Inside Michael Kors' Penthouse Apartment in Greenwich Village | Open Door | Architectural Digest
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Channel: Architectural Digest
Views: 6,196,963
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Keywords: celebrity house, fashion designer, michael kors, open door, michael kors apartment, michael kors home, michael kors house, michael kors interview, michael kors home tour, michael kors interview 2018, michael kors nyc, michael kors new york, michael kors husband, open door 2018, michael kors home decor, michael kors elsa peretti, michael kors art collection, michael kors ny home, fashion designer home, michael kors book collection, celeb home tour, architectural digest
Id: za-ogD7nLi8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 31sec (631 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 01 2018
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