Exploring Tokyo's LARGEST Tech Store

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it's been quite a while since I've made a Japan video so today let's take a look at one of the largest tech stores that Tokyo has to offer this is Yoda Bashi akuba an electronic store with over 600,000 ft of retail space that has a wide selection of basically everything we're talking laptops game consoles cameras smartphones even rice cookers and refrigerators you name it they probably sell it I'm going to show you all around in just a little bit but what really fascinates me about Yoda Bashi akuba is that the whole existence of it is really smart ACC let's talk about the location akih Habra is a central hub for all things games and Anime but at a point it was also the spot for electronics computers and appliances I actually made a video about this town about a year and a half ago on the channel so if you're curious definitely check that that out but it makes sense to open up a store filled with technology in a place where people are actually interested in it in fact it's actually right behind me up there there is also the fact that yabashi is right next to Jr Akihabara station which is a major transport hub for people coming in out and through East Tokyo I just walked out of the station and literally this is the view this store is massive it really should be no surprise that y Bashi is busy all year round but let's go in and see what the store is all about all right walking in to Yoda Bashi akuba walking through the first floor of Yoda Bashi it's super interesting right because it is on the ground level and you get a lot of foot traffic but also that means yabashi puts out all of the stops to kind of decorate it in a way that tries to draw your attention to literally everything like it is super sensory overload with deals and product displays loud music everything's super well lit too which is nice yeah this store is kind of crazy it should be no surprise that there is a lot to look at whether you're actually looking to buy something or just window shop in fact uh take a look at this there is nine floors of things to look at which is absolutely insane I'm I'm going to try my best to show you at least a good amount of what's actually here if I'm being honest at least for me the first floor is a bit of a tourist trap but there is a lot of really cool stuff to look at like for example right next to me here is a Mini Apple store and to my right there's some windows products right in front of me there's a Google pixel display it's just a lot of things that I think normal consumers would probably just want to buy there's also a lot of easy access access items on this first floor as well like smartphone cases battery Banks Chargers you know things that people would probably want to run into the store for without having to go through multiple floors to you know go grab the item and check out at least it's all available on this first floor and that's super cool also I should note that I am here on New Year's Day which most stores are usually closed on this day but Yoda Bashi has a lot of sales and it's also of the only stores that's this big that's open which means you got a lot of people here so we're going to be weaving around a lot of foot traffic today all of the escalators have crazy advertising on it look at this all right second floor of Yoda Bashi we have PC peripherals liquor stationer and trolley cases oh my God that's so loud these guys are actually promoting a lot of things that are heavily discounted and they also have grab bags that you know you pay whatever lump sum of money and it'll have some goodies in it that are within a category of tech that you're looking for which could be kind of cool or kind of bad I would assume kind of bad second floor viota Bashi is really cool because it has a wide variety of things that I'm interested in namely PC stuff look at this so they got as you would imagine a wide array of PC components from graphics cards to CPUs to cases coolers pretty much whatever you need you can find it here now to be fair shopping for PC components in Japan is a little weird I think a lot of their pricing is honestly more expensive than what we see in the states and Yoda selection while it is extensive enough I think if you actually go to akih proper you'll probably find more stuff but if you just wanted to shop in one store and buy literally everything you got it here a common theme with Yoda Bashi that I really like is how granular the selection can get so here in the networking section you have things for cable management or if you need to splice your own ethernet cables together you got that as well you have things to hide your cable runs and this is just for networking it's one whole aisle speaking of granular we have some LEDs here which aren't just normal diodes these are things that you would actually replace on your motherboard if say a status light were to die and they come in a bunch of different colors jeez this is kind of ridiculous the second floor also has a lot of printing stuff so anything from paper stocks to Ink actual printers themselves and even the old Japanese special the fax machine they still sell sell these in fact they sell them in troves look at this wow this one looks like it does a lot of stuff to be fair a lot of these are probably also mixed printers and copas as well but the fact that fax machines are still an advertised thing here is something that I think is pretty unique to Japan man this second floor is so cool because it has a lot of Gaming peripherals like headsets keyboards but if we venture even deeper past all of the bigger Brands you can actually find keyboards from smaller brands that some of you might be familiar with like newy keyron real force is down the hall over there and it's all available in a brick and mortar store you just want to try it in person you don't have to do any of the guess work for the switches or anything it's just here in front of you to try out try before you buy that's the beauty of brick and mortar God I love this store yabashi selection is not just limited to technology they also have hella stationary stuff like pens paper notebooks this second floor is honestly kind of random but really cool at the same time here we have paper shredders reading glasses there's so much to look through Jesus Christ let's go upstairs though floor [Music] three all right so floor number three honestly this one is also a lot of what I'm into and by what I'm into I mean a lot of expensive stuff and they have a lot of mechanical watches to choose from here like a lot of really expensive ones and good ones and I don't know much about watches but this wouldn't be the worst place to start just a couple of steps down from the watches we have a ton of cameras fact this is a thing that Yoda Bashi is known for it's in their full store name Yoda Bashi camera so you have all of the major brands Fuji Sony Nikon Canon they also have hella stuff to customize your camera stuff with things like straps filters SD cards cages for your camera which I actually kind of need if you need rocket blow to dust your lenses off or remote shutters they have hella camera stuff here I can honestly peruse all day but let's move on because there's more store to look at so this whole section is meant for people that want to do film making or vlogging so for example they have a whole red Komodo 6K literally sitting in the hallway on a cool little tripod and if you venture in they have Vlog cameras and vlogging accessories things like ring lights we have switchers if you plan on live streaming a whole teleprompter over here and they have drones look at this they even have a whole DJI section for all of the drones they also have all of the cameras and even the oso pocket which I'm going be real I actually did buy from here here as well a couple of days ago taxfree I ended up saving like 150 bucks thanks to the conversion rate and the lack of local tax for being a foreigner which is really good this floor also has Health Care appliances so if you need things like razors and Shavers they got toothbrushes over here with the crazy Oral B display very well lit Prime love that as you can see again again the selection of things that you can get on each floor is nuts all right fourth floor let's see what is up here we have things ranging from TVs to audio equipment which includes headphones which I especially want to check out because yabashi selection is really impressive so there are hell of Brands to choose from here from final to Audio Technica JVC see there's just so much here I kid you not there are like 20 small aisles of headphones to choose from from in ears to over ears Wireless whatever you're looking for Yoda Bashi has quite the selection and best of all you can actually try everything out for yourself to see if you like it before you actually buy it there's going to be a lot to peruse here if I want to take something home I need a new pair of headphones guys they even have a lot of the chaii Brands which you'll certainly wouldn't see in like a Best Buy or a Target they straight up have Moon drops ready for you to try and buy right on the spot now some of you might be wondering hey Ken these are inear headphones are you really going to try them out in public Well turns out you can actually go to the sales counter and grab some wipes to do a courtesy one on the headphones before you put it in your own ears and also to wipe it down after you are done the hospitality doesn't stop there if you need to grab a 3.5 mm adapter if your phone doesn't have a headphone jack you can grab one for lightning or USBC from that same sales counter so that you can actually try things out without hesitation and walk home with the product that you actually want man they even have instruments got some keyboards and posos up ahead they got a lot of guitars if you just need anything they really do have it I mean it should be no no surprise to anyone that Japan takes their audio seriously and Hi-Fi here is on a whole another level and obviously you have Brands like Sonos and JBL over there but walk down here and things get a little crazier you have denim which is a Japanese brand Sony Yamaha down there you also have Morant as well you the brand start to get high-end and the gear starts to get more and more ridiculous the deeper into the store you go then you have an actual true high-fi section to the store and it's just row and rows of this stuff got some Dax XLR cables got turntables behind me this is unreal you got spools spools of cable over here if you're doing some long speaker runs you just do your shopping here it's all in one place if there is a place in this world where physical media is still a thing it is 100% Japan and as you can see there is a lot of physical media that you can buy Here Blu-rays left and right in this particular aisle you can get bdxl which will hold up to 12 128 gigs of data damn you thought physical media is dead it most certainly isn't all right floor number five which is all about home appliances so I never actually come up here because none of it really applies to me it's not like I'm going to take a refrigerator or an air conditioner home and even for little things like handback I can just buy in the states usually so not really the floor for me I'm probably just going to skip it but if you need a refrigerator for some reason you can get it here okay well the only thing I'm really interested with on this floor is the totto wash lit display because if you guys don't already know these are the Cadillac of toilet seats look at oh oh man these things are cool woo a the Panasonic ones are good too but the totos oh boy let me know if you want to see a total washlet video these things are so rad whoa this steamer looks like a radar gun or the main part of a Dyson wow this looks fancy all right that's enough of that let's go up to the gamer floor woohoo all right so now we are on the sixth floor aka the best floor so this is where all of the video games are as well as figurines anything hobby related like if you're into gunpla they have that as well they have model train stuff this is literally like the toy section of Yoda Bashi and it is sweet this whole wall here is just dedicated to puzzles you got some peanuts you have junk cook from BTS as a puzzle if you want it oh boys oh yeah we got the San Rio but most importantly the cinema roll this guy's coming home oh yo this looks different we have a whole Nintendo section which might as well just be a whole Nintendo store this is a huge Nintendo section obviously they have aisles and aisles of games but in addition to that go all the way to the wall over there it's a me Mario Luigi God this store is insane they have so much Nintendo over here but if you make your way to the other side of the store you'll start to see things for PC gaming things like headsets again and keyboards but also accessories for the PS5 and even Xbox series X and series s in fact I think technically Yoda Bashi calls this their Esports department so you'll find hella gaming monitors here accessories but most of the things that I can get here with as far as video games and accessories go I can pretty much get in the states what I really want to show you guys though is the hobby side cuz it is kind of wild so because of yashi's proximity to the Akihabara strip you have a lot of anime paraphernalia to peruse through if you are into collecting a lot of crap like I am so for example we have some osin no Co stuff this is one of the hot new anime from the past year you'll even see stuff for shout out to Austin we got some Trading Card things here so things like playmats storage boxes sleeves these things are absolutely important if you like to collect there are also a lot of gacha figurine sets if you want to get something smaller and cheaper and want to play some odds if camping is your hobby yabashi has a whole section just for that you can get multi-tools firewood to make a fire out in the woods I don't know and you even have thermals to keep yourself warm considering that it is currently winter want to grill for your campsite or maybe need to keep it bright at night to keep the animals away we get quite a lot here wow dang that's a lot of bikes I mean you see a lot of them here in Japan so it doesn't surprise me that there is a whole corner of the sales floor dedicated to them man this is a whole thing they even got helmets behind me they have a bunch of cycling gear in the back there this is getting tiring problem with a video like this is that I'm just kind of exploring and vibing but I don't really feel like I'm adding much to the conversation it's just oh wow look at this oh cool look at that all this to say there is so much to look at here to the point where if you really wanted to you could spend a whole day and still not see all of it I can't stress enough that this entire store is Run by One retail company yes there are Tech malls all over Asia that that are a collection of a bunch of different businesses but Yoda Bashi akuba is one gigantic store and I think that's what makes it unique okay but saving the best for last we have the model part of this floor which is literally dedicated to if you have model train sets if you want to build a model car all of that stuff is here and they have all of the tools and bits and Bobs to help you out with that so anything from like trays and fake Greenery all the way to train tracks for your model sets and cars as far as the eye can see fact if I looked hard enough I probably could find a Toyota Supra in the same color that I have it if you're a fan of Motorsports JDM Cars or just cars in general there are hell Scale Models to find here look at this so all of these individual boxes are model trains of actual real ones that exist in Japan obviously there are so many train lines here in this country and they're absolutely proud of it and that's why there's a huge selection here they have like station Parts too I don't think I was ever really interested in model train building until I came to Japan but coming to this section every single time I'm here makes me want to start I mean good luck try TR to fit a whole town and train spread in my tiny 500 fot apartment in LA but man if I had the room a you bet I would be dropping catch on this place hey yo it's Brian o' Conor himself when you're here your family family now as far as Electronics go that is just about what Yoda Bashi proper has to offer the top two floors of this building are still operated by Yoda Bashi but are more akin to an actual mall floor number seven is a bunch of clothing shops including a Unico and one of my favorite glasses stores Jin which actually helps me get glasses on the cheap because they are super expensive for me to get in the States but they'll handle my very powerful prescription with no problem whatsoever and let me choose whatever frame I want and with taxfree Allin I never really spend more than 150 bucks here for a pair of specs at which point I actually just end up buying a handful because they're so cheap and I can actually accessorize with whatever I'm wearing there something I normally wouldn't have been able to do in the states and if you're done with all of your shopping and just want to chill out for a bit before heading home the eighth floor of Yodobashi has a bunch of awesome restaurants in it it's kind of a Food Corp with a bunch of small eateries to sit around and there's a wide selection of things to get here and what's really cool about this place is that it's not just Japanese Cuisine they have food from all around the world here and I'll be real all of it that I've tried is very good for a spot that you would think would be very tourist trappy the restaurants are actually really high quality and a lot of the food is actually affordable and compared to the hectic crawl that is the Akihabara strip finding food here is way more chill and the lines aren't as crazy which is really awesome to see I've actually been to this Curry naan place a lot it is so good definitely recommend it if you are coming by yabashi for sure and then there is the last floor the ninth one which actually has a bunch of golf stuff including I believe a sort of range and batting cages look at this a driving range and a batting cage so let's give it a shot so I want to do the Batting Cage in particular which looks like it's 1,00 Yen for three plays which is about 60 hits let's go do it I've never actually done a batting cage before ever ooh so this will be interesting let alone at a top of a building I'm going upstairs so maybe this is technically the 10th floor but woo oh let's see let's see thank you for using oh shoot There's an actual line to do this all [Music] right there we go oh there we go [Music] okay there we go okay I'm starting to feeling now Mr Krabs there we go two Good Hits this time two but I got two clean hits in the final one I'll take that going to batting cage is not quite the thing that people would expect to do when they go to an electronic store but I got to hand it to yabashi they really do a good job of incentivizing you to stay in the building for as long as possible that was fun though man I want to do more batting cages that was sick what's funny is that I've been in Yoda Bashi for about 5 and 1 half hours now and obviously I'm filming a video which makes me being here a little bit of a longer time but I'm really not kidding you can spend a whole day in yabashi because there's so much to see there's so much to do you can eat a lot of food all without even stepping in to proper Akihabara and I think that's impressive I don't even really know that we can call it a tech store it's really a multi-purpose building no that's too boring what a fun day definitely stop by yabashi akuba if you guys are visiting Japan this place is absolutely crazy let me know what you think about this spot in the comments below and otherwise thanks for watching this video on deny channel and now it's time for me to go down 9 flights of escalators to get to the bottom so I can get back to my hotel and take a very long nap the other thing about yabashi is that if you spend a lot of time in the store you are going to hear the jingle of this store over and over and over [Music] again now for me it's actually pretty catchy and I don't mind in fact I'll start bobbing my head subconsciously because such a Bop but if you're one to be driven Crazy by repetitive sounds you probably can't spend more than 15 minutes in the store before you lose your mind but for me I'm [Music] down
Channel: Denki
Views: 436,344
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ZkrX_UyQBa8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 46sec (1546 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 20 2024
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