Inkscape Tutorial: Line Portrait

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[Music] this is Niccolo goes by nick calm and in today's tutorial i'll be demonstrating how you can create this line portrait sort of design using Inkscape and this will be very similar to a previous tutorial i made where i showed you how to make a line eye style logo using Inkscape the only difference is in this tutorial I'm gonna be using a different method this is more of like a a revisit of that of that tutorial I'm gonna show you a better more efficient way I think any way of going about doing this so we'll go ahead and get started here with ink with Inkscape by the way if you'd like to know how you can make Inkscape appear darken with these custom icons I'll have a link to that information in the description of the video and now we're good to get started so the first thing we want to do is set up our documents that we're all working with a similar view I'll go to file document properties and I want to set the display units to pixels I want to turn off the visibility of the page border now we can close out of that and then I want to go to view we're gonna want custom selected and then we'll zoom in at 1 to 1 and then I'll open up the align and distribute menu with that button there we're gonna want last selected chosen from this drop-down and then we'll open up the Edit objects colors gradients and Stroke menu with that button there and I'm just gonna hit control beat on the keyboard to get rid of those little scroll bars and the saw on the right and the bottom so I get more screen real estate to work with and what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna click and drag my photo into here well it's not a it's not my photo it's just a photo I found on the internet you could use something similar if you'd like I'm just gonna click and drag this into here I'll put a link to this photo in the description of the video if you'd like to use it yourself let me just zoom out a little bit I'll hold ctrl and roll down the mouse wheel to zoom out and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take the opacity of this and bring that down about maybe to like uh I guess 60% because we're gonna want to be able to see we're gonna be drawing on top of this and we're gonna want to be able to see what we're doing better than what we see of the photo so once we've done that we can click off left deselect it I'm gonna go over to the circles and ellipses tool and I'm just going to hold ctrl and shift and click and drag on the keyboard create it perfectly around a circle I'm gonna change mine from white to black I'll take the Select tool bring this over here and the opacity we're gonna want the opacity somewhere in half like that and then I'm gonna duplicate this by hitting ctrl D and I'm just gonna hold ctrl and click and drag this circle up to here and what we're looking at here is the intersecting area between these two circles because what we're gonna do is we're gonna take that intersecting area and stretch it out to create the different lines going around the prominent the prominent areas of this photo so once we have it positioned something like that I'm just gonna click and drag over both of those to the Selective I'll go to path intersection and then I want to bring this over here let's bring the opacity of that all the way up I'm gonna zoom in on the face a little bit by holding ctrl and rolling up the mouse wheel I'll take this shape and I'll hold ctrl and shift and just scale that down so it's like maybe like a little smaller than the eye like that and once we've done that I'm just gonna put this off to the right I'm gonna right click that and go to copy or you can hit control C and we'll click off of that to deselect everything and what we want to do now is come over here to our bezzie a pen the keyboard shortcut would be B and up here where it says mode we want this selected create regular regular Bezier path and the shape you want choose from clipboard and what that's gonna do is that's gonna use whatever we have copied as a reference to to fill in the lines that we create with so the first thing I do is I'm gonna create a line here for the eyebrows so let me hold ctrl and roll up the mouse wheel to zoom in on this a little bit I'm gonna click right here to create a point and then I'll come over here to the end of the eyebrow and then click and drag click and hold the click and drag to create this line or you can change its shape and appearance like that just like that and go ahead and hit enter and it's gonna put a line going along it's gonna take that shape here as you saw it's gonna take this shape and stretch it out along that path and what we could do now is go to the edit pads by nodes tool and what we'll see here is you'll see a little node that you can just click and drag and pull it out to make this line thicker or thinner so this was much easier than that I read that other tutorial I did where you have to make the lines bigger and smaller by I'm up and down and then converting into pets this I I'm not sure this might be a new feature I haven't seen this yet in Inkscape but whatever this is I really like this this makes it really easy to work with so I'm gonna make this line about that thick like that and that's going to go around and create lines going around all the prominent parts like around the hair and the nose and everything I'm gonna make that a little thinner actually and the idea is to make these lines all consistent in thickness so or try your best to anyway so what I'll do is we'll go back to the bezzie a pen I'm gonna create a line right here for the nose I'll click now come over here and then click and drag to create a shape going along the nose and hit enter and now I'll go to the edit pads by nodes tool I'm just gonna use the keyboard shortcuts for this I suggest you do the same thing because it'll save you a lot of time then you know having to go back over here and click on stuff I'm sure to press in on the keyboard and I'm going to pull this line out just like that and now I'm gonna press B on the keyboard to go back to the bait to the bezzie a pen and I'm gonna create another path going along this shape of the nose right here well you know what I may have to edit that a little bit okay well I'm gonna press in and go back to this and I'm just gonna go ahead and click on these nodes you can click and drag the line and edit it as you see I'm doing here I'm gonna have to click and drag a line in order to get that handle coming out of this node right here something like that put this over here and I'm gonna take this and just make this a little thicker like that and that right there looks pretty good and what I'll do now I'm gonna create another line going along the forehead here so I'll press actually gonna make that a little thinner that's better I'm gonna create another line going along the forehead so I'll press B on the keyboard to get the bezzie a pen and to move the page around like this I'm just pressing down the mouse-wheel and moving the mouse where we can just press down the spacebar and move the mouse that'll work as well okay so what I'll do now is I'll click to create a point now I'll bring this over here or you know what I have to undo that I'm gonna turn off the snap to uh I'm gonna the unable snapping I'm gonna turn that off because it just snapped to that point which I don't want for this tutorial I'm gonna bring this right down here like that maybe do something like that and then you press ENTER to create the line I'll go to the edit path by nodes tool I'm gonna click on this node to see if we got a handle we have a handle coming out of this one right here that we can manipulate but we don't have a handle coming out of here and if you notice sometimes it changes it like messes with the path of the shape here it makes this part of the flat so I'm gonna try just click and drag that line to just maneuver it a little bit and this can be a little tricky sometimes there we go I got it there you'll really have to play around with it sometimes to really get that shift to happen so it grabs it and once you've done that now you can click on the node and you should have a little handle there that you can manipulate further let me come over here oops let me come over here and make this fix this accordingly maybe I'll just put this here like that make this a little bigger with that handle there if you make that a little bit bigger and they'll go through and I'll do some more I'm gonna press B to get back to the bezzie a pen I'm gonna create I'm gonna start creating lines for the hair right here so click and drag click to create a point then click and drag to create the curve press n to go back to the paths tool and then just click and drag that line there we go we just want to get those handles to pop out now that we have those handles we can go ahead and adjust the the path that the line takes just like that now what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna go through here and you know create everything and fill it all in and then I'll get back to you then you okay so as you can see I've won around and filled in the rest of this image creating these little lines going along the prominent lines of the photo here if you notice here I left a few areas out I could do the eye a little bit I could actually do a little more of the mouth which I'll do right now you know like I mentioned previously click to create a point and you then you click and drag at the second point you hit enter to create the line go back to the Edit path by no just tool and just but sometimes you're gonna go to click these nodes there's gonna be no handle there so what you do is you take you just click and drag the line itself and then this little handle will pop out which you will need to really form the to make the the shape take the form that you'd like it's maybe something like that right there I'm gonna use this little circle node to increase the thickness just like that let me zoom back out here that looks gonna creat the eye now let's go back to the bezzie a pen click and drag just like that hit enter and again I'll go back to the edit pads by nodes tool the keyboard shortcut is end for the paths tool and then for the Bezier pen is B so this whole time I'm just going back between B and N on the keyboard make that a little bigger do the same thing down here again clicking B on the keyboard go just like that most adjust this a little bit take this line make that dip out a little bit like that I'll take this make that line a little thicker and then finally just create one little one little slant slanted or actually curved shape over here for the eyeball just like that and put this over here maybe I'll put this up there more maybe make that a little thicker not much for these smaller details you might have to make the lines not as thick as the rest of them but uh what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna go to the Select tool I'm just going to take this image and move it out of the way to see how it looks and I think this came out pretty good if you want to put it back you could hit control Z on the keyboard to put it back where it was and one thing you might want to do is go back and make each length either thicker or thinner to match the the match the rest of the lines so everything looks consistent something like that like I noticed like these hair these hair lines over here they don't they're not quite as thick as the rest of the objects like that but um maybe these ones over here maybe I'll make those a little thicker and you probably get the idea by now I'm just gonna leave that how it is for the moment for the time being what I'm gonna do is once I'm finished and once I'm happy with how everything looks I'm gonna click and drag over everything and I'm gonna create a duplicate copy of it by hitting ctrl D and what you're gonna notice is once you take this over I'm going to take this duplicate copy once you try to like enlarge it or shrink it it's gonna change the shape of the lines like if you try to make this smaller it's gonna make the lines thicker and it's not gonna it's gonna make the lines thicker like that it's just gonna look like a mess if you can't even see what's going on there so let me undo that and the same thing if you try to make it bigger it's gonna make the lines really thin so in order to stop that once we're once we finalized everything and it's how we like it it's at a thickness that we like we could finalize about going to path object to path and now you can scale it up or down and it'll keep the same proportions just like that and if you want you could even go on color this in with different colors now because we've go ahead and we've we've went ahead and finalized that so that's how you can create these line portraits using Inkscape so if you have any questions let me know and as always thanks for watching [Music] [Music]
Channel: Logos By Nick
Views: 433,797
Rating: 4.9059353 out of 5
Keywords: inkscape, learn inkscape, inkscape tutorial, inkscape for beginners, line portrait, inkscape line portrait, inkscape portrait, nick saporito, logos by nick, logosbynick
Id: wiqUrzzHszI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 26sec (806 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 03 2017
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