Inkscape Tutorial : How to Create Vector Portrait Illustration from Photo

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hello everyone how is it going in today's tutorial we're going to make some portrait vector illustration using inkscape. right let's get started. let's import the image , file > import and i choose this let's hit ok place it to here and press CTRL+SHIFT to proportional scale on this and let's rename this layer to "Image" click and name it and lock the layer for focus work. then create new layer name it here because we're going to select the hair with the bezier tool press B on your keyboard then i start from here click and just drag like this and here follow the shape of the hair like this and on here we're going to lock the corner just drag it like this and hold SHIFT to lock the corner and release. so you see it make a thin corner to this or you can see my previous video how to create flat illustration from photo because we're going to use many lock corner in this tutorial. just continue just follow the shape of the hair this and here and on here just drag and lock the corner hold SHIFT then release then continue and on here let's drag and hold SHIFT right corner then release lock the corner again hold shift click this and this change the hair color to this. i'm pressing D to activate the dropper tool then click this or you can change the hair color to this. edit objects and input this color code to this remove the stroke right click > Remove stroke next we are going to create the face layer just create a layer and name it face place it below the hair and don't forget to lock the hair layer so it focus on the face layer. easy with desired tool press B or you can click this icon then just draw the face shape you know it's because below the hair layer this outer shape will not visible only on these areas, so just make it fast. and change the color to this color and remove the stroke. next drawing the jackets create new layer and name it jacket and place it below the face. don't forget to lock the face layer start with the bezier tool again press B or you can click this icon and just follow the shape and change the color to this color and remove the stroke next thing to do is make the eyes so create new layer and name it eyes hide the face layer for now so it's visible to see the eye shape. and don't forget to lock the jacket layer. on the eyes layer with bezier tool again just follow this eyebrow shape start from here and this just click like that and connect it to this and on the side start from here here and here all right let's select this two by holding SHIFT and change the color to this, our base color. next the eye shape with bezier tool again start from this this and this hold SHIFT to lock the corner then release let's connect it to here. change color to this remove the stroke now for the eye part press B again and just follow the shape make it inner, we want to make it intersect later. okay just follow this select these two by clicking this and hold SHIFT click this right click choose software and stroke and we're going to make it difference, go to path and choose difference. so you see it will subtract the selection and change the color to this again for the pupil draw some this perfect circle with the circle tool press CTRL+SHIFT to make it proportional scale. like this and we're going to make it clip with the white color to fill in here press B again and just draw the white shape of the eye change color to white and remove the stroke. press F1 and send it to the bottom then press CTRL+D to duplicate and select the pupil and right click > set clip for the eye lashes press B again then draw some of this shape hold SHIFT to lock the corner same with this holding lock the corner change the color to this and remove this stroke. do the same for this side next step drawing the nose create new layer and name it don't forget to lock the eyes layer and with bezier tool again just follow this just follow the shape take it to this color and remove the stroke on this part to emphasize the the nose shape, lock the corner hold SHIFT then place it on here change the color to this and remove the stroke and on this part next for the lips create new layer and name it don't forget to lock the nose layer and start with the upper lips with bezier tool again lock the corner hold SHIFT then release the bottom lips all right select this two by holding SHIFT then change the lips color to this. and remove the stroke are you ready for the next part we're going to make the shading well it's the advanced part when you're making some portrait vector object, but it make the result more good looking start with the face change layer to to darken and just hide the lips eyes and the nose for a moment then start drawing the shape. start from here unlock this face layer with bezier tool again we're going to make a darker shape so you see it's more darker in here in here then here so let's make it start from here just follow the shape on this lock the corner place it on here change the blend mode to normal change the color to this pressing D and we're going to make it a little darker. open these edit objects on this HSL tab you can turn down the lightness around this and don't forget to remove the stroke then draw again change layer to darken or you can choose the soft light it's up to you but i choose darken on this side press B again just draw change the mode to normal change to this color and remove the stroke let's see if it is good or not well pretty good and continue just hide this and for this part the shade is done for now, for the light part you see some of the light reflection here here here and here so just make that with bezier tool again in here and in here too all right let's change it to white color remove the stroke right let's see you can turn down the opacity let's make the shading on the nose part with bezier tool again and make it more darker remove the stroke add more to here change the opacity to 30 and this next for the lip shading don't forget to lock the face layer then unhide this face layer and in the lips layer you can change the blend mode to darken or soft light i choose between these two okay let's try with soft light let's draw the shade part start from here and in here change the blend mode to normal select this two and change it to this color and make it darker with this edit object objects from this and remove the stroke place it in the back this and and this it's more darker because it's the line of lips draw the light part change it to the soft light and you see this reflection just draw with this bezier tool again change to normal make it become white color change the opacity to 50. change it to soft light again let's draw change it to normal and change this color more brighter remove the stroke first and with edited objects click it and just increase like this then place it in the back of reflection good! the next thing for the eye shading don't forget to lock the lips layer and go to this eyes layer just unlock it and start drawing the pupil with the circle tool just hold CTRL SHIFT to make it proportional scale like this change it to this color make it more lighter go to this edit object and increase the lightness around this and let's cut it in half with bezier tool press B then hold CTRL+SHIFT to make this straight line select these two go to path choose division let's make a circle again in here with the circle tool hold CTRL+SHIFT and change it to this color make the opacity to 100 this too make it 100 some eye reflection with circle tool again it's a white color i'm gonna just duplicate this press CTRL+D place it on here just scale it down on here draw some red shape i'm pressing B and make it here and change it to this little pink on the stroke and place it below for a little gray color in this areas press B again and draw like this change it to this color, remove the stroke and move it on the back do the same for this area i'm just going to duplicate this and draw some gray areas here change into this color and remove the stroke place it below don't forget to lock the eye layer and you see some of not nice line here and just delete some of node just make it smooth this all right let's make this become rounded but first let's make it union click this and go to path > union and we're going to use path effect path > path effect hit add choose these corners this is a new feature in inkscape 1.0 big thanks to inkscape developer this tool is really helpful. click the node you want to be round, example this and just drag it you see it will become rounded and don't forget to apply the path effect go to path >object to path it will disappear here that means it's applied. refine some of the shading in here unlock the face layer just make it smooth all right next for the hair shading unlock the face layer and lock the hair you can change the mode to soft light just hide the face layer for now we start drawing the light reflection here and here so with bezier tool again lock the corner in here and in here and on this part all right let's change layer to normal and let's change the color turn on the lightness now for the dark shape change it to the soft light and let's draw change the blend mode to normal again change the color to something a little darker remove the stroke now, shading for the jacket change the layer mode to soft light, open up this image layer then let's start from the dark one with bezier tool again and let's start draw this alright let's bring up to normal and select all change to this color and make it darker and remove the stroke so again for another part on the jacket layer change the blend mode to soft light let's bring up to normal change the color change the color to this and make it darker round this and remove this stroke now for the light in the jacket layer continue to darken and draw some of this light reflection it's here here and here make it lighter and remove the stroke very nice! you've done well so far! so next thing we're going to make the background and the outline all right first let's make some background create new layer and name it with rectangle tool click this you can turn on the snapping from this top corner to this bottom and change the color to this color and for the outline so unlock the layer first except the background and the image so just select it and press CTRL+D to duplicate and press CTRL+K to combine well looks horrible for now but don't worry it is for the outline so create new layer and name it outline and place it below the jacket layer and move this to the outline layer right click move to layer choose the outline then go to path > outset. or you can see the shortcut so we're gonna press the shortcut a few times so click this Outset and i'm pressing this shortcut about a few times around this it's okay and then just lock all this layer im gonna make some of clipping mask later with some shape by holding SHIFT click you can lock all the layers and unlock it. so i'm gonna unlock the background only alright so i'm gonna draw some shape and make your group by pressing CTRL+G then duplicate this background press CTRL+D and click the shape right click just set clip i hope you learned something new how to create this factor portrait illustration using inkscape i'm still learning doing this especially for the shading don't stop learning keep exploring and practicing see many references so you can make it better i'm Zakey from Zakey Design create something good today! thanks for watching
Channel: Zakey Design
Views: 74,902
Rating: 4.9675727 out of 5
Keywords: inkscape, vector potrait, potrait, potrait illustration, inkscape tutorial, inkscape character design, inkscape vector illustration, inkscape vector potrait, inkscape drawing, vector portrait basic, vector portrait background, vector potrait inkscape, flat design, vector potrait girl, girl illustration, inkscape cartoon, inkscape cartoon potrait, inkscape cartoon illustration, inkscape cartoon girl, flat illustration
Id: Pyfw3FqlWmo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 57sec (1617 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 23 2020
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