Inkarnate 101 | Getting Started with Inkarnate

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hello everyone this is going to be a fairly quick overview of how to use incarnate the ui and what some of the features are the plan is to do more tutorials and walkthroughs like these for incarnate as well as for other programs that we mentioned on the channel so if you're watching through this and you see something a little different or you want us to dive deeper into a certain aspect let us know in the comments down below also make sure that you subscribe so you can see more tutorials and other content from us in the future and we will be putting timestamps in the description so if you want to skip ahead to just certain parts of the video that you want to watch you can do that but we do encourage you to watch the whole thing all right so let's jump in alright so you've created your account and you've logged in and you will end up on this page so you won't have this text here this is because i have some already created maps in a folder that i've created but basically when you create maps they will appear on this page you can put them in folders as i mentioned and then if you go to this explore tab you can go see maps that other people in the community have created and if you like those they will appear here as well but the point of this video is to show how to use incarnate how to make a map so we're going to do just that so once you click on create a map you're going to be able to select from different styles here the first one this is in beta at the moment but you can create battle maps so these would be super zoomed in basically grid battle maps as you can see from some of these examples this is in beta again i believe you can access this if you have the free version it's worth noting that i am doing this on the pro version i do pay for the pro version uh but i believe you can do this on a free account as well but again this is something that's in beta so we're going to be doing the fantasy world style but let's have a brief look at these other styles here we have fantasy regional hd so these are kind of more high definition assets that are more appropriate for kind of zoomed in scenes like a city or region or that sort of thing as you can see in some of these examples we're going to do the fantasy world one but again let's take a look at these others here uh parchment world this is pretty much fantasy world but with a bit of a parchment filter on it as well as a different asset set that looks good on that sort of parchment style and then fantasy regional classic so a little less hd than the hd one as you might expect a little bit more zoomed out areas but still kind of regional and more in sort of the classic uh incarnate asset style i guess so we're going to select fantasy world and we're going to hit choose style so you can select your resolution and aspect ratio here pretty straightforward i'm just going to keep it on the default settings you can do of course landscape portrait square or any sort of custom aspect ratio that you like and you can up the resolution if you want to just keep in mind that the higher the resolution and the more assets you pack into your map uh the harder it's going to be performance wise on your machine so if that's a concern for you i'd say just stick with the default or even 1k if you need to so if we create a map here and jump in all right so we have some tabs along the sides which are basically our different tools we have our save button down here we have our menu up here to be able to save again if you want to export there's a recovery feature which i have not used but that is good to note and then return to your maps as well again after you've saved and then some other kind of assorted options you also have undo redo and a change history i can't click on these at the moment because i haven't done anything in the map but pretty straightforward undo redo and you can click on this to kind of see all your recent changes and go back to a certain point if you need to all right so the other options here are all going to change based on which of these tabs in when we hop in it's going to start us off on this tool because this is the terrain tool so we have all of our different shapes here we have edgy circle grids all of these other shapes this is kind of going to be the default one because it gives you sort of nice natural looking terrain so if i paint this onto the map here you can see it kind of has these nice natural edges to it and it gives it a little bit of a sort of coastline on there but you can also uh again make it in different shapes but specifically make it on the grid so there is a grid tab on the side and we'll cover that later but basically if you want to specifically make all of this on a very distinct grid you can do this and you can actually place and remove terrain uh on that grid and again there's a way to make that visible but we'll cover that a little bit later so if we go back to this guy here you can also subtract of course so uh here is our brush size as you can see it made a little bit smaller for subtract you can tick it up or down like this you can drag back and forth on here you can change the number and you can change the slider so pretty much any way that you want to do it i know various you know editing platforms like photoshop and things like that use kind of different styles of um you know shortcuts for doing stuff like that and this basically has all of them so whatever you kind of are familiar with you can continue doing an incarnate which is cool and then this option is here specifically for the edgy shape and this is the feature size so this is kind of how fractal this is along the edges so if i turn this up for example let's turn it up a little more and i draw this you'll notice that i'm on subtract mode but you'll notice that that sort of fractal edge is much bigger and i can change that again smoothing pretty straightforward it's on by default just smooth as the edges smooths the edges smoothens i don't remember how english works smooths the edges that still sounds wrong anyways you get the point uh if you turn it off it'll kind of just keep it more fractal and and geometric it won't do any of the the smoothing or smoothening i don't know who knows um all right so let's go back up to this tab here so this is select the select tool and again if you mouse over these you'll see the name and also the hotkey for them so for this one you can toggle basically the different kinds of things that you want to select it's on everything by default as well as layers so again if if you've used any sort of other editing program and you're familiar with layers you can do that here but basically you can place assets and things on different layers and then choose to only select them within a certain range you can see your layers over on these side tabs here there's the layers tab foreground is going to be for stuff on land basically background for water and then you can create different object layers which we'll see more of there's also this shadow customization option so for some of the assets that have shadows this is sort of a global customization and then the color filter option here so if i tick this we will get these presets and so you can actually see that the parchment one is in here as well as a bunch of others you can make it black and white or whatever else you want to do and then you can change the intensity so if you're wondering why this wasn't quite black and white it's because the intensity here is only at percent so if i put this all the way up it will make it completely black and white uh so again you can create um kind of a different feel different look if you want to or you can just kind of jump in with the presets from those styles so i'll take this off again just to go back to normal uh objects as well so there aren't any objects at the moment but this is kind of uh we'll show you this when you're in this window and these layer and scene settings tabs will stay here this last one will change out depending on what you've clicked over here so let us go now we looked at the mask tool let us go to the brush tool so this is how you're going to sort of paint on uh terrain essentially so well not drain i guess this is terrain but how you're going to paint on the coloring on top of it so you have your foreground layers background layers uh foreground more for land background more for water a lot of the same options here with the shapes and brush size as well as opacity and softness again for the brush so and you have some of these options over here many of which are up at the top as well although there usually are some other options like the offset and rotation here so if i click here on the catalog i can also hit f it will open the big texture catalog again you might not see all of these if you have the free version and then depending on which style you picked in our case we picked fantasy world it will sort of toggle these by default but if you do want to um include the ones that weren't included so for example these i can toggle that and they will they will pop into the map so oops i will go back to just fantasy world for now let's select this darker green and then we can sort of paint it on to the map uh so let's make this brush a little bigger we'll kind of leave it with a bit of a sandy edge and do that perfect okay and then again this is on the foreground if we wanted to change the water in the background we can go in here here's some different water this is kind of a brighter one and we can paint on this sort of lighter watercolor in the back if we wanted to so i'll undo that for now um all right let's go to the next tab so this is the stamp tool these are basically your assets so this is going to be mountains and trees and buildings and all sorts of other things so very much like the uh textures there is a catalog here so yeah let me let me start here so if i open this uh there's a few custom assets that you can see here that i brought in as well as all of these other ones and there's even more that are selected for that you can select for other things um but basically some of these you'll notice uh have a little number in the corner whereas some of them don't the ones that have a number in the corner are um sets so they're basically they're going to kind of have that look but there's going to be different variations of the same thing and that goes for a lot of things here so like these little houses or these little trees or mountains like this and basically if i select one of these um it's going to kind of be the stamp that i have here that i'm able to place uh random stamps is selected by default but basically what this means is that if there is a set like this as i go through and place a mountain and then place another one it's going to randomly cycle through this stamp so that there's some variation it's worth noting of course that you can put these on different layers so these are on layer one for example by default and if i open this tab we'll now see that layer one here has the three mountains and of course you can create uh stuff on whatever layers you like in a way that kind of makes sense for how you want to build your map there's also radius so radius and density down here as well as up here actually says area but this is in fact radius so if we make this bigger we can kind of see that there's like a bit of a brush these are pretty big mountains so let me make this a little smaller and then density so if i turn the density down there's not quite as many and then i can just sort of drag these across the map and it will put them in there it looks a little weird for mountains but obviously uh that would be a good way to put down trees for example so let us maybe do this put in a couple more mountains a little bit of a mountain range and then if i go here and we select these trees um yeah there we go so as you can see maybe we'll make these the tiniest bit bigger we could put in a nice sort of uh forest like this cool um yeah so again there's tons and tons and tons of different assets that you can go through but this is basically how you add all of those to your map you'll select it and you can kind of stamp them on that way either kind of singly by themselves so if i get rid of this just one at a time if you want to or with brushes which is awesome so our next tab here is text and pretty straightforward pretty much like every other text editor you got your fonts you can bold things you got your colors and shadow and that sort of thing and if you click onto the map here you can place it down and then if you type in the text box here you can change what the text is and you have kind of more of your options down here with opacity and curving things and spacing and color and all of that fun stuff to be able to [Music] put text onto your map so let's just type island here perfect and then if we go to the selection tool we can move this around and of course while we're in the selection tool here if we want to move around the assets that we place down we can do that if we want to select some of them we can do that and then of course this is where layers would come in handy maybe i want that forced on a different layer so that i can move these mountains around without having to select without selecting all these trees or everything else by accident all right so the pathway tool so this is kind of a neat little tool um especially kind of for bigger world maps like this basically it just allows you to create little paths so you can do them in different colors and you can make the line different i'll just do this little path along here there we go uh and again i can rotate it and move it around if i want to um but yeah it basically just make lets you create little um sort of path lines like this which can look quite good on a big uh map uh we also have the note tab here so this is a little bit of a weird one but some people might want to use this kind of as they go along and get ideas these are going to be hidden so if you share this map and stuff like that or even if you change tabs here they're going to disappear but it's kind of just for your own reference you can place down little notes so let's say there's going to be something in here and you can give it a title and some description and save it and then there's a little note for yourself again a bit of a bit of a strange feature because when you when you tab away those disappear but just kind of for your own reference as you're building a map it might be a nice little way to make notes for yourself to remember things the last one here is the grid tool and so by default it is off if we hit show grid we will get a bunch of options here so we can by default it's on the isometric square here we can also make it actual normal squares if we want to or hexes we can change the size up and down and we can change the color and the the sort of shadow of these lines and things like that and again there's quite a few options up here and there's even more down here and of course if you change these and we go back over to this tool on the grid uh as you can see we add it will place it sort of according to this new grid structure which is awesome uh but yeah so if if you want a grid for kind of figuring out distance or you know i guess that's generally why you'd use it figuring out kind of how far things are across on your map you can do that the other thing that we have here isn't it isn't a tab really so much as a tool but panning and zooming so being able to move around like this zooming in and out so this is just with my mouse wheel or with the slider up here or with the 101 other ways to uh to toggle things back and forth as well as fit screen so if i zoom out or kind of move things around weirdly i can hit fit screen and that will kind of attempt to fit it to the screen and bring it back to center um yeah so that is kind of a basic overview of all of the tools and things i could definitely go way deeper into all sorts of this i can also do you know some examples and more of a tutorial on how to do particular things with the platform uh but hopefully if you've kind of opened it up for the first time this is helpful to you and you know i can make some more videos more tutorials going forward to help people with more specific things so if you have something that you would specifically like to learn about incarnate uh let me know let me know in the comments and uh i will put together some more videos as part of a tutorial series on how to make maps they're updating it all the time and adding new features which is awesome so there's a lot of things that i am still learning as i go as well but i do have some experience in making maps for my own campaigns and that sort of thing so i would love to uh make some of those tutorials to share with you guys um so you know i'm just playing around with things in the background here make little rivers things like that these don't look the most natural but anyways there's there's lots and lots of different things that you can do with this uh so like i say let me know if you want to see something uh if you're curious about something and uh i will make some more videos for you guys in the future but that is all for now and thanks for checking this out subscribe if you have not already if you want to see more content like this and we have some big plans for this channel so we are excited to have you along for the ride uh but yeah that is it for today see you guys
Channel: Silver Dragon Academy
Views: 67,174
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Inkarnate, map making, inkarnate, tutorial, how to, Inkarnate Tutorial, Inkarnate How To
Id: RkZYDbbSa3I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 40sec (1000 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 23 2020
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