Things i wish i knew before playing Pathfinder: Kingmaker

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[Music] welcome to RPG Community College my name is John burgandy I am the Dean of this prestigious institution and today I'm gonna be sharing with you all the things I wish I had known when I started playing Pathfinder kingmaker and we're going to start with some small quality-of-life things these are gonna make the game feel a little better to play in the first one and probably the most important one is gonna be to go into your options menu and under the game's tab there's going to be a huge list of auto pause options if you scroll down the developers I've given you just a massive list of options to choose when you want to pause the game you can go through an experiment with these if you want but there's three that I definitely recommend that everybody checks you're gonna want to pause when combat starts when you detect a trap and when new enemies enter into combat having these three enabled save me a lot of frustration and increase my enjoyment of the game there are a couple more interesting things too on this options page and it is gonna be worth giving it a lot well next little thing I'm gonna talk about is gonna be a tip for when you're in combat when you're trying to target your a OE abilities you'll notice that when you mouse over the enemies or allies that you're cross that your cursor will just like snap to them this can be really helpful in certain situations and just a huge hindrance and others especially since a lot of the spells in Pathfinder hit your enemies and your allies so you're really gonna want to be precise when you're throwing out like a fireball or just any like AoE damaging or deep buffing ability so the snapping is gonna it's gonna cause you a lot of pain but when you're targeting if you hold down control this will enable ground targeting in your cursor will ignore all of the enemy models and you'll only be able to target the ground and this will make it a lot easier to precisely aim those AoE abilities and this will save your frontline from taking a lot of damage another quick little tip if you're making a custom party formation you'll be able to hold shift and this will align whatever character that you have selected to the grid that's in the background behind all the portraits you're welcome all you OCD people out there there's also a button that you can use to identify your enemies if you press the Y key you'll enter identify mode in any enemy that you scroll your mouse over you'll be able to identify them and see all the information that you currently know about the monster this is gonna be really useful if you're playing like a paladin and you want to know the alignment of the monster that you're fighting or if you're using a Claire can you want to use the protection from alignment spell to give you a little edge in a fight and you're gonna be able to get more information about monsters by defeating them some of your characters will make a skill check and then the higher they succeed at the role the more information you'll learn about the defeated monster this is something I never found out about until like over halfway through my playthrough and this would save me a lot of pain early on if I would have known that this existed another thing that's gonna save you a lot of pain is playing an already difficulty if you have no idea what Pathfinder is and you've never played a C RPG before playing uneasy is highly recommended there's really no shame in it this is actually a very challenging game but if you're familiar with C RPGs but you still don't know what the hell Pathfinder is planned normal because there's really a lot of the tabletop mechanics incorporated into the game and you're gonna want to learn these if you really want to survive and kind of get off to a really good start in the later difficulties which can be pretty important because uh because I feel the core features of this game you really want to have a strong start then for the people that are actually familiar with the Pathfinder rule set and really familiar with C RPGs this is kind of where I was and playing them challenging felt just really really good to me later on when you've actually learned how to play the game it's gonna feel really easy but you can always bump up the difficulty once you start getting more used to the mechanics and how things work there's always the option to change in in the options menu and I would really only recommend the unfair difficulty for those who want a challenge I'm like a second playthrough the game and one thing that everybody should know is having a cleric in your party is going to be mandatory not just for the healing they provide they also get access to spells that no other class can use and a couple of them are going to be crucial to your success spells like restoration delay poison protection from energy resists energy death ward breadth of life resurrection all of these spells are going to save your life and make the game a lot easier and if you don't have these spells some encounters in the game are gonna be just damn near impossible to do you're gonna be able to choose between two clerics pretty early on in the game I chose to have harem in my party but Tristan is very good as well and they're not exclusive or anything you can swap between them a few with that your thing and speaking of your companions Valerie is definitely a character that at first glance yeah don't really know what to make of her my first impression was that she was really weak but after doing some looking around it turns out I was just building a wrong charisma is apparently a very useful stat to have on tanky character and Pathfinder you're gonna want to dip one point into the rogue subclass thug and grab dazzling display on her and then she'll be able to fear just screen foals of enemies which is incredibly powerful don't underestimate the power of fear in this game it's something you're gonna want to look into it can be annoying at times but the good definitely outweighs the bad and you're going to be able to make this even stronger on Valerie by taking feats like intimidating prowess Hornig on smash and shattered defenses later on you'll also be able to find items that support this play style on Valerie and eventually she actually turns into a character that can deal a decent amount of damage and does more than just take damage for the party you might be able to find an item called the paragon of defenders this gives you a +3 bonus to your persuasion checks made to intimidate which is what dazzling display does and you're also going to be able to find an item called korgoth shackled fury this is gonna give you a +5 confidence bonus to your persuasion skill Jax which is also medallion displays this would be a good time to also talk about what buffs are gonna stack on your character and which buffs don't so if you see here on korgoth shackled fury you get a +5 competence bonus to your persuasion so if I was to get a competence bonus from any other source to my persuasion skill if it was not higher than +5 this bonus would do nothing for me bonuses of the same type usually don't stack very rarely do they ever stack actually the only stacking bonus I can think of is dodge dodge bonus to your AC specifically all dodge bonuses to your AC are going stack also if you look at the helm I was just talking about it just gives a +3 generic bonus to my persuasion checks and since it really doesn't specify what type of bonus it is this is going to stack with everything these bonuses are pretty rare though but they're very valuable and both these items go great on Valerie if you're going to build you this way and the last thing that I'm gonna be talking about is Kingdom Management this is probably one of the things that I had the hardest time finding information for out there and most of what I know I learned just from kind of diving in and getting my hands dirty but this is a very important feature of the game and it is something that you should pay attention to and put a lot of effort into doing very well because if you do fail at the kingdom management side of things it could result in a game over you can't avoid this by going into the options menu and set in the kingdom management to Auto which is very handy to know because this game takes a very long time to complete and you're just flushing a hundred plus hours down the toilet never feels good but there are two things that you can do to greatly increase your chances of success with your kingdom management and the first thing is to unlock all of your advisors as soon as possible you can unlock additional advisors by ranking up the starting stats of your kingdom 260 and then leveling up the advisor to the corresponding stat the level 3 and then he or she will visit you in the throne room and tell you that the the work is simply too much for them and you need to take on an additional advisor and this will give you a much more flexibility in solving problems and will make us so that you can take on more problems at once and potentially more opportunities and anything that can anything that can come up this is something that I didn't do and I frequently had to devote people to solving problems instead of like ranking them up or going and claiming new territory just having more people in your kingdom to help you out and to help you solve these problems is is really just going to make all the difference and the second thing you can do is be very efficient with your time when you're moving around the map just doing something as simple as thinking ahead and properly planning how you're going to use your time and and just like when you're in an area complete all the quests in one go so you don't have to come back and waste time later like backtracking buying all the bags of holding so that you have enough carrying capacity to not be slowed down on the world map is gonna make a huge difference as well when you end up getting your arcane adviser and you level up your arcane 2:45 you'll be able to build teleportation pads and all the cities that you build and the new areas that you expand into this is gonna cut down your travel time by a lot you make things a ton easier you'll be able to build I think they're called aviaries so that Kingdom resolutions take a little longer and you'll be able to manage your Kingdom outside of the territories that you own this will make another big difference as well and the sooner you're able to do all these things the better really just getting off to a good start in your kingdom it's gonna be a big deal if you didn't do that you're more than likely going to be very successful in your kingdom management that's gonna be off of this video though I hope these tips are helpful for you I know I definitely would have liked to know have known all these things beforehand and taking all this information into my second playthrough is gonna make a world of difference for me thanks for stopping by and if you'd like to continue your education enrollment is free you have to do is like and subscribe thanks for watching I wish you the best of luck and all of your adventures I hope to see you again soon
Channel: RPG Community College
Views: 264,882
Rating: 4.8984237 out of 5
Keywords: Pathfinder, Kingmaker, start, guide, tips, help
Id: 1KX4pn7JxMU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 26sec (686 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 05 2019
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