Inkscape tutorial path effect equal space objects circle clock speedometer

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hello everyone it's lori at i'm going to show you today how you can rotate an object around a circle in an even way like like a as in a clock face or something or a dashboard widget or a speedometer odometer that sort of thing in xscape before we get started i'd like to introduce my inkscape beginner course here i'm going to explain in detail all the tools the tool sets and features in the inkscape program i'll explain what they are how to use them and why we use them if you'd like to check that out i'll have a link to that in the description okay so the first thing we'll do is grab the circle tool press shift and control and drag out a circle i'm just going to make it a black stroke so i'll press shift and black and then i'm going to press x to get rid of the fill so we just have a stroke here if you need to change the stroke we'll go to this panel here double click it open go to the stroke style i've got six i think i'll stick with it i'm just gonna close that up for now i'm gonna press ctrl d to duplicate this and then i'm gonna press shift and control to scale it in like so now i'm gonna select both of these objects because they are currently a shape a circle shape we're going to go path object to path we still want to retain the stroke properties so we're just going to choose this one here object to path and then i'm going to press ctrl d to duplicate it i'm going to put this copy aside select the original copy we'll go to path path effects okay i forgot a step here so let's with this selected we'll go path and combine and now we should have this plus sign available to us click it open scroll down till you get to stitch sub paths okay so instantly it gives us this default of four the reason it's four is because we have five in here so anytime whatever number you want let's say you want 12 you have to put 12 plus 1. so i'm going to put 13 for my first set of numbers and then i'm just going to put my cursor in here and there it is it's applied okay so i'm going to click off that graphic i'm going to make a duplicate of this ctrl d and i'll pull that down here so i'm gonna do the same with this one only i'm going to because i want let me show you the graphic here because i want the blue object to be shorter than the red object that's what that's why i'm going to scale this one a little bit differently so i'm going to make this inner circle just a little bit bigger and what that does it just makes the space between these circles smaller okay so i'll select both of these objects and like before we'll go path combine then we'll click this plus sign in the path effects editor stitch sub paths and again we've got the default four change our number to okay so if we want four in between here we need to do five times 12 plus one so 61 and i'll just put my cursor in here and there it is applied so we need to finalize these two objects here but before we do if you have crowding in here you just need to change the stroke so i have six chosen um if you if you can't find it it's right here just open this one here and third one is stroke so just change the stroke width mine is actually really good if you need to change it just change it there okay so i'm going to select both of these objects and then i will go path stroke to path to finalize them and then i'll select this one i'll make it red and i'll select this one i'll make it blue i'll select them both and it'll open up the align tab double click center vertically and horizontally okay so we need the red object to be on top so i'm just going to select the blue object and drop it to the bottom with it button okay starting to come along here so we'll grab the circle tool press shift and control drag out a circle select it drop it to the bottom i'm going to make it black and then i'm going to press shift and x to get rid of the stroke and again i'll just center that vertically and horizontally now this black object i think i'll scale it up just a little bit more and then i'll press ctrl d to duplicate it and i want this to be a stroke so i'll press shift and blue and then i will press x to get rid of the fill you know what you have down here when it says fill non-stroke blue all right okay so let's duplicate this black object in the middle i'll press ctrl d to duplicate it and let's turn it a lighter gray so that we can see it against the black background let's scale it using shift and control to the center should be at the center of your graphic size is up to you um i'm going to give it a radial gradient so to do that we'll open up this menu right here double click it open we'll go to the fill tab this time and radial gradient is right here and it remembers my previous setting but if you need to edit the gradient we do it with this button right here click and i'll choose this this here because it's it's uh has no opacity so i'm going to bring that all the way up and we'll choose like a gray or maybe a darker gray and i'll choose the middle here maybe something darker dark dark or all right that's a little better okay so you can play around with that if you need to scale this in just press shift and control and you can scale it in or out okay now i'm going to go select it i'll press ctrl d to duplicate it i'm going to give it a flat color maybe like a light grayish and drop it down below just one step with this button right here i'm going to scale it out press shift and control just a little bit and then you can play around with the blur um you know each each has a little bit of a different effect for more subtle or more pronounced opacity okay that's too much okay um all right um i don't like that all right okay so to do the needle i'm just gonna grab a rectangle tool click and drag out a rectangle maybe a small one like so let's make it red and i'll press shift and x to get rid of the stroke i'm gonna bring the opacity all the way up we need to turn this into uh an object so path object to path and then we have nodes which we will edit by selecting those two right there we'll come up here join selected nodes choose this button right here and then i'm going to flip it around till i get it in the position i like shift and control and to center this it used to be easier i seem to recall to enable snapping and then center it to the uh center of an object but i can't seem to find it that way so what i what i've done is just grabbed a let me get this out of the way so to find the center of the circle and just kind of snap it with the guide here just make sure your uh snap to center guides are on here and then i'll pull out another one here find the exact center and then i'll line it up to the guide it just seems easier that way sometimes just make sure it's snapping correctly okay and then when you've done that i'll just delete and delete okay and then uh this is on the wrong level so let's let's change the z order by lowering it one step one step there i'll press ctrl d i'll duplicate this or that one two and i'll just turn it green temporarily and then i'll nudge it with the arrow key on the keyboard just so i know where it's at i'll turn it red again and again just play around with the blurs um and the opacity something like that okay now numbers go to the text tool click on the a click on the board create a zero and then scale it smaller place it here zero now started my zero okay i've actually tilted the whole thing uh so that the top is actually in between the blue objects here but here i've got it straight so i'm just gonna i guess i could put the zero here ctrl d to duplicate this one i'll make i'll just go up by twenties i'm gonna triple click in here twenty and then i'm going to press ctrl d i'm just going to do this really quickly here ctrl d i'm just going to make a bunch of copies ctrl d and place them and you know you go as far as you like whereas it's not as far as you like i've left two untouched here so triple click to change so that'll be 40 6 8 one oh one two one four and again just uh size them or center them as as you like just so they're not so crowded and i'm doing this rather quickly so um let's see what's left here okay so i think there's a like a little bit of blur like if you had a black background or something like that what else okay i think that's it actually so i'll get this this thing out of the way so if i have a black background i'll drag that out i'll make it black i'll bring the opacity up select tool drop it down okay so in order to get it kind of glowy and i've chosen red and green i read it blue rather than you know the teal and red up there that i chose but i'll just select this blue stroke here i'm going to go path and stroke the path let's finalize that and then i'll press ctrl d to duplicate it i'm going to give it a teal color because that's what this color is a little more glowy i'm going to drop it down one two three four fives okay i'm going to scale it up shift and control turn these snaps off first just scale it up just a tiny bit so that you can see this this darker blue here and i still need to get that down there we go okay so click it however many times it takes to get underneath this darker blue and then again we'll just play with the blur and the opacity uh to give it a subtle or not subtle you know uh look and i think if i change this to teal as well ah let's see that's way more appealing so i'll change this one as well because see that's pretty cool okay so that is how you can create this graphic and these stitch sub paths to create objects around a circular path if you liked the tutorial please do hit that like and subscribe thanks for watching
Channel: Ardent Designs
Views: 1,030
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Inkscape tutorial, logo design tutorial, beginner inkscape tutorial, Illustrator tutorial, beginner illustrator tutorial, Inkscape 1.0 tutorial, Inkscape 1.0 tutorials, Inkscape tutorial path effect equal space objects circle clock speedometer, inkscape path effect, Inkscape stitch sub paths, odometer, speedometer, clock equal space object
Id: zlk4T3_7LHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 34sec (814 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 05 2021
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