Inside Serena Williams' New Home With A Trophy Room & Art Gallery | Open Door | Architectural Digest

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As far as home tours go, that was weak. Spent most time showing her art gallery / living room. No explanation of what looked like a hidden bookshelf door. No kitchen. No outdoor living space. Meh.

👍︎︎ 20 👤︎︎ u/choachy 📅︎︎ Feb 04 2021 đź—«︎ replies

Hahaha, I love that she legitimately didn't remember how many French Opens she had.

👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/hotcolddog 📅︎︎ Feb 04 2021 đź—«︎ replies

I wish I had a house that big.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/balmafula 📅︎︎ Feb 04 2021 đź—«︎ replies
[Applause] hello a.d welcome to my home come on in so welcome to my home been designing this house for a really really long time i actually worked with my sister venus she has an interior design company called vstar interiors and it's really cool because she loves doing it and she has some amazing people that work with her that was able to kind of get inside my brain and pick my brain and show you my vision [Music] most homes actually have a formal living room and i didn't want to lose that aspect but i also didn't want a formal living room and i was just trying to decide what do i do now i love art and i love you know all kinds of like artists and i find it really cool so i was like what if i had a formal living room but instead of it being a living room it's called an art gallery so this is our gallery it actually starts from the front door this piece is one of my favorite pieces it's from radcliff bailey we i have a few pieces of his i think it's called the astro because this is actually a rock from the moon so that's really cool sometimes when i feel like i want to go to space i just touch that little guy so that's pretty amazing it's a really fantastic white piece for the entrance of the foyer and then we have our gallery so we kind of walk in a little bit of calls chair some more fun stuff this is a leonardo drew another radcliffe bailey these doors are actually from nepal which is really cool my favorite piece not really my favorite piece but this is actually my art i do art and i paint and i'm really kind of artsy so this is a really cool piece with it's a needle actually in it so it's kind of like a 3d piece which is really cool [Music] of course i feel like a living room needs a library a little bit of a library here and also needs a piano i wanted a piano that my daughter would be able to play but i didn't want it to be so heavy and i was like is there like a clear see-through piano that we can find until v-star was really helpful with getting everything together and so really that's our gallery the gallery kind of extends a little bit on the sides um i have a titus k4 piece which i'm super excited about that's coming soon so the gallery is actually not close to being done but it's a it's work in progress and i think galleries are always work in progress because it's always art pieces that's coming and that's being exchanged and it's being figured out so it's really fun come on i'm going to show you my trophy room oh this is some of my favorite pieces these two girls just to go back to the gallery these two girls actually represent myself and my sister this one's me because i'm super complicated but maybe it's famous because she's way more complicated than me i'm pretty simple so we'll say this one famous and these are actually done by brendan marshall who's a wonderful wonderful artist i have some art upstairs by him as well really kind of modern cool vibes which i really love okay now i'm going to show you the trophy room [Music] but here are some of my trophies um and then some really cool pieces that really mean a lot to me wheaties box i don't keep a lot of my grand slam trophies here i do see an australian open trophy oh wait wait wait there's a us open trophy okay here's one oh that's 2002 okay that was a while ago this looks like one i am so bad with trophies is this one let's see this is yep this is uh rolling girls to french open clearly i don't have a lot of those so i can't tell you that one only have two or three i don't even remember two three three three let's see oh this is the australian open now all you all need me to show you is a wimbledon but i don't think i have wimbledon here do i have oh i do this is our wimbledon trophy lots of cool details and names my sister's name is isn't here like six or seven times which is crazy oh here's another wimbledon truth i'm so bad with this so this is what it was like when you first won wimbledon you got a small trophy um and then it been like four or five years since i won wimbledon and i understand they moved it to the bigger one so this is like early 2000s and this is like i don't know 2010 12 i don't know when i won here's another australian open i won that one a few times yeah i see a second place trophy but i'm gonna put that one in the trash shouldn't be in here we don't keep second place [Music] so if anyone ever told you i'm vain then they're lying and i showed that my office i have no vanity about me my office is always extremely messy because i have so much stuff and i realized that i probably should have made a bigger office but i was like i don't work that much at home but it's really a fantastic space i kind of like it snug because i can get so much work done i always keep it super warm in here which i love this is my office this is where a lot of things happen a lot of meetings happen and crazy stuff but the crazy stuff happens in my karaoke room so i'm going to show you that right now i wanted a lot of detail on the wall i wanted like really cool surprise elements in the house so each room has really different surprise elements you kind of have to be here to look at it and see it closely but this is actually a wallpaper that's like a 3d wallpaper so there's texture to it so when you feel it you can feel this cool texture that comes with it our media room and our bar and our club room is all in one i didn't want like a movie theater room because i'm like i just don't want to sit and watch movies but i wanted like something that was super functional so when i was talking to these stars like listen team i want something really functional that can work as like a karaoke place so they gave me a little bit of a stage me and olympia sing on it often and these chairs are actually super functional i got them in europe they twist 360 and they actually lay back completely which is really important to me popcorn machine is what we use most in this house i actually would love some popcorn now but i'm going to try to refrain and my husband actually got all the liquor because i told him that i want some really cool liquor bottles and he got all these really amazing liquor bottles on display that we really never drink but maybe one day we'll crack one open we'll see and my kitchen's super busy right now you guys came and my daughter's like playing and so well you can see pictures of my kitchen and the architectural digest magazine so it's really fun i love this space i love living here grab the magazine and see all the rest of it all right bye thank you for visiting i hope you enjoyed the home see you later hi guys hello hi i'm scott disick i'm margot i'm maria sharapova this is alfie dumbledore welcome to our home come on in so welcome to my house tour welcome to my fazenda or no no what are we gonna do for the rest of the afternoon makes me feel really zen and relaxed everything is just you know sturdy and funky and cool like me it's basically just water gatorade and ginger ale and matzo ball soup because everybody's sick in the house this room is so bright that i have to put a protective force field around me because it burns my skin i love anything that sparkles that shines that glitters that steals the show [Music] [Applause] i hope you had a beautiful time ciao come on let's go come on
Channel: Architectural Digest
Views: 2,278,956
Rating: 4.7097712 out of 5
Keywords: serena williams, open door, ad open door, serena williams home tour, serena home tour, inside serena williams home, serena williams home, celebrity home tour, ad home tour, ad celebrity home tour, arch digest, arch digest open door, open door home tour, serena williams tennis, serena williams 2021, serena williams trophies, serena williams championships, serena williams new home, serena tennis, serena ad, serena arch digest, ad serena, serena, ad, architectural digest
Id: -TeeIEh2IE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 32sec (512 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 04 2021
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