I found the BEST 100% FREE Ai Image UPSCALER (Midjourney, Leonardo Ai, Blue Willow)

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this almost looks like a vector that's how big the dimensions are right now so that's definitely handy to be able to upscale that much in this video I'm going to show you the best free image upscaler out there to help you with your AI artwork and this is literally 100 free there's no trial period there's no certain amount of images that you can upscale before you have to pay you don't even have to create an account with an email address it's that straightforward so here we are on the website in question it's called dgb.lol I will leave a link to it in the description and essentially this is the home page they've got their mission statement written out right here they're dedicated to give a helpful hand to people who don't want to spend money for online image converters in upscale list and it's completely free and will stay like this forever and I have been talking to the founder of this site to help improve it over the past few days and it has said the only thing he plans to do eventually in future is add a little Google ad Banner to the side itself which doesn't cost you anything and yeah that's literally it so if you click on this symbol in the top left corner it will pop out with the different options that I have there's quite a few so RGB to cmy converter that's fairly self-explanatory the image up scaler is the main subject of this video but there is actually other features as well which I'm going to show a few of them so the AI background remover is quite handy and then we've also got a mid-journey image splitter which is really interesting because if you get those grids in mid-journey with four Images at once this tool can actually use that grid and upscale all four images for you really effectively and that's going to save you fast hours of the subscription and it will also actually make sure that you get the exact image upscaled and not a variation of that tiny little image within the grid because when you upscale mid-unity often changes the image tiny bit which is sometimes annoying we've also got an image type converter DPI enhancer and image to Vector function now image to Vector this is fairly new on this side and it's not as good as the vectorizer alternative but in future when vectorizer becomes a paid tool because that's currently in beta then this might be a good free alternative once it's sort of advanced and gotten better because Tom is doing a really good job at continuously testing this he's in the print-on-demand community server we often talk about his updates there and test these obscalers for him give him feedback so if you want to join the server there will also be a free Link in the description to join that the image upscaler let's jump straight in right here if you open it up you can first of all select a file from your device and you can also change the upscaling option which is quite useful he's just added this to the tool because if you have a photograph and you upscale that photograph this same exact upscaler would probably give you a bad result for something that's like a cartoon t-shirt design so therefore with these options you can actually try out different models of upscalers and get good results for all various forms of images they're using so for example I've just used a cartoon fox right here and I'm going to change this to the cartoon option which works really well for drawings as well or the sort of t-shirt design Graphics that you might generate so if you hit upscale then it's going to add this to the queue and the queue is over here if you click on my files you see that you can then click on cue another job while that's running I'm going to use that wolf image which I used in my comparison video of various different upscalers that way if you've seen that video you will get a good idea as to how this upscaler compares to all of the other ones so the detailed option right here will essentially make the image extremely crisp and try and preserve as much detail as possible which might sometimes be a good option for photography but in my cases when I've tried it for print on demand it's not really been an ideal result balanced and fine-tuning they're sort of in between the two right here where you get a really detailed result which is good photography and sort of poster types of designs but it's not as flat as a cartoon type of image so let's go ahead and try balanced for this wolf graphic and hit upscale as well and it's going to add that to the queue so if you click on my files we can now see that the first image right here has already been upscaled this has got a green check mark the other one is still running and you can hit refresh up here as well to see if there's been any progress made now I'm going to download this one right here which was the fox graphic let's take a look at this result so if we zoom in into the corners right here you can see that it's done a really good job of smoothening out the edge and it's actually upscale this graphic to 4 000 by 4000 pixels the original by the way was 1000 by 1000 the standard you know mid-journey Dimensions this has done a really really good job in terms of upscaling and the cool thing is now you can even upscale this further because the only limitations that you've got with the image obscaler right here is the images that you upscale can't be bigger than 10 megabytes and they have to be less than 20 megapixels which is a massive massive pixel size so the image of the fox is actually only three megabytes so I can drag this back in here and use the cartoon function again now that will take longer to process in the queue but it is worth it if you want the highest possible quality so let's download this graphic right here that was the wolf that has turned into a bigger image because it is not a cartoony sort of graphic but if we zoom into this really really close you might remember this angle right here which I used in my previous image upscale comparison and this looks from my testing really close if not better than the nightmare AI upscaler which was one of my favorites it's recently become a paid tool unfortunately so now we've got a free alternative that does an amazing job in terms of upscaling images properly but let's jump into one of the other tools over here so let's try the AI background remover this tool for my test is not perfect but usually that is the case with background removers sometimes they'll help make your life easier sometimes they won't work out exactly how you want them to but the cool thing is you've actually got a slider here in terms of the intensity of how much you want to be removed of your background so you can start well you can leave it off or you can start all the way down at one and move it up to ten so once again you could try different settings right here to get the best results possible same again you'd select a file you select your intensity let's just go in the middle for five and hit remove background same process it gets added to the my files queue and then you can queue another job for the next background to be removed and let me quickly explain the image splitter as well the mid Journey one because I think this is really really handy and it's another really powerful tool especially considering it's free so all you have to do here is get a mid Journey image URL which I will show you how to get that so all you have to do is head to your mid-journey profile page and then you can head to the grids filter over here just select that just click on any of these grids and then open it up in full size like so just click on it right click on the image and then copy image address and that's exactly what you want to paste into here and then the screen is going to go blurry for a second here and then you can once again select a model so let's just go for balance for this example and then you can select which of these images you want to upscale so you can do it individually or just do all in one go hit submit don't refresh this page wait for it to be added to the job queue if we refresh this you can see that it has finished our previous jobs with the background remover so let's just check those ones out this is the image I removed the background of this is just a simple hamburger and I did it pretty decent job this one was a fairly easy one to do but yeah some of the more complex ones might not turn out perfect then we've got the fox again just at 1600 pixels by 60 100 so zooming in now this almost looks like a vector that's how big the dimensions are right now so that's definitely handy to be able to upscale that much and here we've got the wolf with the detailed upscaler so as you can see it is way way more detailed but it also adds quite a bit of noise so that's not ideal for every situation but again depending on your input image you might want to try out different models to see which works best for you meanwhile the image splitter has been doing its job as well the first three ones are ready so here we go that is option number one if we zoom in that looks very very good very nice upscale flicking through again it's done a really good job of increasing the size to about four thousand by four thousand pixels for all of these images if you still have any questions about this tool you can also head to the contact Section and leave a message via email or by this contact form and obviously join my Discord Community server for print on the band sellers where there's literally a dedicated channel for this this specific tool where we give feedback and where Tom updates us when something new has been added or when this website is under maintenance so hope you like this tool really really valuable for a free tool that is fairly new it's not even that old and it's already really really powerful so I can't wait to see what's still to come in the future and I hope you like using this as well if you want to make some extra income by selling your AI ad as digital downloads then make sure to check out this video next where I walk you through my step-by-step process to get started selling on Etsy [Music] thank you
Channel: Philip Anders
Views: 90,820
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: merch by amazon, print on demand, mba, t-shirt business, t-shirt, design, tutorial, increase sales, teepublic, redbubble, graphic designer, zazzle, etsy, teespring, spreadshirt, amazon merch on demand, amazon merch, merch on demand, on demand, tier 10, teir 10, tier 25, low tier, passive income, ai art, ai image, upscaler, upscale, artificial intelligence
Id: yKepB_yVzOg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 40sec (580 seconds)
Published: Mon May 22 2023
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