Inkscape Tutorial: Ice Cream Cone

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in today's tutorial I'll demonstrate how to draw this cartoon-style ice cream cone using Inkscape and at any time in this tutorial you could look down at the bottom left-hand side of the video page to see which key keystrokes and mouse clicks I'm using so with that being said let's go ahead and close out of this and get started so the first thing we'll do when we open up Inkscape is make sure we have our view set the custom we'll go to view make sure you have custom selected zoom we're going to zoom in at 1 to 1 we'll open up our align and distribute menu make sure you have last selected chosen from that drop-down and then we'll open up our edit objects colors gradients and Stroke menu so the first thing we're going to do is draw an ellipse so come over to the circles and ellipses tool let's grab that tool let's come over here on the page and just draw any lips maybe about that size that's pretty good and then we'll go back to our arrow let's click on that and then let's come over to the opacity slider and let's slide that in half I know we'll right-click this and go to duplicate and we'll turn that red and then hold ctrl and shift on the keyboard and click and drag and scale this in about right about there about that much and then we'll right-click this and go to duplicate and we'll turn that blue and then we're gonna hold ctrl while grabbing this top left arrow and well let's just click and drag this down about this much and then while still holding ctrl we'll grab this bar this arrow on the bottom right over here will scale that up as well I'm actually gonna scale this one up a little more you want to get it to be about that size in that position what we're paying attention to here is the space the red space right here that's gonna be left over that's excluded from this blue area right here that's where we're paying attention you want it to look sort of like that and once you get get it positioned to right about there hold shift in the keyboard and click on that that red oval so you have them both selected and let's go to path in difference so the next thing we'll do is we'll click on this black oval we'll right-click it and go to duplicate will turn that red and then we'll right-click this go to duplicate we'll turn that blue and hold ctrl on the keyboard and just click and drag this off to the right maybe about that much and then we'll hold ctrl and grab this top corner right here and drag that up about that much right there and then while holding shift on the keyboard click on that red oval and let's go to path difference so once we get there we'll take this we'll take this oval right here we'll click the black oval right click it go to duplicate let's turn that red as well let's hold ctrl and shift and let's scale this thing pretty small maybe about that size and then we'll click it a second time to get the rotation handles and hold ctrl and scale this thing around a couple of times like that and we'll just put this in the corner right here just like that and then let's click on this black oval and let's go to path and let's choose linked offset and we're gonna grab this node up top and we're gonna scale this out to about right about there we'll scale it out about that much and then we'll go to path object to path so that turns into a path now let's click on let's go back to our arrow and let's click on this original black oval here in the center and let's bring the opacity on that all the way up and let's go down to our color picker and choose shade of pink or whatever color you'd like your ice cream to be and then we'll click on this this red oval here and then hold shift and click on this red crescent right there let's bring the opacity on that all the way up and let's turn that white we'll come back down to our color picker scroll back over to white we'll make that white and then click on this red piece here in the bottom right let's bring the opacity on that all the way up and let's press f7 on the keyboard to get the dropper and let's click on this pink area right here to make that the same shade and then we could press f1 to get back to the the arrow tool and once you've made it that same shade were to come over here to the fill tab and under the HSL tab I'm gonna go down to the L column and I'm gonna slide this to the left a little bit to make this darker make that about that shade right there maybe that much and then we'll click on this black oval in the background let's bring the opacity on that all the way up press f7 on the keyboard to get the dropper and let's click on this darker section right here to make that the same shade but we're gonna make that even darker than that so we're gonna make that maybe maybe that dark right there and then we can go back to our arrow by clicking the arrow or just pressing f1 on the keyboard so once we've gotten here we're gonna right click we're going to click and drag over this entire thing and group it together with this button right here group group selected objects and then we'll right-click it and go to duplicate hold ctrl on the keyboard and click and drag this up to about here and then hold ctrl on the keyboard and grab this top arrow and scale it down about that much and then we could lower that one step and click this button right here lower selection one step go ahead and click that and then we'll right-click this duplicate it again hold ctrl click and drag it up to about here and then lower that one step as well and then we'll hold ctrl on the keyboard and we'll click and drag this top hour to scale that down a little bit I'm gonna bring this up a little bit so it's about that size now the next thing we're gonna do is draw a square so click on the squares the rectangles and squares tool and hold ctrl and shift in the keyboard to draw a perfect square like that yeah like this right here and once you once you've done that lets go to our let's go to the arrow tool and let's click this a second time to get the rotation handles hold ctrl on the keyboard and grab one of the corner handles and rotate it around so that the arrows so that the corners of the square are pointing vertically like that and then we'll go over to the Edit path by nodes tool and then we'll go to path object to path and we'll click and drag over these bottom nodes right here we want to select all these nodes except for the top one and we do that by clicking and dragging over these bottom three right here and we're going to make them round it by clicking this button up here make selected nodes Auto smooth go ahead and click that and then we could press shift and click on this bottom node to deselect it we just want these two selected at this and hold control on the keyboard and click and drag this down drag these down to about there and then we'll go back to our arrow tool click on that let's bring this in scale that in a little bit and let's let's make this blue and bring the opacity down so we could see what we're doing we're gonna put this over here on top I'm gonna press down on the mouse wheel and move the mouse to pan the page up a little bit you could do that by using these arrows over here on the side of the page I like to use the mouse wheel button so I'm gonna hold ctrl and scale this down about this much we don't want that to be that big and I'm going to lower that beneath lower selection one step lower that beneath there make sure you bring this down a little bit and bring that up and then we're gonna go once we get to about here we're gonna go to the edit pads by nodes tool and click on that and let's grab this edge and let's bring that in a little bit and click on this node to get that handle I'm gonna take that handle and bring that down a little bit just to give this a little bit of a dip I'm going to take this this handle right here and bring that up maybe about that much do the same thing with this one down here so that it looks like the tip of an ice cream cone sort of like that and for this side I'll maybe bring that up a little bit as well that's pretty good how it is once we get there we can go back to our arrow we can right click this go to duplicate and I'm going to turn that green and I'm gonna inset this a few times and we do that by going to path inset or what I like to do is hold ctrl on the keyboard and press 0 so I'm gonna do that a couple of times I'm gonna hold ctrl and press 0 there's once oh wait no wrong one I'm sorry ctrl + 9 that's actually out set so with that selected control in 9 once 2 3 4 okay that's pretty good and then I'm gonna right-click this and go to duplicate I'm gonna duplicate that I'm gonna make that red and I'm gonna click this a second time to get the rotation handles and I'm gonna come up here and turn snap to custom nodes on and with that turned on I'm gonna take this this little crosshair in the center here and snap it to the tip the very tip of that graphic up there and then once you do that I'm gonna take this handle right here I'm just going to rotate this a little bit like that maybe about that much and then hold shift in the keyboard and click on the green graphic beneath it and go to path difference and then I'm gonna lower that one step just like that and the next thing we'll do is we'll click on this blue piece up here let's right click that and go to duplicate let's turn that green and let's click it a second time to get our rotation handles and I'm going to take that crosshair up top and I'm gonna snap this to the to the tip of this graphic right here and then we get turn snap the custom nodes off we should be done with that for now then gonna right-click I'm gonna duplicate I'm gonna turn that red and I'm gonna grab this little corner right here I'm gonna scale this around to about here maybe about that much and I'm gonna hold shift in the keyboard and click on the piece beneath it and go to path difference all right now once we've done that I'm gonna click on this blue graphic in the background here that we originally created and I'm gonna go to path linked offset and I'm going to grab this note up here and scale this out maybe maybe about that much once you get there let's convert that to a path path object to path and let's bring the opacity on that all the way up and let's press f7 to get to our dropper tool and click on this very dark pink here that's on the edge to make it that shade we'll go back to our arrow let's click on this blue segment bring the opacity on that all the way up press f7 to get back towards per tool and click on this portion of the pink right here to make a death shade then we'll go back to our arrow and I'm gonna click on this I'm gonna click this green piece right here I'm gonna bring the opacity on that all the way up I'm gonna turn that white and then I'll click on this green object right here bring the opacity on that all the way up and I'm gonna lower that one step to put that beneath that oval right there and then press f7 on the keyboard to get the dropper tool and make that the same shade that this dark pink is here on the side just like that so once we've done that we can go to our arrow I'm gonna pan down on the page a little bit we're going to create the cone now I'm pressing down on the mouse wheel to pan down and we're going to create the cone using the stars and polygons tool so let's click on that and up here you want to have the regular polygon button selected we want three corners we want round it to be zero point two and randomize to be zero so once you have that set hold ctrl and shift in the keyboard and click and drag to create a little rounded triangle and make sure you have it so that the point of the triangle is facing down and the top is um the flat side of the triangles facing up like that and once we get there I'm gonna click on the arrow and I'm gonna make that this shade of yellow down here the FFC c00 if you want the hex code that should be that one right there I'm gonna I'm gonna put this right here on the cone right about here and I'm gonna grab this bottom arrow and just make this a little law make this a little taller by about that much that's pretty good and then we'll convert that into a path we'll got a path object to path and I'm gonna right-click this and go to duplicate let's turn that green and bring the opacity on that down and then I'll right click this again and go to duplicate and turn that red and then I'll click on this a second time to get our rotation handles I'm going to take this crosshair right here I'm gonna hold ctrl on the keyboard before I click it and then while I'm holding ctrl I'm gonna click and drag this crosshair down to the bottom right down to the bottom like that I'm gonna take this top this little rotation handle right here I'm gonna rotate this around to about here and then click it again to get our scaling handles I'm gonna hold ctrl and grab this arrow and scale this up to about there and then hold shift in the keyboard and click on that green object beneath it let's go to path difference and I'm gonna bring the opacity on this all the way up I'm gonna press f7 and get the dropper tool and make this the same shade of yellow and once I do that I'm gonna come up here to the HSL tab I'm gonna slide this H column over to the left a little bit when I make this orange slightly slightly more orange than what it already is kind of like that and then we can go back to our arrow and let's click on this original yellow piece right here let's right-click that and go to duplicate will turn that green bring the opacity on that down and we're gonna inset this a few times by pressing ctrl + 9 so I'm gonna press ctrl + 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 maybe one more 8 so I did that 8 times to make that about that much smaller you want that much padding between the green and the end the the yellow space right there so once I've done that I'll right-click that and go to duplicate and turn that blue and then hold ctrl on the keyboard and click and drag this down about this much and then I'll hold ctrl and bring this arrow up about here maybe about that much and once I get there I'll hold shift in the keyboard and click on the green object beneath it and go to path difference and then we can bring the opacity on this all the way up and make that yellow I mean white and then we're gonna take this yellow object we're to duplicate this again we'll right-click it I'm go to duplicate will turn that green bring the opacity down in half right-click this duplicate make that blue and hold ctrl and click and drag this one down to about here and then I'm gonna hold ctrl and grab this bottom arrow and scale this out to about maybe about there and then hold shift and click on the green object beneath it go to path difference and then gonna hold ctrl and bring this down about this much then I'm gonna hold ctrl again and grab this bottom left arrow and scale this in a little bit maybe about that much right click duplicate duplicate hold ctrl click and drag it down to about here hold ctrl again scale this one make it a little bit smaller right-click it duplicate bring this down to about there hold ctrl and make this one a little smaller and do the same thing right click duplicate one more time hold ctrl click and drag this down to here and while still holding ctrl click and drag and make this a little smaller as well now I'm gonna take these and put them inside of inside of the inside of the cone here you want them you don't want them sticking out and once you get to about there we can hold shift and click on each one of those green little stripes bring the opacity on them all the way up we could actually unify them together we'll get a path Union and then press f7 on the keyboard to get the dropper tool and click on this orange portion right there go ahead and click that and I should make that the same shade then we can go back to our arrow click on that and what we're gonna do next is we're gonna click on this yellow this yellow shape in the background here the cone and we're gonna go to path and linked offset and we'll make this some we'll just make this green and then grab this little node up here and scale this out to about here right about that right about there that that should be about that thick is pretty good and then we'll go to path object to path and then we'll go back to our arrow let's raise this to the top and drop the opacity on this and then we'll right-click it actually no first we have to go to this this oval let's click on these this oval segment right here and ungroup it once you had that selected come up here to the ungroup ungroup selected objects and then we can click on this green object right-click it duplicate hold shift and click on this dark pink section right here and go to path difference and then we'll click on this green piece right click it duplicate it again hold shift click on that white stripe right there path difference and then finally we could take this last green object and hold shift and click on the main pink segment right there and go to path difference and now what we're gonna do is we're gonna create a little bit of a dripping ice cream right here and we're gonna do that by first creating an oval so let's come over to the circles and ellipses tool and let's click and drag and make an an oval kind of like that and then we'll go to path object to path edit edit paths by nodes click on that tool and we'll click and drag over these Center nodes right here hold ctrl on the keyboard and click and drag them down about this much right about there I mean go back to our arrow and then we can right-click this and go to duplicate we could turn this blue and we're gonna inset this a few times and we'll do that by pressing ctrl + 9 so I'm gonna controlling 9 1 2 3 4 maybe one more time 5 so I inserted that five times now I'm gonna right click this and duplicate that and turn that red and hold ctrl on the keyboard and click and drag this bottom left arrow up to about there and then I'll come up here while still holding ctrl and take this top this top right arrow and scale that out to about there and hold shift and click on the blue object beneath it and then we can go to path difference so what I'll do now is I'll click and drag over both of these and I'll put this right about here because this is gonna be the little drip right here I'm gonna hold ctrl and scale this down a little bit it doesn't need to be quite that big so I'll put that right there and we can bring the opacity on that all the way up and then we can click off of it to deselect everything and let's click on just this green let's click on this blue object first and let's make that white and then let's click on this green object and press f7 to get our dropper tool and make that the same shade of pink that that that that is there in the center and then we can go back to our arrow and we can click and drag over both of those right click duplicate and put this one over here and I'm gonna hold ctrl and scale this down a little bit I'm gonna make this one just a little smaller than the original one I'll put that right there click off of the graphic to deselect it and then I'll click on just this drop right here this pink object and press f7 to get the dropper tool and make it the same shade of pink that that is right there so what I'll do next is I'll go back to the arrow and click on this pink object right here and let's get a path and linked offset and we'll make that green for now and let's grab this node and just scale this up about that much and then we can go to path object to path and then we can press f7 on the keyboard to get our dropper tool and we can make this the same shade that this dark pink border is right here so go ahead and click on that to give that the same shade and then we'll go back to the arrow and we'll do the same thing over here we'll click on this we'll go to path linked offset make it green and then grab that little node up there and scale that out about that much let's go to a path object to path go back to our dropper tool go press f7 and get the dropper tool and we can just click on that dark pink shade to make it that good that make it that shade right there and then we can go back to our arrow and let's one final step is we have to click on this pink object right here and let's right-click that and go to duplicate and let's hold shift in the keyboard and click on click on this dark pink border right there and with them both selected go to path difference and we'll do the same thing to this one right here I'll click on this pink.this pink object right-click duplicate hold shift in the keyboard and you might have to zoom in to do this you could press + on the keyboard to zoom in or you can just hold ctrl and use the mouse wheel with that selected hold shift and click on that that dark pink border right there go to path difference then we could press 1 on the keyboard to zoom out and I'm actually gonna hold ctrl and roll down on the mouse wheel to zoom out a little bit one last step I'm gonna click and drag over this whole thing I'm gonna group it together and click it a second time to get the rotation handles and I'm gonna hold ctrl and grab this side arrow right here and just scale that up about once maybe like that just to give it a little bit of a a little bit of shape there so that is it for the tutorial that's how you can create a cartoon style ice cream cone using Inkscape so if you have any questions just let me know and as always thank you for watching
Channel: Logos By Nick
Views: 33,746
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Keywords: inkscape, learn inkscape, inkscape tutorial, inkscape logo, inkscape logo design tutorial, inkscape for beginners
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 0sec (1380 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 17 2015
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