Inside Liv Tyler's Gut-Renovated NYC Brownstone | Open Door | Architectural Digest

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hi ID welcome to my home please come in [Music] so we're here in New York City and my home when I bought the house that was a long time ago now I was only like 24 I think it was completely different each bedroom it was like a two-bedroom two-bathroom apartment and it was pretty rundown and tired and I needed a big renovation but I decided that I wanted to take that on and so this is what we've done this is the parlor which the house was built originally in 1861 I decided that I wanted to do a historic renovation so we kind of got it it down to the brick and you could stand in the basement and look all the way up and actually a row of like three brownstones were built all together here which is really cool and there's a little hidden secret doorway that connected them all together so when they were working on them the builders could walk between all three houses at the same time and then they just closed it up and made this little thing this is really cool because this was here and we sort of uncovered it it was painted and all covered up and then we uncovered and it was sort of like this beautiful old gilded mirror and this is our piano which the kids playing this is the greatest room because it goes all the way that way it's the most formal room but it's kind of become a playroom now because we have four kids that's why there's a baby Pierre next to the big piano and we actually have a lot of toys in here and sometimes there's a ball pit there was like a kitchen here it had been made into someone's apartment so we restored it and put in these really beautiful pocket doors oh it's not working these are really beautiful not working doors so everything it looks like everything's always been here but actually it wasn't but there was nothing here so all of this stuff is new I actually got up on a scaffolding and helped to do all the moldings the plaster moldings when we were working on the house because the way they did it was so amazing they did them all by hand and it was really beautiful and this is kind of the library or TV room that's so peaceful even though we're on the corner we're in the West Village somehow this room is really quiet and it's a really nice place to work I have this crazy crystal in here that I always come in touch for good luck because somebody told me it's really good for a creative energy I have lots of collections of strange random things this came from a movie punkin and MacLean a very long time ago I collect typewriters there's an amazing tree back here which has just all these amazing kind of wonky branches it's actually a magnolia tree and once a year at blossoms in the bedroom so all the flowers turn white and it's really really beautiful and this is our kitchen where we spend a lot of time I put the kitchen on the ground floor a lot of people put it up in the parlor rooms in the big rooms but I liked it down here off the garden and it's really cozy and the babies that my little ones are three and four sailor and Lila and they just trash everything they have their cute little kitchen which is very cute they have all their things that they can cook a little mini vacuum which is both of their favorite toy in the world we just play in here a lot and have a really nice time all cooking and eating and laughing and kind of like an open door snacking policy so this is our backyard our little garden which is a really nice thing to have in New York City this is that magnolia tree which is so beautiful the branches are amazing this Ivy didn't used to be here over the time it's grown up and it grew into our neighbor's house into their roof and they're actually my friends and they called me and asked me to get it off of their house so we've trimmed it back a bit there's construction going on everywhere and our planes I'm like a dinosaur I still have a landline I'm really happy about my landline actually most people don't have it anymore but I'm never letting it go this is Neil my sweet sixteen year old doggie who actually just passed away which is very sad and his dog walker elisa did this drawing by hand and it's so beautiful cuz it looks just like him and he was the most amazing dog ever itself he has a very good place here in our hearts always this is all my cookbooks I collect so many weird things over the cookie jar it is a telephone it's like a pair of flips they don't make fun like that do they we built this sofa so that we can all just lay here don't we do this all the time and watch movies and talk and then when people come to the door did I do this all the time and people knock on the window instead of ringing the doorbell which is really funny this is our laundry room in our basement the basement is secretly my favorite place of whole house this was like out of a horror movie down here it was like a dungeon it was very scary and we sort of blasted it out and put this laundry room in which I love and that's my cedar closet which I'm not taking you in because it's full of crap we have a little bedroom and a little bathroom before when family and guests come to stay this is one of my favorite places in the house even though it's in a bit of the basement I kind of stole this from was inspired by a friend of mine Julian Schnabel who's a really amazing artist and he has a very beautiful house and in his house he has a lot of tiles and interesting color combinations Thank You Julian so now we're heading upstairs and this is one of the photo walls I love photographs and photography so much like this is a beautiful Eve Arnold photograph of Marilyn Monroe but then I've mixed it in with a lot of personal family pictures and pictures from film sets and my children so here we go upstairs to the bedroom we do a lot of stair climbing every day up and down this is the children's floor this actually is where everyone was a baby they all started out here as a baby it's a really sweet place I have a lot of happy memories here read to them in this chair lots of sleepless night in here but this wallpaper is really fun and has a whale with the turtle riding on its back I like it a lot this has more pocket doors I did put these in in a lot of places because I really like them it's a pretty sweet street the fire trucks go through this street which is not awesome when you have babies because at night you know it's like right when you get them to bed the fire truck goes by we had a little fire once in the laundry room and they were literally here and I want to say three minutes it was the most incredible thing ever I was very grateful for her New York City firefighters oh this is kind of amazing this is Milo's bedroom door throughout the years he's 14 now and six foot one but it's all his stickers and then all the heights of every one throughout the year so it's kind of amazing this is one of my favorite views in the house cuz it's that magnolia tree that I really love in this area you see it's got such crazy branches they're so bizarre and they kind of like hit the wrong turn and keep growing so this is the master bedroom floor and it's the whole floor is just the master on the top we put in a skylight here and I went to this place to look at all the glass and I decided that I wanted to put in this pink tinted glass I think everybody thought I was crazy it gives such an amazing warm light when you're in this area that's me when I was a baby I look a lot like Lula and then this is our master bedroom this is the master bathroom and I put photos of my mom and my grandmother here in the bathroom with me yes do shower those are called subway tiles they're kind of a very classic New York thing but I liked them in that blue color they have like a little crackling to them we put the bathroom in the middle separating the master bedroom and the closet and I put more pocket doors because you could tell I have a pocket door obsession and a pink glass obsession I didn't realize that but it all worked out that way but in this is my closet this house is so special to me because I bought it when I was in my early 20s and this was really the first closet I ever had as an adult and as it grown up and it was such an exciting thing to be able to build it and create the space and kind of make anything I wanted this wallpaper is really beautiful this is decani which is quite a big sort of trend now but at the time I didn't know very much about it it's all hand-painted and handmade I've always really really loved it the way it reflects the light up here in this room this is the way to my attic and I thought you might want to come up and see my attic with me so this is my attic I haven't been up here for a while it's very hot but I have so much memorabilia stuff up here there's like movie posters bizarre things my first driver's license ever from California that's amazing The Late Show with David Letterman August 2nd 2001 the back of my chair from the strangers that's hilarious Trivial Pursuit Joe Legolas we have an Arwen Barbie doll that's me this is amazing Lulu would die if she saw this I've never said this Tara cuz it's rotting away in my attic in the dust that's crazy I was a Barbie and this I think it's something very special this is my sword from the Lord of the Rings which was a gift to me from Peter Jackson and the widow workshop and they made me one of my very own sword which is all beautifully hand-carved and done um it's not sharp but it has all the engraved elvish writing and everything on it it's so beautiful and it even came with this little pouch which had like all the cleaning instructions to take care of your sword please apply a light coating of oil every now and then that's amazing I haven't done that we need to hang out in my attic [Music] by everyone thank you so much for coming and visiting me in my home bye for now [Music]
Channel: Architectural Digest
Views: 9,232,400
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: celebrity home tour, liv tyler, celebrity home, celeb home, liv tyler 2019, liv tyler interview, liv tyler architectural digest, liv tyler home, liv tyler home tour, liv tyler house, liv tyler apartment, open door, celebrity homes, liv tyler ad, liv tyler house tour, inside liv tyler house, inside liv tyler home, liv tyler open door, liv tyler mansion, liv tyler mansion tour, celebrity house tour, home tour, house tour, liv tyler nyc, architectural digest
Id: 7Z76MiQv0zg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 31sec (691 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 27 2019
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