Inkscape Tutorial: iPhone Swimming Pool

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[Music] yes this is Nick with logos by Nick calm and in today's tutorial I'll be demonstrating how you can create this graphic here depicting an iPhone with a swimming pool in using Inkscape so we'll go ahead and get started in Inkscape I'm gonna go ahead and open up the escape window by the way if you'd like to know how you can make Inkscape appear dark and with these custom icons a link to that information will be in the description of the video so the first thing we want to do is set up our documents so that we're all working on the same page here so the first thing we'll do is go to file document properties and we want to set the display units to px which is pixels and for the border we're going to uncheck the button that says show page border and that we can close out of that and what we want to do now is go to view make sure we have that cut set to custom and then we're go to view zoom zoom in at 1 to 1 and that will open up the align and distribute menu with this button over here and we're going to want last selected chosen from that drop-down and then we'll open up the Edit objects colors gradients and Stroke menu with that button there and the first thing we're going to do is draw a rectangle so we'll come over here to the squares and rectangles tool and just click and drag to create a rectangle that's slightly longer than it is wide something like that let's go over to the Select tool so we can change the width and height you notice here for the width I have 350 and for the height I have 465 that's a pretty good that's a pretty good dimension to have there 350 by 465 so if you want to go ahead and type that in manually that that would probably be good so once we have our rectangle we'll just convert that to a path by going to path object the path and I'll come over here to where it says opacity and drop this down about in half then I want to right click this rectangle and go to duplicate and I want to make that red and I want to take this top arrow and bring scale that up a little bit and take this one scale that up as well let me turn off snapping for now and take this right arrow and put this over to the right and take this one bring it to the left just to create like a little bit of a border going around it and then I want to come over here to where it says lower selection one step lower one step to meet the black rectangle there and I'll click and drag over both of those and make sure they're centered on the vertical and horizontal axis and then click off to deselect everything and what I'm going to do now is grab the rectangle tool again and create another rectangle going over these two maybe something that's a little longer than it is wide kind of like that sort of like what you'd see in an iPhone something like that and I'll just make that green and I'll take this little circle node to the top right here and bring that down a little bit to give this rounded corners go ahead and convert that to a path by going to path object to path and I'll go back to the Select tool and I'm going to drop this to the bottom of this button right here lower selection to the bottom and what I'll do now is I'll just click and drag over all three of those and make sure we have them centered on the vertical axis like that and then we can click off to deselect everything and then we'll want to take the green object and just make sure its position so that there's more space on this on the bottom side than there wasn't a top side maybe not that much maybe something like this that's pretty good and I'm going to put a little button right here for the home button so to do that I'll grab the circles and ellipses tool and I'll hold ctrl and shift in the keyboard and click and drag to create a perfectly round circle like that and I'll make that red I'll go back to the Select tool and put this in here I'll just hold ctrl and shift and scale that down a little bit right about there and I'll hold shift and click on the green rectangle and just make sure it's centered on the vertical axis and click off at the deselect everything I'm actually just going to bring this down a little bit and then I'll take these two and bring them down a little bit as well maybe about that much that's pretty good and I'm going to bring this up a little bit as well if you start moving these objects around like I'm doing here just make sure you hold ctrl while you're doing it so it locks it onto the vertical axis and the horizontal axis otherwise if you don't hold ctrl it kind of just moves around freely which we don't want we wanted locked onto the specific axis in the direction that we're moving it what we'll do now is put a little slit up here just a little like a little rectangle slit for the speaker like that right there so grab the rectangles and squares tool click and drag to create another rectangle something like that go back to the Select tool hold shift click on the green rectangle and Center it on the vertical axis click off at the deselect and I'll just move that up a little bit again holding control loudly while we do that to lock it on to the vertical axis I'm going to pack object to pass and I'll just move that up a little bit as well and click off of it and deselect everything so we have this shape of our phones set so what we should do now is start to color this in a little bit so I'll click and drag over all of this bring the opacity all the way up click off of it to deselect everything and I'll click on the green the green part and I'll make it a very light shade of grey something like that is that ECE CEF F and then for this side in here if you notice I made this sort of like like this is a light blue going around the outside and then I got a standard shade of blue going on the inside so to do that I'll click on the red rectangle and I'll make that like a light a very light dull shade of blue maybe something like this now maybe even a little lighter maybe something like that then I'll click on this black rectangle here and I'll make this maybe this shade over here which is zero zero c c FF like that and then I'll click on that red circle hold shift click on this red rectangle and I'll make these like a darker slightly darker shade of grey than what the phone is click off of the deselect let me go back to this rectangle right here I don't quite like that shade I'm going to make this I'm going to come up here to where it says fill and under the HSL tab I'm going to take that s row and slide that to the right a little more to give that a little more color we can click off that deselect everything and what I'll do now is I'll click and drag over all of this and I'll click on it again to get the rotation indels and i'm going to hold control and take this top arrow here in the center and slide this to the left two steps while holding control so we'll go one two like that and then I'm going to hold control and grab this bottom right corner arrow and rotate that counterclockwise a couple of steps either two or three let me see one - yeah - that's pretty good like that and leave that how that is for now and if you notice here in the thumbnail I have the background set is yellow and the phone itself is not actually great it's actually white so let's set up our document to reflect that let's go back to file document properties and we're going to look for background color click on that and those are the HSL tab we want to just take the H row and bring this to a shade of yellow take the s row bring that all the way to the right take the a row and bring that all the way to the right and I'm actually going to have to go back do something like that that's pretty good if you want to use the exact values I'm using here just hit forty 255 255 255 and I should I should get to where I'm at here then we go ahead and exit out of that and then exit out of that we have our background set to that shade of yellow so now we can take this gray phone right here and just make that white then we can take this gray object hold shift click on the other gray object and just make them a little lighter to match that and that's pretty good we can click off that to deselect everything so what I'm going to do now is create a little bit of depth for that phone here if you notice it's like a a gray object going beneath it right there to suggest that it's like a 3d object so to do that I'll click on the white object hit control D on the keyboard to duplicate that and then just hold ctrl and move this down here and then I'm going to grab the dropper tool which is over here or you can press f7 on the keyboard or I believe you could press V as well that'll actually no not the f7 to get the dropper or we just click the icon and make that the same shade of gray that the button is here go back to the select tool hold ctrl and move this up and lower that to the bottom of his button here lower selection to the bottom and I'm sure to hold control and move that up a little more and that right there is pretty good what we have to do now is just connect the sides together so let me just zoom it over this left corner right here by holding ctrl and rolling up the mouse wheel to zoom in so I'm gonna grab the bed z8n which is over here or you can press B on the keyboard to get that and I'm going to turn snapping back on and I want to turn on this button here that says a snap - it's not coming up there to snap the pads they little green squiggly line and snap the cursor onto this far left edge right here and click and hold ctrl and bring that line straight up until it snaps onto the white object and then click and then we can let go of control and finish up the line going around the outside of the yellow area back to the starting point let me go back to the Select tool hold shift click on the gray object and go to path Union then we can press one of the keyboard to zoom back to a hundred percent and you see we have that side set there so we're going to do the same thing over here on this side so let's go back to the Bezier pen or you press B on the keyboard if you'd like hold control roll up the mouse wheel to zoom in snap the cursor onto this far right side and click hold control bring the line straight up until it snaps to the white object click and let go of control and bring it all our way around back to the starting point go back to the Select tool hold shift click on the gray object and go to path Union press 1 on the keyboard to zoom back out to a hundred percent and now we can click off that to deselect everything so what we'll do now is we're going to create the all of like the blue objects that you see inside of the phone here that create the illusion like it's a swimming pool with water inside of it so to do that let me get back into Inkscape I'm going to zoom it over this this top corner over here holding ctrl rolling up the mouse wheel go back to the Bezier 10 B is the keyboard shortcut and over here in the snapping new panel I'm going to turn off with snap 2 pads and I'm going to turn on snap the custom modes you'll see here I already have it turn so using it previously so go ahead and turn that on you should be able to snap the cursor onto this corner right here and then click and then just hold ctrl and move the cursor bring that line straight down about that much if you have that much is pretty good and then click now while still holding control bring the line out here so that it's running parallel with this blue edge here like that and click and then snap the cursor onto this corner over here and then back to the starting point and what we want to do now is go back to the Select tool and click on this blue object here in the center and duplicate that by hitting ctrl D and then hold shift and click on that little box that we just drew and go to path intersection and then we want to make this the same shade of blue that this is so we're going to the dropper and just make that the same shade of blue and come up here to the fill tab and under the HSL tab I'm going to take the elbow and slide that to the left a little bit to make that a little darker and maybe I'll take this 8th row and slide that over a bit as well to make that more blue and I want to get rid of that black outline by holding shift and clicking the X let me zoom out a little bit we're gonna do the same thing going this way now so let's go back to the Bezier pen snap to this corner and click then just snap to that corner and click hold control and bring the line going parallel with the edge of the blue shape click over to this corner and then back to the starting point and if you'd like to move the page around like I'm doing here just press down on the mouse wheel and move the mouse and that'll let you move the page around as well you could also hold down the spacebar and move the mouse that will also move the page and again we'll go back to the Select tool click on the blue object here in the center duplicate that by hitting ctrl D then hold shift and click on this line oh that box that we just drew and go to path intersection folks I messed something up there path intersection there we go and I'm going to make this the same shade of blue misses here so we'll go back to the dropper make that the same shade of blue but we'll make this a little lighter by taking the elbow lighting that to the right you want this to be lighter than this shade of blue here in the center and let's go ahead and get rid of that blackout line by holding shift and clicking the X and let me go back over to this thumbnail just as a reference here if you notice here this shade of blue here it's a little lighter it's a little bit darker than the blue going around the outside of the edge of the pool so that's one thing to keep in mind when you're setting the shade here so something something like that pretty good let me go back to the Select tool maybe I'll even click on this here let's go with this little edge around the pool make that a little lighter as well that's better let me just press one of the keyboard to zoom back out click off with the deselect everything and the next step would be to create a little box in here to look like it's create the illusion of like light reflecting off of it so to do that I'll just click on this blue object here in the center and hit control V to duplicate it and I'll just make that lighter using the s row over here the third row down with Inkscape 92 sometimes it glitches and other letters disappear so just touch the third row down in case yours is glitching as well I'll just hold ctrl and move this scale this down like that put this over here in the corner that's pretty good and click off that deselect everything and the next step now would be to create a little ladder to put in there so to do that we're going to create a rectangle so let's go to the squares and rectangles tool and I'll just make this off to the side of the page here I'll just click and drag on the canvas to create a little rectangle like that something thin and long like that and I'll take this actually you know what let me make the corner sharp again and then I'll take this one mode here and just bring that all the way down so we get that little rounded those little rounded edges there and I want to give that a red outline by holding shift and clicking on the color red and then click on the X over here to turn off the fill color and then let's come over to the stroke style tab I'm going to make it a little thicker we want to change this measure of units this unit of measurement to pixels px now I want to make this a little thicker so I'll try out maybe like a six or seven point stroke that's the good maybe trade 12 or try like 10 or something that looks I'll grab the selector on just put this over here to get a sense of how big it is compared to the rest of the pool and I'll just hold control and scale it looks old control and scale it down a bit that's pretty good like that let's say that's a pretty good size for me it's 10 it might be different for you if you're using a screen with a different resolution you may have to play around with this maybe for you it'll look good at like 5 or 6 or maybe even 18 who knows so just play around this you until you get like a good thickness like I have here this is going to be the ladder here so to do to create this to be a ladder let's zoom in on this by holding ctrl and rolling up the mouse wheel and before we do anything else let's just make sure we have join over here set to rounded and cap we have that set to round it as well and then we'll go to the Select tool not the Select tool the Bezier pen which is beyond the keyboard and bring the cursor up here right up towards the top on the inside of this red rectangle then click to create a new point hold control and bring the line straight out through here and click again and bring the line going around the outside of the shape here and right to about here towards the bottom left hand side of the rectangle hold control and bring the line straight through there and click and then back to the starting point so we end up with something like that we can go to the Select tool holding shift click on the red object and go to path cut path and that's going to cut them into two separate objects and let me click on the graphic and deselect everything and then just take this piece here and move this out and you'll see you just press Delete on the keyboard we're now left with just one little piece right here that's going to make up one of the sides of the ladder so I'm going to put this right about here I'm going to take this so I'm going to shorten this a little bit I'll go to the edit pads by nodes tool and I'll hold ctrl and just bring this node up a little bit it's a little too a little too long and I'll go back to the Select tool and I want to bring the opacity of this down a little bit I want to turn snap two pads back on the green squiggly line turn on snap two pads and make sure you have snap to Custer is that still turned on as well and I want to grab the object down by the bottom over here and snap it onto the edge of this light blue object snap that right there and then I want to duplicate that by hitting ctrl D and again grab the object now by the bottom and snap it onto the edge right about here maybe like that or maybe it may be right about here it's good that's going to make the second part of the ladder like a second the second handrail there and now we've got to put some steps or some rungs going through there so to do that we'll go back to the bezzie a pen snap to this corner here and click hold ctrl and uh oh you know what let's let's go back to the Select tool and let's do that over let's go back to the bezzie a pen snap to this path here and then click and then hold control and bring this line so it runs parallel with that blue edge right there until it snaps onto this red line here and then click and then hit enter and we want to make this line the same thickness that these two red lines are so let's go back to the Select tool and you can click on the red object and you can see here in the stroke style of tab I use the width of 10 pixels so I'll just go back to this black line and make that 10 pixels as well 10 hit enter give it a rounded cap and around to join bring the opacity down a bit go back to the right we're already on the Select tool so I'm going to duplicate that by hitting ctrl D I'll move that up a little bit holding ctrl while you click and drag to move that up I'll move this down a little bit I'll create one more step maybe control D bring that up to about there bring that up a little bit and then I'm going to hold shift and click on all three of those lines and click the button right here that says make vertical gaps between objects equal that's going to make sure they're all spaced out equally then we could hold shift and click on the the red object and then the other red object while still holding shift so we have everything selected and go to path stroke to path and then path Union and I want to take the steps let me turn off the snap to path I want to take the bottom of this right bank this right side here and just bring this like about right about through here like this halfway through this light blue segment like that because that's where the ladder would really be sticking out of so that's pretty good like that I'll bring the opacity all the way up and I'll make this a shade of gray maybe something a little darker maybe 40% gray that looks pretty good and to go back to the thumbnail you noticed part of the ladder turns blue because it's under the water to do that I'll just duplicate the ladder by hitting ctrl D and there's a duplicate copy then I'll click on the light blue here and then I'll hold the this light blue here in the center then hold shift and click on this light blue object right here as well and duplicate them both by hitting ctrl V and then go to path difference and then hold shift and click on the ladder and go to path intersection and then we can go to the dropper and make this the same shade that this is right here now we could press in one of the keyboard to zoom back out to 100% and there we have our ladder so let's go back to the Select tool next we're going to create the little floating rafts here to do that I can get my window to pop back up there it is we'll go we'll go to the circles and ellipses tool and then just hold ctrl and shift and click and drag to create a circle like that a perfectly round circle we'll get rid of the red outline by holding shift and clicking the X go back to the Select tool bring you a path to get this down a little bit and I'll duplicate that by hitting ctrl D and I'll make this I'll just make this red and hit ctrl ctrl and shift and scale it down maybe about that much that's pretty good then I'll take this blue circle I'll duplicate that by hitting ctrl D and I'll hold ctrl and move this down to about here and lower that to the bottom and this button up here this has a lower selection to the bottom I'm going to make that green and then I'll take this red object right here I'll duplicate that again by hitting ctrl D and I'll make this I'll make that green and I'll duplicate it again by hitting ctrl D and I'll make that red and then hold ctrl and just click and drag this down about that far and then we could hold shift oops we could hold shift and click on the green circle beneath it and go to path difference and now we can click and drag over all of that so we have it all selected and take this bottom arrow and just bring that up like that and I'm going to zoom in over this by holding ctrl and rolling up the mouse wheel click off it to deselect I'm going to take this this red circle right here and then hold shift and click on the blue circle and go to path difference and what I want to do now is I want to take this blue circle with its still selected I hit control V to duplicate that and I'll go to path break apart whoops path break apart and then pass the Union and I'll just hold ctrl I'm going to click on it again to get back to the scaling handle so it's going to hold ctrl and shift and scale that down a little bit maybe got that much and then hold shift and click on the green object and go to path difference and now we just connect the sides together so to do that I'll go back to the bezzie a pen we want to turn snap the pads back on snap to the left edge right here and click hold ctrl straight up until it snaps to the the left edge of the blue object and then click still holding ctrl straight across snap it onto there snap it down to here hold and control the whole time and then back to the starting point which let the let go of control back to the starting point go back to the select tool hold shift click on the green object down here and go to path Union and I'll go to the edit pads by nodes tool and I'm going to take this line and click and drag that out of the way like that let me go back to the Select tool now let's click and drag over all of it and bring the opacity all the way up and if you notice I made one of them like like a pinky red and I made this one blue so let's make this one let's pick like a dull shade of pink for this one maybe something like that we can go to the fill tab and just adjust it as you see fit something like that's pretty good then I'll click off at the deselect and I'll tuff just this piece here in the middle and then hold shift and click this piece here at the bottom and I'll take the elbow and slide that to the left a little bit and now we're going to put like a little line going around the inside of it to give it like the something that suggested like light reflecting off of it so to do that I'll click on this light pink circle up here and I'll duplicate that by hitting ctrl V and I'll go to pass break apart path Union and then let me find the color white down here all the way to the left I'm going to hold shift and click on the color white to give it a white outline and then click on the X all the way to the left over here to turn off the fill I'll just hold ctrl and shift and scale it down a little bit give you about that much that's pretty good and what I'll do now is just go to the edit pads by nodes tool and I want to click and drag over all four of those nodes and I'll click the button that says add new no insert new nodes into selected segments because we're going to need extra nodes in there for what we do next and we'll go to the the bends da pan which is over here and just well you know what let's use those squares and rectangles tool and we'll just create a rectangle going over the bottom of this here going about halfway through that that white circle we just created let me just give that sharp corners and I'll make this green and I'll get rid of the white outline by holding shift and clicking the X and I'll bring the opacity down a little bit go back to the Select tool and I'll hold shift click on the white ring and go to path cut pack then click off at the deselect everything take this top part and just get rid of it and now we have this white ring right here we can provide that to a path by going to pack stroke the path and let me hold ctrl and roll out and roll down the mouth feel a little bit to zoom out I'll click and drag over those I'm going to scale that down by holding ctrl and shift and clicking and dragging that arrow let me turn off snap the pads let's turn that off temporarily put this over here in the pool actually know what I'm going to raise this to the top with all of it selected click the button that says raise selected objects to the top bring this over here and I'm going to make that a little smaller that's pretty good I'll duplicate that by hitting ctrl D bring this over here click off it to deselect and I'll take this light pink object here I'm going to make that a shade of blue something that stands out from the pool water something like that and then I'm going to zoom in on this eye holding ctrl and rolling up the mouse wheel click on that dark pink object hold shift click on the other pink object and I'll make this an even darker shade of blue maybe something like that then we could take this white line and make that the same shade that this is by going through the dropper tool clicking on that and I'll just take the elbow and slide that to the left to make that a little lighter and I'll do the same thing over here I'll grab the Select tool click on the white line and grab the dropper make that the same shade of pink and just take that L and slide that to the right a little bit and go back to the Select tool press one of the keyboard to zoom back out to 100% and the final step would be to create this little beach ball here so to do that it just popped back up there we go to create a beach ball I'm going to go to extensions render and go down to wireframe sphere and the parameters that we want in here set it up so that you have it mirroring what I have on my screen for lines of latitude we want 8 for lines of longitude we want 10 then for tilt 55 for rotation for radius 100 and we want to turn on this box that says hide lines behind the sphere we want that and checked now we can click on the box that says live preview and it'll show you what it looks like that's what we want right there so once we've done that go ahead and click apply and we can close out of that and we now have our right wire steamed wireframe sphere to work with can turn it into a beach ball so I'm going to zoom in on that and I'm going to ungroup it by going to up here where it says ungroup selected objects I'll click on that a few times actually to ungroup everything click off of a deselect everything and what we want to do now is take these lines of latitude running horizontally and just delete them press Delete on the keyboard press Delete get rid of this one as well press Delete and get rid of that one except for this one we're going to leave this one right where it is and now we can click and drag over all of that and go to path stroke the path then click off at the deselect everything so what we want to do now is were these lines of longitude are we want to get rid of this segment that's inside of this circle up top here so to do that I'll click on this circle up here and I'll hit control D to duplicate that and I'll go to path break apart and tap Union and I'll bring me opacity of that down a little bit and I'm going to make this a different color to differentiate it from the rest of the object I'll make that like blue or something that's pretty good and I'll duplicate that by hitting ctrl D and then hold shift and click on one of those lines and go to path difference we want to do that to the rest of the lines so click on the blue object control D hold shift click one of the lines path difference do it again click the blue object control D hold shift click on the next line tack difference and I'm going to go and do that to each one of these path difference oops I click the wrong thing path difference and then finally with the last one we don't have to duplicate it we can just hold shift and click on the line and go to path difference and now what we can do is click and drag over all of that and go to path Union and then bring the opacity down about in half and then go to path break apart and then click off with the deselect everything so what we're going to do now is take this circle here in the middle and just delete that then we'll take this segment over here and delete that and then we want to go and delete every other segment that we just from the one we just deleted so I'll skip this one to come over here delete that one skip this one and delete that one plate that one delete that one then I'll hold shift and click on each of those those black segments right there and unify them all together by going to path Union bring the opacity all the way up I'll make them like a shade of red maybe something like that and I'll click on the black circle bring the opacity all the way up make that white and I'll even hold ctrl and shift to scale it down a little bit so it's the same width is the red objects I'll press one of the keyboard to zoom back out to 100% and click and drag over that and we'll group it together with this button up here group selected objects and we'll just put it in the pool I'll hold ctrl and shift to scale it down something like that and I think that should cover everything we've finished up our graphic of an iPhone with a pool inside of it so that's how you could do that with Inkscape if you have any questions let me know and as always thanks for watching [Music] you
Channel: Logos By Nick
Views: 38,509
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: inkscape, learn inkscape, inkscape tutorial, inkscape logo, inkscape logo design tutorial, inkscape for beginners, vector, vector design, vector graphics, vector logo, vector tutorial, vector icons, graphic design, learn graphic design, graphic design for beginners
Id: NMe1yS3tN_8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 23sec (1943 seconds)
Published: Tue May 09 2017
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