Sadhguru chants Yoga Yoga
Yogeshwaraya (Participants chant along)... (Sadhguru's presence)
Sounds of Isha music – Patanjali Strotram… (Sadhguru's presence)
Sadhguru chants Yogarathova, Bhogarathova (Repeated by participants)... (Sadhguru's presence)
Sadhguru: Namaskaram, all of you. Today is International Yoga Day. What this means is, one must with this
one statement that… the United Nations, at the behest of the
Government of India, particularly our Prime Minister. When he proposed this
in the UN Council one-hundred-and-seventy-two countries
immediately responded and said, "Yes." Then everybody
else came in later on. Never before for any resolution one-hundred-and-seventy-two countries
in UN have agreed upon one thing. This one thing all of them
agreed that this is needed. This is not just about declaring a certain
day because there is even a Bubble Bath Day (Laughter). All kinds of days. It's not about that. United Nations is even thinking of how
to make yoga as a tool to fulfill the Sustainable Development Goals. Because slowly the world is realizing
that without an inner experience of unity, without an inner experience
of inclusiveness, everything that we do,
even if we start with the best intentions, it can go all bad, simply because of
the divisive nature of human intellect; it divides everything. Dissecting and dividing
everything is not the answer. This continuous dissection (Laughs)
with every human being thinking that they have
razor-sharp intellect, always going on dissecting
everything and making a mess out of it. Tch, (Laughs) see, there have been gnana
yogis who had worked upon their mind, their intellect for years
or sometimes lifetimes, to get to such a point of sharpness
that by dissection they could divulge and realize the reality. Ah, but most people... It should be that kind of a
knife, I mean. But most people have an intellect,
whose front edge is somewhat like this (Lifts
water vessel) (Laughter). If they try to dissect with
this, they will smash everything. This is all that's happening. Because to pursue realization
through one's intellect, the work is not upon realization,
the work is upon the intellect; continuously sharpening it, sharpening it, sharpening it in such a
way that it will slice through everything. They say... In India there are certain
martial cultures where (Laughs)... this is largely gone but only at the wedding
time a man has to prove that he's a man so he will take a sword and cut a...
a banana tr... you know, a tree or a stem. In one slice he must go; in
Japan they have traditions of... because of the Samurai and other
kinds of traditions they chop bamboos to prove how sharp the sword is
and how skillful you are; both - skillful and strong you are. So if you slice the banana stem, generally the expectation,
you must slice it in such a way that the stem doesn't realize what
happened, so it must sit right there (Gestures it being still one
whole piece); it's two pieces, but it's sitting right there,
you must slice it like that. That means you should
have refined your sword to such a point and also
your skill and your strength. Well, if you have that kind of a razor
sharp, super sharp intellect, yes, but if you have this kind (Gestures to
vessel), it's better to drink it (Laughs). Don't... don't try to
dissect with a blunt object. If you try to dissect with a blunt...
blunt object. Well, you will have mincemeat. You will not see
anything that is there. This happened, a biology teacher
was demonstrating a dissection of a frog. Poor frogs! Everybody's interested in seeing
what is inside that poor frog and he's always speaking out, "This is
what is in my heart" but nobody listens! They want to use a knife. So he was dissecting this and
explaining things to the students. Not everybody is interested in the
frog, there are other interests. So as he was doing this and explaining
various organs and stuff in the frog. He said, "If I dissect a human being,
what do you think will happen?" One boy said, "Well, you will find
yourself behind the bars" (Laughter). So (Laughs) this
dimension of yoga; it's not that different human
beings are not capable of this but it'll need an
enormous amount of work. Most people don't have... See it needs a
certain ss... passion to simply sharpen the knife, sharpen the
knife sharpen the knife, sharpen the knife, (Gestures) and not use it
because you don't want to spoil the knife. You're not going to cut vegetables
and cook with this knife, no, people who have passion for their sword,
they're sharpening, sharpening, sharpening, sharpening; they never use it.
Because if you use it, it will go, tch. That needs a certain kind of
passion or madness towards that. And how long it will take to get that
knife to that level of sharpness, well, it depends
on various factors. Above all how intensely
one is focused on that. How to go on preparing
a tool without using it? That needs enormous discipline. If you have a little sharp knife you would
like to cut everything that you see and
see how it works. I see this happening
all around (Laughs). If I give you a knife you'll like to,
as you're going you would like to cut this plant and see, do that and see, cook
vegetables and see; just about anything! To prepare an instrument
without using it for any purpose takes a certain level
of discipline and focus, which unfortunately normally people
don't have, they will have to work. So it's better to
use other faculties. If you're stupid enough to get
angry for example, no I'm sorry... If you're passionate enough
to get angry (Laughter). Right now (Laughs) it's become
fashionable all over the world to say, "This is my passion. passion." "Yoga is my passion,"
no, for me yoga is just a tool. I've learned how to use the
tool; for you it's your passion, you hug it, you kiss it, you keep it on
your head, it doesn't work (Laughter). That's it! It's like I gave
you a screwdriver, you suck on it, you put it in your ears,
poke in your eyes; it doesn't work. Only that loose nut you can tighten a bit
(Laughter), only then it works (Laughs)! So, people don't like
technical words, they like, tch... So once you're like this, don't think
you're an intellectual, you're not. Maybe you have a little sappy
heart, at least use that. If you're angry, if you're
frustrated, even if you're miserable; obviously,
you're an emotional person. You better use your
emotion in a good way. Using your emotion
in a good way means, with emotion you don't try to cut then
it will be like this kind of knife. You don't try to cut
things with emotion, emotion is about ignoring
all the things and simply, tch (Gestures – hugging)... That's emotion;
just embracing the world, that's emotion. Right now you're using
emotion to dissect! All you will leave is
mincemeat of your own life. You are not going to make
mincemeat of anybody else. You will make a mincemeat of
your own life, that's all. Because you're using a blunt object
which should be used in some other way, to dissect; this is a mess. All you will leave
is a mess in the end. So yoga (Laughs)... I've been, you know, I just turned on the television to
see the news and across the world, varieties of yoga
that people are doing. It's both very... what to say? Satisfying, that just all over the world
in all kinds of places, somebody is doing yoga
standing knee deep in the snow, somebody is doing it in the desert,
somebody is doing it with their children, somebody with their dog,
somebody this way, that way; all kinds. Well it's cute and nice, it's
amusing, it's scary (Laughter); all things at once. It's... I'm glad so many
people wanting to do yoga. But what yoga they should do,
how they should do, nobody to tell them. Everybody thinks… because we are
going with the dissection example, we'll continue otherwise I'll
have to invent another one, okay? Everybody thinks they can,
you know, "Nitya nitya vicharam" that means you're able to decipher
with the sharpness of your mind, what is absolute,
and what is transient. What is eternal, and what is
momentary, you're able to decipher. But for that you need
a very sharp knife, not a, not a vessel or a ball with
that you're not going to do dissection. With that... If you have a
vessel for a mind... No I am saying there's
lots of pure water. I'm... I'm not saying vessel in a bad
way, if you have a round object, then you must just embrace.
You don't try to decipher, which is high, which is low,
which is eternal, which is momentary – all this you don't go,
you just embrace everything as it is. That means, you do not decipher what is high, what is low, what is God,
what is devil, what is good, what is bad, what is me,
what is you – you don't decipher. You treat everything the same way because
you don't have a very sharp knife. "No Sadhguru I'm very smart. Even in my school they said I'm very
smart, I got first rank" (Laughter). Usually, first rank people are all
(Gestures) (Laughter/Applause)... I've nothing against them, I'm not saying
this because I didn't get it (Laughter) – I
never aspired for it. It never occurred to me that I
have to be first in anything. I don't know,
that thought never came to me. And I thought it's a very
poor number (Laughter). I mean it's a least denomination.
Generally in my class, I think almost right
through my school days, it's... somewhere between twenty-four
to thirty-six, thirty-seven students is what
I had in my class. I always took the top
number (Laughter/Applause). Yeah, if there thirty-five people
I'm thirty-five (Laughter). So (Laughs), because of that I did not
think on those terms, but I am saying, when you are not willing to spend
enormous amount of effort and time in sharpening your knife,
it's best to embrace everything as it is. No up, no down, no high, no low, no love,
no hate, simply everybody as it is – insect, bird, worm, human
beings, men, women, children, whatever, you just
(Gestures embracing) everything. This is not a bad
path, it's very good. It is just because more than seventy
percent of the human beings on this planet are far more emotional than
they are mentally sharp or energetically intense or physically
very enhanced - more than seventy percent. The highest... Among the four dimensions
of body, mind, emotion and energy, seventy percent are
emotionally strong. Only thing is their emotions are
against themselves or against somebody. See even if you have a neg...
emotion against somebody, it only works against you. Once in a way you
can take out on them. See right now I hate this guy
(Gestures to a meditator), I'm using him because his eyes
closed, so it's okay (Laughter). He doesn't mind, okay? "I hate this guy." Once in a way I may
get to meet him somewhere and abuse him, rest of the time he
just burns my heart out. Acidity will come in the stomach,
hatred people (Laughter). It'll rise to the head one day
and give you tumor in the head. Because by hating someone,
you're not doing anything to him. You are destroying this
one (Referring to oneself). So whether it's anger or hatred or jealousy
or resentment is not against somebody, it's only against you. If you learn how not to turn
your emotions against yourself, if you understand negative emotion... See because emotion can give you such
a high, to get that kind of a thought – please try this – to get that kind of a thought that
you'll feel (Gestures blissed out), when did it happen to you?
For most people it's never happened. I would say only two to three percent
of the population in the world get that kind of thought – such penetrating
thought, it's liberating and "Wow" thought. For most other people, they're capable
of getting that kind of an emotion. They can feel an emotion where
they'll feel (Gestures blissed out). Everybody's experienced at least
a few moments in their life. So they are emotionally
capable of growth. So the same emotion if it hits the bottom,
of course (Laughs), it'll take you to hell. Because hell and heaven are two sides of the same
coin, you must just learn to flip it right, or like me you must fix the coin
– both sides heaven (Laughter/Applause). "But Sadhguru you said there is no hell,
heaven, you said there is reincarnation, I will come back" (Laughter). It once happened... (Sound in the background) It happened (Referring to the
sound) (Laughter/Applause). Shankaran Pillai was having
a conversation with his wife. Don't tell anybody, this is between
husband and wife, okay (Laughter)? And Shankaran Pillai asked –
this is a spiritual conversation, asked, "What is reincarnation?" The wife was bored with
this kind of conversation, she was em...
doing some little embroidery. Then she said, "Reincarnation means you
will come back in a completely different way, than the way you are right now." Then
Shankaran Pillai thought about it and said, "Does it mean to say in my next
life I can come back as a pig?" Wife said, "You are not
listening to me properly, I said you will come back in a completely
different way" (Laughter/Applause). So (Laughs)... So, this is why because
seventy percent of the people are more capable
of their emotions, hitting either peak or depths. Emotional depths and
emotional peaks people know, but intellectual
peaks – very few people know. I'm not saying one is
better than the other. Tch they're different
kinds of tools. See if you are a screw,
we need a screwdriver. If you are a nut,
we need a spanner, hmm? If you're a pipe,
we need a winch. Like this tools. Don't make it one
above the other. Right now because... because of the type of schooling
that you're going through, everybody has this
wrong image being intellectua... intellectually sharp is better than
being emotionally, you know, embracing. No, no it's not like that. Everything has its own beauty. And all of them have the
same level of possibility. Only problem is. how you will use the
tool, that's all. Just by building your body and
using your action, you can do it. Or by raising your energies,
you can do it, but needs work. You're saying... keeping... even though there
is a lockdown all of you, most of you are not
going to work for nearly three months, I told you at least
you must be ten percent more fit than the way you
were three months ago, "Ten percent Sadhguru?"
Three months. You should have said,
"Sadhguru why ten percent, I will be hundred percent
better than the way I am today." The... Ninety days no work, I... I can exercise five
times a day if I want. Tch, could have been done because we've
been very busy in the lockdown being here, but otherwise you're locked in
an apartment, what are you doing? What are you doing? Maybe couch, television (Gestures
– eating snacks) (Laughter), as the show gets more
and more interesting (Gestures – faster eating)
(Laughter/Applause). In the children's yoga programs,
to inspire the children, one fundamental thing... principle that we
teach them is, "I complete what I start." So one day... because A1 (Name of the brand) potato chips in
Coimbatore city was available on discount, fearing that during the
lockdown they may not be able to sell. They started selling five kg packets
instead of one kg – discount. Everything is on discount, even Inner
Engineering on discount, you know (Laughter)? No, no, there are people here
who'll get very insulted – potato chips, Inner Engineering,
everything on discount. So such a big bag of potato
chips, and in his... see he's... Shankaran Pillai has still
not enrolled for Inner Engineering. But he had done the
children's program (Laughter). This wife looked at this sack of potato
chips and she said, "What are you doing?" He said, "I complete
what I start" (Laughter). So I am saying everything,
just everything can be subverted. Everything you can turn
it against yourself. We give you a brain,
that becomes your problem. And if I say "No, you can conduct
your brain the way you want it," there's a whole bunch of people,
there are... Depression Company. They've been picking on me,
why can't I pick on them (Laughs)? They're saying,
"He doesn't know what is depression. Depression happens,
nobody chooses. Chemical changes happen." Arey
that is what even I'm saying, do some yoga,
chemical changes will happen, what else do you think I'm
saying (Laughter/Applause)? (Laughs) Anyway for all of you, to tell you something because recently
these papers have been published, maybe you already read it, a certain group of scientists
and doctors in United States from Indiana University, some from
Harvard University, Rutgers and Florida, they studied people who've been practicing
Inner Engineering for ninety days. That is... (Sound coming from the roof)
(Talks aside: What is that? "Monkeys.") Oh,
monkeys (Laughter). See the teaching is getting
popular (Laughter/Applause). They... They also believe they could
be evolved like you (Laughter). Ey how many of you came
that way (Laughter)? No, no, it's good. It's good for me that
we transformed monkeys into human beings, is a very good, you know... because I want to tell you that the
genetic tendencies are changing simply with the Inner
Engineering practices. So they recorded all these things
– the biomarkers and everything. I'll put it as briefly as pos...
it's an elaborate paper running
into hundreds of pages. But, to put it very simply, one thing that determines
the nature of your experience and your mental and emotional
condition is what is called as BDNF – that is 'brain
derived neurotrophic factors'. So the BDNF is higher in a
positive way – three-fold, three-hundred percent in ninety days. I can imagine how you guys
were before you started (Laughter). Three-fold increase – that means
keeping your emotions in balance, keeping in a good state of
experience and sharpness of mind and pleasantness of experience
shouldn't even be a problem, three-hundred percent increase.
There is another dimension. You know what is a cannabinoid? So a cannabinoid means like today what is
popularly, in India it is known as ganja, or everywhere else it's
known as marijuana, in different places
it's known by different names. But essentially these
are plant extracts which have a certain influence on the
mood and experience of the person. But there are millions of cannab...
cannab... cannabis receptors, both in your brain and across the body. Because you're supposed to produce
it, you're not supposed to smoke it. So now, with the Inner Engineering
practices it's clearly... the biomarkers clearly establish that your endocannabinoid
production is significantly higher. That means you're
stoned by yourself. You don't need any outside help, but the impact of
the endocannabinoids compared to the cannabinoids that come
from outside are very, very different. It makes you intoxicated and
super alert at the same time. Because along with it,
certain other secretions happen. And the two-hundred-and-thirty genes which are fundamentally
responsible for your immune system are also highly enhanced
with ninety days of practice. See not a single case, tch (Applause).
Till now... I'm receiving every day so many people
about their friends dying, about their relatives dying, their parents
dying, many many sob stories about... because they are not able to go even attend
to their parent’s funerals or cremations or burials or whatever,
because they are in lockdown. So lot of stories like that. But till now, I have not heard,
at least it's not come to me, because generally it comes, not a single meditator who's done Inner
Engineering programs and practicing has... they're not dying (Applause). At least let's hope they will continue
to not die for some more time (Laughter). But at least till now there's not been
a single information to me that someone who belongs to our, you know, regular practitioners
have died anywhere, they have not. That may not be the only reason,
there may be many other reasons, but definitely your
immune system is higher. Now it's no more...We
always know (knew?) this, but unfortunately you know it has
to come from America (Few laugh). So from the laboratories in
America, from the top universities in America it's coming that clearly
they're saying two-hundred-and-thirty genes which activate your immune system, they're
all elevated because of the practice. So there is enough evidence now; I am a living proof but (Gestures – color
of skin) you know, wrong color (Laughter). So now our idea of science
has become like this. Science cannot come from life,
it can only come from a lab. Very unfortunate way of
taking scientific exploration, that everything has to come from the lab, otherwise it's not true. Well, whatever they have
their reasons for that; it's okay I'm not
going to question it because anyway they're
saying wonderful things about Inner Engineering,
why should I complain? (Few laugh). So yoga, tch. I think they have one song "Yoga Yoga"
(Gestures to Sounds Of Isha dais). (Talks aside: You can put the
cameras on them it's okay.) Sounds of Isha
music – Yoga Yoga… Sadhguru: Okay. So when we... when this (these?) medical reports were
given to some media, yesterday I was on, today morning I think they
telecast that on Times Now. So the anchor on the national
television channel asked me, "Sadhguru if everybody gets
stoned like this with your yoga, who'll do the work"
(Laughter/Applause)? So, that is the big difference. What is an endocannabinoid
and what cannabis that you, you know, put from
outside, are very different. This question is
coming because... see it's never happened,
never, ever happened; somebody who's blissed
out from within ever jumped off a mountain
thinking he will fly or something. But this repeatedly happened
when people were using LSD. So many people jumped off windows from
high-rise buildings thinking they will fly because they were
feeling like flying. Well, you know this also yesterday
was another webinar where it came up. When I was twelve years
of age or so because I have been... been in nature in
the forest so much. All the other things, whether it is
snakes or lizards or this and that; everything is fine and even
the bigger animals are fine, because you can figure
what they're doing. One thing that always you know, overly fascinated me and made me
feel inadequate was the birds, because boom they'll go away. I'm (Gestures to himself)
(Laughter) not going anywhere. So I want to fly,
want to fly, want to fly. When I was probably fifteen years of age I
decided I will make a hang glider of my own. I got a design from the
Popular Mechanics of the day and built a hang glider with bamboo and
parachute silk I got from somewhere, full of holes.
I stitched it all over the place and put it together and
took it to a small... will I take it to a small hill?
I took it to a reasonably big hill, tch... and flew. I think I w...
I did fly. I think approximately probably twenty-two
to twenty-three seconds I was flying (Laughter). Maybe it (Laughs)
would've happened even without this (Laughter/Applause)! This massive huge thing, badly designed
nonsense and I believed it's going to fly and took off and the whole thing;
once the wind filled up into it, it just folded up
like that (Gestures) (Laughter). My first concern is my hang glider broke I
didn't realize there is gravity (Laughter). Anyway I was not too high
so I just broke only... both my ankles I
broke but that... that was okay I didn't break my
head because there was no helmet, there was no anything; no
protective gear, nothing. So later on it took me another probably two-and-a-half,
three years for me to collect enough money to buy
a well designed hang glider. And then I flew, tch. I still have the hang glider
unused for almost thirty years now. Why I'm saying this is, this wanting
to fly I think is there in every child. They give it up because they want
to be first in the classroom. Otherwise I think in every child when they
see birds flying away, wanting to fly away. I thought it'll be
a very good thing for me to fly away from
the window of the classroom (Laughter) if I
knew how to fly (Laughs). So, but once I became
very meditative I... it never occurred to me,
many years later I thought about it, once I became meditative I lost the urge for aviation as such. I
always thought I'm going to go into aviation but I gave it up because if I closed
my eyes and sit, I'm more than flying. Much more than flying. I lost the urge. Only recently about eight,
nine years ago I got my license to fly but all these years I gave it up because
if I close my eyes, everything is fine. Even though you feel like that, you're never going to go
on the rooftop and jump off. But those who are on
drugs, they jump off, because there is a difference
between a living experience and a hallucination of flying. When you hallucinate
that you're flying, you think you
can actually jump off and fly. But when you are experiencing
that kind of buoyancy within you, but you are very clear headed,
then it's very different. This happened. One day Shankaran
Pillai met an old college friend and that friend had gone seriously
into, tch, these kind of things. So he met him and they were there
and this guy pulled out his stuff and started rolling (Gestures). Shankaran Pillai said "Why
are you doing all this?" He said "No, no, no, you don't know,
you just smoke and you will fly man." He said "No, no, no,
I, I don't smoke, I'm fine." But friend, you
know, friends (Laughter)... So, he also did little. Then he was walking home (Gestures
– walking home inebriated) little flying but still
feet on the ground. Then he saw on the street a
man was completely mangled; hit by some car and
gone, hit and run. He was in a bad condition, he,
that man, called out and said, "Please call me an ambulance.
Call me an ambulance!" Shankaran Pillai looked like this
(Gestures) "Hee, hee, hee." He did. (Laughter) "He said please call
me an ambulance!" "He, he, he, if you insist... Hello Mr. Ambulance"
(Laughter/Applause)! So what should come from within you
take it from outside; this what happens. Please if you have a question. Speaker: This
question is from Parikshit. "Namaskaram Sadhguru, on the spiritual path I often look in
different yogis for my inspiration..." Sadhguru: Ooh. Speaker: "...I would like to know
that when you were a Sadhaka, did you have any inspiration?" Sadhguru: See
inspiration also means inhalation. Just try this right now, just go on
inspiring, inspiring, inspiring, inspiring. What'll happen? No you need to
inspire and expire. Expire also means... you're not using that word anymore but in
Indian telegraph messages, "Father expired. Come immediately," was the
standard telegram message. Somebody expired. Today you use that only
for pharmaceuticals, you're not using it for
people I think anymore. So inspiration is only to
get the engine started. You need inspiration
to get started. You don't go on inspiring, inspiring,
inspiring yourself every day. That means you stop and star...
you start and stop, start and stop, start and stop,
that's all you're doing with your life. You start, then you must go. No you start, you stop,
you start, you stop, then every day somebody has to inspire
you, inspire you, inspire you. So you're using many yogis as inspiration
and inspiration that your start and stop, start and stop.
No, no, once you're inspired, don't look for more inspiration,
this is why I've been saying, suppose you read some book on
yoga, some yogi, something, you got inspired; that's it,
after that don't read anything, because that's going
to mess you up. Tch, but no every day you need
inspiration means obviously you've not
started, you're a cold engine. So these poor yogis
that you're using, I hope they're dead. Because dead yogis
are good inspiration. Because live yogis, aah,
if you have your engine started, when you're most unaware he
wants to press full throttle. That's a live yogi. Dead yogis are good inspiration. If you're using dead yogis,
you can but when will you get going? Okay you started, you stopped,
you started, you stopped. Got inspired again
started, again stopped. Got inspired again, started again
stopped, but when will you go? You must decide (Laughs). Speaker: Next
question is from Sagar. "Namaskaram Sadhguru,
I registered for Sadhguru Exclusive, but I've not got any information
after that (Laughter). Am I being excluded from Sadhguru
Exclusive" (Laughter/Applause)? Sadhguru: (Laughs) Maybe! No, they have not yet really
taken the registrations and... because initially we thought we
will start it like every week, a new video and things like that. Things that there is a little bit
of sensitivity of sharing it openly, but of great significance; that kind of things we thought
we will put it in the exclusive and put one video after another. But then we decided we will put
twenty-five videos to start with, lots of masala
(Laughter)... lot of spice! So because of that the dates have
been pushed and they didn't want to, you know, register and then keep them
waiting so it's still in pre-registration. Most probably sometime end of
July or maybe first week of August is when actually it will open up because now we're thinking minimum
twenty-five videos should go, that if you go on it you can binge for
ten, fifteen hours. And then weekly,
weekly they will put it up so that always the number of videos on the
platform is more than what you can watch; that's the idea. But if the lockdown continues,
you may watch faster (Laughter) than what we can load, but we are
thinking of you being working by August, so that we are always ahead of you in
terms of what we have loaded there. So for that it is taking
a little bit of time; teams are working in the archives
to pull out various material. These materials or this content are
things we have spoken in close groups among our Ishangas,
among the brahmacharis, among various consecrations and
things like that, in close groups but they are very potent stuff. But at the same time,
all these social media clowns, we want to keep them out but they may
always become part of the exclusive. Because after all, they will put one small little fee
which everybody can pay kind of fee. So, this person,
whoever is asking, what's his name? Speaker: Sagar.
Sadhguru: Sagar! How can we exclude the ocean?
You will be in! But if you're a little poisonous
stream we would like to exclude you because this material for as a genuine
seeker who wants to know something beyond what he knows right now, beyond
what is generally offered to the public. And some fun things also. It's an exclusive so that we have little
more freedom to say what we want to say. Not that I'm holding back anything
right now, you know (Laughs)? But little more throttle. If there is... if there is people
on the road; we drive one way. Nobody on the road;
we drive another way. Hello? I don't know about
you, me (Laughter). There're people on the road,
there's no problem but, you know, they may get little excited
so I drive in a certain way, just a little above
the speed limit. But if there're not too
many people on the road, then I drive to my
limit and the machine's limit. So there are times
when we are like that when we don't have to worry
about what they will think because people are here to learn,
people are here to imbibe and absorb. So when such people are there,
we consider those situations exclusive. So, because this,
this kind of... this kind of content is been stagnant in
the archives for more than twenty years now now, so we thought we
will pull them out. Not all of it maybe
very good quality video but very good quality content,
very unique kind of content. So, we may even release it
audio, let's see, some of it, because some of it, videos and stuff
may not be in good condition to release; it was long time ago and
shot on small cameras. Many things are there. If you're really Sagar,
we can't exclude you. Speaker: The...
this question is from Shivangi. "Namaskaram Sadhguru, the yoga practices that you have
offered seem to be taking a long time to get me to enlightenment
(Laughter/Applause). Are there short cuts"
(Laughter/Applause)? Sadhguru: Mhmm
(Indicating agreement)... Tch (Laughs). It once happened,
this was in another life. Shankaran Pillai decided
to commit suicide because of the domestic situation and
he drank poison and he was on deathbed. And he had written a will. The lawyers came
and opened the will, he was still not going because
the poison sometimes, you know, is slow depending on what
kind of stuff you had. So the lawyer read the will and
said, "Everything that he has; his home, his wealth, his bank
balance, everything is to his wife, under the condition that within
three months after his death, she must remarry; otherwise
she won't get anything." Lawyer said, "This is a very strange
will, why is this like this?" Shankaran Pillai said, "I want at
least one person to regret that I died" (Laughter/Applause). So it's
taking a long time. So you must be
one-hundred-and-fifty years old? How old is Shivangi we don't
know, but I like the impatience. I like the impatience. If you're impatient
what you should do? Tch, you must work a little more
diligently, little more focused. Because what you're seeking is not
in another galaxy, tch, it's here! (Referring to oneself)
Arey we just forgot! This is a... this morning
around ten-thirty, eleven o'clock I suddenly decided we
must do one painting for the Yoga Day, tch, I completely forgot! Because this question
brings this into focus. (Flute Music plays…) (Sadhguru’s
Painting unveiled – Where's the ocean?) (Applause) So you're in it, that's the whole
problem (Laughter/Applause)! So what you're seeking
is not far away, it's right here within you and also
around you. Why is it so difficult? Like I said in the very beginning maybe
you have this kind of a mind (Gestures) but you want to be
like that (Gestures). Because intellect
makes you exclusive, you know we've been talking
about Sadhguru Exclusive? Intellect always wants to be
exclusive, emotion is inclusive. Maybe you have a ball, tch. No I'm not saying
you're having a ball. I mean, you have a ball for an intellect but if you try to go
and cut with that ball, you will be a wrecker ball. You will wreck everything,
including yourself. Or maybe you think
you're a Kriya yogi, but if you do Kapalabhati
it'll come puh, puh, puh, like this (Gestures)
(Laughter/Applause). But you want to do Kriya yoga,
only with energy you'll shoot up. No, if you want to shoot
up you need lots of energy. Have you seen a rocket?
Tch, you know, a spacecraft, a rocket. Before it flies, the amount of
energy it releases; enormous! With that probably you can run
a 1,000 airplanes, all right? From here to wherever, but it just stands there
and exhausts so much power, because it wants to go very far
it's built up that kind of energy. So if you want to do, Kriya and go
somewhere; only Kriya and go somewhere, then you need that
kind of energy. If you want to do only incisive Gnana,
then you need a razor sharp mind, but the easiest thing to
cultivate for you is your emotion because already you're getting
frustrated, so you have emotion, tch. The very fact that you're getting
frustrated you have emotion; it's only the emotion, which makes you feel wonderful this
moment, next moment horrible, next moment wonderful,
next moment horrible. If this is happening, you must understand emotion is the
most dominant factor of your life. With the mind if you want to take
yourself down that also takes time. If you want to think yourself
down it'll take a lot of time. If you want to think yourself
up; that also takes a lot of time but emotion is not like that
it's a sappy liquid it sloshes boochug it'll go up there (Gestures), boochug
it'll go down here (Gestures) (Laughter). So now we're trying to
teach you how to stabilize, so don't get frustrated because
it'll go pupp (Gestures). Tch, maybe little more heat
we must turn up on you. Wherever you are Shivangi, really if
you become Shiva's anga then no problem. Tch, then no problem
at all (Laughs). (Sadhguru's presence) Time 69:25
Sadhguru chants Yoga Yoga Yogeshwaraya (Participants chant along)... Sadhguru: Our Bhairava painting which I have dedicated to the work
that is being done in the rural areas. Our volunteers are doing a fantastic work,
still feeding thousands of people every day. I want you to understand
the effort it takes to every day feed a few thousand
people in a make-shift kitchen outside because we are not letting our
volunteers who are working, some of our brahmacharis,
residents and other volunteers are working. We are not letting them
come into the Yoga Center for the safety of the
people who are here but they are outside in
some make-shift kitchen and sleeping in some
quarters in the villages and every day they're making
sure good food is delivered to a few thousand people,
every day for over nearly, I think about seventy-seven or
seventy-eight days right now. So this Bhairava painting we've again
put it out for auction, is it there? (Talks aside: The picture is there?
Please can you put it up?) (Sadhguru’s Bhairava painting
is shown on the screen) Right now I think today we...
the auction has touched eighty-four lakhs, but there is time until 5th of July which
is the Guru Pournima so whoever can do please do
because this money will be used to service those disadvantaged
people who have nowhere else to go. I know everybody has lost
something in a time like this, for some of you your wealth,
your stocks might have gone down, your profits might have gone
down, losses might have happened but I want you to understand there is a
large segment of people in this country who will starve to death
if we don't support them. So please let's make this happen, it's eighty-four lakhs right now but take
it wherever you think it's worth it and... okay. It's a completely organic painting,
that there is no any kind of paints in it, it is just charcoal, lime,
turmeric and cow dung. Tch, how else to honor a bull? Namaskaram.