Inkscape Tutorial: How to turn an Image into a Vector

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this is Laurie with our designs CA in today's tutorial we're gonna be going over how to vectorize an image so this here on the left is an image of a bird with a transparent background and this is how it turned out for me and I'm gonna show you how I did that so let's open up our Inkscape we'll get started and we don't actually need to open anything up we're just going to drag our image and I've put mine on the desktop so let's go to the desktop and find our image and just drag and drop it into Inkscape and we're just gonna make sure Abed is selected it should be default and we'll click OK so here's our image let's go to the Select tool I'm going to it's gonna make it bigger by pressing Shift + ctrl so that we can see what we're doing here so I'll just make it nice and big and I think I'm actually gonna go to file document properties and I'm gonna uncheck the show page folder I don't think we need that in the way so with this image selected we're gonna go up to path and trace bitmap so click on that and we'll get this menu show up here and we're gonna play around with it but the first thing what we're gonna do is we're gonna click the live preview so click on that and this is the first one brightness cut off so you can play with the threshold but unless you're going for a black and white image it's it's not what we're we're gonna try and get thick the colors to match as closely as possible so let's just play with the settings and see what they do so this is edge detection and as you can see it's going to give you kind of an outline and color quantization now you can try for color contas ation and you can see the black is on the wrong side so we can click invert image and you'll get the inverted image but you can see that we already have too many scans in order to get the shapes and colors that we want so that's too high if you can do it with 8 or less or even 10 or 12 that's not too bad but once you're getting up to 20 and 30 that's pretty high so let's let's go down here to brightness steps and then you can see we're getting a little bit more realistic with our image here so let's go to colors and that's pretty good that's what we're gonna go with but let's just look at grades or two so that's pretty realistic too in a black-and-white way so let's go back to colors let's increase the scans here until we get some colors that we think look pretty good and I'm actually gonna on tick smooth because I think it brings it out it makes it pop a little more I'm more realistic and I'm actually gonna click remove background so let's click up the scans and we're looking pretty good I mean depending on how many scans you want to go this is actually quite high so I'm gonna bump it down a little bit maybe we'll go with 16 and I'll click OK and then when that's done I'll click click the X to get out of that and our our vector image will appear on top of the image so let's just drag it over and let's make a comparison here that's pretty good I mean if you want more details more details you just click click up I use 16 and if you want to use more that's okay so let's have a look here so we have 16 scans now if you with this selected here you'll see it's a group of 15 objects in layer 1 so this is 15 15 grouped objects so in order to ungroup them just gonna click on group you have to ungroup 15 times if you want to see the different layers and you can see what layers actually do and if you wanted to you could actually color the individual layers so you could make a whole new bird if you wanted to so I'm gonna undo that and I'm just gonna stack them back up because I like the original bird but if you want to color it or if you're working on an image and you want to color the individual elements of the bird that's how you would do that so you just ungroup them to get to the individual pieces so I'm gonna group that back up so that is how you change a an image into a vector you can do this with all kinds of images images of yourself even if you want to vectorize yourself anyways if you enjoyed the tutorial please give it a like and as always thank you for watching you
Channel: Ardent Designs
Views: 169,544
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Inkscape tutorial, inkscape, logo design tutorial, create a logo, beginner inkscape tutorial, ardent designs,, Inkscape Tutorial: How to turn an Image into a Vector, How to turn an Image into a Vector, turn an Image into a Vector, Vector, Inkscape Tutorial, Inkscape, Tutorial
Id: 1PX3KrwgLNc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 46sec (286 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 11 2018
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