Dwarf Fortress: Conquering the World - (Ratfolk War)

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so we have a a mission for this dual Fortress playthrough and that is to conquer the world a small Mission what mission none little less um I I started a fort and we've got we got a few dwarves hanging around I think I've got the metal all that kind of stuff set up and so I think at this time today I think might be it's about time for um for going out and doing some some stomping you know doing some killing got to get the tour of the place though we have a moat check it out this this is our um that's a box canyon look at that um right here we've dug in diagonally trying to be unique we've got the gardens up this way we got I built a a pit so we can build our farming up in this way this is our dining room which I started to put some floors on and tile it all up we got our library over here let me zoom in uh this is where we stock our food and our drink and our dead mice uh we have couple of ins or a couple of rooms for the Inn four rooms actually for the inn and then we're going to go up up we got stockpile land we've got uh Barracks um I think I was just digging out some things around here we've got this is uh this is just basically just Workshop land we've got all the furnaces and all that stuff going on over there charcoal and we got coal and everything where we're crafting up a whole bunch of metal stuff and I think actually we have crafted a bunch of metal stuff I don't have a lot of people in this fort there's only 19 so far um but hopefully folks like scold here um we got four people in the Army right now they all have gear and I believe they all have metal stuff yeah a bunch of Iron and Steel stuff so we've got the good stuff we just need to get more people in this town and so once we get more people in this town we can go Rampage and I'll do I'll show you the world map in a minute um so that's that level Next Level Up is office land we got a few offices there we've got the med Bay up here which is big uh we got one dead person we had a I don't I know something extravagant but I don't remember what happened to DJ flippy I'm sure it was great I think maybe murdered some Elves last time uh and then bedroom land up north here up north up top dwarf North up level and then we can go even further and we're digging into this mountain trying to pull out some coal and other mostly coal I think we go any further no that's as high as we go and then down I think we go into the caves yeah we broke into the caves I think last time as well mostly for wood cuz there's not a lot of wood out in our Canyon here and then let's go look at me zoom out here we'll go look at um kind on the edge here we'll go look at the map here so we live there this is actually the second Fortress in this world the first one fell apart uh somewhere around here quest Castle and actually it says there's 100 people there now so I guess some people moved in but when I left it last time there was like two people there um our job is to go out and kill everything and so we've got we're already at war with the rat folk I've got two I've got two mods rat folk null Naga I got three three mods and that's all it's in there and DF hack uh so there's rat folk around we're at war with those guys there's some humans humans nearby which we probably will kill them today the splattered group over there there's 40 of them in that one 30 in that one those nolles with the South there's only 100 nles and that we might be able that one the roasted poison um hate Amber and take out those NES nagas are also nearby and um there's elves to the West elves to the north rats all over the place oh there's a burned up town of snuggle Tangled over there I don't know of any wars over there but interesting anyway let's let this thing plant what's the highest population in Dwarf Fortress I've ever had I don't know I don't know I'm sure I've had over 200 at some point um but that was back in the days of of um um what's it what's it called um things would would stop basically things would come to a crawl and um that's back in those days so FPS death but in with um with steam door Fortress I'm not sure what's a cap you at cap so at 200 I think is what the the built-in cap is I don't think I've gotten that high that high yet hey V rabbit how you going how's it going all right well I've got 19 people in the fort so I can't really afford to put more in the military so I'm going to basically just sort of wait for some migrants to come in really all I can do I think I've got all of my work order set up well I got some of them I got trousers and shoes at least and coats we have Brewing going on we got meals there's the coal and the pots so I got a few of them done but not a lot Stuck In The Middle With You yeah um I think I want to go and put in some I I was I don't know what I working on here trying to make it look pretty let's do some of that like a PVE Road in here I can't put it where stuff is already built but I can do a lot like um like that and we'll just do it out of like the claystone you know it doesn't matter it's going to look the same no matter what it is so let's do that and I want um not sure why that's still there but okay rose gold that's fancy I find some I built some I make some rose gold we'll do this to make it look you know kind of nice like that okay now we're looking classy I think most I was trying to get things looking nice in here we're trying to get a um some money some imported and exported wealth so that people will come in and spend their um their life here basically I do want to come down here I want to add a task in we got that rose gold I think it does it take three metal to make a statue I'm not sure what it takes um I got a bunch of copper laying around as well that I can I can turn things into see what I have here bunch of iron bars uh what's what's laying here anything no bunch of gems laying around and in the block storage tell what's actually in there clay stone lot of clay stone is that all I have is clay stone it might be this I might have actually set this up to where it is only yeah no no metal stuff over here I probably did so all our metal is going to be laying up over here which I don't have a lot of stuff I think I need to get something um something else we'll get a bunch of metal things so that we can get like statues placed around and all that kind of stuff yeah you know whenever I when I first started playing this the steam mode it looks so nice you know it looks so much nicer than like a tile set or whatever but it did take some time to like just to to reacquaint my mostly my fingers into knowing what um like all I had all that stuff muscle memory into like building things and it took a lot it took some effort to get that out of my head and and um play Play the game uh steam's way um so we've got I think I've got like yeah so there's there's that's supposed to be a c not a copper cage a cage trap let me get rid of that put some cage traps out here so we can catch some things I don't want to like die to to something coming in chewing on me um is everything good here there's there's just a horse laying around okay yeah this this is my Farmland if I do get attacked what do I do I can just lock the doors we probably put we can get like a trap in here somewhere trap there land the traps over this way um I want to that that okay to get rid of that one I think so yeah yeah that's fine uh is that not a ramp right there oh it's a downward slope oh it's a slope okay that's a downward slope as well I see I see I had a floor on that uh let me do some flooring why can't I make that go away how do I make my my planner stop doing things that's different it's that one isn't it um what's the button somebody help me out here I forget to make my the DF hack planner not show up I don't want it I I'll turn it back on whenever I remember what I'm doing so if I were to put a floor in here that's okay um what's there claystone in there yeah every time I use the DF the the steam version with a with a DF hack I like it um but it takes me a minute to get used to it these are uh dwarfes dwarves hooray good let's get some trading doing um let's go see what they've got world the same as ever well that's kind of boring you want leather water skins and cut gems is expected well I got some of that okay okay okay okay um let's go move some things here so they want I I have four iron anvils okay I don't know what I was doing last time but okay I do have I got a lot of gems cut gems I got a lot of those if they want them they can have them I'll just put them all in there and they'll take whatever they want I was using these to like craft I think but we'll bring them over they can have whatever they want there um anything else I want to give them parchment splints most of I'm going to I'm going to buy and sell from them just try to get some my my trade Inc com up lots of pots of wine but nothing really worth anything there weapon racks a lot of iron things look iron two-handed sword I got a lot of stuff uh ponwood training sword I think that's um some elf stuff we took I'm looking for um I think it's probably okay could be something good in here cow leather armor bunch of blocks last time I someone was here I bought a whole bunch of like leather and cloth so we're covered with that bunch of jugs was worth th000 bucks okay that's probably that's probably enough just those blocks are probably good stuff yeah okay that's good stuff over there we'll get some trading done DF hack official for the steam version what do you mean by official it's like it's a mod it's basically a mod that you can add in I don't think it's I'm not it's not supported by tar or whatever you know get some floors on this cave moss and clean it up now that I've hit the caves I could probably find I could probably dig down and get an indoor Animal Land like this is all well it's not all dirt but we can find a dirt spot which will convert to Moss like actually right there might not be a bad idea if if that's all Moss we just build this thing out and we'll have our indoor let's try it can I dig all this out and make an indoor Animal Land cuz that would be perfect okay let's get the broker at the Depot do some trading and see what we can do here um I would also like let's um let's smooth some Stone here let's make this place look a little nicer whatever we can you know get those done as well there's a lot of uh a lot of dirt in the front hallway here sparring going on unloaded magnetite okay not that one where you at Jeff oo Platinum huh where's that at oh platinum in the walls there this is not as big as I was hoping it would be but we found a lot of a lot of platinum and magnetite um hey you know what um just go for it um and all that all that stuff dig all that stuff out what's that magnite yeah yeah get all that stuff cleaned out here there's more dirt over here though look there's dirt on the edge not enough to keep my animals alive though dump some water into it I can make a pin you know just dump some water in there I've got a moat so I could EAS I could pretty easily just channel in and and make a spot for him this game beginner friendly in 2024 well if I got a tutorial for you um I don't think it's I don't think the uh anything's changed in that regard it's easier than than the the um the non steam version to get into all right so I'll take you can have all my gems how much 1,800 that's not really a lot what do you got anything good I want any of that um I might take a rope just so I can have a rope around I'll take the cheap rope couple water skins yeah why not it's an expensive instrument toy hammers what do you got you got a a turkey hen got two female turkey hens I'll take them the cow would give me milk if I wanted to bring a cow in buckets is a battle axe I got plenty of weapons I got plenty of metal wolf leather hood is that one thing of sand Al the leather again I got I got a whole bunch of leather I'm going to go ahead and grab it because leather is is nice to have gems more anvils I probably got the anvils from cuz I attacked I think it was the rat folk was that who I traded with and I attacked and took took all their anals the other thing that I want is going to be down here um cheese no no no I want let's take your parchment that's I guess that's it is is that all I want I'll take your pipes any tips for setting up first Year's water or setting up farming underground I feel like I struggle with these two early on I would I would not worry about um trying to like make fertile soil I would just try to find a dirt spot make sure you have a map that has dirt and not just rock you know um it's not too difficult to get it I do that it's fine um I wouldn't worry about trying to do any of this I would just find a spot that's got dirt on the edge here like what I've got here and just farming those because it's going to be kind of a paint you're going to be you're going to be flooding your dwarfs the sacrificial volcano Dwarf Fortress and the Cobalt Fortress Yeah that's where omin came from St a baby horse that's a nice that's not a bad area I'm trying to find yeah you know what let's just do it what's out there jet I could easily tap into this and we can make an underground horse land or horse land animal land my farming may move over here this is a pretty good si side spot as well this will all eventually get covered in Moss it's not enough for my animals it might be if we make it longer if it does reach all the way I don't want to go too far out here but we could like make all this Mossy that might be enough of my animals actually wonder if this is the same way if we could just carve in I bet it is offices there yeah they're all kind of like that aren't they I bet it is okay you know what let's do this so this is the ground floor I don't know if I want it on that level that's probably okay cuz that's where all the food and everything is let's do it here so something like on this spot here let's just do like that we'll see what happens um we kind of build our way into there um and make a um try to make an animal land down here sardonic what is sardonic what is it a YouTube Eno hey YouTube Eno okay good no longer a CR get get get back um oh what I just do I put the wrong floor in oops no pigtail seeds um I think we're okay with everything else I I'll probably to expand that at some point as well I could have done oh look it is all okay perfect perfect and it's already it's already sprouting some fungus the horses and everything will live off of that just fine that's perfect this will be Animal Land and the animals can get inside I always struggle with that I always leave my animals outside I always say I'm going to build an in inside place for my animals I never do and then the Goblins come and they chew all over my horses it's really unpleasant horse the horses really don't like it so all the Animal Land can be over here um I'm tempted to maybe make my Farms over here too wonder how much if I can do one more let's do more let's try it I don't want to go any more further this way cuz I don't want to carve any holes into this outside yeah the Moss coming we'll have to let it let the cave moss do its thing for a minute wonder how far this goes perfect who's that blue dragon okay uh let's make back to my uh my level here uh I'm going to make a couple of I'll just do iron I got iron laying around we'll do some iron statues make me we'll do a few of them we'll do um we'll do two for right now can you encrust a statue where's my jeweler at can I encrust furniture with cut gems I don't have any cut gems right now do we cut gems and and do it do it forever and then we can we cut gems into that would we be able to cut gems into that statue yeah inside animals are the best animals oh yeah like cats some migrants have arrived hooray I was worried about that I was kind of worried we haven't had migrants come in for a while in the last Fortress that I had we never had any migrant come in look there's a cat migrant um I never had any migrant come in so I was worried that I wor I was worried something about what's wrong with my Empire but looking good that's that's a good amount that's well eight eight is better than zero though weapons and Furniture but a statue counts as Furniture I'm curious okay um can I say what it is specify I don't care about that is that all specifying I can do I can't say what he's going to specify or I can't say what I can't say what furniture he's going to do um well cut some gems for a while and then I'll get you in a minute oh yeah I got to name some folks okay Carrick you are you are in crusting furniture with cut gems as we speak a gem cutter Carrick anyone wants else wants to be a dwarf let me know V rabbits been a while it's good to have you back in dwarf form good to have you back in in in viewer form as well uh do we have Tom yet Tom I don't think we have anyone I have I've been using the um like if you're a supporter thing it throws you in there um I've been yanking names from chat much I don't think Harley are you in there probably hary's always in there make sure Tom is taking a f mood oh Tom um I don't see a Harley okay okay anyone else wants in there just yell at me and I'll I'll get you in there U but Tom has taken to the clothing shop Tom's got he's lost his mind and all he can think about is socks where is he where's my clo shop there he is he's off running off to get something need empty food storage item need okay Tom has begun a mysterious con construction hey Ma how's it going you go Mac flow is listening to music it's about right yeah okay let's see what let's see what we get what kind of special socks we get food St I made those um we're going to get that young at us quite a bit is that b enough of my animals you think I think it probably is I'm kind of curious how far this goes I'm going to dig a little bit more just to see where it goes just like that dig a tunnel there um we'll go a little bit further this way Tom has created a Dagon a frilly cave spider silk toga oh that's nice I like it nice looking toga Tom togga Tom that's what the team meat stands for like we just got there's some Stone there just hit the edge of the stone this is a big patch this is where my farming I should make my if I'm going to do more farming I'm put it over here I think there's some more hematite um which I think I've got I'm so used to going down for my metal stuff um let's make can I there's some Platinum we can make some Platinum things let's go ahead and do some Platinum get that stuff set up um I've got my statues done I should be done um are they encrusted I don't if they are good if not oh well um oh I forgot I forgot I need my pave Road okay and then we're going to put in Statue we'll put one in there oh no no no that's the doorway let's put a statue in somewhere else statue in I guess where's a good opening for this dang statue there what are the statues of Stant of statue of a giant sloth I love it oh it even looks like a giant sloth great and then we want a statue of whatever the other one is of bur bronze rocks the granite yeah that guy okay well 27 folks uh here let me get the names of the rest of the folks here um that one so the rest the other three get named who we got I'm not sure who was here before um is there a way of ranking it by when they showed up I don't think there is I'm not sure who the new folks are I'm sorry it's been a little bit since I played this um welcome new folks l a gremlin okay in the Fortress where is it oh it's in the from the caves okay uh you guys I have a job for you go kill that thing where's he running off to well he's gone all right who's that Melancholy llama thank you for the sub up my f Keys um who's there's an axe spattered with scolds blood that must be the from the um s with human yeah those are the humans that came and visited us that I uh I murdered um they deserved it they deserved it and there's there's their there's their bodies um let me get some folks in the military we've got a few extras now so let's go ahead and sign some people up here um Vin rabbit is a competent shield and Ma dwarf so vinra is going to be [Music] one hammer dwarf Fighter um I don't want to the medical dwarf in MA flow knows how to how to handle soap and a spear and T do handle pumps and other things there we go that's a good that's a good amount that's what seven of us I'm not going to put Mangus in there cuz I don't want my doctor getting killed tempted to send Michael in anyone else say yeah there's a peasant ow let's send Al in there Al can learn okay okay so they'll get some training done I think I got the um my schedule set up here yeah so monthly orders which is lot of things happening which is training three months and then off okay good they are all three of them okay your first mission kill them y I'm going to follow that one oh my moat my moat is a failure can someone kill him please he's scared he got away oh no he got away with one he made off with deep no can we oh they're still here there's a Cobalt there's a Cobalt here too kill that one and did I not hit confirm or something yeah that we should we should kill these things can you kill this one too where's the other one at that's that one that one we got to kill that one too is it it's all of them right you're getting all of them he's trying to take my dog you trying to get my dog get him okay that one's done where is Kira at oh that one okay that one's still fighting Ricky is one we got to deal with okay beard you had it what'd you run away for follow this guy can someone can someone kill oh where my kill or at kill him got him okay any more just some chinchillas okay so they ran off with deep my child I that's their Dwarven name not their human name so I'm not sure who deep was can we find them are they going to be on the map somewhere that was I don't know if they did we got to go get him there he is he's right there there's 200 of them in there and the rat folk place oh we got to go get Dia back that's just the worst this isn't the same one this is a steamy fiend this is the D curse which we are at peace with not anymore um should we try it there's 200 of men there I don't want everyone to die but they're just rats how tough can they be other guy's downstairs I think yeah and then the other one was out did we get this one out here I don't think we did he ran away thanks Big let's grow a little bit more then we'll turn put our animals in there um if we got some good gear let's go and if we get everyone set up with iron armor maybe we maybe we'll be ready what what are you wearing chat look I got good stuff you don't have any any gloves or feet oh you do have signed ones though okay um so we need three armors three boots a hat and a glove we can do that do we have any steel laying around can I make some steel steel there I have the stuff for it I have iron I need do that make a bunch of that um go ahead keep doing b a rabbit have a good one okay we should be able to to to make the um see where I'm at here I may not have any iron Lane around I need iron and um I need some flux uh whatever okay well for for now we'll make three iron male shirts I need some boots and what was it a Helm see if I have any steel we should see we should see some some this stuff hit the right button um three boots there's a shirt going in there oh and gloves gloves something oh that guy stinks Yeah the more problem I mean they can just go around it at any point there's not really a way to fix that I don't think um I don't think there's actually a way to fix that it's not really much of a moat I could like mine this whole thing out and but I can't go all the way to the edge there's not really any way of fixing that I don't think I don't know of a way of fixing that easily because I can't mine all the way to the edge right yeah well yeah I can't go all the way to the edge so there'll always be a way to get get around so there's not really a way of fixing that that's okay I guess it's not okay lots of good stuff in there um yeah we'll mine those [Music] out what's all this Platinum it's a whole big wall of platinum even a wall though we can't put um we can't go all way to the edge so [Music] so the really fixing it is going to be a way of keeping these doors shut or setting up a tower and putting someone with an Archer with a with a bow in it so we can just shoot them as they come in somebody is brawling Under the Influence good to know we have enough alcohol okay we need look like two boots a hat and some gloves [Music] High a low a hat and um what was this gloves armor iron going this guy needs to get out of here dump that guy do we have a dumping stockpile dumping spot I think we do where do we dump fish um I don't see one let's make a dumping stop pile dump it off the edge here of the of the bridge exactly Mas yes there's a chinchilla in my food supply we can like kill that thing can't we what do we do with a chinchilla I don't know rather frail though this is looking all right Let's do let's move do some moveing here so I want this to be my my pen pasture is going to be in here uh we'll do all of that and I think for now we'll go ahead and move them up up here as well we can move it around later on we'll do that and I want everybody over here oh yeah you know what I bought I bought some turkeys I forgot too okay them all over here I could lock the cats into the food area we'll do that um we'll make it our um our training Zone as well just set it up as this okay and we'll see if they start starving then we'll know we got a problem but I think we're okay we get that body tossed in the water yet yeah good the other one get picked up he was down he was down here there he is well he he r away already so it's okay imported wealth 177,000 exported 6,000 we're created 46 um we make a whole bunch of statues we got all those gems and we are we're still en crusting right go back to encrusting enrust Furniture let's do some finished goods let's do it forever you got something laying around slap some gems on it okay we're all equipped are we any good though I suppose that's the question let's find someone here so scold in charge scold are you any good 77 years old you value Harmony and tradition a little gregarious I cried on somebody in charge I'm relieved you are in charge okay military yeah we know you're in there no kill yet you got a bunch of iron stuff you got some steel pants where is your skills there Adept skilled ma dwarf skilled Dodger yeah not the worst good speaker good decent teacher well novice confident student um got some sensory nerve damage oh yeah I remember that that's from last time what are you doing over here Coke from Li [Music] night uh get some hematite done too I'm going to increase the size of this stockpile something like that there's some platinum bars yeah we made a bunch of those um that would be a good thing to make with another I think I make another me should I make another one well make me I'm going to put a work order in let's just do um some Platinum statues Platinum where are they at make me a bunch of those maybe like yeah like like a dozen of those I don't know if we have enough bars for that but whatever we got bars for make a bunch of statues we'll throw them around the place that'll look kind of nice uh another thing that's going to help with with looks is by by by doing this engraving things so let's engrave as much as we can engrave some walls engrave the library um we'll engrave all that stuff if you can see it engrave it this is our first floor just need some engraving done um we'll engrave this this Zone here as well the offices need some smoothing and Engraving all that um this is a place where everyone like does a lot of walking so this at least this spot right here can be done we'll probably put statues along the way everyone's going to be walking through here so this is a good spot to get some engraving done and I think I'm yeah I'm going to turn these into statues this is actually a dormatory I'm going to remove that one okay make this place [Music] fancy human is visiting us the dog is chewing on a chinchilla yeah there's plenty of fungus in here these guys should be fine now I got nothing outside except for that horse what's he doing out there buddy you not have a you not have a home here did I forget you cuz we oh yeah get over [Music] there okay rabbit um I'm to put in a couple nest boxes I got to build those um here we'll do this [Music] way I want a nest box I don't care what it's made out of [Music] um rock is fine and do like four I think I might stash those those maybe along the wall here we'll make like a actually right here right here is fine we'll put them right there they can live over there the turkeys can live over there lay their eggs give us some snacks drink breuing happening Rock pots being made everything's getting smooth and fancy looking um this place should get fancy 49,000 is the wealth we'll see what what happens when we get this all done Mangus has been possessed he's taking over the crafts dwarf shop okay make sure you got what you need it's like you're getting a lot of Bones you missing something cloth thread stone rock cloth thread I don't have any cloth or thread that you want um is this one that um oh hey that thing's still there um it's got to be what could it be [Music] um yeah yeah I think what's in these do I have any thread I may not have any thread no I got thread I got lots of thread what could he want I always struggle with cloth there's always there always something with cloth um I'm assuming it cuz we got wool we got silk we may not have any cloth like um cotton pigtail we have pigtail what could you want what could he want what could he want so I went to the doctor today side note went to the doctor apparently there's this thing going around and he asked me if I uh had any symptoms of of M man's disease and um I knew exactly what he meant but I told him no I'm just a carrier disease jokes disease jokes Loom collect some webs um that if you can't thread in the silk collect webs um thread in the cloth do all that stuff ah I know I mailed that one in I'm sorry disease jokes are great on the internet they always seem to go viral yes okay there's a little bit of thread good good yeah carrier mail man joke Carri carrier okay well there's that one and then we'll make the we'll make the yarn in the cloth if I can what oh oh that's what he wanted got it he wanted some yarn good now now he's good okay good good good good someone left their Morning Star laying around all right I get these rocks picked up there's a lot of rocks that need picked up you know what I'll do with this uh this big Zone I got here just make it a rock land if you're a rock this is where you land that's a big stock pile that's a big stock pile of rocks okay just for the sake of cleaning this place up this place is a dump um speaking of dump make some statues got five statues available I'm going to put them right there platinum we what we got oh I missed what is that that's that's that's looks like that looks like a Cobalt I don't know what that is whatever it is I hate it a magnetite Crown offers it to the helpful doors all right crowns are cool um I don't know why this isn't working I don't like it but okay okay I'll click the right button in a second I want that button we got one of dwarves bats and dwarves put the bats over there and then we'll get another one over here of [Music] dwarves okay and then we'll do well as soon as we get more in we'll put them we'll put them over here and that's should spice some things up what we yeah here 42 wait wasn't that 59 a minute ago how did my Crea wealth go down how did my Crea wealth go down wait a minute spring has arrived you are a statue of aestral okay statue of scold Superior statue superior quality statue of scold item is superiorly designed image of skold Chip wayes the dwarf and dwarves in Platinum by zadia skold is surrounded by the dwarves the artwork relates to the appointment of the dwarf scold to the position of militia commander in 10 nice yeah also I I forgot to mention this um this play through is like um a very ear like I we went 10 I think did I even go 10 years this isn't first year I think it only went five years um of Dev of of World Generation it's very very early on and we got bats statue of bats okay uh we should smooth this one out too these offices like that let's move that area [Music] out the elves have arrived all right I was about to go kill something I found something else to kill come on in elves oh oh where they at where are they oh they went around the [Music] moat dang it don't you know when you're supposed to step on the boat so I can fling you all right um okay let's grab everyone let's just do this you know you know you know what we're going to do they brought camels and nothing gets me more riled up than a bunch of camels and skunk I want to get rid of oh they got a bear in there keep that bear around is he in the cage I think is that what that means is that c is that bear in the cage where's that bear at I make sure that's not like a buddy yeah bear is in the cage so we we want to deal with the horse the camel and those two imini and viane yeah those okay um I I did do that wrong okay so yeah click click confirm all right let's get him there's the bear which is going to be mine okay they've unloaded their goods those goods now belong to me excellent and we're going to house this bear bear actually doesn't need to be housed but we're going to put him in here then we'll then we'll let him free we'll put the barn in here as well and we're going to make I think we got to make him a war bear playing master of magic human Maan is visiting just in time to see the that sleep stay in one of these rooms here thank thank you Tom there he is one sickly clumsy [Laughter] bear okay uh we're going to sign that bear where is he what can I do with bears bears unavailable as a pet what do you mean available as pet that's the wrong I mean I meant that button I thought I could train a bear guess I can't well he'll be a pet Tom came in with a with a pig um okay we butcher the camels um I don't know that we can now that we killed them the horse I don't think so once you if your army kills him I don't think you can do it you can't um they need to go in the trash and where's the other one at that's some body part there's someone's hand there there they are toss them out okay well the bear can be someone's pet that's okay all right um and anyone get hurt from that no one's in the doctor shouldn't have El's never come anything with anything okay well there's the Army and they're already ready to go they're just like itching to get something so let's go get something I I really want to get my friend back my baby back um but there's 200 rats in that place I think maybe we start with a smaller rat place and work our way up there's 50 over here we're already at war with those guys there's only 30 there at plant plague so we can try to hit that one we already at war with this one maybe we should just take this one out let's just take this one out we're already at war with him let's just go in there um I want to burn it down yeah please don't die whatever you do you do whatever you want just please don't die I'm worried I'm going to wor maybe I should have just snuck in there and stolen things it shouldn't have gone for the whole thing we'll find [Music] out what you doing there Al get out there heti is being [Music] smelted um there Manti also they've returned good very good taster has hasn't come back yet I'm going to pause though I should have right click on that um how do we see reports okay so we went this one we set out in2 the identified Castle attacked the escorted nightmare of the steamy fiend in malign Bastion scold led the attack attack pause isn't working um a rat folk confronted Vino rabbit Vino rabbit destroyed the rat folk Clayman Games took one down taser confronted taser destroyed scolds killing Mac flows slaughtering them oh no aaku in Alaska was stru down by a wait wait what in 12 the dwarf aaku Alaska attacked ow ataku is he from the last Fort and he's join he's siding with the rat folk is that what happened I think so R folk was taking down by Owl OT dwarf otaku attacked us so that otaku is on their side I think he's from the last Fort and I think maybe big dog is [Music] too big dog was uh smashed by Mac flow big dog struck down masterless struck down I think these are I think these are ones that got like taken away cuz in the last Fort I attacked them and I think they captured some as prisoners and I guess they're now like working for them so we looted we rampaged I we actually didn't lose anybody we got a cage a bag we got some pants and a glove and it's still yeah everyone came back so those people from the last Fort there's only 30 of them there now okay we did some killing that's good that's [Music] good that's except acceptable I'm I went a lot better than I was than I was expecting I want farming Nest box okay I got to figure this out arming Nest box how do I make how do I make you stop doing that DF hack how do I make you stop doing that normally you click this thing and it goes back to normal mode I don't know how to do that now it's not [Music] working yeah M he did there's that filter I don't want that I don't [Music] know yeah I'm not sure I'm not sure what to do with that how to make it stop make DF Haack cooperate so only deep is missing and we got he's over there I think we can go get him there's a lot of rats there but we didn't have any trouble with the rats it was the dwarves that were other was was having issues there must be some updates and I'm not used to what happens with these updates um yeah Amber I get you in there as soon as we get in uh we don't have any free spots but when we get a free spot I'll get you in here are you sure you may get wrong you may get taken away kidnapped by rats hey migrants have arrived hot dog where you go Amber be an armor how we getting a bunch I think so look at that number go up all [Music] right how we got we got 46 nice and we had a baby even better anyone else want to be a dwarf shout out me and I'll get you in here before I uh add in the um the subscribers okay how's the bear looking does the bear have anybody yet the clumsy bear anybody um Tak an interest in the clumsy bear no not yet luckless clover okay Clover you're in there oh yeah TR look at all these rocks but finally things look at yeah finally getting cleaned up in here nice let's get this bed out of here and I don't know if I want more statues there we can put them here as well because people are always walking up down these stairs so this is a good one to put some tattoes in if I've got four statues around there like one available well now it's working all right whatever that one works so let's make some more statues uh I've got gold laying around too we make some gold statues gold statue and I don't think I have any more Platinum I have that rose gold we can make something out of that want make a rose gold statue make something cooler like oh that's pretty good rose gold chip is pretty good rose gold statue and then we'll do I don't know yeah my my bot that that shares chat between twitch and YouTube doesn't do emotes very well G's very busy with these rocks that they're trying to haul around okay okay 18 dwarves have just been named we go on the list you want I Steve I think he's new aimless page is in here staran Glory dark neck there's old joird I'm not sure who was in here before marillo Chris wait DJ flippy but you died I think DJ Flippy's back the freeze um pink Fizz there rith produno cow goes moo man these are all the soldiers they have their name before um and then the the kids what's the other kid's name didn't we just had a kid didn't aardi just have a kid aardi is a kid and then har Harley The Bard I'll get you in the next next one uh sket just just missed it just make sure you shout at me next time we get some a baby or born or something okay the gang's all here no one's in the med base so I'm going to say that we're good and ready to go on an adventure actually before we go on an adventure let's add two more um Chris the armor knows how to handle a proficient is good yep and oh actually I have a doctor now nice wait no I think I think you're a doctor I think that's just I gave you that job never mind never mind um I like putting in peasants there as well because there we go like Cameron here he can learn these other guys are busy you know they're doing other things forun novice uh morebook the The Beekeeper actually probably a good one adequate that's all I ask for out of my squads just as long as you're adequate I'm content with that everyone good so we need a couple more things they may grab it in a second okay so we'll get we need two Shields two basically two everything um I may make another second Squad and do like a like a Defender Squad like a like a town guard basically um I'm going to say we'll keep it on metal armor led by probably Brent who knows how to use armor nice to have someone that actually knows what they're doing so they can teach [Music] um pink Fizz the milker could do it we put pink Fizz in there and then for everyone else we'll just throw like if we have any like peasants these are folks that'll yeah Cameron there I'm try to keep around we'll give them they'll give them training and so if if like if the other guys are away we have some folks that can like defend and we'll have them kind of just patrol around um I'm not going to be making any bow so we'll let the bow you're in there I got two Siege Engineers so teroc and raki I think will'll both be in here as well there we go so there's there's a good five now for these guys well they'll get their armor um but I want to set up a schedule here and they're going to have some routines which not familiar with that button uh let's set up just stagger training for now roues oh okay okay um and in addition to that I'll let him train for a minute I think I'm going to let him I'll get a patrol route for him also actually what I might just do is might just like position them just to stand here so there's just always guards hanging around so if something comes in they will be there we set up a burrow yeah yeah and I'm just going to put it in I think like right here is fine do I want them to um stand outside any I think inside's okay yeah I think that's fine um looks kind of like a shield maybe I won't there it goes it's just slow this will be um Garden and we're going to assign no one to it just yet but whenever they I want at least one person hanging out there so them The Mists we're going to edit and I'm going to have Bur defense guard I want two of you to do that at least two will guard in addition to your training so I should be able to copy that um and on the train times we do that okay we got to fix up here um let's see if this works I might have off hopefully this will work okay okay what happened uh Stone workers Workshop has been claimed who's that uh edre wants to entertain us yeah yeah come on in edre hey edre I got a name for you who who was who was wanting a name who was that uh sket can I name edrey yeah we got a human edre you're a human could be okay with that you're you're a human Bard uh um did I call you Sky uh edre sket skic skic not edre SK you are a human bar come in here dance around do your things okay Stone workers shop is that you that's uh that's claiming it I mean I didn't mean to move that you're looking for gems gems look like you've got a rough gem do you know how many cut gems somebody cut some gems real quick a quy that's Stone rough gems cut gems [Music] [Applause] yeah good time for this song Let's murder some Cobalts oh there's so many of them are you already on it oh you already on it worked it worked okay hey heax how's it going [Music] okay the guard's on it um I think maybe what I should do is just like position these guys I'm going to say you guys just stand [Music] there if somebody comes through here you murder [Music] them no there's a lot more than just one of them camera ran out and he wanted a piece but it's more than just one okay okay um now they're invading including the mountain goat he's invading as well all right uh we put the bridge yet but that doesn't do us any good so I think we're going to fight like here we're not putting the doors up I want everyone to move there stand here it's killing time [Music] Cameron's in a marshall trance Cameron um I'm yeah you got it buddy I'm watching oh he's chopping whose hand is that is that your hand that's a rat folk hand Cameron's losing his mind arrows are flying Cameron's lost his sword 83 years old Cameron you're bleeding you can't breathe you can't stand you dead dead he took one out though Cameron we'll we'll remember you don't you worry buddy we'll we'll write stories about you what are they doing are they just hanging out over here why aren they coming why aren't they coming at me don't just hang around come get come get me um okay let's send let's send everyone out here looks like we're going to space too let's go get that one first because these guys going to come try to grab the bodies here we go uh get this one [Music] actually okay that one's done quickly um um I was do that wrong that one click confirm okay looking good look if there's any rats out here three of them get them there's three left oh my God them teeth are flying hands are flying Cameron's flying but we got him okay well done all right we got them nobody died except for Cameron I think and some Elves that was before Some Humans we killed before and I think that's it apparently a snake where is um why isn't Cameron in this list I don't know think we haven't found his body yet there we go camera's been found dead there we go mysterious constructions begun okay all right there we go we got the uh there's the tent guard there's pink Fizz Garden the the entryway excellent we have created a gypsum mug claims as an heirloom in the name of the ancestor Touch of pink Fizz what pink Fizz you're the ancestor oh aimless page must have made it for you okay okay good uh there something else we can do we put some of the stuff on pedestals statue of dwarves they're traveling the foundation of tongs BT there we go I started in eight year eight is when I started this we probably put some pedestals here in the middle and then stick our stuff on there let's go make some we'll just do some rock pedestals um here just do like four of them throw our stuff in the middle there we'll need it for like I'm surprised we haven't had any any guilds or anything come in yet but we'll need we'll get them eventually Temple that kind of stuff uh is everyone okay what's who's the angry one let me grab someone just on of random here and see what they feel how they feel like aimless page let's look at you um how you feeling your fondness talking with delighted remembering afraid experiencing trauma um you saw a dead rat folk that kind of made you feel nothing is that a Dia Blissful um euphoric grouchy drinking the same old boo yeah you know we're kind of doing that cuz all we really have what's in there there a magpie in there um all we really have is plump helmet stuff's that Magpie at oh we got all things in here that Magpie not show up in here is not count as a pet I supposed to to do with it tame Magpie sure what to do with with it place it I guess and let it [Music] out so like we're growing that and we're Brewing drink from plant we're Brewing whatever we what we can but we don't have any really any seeds of anything else so I guess when we get when we get some Traders let's get something let's get some different seeds we could tell them to stop eating [Music] um kitchen and stop eating a certain look at all the stuff we got like oh we got some turkey hands already um maybe the can prickle berries I think you can make stuff out of that stop eating the prickle berries and then we'll make a prickle Berry I don't remember how to make prickle berries where prickle berries come from are they not a what season are they are they not a thinking girl um okay fine eat eat the Perle berries if I got a lot of um a lot of stuff here we're growing all that why don't I adjust this a little bit adjust my work order this one and make it a little more like 150 but the uh the orders here though are when it's less than 90 and make some more I don't care what what you make it out of they're mostly just grabbing Plum pish just because it's around but yeah it's all um there should be a little variety kind of sprinkling in there a bit I pedestals yet we got two [Music] available we'll put some things on there th likes to drink I want to assign I don't know what we made we made something fancy um we put a toga on it put some corpses on that I freaked people out now what do we what do we make that was that was cool we got we got a hatch nice looking pack nice looking traction bench um we have some good weapons we can put a good weapon on there hey Unity how's it [Music] going was that is that there it's headwear that's hand wear headwear um does that crra not count as a um no I don't know what these things are under you C some more gems there it is put that in there put at least that in there um hey migrants again what for is growing okay um in that in that case while they're while they're coming in let's go save the baby diip is there we got to we got to save the baby our job is to sneak in and free deep that's all I want you to do you don't need to kill anything just get in there and go save the baby sin race they call it what a name have been made okay don't there for now we'll move them around whenever we get guilds and then we'll fill them with whatever we get eventually um that'll make this place look a lot nicer that makes the dwar is happy seeing all that stuff um which is really the most important thing they come up here they'll see these statues and they'll think that's nice which I need a few more statues let me go just do a work order of just doing statues I don't care what they make it out of um if I can spell it right statue can I say it that way can I just say make um I can make it out a rock just just to be something um I don't know we need 10 of them five of them who is angry what do I see So Vain glory is mad what's wrong buddy feel good ground chees same old booze uneasy lack of decent meals for too long can't acquire something can't practice martial art okay so meals I can adjust the clams have returned clams Clans it is clam thought I was saying clams as a joke look is clams um I I just got my mind just went blank I was going to do something oh booze or food food so we're making easy meals and fine meals make a lavish meal and same thing we'll do 50 of those and we'll set them up as um um at least 10 oh we'll say 15 15 might be a bit much for this actually we'll say 40 [Music] um that way we'll get like a little bit of variety problem is we're just eating a lot the same thing over and over again okay they have returned how'd the mission go so you you're rid sin race you snuck in there cunning plan attackers had strong positional Advantage Robert snow ambushed struck down some rats wait yep struck down by uh by by Robert snow Al start down some rats oh there's a Naga there as well huh okay seems like a lot of killing going on scold killing scold killing more Clayman games was surprised by a rat folk he's right his ear was smashed by Clayman games and then dead L of killing Naga happened upon us now it's dead V snuck up on but rat uh V rabbit stuck it down we um I see it freed the dwarf deep hooray we got them okay we got we got a toy hammer we got some breast plates we got a splint 20 Rock nuts one male shirt and one baby we've made them Madden they're all very mad at us now the other thing about being so early on there's like no artifacts in the game we don't know of anything nothing Praise on tinty Praise on tinty though the baby's back who is the baby what what's your name um it is de oh dip is deep a subscriber thanks deep for subscribing I'm sorry I I'm sorry I forgot your name I apologize excellent do I ever set up a lavish meal economy no I just set it up and if they make some I'm happy otherwise it's okay need some platinum bars we can do that not that one that one um platinum bars do a few of those all that is looking good um plenty of coal around just do a dig here grab some of that stuff okay we probably need to pick up yeah grab all that stuff anything else yeah oh there's all Cameron's mighty sword Cameron let me get you a let me get you a an honorable place to lay I'm not sure if I have any more um coffins around if I do no okay let's make a coffin uh I want a platinum coffin we're fancy where they Platinum sarcophagus am I out still he's platinum bars well he's working on it I think he is anyway yeah he's he's working on it a lot a lot of junk in that spot there this needs to grow pretty [Music] severely whoops we just go that way statue's done they should get placed yeah there they are they're clay stone now dwarves there's another one of of Jeff what's the one about Jeff Jeff surrounded by the dwar relates to the appointment of the dwarf Jeff to uh manager speaking of manager I want to check something real quick because I want to know so Mangus is my medical dwarf but I want to check over here see if I got any that's any that's better at this like anyone that's a better diagnosti yeah I'm sure I get I'm make sure I don't remember who's in the military I don't think there we go so Derek is proficient so you're going to be that is Mangus really any good at this no he do know anything about being a doctor but he [Music] is like pink Fizz is a skilled surgeon but but they're in this is what which one was that um just doctor I do that then dagos stition needs to be loot Goblin and then the surgeon is not going to be red cat I think it's going to be pink Fizz but pink Fizz is leading the other Squad so sorry Magus and then the bone doctor wrong one bone doctor is going to be Derrick's good at everything but he can't be that's okay Mangus is a good fighter so we put Mangus in for everything else for something else for fighting Solen can do that I haven't named everybody yet okay maybe that'll work okay because Derrick's a good doctor so they'll have a good doctor in there we need some powder we need some oh we have any soap where's all my soap at and I'm G to I'm going to kick pink Fizz out I think and switch you out with Mangus cuz Mangus oh you're you're chief medical DF aren't you that's okay I think we'll let you may me medical dwarf and we'll let Derek do the doctoring that's okay but I don't want pink Fizz being leading this because they need to be doing doctor things anybody good U my animal dissector can do it okay did somebody oh yeah yeah we know someone died um and then Goblin Pruno is the mayor we'll let my Mason fill in that [Music] spot Timor sure is has been lefted mayor hooray I saw that I was like I don't remember having a mayor uh but we do now uh mayor is there anything that you want as mayor you do you want some nice things okay time to build a mayor's office this is office land so we'll set them up over here we'll build it trying to think I think this a good spot over here I'm going to build that to go through we'll put it over here that's that's the edge okay that'll work we can build some wings off over here I want to put in some doors I don't have any doors okay go and smooth this [Music] out I'll set this up as you know what I'll do I'll put in so we'll have his office and that belongs to Mayor who's very happy and then we'll put in a bedroom and we'll put in a dining room over here o it's nice nice to be it's good to be the king or mayor okay so I need some doors give me um I'm going need a chair do I have any more that um rose gold stuff I I'll do a platinum if I can not a cabinet yeah Platinum oh no I guess I'm out more Platinum more give me more Platinum more TI think that's like colorful we got this blue stuff microcline um we have a lot of Jet Jet's cool all black I want his office to be all black so I want some floors let see if I have enough I might not have enough not going let me do that way out of I got 42 jet I got a ton of iron bars I do have rose gold bar so we maybe make a chair out of that um let's make some jet blocks um jet okay jet blocks we'll get those blocks done and then we can make them some some fancy stuff um I have one of those also the soap containing item I think I need to do some horse slaughtering horse soap is what we're using here so we'll get that one and that one okay those those two should be [Music] enough oh hey actually might have oh no another girl cat no boy cats no lot of girl [Music] cats Hey look it's deep deep the hero what are you doing in there doesn't belong to you four rooms they're all rented Harley's dancing okay that'll give us that should give us some um some soap Tallow and all that stuff you know um I might need to get maybe we need some ash and some lie Dash okay yeah so we'll get a few we'll make a few of these just kind of keep up with that and then we'll turn them into lie make some soap refill our doctor's office those two horses should be enough we got Snatchers but they are what is that what's stinking cougar lungs I know where they are oh they're right there what are those those are goblins okay well I got I got one guy's guarden the the door I want you to kill those guys mhm and then is there any more I want to make sure that this squad just stays right there nobody gets away this time I think they ran off no oh Mac flow's got it Ma flow is walking around with an Iron Mask there we go nice okay done all right lots of bees around okay statues looking good um do I have any those blocks yet we're making them blocks yeah lots of them there okay so and we got some tables L around they're all claystone but I want everything to be black in here so first let's do the floors out of jet blocks okay one we have to get we have to get more of them before we can finish it off finish it off there's his Iron Mask another one okay we'll get we get some more the blocks and then we'll get the bottom out here done PL statues are done cool skull is grown attached to an iron shield look nice okay is there more there's a few more there got a jet weapon Rack in here we can put that in um I also want we need an anim or um what's it called um armor stand and that also needs to be made out of jet um and then we need a bed that's can't be maybe we can find a black one a Naga Caravan I never saw those last time um we can do two doors both jet I want a um what else do we need in here well we should get a statue he's going to want a desk and a chair need a table out of Jet and a throne out of jet let's make sure that we've have enough jet before I do all this where is that is that jet that's coal where's the jet what was I finding all that before I saw there was a spot where I found a bunch of it there it is okay um there are oh I haven't seen these guys yet there's nagas in my base there's two Caravans arriving at the same time um Zango drumar those are my um those are the dwarves I can't really do a fight right now because it's going to run them off and I don't really want to do that so I guess what do you guys have we go ahead and move stuff over here and maybe we'll trade with you got much eggs uh do I have any gems I want some not rough gems I want cut gems I don't think I have any cut gems I think I traded them all away what do I have to sell you Naga Caravans is a mod I can sell you those well those are good for traps so I don't want to S you my my stuff I'm keeping that um I don't really have anything to sell you I'll give you a couple anvils I'm going to haul stuff over here that that my that's let do that the dwars I can tell the dwars also I want a lot of stuff maybe I can get a bunch of gems done real quick got a ton of iron bars a lot of blocks I got some body parts as usual that's an expensive copper cage he you want a bird I'll give you a a [Music] bird it's a fancy crutch I just sell my cool stuff um that's a really cool mug we made a nice mug I forgot about that I need to put that on the pedestal you're not getting that here you go oh a nice fruit roast yeah you know we have a fruit roast that's the only prepared meal that I have we should make some more meals I probably need well I got a kitchen I don't know why that's I'll keep those around makes people happy oh I forgot to take you guys off station uh canel door go do what you window do are the um I guess the dwarves are still are coming in yeah those coming in too I've never had two Traders at the same time much to there this time finally we got some news earrings and blocks okay I got some blocks if you want them um I want to see if I can get you to cut some gems now let's trade who we trading with I guess we'll look at the nagos first what have you got blocks what kind of animals do you have nothing all your stuff is is that large what is that shell steel Anvil neat neat is that is it good I don't [Music] know um I think paper and I will give you a bird and an instrument okay nice doing business with you now the dwarves now if they say they want blocks I got a whole lot of blocks um no they're not worth anything five bucks it's just just heavy they can't carry all that stuff they really they don't really want blocks I don't know what to give them I can give you well I'll give you the four platinum bars I like that stuff but it's 200 bucks a piece that's okay that's a good amount of money okay April 17th for adventure mode yep yep yep I will be out of town and not able to play Adventure Mode I'm very sad about it immediately but I'll I'll be there as soon as I can but it'll be it'll be afterwards okay you get all your stuff and um oh 1 th000 bucks for those seeds Okay [Music] okay well I had a I've tried a lot of part-time jobs and I had one I had one I just I just lost I got fired from today and uh it was as uh was being a masseuse apparently I rub people the wrong way fig that joke was appropriate for streaming oh a cow or that's thought a c a pig um look what I want I want seeds do you have any good seeds the other guys didn't lot of cloth I got a lot of that a giant hamster bone scepter I can't say note of that um a lot of fish PR onty thread [Music] Greaves a lot of cheese which I got a lot of food drinks a little low for some reason and just parchment yeah nothing really there's not any good works of art yet kind of a problem I don't have any plants other than Plum helmets what is this Plum helmet only world what am I going to get from these guys they have a Ste Anvil is that any better it does anything different all right I'll take your leather what I'm giving you is weighs too much I'm not sure what way oh the platinum bars are heavy um I guess I'll take more leather I got a lot of cloth but I guess I can take one of those I got to take something that's heavy yeah yeah just give me your just give me your cloth what do you have That's Heavy 12 I get 340 here we go one llama that'll do it I'll take your llama I'll take your pig too okay so he's getting a profit of th bucks I don't really know what else to take from him though I I take a water skin just to save me from the hassle of remembering to do it ropes are always good to have cuz I again I forget those to um it might might not be a bad idea to have something trying to think there's anything that I want to have like that may be used for crafting or like a like a a mood I can take the glass I guess I don't think that's ever needed um we're getting in the yellow aren't we that's fine yeah when you play this game eventually you reach the end of your rope mhm mhm mhm mhm mhm uh sand uh Rock nuts sure okay yeah it's good what come on now don't be jerks you're getting a profit of 700 dang dwarves if you weren't dwarves I'd murder you that's only 90 were 400 it's 80 there we go I make you happy now seems very happy about the trading yeah I bet he is W look at my creative wealth 151,000 what did I make is that just way off I don't know I made something maybe it's because I don't know I did something uh let me on this pedestal I want to make sure we get that uh that mug uh goet there it is get that goblet on there make this place fancy is there a wealth here no no oh well I do have um actually do I even have a a a temple I thought I made one last time maybe I didn't maybe I started to make one I never actually put one in I should probably make a temple people are probably why they're I don't know what was going on there but that's probably what's causing a little bit of strife no Temple no happy okay here we go there's the jet um see if all my stuff is done yet I want to put my doors in um not any material how do I change that that's kind of a a pain put it that way it's much easier just just to put it down I don't doors yet do we have a do we have a bed so bedroom I think was supposed to be this one and then in the bedroom we'll throw in his cabinet I may only make that jet one my table or chair Done Yet is office is supposed to be here not very straight is it there's a Jet table [Music] Jet Chair cool okay so then I can put so that's his office we need to make a bedroom for him there and then we need a dining hall I always separate I always put this as one big thing but you know what why not this is going to be produno that's Pro where'd he go [Music] he has a mod qu he's going to have a nice one now put him down here and then I want to put statue in the jet one okay we'll need some more tables and chairs that are jet I want um to my to my jet doors uh Throne okay um and then I make that armor stand I might have but we'll do another one I need the weapon racken as well uh he's going want some chests we'll just make those other we just make wood ones you can do at a well you can do what's it called uh actually you can do it here um a coffer okay let's see what that that gets and I need a temple that's what I was that's what this was it is a temple I just haven't been anything with it I trying to gems okay yeah it's just terrible okay I got some statues laying around okay was 50 what's it up to now we want instruments in there as well we need a chest of some kind what else needs to go in here there we go now we're getting now we're now we're at Temple there's a chest in there no instruments yet but we'll get one in there performer uh we've got one well I think I'd rather than be in the The Other Place the main place so we will let anyone know how to name dance oh we got a lot of good ones in here um zon go dance buddy and then this one leot no your captain um etour and did I never name my people there go 16 more and oh we got more migrants I completely missed the thing Masterpiece jet table cool nice we got a bunch of folks in here now oh it's looking so dark and nice um jet throne and a Jet table nice um and then if I go look at you what what do you you need two chests oper armor stand weapon rack okay I don't know where to put it um put there'll stand out uh and then I want cabinet it's fine I'll I'll fix it later and then armor sand weapon rack there we go drink alert what I don't see a hydrate I got rid of those okay they've taken off did the uh the nagas run off [Music] yeah okay yeah yeah that's the drink alert I see uh can we do this now we have right we've got enough where's my plants plants I got a million plump helmets can we just get someone to do this [Music] job okay room plant there it is maybe it's too much of a walk not sure where they they're going down here to get this stuff let me put in a stockpile here of plump helmets right there and I'm going to say this is only only plump helmets go in here just so then we won't have to worry about that anymore that way they don't think we running all over the place for him okay this is a this is a conquer the world the whole plan is to conquer the world I'm not doing a good job of that I'm doing a bad job of that in fact let's go conquer the world uh let me whip up I need uh two Shields two breast plates um I need um some boots I think I need a helmet these are happening right yeah where I see it getting made Gauntlet Gauntlet some Greaves what else do I need hat and a hat how we looking yeah I got a little bit of Steel I should probably get a little bit more going oh yeah my soap uh make lie just do it actually just do it on repeat and then soap man a minute we'll get to do that um how are we doing here can we do so let me remind okay there is pig iron okay I wasn't getting that I was missing something I don't know what though my flux we're good now I'll make some pick IR bars we'll get some steel bars cranked out of here make some steel stuff okay good there's a barrel there how we looking needs rough gems don't have many gems laying around let me go into one of these places here and just go [Music] digging we'll go down also there's plenty of places down here [Music] rubies any gems down [Music] here Tom I hope you have a good one yeah it's my bedtime too but I got to go out on a on a high note here that's what we're going to do we're in here um just over here goofing around with dual Fortress but we got to go we got to go um take out some rat folk oh there's the elves I'm at war with the elves now good elves rats more rats oh yeah we got a lot of lot of Wars going on okay good good good good um how we looking are we equipped yet no where's those Shields at fact you know what uh are you making any you got any steel going now or you got pick iron yeah he's working on it um let's get these done so we can get out there um what else do we need Gloves did I make those okay that'll get us somewhere could do with all the without all the creatures and that Tangled Greenery yeah yeah yeah me too they picking any up wonder if they're like on duty somewhere and so they're not going to grab it oh Masterpiece stuff's getting made nice uh somebody starved to death whoops whoops I came over here to do that N I forgot llama yeah yeah I did some I thought I did high boots as well I fig I do a little bit of both just to have some laying around and see not putting them on and they're makinging them I've got them I'm not sure why they're not grabbing them oh we have we finally have a um craft DWF Guild established um which I think I'll just I'll like cram them in here I think there's thieves again gold Hall it was a craft [Music] dwarf where are they there it is what do you want what you want you want things in there but first thieves and Snatchers okay so again as long as you guys I'm think this seems to work station there and then you guys where are they are they in the they shouldn't be in the base as long as they're not in the base okay they're right there on the bridge they're coming in there's a bunch of them I think we I think we're fine with the main guys to come come stand over here [Music] also oh another one that's what happened before they came in like as like a a a sneaking in and then they attacked much more rat folk okay that's the case um I think we can still fight over here I'd rather fight like over here but it's well yeah let me move you back a little bit don't go too far over there what's going on over [Music] here Here Comes one as soon as they step in here we should we should have them there we go stomping across the bridge one at a time nice is that it is that all of them I got one more hiding he's running away no one runs away from me everybody get [Music] them got him okay nice that was so fun let's go burn some other places let's go take out this one there's 30 left I want to just I just want to openly attack destroy the site you guys what I think I what I think I'll probably end up doing is I'll probably go in and I will probably make some small groups and then like demand surrender um and then just start conquering places that way that seems to work out [Music] better rat folk was in a was in a trance we didn't lose anybody there no one no one died none of our guys died anyway like how my guy is don't show up in here just the humans speaking of remember a long time ago when I made that that this thing to make a coffin oh cuz we didn't have Platinum you on I want a platinum sarcophagus uh goat I don't know if I have anyone available I think we got them all named here but if I'll get one if I get one before I end the night I'll get you in there okay sarcophagus done there it is now I think what is DJ flippy in there I might need to adjust that there's a rotten oh the cow yeah hey Christopher I need to change this this thing I think I do clams have returned is that you building that right now so it's so shiny looking am I going have to put a separate one of those in there get get off of there I want to look at it yeah okay so let's remove that one and I got to change it to Tom I was I couldn't figure this out last time I'm not sure what I what I did wrong okay and then there's Cameron in there camera finally got a spot his Platinum spot all right how we do is it gone it's still there okay we went over there to go burn the place did we no uh Marin was smashed by oh Marin's over there too but M Markin got smashed Markin is dead uncle Drax is dead these folks are from the other Fort um there's a bunch of them rudiger the neck was ripped by morou rudiger lip was busted rudiger dead we looted we rampaged says there's still 30 of them there we got a few things okay but it's still there these rat folks just don't know how to die hey cedar wood elves over there problem with elves is they got like they got like Bears it says there like five of them there but there's actually like 50 Bears anybody everybody feeling all right pink Fizz is is a little banged up I guess and Derek is a doctor oh pink face is a doctor um I think everyone here is fine then huh petition um yeah gild Hall yeah I approve that right is uh is your place okay buddy it is uh it's sort of okay he wants it nicer let me let me smooth your walls up real nice there you go okay everyone get everyone get your break cuz they going back out of there I want you to burn this place down conquer and occupy they'd stay I don't think I'm in position for that yet but as soon as we get more people maybe it's a good time for this let's try to just burn it one more time drink is real low isn't it why is it so low it's a 90 get satisfied for the next check no it's not H maybe oh you know what it might be my barrels that's the drink stock pile maybe I need more barrels yeah yeah elf retreat with 20 elves and several hundred giant leopards yeah that's how that usually works anybody in there okay which I think I think the way to do it where's more bug at there they go um I think the way to do it is just go in there and Conquer because usually you can conquer them a lot easier I think that might be the the better way the easier way of doing it so what I plan on doing is taking out my squads maybe making the squad smaller running out there conquering it like demanding some or whatever and then just conquering all these places you could conquer them and we could bring them back we could call most of them back that's also an option okay they have returned what news it's still there and there still says there's 30 of them searched and found nothing Rampage through you found nothing there's nothing there now huh okay nothing there anymore that's that that works there's a rat folk forest retreat a Dwarven forest retreat are they conquering things too okay we'll do one more nothing worse than rats or rats that live like elves I might have send him out too early I might need to wait for the other guys to come back first hey Doom how you been okay came back already have we do it's still [Music] there there's a uh L by a Naga attacked bunch of elves taken down there's a bunch of elves here elves and rats we got some acorns we came back with an acorns look Boss look what we got acorns okay good good job okay let me try we'll try an experiment here I'm going to say I'm going to kick some people [Music] out um how do I kick you out I'm just a few people in there may only be one person there well you know what Al Al this is this is your job I'm going to send you and I guess I have to send scold you and scold I'm going to send the two of you over here and you're going to conquer and [Music] occupy okay um hang on before I do that I need to change I think this to Tom hooded horse Tom okay Tom's going be my militi Commander oh wait then it sends Tom over there um that's okay I guess skull can [Music] [Music] stay okay Tom got his gear um are they [Music] going there you go Tom just [Music] left okay I'm assuming Al's going to leave here in a [Music] second May me some rock pedestals more of [Music] these put one in there okay they're gone ah mine oh hey the only people left in that place were my people from last time is that what just happened we went to go seize it helpful doors defeated the nightmare of the steamy fiend and took over malign bastions the new government was called the hermitic theater so now the people left there oh nice so I can come over here I can say hey come on back all of you we got do we have to leave someone I need a messenger we're going to get a messenger um this way messenger um who wants to message banglor was kind of mad about things he's also the my bone doctor bur code can do it the Glazer so I can tell you a mission your job is to bring them all [Music] back well I don't see Tom in there now though Tom may have to stay yeah so Tom will become I think Tom just became the leader of the site he's stuck there but everyone else will come back skull can be in charge of the clams again and we'll reposition everyone play [Music] man more bug and wait Cameron's back Cameron's back I guess I don't knowen I think it's weird that like Cameron's dead Weir that they doesn't show up in this list I think it just happened to get his name again the way that I'm using the DF hack thing but is he in here yeah he's in there he was a lady [Music] before they've returned so now my population just went up excellent okay can't click on it now [Music] I can't click on that one now okay cool um that's mine dignified castle that's my place excellent okay that's more like it that's more like it let's do it again there's only 10 people there but they're going to be time is it oh I should go to bed okay we're we're on I think we're we're ready for rampaging let Hope to do so we'll Rampage next [Music] time everyone get your equipment updated we'll Rampage next time and I think we should be able to conquer a lot of things everyone's good you want a better quarters yeah yeah yeah um get this set up while I'm while I'm like thinking about it put that in there I'll put a pedestal over here let's smooth these on the pedestal goes that trap component um that one cuz it's really nice really nice one nice ax blade in there for the crafters and that should be enough for to get them what they want they want um only 30 34 they want 2,000 by smoothing this and then engraving things and that ax blade might be a good one it still says 388 and then we'll do this food I'm using the mouse I'm I'm using mostly Mouse F mood huh well you're just standing there you going to finish your job first is that what's going on I don't know that I do I have a I may I have a place for you what they want they ran off I don't know where they went though Mark okay you were there you haven't taken in a place though that concerning but you're running around cuz you left the spot you're not there anymore how's our how's our value H still not quite there said in the news that they improved the uh only keyboard way to play for old players oh did they oh nice I was talking about that earlier today F mood but he didn't go anywhere what do I not have what could he want that I don't have I have all those I don't have a Boer [Music] um I have everything else where is he he's a a glass maker does that mean he's going to want like a [Music] kiln glass [Music] furnace oh sorry I missed your I read your comment right so can be can be play with old keyboard like like the old days I yeah I don't know uh build W build I don't know I don't know I don't know the keys there's T I don't [Music] know I bet this there got to be the glass furnace that they want and I think I bought some sand from somebody at one point I hope I [Music] did it's cool we have all these dwarves back all the the old dwarves back very cool that Mark yeah okay glass furnace claimed I can't end with someone in a in a mood so we got some raw Green Glass I'm glad I grabbed that Lig knite iron bar what else you getting all kinds of stuff sort of stone more liite some wood there a lot of lot of stuff in this one a gym okay this might be an exciting one let's see what this is then we'll then we'll end it here so I think that seem that seems to work we can we can hit them until they're basically gone and then we'll just go we'll go raid them with like two people and then take them that's how we're going to have to do this um I can try like if it's something like that where we've got like a 100 Jaguars in there I can try to just like demand surrender and see if that [Music] works I just put a oh it's not there yet there we go nice got [Music] it uh Green Glass t a claims it as a family heirloom well that would make a bedroom real nice think the mayor needs that it's just going to be a table we're going to put it right there that one all right mayor you better be happy oh you are happy actually you're going to be real happy do I have any more jet chairs no I'm not putting a brown one in there that's nice that would that would ideally be better in one of these things or down here but that's that's a good spot for it our creative wealth went up skyrocketed today which is good that brings them migrants so to 60 migrants produno is is checking out everything the green stands out nicely the bedroom needs a fix uh did I ever get those chests done that are like black oh I do have jet coffers okay um okay one more thing I want we're going to yank these out because we need we need black chests uh did I ever make a black cabinet no so we want a jet Coffer we'll get that one that one's already there [Music] I'm going to set it over here okay um I need to get a there's going to be some sort of black wood that we can do and then I need a coffer um cabinet jet [Music] you sitting that for not [Music] yours hey who's getting married zadia and Jeff have gotten married hooray well that's a high note that's a happy note to end a stream on as well as an all black thing I should get black I should get a jet statue it's funny you say that K I always every time I watch someone else play dwar fortress I always think man their Fortress so nice looking mine look like like [Music] garbage I need to figure out I need a a better bed a black statue statue of skull there we got some some sneaky folks are they going to raid me again goblins here they come but I think we got people [Music] there yep yep same as last time uh what do we got is it same thing yep it's weird how they like show up how it shows them up like that they going to hang out there for a minute we'll let him hang out we'll come over here we'll we'll stand behind our bridge and when they want to come out and play chop the head off now they come slowly well looks like um looks like Chad wants all the glory Chad why don't you share buddy Chad just single-handedly just killed every single one of them there's nothing left chat share okay Chad has entered a marshall trance you can say that again man chat tore those guys up okay where's Chet at there they are Chet how you doing you got some notable kills uh-huh uhhuh oh you killed Master lith did you okay okay nice all right this is a good place to uh to wrap it up thanks for hanging out um we're going to come back uh to not tomorrow but we'll come back I'll be back tomorrow streaming we'll come back to this for at some point and we'll uh we'll continue this and I think next time is going to be I think I'm ready to go all full out Rampage we can come in here we'll just over and over hit things and then we'll position a couple folks take the place bring the rest of them back and and rinse and repeat and Conquer this place the the tough part is going to be well there's like 200 in a couple of these places oh well there isn't where's the one I had 200 none of them have 200 anymore we thought it had 200 but it doesn't have it anymore sin race wait sin race we got conquered by my people check that out that's the one that we that's where my kid was my uh my kid that kidnapped was taken there and the dwarves have conquered it cuz we went to war I love how the dynamic of the game cool very cool so that's one one less that we need to take out the problem's going to be getting over here across this world to build a um um a bridge Fort and then we'll take these three out these nles over here then we done we got 10 NES there 10 NES there some things over here too isn't there goblins I remember those being there before there's way a roof door chat was um I don't know it was masth was I remember what masth was last time I played something um heinous I'm sure all right thanks for hanging out we're calling it a day hope you all have a good one and I'll see you tomorrow
Channel: Nookrium
Views: 7,022
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dwarf fortress, Nookrium, Indie game, Volcano fort, Df, Dwarf fortress gameplay, dwarf fortress 2024, dwarf fortress steam, simulation, colony sim, simuation, bay12, kitfox
Id: vFGTlENqi0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 164min 52sec (9892 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2024
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