Inside Scott Disick's Home with an Amazing Car Collection | Open Door | Architectural Digest

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Mmmm empty and white and the towels. Everything is a no to me just because it's so boring. There's so many beautiful accent pieces I'm loving, but it seems so washed out and uninteresting. I'm just going to assume he has another house that looks better

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 12 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I actually love his house. It was different than I expected and more bland than I thought he would do. But I do love a minimalist decor look so I was into it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Lovealwaysmydear πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 12 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
  1. Why does he need a house this big?!

  2. At 0:30sec is that a painting of a giant pill? Lol

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/vida79 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 12 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

actually love this house and all the couches are very nice. looks minimalistic and clean but still cosy. i love the light greys and white with the wood.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/lupus2013 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 13 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

it just looks more mature than Scott actually is i guess?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/lupus2013 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 13 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
how you doing i'm scott disick and welcome to my house [Music] as you can see the house is somewhat of a farm-like house with an east coast traditional swirl so the layout of this house is great because you basically come in and you have everything right here i know where my kids are at all times so it's great it's great that there's no sub that i don't have to go find my kids in the basement but i wanted to make it as modern and as cool as possible but still leaving the comfort there so my children can feel safe and cozy so this used to be a billiards room i had a pool table a little bar and this and that i realized i didn't really play pool my kids didn't play pool it seemed cool to time but it was a lot of wasted space so now it's basically a formal living room with some royer pieces and some approve a table proven side tables and it's just a cool room but it doesn't get used a ton and then if you come over here you'll notice i have my formal dining room kind of nice that it knocks out the formal spots in the front because you don't really use them as much but i take meetings here sometimes if i don't want to go to the office i don't think i've ever had a piece of food there though right here is a unique thing to put a wine cellar under a staircase i know now a lot of people are doing it but there's wasted space so you could turn it into something that works holds 500 bottles of your finest wine lighting so obviously this is my movie theater but the great part is that it's close to everything it's also nice that if you notice i made drapes that kind of match the walls so it felt like a true authentic movie theater but if i ever wanted to transform the room into anything else or even if in the summer i wanted to just open the curtains and jump right into the pool you can the great part is i also have a little powder room here so it has its own bathroom for me just to have a huge u-shaped couch instead of theater seating is a much better vibe because i think you're actually going to use it you can lay down you can relax you can do whatever you want you could sleep down here if you wanted to it's great for all the kids to cuddle up watch a movie i think the last movie i watched i was murdered by numbers with ryan gosling it's a good one right here obviously it looks as if it's all a wall and made it that way but actually there's a pivot door that takes you into three different bedrooms this room here could be used as a downstairs master you have a really nice view you can see the pool feels very much like a hotel so you could come in drop your bags live good for the weekend and then get the hell out of here you know you can tell that everything is very open which is something i love it's a double island kitchen so it's nice you could work on one eat on another what i really like is that if you're actually in the kitchen you kind of feel like you're in a little bit of a command center i have my kids and i could see them they're usually on the couch there's dinner here then the movie then up to bed so i kind of have a process of my night so that's how it goes and it's pretty down to a science carrera marble carrera backsplash countertops on both and then just a lot of white just clean you can find more white if you need to paint when your kid hits a wall so i kind of keep it easy something about white stone is just classic and it's always going to be nice i don't think it's ever going to go out of style basically just water gatorade and ginger ale and matzo ball soup because everybody's sick in the house and if one kid gets sick evidently everybody gets sick you know i like to try to keep everything as organized as possible we have label makers that label everything pretty much down from tortilla chips to candy to popcorn that's gluten-free actually cereals that are gluten-free and then there's some hidden sections with the food that's you know not as good for you but i don't let my kids see that once you get organized it's just easier so here is my living space where i spend a lot of my time there's the fireplace the tv works well i also like the clean lines of everything being recessed into the wall with the tv so it just looks chic clean and i feel good in it slip covers because my kids tend to spill things as i look there's more stains than i realized but it's part of the game so i would say my biggest prized possession in this room would be this little statue of my uh dachshund also known as a wiener dog and this is a model made after her i had a couple wieners in the house her name is hershela she's jewish she's a good dog [Music] this door goes all the way through and opens up to the whole house right here nice place to sit relax you're close to the house where you have that indoor outdoor living fireplace place to eat a recently built zero edge and infinity with graded land kind of have another hidden little patio has a little bit of a secret layer type feel which is great the one thing that i saw that this house had in the sense of potential was the backyard and i knew that it needed to be elevated for this house to really show and it really did open up the property opened up this view and it made the house much more special than a lot of houses you'll find in hidden hills because they don't have views and they don't see lights so for me it's pretty special it gives me kind of a taste of every world and i like it and all my kids like it so it's been a big hit [Music] so here you'll find my motor court which is obviously very close to my heart because i've always loved cars my whole life always been a collector of some nature you know i'm lucky enough now to have a lot of cars that i love this is an 812 ferrari which is the newest fastest v12 ferrari that they make an old classic shelby cobra which is pretty unbelievable it's very rare rolls royce dawn convertible easy top down great car brand new range rover the best car ever haven't driven it yet but number one car if i had to have one car it would be a range rover then the new bentley suv that came out great car as well but if you had to take everything away from me even my house just leave me with a range rover and i'll find a way this is kind of one of those little areas where you didn't really know what else to do with it so i put a day bed two kangaroo chairs that are genre that are very old french chairs that are very much collectibles and a prove a day bench it's a nice segue into then my master there's two sides of it there's the living side and then there's the sleeping side i've wanted to make it as cool as possible but as comfortable as possible i have a custom nine 9x9 bed so it becomes a little difficult because it's not just making the bed larger it's making the mattress larger the sheets the shams the pillows the everything and then if you notice you don't really see where the tv is because i put a projector here and then a screen that's 12 feet pops out of the middle and then creates a wall that goes all the way down to the ground separates the two rooms and actually makes this room then feel a little bit smaller cozier and gives you a 12 foot screen to watch now you have a mini cinema into your master bedroom and when it's dark all you literally see is just a screen always been a dream of mine to have like my own little movie theater inside my bedroom i'll probably do it in all houses that i ever live in kind of the sitting room i don't use it a ton but it is good place if you ever need to just kind of get away think maybe jump on the computer i also have a huge balcony here that looks off into everything if my kids are swimming i can go out there see them in the pool you get that king of the jungle feel here where you kind of are watching over everybody it's obviously quite sizable and it's great because then i have everything right here i could see everybody and then if i want i can go get back to myself which i never really do but it sounds good in theory and then i have my hawk that i learned about in dubai that you fly so i brought one back and he lives in the tree and he flies back when i want him to see a hug and then this is my master bathroom there's pretty much his and hers two sinks two bathrooms big shower a couple different shower heads steam shower which is great and is used which is amazing the only thing that i don't actually have in here that i regret that i didn't do is heated floors which i think is an unbelievable thing when you get out of the shower when you're cold and you step into heat as far as fixtures you'll notice that my hardware is a matte black and me one of my big things is always putting the biggest mirrors possible always opens up the space and then which is great you have this big hot tub that looks right over your view nice place to hang out if you're a bathtub type of guy i say i am but i never actually do it so i guess i'm not really i have some towels just in case you need one long long time ago a guy named sandy gallon used to have the most gorgeous houses i'm sure he still does in the hamptons and he always had these over the top towel holders that i would see and i said you know if i ever got a house out of hampton's feel i would do towel holders like sandy's and do them all the way up and then a ton of towels and that's kind of where i got that inspiration so i don't take credit there [Music] hey d thank you for coming i appreciate it but all things come to an end and now is your time goodbye
Channel: Architectural Digest
Views: 15,140,709
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: celebrity house, home tour, house tour, open door, scott disick, celebrity home, scott disick 2019, scott disick interview, scott disick architectural digest, scott disick house, scott disick home, scott disick home tour, scott disick house tour, scott disick ad, celeb home tour, scott disick kourtney kardashian, scott disick kids, scott disick children, scott disick kardashian, disick, celebrity home tour, celebrity house tour, scott disick moments, architectural digest
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 24 2019
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