Inside Sheryl Crow's Country Home With A Recording Studio in a Barn | Open Door

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hi ad come on in this is my home so come on in I'll show you around I'm gonna take you into the den first this is where we spend most of our time and this is our dog by the way this is Jules and you'll see you're running around she's a little bit skittish anyway this is where we hang out and one of the reasons the room is set up like this I mean I don't like things to be geared around a television set but the way that the room was set up it already had a fireplace over here and TV over here so I put two kind of French country couches facing each other it's very much kind of a family setting in here we play a lot of games at this table so this is really when I say it's a living room like we really live in here you want to go back this way I'll show you where the kitchen is and it works out great because the kitchen basically flows right into the family room one of the things I loved about this house that it already had these giant doors that remind me sort of like barn doors which ties in to the barn that you guys are gonna see pretty soon this is the kitchen very open very sunny in here and this is where we eat every night at six o'clock we eat our breakfast in here actually the kids eat here at breakfast and I fix food send it across and I love a giant island it's just you know it's very homey whenever are we entertained whenever we have family here it seems like we never leave the kitchen all right so we're gonna go into the dining room but of course before we do that you have to see this is the art gallery very expensive art right here don't want to miss that [Music] this is the formal dining room I have the luxury of spending a lot of time on a tour bus and going to places that have interesting antique shops and then being able to throw them onto our truck which holds all of our gear so I've gotten a lot of the things in actually in this room from Texas from Houston about this old mirror about this old I think they call it an upholstery table just you know lots of little weird things in here and you know it kind of creates a vibe and lots of conversation now we're gonna walk over into the more formal living room we don't spend as much time in here but if you see over here there's a lot of sort of religious pieces and I love that because it just it gives sort of a romantic vibe I bought actually a couch this is the newest thing in the whole house was a West Elm couch but I love the way it just feels against all the old antiques so let's go in here and check out the music room it is obviously mostly taken up by a grand piano I do have some guitars in here and we do hang out in here quite a bit my kids do play one of the things I don't really love is real taxidermy but I'm not above putting a paper mache elephant over the fireplace all right I'm gonna take you one more place we're gonna go to our outside den and this has been such a great second family room we build fires out here the kids even roast marshmallows out here and when it when it does get cool if that ever happens in Nashville Tennessee since it's 100 degrees here almost all the time it's just a super great place to hang out so we're leaving the family room now and we're gonna go outside and like I said with two little boys my objective has always been to sort of keep them from in front of screens and more facing outside in nature [Music] we have a fire pit out here we have a big family table and we have a carpet ball game and we have a tree house back over there which is really beautiful so everything is pretty much gravitated to living life outside in nature all right so you guys have seen where we live but I'm gonna take you down to the barn and show you where we ride horses and also where mom works all right a quick backstory I used to live out in the country before I had my kids and we used to have horses and Longhorn cows out there and chickens once my boys came along we decided we got to get closer into the city so we just packed up everything like the Beverly Hillbillies and we brought our horses and our Longhorns and I built a barn on this property and it's a functioning working barn we have our horses in here and then above it is my workspace which is the studio so come on in guys so as far as I'm concerned you cannot have a working barn without a working saloon so this is the bar we always keep Guinness on tap that's my favorite beer I'm a big collector as I said have really odd things and I got a couple of old death masks death masks were a tradition of making mass of important people after they passed away and even though that looks like David Crosby it is not David Crosby is still alive that is McKinley and that is Taft over there so the other half of the saloon actually we have just a hangout area and straight in the winter you have a fire over here and we of course have our little electric horse for those who don't want to ride a real horse and then we have our saloon piano so music it's made down here as well I think typically once the Guinness comes out the music comes out over here we have a record player for people who don't remember the record player drop the meat needle and a lot of records in fact when vinyls start being happening again we just started building back the um collection and my kids totally love it I think it's like the weirdest and coolest thing ever [Music] and then if we go out this door you'll see where the actual horses are so this is the barn this is where we keep our horses we're down to five horses now we used to have sixteen because we had a lot more land but five is much more manageable so I'll introduce you to Big John he's a quarter horse he's a blue roan and he is 16 and a half hands he's very tall this is nev nebuchadnezzar he's an arabian he's about twenty-two years old this over here is Bobby Jo and she's a retired champion reining horse and she's basically just retired she's great to have the kids ride around the arena but for the most part she's done all the performing she never has to do all right now you've seen the barn and you've met some of the horses and you've seen the saloon in the hangout area let's go upstairs and check out the studio we are at the door at the studio check it out I'm giving you permission to stand on my face this was from farm a Willie Nelson loved him all right so this is the studio which is above the horses and initially it was not gonna be a studio initially was just gonna be a writing room but by the time we soundproofed it so that we wouldn't hear the horses it was sound paired enough for it to be a studio so we've made a lot of records up here and basically you can see there's every kind of guitar in here and I find just like with old signs that have had lots of personality put into them a guitar is the same way it has a whole life before you ever lay hands on it that I think adds to the feel and the sound that you get out of a guitar so any given guitar that I pick up I'll play differently than the last because of how it feels and maybe because of what the history is that went into that guitar this is typically where we sit and write the pianos back there these old drums are from the 50s jeez I've collected quite a few of those as well as the old RC a dog back there and then obviously we have a lot of pieces of art this old fried chicken sign was on the side of a barn out in Tennessee and a friend of mine pulled over and asked the guy if he would sell it and I wound up with it we have an old gramophone that we've actually used in recording where we'll put an old record cylinder in there and kind of capture that vibe and then record over it so it's just you know this room is really about being inspired it's about discovery it's about creating things that are unique and authentic all right so you've seen where we work now I'm gonna take you over to our little church which is really all about just total inspiration so what's good so this was not here and we just plopped it over here sort of in the woods come on in so I built this little chapel because we live at the house you guys have seen that we work in the studio but I want to have a place that was just total inspiration so I built a little chapel the first thing I did was look for an old one found one online believe it or not and they sold us the building for $5,000 but it was so bug rotted that we only were able to save some of the things like the beams are old the flooring is old it's out of a livery which is what the barn has as well and then everything else is kind of made to look old a couple of things I want to point out I bought these stained glass windows on eBay I bought the sign up there and that guy up there through a place called Doc's architectural which came to me through eBay the doors in there are out of an old house which I found on eBay so you can see I'm a total scavenger for just things that are inspiring everything that's in here is basically 100 years old and has a story behind it and as you can see I love old Santos and so I'm a collector of those but I love the tradition of religion just the history behind it so this place is just filled with weird things and this actually is out of an old church I'm not really sure where a friend of mine found it and called me and said you should check out this pew and you can see it's got a little shelf back here for him Knowles so it's still it's it's a church but it's also filled with things that are not necessarily from a church but I I do love just creating a really inspired place to hang out a place to be quiet and that's why I built it before we leave this place before you walk through my giant ebay doors I have to show you one thing that I did actually specifically for my kids and it is an old church bell which I found on eBay as well it's an old church bell we had it mounted up there and the kids since they were little I've been hanging on this rope and pulling this church bell so there you go Eddie thanks for coming over and check it out my house I gotta go with my kids now so see you later
Channel: Architectural Digest
Views: 1,843,400
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sheryl crow, sheryl crow home tour, sheryl crow house, sheryl crow home, inside sheryl crow home, inside sheryl crow house, tour sheryl crow home, sheryl crow style, sheryl crow design, sheryl crow family, sheryl crow's house, sheryl crow's home, sheryl crow music room, sheryl crow nashville, sheryl crow home studio, architectural digest tour, architectural digest tours, sheryl crow architectural digest, sheryl crow arch digest, ad tour, ad home tour, architectural digest
Id: VxvfhuxOE1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 27sec (687 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 28 2019
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