myth that's out there that you want to dispel right they're like money don't doesn't grow on trees you need money to make money like there's so many different you know different ones give me give me a money myth that you would that you would like to dispel whenever anyone is having issues with money yeah they can't get it it's a lack of ideas oh and i think that that's the part of the conversation that people don't understand about money because anybody i'm talking to about wealth or anything like that they're coming up with ideas they're constantly in the mode of creation yeah and that's utilizing your god force to create and when you understand that money looks different so i think that's the myth where people think to get more money i got to work harder i got to work smarter but it's just about coming up with ideas you solve problems i'm actually a solution it's like people try to define me like are you real estate or are you this or are you that because i'm a developer i'm a wholesaler i you know i'm a hotel owner but really what it is is i come up with ideas yeah and i execute yeah and it's really about staying in that idea creation space and that will help i mean that that's the biggest myth i think that people think you can solve the money issue by working on money yeah and it's not i wonder you know um has there been um any barriers for you being a black woman developer black woman you know like like talk about that for me folks i don't know if i would call them barriers because i stay so focused on solutions so even if it came i know that it's just the obstacle that i put in my way to overcome but i get tried all the time like i mentioned i'm so i'm a developer as well so i build houses from the ground up we just sold a million dollar home to a rapper we got another million dollar home in the works so we build a lot of good properties but a lot of these neighbors don't like seeing what we do so they call the inspectors every day yeah they actually i was recording another show making of a mogul and that lady literally the camera guy he's walking it's a construction site he fell back to catch his balance which leaned to him on her little blade of grass she came out the door yelling so much she was just like get off my so it's just like to go through when i mean our neighbors have gone through our mail wow um i've had someone else sit at the closing table and said some intimidating things like oh it's you buying a house if i would have known that i would have charged more wow so where a lot of people may see this as obstacles sending the uh county to our house daily yeah is nothing to play with yeah yeah but it's just something i say is to make me stronger and so but so i listen to what people say right and you just said that if it happens to me i don't look at it as a barrier something that i created to overcome i'm not letting that slide explain that i don't know but that but that's like understanding the alchemist yeah when when you go to the gym now i did have a huge weight loss i lost probably about a hundred pounds yeah and so a lot of people who hadn't seen me in years they're just like what did you do yeah i didn't do this by blinking yeah ironically enough you have to put weights and resistance you have to put yourself through challenges that i don't want to go running around stone mountain yeah but that i need to get five miles and that's what i have to do to put my body in a extraneous situation so that i know that it comes out in an optimal desired result yeah which is no different than the pressure that makes diamonds from coal like when i understood that coal the things we use on the grill yeah that is what makes these precious diamonds but how much pressure is it put under and that's why i say people get tied to the 8.3 because that's the diamond that's the shiny thing yeah but if you don't fall in love with the process and what it took me to get there yeah and as much as i'd be hoping my trainer will take it easy on me today yeah but i know i won't get the results that i want if he lights up any mud any bit i won't get the desired goal and so that's what it's about understanding that i it's funny when you look at life like you're just like why am i going through this but when you understand and look at the story from a macro view you understand you need it to go through every obstacle to get to where you are and be who you are i would not be a hotel owner if any one thing didn't happen if that contractor didn't sell drugs out of my house as horrifying as it was at the time yeah i would not be here if it weren't for that moment and so that's why i have to become appreciative because it's a book called lean into the uh or the obstacle is the way and it's about leaning into the obstacle yeah as crazy as that sounds that's like leaning into the 300 the movie that i was talking about leaning in and you see that wait i was just doing this to get me stronger and that's what it's about yeah yeah yeah and i love that and i i caught that because um you know i believe that uh we are all co-creators you know uh we create our life we create the the circumstances that are part of our lives and people um don't really uh if you don't really understand the way god works the way the universe works you may say wait what are you talking about i didn't create poverty i didn't create you know racism i didn't create prejudice or whatever the case may be but um you know i i i believe in energetic alignment right and so if you're not energetically aligned with the thing then the thing is never going to be able to uh you know you know penetrate your your aura right um and so if you want to stop struggling then raise your vibration to go above struggle right but if you're if you're if you're energetic in line with struggle and you and struggle is hitting hitting your doorstep then right i created this struggle because i am i am vibrating at this level and so let me uh you know you know increase my vibration exactly so that that struggle isn't isn't something that i'm experiencing and as i continue to raise my vibration i'll never even have to see right struggle you know what i mean and and and you know people may ask well what about slavery or what about the like literally that like that's proof right because there's people black people touring slavery who weren't enslaved right there they're people who built fortunes black people during slavery so it's you know it's about that energetic alignment so i love yeah uh that that you said that i didn't want to you know kind of want to let that go away yeah yeah because um even brown smart he he said it best where he was like they put us in the ground they didn't realize we were receiving absolutely and so that because it's just like when you put a seat in the ground the tree is not there the tree is not in the sea the seed is like this big but it draws from it everything so like you said like i used to work at a radio station v103 actually yeah and it was 10 103.3 if you're tuned in at 97.5 you're not hearing absolutely what's going on up here yeah so it's about tuning in to the right place and know that you're always on yeah for anybody to think that they're not you're drawing in your circumstances to you yeah it's what you do with them yeah that determines your your um results yeah i love that i love that all right so we're gonna do a speed round uh a lightning round so we're you know we're inside the vault and so what we like to do is take turns and kind of flip them right um and so this first term we're going to talk about is deposit slip right so deposit slip when you go into the bank you use the deposit slip to you know deposit money into the bank uh but for us deposit slip is a slip up right it's a money mistake right something that you know you you you slipped up on and so what is the biggest money mistake or deposit slip that you've had so far like i said giving giving that contractor all of that cash up front i have never done that again but that was a huge slip-up yeah um another property i mean honestly working through the pandemic we were working we took i finally took the leap and bought a larger property um than probably should have yeah and we i was like whatever is going to happen and then the pandemic shut everything down the cost of lumber and everything went up right um that was a huge project that you know yeah it was embarrassing when i sat down but to your point like i knew that i put the obstacle in there so i found a way to make limit lemonade um out of that situation but that was that was scary that was that was a lot of money yeah yeah absolutely uh second term is uh charge off right and so charge off you have the credit card company gives you money you can't pay it so now you know they they're charging it off but for us uh you know charge off is what type of mindset or people did you have to charge off during your journey oh the naysayers everybody who said you couldn't um and i love the celebration now that people have for the hotel that we purchased yeah but that was not the case oh yeah yeah yeah that was not the case like i want to start naming it but everybody happy now yeah but people were just like you're crazy what are you doing yeah and you talk about charge off like you just had to put your blinders on and i'm not even going to listen to the noise yeah but oh yeah ab yeah the people who told me we were crazy for doing we did yeah wow wow wow and then lastly uh atm right so atm is another teachable moment so we know atm you put your card in you get the money out uh and the money we want out is the bars and gems right and so um give us another a teachable moment uh you know a moment uh during your journey where um i mean sort of like the alchemist right where uh the the you know hindsight's 20 20 you go through these things and then when you you know go back you're like oh this actually helped me become who i am um and so give us one one more teachable moment in which in your journey there was something that you that you you notice or something that came up that you realize um was actually a benefit to you uh well if i could go back to the last one one of the things people used to tell me i was all over the place and i'm doing too much and to your point that leads into the benefit yeah i've always heard seven streams of income yeah absolutely always like people just always say and i don't i'm not gonna lie like i got in my lane and i was like okay well where's the other six right right understanding ah when i started selling the course when i started selling the book when i got speaking engagements when i and i was like these are the like it was like a aha moment like this is streams and then we look at a stream a stream flows uninhibited absolutely so it's about understanding how to use your cash to work for you to let your cash be the engine that runs and continues to give you dividends that's why i say start with a short term midterm that long term is that engine that's gonna run the engine of a car is the most pivotal part to making it go yeah and that is what that seven string yes is like the arteries that go in to make the heart pump yes understanding that oh my god like it it takes it from just something you hear to something you do and that changes the game i love it i love it all right jessica myers y'all and so i know you have a program that your program is teaching us all everything that you learned all the mistakes that you made everything that's gotten you to where you are from wholesaler to hotel owner okay but you're doing something special right yes yeah tell us about the program yes just for you and just for the people that you have because i love the platform i love the mission of what you're doing join us at the wholesale vault for a special price on introductory ways of getting involved in real estate investing love it love it love it love it and so we got jessica myers uh make sure you tap in make sure you you know share this video because literally um i mean i love i love the story of just being at a position where you're working nine to five still trying to figure out what you need to you know wanted to do uh using uh wholesaling as a way to build that capital low risk high reward right exactly and you build some capital and now that capital allows you to do what you love to do um and so tap in you know please learn from the people who have done it before who could save you some time uh go to the wholesale vault dot com check out her program you know tap in with her if people wanted to connect with you uh where can they find you it's jessica myers on instagram and it's it's part of the handle it's jessica myers on instagram is the best way to reach me all right john we are closing out the vault another awesome episode of the greatest money mindset show on the planet inside the vault with ash cash make sure you tap in make sure you tell a friend make sure you tell a friend to tell a friend about inside the vault with ash cash i'm gonna see you next time for another powerful episode same time same place and god's will [Music] you can catch it peace here in the fall you
Channel: Earn Your Leisure
Views: 60,774
Rating: 4.9603539 out of 5
Keywords: Jessica Myers, Hotels, Owning Hotels, Make Millions
Id: BXgCYdi9ODc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 57sec (3357 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 22 2021
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