Wizard Guide for Pathfinder Kingmaker Unfair Difficulty

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and we're back in black playing Pathfinder kingmaker and today we're gonna talk about the wizard so I guess the first question on your mind is gonna be what's it it would be the wizard and a sorceress well the Sorcerer's - a sorceress Maddie comes in eighth right maybe it's a half dragon maybe it's been cursed by someone or something but he draws his powers from within well the wizard count exits from outside he obtains Thole from books maybe read scrolls and stuff like that it's got kind of the wizard so if you talked about the wizard in role-playing terms it's come the guy who's always studying books is very intelligent very knowledgeable it's not the strongest fighter it's maybe very frail walks baby with a stick like Gandalf or something that's kind of the Orca typical wizard of course can build your wizard in many ways and we're gonna talk about maybe one way of building the wizard here so if you're interested more unique build guides how to put you know different characters or maybe different classes together into one Clause and this is not a video for you there's going to be a general overview all the wizard and I'm going to specifically talk about the Orca typical wizard the wizard one has a very breadth of knowledge where I can do many different things I'm going to evaluate also the subclasses and the choices by that thing because the wizard strength in my opinion comes from fact that he can buffs he can buff your team up he gains a very good well yes every okay we talked about the bad things about the wizard first he has a lot of good things usually he talked in the reverse type I do it the other way so the bad thing about the wizard yes much like the sorceress he has a very very bad basic attack bonus progression basic attack bonus is used for heating something when attacks such as the ranged attacks or melee attacks or touched attacks things like that so it's absolute horrible progression with a stack bonus he max out the two attacks at level 20 which is absolutely horrible if you compare this to a warrior which has four attacks which case plus one basic attack bonus per level you're wasted won't be able to hit anything especially if you play on the higher difficulties with yes we're going to talk about as if you're playing on the highest difficulty which is unfair but keep in mind that anything in the works around fair also works in the lower difficulties so that's one of the bad parts also the reason is all the most frail characters in the game they start off with 1 d6 hit type and Bali can buff themselves up with spells they're not really as suited for tanking gets other classes they're called the worst tanks in the game very very frail very very easily kills you need to protect the wizard but in in exchange the wizard will buff your party to insane levels so usually when I talk about these classes you can see the other class guys down below I talked about them in regarding 2 axes so for instance the wizard or the fighter I should say I usually use as an example because there's hundreds and combat prowess but syrups and utility while on the board on the other hand has that flipped he has a hundred percent utility but zero percent combat prowess now the wizard is often referred to as the best class in the game especially if you talk to people who play pen and paper and that is true with your if you're a master or before sight and you can foresee any situation that would ever happen then yes we saw this kind of the strongest clause in game but is a little bit different if we talk about the pen and paper version and the game version we was gonna talk about that later on but if I would evaluate the wizard along these axes I would say that is 80% comic prowess and also 80% utility this is a very very strong class but we're gonna talk about why he's still balanced because he seems like he breaks the mold oh it seems like 80 plus a 360 percent good is that even possible well if we raisins were to have an arena where it spit a wizard versus a monk for instance the monk would probably eat up the wizard before the wizard could even get off a single spell right yet I say that he has very very high combat prowess and that comes from two things first of all he's able to cost spells before anyone else he has the fastest spell progression of any class in the game and also he's able to buff up your party well he does not have by himself he's maybe not as strong aspirin we compared to I did a silver sauces ronica check that down link in description we start off with a pet which can puff up you know polymorph into a dragon or something there was a drab can't really compete with that if I steal my sorceress comes at you with a polymorphed Smilodon into a dragon you're gonna die very very fast probably before you get any really spells off but yes very high-level spells which are very very strong you should their best for AoE and utility purposes but still they're very strong and you need to keep in mind that if you compare lower difficulties to higher difficulties it's very different also if you compare pen and paper to Pathan king mech it's very different first of all if you play pen and paper then you can't sleep anywhere for instance if you're in a cave or something you if you're under stress maybe have some time pressure you can't sleep in this game it's pretty much safe to sleep at any points can always get your spells back but yes your spells much like the sorcerers they refresh when you sleep then there's another difference because on the lower difficulties your melech losses will be much more effective and low level than your spell casting classes because you spell pausing closest will usually have a lower damage amount than the Mele closest but this balance out it unfair in a way where usually your spell cost is is much much stronger on the lower levels because they can actually hit something but on the highest difficulties even the first enemies that you encounter would have 22 armor class this means that even if you buff up your mallet character as much as you can you shorten your flank you have no +5 modifier from your strengths you have everything in your favor still it's less than 50% chance that you even gonna hit something the wizard and the sources doesn't have this problem they can go spell specialization burning hands and get 3d force and probably just one shot everything in a cone in front of them and then just gonna own everything but in this game there are three types of saves others for type C which you need care about versus the armor say you're usually not super concerned about the armor say but with the wizard this is mostly irrelevant if you use touch tax which I don't think the wizard is the best at using logic not that the other says are the fortitude reflex and the will save the fortitude save is how sturdy your body is how easy you resist the CSIs and stuff like that how it can hold your body together basically the next one is the reflexive that is how agile you are it can jump away from fireballs it can do stuff like that and the last one is the real estate we will say this how mentally strong you are able you are - like the demons in your mind that come in and say try to mind-control you and I go there do that do this Arabia or to resist that so these are the three types of save and in my humble opinion the sorceress is the best to utilize these three different categories if you're just talking damage spells because the sources can switch between three different sources so for instance if you're up against something like a big ogre or something and then maybe that opiates not so smart so you can use will based saves and you can ease problems at agile as you can use maybe reflex saves or reflex based save spells but the wizard is probably not gonna be your main damage dealer he it can be he can deal a lot of damage but that kind of requires you to know which spells that will be effective in the environment that he going into because the wizard prepares his spells every day and he has you know a set amount of spouts that is prepared all the sources can just change on the fly which spells they won't use so the wizard is more utility and it's more about that breath that we talked about earlier so let's talk about the subclasses done a wizard so this is the normal wizard it doesn't gain very much actually gains more than you can see here because against a specialization in a school which we can have a look at and again some other things like it familiar and stuff like that also in this game by the way we talk about familiars so don't forget to mention it in this game you're familiar can't be targeted by your enemies so it can never be killed which is quite different from any paper also he can't attack let's keep that in mind first one is arcane Bombur is also with a bomb that it can cost he can use his spells remove spell studies prepared to instead cost a bond and that bomb can be that bomb is increased by the spell so he gains twice the spells level as damage and then he gains let's here against an attack bonus equal to the spell or something like that so this guy is if you want to have a wizard which is also a more they touch attack damage dealer if you want to spec a little bit into dexterity you could go with this alternative I'm not a super big fan of this class and much of this is because of this right here yes for opposition school and opposition school means that and you will have to use to spell slots because as I said earlier the wizard prepares spells not like the sources which has the midnight he prepares them and it will need to use to spell slots to prepare one spell from these opposition schools and this kind of takes away from as I said earlier the breadth of knowledge because you will be very limited you can't you know share you pick a little bit from this school it this school because this will kind of limit you so don't you like that but you can it's still a viable class I mean it's still in most benefits that wizard has anyways and if you have four schools are in problem not can know you start much anyway maybe discuss for you Sicilian specialist is the next loss and this guy also is a little bit limited what he gains is that he gains two additional space lots of each public and cost which is very very good because gives him more spell cost of course but yes a restriction earth thus alone especially it does not get to customize his choice or position school that's how I selected for him when he chooses specialization these restrictions are more significant than those most wizards a facility can never prepare a spell that is in his prohibited school he treats those spells as if they're not on the Wizards Palast so it kind of lose out on utility here you can't use spells from one school and that can hinder you a little bit because most schools have useful spells especially when it comes to buffing which will be but one of your biggest responsibilities in your parties your characters so maybe should talk a little bit about buffing here so buffing buffing is very important that it's one of the major roles of the wizard you are probably gonna be if you're wasted the main buffer in your party this is probably true also if you pair play pen and paper so what do you want to do well you want to use all spells which stack you need to keep in mind how things stack in this game so first of all you can cost basic stuff as plus 4 to 1 stats but keep in mind that these are enhancement bonuses for instance bears endurance Eagle splendor stuff like that these things are enhancement bonuses this usually don't stack with your the things that you have on your characters for instance if your stuff like level 8 level 10 around those levels you're usually gonna have +4 to all stats anyways so these things I'm not gonna do much for you but the lower level C's are very useful to have especially your warrior wants more strength for instance maybe Ranger wants more dexterity or something so these are your responsibilities usually the casting Ranger because you're gonna get access to those paths before the Ranger the range is gonna get it on level 4 or something you're gonna let them but 3 or something you're gonna spell she's gonna get it quite quickly also it's very important or I think it's very important if you have a animal companion or multiple animal companion that you buff those up the most important things that you put on these are gonna be me the two late-game spells such as animal growth which gives them a bigger size this doesn't work the same as in pen and paper and pen and paper they actually grow and that can be quite cumbersome because they take up too much space if you lose I can narrow corridor but in the game they don't grow they just get them gained better stats also I would polymorph all my animal companions in the Dragons because they have 5 attacks which your compan is depending if they're not smile bones they're not gonna have 5 attacks digging more attacks from that and it give a very very good stat boost out of it so I would definitely polymorph all my companions into dragons also I would buff up all my melee characters with heroism displacement and haste those are the three most important spells to have on male characters displacement makes give them a 50% chance whenever something attacks them that they miss with that attempt that's from the miss chance heroism and greater here it starts off at +2 your attack roles and then it becomes plus four and this also works very save it's a morale bonus so it might not stack with some cleric spells but it will stack with all your equipment and then you get haste which most notably gives one extra attack to all your melee companions and that's very important that the constant when you've done that round the buffing you can just go into like spell costing fireball lightning strike mode you can just unload all the rest of the spells that you have available to you and also in this game it will be very very easy because you're probably gonna spot your enemies before they spot you so you can just buff up your party beforehand and usually also the buffs last long enough to last an entire encounter anyway so you can just buff your party up before we go into battle and then that will be that was my rant on buffing because I think it's very important it's very important role the wizard to know how to buff which spells that they actually need also you will have to make sure that for different encounters as you have different things as for instance in late-game you will need to pick up mind blank because else your melee characters will be charmed forever and that not super good you need to pick up anything that protects against death magic is very important to have with 42 the same and increased will save you will be the one who provides immunity to elements if you go into a room with a lot of traps racers they usually fire based so giving your party immunity to fire and lightning is very important so yeah that that's all about popping I was side by there's so much to talk about okay so that's the solonian specialist now the scrolls are want the scrolls events bonus ability is that they have scroll focus yeah have their class level to use manic device which is very very good because you can use like clerics trolls for instance you want restoration great restoration and stuff like that or on your guy so maybe if you go with a scroll savant you don't even have to have a cleric you haven't played in this way so I don't know for sure but I think that would be a viable away so I think the scholar savant is one of the better wizard options they don't get any you know more opposition schools or anything so it's in my mind at least a scholar someone seems like a stable good choice if you want to go with a subclass what you're gonna for just illustration purposes we're gonna go with we said here I'm not gonna go a complete build guide I'm not gonna be build up level 20 but I'm gonna talk about the early game and how to do speed stats and stuff like that so let's go with wizard here there's a lot of specialist schools and they have a lot of abilities I'm not gonna talk about all of them again I'm just gonna talk about briefly how they work so you select a specialist school here and the specialist school come with different benefits they usually have one passive benefit which means you always have it you have one active benefit that you gain access to from level one which can be so for instance let's see I think education here okay already selected the deification prison starts off the force missile as a standard action you can unleash a force missile doesn't matter strikes a foe as a magic missile this one D for damage plus the damage from your intense specification power it's quite good when you start off with at level one because you have even more spell costs you get three plus your intelligence modifiers you will have a lot of aromatic missiles and force missile that will carry you through the early game presence again one of these early game spell coasters can do some buff view some deal damage something other things then you usually gain something between level six and level eight which like a medium abilities as for instance this application which is the school based on dealing damage you get elemental wall and mobile a blazing curtain you create a wall of fire and the wall deals damage to anything passes through it and then the damage increases of it then some of these schools also have a level 20 power but keep in mind that in this game you might not even get to level 20 when I completed the game with my sausage party I completed a level 16 but again a level 20 ability for instance the application gained when every cost an application spell it your all twice to penetrate crazy spell assistance and take the battery role so these level 20 abilities are often super duper strong the downside of course being that you probably won't get there and it's just in the very very alternate game that you get to it access students not plan your build around having these level 20 abilities it's what I would recommend you can also go with universalist which has a little bit different from the other school they kind of break the mold in that they're not you're not really specialize in a school you specialize in everything and again some nice benefits as can see they gain the most number of benefits look at it that way here again met meta magic mastery which means that they extend or altered range of your next Palace toady using the extend spell so they're kind of focused on the mathematic feats and that's what the universal is school is and then you have necromancy which is based on on undeath on summoning undead minions you have illusion which is often like creating mirror images and stuff of yourself and stuff like that I'm gonna talk about all the schools because I take a wild leap you're gonna go through all of those so it's already got me a little bit Randy I know we're gonna select universalist here and then we get to go to the or here we can select an arcane bond which can be used to restore one spell or we can select a familiar I'll probably go for a familiar because they can't get damaged in this game they can't die so there's no real downside having them and since I don't want to put much dexterity on my character I would go with the hair the hair gains plus for bonus on initiative and positive on perception check these are all super strong mostly the familiars but this is tangible benefits again the +4 initiative this me we can go down lower in dexterity because we probably gonna stay out of harm's way anyway so what the exciting won't matter too much to us even though it's Hertz or almost save a little bit our role is to be you know way away from any danger and so what I would go for on a typical wizard for the hardest difficulty is unfair I would go for something like max outt intelligence max at Constitution it's pretty much all you need in my opinion the only thing you need on a wizard is intelligence anything else you can just experiment with however you want I also keep in mind if you don't need to start necessarily if you're going with a special bill if you're going with multi class and now we're talking about a pure wizard build purist except the breadth of knowledge the utility build then it's something like this but if you want to do something else if you want to do something more combat II if you want to be able to use touch attacks then maybe you want the Xterra T and stuff like that and feel safe to go down in Constitution and go down intelligence you don't need to have I would say the lowest intelligence I would ever go would be 14 or 15 because then you can add +4 to your stats as you level up and then you can get to 19 so you can cost your high-level highest level spells but you don't need to spend all these early points because ask us it's getting quite costly to get up to 18 just remove one pointer we get four extra ability points so it's quite costly to get this distribution but in my opinion this is all you need all you need is intelligence so that you're able to cost your spell's start able to get more spells and then M everything else just little gravy on top and it just adds a little bit of flavor to the character here I would definitely go intelligence also this +5 modifier translates to more skill points so that's quite nice and then you can do anything you can do with the Xterra T or can the wisdom I would probably put this on wisdom because I don't want to have to horrible over will save in the ultra light game I keep repeating this is very important it's very important if you want to be close to something this does not really apply to much of the wizard because you usually stay way away from any fighting but you need to have a high fortitude or will save to be then remotely close to combat with everything as decimal death Matic which usually targets your fortitude and you will save its so easy just get one shot buy anything that you come close to so pour the skill points I think the most important ones to pick up on your whistle is going to be your knowledge Arcana and knowledge world this kind of fits with the character he's very knowledgeable is going to be the guy who identifies all your items for you and also since we have high intelligence we're going to be like naturally good at this so it fits the character then what you do depends kind of your party composition and if this is your main character or not this is your main character you're going to have more ability scores available to you as a serum doing new mercenaries I don't have as many ability points available to review me so maybe I would go something like a little bit higher strength to decks or something even this out a little bit if this was my main character but what I would go for if this is my main character I would go for persuasion because it's a couple of good persuasion checks we can give you XP in this game and also would definitely go use magic device on a character like this even though we have a - modifier we're going to at some point at some later levels be able to have maybe +10 or something and use my device and if you're a the solonian specialist that we talked about all also that subclass you will be able to cause scrolls and I think scrolls are very very good to be able to use on your wizard and also if you don't have a cleric in your port it's going to be crucial because you're gonna need the cost restoration and great restoration with this guy so for abilities what I would go for is first I would select toughness as my known wizard ability boost gives 3 + hit points which makes it may be able to survive on hit of something your role is not to be a tank but I think toughness is one of the better abilities it can pick up early which gives a big relative boost to hit points at this lower level and there's not much else that I need everyone so that's why then I would select spell focus evocation which is because we want to have spell specialization I'm gonna spell specialize in burning hands any creature in the area of flames takes 1.d4 points of fire damage precaution level and because you have spell specialization this will com3 deeper and this makes us able to get through the early game and if you want to see how to do that then check out the link in description where I did a saucer strong when I did exactly this thing so this can carry you through the early game hamper this build and then we get to spells here this will depend a lot on your record party composition but there are a couple of spells which stand out as always being useful one of them I think the most important ones here are by order of importance I would say burning hands magic missle expeditious retreat mage armor and then you can pretty much do anything after that so for the alignment done you can go with anything as I said that we said it's not super good at multi closing there's nothing really that comes to mind which you want to do with with your wizard such as for instance if you play a sorceress you might want to multi cast into monk or multi cast in the paladin and pick up the charisma bonus to different stuff we said can't really do that so I don't really see any downside in using any other alignment so just go with anything you feel like it so I pretty much concludes my wizard guide I know it was a little bit Randy but thank you so much for watching see you next time
Channel: MONO RPG
Views: 80,354
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Id: nUepdj27bew
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Length: 25min 48sec (1548 seconds)
Published: Fri May 24 2019
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