Inside Olivier Rousteing’s glamorous house in Paris | Living With Style

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hi it's Olivia ran and this is how I live with [Music] style I think I bought this house around 10 years ago it's been 8 years that I'm living here before it was an old factory and after it came almost like a spa half of a spa I would say I felt completely love I knew I could do so many things so I rebuilt almost the entire house I really wanted to bring my style my vision the Furnitures I wanted to bring all the marble that I'm obsessed with if you come with me you will see this incredible lamp that I think represents completely who I am I mean you know me for ban so I love the gold I love the strength the lamp I found uh in Mar s in Paris it's a lamp that comes from the beginning of the century it's a beautiful beautiful execution as you can see you can see the stone of the ametist that is in the wings you know it's really important because when you get in a house I want to have a beautiful spirit and energy and amst as a stone bring that really peaceful and serenity energy in the house and when I want people to come in my house I want that they feel really peaceful and and calm this house is 1,000 square me in the middle of Paris it's really private it's really calm as I told you she we had up upstairs and take a look of the house come and follow me on my way to upstairs you would see actually it's my portrait I know it feels a bit megalomaniac but it's not it was an important photo shoot at the beginning of my career and I wanted to celebrate the beginning of my journey at Bama so this is a picture that was my profile I mean it was I think maybe 10 years ago some sometimes you know in life we always forget the beginning um and for me it's always important to to remember where I come from and how the journey started you will see this painting I was with my friend Mikel Mikel is one of my best friend was my first assistant at bman when bman was maybe like 15 people at beginning of my career I was like going all around Paris and trying to always find unique and special pieces so basically I went with him and we found this incredible piece I loved the mix of History mixed with modernity in my h you will see something really modern the marble like really futuristic in somehow but you will see as well the clash with history and past and this is something that I really love that kind of tension of two world that connect this palm tree feels like really south of France it could feel a bit La a bit Marakesh so I love that kind of feeling and I love bringing that energy in my house all my friends say you're crazy Olivia you're in the middle of Paris and you want a huge palm tree I'm like I have 1,000 square meter let's make it happen I think there was like 25 guys came there was a huge crane after they realized the window was too small we had to break a bit the door because the door was too small as well but we made it happen and the good news with this palm tree is that it was big when I when I got it but actually it's even way bigger now which at one point I don't know if the house is too small there's only one question should I change my space because the palm tree is growing and here you arrive to the last floor of my house really important we should stop here uh for a couple of reason because I have really incredible pictures I want to talk about as I told you before I love my bomman memories one of the first picture Iman Naomi and Rihanna it was shot with Edward enu I think in 200 I would say 13 or 14 the photographer was Emma samton um we had a really great time it was I think after the med galala one of my first metgala I have to say and as you can imagine it was really difficult to have all the three incredible girlss together they are my friend they have been from the beginning a big support you will see as well Naomi shot by Steven Klein as a kid I remember like the Top Model era and that was something that made me dream about fashion it was something that I remember when I was a kid and I was reading all those magazines so the time that I I had this IDE I called Steven Klein and I was like can we do like a photo shoot with the three top model and that day was really emotional because seeing the three wom together that was something really special that I would never ever believe it would happen in my career you know I was like it was a dream of a 12 years old kid and growing up as a kid there's an icon that I love that inspired me so much in my fashion it's Carl Lagerfeld I got my first Chanel purse 10 years ago and I remember the first one was a Chanel Number Five made for a bag the last thing that I remember from this bag is that I brought it for to go to New York and I remember like uh at the at the airport they stopped me because they were like we told you you cannot have a fragrance in your bag and I was like this is not a fragrance this is a Chanel bag welcome to my living room this is um the space that I spending the most time in because as you can see it's really peaceful I sketch all my couches you know the problem of of a couch is how you place the couch you need to always make sure that people can face each other without feel embarrassing you know so I really Tred to create that kind of space where people can just feel relaxed actually the couch took really long because they made of velvet and this is the Velvet that I'm using for my ready to wear because I'm really like picky on velvet and on black the color as you can see there's a lot of black col around me I'm really picking on the color and the texture as well you can see all my pillows my pillows as well sometimes are quilted with studs uh but they can be leather there as well in velvet and basically wear black every day so sometime it feels like almost I'm in a camouflage right now for me black is obviously um is more than a color I would say is a lifestyle I wanted to have a beautiful um table made of mirror because if you see the ceiling is in glass so basically when you have the blue sky it completely reflect on the table you will see lot of objects from back from beginning of the century I love the kind of like contrast between mirror and glass you know I'm come from Baux the south of France my parents when they come here whatever for Christmas or for a birthday party or whatever they always bring me a beautiful red wine uh what we call a great MIM so I'm using them when my parents come usually uh if not you will see as well this beautiful egg made as well of mirror from Kristoff this was a present from Chris Jenner a couple of years ago for my birthday um by the way I love Chris I have to say I love hosting but at the same time I love so much my privacy so is a bit I would say a paradox I really usually invite really people that I'm really close to because my house is so private and it feel like when I when people discover my house they they know more about me but I'm really careful to make sure that not everybody knows me and know who I am there is a really good atmosphere and if I stay in silence for one second you in the middle of Paris and there's no noise and this is something that I really appreciate I told you I love my table but what I love about my table as well is all the objects around one of my favorite is this bamon so this is a game that I learned to play uh with my best friend she's from Iran she's called tala and she brought me a couple of years ago this game and it's like made in Terra always go every every summer together so we play if you don't know this game you should definitely learn because it's amazing this is basically all my summer with my best friend Ash tree my God this ash tree I mean the bad thing is that I'm a smoker the good thing is that I love beautiful ashri I got this from Ms I have to say I'm spending a lot of incredible time at AMS my bank account is not really happy with it but I mean I am so it's perfect and one of the most incredible thing that I have in my house I know it's going to stupid but I tell you it's actually my pen because I love sketching during the weekend so I think it's really important for me when I go back home I just feel sometime more creative and what I love about my pen is that there's two tips one is thicker one is smaller and I can definitely sketch the way that I want and and I love that I think the last time that we sketch I I was sketching it was with maluma actually and we start sketching cing um together actually sited here around the next fire place so I love inviting people and at my place and actually sketch with me sometime so when I arrived here the house was obviously empty so the first thing that I did was filling it with Marble Marble everywhere my passion I always love marble since that I'm a kid you know I had this Obsession when I was like six seven years old you know I was just like obsessed with Castle the fabulousness of Versailles you know something about strength and in somehow power and really this sense of rare and luxury I remember I was telling to my parents I want more marble in the house and my parents absolutely have not the same taste that I have the first time that they came here they were like we got you like when you were a kid and you wanted to have M all around the house now I mean you made it your dream happen you know so through those doors you're going to discover my bedroom it's really minimal and really simple what I love the most is my bed which I sketch with my architect a b Japanese inspiration because I really believe you know like the fact that the bed is not too high and the mat class is obviously really really important it's made of a really dark chocolate suede I love my bed a lot I think is one of the my favorite space in my house as well what I love as well about my bathroom is my bath stop I like I usually at night come back home pretty late the thing that I love the most is actually a warm bath that's what I do with my masks you will see as well some glass in the wall and when I bought the house like actually the honor told me that it was like vit that belonged to Jimmy andrix and to tell you a story that no one knows um after the third visit um of this house before buying it I met the daughter of the honter and she told me one thing it was on a Sunday morning she told me I was dying to meet you I had a dream and I would love to share with you I was like what is your dream and she told me I would love to do a documentary on you and so this documentary is called Wonder Boy on Netflix and that's how I build the story she was um the directress of my documentary so when she was coming here and filming me it was funny because it was her hex house in somehow you know so it's um I really believe in energy and spirit of a house and I have to say that the the first thing that made me love this house is that I could feel that is a Great Soul and a great energy here what I love the most about my kitchen is this table as you can see it's like a long long table um that is floting in the air if you look at the bottom of the table you will see that it's like made of glass as well so it feels like the wood is flying if you look at around there is many things that I love about my kitchen that for me is really special like that butcher block that is from south of France the sink coming from south of Italy I love the spirit of this kitchen because as you have seen through all my all my house there is obviously a lot of object and it's really cold sometime because there's a lot of marble but here there's something that feels really warm because it's a lot of wood that you won't find in the house if you ask me if I know how to cook I would love to tell you yes but unfortunately not uh but I love trying and I love watching people telling me that I do something great when I just cook an egg this is the best that I can do but what I know to do really well is my morning routine uh juices made of carrots Apple Ginger um and some blueberries I love the switches they're really old as well and as you can see there's a lot of fans on the ceiling but I have to say I'm really scared to turn them on because I'm scared that they fall that's the thing but they're really beautiful I mean actually there are many beautiful things that I'm scared of but I mean this is most important I'm working fashion so whatever it is fashion is Passion architecture is beautiful I have one last surprise for you we're going to go downstairs and here we are in My Secret Garden the pool unboxing as you can see behind me like unboxing with my personal trainer every morning you will see as well there's a little Salon where it's all white and really calm where we can have some drinks and usually on Sunday I'm sitting in my couch and read books and just having my cup of tea here and doing my kind of spa session on on Sunday and sometimes it's not so relaxed because I know that I have done really great parties here sometimes my after shows come here like with all my friends uh my teams and I would say that it's half half sometimes a lot of Silence sometimes a lot of noise one of my favorite party I've done here was after my men's sare show and we came with all my team and all our friends celebrities models everybody was around the house and we all end up like throwing each other in the pool until that so many people um jump in the pool that um my hitting system got killed like literally but this is okay until that we have fun this is the most important and again great spirit great energy and I have to tell you something when I come to my pool I can change the lights I'm a bit crazy sometimes I like to have my pool blue sometime I like to have my pool yellow red pink purple so this is a bit the trick every morning and I can obviously not decide so I spend like maybe at least 2 minutes to decide hope you enjoy this little tour in my house it's as I told you it's my secret garden but I'm super excited for you to discover all my little secrets here it's a peaceful house and that's how I start actually to create and having more creativity when I go to my office so please don't forget to subscribe Sunday time Style YouTube channel
Channel: The Sunday Times Style
Views: 15,639
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Olivier Rousteing, Living With Style, style, balmain, fashion, styling
Id: HnuwOfZKS3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 9sec (909 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2024
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