Create Vintage Text Posters with inkscape

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this is Nick with logos by Nick comm and in today's tutorial I'll be demonstrating how you can create this vintage style text poster using Inkscape and if you'd like to learn more about helping state berks be sure to check out the Inkscape master class which is a collection of over 50 videos where i go over all of the major tools and features in Inkscape and i explain what they are and demonstrate how they work I'll put a link in the description of the video if you want to check that out so I'm gonna go ahead and get started here in Inkscape I'm gonna open up a blank canvas as you can see here and I just want to make sure that we're all working with a similar view before we get started so I'm just gonna come up here to where it says view make sure you have custom selected and then we'll go to zoom we're going to zoom in at 1 to 1 and then I'll open up the align and distribute menu with this button over here and then I will open up the Edit objects colors gradients and Stroke menu with this button right here and where it says online and distribute you're gonna want to make sure you have last selected chosen where it says relative too and once we've done that we're good to get started so the first thing we're going to create is the actual text so I'm gonna grab the text tool over here and I'm gonna click on the canvas I'm gonna use all caps for weather right now I'm going to create each text item on its own line so I'm gonna write how for the first line second line to create and for this third line vintage just like I had in the thumbnail of the video how to create vidiq text and posters each on its own line and what I'll do now is let me grab the Select tool I want to take this text right here this middle word vintage if you saw in the thumbnail of the design I had that word over I had it placed on top of like a banner so I want to make sure I use a different font for this for this word right here I'm gonna open up the text editor I'm gonna click on that text and hold ctrl shift T to open up the text editor or you just click on this T icon up here I like to use control shift T cuz it's easier and the font I'm going to use is called Z a B is a zaba Tanna poster I'm gonna go with that I'll have a link in the description to a poster I have all of the fonts and textures I'm gonna be using in this tutorial you don't necessarily have to use these fonts that I'm using you can use whatever fonts you'd like but if you really want to get that vintage look that I have in the a thumbnail the video I'd recommend downloading and installing these fonts so I'm going to apply that I want to make that a little bigger by holding ctrl and shift and clicking and dragging to scale that up and for these text items over here I want the font I'm going to use for that is ctrl shift T I'm going to use League gothic there we go of me use the normal regular size apply that let me make that a little bigger ctrl shift and scale that up and I just want to put everything near each other over here let me click and drag over all of these and in the align distribute menu I'm going to Center them on the vertical axis and then I'll come down here to distribute and I'm going to click on make vertical gaps between objects equal so let me click off of that to deselect everything what I want to do now is make each of these objects the same width except for this middle text right here so let me click on this word right here I'm going to turn on this lock icon where it says when lock changed both the width and the height by the same proportion turn that on I'm gonna right click that and go to copy and then when I click on this top word up here and go to edit paste size paste width and it's gonna make it the same width as the next item I'll come down here and do the same thing edit paste size paste width we're not going to do this with this middle word here because this word needs to be a little bigger than the others because this is gonna go on a banner and it'll do the same thing down here edit paste size paste with and what I will do now is I want to put little lines between these two text items right here so I'm gonna grab the squares and rectangles tool and I'll just click and drag to create a little rectangle in there let me get rid of that stroke by holding shift and clicking the X I want to make that black I grab the Select tool bring that down a little bit these are just meant to be little access little accent pieces they don't have to you don't have to necessarily use these but I think they make the design just come together a little more and again I want to make these I want to make these the same width so I'll go to edit paste size paste width there we go now let me right click that little duplicate bring this one down here there we go let me bring these all a little closer now in fact I want to take this middle text right here and make that even bigger right about there bring these a little closer now I'm going to click and drag over all of these I'm gonna do the same thing again the same thing again I'm gonna Center them on the vertical axis and then distribute make vertical gaps between objects in equal like that okay now I'm going to click off of that to deselect everything now what I'm gonna do is we're gonna work on creating a banner for this word vintage right here so let me take these objects right here and just hold ctrl and just move them out of the way a little bit and I'll take these objects and do the same thing hold ctrl move it up out of the way and now I'm gonna grab the squares and rectangles tool well you know what first what I want to do is let me go back to the Select tool let me click on this text right here and make this white then I'll grab the squares and rectangles tool and I'm gonna create a rectangle going over the text right there I'm gonna make that black grab the Select tool I'm gonna send that to the bottom by clicking the button that says lower selection to the bottom or what I like to do is just press end on the keyboard at the end key and it sends it to the bottom that's good let me just size that up a little better we want a little bit of padding around the edges not too much though and then I'll hold shift and click on the word and just make sure I have it centered up on the vertical and horizontal axis let me click on that click off of it to deselect everything now I'll take just this object right here just this rectangle I'll get a path object to path and then I'm gonna right-click it and go to duplicate and I'm gonna make this red and I'm gonna give this a red stroke by holding shift and clicking on the color red and then I want to send that to the bottom by pressing end on the keyboard and the red stroke I want to make that a little thicker I'm gonna come up here to the stroke style tab but I'm gonna increase the size of that a little bit maybe a little bit more there we go that's that's a good that's a good thickness right there now what I want to do is convert this to a path so I'll go to path stroke the path and then paths break apart and then paths Union and the whole point of that was to end up with the rectangle just like this black one here only slightly thicker on all on both dimensions right there now what I want to do is take this black rectangle and duplicate that I'm gonna click on it then press control D on the keyboard I'm trying to take this and move this down to the left over here like that and I'm gonna send that to the bottom by pressing end on the keyboard let me move this down here like this I'm gonna grab the nodes tool click and drag over these two these two nodes to the right right here hold ctrl and just click and drag these over to the left like that this is gonna be like the tail kind of like the tail of the ribbon right about there is good now I'm gonna click and drag over those nodes right there and I want to insert a new node in the middle so we'll come up here to the very top left where it says insert new nodes into selected segments click on that and then I want to click on just that new node right there and hold ctrl and just move this over to the right to give it kind of like a little bit of a fish tail for the ends there may be a little less that's good right there now let me grab the Select tool again let me duplicate that by hitting ctrl D on the keyboard and I will flip that horizontally and bring this over here to the top right and I want to send this to the bottom as well I'm gonna press end on the keyboard I want to bring this right about here and then I'll hold shift and click on the other one so we have both of these little ribbon tails selected and I'll go to path Union and then I'll hold shift and click on this red rectangle right here and Center it up on the vertical and horizontal axis like that and then I'll go to path difference and there you have our ribbon so let me take this text these text objects right here and just hold ctrl and move them up a little bit and I'll do the same thing with these I'll click and drag over those hold ctrl move these down a little bit like that and that's what I'm looking for right there now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna click and drag over everything I'm gonna group them together by clicking the button up here that says group selected objects or you could just press ctrl G because I like to do and I'm going to share it a little bit so I'm gonna click on this object again if you notice here when you have it selected you have these arrows right here these are the scaling handles they allow you to scale an object if I click on the object its gonna give us the rotation and the shearing handles which will allow us to either rotate or shear the object I want this shearing handle over here to the right I'm just gonna click and drag that up a little bit maybe about that much right there that's pretty good and now it's time to create kind of like a frame or a border going around the words here so let me grab the squares and rectangles tool again I'm gonna click and drag to create a rectangle going over all of those words I want to make this I want to give this a black outline so I'm gonna hold shift and click on the color black and I want it to have no fill so I'm gonna click on this red X to get rid of a fill color and I want to make that border a little thinner I don't want to be that thick I'm gonna try maybe eight eight pixels that looks pretty good okay so let me go back to the Select tool let me convert that to a path by going to path object to path and then I want to hold shift and click on the text objects just to make sure we have it centered up on this horizontal and vertical axis like that now let me click off of that to deselect everything and click on just this rectangle right here I'm gonna go back to the nodes tool the edit pads by nodes click and drag over these top two nodes insert a new node in there and do the same thing down here take those two nodes and put a new one in there now what I want to do is grab just those two nodes right there click and drag over both of those and up here in the tool settings you're gonna see show transformation handles for selected nodes if I turn that on it's going to give us scaling handles for the nodes that we have selected which is going to be useful here which is what I want I'm gonna hold ctrl and shift and I'm gonna grab the scaling handle up here and you just pull this out a little bit if you notice here we're giving the top and the bottom a little bit of a tip like that now I'm going to turn off the scaling handles show transformation handles for selective nodes turn that back off so it doesn't get in your way the next time you go to use the nodes tool later on I'm gonna grab the select tool okay that right there is looking pretty good that's about what I'm looking for now what I want to do is put another border around outside edge of this border only slightly thinner so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna duplicate this I'm going to press control D on the keyboard and I'm gonna fill this with white and I'm gonna give this a white outline by holding shift and clicking the the color of white and for the width I'll make this larger I'm gonna go with maybe let's say twelve see how that looks and I want to send this to the bottom lower select objects to the bottom that's going to act this white border is gonna act as a buffer between the large black border and the smaller black border so let me duplicate that again control D and I'll make this one black and give it a black stroke by holding shift and clicking on black and I'll send that to the bottom as well and I'm gonna want to make this one a little better a little bigger I'm gonna try 20 okay so that's not quite what I'm looking for let me zoom in a little bit you could zoom in and out by holding ctrl and rolling up the mouse wheel I'm gonna take this white one right here I want this border this gap between the two borders to be bigger so I'm gonna make this one maybe 16 maybe 15 and then I'll take the other at the outer black border over here and I'll make that I'm gonna make this a little bigger than 25 looks a little too big let me try 22 a little bigger I'm just going to manually adjust that until it looks about right that right there is about what I'm looking for I think that looks pretty good so now I can click off of everything I want to zoom in and take just this outer border right here I want to go to path stroke to path path break apart path Union and I'm gonna do the same thing to the inner white border right there path stroke the path path break apart path Union and then hold shift and click on the outer black border so that we have both the white and the black borders selected and go to path difference now I'm going to click on the large black border and here the original one and I'm going to convert that to a path as well by going to path stroke the path and then finally I'm going to hold shift I'm gonna click on the other border so we have both of these borders selected and go to path Union now let me press one on the keyboard to zoom back out to 100% let me click off it to deselect everything it's looking pretty good now it's gonna make a few minor edits and we'll be all finished so let me click on the text objects in here and let me ungroup them by clicking the button that says ungroup selected objects or you can press ctrl shift G like that and what I will do now is I want to take this border right here I mean that this border this black rectangle right here I want to duplicate that by pressing control D and I want to make that red and I want to bring the opacity down in half roughly in half what I want to do is create a gap in these borders right here between the ribbon and the borders so I'm gonna use this red rectangle as a reference point for that so let me grab the nodes tool again I'm gonna clicking drag over this top node then I'll hold your shift click and drag over this node over here and I'm gonna hold ctrl and click and drag that up that's what about there that looks good I'll do the same thing down here clicking drag over this node hold shift click and drag over that node and then hold control and move this one down to about there so that is sticking out just a little bit further than the black ribbon beneath it then I'll grab the Select tool hold shift click on your border right there and go to path difference and that right there was the point of that I wanted to create that gap between the poor and the ribbon right there so the next step is I want to add a little bit of a little bit of an accent piece right here in the corners of the top and the bottom so to do that first what I want to do is enable snapping I'm gonna come up here to where it says enable snapping turn that on and we're gonna want to make sure we have this one selected it says snap custom nodes and this was well snap snaps smooth nodes and I'm going to take this border right here and I'm gonna duplicate that by hitting ctrl D on the keyboard and I'm gonna make this red and I'm gonna bring the opacity down in half now it's gonna click and drag and move this up I'm gonna snap this piece I'm gonna snap the bottom corner into the top corner of the original one right there and I want to take this red area what that's sticking out I want to use that as the accent piece so let me grab the Bezier pen which is over here or you could press B on the keyboard and I'm gonna start a line going right here in the middle of the black border come over here through here like this oops we go through here then here then back to the starting point grab the Select tool hold shift on the keyboard and click on the red object and go to the path intersection and that's what I'm looking for right there now I want to duplicate that by hitting ctrl D I want to flip that vertically and I want to click and drag this down here and then snap this onto there like that now let me zoom out a little bit again I'm holding ctrl and rolling down the mouse wheel to zoom I'm gonna hold your shift click on that red object so we have both red objects selected and then I'm gonna hold shift and click on them on the border and go to path Union and now I'll go to path break apart so that everything is an individual piece now and the whole point of that as you can see here is to create this little indent just a nice little accent piece for the design so the final step I would say would be to add the texture but first I want to add a little bit of color so let me uh first let me click and drag over everything and go to path object to path and that's going to take that text and change it from text objects to actual pads that we can work with now I want to click off of it to deselect I want to take just this word vintage right here I want to ungroup it unify it together by going to path Union and then hold shift and click on the banner underneath it and go to path difference and what that did was it pretty much just used the text as a reference to punch negative space punch a hole through the ribbon there so that I can change the colors and do whatever I want to it and as you can see it's kind of like a negative space between there in those words so now that I've done that I want to give this thing some color I'm gonna click and drag over all of it I'm gonna give this like a little royal blue or like a dark navy blue something like that that's pretty good I want to take this word I actually want to take this piece right here and make this a shade of gold obviously you can color this and however you'd like you don't have to use the colors I'm using here I'm gonna go the fill tab up here under the HSL tab I'm gonna take the saturation just bring that down a little bit you bring this up a little bit as well I want to do the same thing I want to hold shift and click on both the word text and this accent piece right here I want to grab the dropper tool and make that the same color as this there we go and I want to take let me grab the nodes tool I'm gonna click on just the word create here and click on that hold shift click on that each letter individually so that we have them all selected go back to the Select tool and then grab the dropper and make that the same color right there and then finally I want to take the outer border right here and I want to make that the same color as the gold so let me select those both grab the dropper over here or you can press D on the keyboard that's also another way to grab it grab the Select tool press 1 on the keyboard to zoom back out to 100% and what I'm going to do now is just click and drag over all of this and group this together ctrl G to group it together let me turn off the snapping for now because that's just gonna get in our way the final step is to add a little bit of a texture on here to make it look worn aged and again I'll have a link in the description of the video to a to a page with all of the resources including this texture what I'm going to do is once you have the texture hoping I'm gonna bring my folder over here just so you can see I have my folder over here I'm gonna take the I'm gonna take the texture grunge texture dot PNG and just click and drag it into Inkscape like that and just leave this little window that pops up just leave all the defaults there go ahead and click OK and there you have the texture let me zoom out a little bit so you can see this let me bring the opacity of that down roughly in half so we can see what's on there as well so what I want to do is place this texture over the image right here I'm gonna hold ctrl + shift and scale this down a little bit now if you notice where the black areas of the textures are like this is the black scratch marks when I apply this texture to this design all of those black scratches are gonna represent negative space in the design so all of those black scratches are going to become white or negative space within that design you'll see what I mean when I apply the texture so I'm telling you that so you can you could try to figure out where exactly you want the texture to be because like if you take this area right here which is all black and place it over here it's gonna punch out a big area of the design that's not going to be legible so I like to make sure I not I'm not using too much of the texture over the design maybe something subtle like that now I'll click and drag over both of those bring the opacity all the way up and go to object mask set and there you go I'd say that looks pretty good so I think that should do it for this tutorial that's how you can go about creating a vintage style text poster using Inkscape if you have any questions let me know and as always thanks for watching [Music] [Music]
Channel: Logos By Nick
Views: 51,931
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: inkscape, inkscape tutorial, inkscape vintage tutorial, vintage text poster, logos by nick, logosbynick, nick saporito
Id: Eh8j4RzkrxI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 59sec (1259 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 06 2020
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