Inside 'Try Guys' Ned Fulmer's Custom California Home | Open Door | Architectural Digest

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👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Nov 22 2019 đź—«︎ replies
oh hello what's up baby being come back beam come back come on back it's Ned from the try guys I'm Ariel welcome to the former family household [Music] this is our main living space open-concept super cool very California so this house was built in the 1920s it was very very old but a lot of the stuff we were able to keep we kept the floors we kept that's about it we completely transformed it this room used to be like five little tiny rooms there's a wall here there's a wall here and everything was like super tiny and cramped so we knocked down all the walls I used the sledgehammer for the first time and then let someone else do all the rest of it our architect actually wanted to put it like all the way open but then the we asked him to put in a stripper pole yeah it was really important they made us put in a stripper pole to hold up the ceiling for earthquakes the inspector came by and he's like yeah no this is too wide it's not gonna work but now right next to the front door we have this beautiful built-in bookshelf we did build it ourselves these are IKEA cabinets that we installed and then big old pieces of wood they call these in my car it's like super heavy and we probably should have gotten the cheap wood and just painted it white yeah it's sturdy Ariel individually picked out all of the red books so that was only like cool blue tones I didn't even know that you noticed that just it's pretty cool I also have slipped in some awards here I've got my Streamy Awards cuz try guys hosted the streamys the same year that we won show the year which was also the same year that we left BuzzFeed and started an independent company so it was a big year Ned one show of the year started a new company we had a baby yes yes I would recommend doing those all separately in the future is our board game cabinet oh we probably shouldn't up next I hid a bunch of stuff in there oh yeah sure did this is our bar area we're mostly wine stop opening the cabinet oh they're cool though they're cool in the very back of our liquor cabinet we keep this very special bottle of wine that we served at our wedding so we just celebrate our seven year wedding anniversary maybe when we hit ten we'll open it maybe we hit 20 and we put it way back in the back just in case when we're having a party somebody doesn't open it by accident ruin our marriage well no it would ruin our bottle yeah let's move to the other part of our room it's not a huge room but it used to be way smaller so it feels really big oh yeah exactly so the house is an old Spanish house and this had like brick in front of it and it was really not that good-looking so we had some leftover tile from the bathroom actually and I just decided to throw it in here this is a ceramic tile they're really thick tiles I thought they kind of matched the look and feeling yeah everything's kind of like a modern spanish-style vibe I know what I'm talking about yeah you are acting like I coached you to say this is like our family area it surely is you know play on the floor with Wes yeah super comfortable it is actually a super comfortable couch that's being spot forever cuz being yeah they're perfect guys he's got a lot of spots around the house you know the couch is from interior define custom size for this space I mean what can you say about the perfect couch Arial designed most of the house all of the house I design like the TV area wall-mounted it drill the little thing down the back so like all the cords are hidden where are they I can't see them crazy they're all back there these are Wes's books these are wes's toys and then these are daddy's toys we wanted the kitchen to be a part of the whole room and that's actually why we didn't do a dining room because we wanted this to be very much like a relaxed kind of lounging space we wanted the kitchen to feel like it was part of the living room so you could be watching TV while you're preparing something like this can open up to the table there everything's kind of like has this like connectiveness yesterday when we were prepping for this we watched Mandy Moore's ad shoot I saw her waterfall uh-huh I lived like we're doing that you got inspired by Mandy Moore's house yeah yeah we have what you would call the Mandy Moore waterfall anymore we walked in we said give us a Mandy oh my Instagram is like all just architectural stuff and interior design stuff and I was really tired of white cabinets so I just want something different these are actually IKEA boxes and then we got semi handmade doors on them and trim yeah yeah you get like the special made like doors and stuff fancy outsides but you got the slow closed look at this oh well I saw that I was like I'm a rich person now I have slow close drawers white I put these on myself didn't actually know how to do it and they're all a little bit tippy we were in Santa Barbara when one of the earthquakes happened so we sent Ned's sister to just make sure the house was okay but then she was like actually but your open shelving all the shelves are a little tilted downward I was like no no that's that's completely normal that's just how they are no we installed it like that I'm really into baking bread so these are all the bread books these are all my bread making supplies see this is my special flour it's just normal flour but it's you know special to me that's my bread scale gotta use a scale BAM put it in the bread basket oh did I just get flour everywhere yeah this used to be a wall but now we turned it into one giant door so that when we have a party we can open the entire thing up like this and since California is nice weather all the time all of a sudden it's like the room is that much bigger my living space yeah this is our deck it's very special because Ariel's dad with a little help from us mostly Ariel's dad we built this deck our elves and actually the night that Ariel went into labor she was working on the deck we had been building the deck yeah it used to be a patio so we installed these concrete little supports and there's little braces everywhere yeah actually we had an inspector come and he said that we way way over built the deck so look at solids like if there's like a really bad earthquake the house will fall yep in the deck will stay that's right in addition to building the deck we also completely redid the backyard because it was basically a dirt pile when we bought the house just like the front yard yes have a nice garden path here yeah actually our lawn has a fungus we are in a war against the brown patch I think it's because we overwater it if anybody knows how to fix this comment below yeah when we were designing this part of the house we specifically left it blank so that we could use it as an outdoor projection screen so we'll have outdoor movie nights where we have a projector and it'll just blow it right on this wall looks pretty good this is Wes's play area pretty sure and these can also support weight yep mmm we wanted to make a garden yes and and we planted like maybe eight different plants and they all start out about this big ya know and now I get out oh my goodness we built a vegetable garden but we got really excited about all the plants that we could put in there so we put in all the plants we just put in everything BAM yellow squash maybe it's a little diseased spinach we got zucchinis back here cabbage this is gonna be a little little tiny watermelon this is a butternut squash yeah oh here's something that's ready we're also growing serrano peppers boom look at that perfect that's beautiful let's try it oh my god that's my seat Oh oh my god that was a mistake we just got some toys you want to try it no yeah here's another pepper you guys think this one's spicy next scene this is the guest bedroom / office now that we have like a house with a guest bedroom we're like yeah come stay anytime we have people over we're like trying to give them lots of drinks or like do you want to stay over do you spend them that like it's cool you're really pleased that we because it's I just really like force-feeding people booze so that they will stay at our house we recently discovered parachute bed linens this is the cloud quilt I feel like I'm selling parents but oh my god seriously though and the the founder she's a woman and her name is Ariel gotta love that this window you know we redid as part of the renovation it used to be like a lot of little tiny windows now we're gonna clean this a big window oh yeah it's so big I think the bugs think it's not there yeah we did a try guys try pottery video and I made this bowl and gave it to Ariel and she liked it so much she this latest in the guest room that's a big win for me this is the guest bathroom you might recognize this tile from the fireplace this is where we'll do bath time you know it's just a normal bathroom but when it's bath time it turns into a party bathroom Wesley hey where's this room you want to show us your toys there actually as we try and get a toy every place that we go or we visit so we have a little London double-decker bus here we got a little space show cuz we visit NASA whole bunch of stuff we're gonna koala yeah a koala from our trip to Australia where Wes met a kangaroo oh we got this guy the mascot of the try guys is a Triceratops and so we you know have a little stuffed animal for a triceratops he's really cute all right Wes where else should we go should we go into mommy and daddy's right let's go the left let's go buddy so this is the last room the house is our bedroom welcome to the master bedroom this was an addition it was originally built in the 1960s we tore it all down and then we expanded it out this way into the yard we installed a walk-in closet which Wes is now exploring and we'll maybe bring something out we got in there I also really like amber interiors and she does this thing with black four-poster beds and I was like I need that I mean it makes me feel like a princess it makes the bed feel even bigger thank you do I get that once you know these chairs are cool so you can chill here if you don't want to go to bed but Wes has figured out how to climb onto the chairs and then onto the bed I love this piece this is a decorative wall hanging piece by an artist named shoe it's got like this starburst design we think of it as good luck it was one of the first pieces we got when we moved into our new home in LA and I remember thinking it was like super expensive at the time this is like something really nice that we can have in our bedroom make it look nice and we've had it ever since then if you want to go out to the deck we've got these double doors here boom it's usually very sunny so we actually will often keep these just like totally alright it's like super heavy and keep out all the lights but also cool make it nice and cool but for you know the visual it also looks pretty nice this is a photo from our wedding night it's my favorite photo that we have we ran out into the street when it was red light and we kissed each other really quickly our photographer was right there with us there's a man looking out the window of his cab and smiling because he's watching two people kissing each other in the middle industry and this is where all the red books went here we are in our master bathroom this we completely designed ourselves yeah I've always dreamed of having a two-person walk-in shower so we made yeah I was super excited about it I was very into the idea of having like a shower bench we got a little piece of marble the tile is from the same place as the tile over there I really liked the idea of having like tile that went into the shower I thought that was really cool because it just made the whole bathroom look really big this whole house was like a dream house for us so even yeah having any of this being able to design the house of our dreams was pretty cool thanks for coming with you guys that was our house tour it's nap time for West so we'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Architectural Digest
Views: 3,936,474
Rating: 4.944324 out of 5
Keywords: ned fulmer, ned and ariel, ned try guys, ned fulmer try guys, ned fulmer home tour, ned fulmer house, ned fulmer family, ned and ariel fulmer, ned fulmer kids, ned fulmer house tour, try guys at home, try guys house, ned fulmer wife, ariel fulmer, ned fulmer custom home, architectural digest tour, architectural digest home tour, architectural digest tours, ad home tour, ned fulmer arch digest, ned fulmer ad, ad ned fulmer, arch digest ned fulmer, architectural digest
Id: jwfI8BlFwMw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 14sec (914 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 22 2019
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