Start Doing This To Manifest Your Destiny Today! | Sadhguru

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see everything that's physical in the universe is cyclical in nature our faculties as sense perception is only good for survival not for exploring the nature of the existence if you do not create this distance you don't have a life of your own you're just an extension of something [Music] welcome to commune we are on a mission to inspire heal and bring the world closer together i suppose i've always had a very conventional sense of the notion of karma and that my life then becomes a sort of cosmic retribution if you will um due to these misdeeds and malfeasance so i wonder if you could help me untangle that potential confusion this whole talk about retribution reward and punishment is coming from a certain dogma of belief just okay i can say anything because the problem with me is uh once uh i start chewing on truth i'm completely unaware who is around me i'm not socially sensitive that way is that okay hello it never so happened that ever a hand from the sky came down and punched you in the face nor did it ever so happen that when you were just about to do something silly and fall off this branch a hand came from the sky and held you back both these things have not happened though people have always been hoping such a thing will happen of course you want your enemy to be punched on you to be held but such things have not happened well we can believe what belief essentially means is we neither have the courage nor the commitment to seek what is true so we believe whatever is socially convenient if you are in a certain society you believe something and you think that is absolute if you go to another society they will laugh at your beliefs but they have something else funny so everybody has their set of beliefs belief essentially means that you're not interested in truth that means you're willing to make up something that you do not know somewhere there is not enough sincerity or courage to see what i do not know as i do not know because first of all the value of i do not know has been completely tarnished and rubbished by people i do not know is the greatest possibility in your life only when you see i do not know the longing to know the seeking to know and the possibility of knowing becomes a reality whatever i don't know i will believe well you will sleep well tonight that's a whole thing so you must make up your mind first of all are you looking for solace or are you looking for a solution in this life if you're looking for solace just believe something it'll work you'll sleep well if everything around you is all the situations around you are doing well you will live okay and die nothing no nothing wrong with it it's just limited that's hot there's nothing wrong there's nothing wrong in eating sleeping reproducing and just dying one day what's wrong with that we are all here because somebody ate slept and reproduced that's why we're here all right so nothing wrong with it it is just that it's limited if something called the madness of seeking has come to you then it won't work that's all if you're a sane person socially correct it's perfectly fine to believe something and be happy about it what's wrong nothing wrong so beliefs and beliefs various types of beliefs all over the world i'm sure many of you traveled around the world and you know how many sorts of beliefs are there the important thing is just to know that if we work hard enough on you from your childhood we can make you believe just about any damn thing in the universe hello we need to rob you nicely from your childhood that's the important thing if we leave you free till you're 8 10 then you're trouble we must rub you down right from the beginning so that you will simply believe what your parents believed their parents believed their parents believed forever okay because it gives you it's a club you can call it by many names but it's actually a club you all believe one thing you're one club they all believe something they're another club but at least the clubs don't wage wars maybe they'll have little social you know social media tips but these hardcore beliefs will lead to enormous amount of confrontations and conflicts in the world leaving that aside about karma karma is not a concept that you or me can make up because you need to understand this comes from a cultural dimension and a spiritual dimension where there is no belief system as such well here and there people try to create some beliefs in small pockets but overall there is no belief system that's why indians are eternally confused because there is no one belief system about everything there is an argument all right if there are five people they have ten opinions yes so this is because a culture that was steeped in spirituality today only largely retains only remnants of it the jargon of it not the you know the fruit of it is not there just the jargon is there uh not that it is not at all there it is there but not like how it used to be where nearly at least 80 to 90 of the people were in some kind of spiritual practice just a few centuries ago that is not there anymore because of that a lot of interpretations and misinterpretations happen about retribution the fundamental psychology of in retribution comes from the simplistic idea of if you are a good guy you're going to heaven if you're a bad guy you're going to hell how many are going to heaven here i want to know hello you going good but you must first check out what's there you know there's no wi-fi just telling you so in the previous generation if you asked how many of you want to go to heaven 90 percent would have raised their hand all of you just one person raised maybe there are a few more maybe 10 will raise their hands in this generation in the next generation ask them how many of their of them want their life to be managed by heaven nobody almost nobody not even one or two percent so essentially in just a matter of three four generations heaven is collapsing but why is it collapsing what is happening why should we go to heaven or not go to heaven or hell both i'm saying i don't want to say both of them every time so i'm just saying heaven both either you fall here or there it's there's just a wall between the two if you're a good guy you fall this way if you're a bad guy you fall that way i don't know where the girls go nobody spoke about it always the talk is about good guys fall this way bad guys fall that way where do the girls go nowhere has it been spoken because it's like this what is in heaven in the hindu heaven food is very good if you're a foodie you must go to hindu heaven if you go to another heaven there are white gown ladies floating around in the sky in the clouds you like that kind of ambience you can go there if you go to another kind of heaven you will be confronted with virgin problems but what does it take to go there this happened in alabama anybody from alabama because before i crack a joke i'm just making sure that i'm okay because except in the shower everywhere everywhere else they pack a gun out there so this is the sunday school the sunday school teacher is going full fire the audience are not like you all tiny thoughts catch them young policy so he's going full fire in his rhetoric he stopped said what do you have to do to go to heaven little mary in the first row said if i scrub the church floor every sunday morning i will go to heaven absolutely it's a needed chore you know another little girl stood up and said if i share 50 of my pocket money with my less privileged friend i will go to heaven correct little tommy in the back bench stood up and said you got to die first that is a qualification hello you got to die first when you die usually depending on your culture either we will bury you or burn you or feed you to the birds different cultures do different things or throw you in the ocean essentially you put your body back to this planet because this body is a piece of planet you slowly gathered if you've not done anything eco-friendly at least putting the body back into the planet is a basic duty we must do one day hello but you will do anyway one way or the other so you left your body here and went to heaven now what do you do with good food and virgins i'm asking you don't have a body hello these are all problems that matter to you only when you have a body isn't it hello hello are we in talking terms now this kind of things have been on for a long time let's keep them aside so this retribution it never happened to you all right maybe somebody who was your friend turned against you and did some poking or somebody else on the street did some poking or some other force in this society never from the sky retribution came and hit you well even if you're hit by the lightning you know it's just lightning it could hit anybody all right just now before i left india about four weeks ago 23 elephants got burnt up in a lightning strike this is the first time such a thing has happened 23 elephants in one place they were close together in a herd lightning strike all 23 got fried so is this elephantine retribution no these things are happening all right there is a lightning there is a flood there is a volcano there is a road accident these are happening because these are all forces in the nature in many ways it's happening it is just that because we have no explanation for that we just come up with a belief system because we don't have the courage to see that we don't know what we do not know i do not know what's the problem it is so straight of you sincere of you human of you to see i do not know because if you see i do not know genuinely understand experience and realize that i do not know your intelligence will be awake even if your body sleeps always on the moment you say i know your intelligence sleeps even if you're awake so this is a fundamental tool because the most important aspect of who you are right now as a human being compared to every other wonderful species which are around us millions of them on there are a heap of creatures all right millions of them millions of species you're on top of that in terms of evolutionary process but human beings are not feeling like top of the world simply because they don't have an active intelligence they put it to sleep they try to live with their memory or their imagination imaginations of heaven and hell memories of past what happened yesterday what happened 10 years ago what happened 10 years ago people can still suffer hello what may happen day after tomorrow they already suffer what happened 10 years ago does not exist right now isn't it hello if you're suffering is that hallucination or is it existentially correct you must answer me hello if you're suffering something that does not exist uh what should we call you hello now there are no good words for that i won't use them bad words but there are no good words to describe somebody who is suffering something which does not exist essentially because they are misunderstanding their psychological process as existential this has happened because they have taken their individuality too seriously anybody who thinks i'm really fantastic guy all you have to do is close your mouth and hold your nose for two minutes and you know you are not such an individual only because these two holes are functioning your life this transaction in terms of breath in terms of food in terms of drink transactions are happening on all levels that's why you're on so your individualities are fake what was not you as today is you today in this body what is you today may not be you tomorrow isn't it so your idea of individuality is a completely your psychological imagination your individuality because of this karma comes in because in this vast cosmos where you do not know where it begins where it ends you a small little individual it terrifies you you have to make up things you have to make up things to survive here because if you just look like this like this you don't know where this begins where it ends in the middle of nowhere this small little bird mud ball called earth is spinning around and we are sitting here and look at us fear not knowing how to handle our fear we make up something nice somebody's up there managing everything don't worry he's a good manager of things and you're suffering you must be a bad guy you're having a good time oh you must have done some great karma somewhere all right so this kind of thing has been going on reward and punishment reward and punishment because fear and guilt is the way to control people karma comes into play in your life when you understand life is not about control life is about liberation any number of people coming to me and asking sadhguru how to control my mind i said why the hell do you want to control your mind do you want to liberate your mind or control your mind oh yeah i would like to liberate but how to control the problem is right now they are having mental diarrhea that's the problem when you're having mental diarrhea you think of control no your mind your intelligence your faculties who you are must be liberated boundary should be broken not set control mean to set boundaries to liberate means to break boundaries see look at yourself whoever you are right now whoever you may be whatever you may be you would like to be something more hello yes or no let's say that something more happens right now what what something more that happened right now what something more we can go on like this let's say what's your name elizabeth oh it's the right name also let's say we made you the queen of this planet hey don't look at me hopefully i will not commit such blunder let's say we made you the queen of this planet are you fulfilled and there no you will want the moon of course we give you the moon the solar system just a small one the moment you're the queen of solar system you look at the rest of the galaxy we gave you one galaxy will you close there no so there is something within you which wants to expand doesn't like it doesn't lack boundaries wherever you set the boundary it wants to be something more and something more and something more you're not looking for more you're looking for all something within you is longing to become boundless but right now trapped within physical limitations what karma means is the basis of your physicality see right now you have a physical body this physical body has taken this human form whatever you may eat let's say you ate only worms for the next five years do you think you'll become a bird hello i'm asking you no you do what you want there is memory here that it will not get confused it knows this is a human being do whatever you want this will only take human form because there is a software you cannot remove this is karma this is evolutionary memory next there is genetic memory you may not remember i can pick on you i'm picking on you because you're in the front row okay [Laughter] uh let us say 500 years ago how your great great great great grandmother looked you do not know but her nose is sitting on your face how your forefathers looked a million years ago you do not know but even the skin tone your body remembers so there's enormous amount of evolutionary and genetic memory over that comes karmic memory like this there are eight dimensions of memory i will not go into all that that is that's a humongous aspect so now all these memories put together here sits elizabeth when she says i am elizabeth it is an amalgamation of all this unimaginable levels of memory every cell in your body carries this when i say every cell in your body carries this what i'm saying is every cell in your body carries more memory than your entire brain can ever imagine trillions of times more after all see your parents not just yours all of us our parents were so stingy they gave us only one cell each virus coming at us in millions only one cell see that one cell remembered everything that it needs to remember isn't it they didn't have to give you a million cells to make you who you are just one cell nothing has been forgotten everything was there in that one cell isn't it so in every cell the volume of memory that you carry in one single cell is trillion times more than what you can imagine in your brain so there is a whole body of memory which is what we are calling as kerman certain aspects of memory are articulate certain aspects are inarticulate some are conscious some are subconscious and unconscious like this variety of memories without these memories you don't exist you cannot have a form there is a form to you only because of memory if there is no memory there is no physical form so all this together is called karma so does karma it is not a concept that you believe or disbelief it is always working here as you sit here since you were born what you were exposed to what you were not exposed to pleasant things that happened unpleasant things that happened every thought every emotion every action that you performed all that together the residual memory of all that is you right now isn't it as a person now this memory is not bad or good it's just there only because human beings have such a vivid sense of memory there is a possibility of our life becoming rich suppose what happened day before yesterday you forgot and only yesterday's memory is there in your head right now if this happens your body you will disintegrate but let's say even in your mind only what happened yesterday is in your mind you have a very insignificant life isn't it because from your childhood every little thing important not important good ones bad ones good bad ugly every kind is there in your head with all this you are there is a richness of experience to you so karma is neither good nor bad it is a platform upon which you sit if you stand on this platform and do your act today no problem your act will be rich but if this platform becomes like quicksand and you start sinking into it or you put glue on it and once you put your foot there you can't move anymore this has happened to people their memories have made them into statues they can't move anywhere they just stuck maybe they got this position or this position they just stuck there this is the way i can think this is the way i can feel this is the only way i can do it i can only love this person i cannot think of even looking at this person endlessly they are fixing themselves like this because they're allowing memory to seep into now memory means past you cannot fix the past you can only experience the present but you can craft tomorrow the way you want what is now is already here you can only experience it what is yesterday is not here you cannot fix it you can only pick and choose what you want that is if you have created a little distance between you and your entire memory bank now you can pick and choose what you want otherwise it seeps into your life everywhere it won't let you live it will make sure your present is like yesterday your tomorrow is like yesterday everything is like yesterday it will not allow you to live a fresh life you are not a fresh life in many ways because without you knowing your grandmother sips into you when you were 18 you thought i will never be like my mother i'm like this but by the time you're 45 suddenly you walk like her you sit like her you talk like her have you seen this happening and no no i didn't say you're 45 okay [Laughter] so because your mother your grandmother your grandfather seeps into your life they try to live dead people are greedy they want to live through the living it's very important that you enjoy them you remember them you value them you respect them but they must be little away if you do not create this distance you don't have a life of your own you're just an extension of something well you may be proud of that also but i'm just sorry because you're not a fresh life because no new possibility will open up above all you cannot move into the freedom space you will just be ruled by memory memory is a fantastic thing at the same time memory is a boundary see now i've seen you elizabeth if i see you tomorrow hey elizabeth why because you're in my memory if you're not in your ma if you're not in my memory i will look at you worship stranger all right so you must understand memory is a boundary of your experience right now these people are in my memory oh these are all my friends these people are not in my memory who are they you know so memory is a great possibility at the same time it's a prison of its own you're living within the sphere of your memory is simply because because people want to live with the familiar always this means what's in their memory or what's in their karma what this means is you have you are building a wall of self-preservation the walls of self-preservation after some time are the walls of self-imprisonment you cannot help it if you build a wall around you because there was an enemy outside let's say you built a wall around you now it's not only that enemy cannot come in even after he's gone you cannot get out isn't it so this is karma that your karma is a possibility at the same time it's a limitation so it's not about getting rid of it it is not about labeling it good or bad i'm particularly stressing on this because everything in this part of the world is labeled as good or bad everything is either good or bad i'm saying even on international news channels people are using words like good guys and bad guys the bad guys are always on the other side of course that means essentially i'm good you're bad that's all the fundamental principle is that all right whatever i do is good whatever you do must be bad well what this leads to you know but karma means it is the most dynamic way to exist that is you understand who you are right now whether you know all the detail of it or not but you're acknowledging who i am right now is entirely my making who i will be tomorrow now comes into my hands when we say karma it does not mean everything in the world will happen your way my life is my karma means my life is my making does it mean to say everything in the world will happen my way world happening your way or not is not important this one person must happen your way if this one person happened your way you are a fantastic being if you are happening exactly the way you want would you keep yourself blissful or miserable hello hello you must answer this question blissful whatever you may want for your neighbor at least what you want for yourself is highest level of pleasantness isn't it the only problem is you are not happening the way you want because somewhere you have attributed yourself to something else that i am like this because my father well we can't change the guy now that was done long time ago now if i say i'm like this because my father was not all right well you're a lost case aren't you you're a lost case because who you are right now this is your karma if you see this this moment's karma will be 100 in your hands past karma you cannot change what you did yesterday can you change you cannot change this wanting to change comes because you're looking at something that is dead see among dead people you don't say oh this is a good guy this is a bad guy whoever dies you hello this much culture everywhere there is in the world except a few people who do terrible things even to the dead bodies there are a few people like that otherwise generally in every culture irrespective of what religion culture whatever it is when somebody's dead because he's not a good guy or a bad guy he's just there no trouble isn't it so this problem of labeling everything as good or bad is coming from the fundamental aspect like this because we perceive everything partially see right now if you see this part of my hand you cannot see this part of my hand this is the nature of your perception what you see what you hear what you smell what you taste everything is in parts you never grasp the whole thing because of this you perceive everything in parts once you perceive things in parts see light is good darkness is bad no no whole lot of creatures won't agree i'm maybe even the los angeles society won't agree yes there is more life i'm not talking about your city i'm talking about the world okay in terms of various species there is more life alive in the night than in the day the forest comes alive in the nights so you t you sit with uh let's say you sit with an owl and start an argument which is light which is darkness you and the owl where do you think it'll get hello endless argument who is right i'm asking you are the all hello both right see if you are saying both right this means either you are in the diplomatic core or you have a successful marriage you learn to say both both both to everything see one can be right or the other can be right or both can be wrong both can't be right isn't it which is light which is darkness how can both be right but in marriage it happens you have to say both otherwise you're fired so this is something we need to understand that our faculties as sense perception is only good for survival not for exploring the nature of the existence it is nice you can see here smell taste this is good for survival process if you see clearly you will survive better if you hear clearly you will survive better but this will not open up the doors of existence for you to know because there is no knowing i'm saying something as stark as like light and darkness you cannot decide there is no experiential dimension to it to clearly tell you which is which isn't it because a whole lot of people whole lot of creatures think night is light day is darkness so that is how limited sense perception is because sense perception is attuned for your survival in you the survival is tuned one way in the owl it's another way in all other creatures it's different ways the way you see things other creatures are not seeing things that way that doesn't mean they are wrong and you're right it's just that nobody is seeing the full picture with this we are making conclusions not only about creation also about the creator this is like let's say we gave you a million piece jigsaw you found four pieces you put it together and said wow this is a crow but it's a million piece jigsaw so if you want to perceive this you need to transcend sense perception if you transcend per sense perception you have no problem with karma karma has no impact on you it doesn't matter what kind of karma you have it has no impact on you if you are limited to your sense perception karma plays its role because the very way you see something it influences that because i is not a simple camera it is depending upon the memory bank within the brain for it to see people in a certain way just based on the shape of the nose or color of the skin or something else like that thousand things happen in people's minds isn't it hello all the time so this is because they genuinely feel that way see they're not pretending they genuinely feel that way this is why it's extremely important that we handle this karma properly because if you really want to solve all the discriminatory process on the planet the most important thing is to understand how are you coming to this on what basis is somebody beautiful somebody ugly on what basis is somebody good somebody bad if you look at this you will see it is your karma that is the way your karma is unless you rise above that you cannot help making judgments this is good this is bad this is okay that's ugly that's beautiful like this it goes on making without your permission isn't it it's not asking your permission it just makes it automatic because the karma is there if you do not distance yourself from that so this retribution this idea of retribution is coming from this fundamental uh i was about to say an ugly word which goes very well in india but i don't want to use that word here for you so uh what this retribution comes from this idea that you know the parents and the teachers in their own image they created god if you do something they'll wrap you on your knuckles otherwise they'll smack you in the face otherwise they'll reward you with something chocolate cake the same thing expanded becomes hell in heaven this is a very simplistic idea selling for a long time and every time i'm seeing these days especially i thought it was past but once again the younger people are doing this everything some something good happens bad happens they'll look up they're looking up for help see you're on a round planet hello is the planet round or flat what do you think in california is it round or flat so you're sitting on a round planet and the damn thing is spinning all the time and if you look up you're obviously looking up in the wrong direction hello yes or no do you know what is up in this cosmos hello is it marked somewhere this side up this side down no you you cannot even figure which is up and we which is down go and ask people in australia which is up they'll say like this so you do not even know what is up and what is down but you are so knowledgeable about what is up there this is dangerous so karma means you are the maker of your life when you it doesn't mean that you created the planet okay it doesn't mean you created the cosmos no no no the maker of your life do not talk about things which are not in your experience if you talk about something which is not your near experience if we put it very bluntly we have to just say your bloody lying hello just just look at the society look at the scriptures look at the religions look at the philosophies sincerely just as a simple human being look at it how much lie how much truth enormous amount of lies passing on from generation to generation generation to generation if you stop this then you will come to terms with your karma and you can become the maker of your life if you you know i may think i'm a yogi from southern india okay mystic from southern india not an easy thing so if i walk off this thing well i will crash on my head or you think i'll walk away in the air what do you think come on have some trust this happened a jewish rabbi went to israel he was very excited first time from america he went to israel and he went to lake galilee so he asked the boat man i want to take a ride take me across the lake and bring me back how much guy said five hundred dollars said what for a half an hour boat ride five hundred dollars it shouldn't cost more than fifty he said five hundred dollars are you not getting it because this is not just a lake this is a sacred place do you know on this lake jesus himself walked upon the water then the rabbi looked at the boatmen and said well i can imagine at this price anybody would walk please have a question high side guru my name is majeed i have a personal question um when the covet came about i felt that um it was a pause for me from as you said as a human being i was always doing and it was in a rat race and i thought it was a pause for me to really become a being and then i see the moment that there's an opening i go back to that same brad race do you have any tool that i can use to really stay with the being rather than the doing see a being does not mean that you don't have to do or if you do your being is not going to get corrupted because i'm in action this doesn't mean my action will corrupt me the problem is the residual impact of the action is staying with me this is what we are referring to as karma every action when i say every action as you sit here your body is doing its things your mind is doing its things your emotions are doing their things your energies are doing its own thing this is true whether you're in wakefulness or in sleep all the time but let us take wakefulness let's say from the moment you woke up today morning to this moment how much of these four dimensions of activity are you doing did you perform consciously if you look at it for almost everybody in the world it's way below one percent if you want to understand what is the consequence of such a life i won't give you a car because that will be dangerous to other people we will give you a bicycle ten minutes you will ride this bicycle but out of this nine minutes you will keep your eyes closed do you know where we know where to pick you up all right in this mountain the next bend we know you're gone yes or no yes you're very good maybe the next one so right now when you live accidentally anxiety is normal because people are so anxious they think their activity is a problem in every activity they're anxious what will happen what will happen because of this they think activity is a problem no no activity is not the problem your anxiety is the problem anxiety has come because you're living accidentally if you live consciously why would you be anxious if you live consciously your thought and emotion would happen the way you want it if it happened the way you want will you create anxiety because all the wonderful things that a human being can be has been exported to heaven if you say joy people say divine joy if you say peace people say divine peace if you say love people say god loves you these are all human qualities if you are willing you can be joyful you can be peaceful you can be blissful you can be loving hello even your dog is capable of doing it isn't it so you don't have to go that far uh you know i'm in our center is in tennessee tennessee you know tennessee yes it's a very beautiful place and uh it's a large center it's the largest meditation uh facility in the western hemisphere really still we have not advertised because we're still doing many things and it's always full so we have not put it out in the country so i was new in tennessee it's a small little village you know like a small town called mcmanville so i'm walking through this town and i'm new there and i'm smiling and saying hello to people some people very friendly and saying hello some people look through me like that because i'm just on the edge anybody a shade darker than this cannot be there in the town i'm just on the edge you know so they're looking at me like that then one huge man this wide and over six feet tall comes and stands close to me just a few inches away i have to look at him like this he looks down at me and says good losses i said the way you are only god can love you before it went through years and all those complicated wires and got there i was gone [Laughter] so i'm saying god loves you means nothing nobody around you can help loving you that's a great way to be hello make yourself in such a way everything a plant should love you an animal should love you human beings can't help it if you make yourself like that you are a worthy life god loves you he has to love the mistakes he has made so being is not against you doing it is just that life happens this way being doing and then having but right now you've created a whole society where it's always about having what is it it's called i'm sorry it's an american dream [Music] most destructive idea because they're telling me if all the 7.6 billion people on the planet should have what an average american citizen has we need four and a half planets but we know we have only half we have only half a planet half has been scraped out all right so it is a bad dream but it's come true for a whole lot of people so first thing is having i want that that that what to do do something do whatever the hell but get those things so first having then doing because you do this you become something this is completely against the natural order of life so most successful people have the most miserable faces on the planet please look at this i was you know like i've been regularly there at the world economic forum in 2008 when i was there there was a little bit of a market fall and there was a kind of a minor depression in the market these are all about 1200 people everybody is a multi-billionaire all right that yeah they were all a little few billions less than what they were three months ago there's a huge depression so they asked me to handle a session called what recession and depression i said see recession is bad enough now you're depressed but now what is the choice we have see if the economy booms if all of you guys multiply your billions and economy booms we are damned if the economy goes into recession you're depressed i prefer that you're depressed rather than all of us being damned yes i am telling you if everybody fortunately 50 of the world's population is lazy and they're the ones who are saving the world yes if everybody used all their talent and intelligence and activity and everything they became full-on busy the world is finished in the next 10 15 years time 50 of the population is lazy and they are saving the world and it's such a shame that it's not human intelligence which saves this world it's not human love it saves this world it's not human sense which saves this world it's human lethargy which saves the world that's not nice isn't it but that's a reality right now so don't think being means not doing establish your way of being and do whatever is needed in the world what you get to have will you to have don't put what you want first and then start doing things this has become the norm unfortunately in this part of the world for which everybody is going to pay a price am i being too abrasive you okay for one more question yes hello very wise words really enjoying the session i just want to ask you for one recommendation on what to do with those that we love around us that have become depressed that they don't want any help but you still care enough to want to help and they're not letting them get helped say mental health is as a problem is going into a proportion that we have not imagined before the number of people getting mentally ill is unfortunately too high that many people have no business to be ill but unfortunately it's happened and it's getting younger and younger when we were growing up well 12 15 year olds can they ever get depressed simply no nobody can suppress us but now school children are depressed i'm telling you in the year 2018 because we ran a campaign in 2018 about this and we touched 46 000 schools to teach them simple ways to achieve some sense of mental health that year i think the previous year 2017 18 600 children below 18 years of age in india committed suicide out of this 6 100 or below 15 years of age that means between 10 and 15 years of age a child is wanting to take it to his own life or her own life this is a time when you're supposed to be exuberant in a life all right a 10 year old child wants to kill himself or herself what does this mean we're doing something fundamentally wrong isn't it hello we're doing something fundamentally wrong what is that wrong thing i'm sorry i'll i'll come to your thing but we need to understand this problem is not individual it's becoming like a pandemic the wh is predicting there's going to be a mental health pandemic and there is going to be a suicide pandemic because suicide is shocking and it's in your face but somebody is suffering within themselves uh they can ignore you know they'll go home and suffer what's our problem but it is potential when suffering becomes beyond bearable they'll want to take their life it's better to die than be like this this will naturally come when suffering becomes so much and we have energized suffering that is also there in the name of philosophies in the name of religions in the name of ideologies we have energized suffering we think suffering makes you profound well if you have a miserable face does it mean to say you're profound unfortunately this has been so in the world this image has been created so there are many many many aspects i don't want to go into all that how do we help them see one thing is when once somebody is depressed or in some kind of mental state i don't want to give it a name depression manic depression this these are more and more labels to people it's not necessary they are not feeling healthy and happy that's all essentially there is a natural urge within you to have pleasantness of body pleasantness of mind pleasantness of emotion and pleasantness of life and pleasantness of atmosphere around us isn't it so is there a natural longing in every life if your body becomes pleasant we call this health if it becomes very pleasant we call it pleasure if your mind becomes pleasant we call this peace if it becomes very pleasant we call it joy if your emotions become pleasant we call this love if it becomes very pleasant we call this compassion if your very life energies become pleasant we call this bliss if it becomes very pleasant we call it ecstasy if your surroundings become pleasant we call it success only to create pleasantness of surrounding you need the cooperation of all these people right now if you want to keep this atmosphere pleasant we need the cooperation of all these people any one of them can freak right now please don't and i don't think that's an instruction but for pleasantness of body pleasantness of mind pleasantness of emotion and pleasantness of energy it is 100 my business isn't it this is why karma is very important the way i experience my life is hundred percent my business what happens around me is not hundred percent anybody's everybody has a peace in it isn't it maybe you can push for a bigger piece but nobody has 100 percent control over the external situation but what happens here is 100 percent my situation isn't it this has not been incalculated in inculcated in children we right from young age we are telling them if you don't have this oh you have failure exam and you're happy how can you be hello you know i can i say something about myself because there are no children i can say no school going children at least when i went to school all these monthly tests were there i was very consistent i always got six zeros because i never wrote anything not a word if they insisted i wrote my name otherwise i just gave it and then i don't know how it comes in united states in india for some reason these stupid report cards are always yellow cards they're not sealed just folded like this so every month this report card comes and within the classroom some people are strutting around because uh their first second third something some people are sitting and crying they're afraid to go home because they didn't get whatever number they wanted i just took it and gave it to my father and my father always blew i thought my teacher is writing some nasty love letter to my dad and he's every time he sees this yellow card he just blows i never once opened and saw because i thought this is a transaction between my teacher and him why should i look into it you know once uh you know but always i passed i never got retained i always the final exam came i just wrote enough to go to the next class because i don't want to be left in the old one i want to go so when i passed like this i got 33rd rank my father asked how many students in your class i said 33. so you got 33rd rank so yeah isn't that the highest number no no you must be number one what number one means this ugly thing is that you want to sit on top of all these people you're teaching children from day one that everybody should be below you always what you enjoy is not your success what you enjoy is other people's failure this is sickness you're setting forth sickness from the very beginning from the very beginning don't be surprised that so many children are becoming mentally ill this is a fundamental there are many many other aspects in the society and that continues everywhere if your car is little shinier than my car i am supposed to feel depressed this is marketing in india they're advertising neighbors envy you know television set neighbors envy that's why you buy it i met a very dawn of indian automobile industry and he's a he's a wonderful man he's managing one of the largest companies in the world and he's passionately involved with flying and automobiles racing and everything so we met he came to the yoga center and everybody thought we were going to talk spirituality but we are talking engines we're talking airplanes both of us are helicopter pilots we're discussing all these people are sitting and watching we want some spirituality but no engine is very spiritual if you do it tune it right so this was going on and then i said see i read all the automobile advertising advertisements that come in the newspaper and magazines i'm not planning to buy any of them but i'm interested in machines anything that works whether it's human body or a machine if it works i'm interested then i say what's happened you are such a passionate automobile person until internal combustion engine has ruled our life since we were 10 12 years of age no i know you're all tesla people but i said when i look at your advertisements they're talking about the leather they're talking about the you know the wooden paneling they're talking about the stereo what is it that you're selling a car or a sitting room i said guru who wants to buy a car they just want to buy paint work he's saying it's frustrating because nobody appreciates a good machine for what it is because they're not buying it for driving pleasure they're buying it because they want their neighbor to burn his own soup you think this is healthy you think you will not be depressed like this you should be isn't it because it's such an unhealthy trend which is brought into our schools which has endured into every aspect of our life this is just one aspect it's because this one thing if you remove believe me half the people won't be sick so somebody's already there what to do see there is no one magic wand there isn't unfortunately the problem with mental it's the physical ailment means you can clearly see you can put an x-ray mri we can see what's wrong what's wrong with the mental thing you don't know when they're really sick when they're acting up when they're what you can't make out so many thousands of people that we have tried to help and we have brought brought many people out of depressions and other kinds of ailments but that takes long committed approach there is no quick magic wand one simple thing is if they are taking already on medication get to a nice kind of combo of meditative medication which makes them reasonably free and they can think a little better if that happens there are practices with which we can change your chemistry maybe three months six months in a dedicated way if they approach it we can change their chemistry from within and slowly we can wean them off the medicines or the drugs that they're taking it is possible but in in many cases there is some pathological element which is very difficult to handle it's simply it goes out of hand whichever way you try to do it so there is no one magic wand but if you have children if you bring i'm even afraid to use the word yoga in los angeles because it scares me what's happening well it's being done like a physical thing all right i have not seen too many i've been into one or two and see yoga means union it is a device for you to obliterate the boundaries of your individual nature so that you can experience life beyond your physical boundaries when you make such a science into simply an exercise regimen well if i give you an airplane but you don't know this a flying machine you want to bring it here you know it these two ugly things is going to hit your trees and lampposts and everything so you cut off these two things and drive it home and think it's a great car or a bus yes it is but somebody who knows what it means to fly looks at an airplane with chopped off wings he will cry that's how i feel so there are yogic systems i'm not talking yogic asanas there are yogic systems with which you can change your very chemistry but this needs a disciplined approach it's not a magic wand you have to work so if there is a person like that and obviously that person will have somebody at least usually unless they've crossed all boundaries somebody that they reasonably trust and listen to that somebody should come with that person and willing to spend three months six months working then it's possible not absolutely so it is possible my name is rose how wonderful i'm a practitioner of chinese medicine and we talk about um cycles of jing or i guess they're kind of um phases of consciousness or life stages um for women it's more like seven years and men usually and i'm curious in talking about karma and uh transforming our patterns or transforming in the hope of transforming our karma do you have a sense of whether that has a longer arc of the memory as as you talked about um being transformed see everything that's physical in the universe is cyclical in nature if you take an atom [Music] something is cyclical if you take the entire cosmos something is cyclical solar system cyclical our own bodies cyclical so what is the cycle fundamental cycle of our human body well because they are making faces at me that i'm not living in time so i will make this simple but some part of it i think is addressed in the book i don't know to what extent because i have not read the book sometime some time ago since i finished the book so uh the shortest cycle that can happen in human body is the lunar cycle 28 days which is the basis of our birth only because our mother's body bodies physiologically our mothers bodies were in sync with the cycles of the moon we are here today otherwise we wouldn't be here today so that is the shortest cycle but in terms of karma in terms of psychological processes in terms of emotional aspects cycles can be made bigger even the physiological cycle can be stretched if apart from the reproductive cycle which is 28 days the rest of it you must move towards the solar cycle which is 4356 days which is nearly 12 years that is the best cycle that you can hit if you hit a solar cycle in your life then you will see the external situations have no impact on you everything you do is completely from within you this is something you need to achieve there is a little bit of work to do there is something called a surya kriya if you do this kriya slowly you're working towards pushing yourself into larger cycle see if the circle is very big it feels almost like you're going straight isn't it circle is small then your head will spin because so if your karmic cycle gets into lunar cycle value will be gone you will be gone that's why lunar and luni is connected you know yes it is if you get into the lunar cycle physiologically reproductive aspect of a woman is in the lunar cycle that's not the point but if your karmic cycle gets into lunar spin value across limits let's say it went into a three-month cycle still you're psychologically very disturbed six months still imbalanced you know somebody who is off and on depressed and going here there but otherwise quite efficient and doing well maybe three year cycle six year cycle pretty well balanced once in a way they freak little provocation they will freak as it goes further away the this atmosphere around you or the surroundings have less and less impact on you you're not provocable that means you become more and more of a complete life that is when you know what it means to be right now everything is in reaction it is not a conscious response this reaction mode is simply because the survival instinct the survival instinct is so dominant simply because your identification with the body is so heavy right now and body is the front end when body is the front end survival instinct is the most dominant instinct within you when that is on you can only be reaction you cannot be conscious response to anything so getting into the solar cycle from the lunar cycle essentially is the journey in yoga as you know it is called hatha yoga hatha yoga means sun and moon are sun and moon so it's a journey from moon to sun that is you make your cycle larger and larger as you become larger then you see there is a relaxation in the system the body is at ease here we can't do it in india means uh we do a cobra test for you that is like a wild cobra if you just pick it up it should just come in your hands if it notices a little bit of any agitation in you it will go for you if your chemistry is completely balanced you can pick up a cobra like this it'll simply come in your hands you will see there are many many images and videos where i'm handling a king cobra king cobra has enough venom to kill an elephant in if it bites you in the body six to eight minutes is all you have it's a lot of time so this cobra test is very simple you go pick up the cobra it should come undisturbed in your hands this is why wherever there is a yogi there is a cobra you have seen adi yogi has a cobra around him this is a a way of saying that he is in such a state even if he keeps the cobra here it never bites him because the cobra is at ease because his chemistry is absolutely balanced above all balance whatever talents you have whatever intelligence you have whatever capabilities you have all of them will work for you only if there is a fundamental sense of balance above all balance if there is no balance your intelligence is a curse it works against you right now human beings are only suffering their intelligence hello if you had half the brain that you have you would be very peaceful hello it is the cerebral activity that you're not able to handle a lot of people think they would be better off being an earthworm of course it's true the problem is evolution that you have been brought to a place where there is immense possibilities unharness possibilities are serious problems right now that is the human state so whatever system wherever it comes from essentially you're trying to move into a larger cycle which is definitely a good thing hey thanks for watching if you liked this interview from the commune podcast then i think you'll love this video right here what is real how do we know it's real how does that help us fulfill our dreams desires intentions whatever word you want to use
Channel: Commune
Views: 756,068
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Keywords: wellness, well-being, commune courses, commune, online learning, yoga, holistic practices, spiritual awakening beginners, sadguru speeches latest, power of manifestation sadhguru, karma, sadhguru latest, sadhguru, manifestation, destiny, sadhguru interview latest, sadhguru latest interview 2021, sadhguru speech about life, sadguru speech about happiness, sadguru speech about relationship, sadguru speech about religion, sadhguru talks about religion, sadhguru joe rogan
Id: ziqtmClyxwo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 55sec (4495 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 02 2021
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