Inkscape Basics Tutorial - Text on Path - Creating Curved Text Video #5

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good morning everyone we're coming today with an Inkscape tutorial today we're going to be going over curved text and assigning text to a path and I just realized I misspelled text down below so just ignore that we're already streaming I can't go check oh yes I can let me go change that real quick so I'm just going to give everybody a few minutes if you want to join us this morning we are live and if you are catching the replay we'd still love to hear from you you can comment with your questions down in the tada I changed it down in the comment section if you have questions about today's little tutorial and again we are going to be doing text to path a good morning hello it's so nice to see you this morning and I have Inkscape up and ready to go we're going to be doing a couple of demonstrations with text and in yesterday's live video I showed altering text and filling with a gradient so if you'd like to check that out it is in the playlist and this video will also be in the playlist as well I'll be adding the playlist after this video is done and so yeah you can check that out we're doing all kinds of Inkscape tutorials hello I'm so glad you found my channel it's great to hear from you we do all kinds of genres of crafting with the main focus on quilting a t-shirt quilts memory quilts patchwork and applique but we also do junk journals we do art quilts we do all kinds of stuff and so yes welcome I'm so glad you're here so let's see I created a bunch of notes so I could stay on topic and what we're going to do is move right to Inkscape and jump in and get started if you have questions hoping that the chat is a lot easier to see I'm just pulling you up here on my phone just to make sure that everything is going well all the logistics of doing a live videos so hello so great to see you just to let you know I do have this up on my phone however when I switch the screen over to ink a p-- i will not be able to see your comments as easily but i'm gonna try to keep track if you have a question about what we're doing today feel free to ask during the live and yeah if you have any other Inkscape questions maybe we can cover that at the end of this tutorial hello hello Theresa how are you doing so I'm going to go ahead and switch my screens it's gonna look a little crazy for a second and now I have Inkscape up just making sure that it switches over and on the screen you see I have some examples and this is what we're going to be working with up here at the top you can see that I created a curved path let me show you my logo that I've made where is my logo that I've made let's see and many of you have asked if I would show how I made the logo so we've covered a lot of the topics the basic shapes we have covered Union we've covered difference and those are all tools that I've used to create my logo that you see on the screen today we're going to show you how I created the text that goes along on this inner circle just like that so that's what we're showing today let me move of that right over there so these are the examples I'm going to show you how you can put text on the outer line just like you see here and I'm also going to show you how you can do it at the bottom just like you see here then we're going to create our own unique path and assign path on to that line we have all of this and make it really small so I have some working room alright we're gonna start fresh and brand-new so the first thing that I do when creating curved text is I'm just going to draw a circle right here on the left side menu create circles I'm going to click on that I'm going to hold down my control key and drag out a circle shape just like you see here you can also do it with an oval shape so let's do both so we have a two curved path sorry my phone is making all kinds of noise the next thing we're going to do is go ahead and type out the text that we want to put on a curve so on the bots on the Left create an edit text objects you can also know someone asked me yesterday I'm sorry I got sidetracked what is the a at the top of the screen that is not for creating text that does something totally different if you want to type out text you're going to come to this left menu and click on create and edit text objects now we can click into our workspace type our text it's going to be really small because I've blown our screen out really big so let's resize our text with our text selected I'm going to go ahead and move my letters in a little bit closer I showed that yesterday this little menu up here lets you bring your letters in closer pardon me have a tickle in my throat so we're going to move those letters in closer you can see they're moving closer together when you get it where you like it you can stop and select the arrow and just select your text now because I have two shapes that I'm going to demonstrate with I'm going to duplicate that by hitting ctrl D on my keyboard that's made a second copy I'm going to show you both shapes let's start with this circle I'm going to select my text hold down the shift button and select my circle with both items selected I'm going to come up to this very top menu that says text a menu pops open and we are going to select put on a path now just like that it has reshaped our words and you'll notice it usually puts them at the bottom of the shape that's okay we're going to fix that going to select off of my objects you'll notice none of them are selected now I'm going to come over right to this circle and I'm going to double woops double click and what that does is it creates little curvy arrows on the corner and now we can rotate our circle until our text is where we want it to be now here is a nifty tool if you're having a hard time figuring out if you have it equal on both sides you can create a guide which is a really helpful tool right in this gray area it looks like a little ruler if you click on that and drag down you're going to create a guide for yourself you can move it right where you want it and then you can still rotate your letters until they're equal on both sides and that God gives you a placement once you're done you can hover on that guide and then just push it right back off the screen let's do the same thing with our oval shape I'm gonna select the text I'll select our oval go back up to text put on path select off of both of them now we're going to select our oval and we're going to rotate it just like this I'm going to double click into my text for the oval because it's a weird shape I've gone to the beginning of the L and now I can just hit my spacebar and Center that right onto the oval now if you are experimenting with Inkscape and you do this there's one more step that you need to do before you're done because I want to show you what happens we have our letters and they're curved exactly the way we want them let's just pretend that we move them over move them over to the side and we're ready to create our logo or our t-shirt whatever we're doing and we try to get rid of this circle by hitting delete you'll notice that your text goes back to a straight line and that's going to put it somewhere else there's one more thing we need to do to make sure that it keeps that curved path if you select the text and you go up to path and object to path it has now transformed your object into little nodes and now if we delete this circle our text stays exactly the way that we designed it now you could make this bigger if you wanted to and it's going to keep that same arc let's go ahead and do the same thing with this one so we are going to select the text go up to a path and object to path now we can delete the oval and this text now keeps a slight curve just the way we designed it on the oval now let's say we want to put our text going along at the bottom we have our circle shape again I will type out some text and make that bigger so we can see it fix my little typo so I'm gonna bring that in just a little bit with my text selected I'm going to hold down the shift button and click on the circle I'm going to go to a text put on path and just like that it has assigned our text to the curve of the circle now it's at the bottom of the circle but you'll notice it is upside-down with both items still selected we have not clicked off both objects still have the dotted line they're both selected I'm going to come right up here to this menu and I'm going to flip selected objects horizontally and just like that it has assigned our text right side up at the bottom of the circle you can still go in at this point and adjust your spacing so you could bring them closer together just like this you can select the circle and move that back around just like you see here once you have it exactly the way you want it you're going to hit select on the text you're going to go to path object to path now you can move your text in and delete your circle and your text will stay just the same way that we designed it so you can see that is how we created my logo just like that sorry about the noise so I want to show you one more thing and then I'll check the comments just moving this out of the way right there there's also one other way you can create a path to assign to your text actually there's a couple of different ways but I'm going to show you these two tools right here there's drawing freehand lines and then drawing with curves and straight lines let's do draw with free lines first looks like a little pencil you're gonna hold down at the right side on your mouth and now you can just draw a freehand line I have my smoothness on so it gives a nice smooth curve let me see if I can make that a little bit darker so that you can see it for the purpose of this video there we go alright so there's the freehand line that we just drew together and I'm going to assign some text so let's type out yeh didn't have dentist appointment today my root canal got rescheduled so let's make that bigger so there is our text I'm going to go ahead and bring those letters in closer because with this font I like to have them a little bit closer together I'm gonna make it a little bit bigger just like this and now I have my text selected I'm going to hold down the shift button and I'm going to select this curve that we just created together I'm going to go up to the top text and put on path so just like that it is assigned a little path for the text to flow right on - if you want to alter your text at this point we still can do that so I'm going to double click onto my text I'm going to use the left arrow key on my keyboard and go to the beginning if I hit my spacebar I can move my text anywhere along that path I can also still adjust the space between my letters and the space between my words just like that now remember if we delete this line before doing the next step our text will go back to a straight line so what we need to do is select the text go up to path object to path now our text will stay just like we created it on the path you can also do that with the draw curves and lines I have that selected and this is going to draw with little nodes and we've talked about nodes before and this is straight lines as you draw along when you're done drawing you double click I'm going to make that a little bit bolder so we can see that line better there we go when you draw with nodes you can go back in and you can alter them by dragging them out like this just like that you can also select the node and then you have little handles in which you can really adjust the direction I think that's going to be a little crazy of a path to put some text on so let's go ahead and delete a few of these nodes but yeah you can experiment with this this is a great tool to create your own shapes with let's do something like this let's curve it just like that I'm going to again type out some text my texts always shows up small because I'm working on such a large design let me adjust the spacing in just one second so here is our texts let's move down a little bit so you can see what we're doing I'm going to just drag that line down and give us some space I'm going to select our new text and our path that we created with nodes I'm going to go to text and put on path I'm going to double click onto my text and go to the beginning whoops and then I can move my text anywhere on this path just like that I'm going to select my text I'm going to go to path and object to path and now I can delete our line and our words stay just the way that we design them so that is how you can assign text to a path you can create your own paths you can create circles and ovals so you can do it on a square and yes it's a really helpful tool I'm going to bring you back over there we go and yes if you have any questions we can go over while I have Inkscape open good morning everybody how do you get Inkscape you can go to Inkscape dot org win this video when we're done streaming I will put a link in the description box but if you just go to google and you type eat escape just the way that I have it spelled out right here Inkscape dot org and you can download it you'll need to know the operating system for your computer I'm using version zero point nine one and that's the best version that works for my computer and so yeah if you want to learn how to download Inkscape there's tons of tutorials on YouTube are ready and they're really helpful and they'll walk you through the process I'm just to make sure I'm not it's so great to see everybody here you're right Ella after we're done I should assign you a homework assignment maybe you could work on creating a little logo or let's see you do quilting and applique or maybe you could design something to put onto a t-shirt if you can do if you have a cutting machine and you can do heat transfer vinyl but yeah assigning a project would be really fun thank you so much Pat Pam you can go to Inkscape org and download download the program it is free which is really awesome it's a very powerful vector based designing program and yeah there's tons and tons of videos and tutorials already on YouTube so yeah they can walk you from the downloading process to all the stuff that we've already covered like basic shapes and text and fills and gradients and we'll be doing other tutorials coming up and yeah I think you'll love it so what are some of the things that you can do with Inkscape I create my applique patterns with Inkscape I design my quilt patterns with Inkscape I design heat transfer vinyl for my cutting machine let's see I design graphics that I put into my junk journals I designed my thumbnails and graphics for Facebook all kinds of stuff it's really probably not an end to the things that you can do using Inkscape la you don't have a cutting machine okay so maybe you want to print out maybe you want to create some text that you can print on fabric you could do that that would be fun Jackie I'm so glad you caught me alive it's really great to see you before we go do you have any questions about the things that we covered and just to let you know we're going live on creative creative crew group tonight on Facebook at 8:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time and so if you're on Facebook and you haven't joined us there that would great we'd love to see you we do all kinds of show and tells and questions and topics it's a lot of fun that sounds good Ella okay maybe I'll give you an assignment of creating a graphic that you can print on fabric and then you can make little mug rugs with it how about that okay I'm going to try to keep this tutorial really simple and really to the point as awesome as it is to see everyone here I'm about to head to the fabric store and get some fabric for a t-shirt quilt so again if you're watching this on the replay and you have questions jump down to the comment section I would love it if you subscribe to my channel if you hit the little bell notification and select a have fun creating and we'll see you all really soon bye everybody
Channel: Lisa Capen Quilts
Views: 6,693
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drawing software, free download, inkscape tutorials, inkscape for beginners, inkscape tutorials for beginners, inkscape tutorials for cricut, lisa capen quilts, lisa capen videos, lisa capen t shirt quilt, quilt designs, quilt design software, quilt designs for beginners, quilt design patterns, how to use inkscape, text on path, inkscape curved text, how to curve text with inkscape, text with inkscape, how to do text with inkscape, inkscape lisa capen quilts
Id: SZxuRRdngzU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 1sec (1681 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 14 2020
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