Inside Rainn Wilson’s Home Office & Pig Farm | Open Door | Architectural Digest

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Huh, never knew Rainn and Nick Offerman were friends

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/xdeltax97 📅︎︎ Oct 01 2020 🗫︎ replies
rain who is it well look who's here if it isn't a.d welcome to our house hi a.d [Music] my wife and i have lived for the last uh 12 or 13 years in suburban l.a but we wanted to get even further out of la we love southern california and the feel we wanted to be a little closer to the ocean and have a little bit more space and a little more quiet and then we discovered this place and fell in love with it i would say the house found us so we we can't say that that sounds like it's haunted that sounds like that it is going to devour by benevolent ghosts throughout the house you'll see wood that's over 100 years old that the original owners who built the place in 1975 uh brought up from mexico to create this kind of spanish mission style as beautiful wood beams repurposed wood throughout the house another thing we loved were the saltillo tiles which all have um radiant heat underneath like the roman roman tiles and it's really indoor outdoor and we have a bunch of animals that like to make a mess so it kind of works out really well plus we have a swimming pool yeah oh look it's tv's mindy cohen from facts of life she sometimes comes over and uses our pool and hangs out hi mindy yeah hi there yeah how are ya do you need anything you want another cocktail okay okay mindy okay come over here i'm gonna show you this so this is really weird okay the original owners built a safe room a panic room right in here so right here used to be an enormous three ton steel bank vault door that they got from the bank of oxnard yeah and it had like the big dials and the whole thing like a jesse james save lead lined it had its own phone line it had a ventilation system it had gold bullion i am not kidding you i don't know what they were thinking if it was gonna be like a zombie apocalypse room or something like that as much as my inner dwight schrute would have loved a panic room and a safe room for the zombie apocalypse we decided to let it go it's a butler's pantry now dwight uh once played a robot butler so this would be a robot butler's pantry as lovely as this house is it had a lot of features that were originally there from 1975 so yeah we needed to kind of gut the kitchen and make it more modern and more roomy i love our uh designer tammy wood found these incredible uh lamps chandeliers these are coke bottles and and wine bottles cut out at the bottom which we loved this is like cheerleader apocalypse yeah it's a piece called the majorettes by a visual artist from iowa we get this magazine new american painting and there's always incredible stuff in there yeah sorry and if you come out this way you see we get a nice ocean breeze and this is our incredible patio and um fun fact one of my very favorite possessions i've ever owned is this table which was handmade and crafted by none other than nick offerman from parks and recreation and a million other things back when i was in the office and he was a little more unemployed than i was because we used to be old actor friends kind of going up against each other for kind of character roles um we hired him to build this table and he's a master woodworker and craftsman this is a a joined table joiner there's no nails it's all kind of like fitted together okay let's go this is one of a piece that we've had for years that we love by this artist named chris murray and he is this amazing artist he goes and finds pieces of cardboard and then creates exact replicas in graphite pencil of buildings and so this is near city hall in new york city here's our dining room we have a large collection of haitian art my wife and i started a non-profit uh in haiti called lee day lee day haiti that's uh works with girls education we currently help educate about 800 girls in about 13 different locations all over rural haiti this is uh an artist named franz zepharon and we have a whole bunch of his paintings throughout the house this is like the universe swirling and all of the animals of creation um and then you even have like aliens and uh alien shipships and here's another one of his pieces and there's a fun fact because this guy up here looks exactly like the main kind of director and cinematographer from the office randall einhorn what about this collectible uh gas station petroleana they call it is uh collectible gas station art there's a family that owns all of them and i was able to find one that had bullet holes in it which i liked nice keeping it real tell them about these beautiful photos by joe sola our friend joe wanted to do a living art piece because his concept was uh in france in the 18th 17th and 18th centuries they used to paint horses and then let them trip trot around in like the versailles in versailles and they were walking horse art so he did walking horse art in contemporary los angeles media room fun fact the kooky couple that built this house had a bar they recreated in mexico the bar in this room so this was a saloon room we took the bar out and put it kind of in our garage workshop turned this into a tv room it's all repurposed wood yeah this was a gift to rain that i gave him for his birthday one year these i love these are wooden hearts um that were from a german medical school and so they were studying this in the 1800s so this one is a fish heart someday my heart will be on a stake in this room right holly that's right look at this incredible scalloped entryway to the living room uh there are incredible details like this throughout the house that they just wouldn't uh do uh on in contemporary homes here's our living room we call it uh the opium den uh not because we're condoning drug use but because it kind of looks and feels like an opium yeah we've we traveled a lot in morocco it's where i was pregnant with our son and and we got really into tribal rugs and just the layering of the different fabrics big beams original beams brought up again from mexican woodworkers repurposed from farm houses that was our image is being able to really gather in here and yeah we uh music and bought a house to have people over and to build community and bring people to make art and be creative together and then uh and then the pandemic hit so yeah but someday yeah and we loved like old things that have been updated like i love what tammy wood did with the patterns like this this reading chair um you know it's a couple centuries old but she's redone it and then added this cool beehive giant trees giant trees we would like eventually to have actual beehives here on this property oh look what's here sag awards i wonder who those belong to not me oh those are heavy all right what were you saying about the bees this is my office i got to keep one or two of the props i got to keep back from the office and i love to collect fan art that people will hand me or or send me these are some beautiful hand-drawn pieces by office fans out there and i i have a whole collection of some really really cool stuff my father is a painter was a painter he recently passed away robert wilson and this is one of his uh last pieces he completed before he passed it's really beautiful i love it so much and i love having it right across the desk from me this is me and kippenberg by joe solo this was in my office at our old house and uh our son uh had a playdate and had a friend over and the friend came into my office and saw it and turned stricken white and bolted out of the room and later we got a call from their parents and they were like uh is it true that you have a picture of penises on the wall of your office and i was like yes but it's art beautiful hand carved door from mexico it's at least 50 to 80 years old this is one of my favorite places it's where i work i'm a fiction writer i like to go where the light is and so i keep it pretty simple but this chair is from it's an old chair where women would sit to have their their like their wigs their wigs done yeah it's a wigging chair so i don't know sometimes i'm wigging out while i'm working nice i like that you like that nice view too yeah it's good this is a haitian voodoo flag this was handmade by a group of women it took them like a year there's every one of these beads is hand stitched onto this some of the people were older that were living here so they had these his and her toilets so that's my favorite part of the house is his and her toilets yeah so we can poop at the exact same time but also one of my favorite things about this bathroom the way they designed it this architecture is just fantastic um there's this bathroom area here and they built a walled bathroom garden completely private so while bathing or pooping you have uh this incredible garden right outside your window it's amazing so this is my favorite part of the tour and i i i have toasty o's with me because we're going down to see the pigs we just finished construction on their barn what do we call it rain the pig palace yes pig pig and you come on in and it's really cool during the day so we left the wire open so that the breeze could come through and then at night they have their blankets and they sleep in the casita here at night big dutch doors pig dutch doors and if they when they play the piano they get a treat pig pig pig pig pig pig come on snorty what's this amy hey what do we got come come we got cereal come on amy come on hi precious girl it's okay come here amy come on snorts she knows come on let's go this is uh amy she's a little precious piggy princess yeah snorty is the big bull in the china shop he's the weird neurotic he's very shy and ugly older brother oh we are no such thing good girl they love to have their stomachs squirt [Music] well thanks for stopping by a.d but i'm afraid we've got some pig chores to do now some bathing some grooming bath time clip time some feeding so long thanks for coming see you later bye-bye okay come here come on let's get in the back
Channel: Architectural Digest
Views: 1,949,770
Rating: 4.9571795 out of 5
Keywords: open door, ad open door, open door ad, ad home tour, ad home tours, arch digest open door, rainn wilson, rainn wilson dwight, dwight the office, the office rainn wilson, rainn wilson house, rainn wilson home, rainn wilson house tour, rainn wilson wife, rainn wilson dwight schrute, arch digest rainn wilson, rainn wilson at home, rainn wilson holiday reinhorn, rainn wilson family, dwight from the office, holiday reinhorn, ad rainn, rainn wilson farm, architectural digest
Id: RNjlfo_8u4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 49sec (769 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 01 2020
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