How to use Wonderdraft

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hi everybody this is dan with ava novus uh today we're going to go over wonder draft and how to use it this is basically wonder draft 101 first of all when we load wonder draft up we can see the version we could see if it's up to date we always want it up to date with the current version right now is at this recording it's 1.17 now what can you do with wonder draft we can make maps that look like this highly detailed refined rivers boundaries labels everything like that we can make these like really really big if we want to so this is what you can and we're going to make an island today kind of the same style as this a little bit different so let's go ahead and let us get started so we open up wonder draft up here on the top left we have our menu we have new map we have opener maps we also have a help function menu is kind of complex you can open up your recent maps that you've done but then you have your preferences and all this stuff don't worry about that we'll get to that later so let's go ahead and make a new map to make a new map we just hit new map or new it brings this up and it lets us know what settings and assets are available in the map we're going to make currently we're only going to be using the assets that come with wunderdraft and we are going to we're going to use a template a pre-created template that it has been stored for us so right now let's go with a full 4k ultra high definition map and we can either choose it to be portrait or landscape in this case let's go with landscape and this theme we'll talk about next so let's go ahead and let's hit ok it'll load our default symbols and textures and anything else that we have there let's give it a one second 4k is awful big program we're also recording so right now uh this is the screen that you'll find right now it's totally empty this is the represents the ocean okay on the left we have our menus and below that we have the submenus of what we could do over on the right we have all the colors and stuff like that now to demonstrate a very important aspect of wonder draft i'm just going to hit this draw menu and draw just a let's just say kind of an island here just really quick really fast because uh the first thing i want to show you guys is this theme new open save import export theme a theme will allow you to change how your map works currently we're in the adventure theme this is we'll go through all of them right now this is the black and white theme this is the eastward theme this is the feudal theme and you'll notice each one changes the stains and the roughness of the map this is imagination theme paper pastel and tara and warren right now what i'd like to do is would like to go into the imagination theme so again how you do that is you click themes you go to the imagination click it and hit apply okay so let's go ahead and let's redraw this little island we're going to make oh right now i'm going to click on the create button right here it's landmash brush or z i'm going to come over here and adjust my size over on the over on the right here there's our icon right there and we're going to make an island so let's make kind of a crazy little island and with islands we're going to make them a little craggly so they're going to have these crags i'm just shaking my stylus back and forth or you can use your mouse and just do the same and that's giving me this kind of craggly little image gradually little outline of the island again this is using the v the land brush that's kind of an interesting little island again shapes shapes are landmass shapes are entirely different video you know what let's give this a little a little friend island here too island with an island just off the coast there awesome okay now we just have to fill this in there's no fill button so we kind of have to do this ourselves so we'll go back to size to make this kind of bigger fill the outside first and then we'll come into the inside with a bigger brush so let's fill this outside stuff again we're still using that v that land brush nothing too hard we're kind of taking our time making sure we don't cover up any of the cool details back here down with our little island fill that guy in too and we might as well just fill the rest of this in okay we have a little island there but let's say we want to it's it's a little too smooth let's say let's say with our land brush we had another part that comes down here and you notice how round you get these rounded things here we necessarily don't want that so wonder draft has this wonderful little brush called it is called our lower landmass to tool we just click on that and when we go across it creates this really craggly cool coastline let's go ahead and zoom into that i'm holding ctrl and zooming in on my mouse wheel holding down space to move everything and i'm just tracing this and i'm just kind of going nuts with whatever it gives we're getting little islands off the coast there that's absolutely fine and again this is this brush here it is the lower land mesh brush has two settings over on the right a brush size and a roughness let's go ahead and play with the roughness if we take it all the way up it really gives us a rough line if we take it all the way down it gives us kind of this circular line so we want it kind of in the middle for this again i'm holding shift to move and i'm coming down onto the island with this brush to create more of a craggly natural looking door line just run on the brush let's say if i feel like i'm taking a little too much time to make this actually this is going quite fast but i'll demonstrate on our little island here see how that makes that a lot more realistic makes gives it a good feel on exactly what should be there and again that's with the lower landmass tool i'm coming back here this big old looks like a nose i kind of want to get rid of so we're just going to get rid of all the slant with this brush now i can't get it with lower land mass or i can get it with this eraser brush eraser starts out really big so you make sure you need to pull it in let's go back to the lower land mesh brush to help that out a lot more make that really craggly here let's go ahead and hit hold down control and zoom out all right that's our island right now and i'm not liking this part down here so let's go ahead and we're going to erase this area that's good that that looks a lot better feel better about that and personal preference and then come in with our lower landmass brush all right let's say we don't want any of these islands we can use our eraser tool and just kind of sneak up on them like that just really quick those islands though are kind of fun so we'll keep a lot of them we're just going to erase some of them okay so currently we've made our land let's go ahead and once again mess with themes let's just check a couple other themes out let's go with eastward excuse me apply that there we go there's eastward let's go to pastel there's pastel that's kind of a fun one and we're going to go back to imagination because that's what we've been working on the next step in making a map is of course kind of getting an idea of where things are in this case we're going to start adding some mountains to this map now in the land section we have a couple options here let's save this really quick we'll call the stream map we have another option that allows us to generate landmass and this is the landmass wizard if we click on that and hit it populates a a menu over on the right that gives us a roughness a detail water level we want our detail up high we're going to generate a new map okay not what we really wanted let's try another one i'm just using ctrl z to go back and forth that's a cool little map there i like that one we can also adjust the water level or we can invert it too that's even better i like that one let's go ahead and generate a new one and that's just the wizard it's it's pretty cool but i like our island so we're going to keep our islands and i just hit ctrl c to come back to that all right a couple other things that we have here we have a brush that is going to allow us to color our map and we can also choose our colors here or we can choose additional other colors now something really important to note is if we change themes so we go to futile the colors actually change as well so if we were to use one of the colors here and we went to a different theme like back to our imagination theme the color would be different and we don't have that on our palette so that's really important to remember you change your themes you're going to change your color palette let's go ahead and look over at this side when we are creating and when we are painting we have three different types of brushes we have a fade brush we have a harsh brush and we have kind of this jaggedy other brush that we can paint our land with now usually i with the land i paint i always use a low opacity and this jagged brush and just do the little circles everywhere and that will give us a nice little outline and a nice little image there that's very easy to add color to also the fade brush is really good at this as well we'll get to this color in a few i just wanted to show you what's in this menu another another another brush is our area brush you can do that with it you can select stuff you can erase cut fill or anything like that it's really useful if you have the time i need it let's go ahead now and look paths then down to symbols symbols are things that allow us to place things on the map okay there's two type there's three well in this there's three types of symbols you have the actual symbols and if you notice oh we don't want that we want all of them sorry about that we could have like bridges and and ravines and wonder draft has actually quite a lot of symbols and stuff like that we'll be using a couple of these today so there's our symbols the next thing we're going to do is our regions excuse me our our tree brush and these are the brushes that wonder draft comes with i personally like this one a lot or this one's really fun to work with so we have our symbols then we have our mountains and again when we do mountains they just simply go like that we'll be doing that next part of this island and then we have a racer if we put like some mountains we don't like we just hit the eraser and get rid of them really simple really easy then we have a select tool say we have mountain here we can hit our selection and we can move those selections anywhere we want if we need to let's say we don't like any of this and let's say we're going to just get rid of that so right now again we're in our symbols we were in our land we're now in our cymbals let's go ahead and put some mountains down let's choose i don't know let's choose these mountains right here maybe these guys yeah let's use these mounds and we're going to make a mountain range right in the middle now these mounds are way too big so we're going to lower the size of that right here on the right so half the symbol size this placement rate allow is basically how fast they place versus slow we keep that about at one placement density is how dense the placements are together we want to keep that about a one as well for this now another option is this spray brush if you turn it on it allows you to spray a big circle of mountains right now or symbols i don't like using this spray brush too much especially with a small map like this i want to have a lot more control so let's go ahead and put some mountains we're not going to go into geography we're just going to throw some mountains down and see how they look so we're going to kind of create this craggy mountain range right here right here and let's say we have another mountain range right here and i'm just holding down the mouse and placing these nothing more simple kind of coming out with this stuff these little entries all right that's kind of cool we got our mountains in let's now do some hills let's see if we got some nice little hills oh those are a little too small so let's zoom in so let's up the scale of these by 70 and we're just going to put some small hills around the mountains just like that now i'm looking at these hills and i kind of don't like what they're doing i don't think they are representing things so i'm just going to control z let's play with these a little more no i maybe that looks better i think that looks better again it's all subjective to the eye so we're just going to add a couple little hills here and there nothing big just another little texture if no i don't like that don't like those big mountains yeah we'll we'll keep up with these hills all right we got our hills done and this is basically i work from mountains to rivers to trees when it comes to symbols and then i do the rest of the cymbals so i'm just adding hills there maybe some hills here maybe some hills here hills there and hills there all right let's have a look at that okay not too bad for our first little and again we're going fast let's next kind of figure out where our rivers are going to be now for rivers we go up to the water the first first option here on the left and we have a bunch of different tools we have our water tool here this will change we're at point 18 just remember that this will change the hue of the water we want this guy again at point 18 that's where we're at water saturation was at negative two and again we can really mess with that but let's go back to negative two water value we can mess with and then stain amount and let's say we totally messed these up and we can't remember what they were we just go to theme we go to a theme we want in this case adventure we hit apply and it makes it all good in case we mess something up here so that's what the water does this next tool is our rivers the next one is our lakes next one is our fresh water brush we can actually put little fresh water things like that or if we don't like what we're doing let's say we had a bunch of likes here that we really didn't like we could come in and erase them with that we can also color them i don't really use this too much but occasionally i do and also we have little for some reason they have this little symbol in the water menu that creates this these little compass points we're not going to use that here's our selector if we want to select stuff so let's go ahead and do our rivers really quick now rivers they flow downhill they take the path of least resistance and at times they will do something called um by fa by fraction we're not going to worry about that today we're just going to make our rivers we start at their source and we just tap down the rivers down to the ocean when we get to the ocean we double click and we have a river let's go ahead and zoom in in this area let's put another river right here coming out of these mountains and again rivers take the path of least resistance and they they don't fork they don't do this too much of the time that's very rare it's called bifurcation but we're not gonna oops we are not going to worry about a river like that so let's go back and do this river let's make him a kind of squiggly go into the ocean double click we have a little another river coming into this one and let's say from these hills we have another river that comes down just something fun like that let's do the same thing here maybe right here i'm just adding these willy nilly and double click to add it kind of makes this own makes its own meandering now we can adjust the meandering difference of the roughness and the meandering difference let's say a river source fade in is really low that will change this area of it and our roughness and our width and make our rivers really wide just like that we don't want that and if we don't remember where that was at we just go back to our adventure apply close oh it looks like it didn't track so we're going to go about a 4 on our rivers roughness we're going to go to we're just going to add some more rivers into this holding down space to move another river here escape to cancel the river another river here let's say this river becomes a delta so it would have little splits off like that and deltas are a little rare let's say this river over here comes out here and it meanders and gets hold of that guy again rivers don't do this okay rivers do this very important note when in doubt always do that if you have something magical there or like a big piece of hard earth that's perfectly acceptable if you look at the where the danube comes out or also a lot of the rivers in southern china you will find that a lot of the rivers actually bisect and become new rivers just something to keep in mind there are exceptions when it comes to rivers everywhere okay we're getting our rivers in and i'm going to switch over to the mouse directly so i can double tap a little easier and we're just putting a lot of rivers in i'll show you why later let's go to our island and not neglect our little buddy here oh let's uh looks like our there we go that's the width up if you hit control um if you hit your mouse wheel it will automatically whatever is on top here on the right it will automatically adjust that so be aware of that so you want to kind of avoid the mouse wheel i'm down here oh crazy zigzag your river there and then a river here okay we've got a rivers in pretty s pretty snazzy all right so let's go ahead and get our lakes let's wonder to ourselves where lakes would be and i think i'm gonna put a like right here let's actually make that a little smaller let's go about yeah let's go about like that maybe we have a lake form right here where these two rivers join and it gets big and there's a little island there and let's let's put in another lake and again i'm just using the light tool and we can add just lakes without rivers just like maybe up by these mountains or maybe over here these lakes turn into like swamps you know the swampy area right there i don't like the look of that i'd rather do something different so let's go ahead and do that right now let's go back to land let's go back to lower uh lower and we'll just create some swampy looking likes there now we can use this if we use this up here though see it doesn't match with the river so use your like tool if you want likes like that let's actually go back here this isn't looking there we go and we'll add a swamp there later okay we've gone pretty far here let's go ahead now and we're going to add some trees so we go to symbols fourth one down we go to our tree icon now let's go let's look at here and let's find some trees we got that tree very simplistic we got this tree which is kind of interesting we got this tree let's go with these trees today now they're really really big so we need to make these really sm a lot smaller to do that we're going to on the right here move this down to 15 and then we're going to lock our scale actually i'm looking at these trees and i don't know if i like them let's go with these other trees let's go with these other trees let's move them down to about as far as they will go in this case 10 for high def you want your trees smaller you need to start with a more high def picture so let's go ahead and ask ourselves where we want forests and our first forest is going to be here and we're going to kind of just do little circles placing these now if we go over one of the rivers it is going to cover the river if it goes over one of the mountain it's going to cover the mountains so we're going to keep kind of away from those because we don't want that per se we're going to come really close to the river and fill that in now everything looks kind of black and whitish we'll fix that here in a second we're back here and we're making more forests let's go up here and let's say there's another forest above this just comes down right to the lake now obviously this island's not too big i'll show you once we're done with this i'll show you what we really can't do let's say we have a big old forest all the way up in this area again i'm doing little circles to blend staying away from the rivers controlling my brush if i wanted to i can turn off the spray turn on the spray brush and go like that but you see how black control i have so i usually don't use my spray brush so just like that come over by the rivers got a little close there but i think i'm fine with that there we go just to show that these trees are right next to this and these go up to the hills comes down to the mountains and we have this nice little there's actually a huge forest that's great maybe nice little clumps of trees over here there we go let's put some more clumps of trees those are those are great little clumpy tree there and some trees there let's go down here and make another forest and watching the hills watching the mountains there we go just happy there i'm just throwing these in i'm not worried about rain shadows or anything like that we're just doing this simple simple and concise putting more trees here always looking up making sure that our symbol scale is always the right size more trees here apparently this island has a lot of trees but that's okay i like trees all right let's go down to this island and let's just put trees let's put a giant forest down here the south make sure we hit the coastline and all that stuff again i'm just moving really slow just holding down my mouse button make sure i'm not covering up any hills or mountains put a tree just right there for grins staying away from rivers okay let's hit ctrl z and zoom out yeah we've got a fun little forest there okay what we're going to do next is i'm going to show you how you can actually paint the map really quick and not have to spend too much time on it to do that we go back to our land we go back to our brush and looking over on the right side we have of course our brush shapes brush size opacity and velocity we also have this interesting interesting little button called fill and this little menu button to click the menu button it brings down a list of things that we can fill we can fill all with the color let's go do that you can fill it like that or fill it like that or fill it with that color or this kind of janky brown but we don't want that we want to and of course we can erase everything so let's go ahead and erase everything now with the filters let's go ahead and turn the trees on and let's make all the trains green we click on trees we make sure there's nothing else selected click on trees and hit fill and all our trees turn that color now our opacity controls how much color is in so if we up our opacity and hit fill it fills the color totally so now we have green trees let's go to our mountains let's say we want brown mountains let's go ahead click on that and we hit fill and we have brown mountains and let's say we have want the land here to be kind of this orangish color so we click ground and we hit fill and i know you can't see that very well let's go this orange yeah we can fill it like that but i think we are going to be sneaky and we're going to go with that green let's actually make another green because i want these these trees to be a little more green to do that we have a little plus button here we hit plus and we choose our color i kind of want a deep green like that hit okay it's time to fill the trees again so we click off ground hit crease hit our color and hit fill and now we have a lot of deep greens and stuff like that so that's a really fast and easy way to color our map now if we want to uh color the landscape i'm going to kind of show you the technique i used to color landscapes because right now it looks very flat and we want to add some color to show that there's like kills and other variations okay to do this i click on ground i'm going to start with the mountains we're only going to be painting on the ground you see if i paint all the trees if all is selected whoops if everything's selected and i run my brush over do you see how that that color is everything we don't want that so we just want our ground selected and i'm going to use the same color of these mountains i'm going to go with the shaggy brush and bring the opacity down about 70 50 to 70 percent or somewhere in the middle and i'm going to color using circles the areas around the mountains this is going to help the mountains blend in i'm also going to color the hill area but i'm just going to go one pass about 50 right now i'm at 60 percent because we're going to actually blend all these colors in so we now have all the mountains colored in and next we're going to do the higher areas we're going to grab this kind of orange color and now we're going to drop the opacity down to 30 percent and the areas that are higher we're just going to come in and we're going to blend in with the mountains just like that with this yellow color if it gets too bold we can always come back and we can color in we can use that mountain color to help blend you see i'm just kind of staying away from that mountain color but i'm blending it into this we got to fix that right there that's okay but i'm doing little circles to blend again circles to blend sideways to create texture i'm putting this yellow color in showing that this is a higher area on the map and maybe over here on these hills we have kind of a higher area and maybe over here we have kind of a higher area you see how when i put that yellow in it it makes the like right here it makes the land look a lot more three-dimensional down here on this guy i'm putting that color in between the rivers just kind of blending there okay looking good there looking really good there now let's go back to this green color the opacity and we're just going to bring the opacity down and we're going to run this into the yellow a little bit do you see how that changes it just a little bit just kind of bleed some of that yellow off and create the more of that feel but being very gentle very gentle we could even turn the opacity down like one percent and add the green there as well so very very sneaky there okay let's say i'm gonna let's say we need some work on the mountains blending we're gonna turn our opacity down and we're just going to come in and very gently do the same things with the mountains to kind of fill those yellow spots and we're going to repeat this now we do the mountains again we come with our yellow we're going to make our brush size a little smaller we're going to do little circles you see how that blends and if you can hear i'm going tap tap tap tap tap that's kind of the sound and mouse clicking you guys want on this part just a tap tap tappy let's up the opacity there happy dabby dabby there we go cutting that brown back just a touch nothing extreme tap tap tap tap tap there we go maybe some hills down here maybe hilt here there's a reason why the rivers flow is he got hills let's say we want this green up into this river maybe in this river valley too so we create a valley there another valley there another valley there okay we've got our this is colored we're looking pretty good let's go ahead and grab this darker green and we're going to fill in the coastal regions we're going to drop our opacity to almost nothing and come in with a little bigger brush we're going to start on the edges here and i'm just doing circles where the water is and i'm just coming into this land area this darkness is also going to help us make the map pop again i'm right here going slow circles when i come into a river i'm just going to travel up the river just a little bit same thing down here up the river just to touch don't go all the way up it up the river just to touch it's also going to pop make our rivers pop a little better this dark green all right we are in a kind of a happy place now with all this now that we got our now that we have our land we have our mountains we have the shape of land and stuff let's go ahead and we are going to start adding our new symbols to this okay notice i just go up the green go up the rivers and now i'm just going to go up the rivers just a touch nothing big just as slightly as i can with a zero opacity just go up the rivers there we go let's have a look at that see how that makes your map pop makes it look good that's what we want maybe just color in just some here make sure it blends a little bit better stay away from the yellow you're going to get a weird color mix see right there we don't want that so what drills you out of there all right looking good so let's go ahead and add some symbols okay we click on the symbol tab it gives us our menu of five things also our colors and stuff let's not worry about this at all on the on the right side so let's go click our symbols and that populates us with this we have simple scale we have colors we have everything on and we have simple search but let's go ahead and find some big cities let's go with this city right here and let's find a place to put it if i were a city i'd like to be where there's trees and probably right here so if we put that down that's kind of hard to see so let's go ahead and up the size of this to about 25 and again this is just going to show where our big capital is and let's say over on this island we have another capital let's select one of these symbols and let's say it's down here we're still at the 25 but let's adjust this to be a little smaller and we will put this right here okay so we have two symbols right there do we like that do we not like that that's a good question to ask right now let's put some villages in so we have a village here that cuts wood let's go ahead and find another village maybe we have another village down here maybe this one's bigger so i can add another symbol there we go see we have two villages over here now and let's put a village over here now i accidentally hit my scroll button so i made it a little smaller made it a little bigger so we're going to just put some more villages right there and they stack on each other really nice let's see this kingdom only has one village and there's a mining town all right that's how you do symbols let's say also if we wanted a compass and ruler we could do that let's maybe add that somewhere let's say no no we don't want that let's add some let's add a compass point a rose compass point here let's put that rose compass do we have a bigger one no let's go there it's big but a rose compass right there that's gonna be fun all right so between uh between the cities and towns we're gonna now go ahead and make some roads to do roads we click on the path and it gives us two options it gives us this the path tool or the selection tool we're going to click on the path tool and notice over on our right it populates a whole bunch of stuff so let's go ahead and play with this so it has a style of paths we want to make we can do a little one like that let's increase the size of double click to place we can do a long path like that we can do dots any one of these this this is kind of cool we this button here you can draw over if we were doing a path let's say from here to here it would go under the symbols if we click on this button draw over symbols it would go over the symbols just a good thing to keep in mind when you're when you're doing paths in this case we're going to make a road we want the roughness kind to be up with let's go down to yeah let's go down to five let's go to our big city here and let's click and let's turn make sure that these are under and that is going right there and let's draw let's do another path up to this town let's turn the roughness down because that's a little little extreme on the roughness there and let's try that again there we go maybe a little more roughness just be you know to have fun with it then we have this road nope we want to click right on the road a little split in the road and that comes up over here this town so we got some roads there let's go ahead and make a road up to here cool let's say one of these paths we don't like let's say this one we don't like we can use our selection tool click on this path and we can actually move the entire path any way we want we can also change change the shape or whatever it is well the style excuse me and we can also edit points and draw over symbols that's of course there we're not going to worry about those but just be aware that you can edit stuff like that all right this is really really cool nice and fun we've got our roads in we got our little towns in let's go ahead and add let's go to our labels this is our label button we have three tools here we have a box tool that will create a box that we can write stuff in we have a selection tool and we have our text tool let's go ahead and put a label in for this island um over on the right side it tells us the font that we can use the font size the font color presets town city water we're going to hit water on this and we're going to double click to create a label and our label let's say we're going to put north island all right now interestingly enough this really isn't the north island it's it we're kind of well which is the north island so let's go ahead and make this bigger we select it we go to our font size we increase our font let's go ahead and we click on this little box right here we can move it like this with the little rotation arrow or we can move the whole thing like this let's go ahead and move it here let's create another one click on text click down here and go let's go south we created a salsa island we click right there to put our label in and we've got our labels let's go ahead and label our kingdoms here okay we click this we're going to go on our land or our let's go city we're going to click there now something else you can do is you can actually generate a name i'm horrible at thinking names so once i click on this i can go down here to name generator and settlements or bodies of water right now i just want it to i'm just clicking on the question mark and our capital is now is willowhurst so there's willowhurst let's add another label for this town go down here to the generator click there and this is cindertown let's put that right there then this little village up here click on our label bow lane okay we'll do another one over here that's a big name good grief flick spire yeah we're still there silver hollow yeah apparently this generates the biggest names ever another label there brazen portal rosenport or whatever then another one here we've got all our labels done and these can be space savers or anything like that all right let's go ahead and actually i want to move this so let's go ahead and select this selected we have to be in our text or we can just select it like that so text let's move south island over here and that's looking pretty good let's see what else we can do the next one we're going to go into something a little more technical we're going to go into overlays and we're going to add right here we're going to add a scale creator the scale creator there's a bunch of things but we're only going to worry well let's let's worry about two of these before we put a scale let's put a frame in here the third button down is a frame we just double click it and then hit enable and it puts a frame on our thing on our map we can choose a bunch of different types of frames this one i'm going with this frame because it looks kind of a piratey i kind of like that so and then we can also increase the scale of it in this case we're going to keep it about right there we can add a tint to it maybe an amber tint all right now we're not going to worry about this color this tab we're just going to worry about here and again to enable it enable it just right like that okay let's make a scale here's our scale and what we're going to do is we're going to just click and create and it pops it up right there and then we can move it to where we want in this case let's move this over to our little our little uh rose compass now that's 500 miles and that's huge we don't want that so let's go segment distance let's go 10 miles okay maybe five miles all right that kind of shows us where we're at this is also kind of small so let's go ahead and adjust the size of this oops oops let's make the font size a little bit bigger 12. let's go i don't know should do 50. there we go a little bit of an outline there let's go our width let's make this with a little bit bigger and just play with this play with what it does since we're working with the island i'm just going to hold down the up key and hold down the width the height key click on this move it there we go and we've just got our map done all right let's save this guy really quick and let's kind of go over what things do again so our water tool we can color our water water appearance and it just changes everything we can make rivers let's say we have another river coming down into this lake double click to add it we have a lake tool just place our likes right there okay we have a we have a we can color our water if we really wanted to or excuse me we can make watery things like that which i don't like maybe we have a little swamp there we can erase those let's say i don't like that we can just get rid of those and we have our color or brush tool that we can color our brushes and our water bodies in this case i don't want to we have our this is again our um it's called the wind rose tool we're going to plop that right in the middle of our rose compass and that's that's kind of cool okay then land tool we can create land like that we can erase land like that next tool under that is the raise tool it kind of makes a jaggedy appearance as such we can lower it kind of jaggy lowered appearance let's say we want to do that for some of our river mouths we can go in and do that just makes it more realistic especially if it's large body large rivers okay we can also paint the rivers or excuse me paint the land let's say we add some land over here we hit paint and we can go in and paint it any color we want on our brush size we can change the brush size to big we can up the opacity and change this to pretty much any color we're feeling like and then when we erase it if we're in the land tool it get it gets rid of it all right our selection tool we can select areas oops invalid shape my bad and then we can like erase cut or copy let's say we copy we can move this other places but we don't want that so we'll not mess with that paths same thing we click here we choose our path size width color symbols again the first one is our symbol catalog it opens all our symbols that we can place second one is our trees opens all our trees and stuff mountains erasers and selectors if we want to move anything let's move this hill here let's move this back in there there now i'm happy with it okay regions we won't worry about labels again we click let's say this is new bay actually let's delete that let's preset this on the water let's call this new bay or yeah new bay hmm the new bay once we got that we click here and we can move it to wherever we want let's say we want this to be labeled as ocean let's go with c say we wanted to adjust the height of this we just click double click on lettering so we want this big 150 boom we're going to yeah there we go north island lc if we don't want this we just click on this double click on it hit delete it gets rid of it fun stuff all right we can select different things you can click on text and then where we click it it automatically allows us to modify stuff let's say this name's too big willowhurst let's double click that and let's go narthus or something like that very token esque name see very easy all right overlay again we can make a little box let's say we have some information here that we want we click the box oops sorry it's under labels my bad ignore that that's why i do things live we have our measuring this right here will help us measure oops excuse me this is our measuring tool totally messed up this map okay measuring tool will just help you measure stuff if that's something you're interested in your scale tool is right here and that allows you to update your scale and move it around this measuring tool is irritating me let's just hit clear and get rid of it again scale tool measure controls back thank you scale tool if we wanted to make this even bigger we up the height and width height is there width is their segments right now it's in miles we can make this into kilo kilometers and stuff like that and then we can change the font of these if we want let's go with that that's that's a cooler font all right that's basically wonder draft in a nutshell easy to understand quick little guide hope you guys like this this is kind of fun to do and we will see okay labels there's our box we can put some information in here we call this the dreaded north islands let's say we want to change the font of that to be bigger there we go all right that's what the box does in a nutshell delete that all right let's say we don't like that we can select it delete that delete that there we go we've got our island we've we can edit stuff and we can rearrange stuff and we can do a lot so that's pretty much how you do a map in wonder draft hope this helps and have a great day
Channel: Avant Novis
Views: 54,567
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wonderdraft, how to use wonderdraft, map makeing software, Dnd, dungeonsanddragons, rpg, campaign, character, party, playing, game, love, friends, night, Fantasy, amwriting, writing Wonderdraft, Mapmaking, how to, Map, RPG, Fantasy Map, Campaign, Map Making, how to draw, Art, roleplaying game, cartography, world-building, Imagination, Cartography, World, techniques, Inkarnate, Artrage, 5e, tabletop, critical role
Id: es4-4oO6BC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 15sec (3075 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 29 2022
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