Revelations From Oldest Known Maps #podcast #grahamhancock #science #history #ancient #map #maps

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today I'm going to I'm going to talk about some traces of uh perhaps uh A Lost Civilization and uh these will look primarily at scientific traces at also at spiritual traces of that Civilization uh all around the world um I believe we are as species with amnesia I think we have forgotten Our Roots and our Origins I think we are quite lost in many ways and we live in a society that uh that uh invests huge amounts of money and vast quantities of energy in ensuring that we all stay lost a society that invests in creating unconsciousness uh which invests in keeping people asleep so that we're just passive consumers or producers and not really asking uh any of the questions and I found for me the study of the past and the mysteries of the past has been a liberating process in terms of looking uh at the present this is the world of course uh as uh as it looks today uh we're very concerned about such issues as global warming climate change coming Earth changes uh which which many have in have intuited but if you go back uh 21,000 years you will find that the world looked very different there were gigantic ice caps covering the major land masses the ice over North America this huge ice cap was actually two miles deep can you imagine that two miles of ice sitting on top of New York City well I don't know but that's that's that's how it was same in come closer I mean just an an extraordinary thing nobody could could live there any any traces of whatever was underneath it were Ground to dust by the weight of that ice Europe the same story a gigantic ice cap bigger than Antarctica covering the whole of Northern Europe just an extraordinarily different world this is our world today with its familiar Contours and outlines and uh this is the world at the end of the last at at not the end but at the last glacial maximum 21,300 years ago uh there was no Red Sea there was no Arabian Gulf the Indian Coastline was greatly extended Sri Lanka joined on to the tip southeast Asia was a whole continent that is now underwater just reduced to the Malaysian Peninsula and the Indonesian Islands altogether 10 million square miles of land were above water then that are underwater now and 10 million square miles of land that's the whole of Europe and China added together in ter terms of area so this was a very serious change that took place in the earth when we went from that to this and it was a change which uh unfolded over a period of about 10,000 years but some times it was extremely cataclysmic it wasn't just a slow drip drip drip of the ice sheets what would happen on top of those two mile high ice camps is that you would get a gradual accumulation of melt water in gra glacial lakes on top of the ice camps and this would perhaps accumulate for four or 5,000 years before the boundaries surrounding it broke and the huge explosion of water poured down off the ice caps reaching speeds of a thousand kmers an hour coming down tearing over the land destroying the landscape rushing into the sea and raising uh sea level 30 foot 40 foot rise in sea level overnight happened twice during the last ice AG we can imagine what a 30 or 40 foot rise in sea level would do to our civilization today if were to happen overnight I believe it would bring it instantly uh to an end now we have Traditions uh myths stories from all around the world of of an all destroying Global flood and uh the tendency of academics is to say that these stories are just what happened was there was some little local flood and the people in that area imaginatively elaborated it in into a global flood I don't think I need such an explanation when I know that there were Global floods at the end of the last ice age when the whole world was flooded again and again and again uh and I do believe that the flood myths uh from all around the world amongst which of course I include the story of Atlantis uh are a memory of real events uh recorded in myth and tradition it's rather interesting that Plato who is the earliest surviving source for the story of Atlantis uh tells us that he got it from his relative Solon who in turn got it from the ancient Egyptians uh and that they spoke of a Time 9,000 years before the time of Solon that's 9,600 BC or 11,600 years before the present when the wonderful civilization of Atlantis was destroyed in a single t terrible day and a night by flooding and earthquakes academics think that Plato made it all up but if Plato made it all up it's extraordinary that he chose that date and that time around 12,000 years ago because that was absolutely at the peak of the Meltdown of the last ice age when there was indeed Global flooding the story is all over the world in India it's the story of Manu the Indian Noah uh rescued from the from the flood by Vishnu in Greece it's the story of dualon and PIRA the same thing a couple who regenerate mankind surviving the flood writing it out in a box that that rides along the waves the Maya too had this story of the end of the last World age and the whole Mayan concept of cyclical time and what goes around comes around fits in with this very very strongly here's the story of Noah from the Bible and if you want to find the origins of the story of Noah you need to go to Sumer the land that is now Iraq where the Epic of Gilgamesh almost 5,000 years old tells essentially the same story that is told in the Bible um of a warning one man warned the gods are angry with mankind they're going to send a flood you must save what you can it's the story of Gilgamesh the story the story of the Gilgamesh epic interestingly enough if you go to the Arabian Gulf where the gilges Epic comes from and you look at the situation at the end of the at the the last ice age this was the Arabian Gulf at the last glacial maximum this is not not see this is a river this is the combined streams of the Tigris and the Euphrates uh running through the otherwise completely dry uh Arabian Gulf uh which formed a kind of Garden of Eden it was one of the most wonderful places to live on Earth at that time um when most of the rest of the world was extremely arid and very inhospitable and then around 12,000 years ago very very quickly the whole Arabian Gulf uh became flooded uh so I think that if we see a flood story from that region talking of a global flood uh it's pretty easy to understand where it came from it came from what happened it's a Memory it's not a myth Australia that's how it was at the last glacial maximum 21,000 years ago with that gigantic tip of Southeast Asia nearby that's how it is to today and again the Aborigines of Australia who've been in Australia for 50,000 years um have myths and traditions of global floods uh a great flood serpent which ate up the land it's put into symbolic language but again it's a memory of what happened at the end of the Ice Age now one of the things when I first began to explore these Mysteries 20 20 plus years ago now one of the first things that struck me was the the what I call the mystery of the maps uh that there are certain maps that have come down to us from Antiquity which show the world not as it looks today but as it looked during the last ice age and whenever you look into the story of these Maps you find that they were copied from older Source Maps typically the between the 13th and 17th centuries so the maps that we look at are relatively recent they date from the 13th to the 17th centuries but when you find their Origins you find that the map makers drew on many Source Maps which are no longer available to us um and and uh these ancient maps seem to record the world as it looked 20 15, years ago this was the level of mapmaking Technology um in uh the 7th Century in Spain and indeed in the 13th century these are called to Maps because of the shape they're quite pretty but you definitely would not want to navigate by them they're really bad for navigation um actually East is up on these Maps this would be Jerusalem center of the world uh this is the Mediterranean here's Spain here's North Africa um and uh as I say pretty but but useless however that map's from 1283 and round about that time end of the 13th century flooded into Europe a whole new set of maps and nobody really knows where they came from Tommy's Maps we know of Tommy of course but he himself 2,000 years ago was drawing on earlier Source Maps when he created his maps and those Maps disappeared during the Dark Ages they were preserved in monasteries and they came to the attention of mariners at the end of the 13th century they're not as good as modern Maps but they're very good and you can navigate by them um another mysterious group of maps appeared at that time and these are the so-called uh PTO lands the PTO land cartographic tradition this is the uh pisan chart from 1280 it's the earliest surviving example uh that's Italy there you're coming into Spain and North Africa here and The Holy Land there um what's remarkable about these Maps uh is that they incorporate incredibly precise latitudes and longitudes now latitude is a relatively easy thing to do simply by measuring the height of the Sun or stars above the Horizon but the pulse star above the Horizon specifically but longitude requires technology it requires a chronometer that can maintain accurate time as the Earth spins and uh our civilization was not able to do longitude until the late 18th century uh and that's why many Mariners before the the longitude problem was cracked would end up bumping into coastlines that they didn't expect to be there because they'd done their calculations wrong but weirdly in these older Maps highly accurate longitudes how do we explain that other than as a Heritage from an earlier mapmaking tradition Charles hapg good his work on the maps of the ancient sea Kings uh is um really the best source on this on this material and he's suggesting that the portan tradition came through a predecessor of toy marinus of tire through toy stored in the Library of Alexandria when the Library of Alexandria was burned down some of those Maps went to Constantinople Crusaders went into Constantinople and took away some of those maps and reintroduced them to the world that's roughly the the suggestion here I think everybody's heard of the PIR Reese map which is a portan map and uh here we see South America's East Coast to be compared there the west coast of Africa and down here at the very southern tip of South America a continuous land mass uh that appears to be Antarctica uh on a map dating from 1513 and it's really a puzzle if you find Antarctica on maps from the 16th century uh because our civilization didn't discover Antarctica until the early 19 Century here's Antarctica as it looks today and uh here's Antarctica as it looked uh around the year 1800 in this map from Russia which shows no Antarctica at all and it's not there because we hadn't discovered it in 1800 we didn't Discover it until 1818 yet if you go back to the 1600s and the 1500s Antarctica is all over ancient maps there it is in uh this beautiful work of oranus Phineas a rather accurate depiction of the continent of Antarctica and uh here again um a map by Mercator the fam everybody's heard of the Mercator Projection a great map maker here again Antarctica present in that map both of those Maps the arus Phineas map and the to a map Drew on earlier Source Maps now lost to us is it possible that those earlier Source Maps may go back to an earlier civilization one that had the technology to explore the entire Globe to map it mathematically in a way that that we can recognize today as highly sophisticated because that's what these Maps seem to show here's one of those toic maps not quite so good as the as the portal lands but still pretty good and interesting really to to look at southeast Asia and how southeast Asia is represented in this huge land mass here and to compare that with um well there's southeast Asia today there it is on that map and here's how it looked 21,300 years ago and I find a really remarkable similarity between what the geologists now tell us southeast Asia looked like 21,000 years ago and what it looks like uh on this map even with the tip of the Australian land mass coming into the image right there another toic map from 1513 off the British Isles and off the island of Ireland is a little island here can you see it this little island is called high Brazil lots of people believed in the existence of high Brazil I know personally of two Expeditions that were sent out from Bristol which is a town very near near where I live to look for Hy Brazil but they couldn't find it because they didn't need a ship to find it they needed a time machine you have to go back 13,000 years to find Hy Brazil and that's where it was the geology shows us quite clearly with lower sea levels at that time this land mass was exposed around 13,000 years ago the M the land mass that is shown on that map and let let's go back to the Peri Reese map again on it right up here there's an island which doesn't exist not today anyway and on that island there's these curious Stones side by side you see them there that island is in exactly the place where bimin is today and underwater off bimin is the famous bimin Road I think that that's what's shown on this image here how it looked before it was flooded at the end of the Ice Age
Channel: History Drops
Views: 179,439
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: history, ancient, history documentary, ancient mysteries, ancient egypt, documentary, ancient discoveries, documentaries, historic, ancient history, discovery, egypt, civilization, world, humans, evidence, explained, education, mystery, mysterious, lost civilization, ancient civilization, ancient apocalypse, hieroglyphics, hieroglyphs, ancient pre ice age civilization, ancient prehistoric civilization, ancient precision, graham hancock, hancock, graham, podcast, ancient maps, maps, missing continents
Id: x5NcpRfsuRA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 10sec (1090 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 01 2024
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