Inside Designer Erdem's London Townhouse Filled with Antique Objects | Vogue

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we actually back onto a very large deconsecrated symmetry it's quite quiet around this area because everyone is dead [Music] hi Vogue I'm erden welcome to my home today we're going to talk about some of my objects of affection [Music] we are in Bloomsbury this is a very kind of old area in London I'm married to an architect who designed this beautiful house my first object is this painting that used to belong to Duffy Ayers who is the previous owner of the house she bought the house in 1953 and sadly passed away at 103. she was an amazing Portrait Painter and actually the kitchen where we are now was where she used to do all of her painting this was her studio and I managed to find this painting at an auction and I thought there was something really beautiful about bringing something back into the house that would have been here something kind of poetic about it I went through um quite a long phase of collecting busts I would describe it as a kind of a compulsion my addiction to auctions the next object I'd like to show you is this bust that I found in an auction house in America she was listed as a 1920s wooden Bust from Florence and that's actually all I know about her there's something really wonderful about her kind of living here on the windowsill with the light streaming in and we back onto a very large de-consecrated Cemetery it's one of the oldest cemeteries that existed in London from around the 17th century it's quite quiet around this area because everyone is dead so this is an amazing drawing by Cecil Beaton it's actually a sketch of Barbara Hutton the American RS and she's wearing the kind of Romanov Jewels it's also based off of a very famous photo that he took of her as well what I love about it though is the apology note to Barbara with love and apologies Cecil Tangier what I'm intrigued to know is what's he apologizing about sometimes artworks can kind of lead into collections and a few years ago I actually based a whole collection around Cecil Beaton called the age of silver foreign this is our bedroom there's something really nice about the fact that this is just the room that we sleep in one of my really favorite objects is my coffee alarm clock the alarm goes off the water boils and then kind of comes through here roll out of bed move your arm reach and have your first coffee of the day which is great I I definitely don't get eight hours which I should try to get the coffee alarm clock helps just stay awake why sleep this is a collection of Victorian photo albums I think the victorians were the ones that really started this idea of the family photo album most tend to be kind of from that time this one's a really special it's also a music box a little bit creepy over here is another object which is my parents wedding photo album which I love my mother was from Birmingham England and my father was from Eastern Turkey they met in Switzerland and emigrated to Canada sadly they both passed away when when my sister and I were kind of Fairly young it's nice to keep them kind of close and it just kind of reminds you of where you're from this is a suit that I designed from it's actually from one of my first menswear collections it's one that I very much love and that I often wear in kind of creating a mentor collection there was something so liberating actually in a strange way because so much of that language that you have was something that you could use or not use I kind of felt like a tremendous sense of um freedom to it actually we're just going to go straight ahead into our bathroom you get really beautiful light in here over here is another one of my favorite objects there's something wonderful about having a bath and having all of these faces kind of staring at you while you're in the bath which is a bit funny another object I have to mention that's here in the bathroom is this shower that Philip designed I love this shower and you can see it's very open there's also something kind of almost kind of slightly institutional about it it's really wonderful and it's a wonderful thing to enjoy in the mornings and I also love it because Philip made it [Music] I love this room it's the room that we hang out in generally where we relax we have a friend who's come to say hello this is pippy and I definitely don't think she's an object but she is someone I have a lot of affection for she's two years old and she's a little cockapoo should we show them the next object come on it's a full set of the yellow book which was a magazine that was published in the 1890s the artistic editor of the magazine was Aubry Beardsley and he designed all of the book covers and Illustrated all of them and he was probably most famous for illustrating all of Oscar Wilde's books there was a rumor that Oscar Wilde was carrying a copy of the yellow book when he was arrested the yellow book is named after literally yellow books that they used to make around that time that were basically kind of erotica foreign this next object is probably actually one of my favorite objects it's a painting by K donishy the painting's called glaze of Desire she explained that it's about catching someone in between kind of a thought and being present and not being present and there's something so dreamlike about her face she's kind of somewhere else we bought this painting on the day that we got engaged which was really special we both really fell in love with it Philip and I have similar taste and then we also have very very different taste I quite like a Dusty antique store um whereas Phillips Moore architectural in his approach in what he he loves I think there's something really interesting about the contrast about what we both love and I think this house is very much about that it's a kind of a contrast between two people and um and you can kind of feel it when you're when you're in the house so this is a large photo of a Young Man by Wolfgang Tillmans it's actually the first piece of art I ever bought I think his expression is kind of amazing and it looks like he's been kind of Up All Night Dancing you can kind of see the perspiration around the t-shirt it's just something that kind of reminds me of like kind of a rebelliousness and kind of Youth that I think is so amazing and I think also it's such a modern image and the contrast of it in this very old house feels really great so from the top floor which is probably maybe one of the brightest areas in the house I'm gonna take you now to the darkest area of the house our basement come on Pips here we are in the basement which is where one of my objects of affection lives which is just through this door so this is where the Japanese bath lives you can maybe tell it's a little bit uh darker down here we're in the basement Philip had this genius idea of lining the walls with um Cork and you can see here this is a Japanese ufuru tub which is um a very traditional Japanese bathtub made out of hanuki wood which is a kind of type of cedar wood which is has a really really um beautiful smell there's something kind of wonderful about the fact that you can't actually have soap in here it's just purely for soaking and the kind of the ritual of of soaking it's um definitely probably the most relaxing object of affection that I've shown you today thank you Vogue I've shown you all of my objects of affection uh but someone needs a walk so I better go [Music]
Channel: Vogue
Views: 872,222
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Keywords: antiques, designs erdem moralıoğlu, erdem, erdem antiques, erdem clothing, erdem designer clothing, erdem designers, erdem dresses, erdem gowns, erdem moralıoğlu, erdem moralıoğlu desginer, erdem moralıoğlu home, erdem moralıoğlu house, erdem moralıoğlu objects of affection, erdem townhouse, erdems house, fashion designer house, inside erdems home, objects of affection, objects of affection erdem, objects of affection vogue, vogue
Id: 3Yvic-KToD8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 21sec (561 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 02 2022
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