Ryzen 7 7800X3D vs. Core i9-14900K [Asus: Intel Baseline Profile] Gaming Benchmark

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[Music] okay you guys asked for it so here we are an updated comparison between the core i 94900 k and ryzen 77800 X 3D but of course this time we are testing the Intel processor with some power limits in place so the the Intel Basel loone profile and we'll be using it an assus motherboard for this one that means pl1 and pl2 will be set to 253 Watts now if you don't know what all of this is about well recently it's come to light that Intel's 13th and 14th generation kcq CPUs have started crashing in games and the apparent cause of this problem is inspec Behavior now being out of spec so Intel's power spec may be seeing some much needed Tiding up in the very new future anyway we have a dedicated video on this topic so if you want to learn more then please just check that out but what that video doesn't include is a comparison with a modern AMD processor So today we're doing exactly that but before we get into it today's sponsor spot is brought to you by thermal Grizzly and they cryos sheet graphine thermal pads which are an excellent alternative to Thermal pastes they offer very high thermal conductivity with no liquid components so they can't dry out and therefore don't degrade over time like pastes and even liquid Metals Crow sheet is very easy to use it's extremely durable and is available in a range of sizes to suit most applications I've personally done some high-end GPU testing with Crow sheet and the results were impressive very similar in fact to that of liquid metal but without the mess and of course no risk of drying out so for more information please check the link in the video description okay so this one's pretty simple rather than run the core I 914 900k without power limits we're enabling the Asus Intel Baseline profile and comparing those results with the ryzen 7 at 7800x 3D and 21 games using the GeForce RTX 490 the ryzen 7 processor has been paired with 32 GB of ddr5 6000 cr30 memory on the gigabyte x670 orus Master while the core I9 was tested with 32 GB of ddr5 7200 cl34 memory on the Asus Rog Maximus z790 dark hero okay let's get into the results first up we have hell divers to and overall performance between these two CPUs is very close though the 1% lows were noticeably better using the 7800x 3D up to 14% greater in fact now in our previous testing we found that the power limits often reduced the 1% lows more than the average frame rate for the cor9 processor so that's probably what we're looking at here next up we have cyber Punk 2077 and again performance is very similar and in fact more so as we're seeing almost identical 1% low performance with a very minor variation in the average frame rate at 1080p where the 7800x 3D was a mere 4% faster now the Counterstrike 2 results are pretty much as expected in the past we found that the x3d chips have a reasonable advantage in this title and here the 7800 x3d is seen to be 11% faster at 1080P and 1440p of course frame rates are already exceptionally high with the 14900 K so in that sense not a massive win here for AMD but also 11% isn't a trivial margin now a good title for Intel is Dragon Dogma 2 as here the 7800 x3d was 13% slower when comparing the average frame rate though the 1% low performance was identical this is a very CPU limited title and it's one that doesn't appear to benefit all that much from amd's 3D vcash a game that does benefit from amd's 3D vcash is ACC and in a big way in this test the 7800x 3D is almost 30% faster than the 14900 K and although the core I9 is still plenty FAS than this title you can certainly Drive many more frames with the ryzen processor next up we have Boulders Gate 3 and in this example the 7800x 3D was on average 12% faster though just 4% FAS When comparing 1% lows so not a massive difference between these two parts overall but it is another win for the ryzen processor although both CPUs can drive over 200 FPS and Spider-Man remastered when using the very high preset but with Road tracing disabled the 7800 x3d was still 11% slower than the 14900 K so a solid win here for Intel now for testing Hogwarts Legacy we're using the ultra preset but with ra tracing disabled and interestingly enough the 7800x 3D enjoys a bigger win over the 1400k at 1440p than it does at 1080p delivering up to 10% greater results performance in Horizon for bidden West is much the same between these two processors the core I9 was a whisker faster at 1080p but really The Experience overall was much the same f123 was tested with the high quality preset which does enable R racing and again performance was very even with the 7800x 3D just snagging this one by a narrow 4% margin moving on to Assassin's Creed Mirage where the 7800 x30 was 12% faster pushing just over 200 FPS on average though if we look at the 1% lows it was up to 15% faster but as you'd expect great performance overall from both CPUs the last game I'm going to bother looking at the individual results for is Starfield and the results here are mildly interesting and that's because although the 14900 K was slightly faster at 1080p When comparing the average frame rate 3% in this example the 7800 x30 provided 11% stronger 1% lows so certainly mixed results here though overall the experience is going to be very similar okay so across the 21 games tested the 7800x 3D was on average just 4% faster which is historically about what we've come to expect and this is of course based on past testing without power limits in place for the 14900 k overall the core I9 can be around 4 to 5% slower with the 253 W limit though that does depend heavily on the sample of games tested and with a larger sample of some less CPU demanding games it's likely only going to be around one to 3% it's worth noting though that there are a number of games that have been dropped from this testing which in the past did favor the Ryon processor such as Far Cry 6 Watchdog Legion and res Evil 4 still as I said past tests have shown these two processes to be very similar in terms of performance and the Intel Baseline profile doesn't change that at least the 253 watt version of the Intel Baseline profile though it certainly doesn't help the core I9 processor another area where the Asus version of the Intel Basel loan profile doesn't help is power consumption when gaming and despite the power limits being enforced the Corine processor still consumed on average 117 Watts more than the 7800x 3D which is almost unbelievable or at least it would be if we hadn't seen all of this before increasing total system consumption by up over 100 watts in most instances is ludicrous for a CPU especially when performance is about the same or technically slightly worse it's also worth noting that for both test systems we're using these same power supply as in the exact same unit so not just the same model physically the same unit and that's interesting because when powering the 7800x 3D test system it's completely silent doesn't make any noise at all but when we plug the MSI Meg AI 1300 P ATX 3.0 80 plus Platinum 1300 W power supply into the 14900 K system there was noticeable coil line in some of these tests such as Starfield for example and it wasn't coming from the graphics card or motherboard but rather the power supply itself I'm sure this particular power supply wasn't in any danger given it does have a 1300 wat capacity but it was interesting that you could hear it over the case fans when powering the 14900 K and out of Interest here's the power data for the 14900 K without power limits in place from our day one review and as you can see overall the figures are much the same with total system usage at 5 550 WS on average for the core I9 part and that's a 130 W increase from the 7800 x3d so pretty close to the 117 wats we saw when power limiting the core I 9 to 253 wats though admittedly we are looking at a different sample of games here but still pretty similar results so they have it typically speaking the difference in gaming performance between the core i 94900 k and Ry 7 7800 x3d is going to be much the same regardless of whether the core I9 part is power limited to 253 WS or runs without any limits at all when first testing the Asus Intel Baseline profile I found that gaming performance was reduced anywhere from just a per up to 7% but for the most part we're only looking at a reduction of a few percent the more significant losses were seen when testing gigabytes take on the Intel Baseline profile which often resulted in double digit losses for now though I believe 253 W is a more reasonable limit for a part such as the 4 i 94900 k though we will keep an eye on the situation especially as stability reports continue to come in and of course we're still waiting for Intel to give their final verdict on the issue later this month should 253 wats be the way forward for parts such as the core I 914 900k then it doesn't really change anything and it certainly doesn't change our opinions and recommendations that we have and have already made whether it's limited to 253 Watts or runs without power limits the 1400k is a difficult product to recommend and for several reasons firstly Intel's Flagship gaming CPU ignoring the ks version currently costs $550 us whereas the 7800 x3d can be had for $360 us and the most you should really be paying right now is $370 us making the Intel part around 50% more expensive there's also the 7950 X 3D for $580 us and we'll be comparing that part next with a range of productivity workloads also thrown into the mix but moving on from pricing there is of course performance and while still very competitive it does cost more and with several other drawbacks that we'll get to in a moment the strong performance of the 14900 K Just Can't Get It Over The Line moreover while it is competitive it is still generally slower for gaming now one of the biggest issues we have with the 14900 K and really all 12th 13th and 14th gen processes for that matter is the LGA 1700 platform really intel only supported two generations of CPUs with this platform and there is no future support so it is effectively dead moving forward so investing good money in a z690 or z790 motherboard at this point in time it's not a great option really you are better off going with am5 and we know that Zen 5 is just around the corner and we expect Zen 6 to also be supported and then there's the big one power consumption and as we just clearly demonstrated the 14900 K is a particularly power hungry Beast now if power consumption was more in line with what we see from the 7800 x3d for gaming then the 14900 K would certainly be a lot more compelling but even with recommended power limits in place the power usage is still extreme to say the least and then there's the ongoing power spec mess and we're still getting to see where that leads but at the very least this has proven to be a nightmare situation for Intel and a headache for some of their customers of course stability is a major concern here and while stability isn't something that we've commented on in the past or called into question given that our particular sample works really well I suppose that's kind of the problem we only have a sample size of one for both the core I 9 1300k and 14900 K So based on our own personal experience with these cor9 processes stability isn't a major concern but that certainly doesn't mean that stability isn't a problem and if external reports or anything to go by it has become a major problem but as I've said we do need a bit more time before we can really form an opinion on this issue and really comment to as how much of an issue it is and a big part of that is waiting to see what Intel says later this month for now though having to run the core I 9400k at 253 Watts doesn't seem to change anything and ultimately we don't recommend the processor either way for all the reasons we've just listed so that's going to do it for this one if you enjoyed the video please do give it a thumbs up subscribe to all the YouTube stuff as I said we do have some more upcoming uh upcoming upcoming I think that's the word upcoming yep yeah it's upcoming for sure we do have some more upcoming content on the 7950 X 3D uh again same batch of games so pretty much know what expect there I suppose but then we do have the application benchmarks as well and we'll see how that compares to the power limited 14 900k and as I said we'll continue to monitor the situation and see where it leads us yeah that's really going to do it for this one we have float plan patreon if you're interested in checking out either one of those then do so links in the video description they give you some access to some pretty cool perks such as our exclusive Discord server monthly live streams and other stuff so yeah as I said check it out if you're interested but if not that's perfectly fine and I would like to thank you for watching this video I'm your host Steve see you next time okay so after I completed this video and released it on float plane for our Early Access members some new information has leaked out apparently Intel has now requested that all board Partners release a new bar version by May 31st which includes a new profile with the suggested name Intel default settings Intel has also detailed three key profiles which they call Baseline performance and extreme the extreme profile is what we've actually tested here as Asus were calling this the Intel Baseline profile but it turns out that may not be correct and Asus could adjust this in the near future so to be clear the testing in this video had the 14900 K running at 253 wats for pl1 and pl2 and this is how Asus currently configures that part when using the Baseline profile in the existing bios but it seems gigabyte got their Baseline profile correct as Intel is apparently now saying that pl1 needs to be set to 125 watts so the TDP with pl2 limited to a peak of 188 wats apparently this is the configuration all LJ 1700 boards will load with by May 31st and by load with I mean by default and then it will be on the user to enable the performance or extreme profiles which may or may not be stable this is a massive cluster and it means the 14900 K might actually end up being slower out of the box than what I've shown in this video As It Seems we've managed to test the extreme profile and not the upcoming baseline or default profile that being the case I will have to wait until board Partners have released their updated bioses and then retest boards from each brand and I didn't mean to rush this content out lots of you were requesting an update and with B updates already rolled out I thought it was safe to start testing and I never imagined that 125 Wat sl18 88 watts would end up being the default for a 14 900k so again we get to see that happen but apparently there are more changes to come [Music] [Music]
Channel: Hardware Unboxed
Views: 148,351
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hardware unboxed
Id: bHILyzooR58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 1sec (1021 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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