Top 10 Cheap Private Jets You Can Buy As Low As $75,000!

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hello everyone and welcome back to our channel and yet another video in which we look at the various costs involved in owning a private jet before we get into the video please consider liking and subscribing to our channel it helps us a lot with the youtube algorithm number 10 mitsubishi mu-300 75 grand for a mitsubishi mu-300 you can get a private aircraft or a dodge diesel pickup truck this is for that up-and-coming youtube star who wants to be ballin all right let's get this ball rolling with his 1982 mitsubishi mu-300 diamond 75 grand that's why seven hours to overhaul so you could jump in this in miami fly to seattle and then hitch a ride back so you've got seven hours left at 75 grand that's probably the cheapest private jet flight you'll get out of this thing number nine cessna slotation 500. the cessna citation 500 also known as the slotation is one of the slowest private jets available however cessna has learned from their nefarious ways and created the world's fastest private jet the cessna citation x plus but you aren't getting that for no 250 thousand dollars this is a great deal on a 1973 cessna citation 500 for 250 000 if you're operating out of a 4 000 foot runway that's the balancing field length you'll need so that's the time you power up to get up onto rotation speed then you pull the plug and the board slam on the brakes and slow down before you run off the end of the runway 3851 according to the book number eight lear 24 d the leer 24d has a top speed of 474 knots or 545 miles per hour and can climb to 45 000 feet and cruise at 418 knots covering around 1400 nautical miles with a co-pilot and four passengers this is a fighter jet flying at 800 feet per minute at level six eat that's location just look at the tip tanks on it they look like rockets on a fighter jet the whole plane looks like a fighter jet that's just been stretched a little bit and added a couple of passenger seats it's a beautiful aircraft that goes wicked fast like you bostonians it's a stinking fighter jet with passenger seats which is exactly what you want in a private jet if you're the pilot if you're a passenger you'll probably want something big like a gulf stream or something like that's comfortable in the back but i want to do barrel rolls worth a million dollars number seven iai west wind 11. the iai westwind 11 definite step up from the citations and even the lear for comfort is this kind of funny-looking west wind too that we got here the west wind is a business jet originally produced by arrow commander as the 1121 jet commander now before we get into the stats you gotta know some history the reason it looks so funny and it's mid-wing instead of a high wing and low wing he started a firm back in the day that ended up manufacturing the arrow commander which was subsequently sold to israel aircraft industries and became the west wind it has a rate of ascent of 5000 feet per minute and can cruise at 310 to 436 knots which is mach 74 but look at the interior this is a beautiful large step up in the back it has a private lab with a little bit of this is executive jet level stuff that we're getting into now a fascinating fact in 1976 there was a terrorist takeover in tel aviv and the israeli air force utilized the west wind as a maritime patrol aircraft and they nicknamed it the iac scan number six lear 31a this is ridiculous look at the winglets it's got the small extra fin thingies in the back it's just this should be illegal student pilots there are no two ways about it turn your head this isn't for you the sixth place finisher the learjet 31 series is possibly the most perfect of all the learjets basically you take the model 35 which has a little bit bigger engine and you put those on the smaller 29 28 29 55 model series which has a little bit slicker wing and you can get these 31 series right now which originally came out in 1990. the one we have listed for sale today is a 95 model for 325 000 and it's a variant the only difference between the 31 and the 31a is that the 31a has some fancier buttons up front this is where the learjet is by far my favorite jet company on the planet and i'd love to write an entire series about how freaking awesome leers are their normal cruise altitudes are 41 to 47 000 feet we have them maxed out at 45 000 feet and most of them aren't even that high and this one's max cruise altitude is 51 000 feet which is wonderful because your big 737s that you fly with southwest isn't even close to that high so you can simply be zooming up higher and faster than them this bad boy will cruise at 448 knots or 515 miles per hour mach 0.81 with a range of 1 631 nautical miles and a rate of ascent of 5480 feet per minute the power plants on this are two garnet tfe 731 two turbo fans each putting out 3 500 pounds of btus number five astra gulf stream the astra gulfstream 1125 is an older version of the west wind which is an older version of the aero commander if you notice the wings started up top and then got a little lower as it got older until finally this rendition which is sagging down on the bottom i know how you feel they kept most of the fuselage and tail and moved the wings down they even made it taller by eight inches eventually this aeroplane became the gulfstream g100 you have more knobs and buttons than one passenger can push and spin giving both persons enough to do cruises top speed now this is book value not real life with a top speed of 465 knots a service ceiling of 41 500 feet and a total long range cruise of 3 000 nautical miles of all the airplanes we've looked at so far this is one of the thirstiest at 1 750 pounds per hour we divide that by the devil's number of 6.66 which is how many pounds of fuel one gallon weighs and we got 262 gallons per hour number four dassault falcon 10 like a classic corvette the dassault falcon 10 if you talk to an owner he'll tell you that this screw was made on march 3rd by buford c philander and that it was raining that day with 74 humidity and that he just wanted to know what color that was there was currently two of these available for sale one for 219 000 and the other for 395 dollars it was released after the falcon 20. that has to be a french thing right it has a range of slightly 2000 nautical miles with an average speed of 428 miles per hour and a top speed of 490 knots how much does it cost to run one of these well it only cost between 16 to 45 cents each mile to run one of these i came across this little paragraph where that it says to conduct the sea inspection which is the one where you pull a whole bunch of stuff apart and check it out now that's just the inspection not to fix or replace anything will almost cost you as much as the plane 175 000 if you need a gear rebuild it's only three hundred thousand dollars which is excruciating number three hawker 400a the hawker 400 is a newer version of the mitsubishi mu-300 diamond we saw earlier there was also a military variant of this called the t1 jayhawk that the united states air force used to educate and familiarize tanker and strategic transport pilots the speeds now i'm going to start with a military version which has a cruising speed of 392 knots and the civilian version which has a cruise speed of 447 knots just like in real life with everything else the government slows everything down there has been over 900 of them manufactured since 1978 there are a few for sale ranging in price from 425 thousand dollars to 450 thousand dollars and higher number two jetstar 11. now we're getting into some very amazing material that has a lot of really cool history to it it was also in nicholas cage's face off a piece-burning aeroplane this plane was piloted by james bond's goldfinger and then crashed into the water elvis stone one of these jet stars throughout his lifetime one of which is presently on display in graceland for visitors to view one of these belonged to frank sinatra during his term as vice president and president lyndon b johnson favored one of these planes which hughes owned it was the air force one half he is definitely behind jfk president richard nixon had one and strangely enough sold it to the shah of iran didn't see that happening among other presidents gerald ford and ronald reagan this has carried more presidents than any other aircraft in history we've got one here for sale for four hundred ninety five thousand dollars number one lear 35 las vegas is the new name for lear 35. you should sign a waiver before looking at things like this we've got this one right here for 74 900 reasonable and quick all right we all know that affordable and private jets are never used in the same sentence on a ordinary flight which is already pricey it's the same problem with an extra zero if something breaks if something breaks it's immediately 2500 the learjet 35 is a fast aircraft that can cruise at mach .83 and reach speeds of 550 miles per hour it is the first truly long-range cost-effective business jet capable of spanning the three great distances required for worldwide corporate aircraft utilization transcontinental transatlantic and trans-pacific to hawaii in 1976 arnold palmer set a round-the-world record in this plane in 57 hours and 25 minutes and 42 seconds 20 years later a couple of tv station guys flew the same plane the learjet 35 around the world in 49 hours 21 minutes and 8 seconds covering 22 894 miles it was so good that the military wanted to get their hands on it and it was used to ferry 3 and 4 star generals and go an extra 0.02 mach what do you think of my top list of top 10 cheap private jets you can buy as low as 75 000 and this is it for today guys what are your thoughts on today's video share with us in the comments below hit the bell icon and also like subscribe and share our channel and stay tuned with us till our next video we will see you soon with our next video so be with us and go watch the top 10 cheapest private jets you can buy today on your left or you can also watch the most expensive private jets owned by celebrities on your right thank you for watching
Channel: Fly Private
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Keywords: fly private, private jet, private jets, how much does it cost to fly private, Top 10, Top 10 Cheap, Top 10 Cheap Private, Top 10 Cheap Private Jets You Can Buy, Top 10 Cheap Private Jets You Can Buy As Low As $75, 000!, cheap private jets, cheap jets under 75000
Id: 3mSkd_WSbPo
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Length: 11min 2sec (662 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 28 2022
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