Inside Laura Jackson’s ultra-Instagrammable east London house | Living with Style

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[Music] hello i'm laura jackson and this is how i live with style [Music] when we bought the house i didn't really notice the wallpaper it's kind of quite stained because um the family that used to live here used to smoke so um it looks a little bit old and tired in certain places but i just think that gives it its charm we have lots of photography in the house mainly because my husband's a photographer this is something that he took when he was in sicily on a job and i can remember him showing me through his like gorgeous pictures of of whatever he was doing i was like no we have to get this printed i absolutely love this sicilian roundabout um and actually when anyone comes in the house they're always like wow who's that by and i'm like my husband i'm literally obsessed with this bars i think it's so beautiful it's a glass three color moroccan vars from a brand called arbala and i found our baller because i've just launched a homework platform called glassette and they are stocking on the site i've always said like the a house is the film set of your life and i just really love that i do feel like if these walls could talk they'd tell you that we've fallen out a lot of times over deciding whether to change this wallpaper or what we should recover our chairs in but i love the journey okay let's go to the kitchen come this way i love it in here it's really light and really airy when we were designing the house we really wanted to have a space that felt good for entertaining um and then we've got some more gorgeous pictures here um if you can have a look they're from a photographer called peter mitchell this kind of makes me laugh because in the living room i'm like oh so nice i'm thinking of sicily and here i'm like oh lovely back to leeds [Music] the old linen drawer um i love it it's got like all of um my napkins and my tablecloths and my runners whenever i go on holiday i will always find the flea market the vintage shop and um we kind of went shopping one day in sri lanka and everyone was like there's no shops here where you can buy your little trinkets and i was like i will find one i will put one down and i did i found this really lovely shop and they sold really nice linen so i bought some nice napkins and i love having them on the table because it just really reminds me of that holiday oh this one is for my friend matilda this is so sweet it's like a little cocktail napkin these were actually from my wedding that i had made they're like a nice pink with um an orange trim very lovely i'm not very tidy who irons linen who's got time to iron linen it's fine i'm just gonna just shove it in here so the plants are a labor of love because my husband loves the plants i mean come look at this one this cheese plant so a family had it and it was on ebay for 50 quid right and um they were like it's got too big for the house so we want to sell it and they were really sad to see it go john said they kind of came out and waved waved the plant off at the door which i think is quite lovely so it kind of feels like we've rescued it which is really nice come through the pantry i absolutely love this little room oh that's barry the dog when i don't know what to cook i kind of stand in here and i look at everything that i've got on the shelves and i don't know i always find it really inspiring so if i go on holiday i'll always get like an olive oil these kind of cinnamon that i got from a trip to sri lanka i've got so many cookbooks some of my favorite cookbooks one is this one which is the zuni kitchen cookbook it's a restaurant in san francisco and they do this incredible chicken salad recipe it's legendary and it's really tasty and then someone sent me a present the other day this is such a nice idea it's called lazy baking it's a brand new book and they folded down all of the pages with a little note that they think that i like so this is great for weekend brunch should you go upstairs [Music] [Music] this is the master bedroom where the magic doesn't happen but let me show you the kids room next door i love this room so this is the kids bedroom which i absolutely love and this is the mural that's on the wall here painted by a lovely friend test fuel with flowers and trees it feels really botanical and the attention to detail is just amazing like i love all the kind of the petals here on the hollyhock it feels like a real oasis in here we went to arden lee flea market with my mum and my mum was like oh my god i really really want to buy this for sydney and um we kind of thought oh we'll have a little think about it and then we were like oh my gosh we absolutely have to get it so we ran back to the store it's just such a lovely little rocking horse and she sits on it and she kind of brushes its ponytail at the back here i don't know if it's a girl or a boy um miserable a sin but a great listener this window we strip back ourselves with a heat gun and it took hours and hours and days and weeks um it was a real labour of love not for me for my husband [Music] so this was actually two rooms that we knocked through into one large bathroom um and all of the walls felt quite angular so we wanted to offset that with a really nice round shower which is over here which was inspired by a lovely kind of moroccan bathroom and then this bath actually is the world's heaviest bath it was so big and so heavy that we actually couldn't get it up the stairs so we had to crane it through the bedroom window it was the most stressful thing ever so it can't be moved the floor had to be reinforced this lovely cabinet didn't come with these kind of curtains so we put them on the inside to hide the mess on the inside and it's full of linen we bought it from belgium when we went on a sourcing trip it was really inexpensive i think it was like a couple of hundred quid um and it's such a beautiful piece i'm worried that if we ever leave the house how we're gonna get it out of here and this is a fireplace that we uncovered once we knocked these two rooms together it was such a lovely surprise and it actually works is there anything more romantic than having a fire and a bath i don't think so so you've seen the house and now this is the final piece of the puzzle the basement which is my glassette office now this space was kind of built when we decorated the house and it's quite industrial which feels a bit different to what's going on upstairs so we decided to put this really nice round table in here um by fred rigby with these beautiful vintage chairs from old old woods which is a seller that i found on instagram um well i think you've had the grand tour i need to do some work you need to leave i will see you later but also don't forget to subscribe to the sunny time style youtube channel go on off you go [Music] you
Channel: The Sunday Times Style
Views: 743,178
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Id: QsYcHpqaqxc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 23sec (503 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 09 2021
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