Insane Gaming Efficiency! AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D Benchmark & Review

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foreign [Music] books today we are finally able to check out the Zen 4 3D v-cash CPU that you're actually interested in the ryzen 7 7800x3d and boy is it fast and extremely power efficient but before we get to all the exciting graphs today's sponsor spot is brought to you by power color and their Red Devil RX 7900 series of graphics cards designed for 4K gaming the Red Devil series ensures Optimal Performance with low temperatures and Whisper quiet operation and although cool and quiet gaming is the priority power color aren't afraid to do it in style allowing Gamers to customize the look of their Red Devil 7900 series graphics card with devil skins they're uniquely designed back plates devil Skins are extremely easy to attach with pre-installed magnets and currently Gamers can choose from the generative skin for a hellish appearance or the intrusive skin for those of you who are after something a bit more subtle so for more information please check the link in the video description now for whatever reason AMD decided that it would be a good idea to delay the release of the 7800x3d and instead lead with the 7950x 3D and 17900x3d both of which arrived back in February the 7150x3d was by no means a bad product but it's a very Niche product it doesn't really makes sense from a pure gaming standpoint certainly not in terms of value anyway with just one of the two ccds armed with 3D V cash the 16 core 7050x3d is heavily reliant on Windows to address the correct core complex die and that didn't always happen and it still doesn't therefore to ensure maximum performance gamers are best off disabling the second CCD and the BIOS essentially turning the 7950x 3D into a 7800x 3D but paying 700 us for the privilege thankfully the 7800x 3D is now here so rather than paying 700 us for the 16 core version and then turning it into a 7800 X 3D you can now buy the 7800 X 3D for 450 us so that is a much better situation for interested buyers the 7800 X 3D is actually a really interesting Prospect at 450 as that makes it just fifty dollars more than the 7700x but also 120 more than the non-x version so the plain old ryzen 7 700 it's also so price to compete with the core i7 13700k which can currently be had for 420 while the more desirable 13 to 100K is up around 580 U.S now for this review I've had to update all of our already very fresh data and this is because Nvidia recently changed the way their GeForce drivers behave by disabling resizable bar in games such as Horizon zero Dawn and I believe Spider-Man remastered as well and this has resulted in big performance gains for Intel CPUs in those games and there are also a few other small performance changes here and there so I just decided to retest everything including the am4 and am5 processor so this was a massive undertaking with not a whole lot of time to do it so along with the latest GeForce drivers using the RTX 4090 I've also updated all of the board's boss revisions and I've moved the LJ 1700 test system over to the gigabyte z790 RS Elite ax motherboard using ddr5 7200 cell 34 memory as for the am5 test system that's still using the gigabyte x670e aorus Master with ddr56000cl30 memory as that is the fastest memory that will work with all as N4 processors okay let's get into the data right so before we jump into the Benchmark graphs here's a look at clock behavior of the 7800x3d in cinebench R23 all-core workload under this load the CPU sustained an average clock frequency of 4.8 gigahertz and a peak operating temperature of 84 degrees which is very cool for a zen4 processor then running just the single core test we saw a sustained frequency of 5 gigahertz that's just 200 megahertz over what we saw for the all-core workload and the peak operating temperature dropped down to 66 degrees so pretty good results there though it is only a single core workload okay so when running the all core workload in cinebench R23 the 7800x 380 is seen to be eight percent slower than the 7700x and a massive 21 slower than the 13600k and then 37 slower than the 13700k so in terms of value this will be a pretty poor offering for productivity and at this price point you'd certainly be better off with the core i7 13700k the biggest drawback of the 3D V cache technology is the fact that the course typically have to clock lower the 7950x3d was able to get around this by running the cinebench R23 single core workload on the second higher clocked non-3dv cache enabled CCD but the 7800x3d doesn't have that luxury so the single core score drops to just 1816 points which is a 30 Boost from the 5800x 3D but eight percent slower than the 7700x now despite everything we just saw in Photoshop 2022 the 7800x 3D performs quite well matching the 7950x3d with a score of 1481 points though that meant it was still five percent slower than the 7700x now I suspect that the 7950x3d is using the 3D V cache enabled CD for this workload which is why the 7800x threaded offered a similar level of performance moving on we have the blender open data Benchmark and this is a core heavy workload that isn't efficiently accelerated by Intel's e-cors and as a result the 13600k was just 11 faster in this example though the 13700k did Maul the 7800 X 3D by a whopping 44 margin so again if you're interested in productivity performance then the 7800 X3 it's just not going to be for you this is a pure gaming CPU unless of course your workload does benefit from having a 3D V cache which isn't the case here in blender where the 700x3d is really impressive is when it comes to power consumption the 13 600k for example it was 11 faster in this Benchmark but for that extra performance we saw a whopping 52 increase in total system power consumption and that is total system power consumption the 13700k on the other hand that was 44 faster but here we can see it consumes 89 more power and that again is total system power so in terms of efficiency the 7950x30 is actually amazing here and the 7800x30 is also great for the levels of performance it delivers okay on to some gaming benchmarks and quite disappointingly the 7950x30 is still broken in The factorio Benchmark now if you manually disable the second CCD it can match what we're seeing here from the 7800x3d but failing to do so sees the game Run on the second CCD and performance is drastically reduced anyway this is a good example of the performance related issues you can avoid with the 7800x3d so having just a single 3D vcash enabled CCD means the game or program always has access to the larger L3 cache so in this example the 7800x30 is 22 faster than the 5800x3d 55 faster than the 13900k 72 percent faster than the 13700k and 77 faster than the 7700x next up we have Hogwarts Legacy with Ray tracing enabled and here these 7800 X 3D does quite well edging out the 1300k by three percent margin so performance overall is much the same between these two parts when compared to the simile price 13 700k you are getting a much more noteworthy 11 performance boost meanwhile the 7950x 3D is clocked a little more aggressively resulting in a minor three percent performance bump over the 7800 X 3D as for power consumption I'm going to show total system usage as I feel this is more relevant to someone looking at buying this CPU or any CPU for that matter these results are heavily influenced by performance as in how many frames the RTX 49ing is able to spit out so do keep that in mind having said all of that though the 7800x30 was three percent faster than the 1300k in this game while using 20 less power and again that is total system usage not just CPU package power or something like that so that is a big deal when it comes to Thermal output and just the general consumption of the computer now moving on to Spider-Man remastered here the 7800x 3D is again very impressive they're not quite as impressive as the 7950x3d was again the slightly higher clock 7950x3d was able to deliver four percent greater performance in this example hitting an impressive 164 FPS even so the 7200 X 380 was nine percent faster than the 1300k and remember the core I9 processor has been paired with ddr5 7200 memory which really helps in this bandwidth sensitive game and here's another look at total system power consumption in Spider-Man the 7800x 3D saw total system load hit 339 Watts which is a 28 reduction when compared to the 13900k which is quite incredible given that the AMD processor was nine percent faster now I've been asked by some members of the driving simulator Community to change the way that I test ACC moving away from the medium preset towards epic so that's what I've done here and this has led to some interesting results which verify what some Sim races have been reporting whereas the 13900k and 7950x3d when neck and neck using the medium settings the more demanding epic settings indeed hand these N4 part a massive 31 win oddly though the 7950x 3D is 11 faster than the 7800x 3D which is a much bigger margin than I was expecting to see but after triple checking the results they are accurate even so this meant that the 7800x 3D is 18 faster than the 1300k 21 fast and the 5800 X 3D 25 faster than the 13700k and 38 faster than the 7700x sadly I haven't gone back and recorded power usage for this particular game as this was something I went back and looked at for half a dozen of the games tested before running out of time so I guess six games will have to do for those power figures and next up we do have Shadow of the Tomb Raider and here the 7800x30 was the fastest CPU tested pumping at an impressive 330 FPS making it six percent faster than the 7950x30 and 13 faster than the 13900k we're also looking at a rather substantial 27 boost over the 7700x now I did measure total system usage for this game and here the 7800 X 3D configuration consumes slightly more power than the 7700x a four percent rise but remember we did see a 27 increase in performance so the 3D V cash part was significantly more efficient it also consumed 21 less power than the 13900k despite delivering 13 more performance so while the 1300k was quite impressive in terms of performance power efficiency is just horrible as we found previously in the 7950x 3D review that CPU just kind of sucks in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six extraction and AMD hasn't been able to address this issue the 7800 X 3D on the other hand well that ran just fine although performance is really no better than the 7700x at least it's not worse I guess it was also nine percent faster than the 13900k though I think it is fair to say that every CPU tested here was more than fast enough the 3D V cache enabled zenforce CPUs are brutally fast in Watchdogs Legion with the 7800 x 30 pumping out 211 FPS making it just one and a half percent slower than the 7950x3d but 15 faster than the 1300k and then 19 faster the 13 700k and 5800x3d we're also looking at a 25 boost over the 7700x now Hitman 3 this game doesn't run particularly well on zenfor processes at least relative to Intel's Raptor leg series the 7800x 3D for example was just four percent faster than the 7700x and that meant it was 11 slow on the 1300k and eight percent slower than the 13 700k so not a great result here for amd's new 3D V cash part that said if we look at power consumption the 7800 X 3D still looks pretty good despite the lack loss to FPS performance pushing total system usage to 416 Watts meant that the 7800x 3D configuration consumed 26 less power than the 1300k and 21 less than the 13 700k even with the recent update to the GeForce drivers which disable resizable bar in Horizon zero Dawn for Intel processors the 7800 X 3D was still faster than the 1300k delivering six percent more performance in this example not exactly a huge difference but previous GeForce drivers did hand AMD a very significant advantage in this game the 7800 X 380 was also just seven percent faster than the 7700x so 3D V cash really isn't helping much here cyberpunk 2077 has been tested with Ray tracing enabled and here the 7800x3d basically matched the 7150x3d while producing similar numbers to that of the 1300k though the one percent lows were a bit stronger for the AMD processor still we are mostly GPU Limited in this test but with a strong call for more RT benchmarks and our CPU reviews we decided to make some changes here that said I did still test the game using the medium preset with rt disabled and while I won't bother showing those results here I will report that scaling was pretty much the same as what we're looking at what is interesting are the power consumption results despite delivering basically identical performance that of the 1300k the core I9 system consumed 25 more power than the 7800x3d system and that is a shocking difference it has to be said like Hitman 3 the rift breaker is a game where zn4 processors aren't particularly impressive here the 7800x3d managed 225 FPS on average making the 13 700k two percent faster which does mean that performance between these two parts was basically identical but it also means that the 1300k was eight percent faster again not horrible margins by any means but the new 3D V cash part was slower here another bad title for the new 3D V cash processors is Counter-Strike Global Offensive basically the game doesn't require any more L3 cache the standard processors have more than enough for this game rather the issue here is CPU frequency so clocking the 7800x3d slower resulted in a massive 19 performance loss to the 7700x last up we have a plague tail Requiem and here the 7800x 3D is fine though I suspect we're again system bottlenecked around 150 FPS it was basically able to match the Raptor Lake Parts offering a mold 14 boost over the standard Zen 4 part and this example Intel's core I9 13 100K push total system uses just 16 higher than the 7800x 3D and while that was still a 73 watt increase in power draw it's by no means the worst result that we've seen but of course given that performance was basically identical consuming an additional 73 watts is not a good result for Intel okay so here's the 12 game average the 7800x 3D basically matched the 7950x 3D in the end making it just three percent faster than the 1300k so while that's technically a win for AMD I think it is fair to say that overall performance is much the same the 13900k gains around five percent more performance on average when going from ddr5 6400 to 7200 memory so if we would appear the Intel processor with the more affordable ddr5 memory the 7800 X 3D would be around seven to eight percent faster when compared to the 13700k we're looking at a six percent performance uplift which is still pretty small overall and then just an 11 boost over the standard 7700x of course there are examples where the performance uplift was far more substantial but there are also examples where we saw basically no performance uplift you might also find this graph interesting here's a look at the total system power consumption averaged across the six games where we looked at power usage I've also included the average frame rate performance for the six games that we're looking at and as you can see on average the 7800 X 3D was just two and a half percent faster than the 1300k in this data set but the core I9 processor pushed total system consumption 28 higher then when compared to the 7700x the 7800x30 was on average 13 faster on these games while using about four percent less power so the 70 hour x 3D isn't just very fast for gaming it's also extremely power efficient okay time for some cost per Frame data and right off the bat I'm gonna have to highlight the fact that I'm not including the cheaper but just as effective non-x ryzen processors and there are a few reasons for this firstly adding another three processors of the testing would have required time that I simply didn't have and on top of that I'd then have to include the non-k Intel processors and before you know it the total number of CPUs tested has quickly doubled having said I love that though if the data was vital to this review I would have included it but realistically most people considering something like the 7800x 3D for gaming are after a non-compromised type solution and therefore will likely only be considering a high-end CPU that offers maximum performance you can also make your own pricing adjustments the 7700 for example it's about five percent slower than the 7700x so just reduce the performance shown here from 199 fps to say 190 FPS and then recalculate with your updated pricing anyway comparing with the higher end models the 7800 X 3D comes out at a cost per frame of two dollars and three cents placing it alongside the 7700x and 13700k in terms of value this also means that it's 25 better value than the 13900k and 36 better value than the 7950x 3D that said though we should probably recalculate with the motherboard and memory pricing included so a total system cost analysis then with am5 you're faced with having to pay at least 260 us for an entry level x670e motherboard while usable b650 boards start at 140 but since I want to compare high-end platforms and Intel z690 and z790 pricing is much the same at around 200 I thought it was only fair to evaluate the cost per frame of am5 using an x670e motherboard so for am5 I'm using the 260 us ASRock x670 EPG lightning which I know to be a good motherboard and then of course we're factoring in the price of ddr5 6000cl30 memory which comes out at 140 right now then for Intel there are multiple z690 and z790 motherboards available for 200 us while the ddr5 7200 memory that we use to achieve these results cost 205 us and this means you could save around six dollars on the Intel build by opting for ddr5 6400 but performance will be reduced by around five percent also you can save 120 us on the AMD a M5 built by going with an entry level b650 board but you'll be dropping a large number of features by doing so so with those values all punched into our graph this is what we find the 7800x 3D combo comes out to a cost of 3.84 cents making it one of the best value high-end combos or rather the best value high in combo it's a few percent cheaper than the 13700k and it's 17 cheaper than the 13900k saving you around 135 U.S so there you have it the ryzen 7800 X 3D is one of the fastest gaming CPUs on the market right now it's also the most power efficient while offering a higher level of value at 450 U.S there are certainly better value deals out there such as the ryzen 7 700 non-x or the even the 7600 but they're also slower so when it comes to sort of top tier gaming performance the value of the 70 hour x 3D just can't be beaten right now you could also throw this thing on the absolute cheapest am5 motherboard you can find we're talking around a hundred dollars here and the 7800x ready will still perform as shown in this review and that's not something you can say about the core I9 1300k which is a mosfet imploder on low end boards well that's not necessarily true you just heavily power limited which will degrade performance and don't get me wrong the 13900k is still a mighty impressive processor and a terrific gaming CPU but it's not without its flaws the need for expensive ddr5 memory to roughly match the 7800 X 3D does hurt its value although it has to be said it will still get reasonably close with much cheaper memory so as I see it the real issue here is power consumption and of course platform longevity those total system power figures when gaming were quite shocking and they explain why the 13900k still manages to run so hot in demanding games it just sucks down a tremendous amount of power for a CPU when it comes to productivity though the 1300k is simply in a different league as is the 13700 okay though I should note both are extremely power hungry for all core productivity workloads and they really do need to be power limited and at that point I think you're better served by the 7950x or 7950x3d which typically deliver a similar level of performance to that of a non-power limited i7 or I9 while reducing total system usage by half which is a staggering difference and then there's platform support spending 200 on an LGA 1700 board to pair it with a 1300k means your next CPU upgrade will require a new motherboard and this won't necessarily be the case with a 260 dollar am5 board and this goes a long way in helping you swallow that price premium I still don't like it I think am5 boards are far too expensive especially those x670 boards but the fact that a Zen 5cp will be a viable upgrade on the same board should end up being a seriously big deal but I guess we'll find out next year and then support beyond that not entirely sure but I think we will get another CPU series on that board but of course we will have to wait and see what AMD does there at the end of the day though I think it is quite clear to say that arguing about which is the fastest gaming CPU is just a complete waste of time these new Zen 4 3D V cache parts or the core I9 1300k it very much is a waste of time the definition of time wasting in my opinion they're just both very fast CPUs and there's no chance any gamer will be able to tell them apart when actually gaming unless they stick their hand in the case I suppose then you might notice that extra 100 Watts or so of the I9 in short the ryzen 7 at 70 hour x 30 has impressed me with its performance but I'm certainly not blown away it's not miles more powerful than processes we already had but I guess if anything's blowing me away it's how power efficient this thing is but how much Gamers actually care about that kind of hard to say I guess that's something that will pull with the audience after these reviews go live just to get a bit of a feel for that and I guess that's where I will end this review if you enjoyed it give a lot of those subscribe for more people can have heaps of benchmarks coming up with this CPU probably do like a 30 plus game Benchmark comparing it with maybe the 5800 X 3D various Intel CPUs heap of content coming up around this processor so yeah make sure you subscribe for that also if you'd like to become a hardware box Community member you can sign up to floatplane or patreon either one of those will give you access to our exclusive Discord server for members only monthly live stream or two and myself are going to ask us questions live we'll answer those q a series will be doing much the same but not live and behind the scenes content so yeah a lot of cool stuff there check it out if you're interested but if not that's perfectly fine and I would like to thank you for watching this video I'm your host Dave see you next time [Music] thank you foreign
Channel: Hardware Unboxed
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Keywords: hardware unboxed
Id: 78lp1TGFvKc
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Length: 24min 23sec (1463 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 05 2023
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