Inner Management [Full DVD] - Sadhguru

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Sadhguru: If we want to live well, both externally  and internally, how well we live here simply   depends on how well we manage our surroundings  and how well we manage ourselves. Fundamentally,   life is management. If you don’t know how to  maintain your body, your mind, your emotion,   your situations, your life in general, your home,  your communities, nations and the world – the   quality of our life is just how well we manage  things with ourselves. But generally we are   thinking of management, we’re applying ourselves  to management only in terms of business management   or industry management or… generally we are  talking management only with economic situations,   not life as a whole. In many ways it’s unfortunate  that today the most predominant factor that rules   the planet has become economics. The other aspects  of life have been totally pushed to the corner.   When economics rules, when economics is the only  thing that we are thinking about, we will tend   to become very gross and unhappy in so many ways.  What I see is… You know we are conducting various   levels of programs to very top level executives  in some big corporations in the world, major,   major corporations in the world – what I see  is, people who have failed in their lives,   they are suffering their failure. People who have  succeeded in their life, they are suffering their   success. If you suffer your failure it’s okay,  because failure comes easy. If you suffer your   success, that is tragedy because success doesn’t  come easy. So, something that you worked for,   something that you always longed for, something  that you wanted to create in your life,   when it happens, if you start suffering  that, that’s real tragedy of life. But   a large number of successful people on  the planet are suffering their success. When I say ‘suffering their success’ – if  you look at people, look at yourself and see,   you’re still young people most of  you, when you are five years of age,   how happy you were and today how happy you are –  if we make a chart out of it, a graph out of it,   is it moving upward or downward? In twenty-four  hours’ time, how many moments are you really   happy? If you look at this, is it going up  or down? Hmm? Is it going up or down? Down,   so that means you are a bad manager, because  after all everything that you did in your   life is in pursuit of happiness, isn’t it? All  that you’re doing in your life, you’re doing it   because you believe that is your happiness.  You educate yourself, you pursue careers,   you build families, you run after your  ambitions… so many things you do, because   somewhere you believe fulfilling those things  will bring you happiness. After doing all that,   if happiness is not multiplying, it is going down  – that means you are a bad manager of yourself. Anybody who does not know how to  manage his own body, his own mind,   his own emotion and his energies, if  he is managing outside situations,   he’s only managing them by accident, not by  intent the way he wants it. Because if you do   not know how to manage your mind, how to manage  your energies, how to manage your interiority,   managing the outside is bound to be accidental.  When you manage situations by accident,   you exist as an accident. When you exist as an  accident, you are a potential calamity. When you   exist as a potential calamity, being anxious  all the time becomes a natural part of life. Anywhere you go today, people are talking  stress management, especially a few years ago   when I first went to United States, wherever I go  people were talking stress management. I could not   understand why anybody wants to manage his stress.  I can understand you want to manage your business,   your finance, your family, your property,  whatever, but why would you want to manage   stress? It took me a while to understand these  people have come to the conclusion that there is   no other way to live. Somehow people have come to  the conclusion that if you do things in the world,   you’re bound to be stressful. One is not  stressful because of what they are doing;   one is stressful because he is a bad manager of  himself. He doesn’t know how to manage his own   systems, that is why he is stressful. It is not  the nature of the job which makes one stressful.   You ask a chaprasi, he is also stressful; you  ask the top executive, he is also stressful.   Everybody believes their job is stressful. No job  is stressful. If you have no control over your own   systems, you will be stressful. Whether you do  something or you don’t do anything, isn’t it so? See management means, fundamentally management  means we want to decide the course of our   destiny. That’s management, isn’t it?  We don’t want to live here by accident,   we want to take our lives where we want it to go,  that’s management. Isn’t it so? If you’re managing   by accident, you are not a manager, without  you things will run better. So once you say,   “I am a manager,” that means somewhere you have  decided that you want to go in a particular way.   You want to have a certain kind of situation, both  inward and outward. So everybody is a manager in   his own capacity, but in different levels and  different types. Whether you manage a kitchen   where you cook for four people or you manage  a large industry where 10,000 people work,   fundamentally if you want to have a good kitchen  or a good industry, you must be a good manager   of that situation, isn’t it? So whether you’re  managing a little kitchen or a large industry,   if you want to manage outside situations,  generally you will have to manage material   and people around you. If you have to manage  ten people or 10,000 people around you,   you have to manage ten minds or 10,000  minds around you, but if you have no   management over your own mind, you managing  10,000 minds is going to be a disaster. In the process of doing something, if we are  destroying human beings – which is happening   right now… in the process of managing a situation  the man is broken, then this kind of management is   no good, because after all every management  that we do, is only for human well-being. If we are doing management for human  well-being, in the process of doing something,   in the process of managing situations, it is not  only about producing something or making profit;   human beings should rise to their full  potential. If we manage a situation properly,   in simple process of working, you and the people  who are working with you should be able to raise   to their full potential. When I say ‘rising  to full potential,’ not just work potential,   but as human beings they must be able to rise to  their full potential. If people work together,   then people should be able to rise to the  peak of their love, peace, compassion within   themselves. If this doesn’t happen, then  it’s bad management, because all management,   the basic intent is human well-being. If that is  not happening, you are just producing something,   you are making little profit, but human beings  are getting broken in the process, it doesn’t mean   anything. So if this kind of management has to  happen, that just in managing a business, you find   people around you raise to their peak, then you  have to spend a certain amount of time in focusing   on your inner management. If this doesn’t happen,  you will only manage situations by accident. Lot of people have understood management as a  way of throwing their weight around. Can I tell   you a joke? Are you okay? On a certain day, a  lion was really feeling great within himself.   He just was walking and a little rabbit was going,  he caught him and roared at him, “Who is the king   of the jungle?” The little rabbit, terrified,  said, “You, you, of course you!” He let him go,   swaggered around a little bit, then he found a  fox, caught him, “Who is the king of the jungle?”   “Oh my Lord, it’s your of course, nobody else  but you!” Then he swaggered around a little bit,   caught a few more animals, everybody screamed out  of fear, “You are the king of the jungle!” Then he   was in full swagger like a manager (Laughter),  king of the jungle (Laughs)? Walked into a   clearing in the jungle, there, there was a huge  tusker standing. He went, stood in front of him   and asked, “Who is the king of the jungle?”  The tusker took his trunk, rolled him up,   picked him up, twirled him around, smashed him to  the ground. His back broke. Then the lion said,   “You could have just told me” (Laughter/Applause).  But the tusker said, “You see, I had to make my   point” (Laughter). So lot of people generally  are thinking management means just throwing their   weight around. Throwing your weight around  is not management, any fool can do that. If you manage a situation, not just things  happening there, people should feel elevated   just being in that space. Otherwise it is not  management. Above all, if you go to a place and   you manage a situation, you must feel wonderful  being there. If that doesn’t happen, you’re not a   good manager. So, if this has to happen, you need  an inner dimension. When I say, “Inner dimension,”   what is inner dimension? When I say, “Inner,” I  am not just talking about the body or the mind,   because both this body and mind you gathered from  outside in certain ways, isn’t it? For example,   this physical body, when you were a child,  this body was only this much, now it’s become   this much. How did this happen? How did this  happen? That’s a question. How did this happen? Participant: _____ (Inaudible) Sadhguru: You grew up? “How  did it happen?” I’m asking. Participant: _____ (Inaudible) Sadhguru: I’m sorry? (Laughs) How did it happen?  How did all this body happen? Food that you ate,   isn’t it? What you call as, “My body” is actually  a heap of food that you gathered. What you call   as, “Food” is just a piece of earth, that you  convert it into food and make it into body,   isn’t it? So this body is just a heap of food  that you gathered over a period of time. What   you call as my mind is a heap of impressions  that you gathered from outside. Now you have   a heap of food and a heap of impressions. If this  much gathering has to happen, something more than   this must exist, isn’t it? If you are capable  of gathering such a large body and so much mind,   there must be something more fundamental  than this, but that never comes into your   experience. You’re just lost in these two  heaps, trying to make some sense out of it. Now as there is a science, as there is a  management science for external well-being,   there is a management for science for inner  well-being. It is just that most of the time   we have not approached it scientifically,  we’re just believing by doing something,   somehow everything will be okay. Right now people  are thinking, by educating themselves they will   live happily ever after, which you will discover  after some time, it’s not so. By getting a job,   they think they are going to be happy ever after,  which you will discover it is not so. By making   money you think you’re going to be happy ever  after, you will discover it is not so. Somebody   thinks by getting married they are going to be  (happy?) ever after and… (Laughter) they know   it is not so. So you’re trying to somehow fool  yourself into believing that by doing something,   everything will be okay. Though repeatedly  it has let you down, still you believe that   something else, some other miracle will  make everything okay. It’ll not be okay. It once happened, on a certain day a bull  and a pheasant were grazing on the field.   You know a bull? A pheasant, a bird? The bull was  grazing on the grass, the pheasant was picking   ticks off the bull, they are partners, you know?  Then the pheasant looked at a huge tree which was   at the edge of the field, and very nostalgically  said, “Alas, there was a time when I could fly to   the topmost branch of the tree, but today I do not  have the strength even to fly to the first branch   of the tree.” The bull very nonchalantly said,  “That’s no problem! Eat a little bit of my dung   everyday, you will see within a fortnight’s time  you will reach the top of the tree.” The pheasant   said, “Oh, come off it! How is that possible?”  The bull said, “Really, please try and see. The   whole humanity is on it, you could try too  (Laughter).” Very hesitantly, the pheasant   started pecking at the dung, and lo, on the very  first day it reached the first branch of the tree. In a fortnight’s time, it reached the topmost  branch of the tree. It just went and sat on the   topmost branch and just looking at the scenery,  enjoying it. The old farmer saw a fat old pheasant   on the top of the tree. He took out his shotgun  and shot him off the tree. So the moral of the   story is: Even bullshit can get you to the top,  but never lets you stay there (Laughter/Applause). So if you are seeking, if you’re seeking a life  of fulfillment, if you’re seeking a life of joy   and peace and well-being within yourself, don’t  try to bull yourself in some way. You must do   the right thing, otherwise it won’t work.  Now that you’re managers or to be managers,   probably definitely I hope they have taught  you that unless you do the right thing,   it doesn’t work with outside. The same  goes with the inside, unless you do the   right thing it just doesn’t work. You may just  bull yourself to believe that this will make   me all right that will make me all right. Yes  for a moment, but the next moment you crash. Please see… successful people, unsuccessful  people – just look at their lives and see, in   twenty-four hours how many moments are they really  joyful? How many? You go on the street and see,   how many joyful faces do you see on the street?  Very, very few, isn’t it so? Yes? If you see any,   usually they are young faces. Over thirty faces  are all long faces. What's happened to them? For   most of them, their lives have worked out far  better than they ever imagined. If you look at   yourself as a generation, never before another  generation of people have been this comfortable   and this well physically as you are right  now, isn’t it? Isn’t it so? We are the most   comfortable generation. No other generation has  known these kind of comforts and conveniences   but still are we any happier than what people  were? This is simply because we did not do inner   management. We just did external management, no  inner management. In the process of creating what   we want, the very source of our life, this  planet, we are just destroying, isn’t it? In pursuit of our happiness we are just making a  bonfire out of this planet. But still we are not   satisfied, nor are we any more joyful than what  we were five-hundred years ago as people were,   isn’t it? So somewhere we have neglected  the interiority. So to turn inward,   what is needed? One reason why most young  people here have never made any effort to   turn inward is because today any thinking  person, the moment he can read A, B, C,   speak English, and he has extra alphabets  next to his name, he develops an allergy   towards anything spiritual. This is not your  fault. These so-called spiritual people have   made such jokers out of themselves. They have  presented spirituality in such terrible ways,   ridiculous ways, that anybody who has any  sense doesn’t want to go anywhere near it. See spirituality means, to know  something which is beyond the physical. Right now, if you exist as a physical entity,  as a body, as a mind because both these things   are accumulations from outside, whatever  happens outside will happen inside. If   what happens outside begins to happen within you  all the time, then you being peaceful and happy   is always accidental… because it doesn’t  matter who you are, how powerful you are,   how great a manager you are, external situations  will never be hundred percent in your control,   that’s the nature of the life. Even if  you’re just two people in the family,   still you don’t have absolute control over the  situation, isn’t it so? As the scope and play   of your life increases, you have less and less  control over the situations in which you live.   That’s the reality of life. So if whatever  is happening outside is happening within you,   you being peaceful and happy in your life  is a far away thing – it’s never going to   happen. Only when a person begins to experience  a dimension beyond the physical within himself,   then he can play with the physical world whichever  way he wants, he can do the best that he can do   with the outside world but the interiority  is undisturbed, always the way you want it. The outside world will not happen  the way we want it hundred percent,   at least the inner world should happen the way  we want it, isn’t it so? Isn’t it so? The outside   will never happen hundred percent the way we  want it. That’s the reality of life. But at   least this one should happen the way we want it.  If this is also not happening the way you want it,   if your body, if your mind, if your emotions,  if your energies are not functioning the way   you want it, then this is the worst kind  of slavery, because somebody else decides   what should happen within you. If somebody  else decides what should happen around you,   that itself you call it slavery, isn’t it  so? Yes? Are we on talking terms or no? Participants: _____ (Inaudible) Sadhguru: Oh, that’s fine. If somebody decides  what should happen around you, that itself you   call as slavery. But if someone decides what  should happen within you, is it not a more   horrible way of being a slave? But please see,  the whole world is in it. The only consolation   is everybody is like this. Now… now that you’re  learning management as a science, I would like   you to understand there is a whole science of  inner management. If you don’t learn that, you   may manage businesses, you may manage industry,  but still you will not live a life of fulfillment   and well-being. If you want to live a life of  fulfillment and well-being and offer the same to   people around you, it’s extremely important you  know what it means to manage your interiority. Sadhguru: I, I really don’t know how you feel  today, going out of, probably the last step of   your education or at least one step of your  education, a major step of your education.   Because when I studied in the university I  was… I did not go to my convocation (Laughs).   Somewhere, right from my childhood…  Are you okay for a story? Participants: Yes Sadhguru: Right from my childhood, the education  that I received, though they sent me to the best   possible schools around, it didn’t mean anything  to me because my sense of listening and looking at   people was such… when the teachers were talking  whatever, chemistry, biology or mathematics,   one thing I could clearly see was whatever they  were saying didn’t mean a damn thing to them   (Laughter). And I was not willing to listen to  anything from somebody who is talking something   which doesn’t mean anything to him. So I always  looked at the teacher, if he put his heart into,   it I’m willing to be there, otherwise I’m out.  Because somewhere I’m… I have so many things on my   agenda for the day; twenty-four hours are packed  with too many things. I am not willing to spend an   hour or even five minutes listening to someone  who is talking something which doesn’t mean   anything to him. Even if he is talking nonsense  it doesn’t matter, if it means something to him I   am willing to listen to it. But if he is talking  great things which don’t mean anything to him,   I am not willing to listen to him. So as a part  of this, I spent… your education is over so I can   talk (Laughter). I spent almost ninety percent of  my college hours outside, only ten percent inside.   Only when I saw somebody who is talking something  with passion, I’m there. Otherwise, I’m just out. Now this education, I am repeatedly telling Dr.  Majumdar and few other people around here, “I’m   happy to see somebody is talking with some passion  about what they’re doing (Laughs).” Somebody,   it doesn’t matter what they are doing  is right, wrong, okay, perfect or not;   but someone has put his heart into it, it’s  okay, because human lives becomes beautiful   not because we do the right things. Human lives  become beautiful because we put our heart into   what we’re doing. It doesn’t matter what we’re  doing. Whether we are sweeping the floor or   managing the country or what we are doing – if  we are putting our heart into what we are doing,   it is beautiful to be doing that activity. So I  think it’s a fortune that I’ve just seen a few   people, I hope everybody here is putting their  hearts into what they’re doing, and living in   an atmosphere where people are passionate about  what they’re doing itself is highly enriching. Now that you are stepping into the world, not that  you don’t know, but anyway now you are stepping   into the world in a different dimension than the  way you have been till now. Once you step into   the world, there’s going to be lot of filth. There  is corruption, there is nonsense, there is so many   things happening everywhere. There are some set of  people, a certain set of people, who will develop   an allergy for this filth, they can’t stand it.  They usually run to the Himalayas because they   are allergic to filth, they can’t take it.  They want everything pure but such a thing   will not happen because the filth of the world  has one way or the other has entered our minds.   Whether we empower that filth or not, is all the  option that we have but we cannot avoid filth,   it is there. All the nonsense that can happen  in the world you know in your head, isn’t it? So one set of people develop allergy and  try to run away which they can never do,   really. Another set of people, a large segment  of people unfortunately have come to their own   kind of philosophies, “Anyway there is… world is  full of filth, let me also become filth.” So they   have joined that, they have merged into the filth.  What we call as, “Filth” can also be great manure,   you know (Laughs)? Indian spirituality has  always used lotus as a symbolism. A lotus   flower has always been the main symbolism for  Indian spirituality. Why a lotus flower is,   a lotus flower grows best where the filth  is thick. This filth which is stinking,   which you can’t bear, has transformed itself  into a fragrant beautiful flower. This option   also is with us every moment of our life.  If the atmospheres that we live in make us,   we cannot call ourselves managers. If  we make the atmospheres that we live in,   only then we can call ourselves managers. Being  a manager means that we are going to create   whatever we see as the most beautiful thing  to happen right now. Allowing situations to   create you is not management at all; creating  the situations that we want is management. As many of them have said many things, this  process of education, there is a certain   exhilaration now that education is over, you  are stepping into a new dimension of life,   the excitement and you know, it’s always  beautiful to step into something new that   you believe is going to be wonderful but what  we have seen with life with most people is…   Now let’s say somebody got a job, the first  day when they went and sat behind this table,   this table was the most fantastic place  in the world. But within a few years,   behind the same table they’re manufacturing  blood pressure, diabetes, ulcers and what   not. This is not because there is something  wrong with the jobs that we do, this is not   because there is something wrong with the world  that we live in, it is simply because we have   not paid sufficient attention to ourselves. We  have paid too much attention to what is outside. To succeed in the world, people are always  thinking great aspirations will make you   successful. Aspiration is just an initial starting  point, just because you aspire for success,   just because you aspire for prosperity,  just because you aspire for well-being,   it doesn’t happen. Success, prosperity, well-being  happens because you have made yourself capable   of creating those things. Everybody aspires.  Who is not aspiring for success in the world?   Everybody is aspiring. Even a beggar on the  street is trying to be a successful beggar,   isn’t it so? Every human being is aspiring for it,  but only those who have made themselves capable   will succeed. Making yourself capable, not only  in terms of management skills and other things,   but… that is needed too, but making yourself  capable as a human being to go through situations   untouched, to be like a lotus flower. Even  if you’re in the filthiest of situations,   to maintain your beauty and fragrance,  if one has this he will float through   this life untouched. If one doesn’t have  it, life will eat him up in so many ways. It is my wish and my blessing that this  new set of managers will manage this world,   this country, this community and the business  and commerce, which is part of our existence   today in the world, in a much better way than  the previous generations of people have done;   because externally we are better  equipped than ever before. If we make a little effort, it’s… it’s  a fortune that an institution has made   an effort to equip you internally to whatever  extent it was possible for them. If you equip   yourself for internal management also, I’m  sure that these group of people and many more   who will pass out of this institution,  should definitely manage this world,   this nation and the communities much, much  better than the way it’s been done till now. When it comes to management, there is no such  thing as perfect management. It is just that   if people give themselves absolutely to what  they’re doing, things will happen. Right now,   the Isha Foundation, Dr. Karthikeyan, after  seeing what’s happening there, that’s how he’s   been into this. It is run by all young people, the  whole foundation. We have hundreds of centers in   India and outside the country. Everything is  managed by very young people. People who have   been with us for fourteen, fifteen years,  they’re just in their early thirties now;   very, very young people. No senior people,  no experienced people, just young people,   raw hands. I took this as a challenge to make  it happen through them, not using any kind of   experience. I’m not against experience, I’m not  against that, but I wanted to make a statement   that incredible things can be done, not because  we know how to do it. Incredible things can   be done simply because we are committed  that we want it to happen, that’s all. Today, this has grown into a voluntary  organization with over 200,000 active   volunteers around the world, and we have taken  enormous projects of social significance. All   these things are handled by volunteers, they  are not paid for it, they spend from their own   pockets and do things. And you need to understand  managing these people, managing volunteers is much   more difficult than managing paid employees  because you can’t fire them (Laughs). You can   never fire them for inefficiency or indiscipline  or whatever, because they’re there on a voluntary   basis. So people who manage these situations,  very young people, without any qualifications,   they are such fantastic managers of  people. The way they manage the situations,   the way they conduct thousands of people has set  such a exemplary example in the community there. I would take this opportunity, someday that  when it is possible you visit Isha Yoga Center,   as to how things are managed so simply  because management doesn’t come… I know   you need to learn about finance, this,  that, banking and those kind of things,   but fundamentally management is your ability to  be capable of inspiring people to do their best   and that’s all we can do. If everybody around us  are doing their best, that’s the best possible   management that can happen. So this is not going  to come with manipulation. This is only going to   come with dedication, this is only going to come  with love, this is only going to come because you   are willing to give yourself hundred percent to  the person who is next to you at that moment. “Oh is all this possible? Is it not all utopian?  You think this is the reality in the corporate   sector?” I am telling you, we are working in  the prisons, we are working in rural areas,   we are working with major corporations in the  world, it doesn’t matter what kind of person   you meet. If you just learn to touch the core  of his humanity, then you see every human being   is willing to do his best for you, always. If  you just learn how to touch the very core of   a human being who is around you right now, you  will see everybody is willing to do, lay their   lives down for you. Only if people around you  love you and they want to do the best for you,   you will not get ulcers doing management. If  people around you are trying to pull you down,   you will anyway get ulcers trying to manage  situations, isn’t it so? If you do not create   the people who truly love us and wanting to give  their best, then management is going to be a pain,   management is going to be a huge suffering.  Only when people around us really want to   do the best for you, only then management  can happen wonderfully. It’s my wish and my   blessing that all of you turn out as truly great  managers of yourself and the world around you. (Laughs) Our lives become beautiful not because  of what we do, our lives becomes beautiful simply   because we have included everybody around us as  a part of our dream of well-being. I hope all of   you become truly successful and well. In whatever  way, with inner technologies if you need any help,   we are always available to you. It’s been a joy  to be here in this institution. I’ve been to   any number of colleges, people are the same,  but creating an institution with some sense   of commitment for inner well-being in today’s  world is… I’m too happy. Thank you (Applause).
Channel: Sadhguru
Views: 5,769,783
Rating: 4.8245797 out of 5
Keywords: Sadhguru 2018, isha, yoga, spirituality, wisdom, mysticism, seeking, sadhguru meditation, sadhguru mahabharata, sadhguru latest, sadhguru 2018, sadhguru jaggi vasudev, sadhguru ted talk, sadhguru 2017
Id: aMzdiZj8Fio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 48sec (2388 seconds)
Published: Mon May 14 2018
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