Inside Shay Mitchell's Mediterranean-Inspired Home | Open Door | Architectural Digest

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hi ad I'm Shay Mitchell and welcome to my home I moved into this house about four years ago it was built in 1920s it's kind of has like a Spanish Mediterranean feel to it a little bit of Moroccan I didn't really know what I liked until I saw it luckily I'm very fortunate to have my good friend Chad would come and really help me make sense of the house and truly it didn't look like this until 2 a.m. last night [Music] this light above here funny story I got this light not thinking that you actually had to make sure the ceiling could hold it and because it's actually a thousand pounds it stood like that what hung like that without any sort of crystals for about two years until I finally got the ceiling so that it could hold it hopefully it really can hold 1,000 pounds of crystals this is our I think it's a formal living room one of my favorite things about this room it's definitely this light fixture I found it in Morocco and had it sent over here and I just love what it does to the room especially at night when it's dark we just turned this light on and it just spews like all these different beautiful light speckles around the room which is really pretty Chad anything else ok so true story funny fact you have to come over here yes you are I worked with a couple different designers and it never just really came together how I wanted it Chad being the amazing friend he is came in and really helped me work with what I already had I mean she already had a lot of great staple pieces that she wanted and then we just kind of built around that and I always have a love of you know finding vintage so I mix vintage with new and old and just kind of have a lived-in space that she wanted to seem very well-traveled which she is each piece is very unique and specific to Chad and I met oh my gosh when I was in my old house he is my florist friend hair stylist designer a fire starter painter chef all of these little touches and pieces are a mix of what Chad brought in and what I have found from some of my travels this is from Morocco these are from one of my favorite vintage stores in LA I called pop-up home you went in and you found so much stuff from that place he brought it all back and one of my favorite things is to come home and just see about half with like new additions to it this tree stump is actually from the front of my house I cut it down two weeks ago I'm just kidding this tree stump this is from a vintage store a friend of mine brought it into the room and I just loved it because it really just made it a lot more earthy yeah I mean mixing materials is really what we've gone for this ceiling and these walls were again a different color all of these little white beams were painted dark and then we wanted to tie in like these beautiful stained glass windows that were obsessed with and then we were just casually up til 2:00 last night painting this fireplace yeah it was tiled before and it was something that I enjoyed years ago but now I want it to just be super clean so I just whitewashed the entire thing cost-effective this probably cost us 70 bucks and it was gonna cost this a quote for like 3000 yep I owe you a dinner [Music] so this dining room again has had many different iterations of what it is now what about the chairs I love these chairs you sent me a text finder dining table because she wanted a lot of dining chairs because she thinks she's gonna have big parties we don't invite anyone over it's literally us these chairs you sent me a text message and I remember I was at a stop like he sent me this photo I'm like oh my gosh these are amazing he's like if you don't buy it in the next 15 minutes they're gonna disappear and they're really hard to find what did I have before when I first moved in here I think I had lilac velvet chairs yep dark redwood table dark redwood table with a crystal chandelier I had about five different like pictures in here everything went through so many changes because the one thing that you never changed were the red wood floors finally I was just like nothing you're gonna keep changing this house over and over it's never gonna feel good too until you change the floor so we had them sanded down we bleached them twice and I feel like it changed it changed the entire vibe of the house is probably the best money we've ever spent yeah I agree and then and then you found this again at pop-up home and I love this because I always see it in like fancy houses a little pedestal it actually started in here you brought it upstairs and we put it in the nursery because you know a baby's room needs a pedestal with a flower arrangement this is the kitchen and it always looks like this which is you know lemons can you even we honestly just like did minor tweaks to this kitchen but we painted this island black we of course changed the wood floors and here painted the ceiling a warmer color because there's so much tile detail that you never really noticed it because everything is white but all of these walls are wrapped in tile which is so beautiful and then the cabinet's the cabinet's on the inside of those were all white before and Chad was like you need to have all the same kind of play it's all white keep it fresh charcoal in the back so that everything pops and at first I cursed his name because I had so many mix-matched plates but then four please I had about four plates no she dinnerware for 200 but again just us it's just us I actually about ten years ago had a photo of this kitchen saved on my computer and I remember loving this kitchen when I saw it then when the house came available for sale I was just looking at the house and I realized it was the exact same kitchen as the one that I had saved on my computer yeah this is probably the kind of table that I should have it's perfect for just you and me angel but we said we don't even sit here we sit here always sit up here it's like engaged there's plugs like plug things in and the fast food comes here that's true this is angel she is a model dog no truly she likes to get into every photo in every shot whenever were filming here but she is her outfit it does I dyed her to match the rest of the house so she was originally a different color this is the entertainment room so this bookshelf I think we saw it in what was it I think we saw an Architectural Digest there was this beautiful room with a bunch of books all turned the other way it's like late and I'm like let's change the bookshelf change the bookshelf but we changed the bookshelf one time we turned all of the books the other way so you could just see the pages my boyfriend came home and couldn't find something he was looking for so I realized that's probably not the best thing to do when you have a bookshelf at this size and it can easily be too busy with books so by like categorizing them all into colors it makes it kind of look like art and this was a couch that I had custom made we made it so that it was super wide that it could fit friends that were six eight and it's really the place where I hang out anytime I have a day off this is where I am here posted my post mates watching TV I'd say this is probably the most used room in this house and it's dark and sexy and very much on mood and vibe to you these accent pillows were actually brought in this morning after Chad finished painting the fireplace he brought him these pillows before that I had these black and white ones that you said we're too harsh for this room in this couch is really comfortable even for you I mean beam 6:8 come on show everybody how yes it's comfy so deep and then we put our feet up on here watch our stories that's where our stories are shows I just like to call it shows stories we watch all of our stories oh you just added those candles I love that what she loves about crystals is because I told her crystals were chic and that she needed crystals crystals are great for energy I love to have like elements in a room so I always like to have like fresh flower arrangements candles lit earthy like stone I like leathers and like I don't like sage which makes me sneeze okay this is a recent addition to the living room it is a beautiful bassinet by Aristotle an atlas was born and it just kind of fit perfectly in this room so thank you guys for sending it and yeah it's one of her favorite places to hang out in the room it's actually her only place to hang out in this room since we can't sit up yet this is a little bar area again for all the times that I don't entertain it's where I like to hang out with we just like to know that we're fully prepared party maybe we'll have a party tonight we could have a party tonight you've got the clam I love this little bar area because I remember when I first saw this house I saw this room and it was off the living room I had no idea what to do with it we just created this little speakeasy that flows into the outside this statue so my good friend Lee Ann Ford who's also amazing designer she helped me bring in some of her favorite vintage pieces as well and this guy was one of them so yeah I've named him jack Courvoisier and kvasir kvasir kvasir okay Courvoisier I have my record player over here with some of my favorite records it's just a really cool fun spot to hang out what are you pulling out over there on the bookshelf on the bookshelf what are some of the records that I have stereo Iggy Pop Lil Kim Joni Mitchell Adele obviously no old vintage so Adele these are all original tiles that we're on the entryway along with the door handles for these two doors this is the closet door and this one leads into the dungeon it's going to the laundry room should I blow out these candles no will let him burn oh we have this room turn the lights on wait we got to do that again this is the nursery Alice's room this room probably had the biggest makeover it was my junk room it was like a faux guest room it was a full guest room this room did kick it off though yeah it started with this room first thing was the color was we wanted to play on like masculine and feminine this colored like a smart pink we wanted to make it also like purposeful so she could have a bed in here for guests and we built this custom Haida bed right here added in these lights he made it like a really comfortable little Reading area too which I love I think the first piece that I bought was this crib and that's kind of how we based everything else around it from changing the knobs on that dresser that I'd already had we wanted like the harder lines mixed with like the softer the other thing where these lights were downstairs I don't think you should say I don't think this rug was another really special find you just picked it out I remember Chad calling me and being like are you at the house I have these guys coming in an hour they're gonna show you different rugs hopefully you pick the one that I like I didn't but I picked a second favorite one after we put this rug and it really did pull in the whole room my other favorite thing about this room is definitely the collage wall we didn't want it to feel like such a staged house and bring it kind of back into like family and your travels and we wanted the room to feel a little bit well-traveled we really did choose her name because we have traveled to so many different places and atlas just felt perfect for us and for her and so now she can kind of see where you know we have been my favorite photo is obviously the 3d scan of Atlas when she was still in my stomach the ultrasound photo I'm so in love with that she looks just exactly like that right now this is my favorite part okay as you turn the corner just be like cheap this is my favorite part now walking into this bedroom what did you call it Chad you're like serene it's serene this room has been truly the bane of my existence is it vain in my existence Bane there was some weird electrical outlet that is now covered but this picture frame we had to work with I wanted it like that wanted it like this - the bed was custom and we had it covered in this like great mohair but I first purchased were these nightstands I loved them I sent her a picture she bought them immediately and then we kind of built the room around those honest chad was at a town he had picked the color of those walls actually we both had and i was coming home from a trip so I was like Chad we chose the wrong color brown this baby's about to come any moment now and he was like just relax calm down you're really emotional right now it's all gonna come together and it really did this rug also came from Chad you would ask no we got this from an estate sale oh yes it's a Moroccan rug and I think you get some of these rich tones in here but it kind of like anchors the room and there is traditional architecture in this house painting over everything and having a little bit of that like French bye-bye making the room a little bit seem a little bit bigger even though it's a darker color we went all the way up to the crown molding head to the baseboard and then we painted the doors as well so it just kind of made it a little bit more homey and cozy and I love this chair I remember seeing it in this hotel that I know it's broken I don't think I've ever gone outside on that balcony oh you've called down and you're like come on that come up yeah it's okay to tag chad test it out we redid all the outdoor lighting and we're in the midst of changing all the plants and then we're going to have all these decks and door frames painted a deeper brown I don't really utilize my outdoor space as much as I would like to but we did just recently get a pizza oven so I'm excited to set that up in the back and then host more of those parties I've always wanted to throw for another time all right ad thank you guys so much for coming into our home it was so nice having you here and getting to relive some of our favorite moments in this house yeah thank you so much yeah now I have to feed her so where can I'm gonna have to say goodbye right on thank you for coming and we'll see you again they'll see you the dining light was the light that was in here so it came down to here so just do that mental image for me [Music]
Channel: Architectural Digest
Views: 8,761,014
Rating: 4.9506893 out of 5
Keywords: celebrity home, celebrity home tour, inside celeb homes, pretty little liars, shay mitchell, inside celebrity home, shay mitchell home, celebrity mansion, shay mitchell open door, shay mitchell house, shay mitchell inside house, shay mitchell pretty little liars, shay mitchell pll, shay mitchell baby, shay mitchell atlas, shay mitchell mansion, inside shay mitchell house, inside shay mitchell's home, open door, open door ad, architectural digest
Id: ieM3GuymwUE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 27 2020
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