Inside Lucy Williams’s holiday-inspired London house | Living with Style

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hi i'm lucy williams and this is how i live with style it's obviously a real luxury to have a garden especially in west london so that was one of the biggest selling points to me of this house we've got a dog i love being outside these flowers now we ended up making like an aisle out of these at our wedding in greece recently and then we came home and they'd flowered here so it was a really nice coincidence now it they always remind me of that as you can see from the outside of the house my love of blue starts here you're going to see it a lot as we go inside when i told my builders that i wanted to paint every window every window reveal in this pale blue they definitely thought i was a bit crazy reminds me of greek shutters and yeah i definitely like sort of pretending i'm on holiday even when i'm at home and i think that's where i was going with this anyway let's go inside and have a look at the house so this is my kitchen i went through loads of iterations of what colours do the kitchen but then it ended up all kind of tying together once i decided on the colour of the windows outside and i love pale blue with this kind of dark brown or dark red colour one thing i really didn't want with this house i didn't want people to come in and feel like they couldn't sit in anything i had to take their shoes off like i grew up on a farm so it was dog hair and muddy boots and i yeah should probably be more precious but i'm not we'd move from a two-bedroom flat and one of the things that i was really excited about was having a bigger table and this picture i absolutely loved taken by a friend of mine louis sheridan i think it was in argentina patagonia it's become one of those things now that every time i see a piece of art that i like i realize it has a horse in it so having to slightly rain myself in pun intended on that one first of many horses i went through so many iterations with this kitchen because one thing i really wanted was somewhere soft to sit in here i just always kind of dreamed of having a kitchen with a sofa or something um i'm an out and proud telly addict so i think at one point i was thinking you know i'm not going to put a tv in i'm going to be really chic and then i was like i'm going to have to put a tv in because what else am i going to do sitting here you'll probably see that all the the shelves have been softly plastered and for that kind of like tadalak-esque look but much cheaper to do i am not the tidiest person so i definitely needed to have lots of places where i could put things but i also really wanted some shelves it's all a bit mismatched not too perfect i don't really believe in having like matching dinnerware i like it all just being a bit thrown together i actually found these at a friend of mine leticia ruje's exhibition a few years ago it's very rare that me and my husband agree on things to go on the wall so yeah the fact that we agreed on them we had to get them okay that's enough with the kitchen i could whistle on all day about all the different things here let's go through to the sitting room so this room was my sort of indulgence room if you will i just wanted to have somewhere where i could have some really nice furniture not think too practically i had kind of visions of having friends over having a little cocktail from the bar swanning around here before going for dinner down there realistically tend to use it more just for reading the sunday papers in the winter told you that i was quite into horses and i definitely wasn't lying this is quite a new purchase it's by an artist called ben craze he's a californian artist and his signature are these pink cowboy hats that he seems to put in every picture this is by an artist called alma barrow always makes people do a second take which i love about it i don't know i just love anything that's a little bit um a little bit tongue-in-cheek and she does it really really well this is probably the room where i spend the most amount of time not an accident that the dog matches the sofa so this is finn finn is my five-year-old mutt from cyprus clearly loves being on camera and loves being on the sofa this is a maker and sun sofa and i just love this color with the blue the daisy's behind as well i love these they're by a photographer called casey moore they stop it from feeling too twee they just yeah just scream sort of summer to me the thing that i actually love the most in this room and what i kind of first wanted to design in here with these bookshelves and i always wanted to have the sliding doors to separate the two spaces so then once you've closed them i don't know this feels even more cocoon like oh another horse told you it was a problem [Music] so you probably saw that i do love colour in the house but in this room which is our bedroom i wanted it to be quite calm quite zen so we went for this kind of very creamy white warm colors just the odd pop of yellow still there the thing that i get the most comments in when people first walk into this room is about how high the bed is when i was finishing off the house the amount of jokes that i had from the decorators the builders the upholsterers um about whether or not they needed to make me a ladder to get on the bed it is very high but it is very comfy i literally had um a stool at the end of the bed i had to make it especially so that the dog could get on the bed the one thing that i wanted was to have quite a sort of like impact headboard but i wanted it to be by how wide it was so we kind of took it to as wide as the bedside tables and just in this soft wave i love anything that's a little bit wavy or soft lines i like the fact that we don't have any art above it and it's just quite clean the only piece of art we have in the whole room is a little framed menu from a restaurant called ossip in somerset we went to a year ago and it was just one of the best meals we've ever had and i quite like framing things that you wouldn't immediately think are worth framing and just making it into a bit more of a thing i've got a menu downstairs that's i had dinner in new york with a friend and her friend was the chef and she came and had dinner with us and doodled down the recipe of the pasta we were eating and i told her i'm gonna frame it i'm gonna put it in my downstairs loo and she was like okay that's a bit weird and i did it and then i got a bit cringed out cause my friend sent it to her and she i think she thinks i'm a crazy fan now but i think it looks cool okay so that is the bedroom this kind of calm theme kind of carries on next door so this used to be a bedroom we turned it into a bathroom we watched the whole of the sopranos in lockdown and when i was designing this house i just couldn't help but be slightly inspired by the very beige 90s house in here and while i love a roll top bath i also really like having places to put it hence why i did an inbuilt bath and it was just a nice excuse to have a little bit more of this beautiful marble just noticed another horse as well um okay that is enough of my very me time space let's go up to the spare room i got this from a car boot sale last christmas i actually bought it from lucinda chambers for i think 10 pounds and then had it framed and i love it i love anything old quilted like that and actually framing it it now looks amazing [Music] so this room always gets a big reaction i think it's the wallpapering on the ceiling as well people love staying over here i love how the wallpaper kind of looks like a floral but it's actually tiny shelves yeah super pretty i didn't want this room to feel too cutesy and cottagey so i think things like a bit of cast iron the cushion the iron lamp above the bed it kind of stops it from feeling too pretty [Music] and then this chair as well this came from our old flat i found this in the market for about 50 quid and it had this sort of like saggy old velvet hammock seat in it and had it completely redone yeah it feels really kind of contemporary one of the first things i actually bought for the house this dresser bought it through like an instagram antiques dealer i think i bought it for about about a year before we actually moved in so i'd store it for ages but when it finally got home it was kind of nice it was like that full circle moment when the whole house was finished i knew i wanted to use yellow and checkerboard somewhere and the little spare bathroom was the perfect place to do it and i love the little rope mirror in there and the sauna lights the lights are actually on upside down but it kind of works so a happy accident there right i have got friends coming around for dinner and i have no idea what i'm making so i've got to go this one needs to come for a walk um thank you so much for coming around my house with me don't forget to subscribe to the sunday time style youtube channel and i will see you all again very soon bye [Music]
Channel: The Sunday Times Style
Views: 856,743
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lucy williams, style, interior
Id: oleGVdf7rIs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 47sec (587 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 25 2022
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