Inkarnate 102 | Making Maps with Inkarnate

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hi everyone this is going to be a casual walkthrough of map making and incarnate we posted a video yesterday it's more of a tutorial an overview of the ui and how to get started the link for that will be in the description it should also pop up right about now as a card on the video so do check that out if you're looking for that sort of tutorial but this is just going to be me making a map and showing off how incarnate works and some of the things you can do with it as i make a map with it in real time it should be noted that i am using the pro version here which will have more assets and styles and those sorts of things than the free version does but the basic functionality should be this the same i am also using the fantasy world style and a 2k resolution i believe so thanks for joining me and let's dive in here and make a map together so we're gonna make sure that we are on the add tool first off um this is a decent sized brush and we are just going to paint in some stuff um let's have this just be one big continent i could probably make this brush bigger that would probably make this easier but that's okay um okay all right so uh now we have that let us use the subtract brush and what i like to do with this brush kind of a cool tip i am using the the edgy shape by the way which is what gives it this kind of nice fractal border uh is coming at it from the side like this so essentially naturally the way that land masses like this form is that water kind of erodes away at the edges and so you get more of uh that sort of pattern going on essentially um it doesn't make a huge difference it still has a lot of the same fractal kind of edging it just goes a little bit more in and then outward if that makes more sense which gives it more of a natural look it doesn't actually look like it made that much of a difference but depending on uh what brushes and things like that you're using can help to give it a bit more of a natural look so we're just going to divide this into i like that actually as a thing i'm gonna do a smaller one we're gonna have this big continent and a little bit off of here i guess like a little smaller continent a little big to be an island and then uh yeah i actually wanna go through here and really kind of make this somewhat fractal we're actually gonna do a really small brush this could probably go smaller too and uh i'm just gonna kind of make a mess of this here there and clean up some edges a little bit so it doesn't look quite so perfectly geometric okay i think i think i like that for the most part all right um so that's in there uh again maybe we'll do a little bit along the edges this is a really small brush [Music] and we will sort of just roughen up these edges a little bit give it a little bit more kind of visual interest um something like that there we go and then let's do that i'm just gonna kind of basically sort of just hit this this edge um kind of randomly just sort of moving the mouse around here just to give it more of a natural shape we're going to come in like this randomly sure and then like that there yeah it's a little better yeah i like that uh let's bring this in a little bit more and bring that in bring this in some kind of a random shape there we go i think that gives it a little bit more visual interest and then let's make these a little bigger um let's do like a little lake or two we'll do that inside uh let's do a big guy here cool okay so that works pretty well for this um now what else i think okay i think i like that for kind of our basic terrain i think we're going to leave it there these are a little small maybe i'll get rid of those guys uh yeah i think i like that so we're going to go over the brush tool and um okay we have a lot of options here so what do we want to do these little green islands i'm imagining this is all like sort of pretty tropical in my brain i don't know if that makes sense with how climates actually work but that makes sense to me right now so i'm gonna make these kind of a nice like deep green like this uh and then i'm gonna kind of bring it over here as well sort of up the top here yeah something like that um cool and then we're gonna go for maybe more of this color for down here uh i don't know if i like those textures right next to each other actually what if we do that's a swamp um hmm maybe this oh i guess i'm kind of layering it over top of the other one that's all right i don't hate that yeah i don't mind that uh let's do that and let's do this as well uh i was just thinking this should be a snowy area but that doesn't make sense because i literally just said this was tropical so um let's just do this let's do this for now see how this goes this looks a little gray it doesn't look the grassiest if i'm being honest uh maybe this should be the snowy area down here this can be like a a south pole sort of thing um this is snowy i like that that's an interesting texture sure let's do that it's very abrupt there's some very very strong lines in this you know what maybe we should have done the assets first but we started here and we're gonna commit to that let's this this can all be this too so we have three sort of basic areas um sure well i don't i don't love this but we'll see if we can improve it as we go along here okay let's do some mountains let's start down in that like snowy area uh we have snow-capped mountains grey mountains let's do snow-capped mountains yeah i like those um make these a little bigger that'll do and then let's kind of i'm just going to place these one at a time here i think um you know what those are a little far inland move those there okay that works that works and then let's go back to the stamps uh let's make a few more here and then we're gonna get like a real big mountain there and we're gonna get an even bigger one here perfect um let's get this little guy oh hold on there we go you might be able to hear my cat screaming in the background uh i did feed him he's fine so don't be alarmed i don't know what else he needs but he's very concerned about it yes yes buddy um put a couple more peaks in here kind of flesh out this range and uh yeah let's sure i don't hate that i don't love it either but it'll do for now um okay what else do we want to get going on here we say it was tropical up there so let's do let's do some some tropical palm trees so for this we're going to do we're going to give it a radius with this and then we're going to turn down the density just maybe a little bit more than that and then we're going to well that's still pretty dense let's undo that let's turn that a little bit whoops palm tree not mountains there we go and yeah let us put some trees in there cool okay i like that i like that and um what else do we want to do here these swamp trees are pretty cool they're not tropical but they look like they could fit over here so let's do a little bit of a swamp there we go um i'm gonna clean this up a little bit on the edges [Music] all right sorry about that i had to take a brief recess to deal with whatever it was the cats were screaming about which i still don't know but we are back now uh so we've made our little swamp here we've cleaned up the edge there a bit that is cool that is cool um i'm thinking let's go back to the texture thing here and let's see if um imagining sort of being like a bit of a farming area so let's make this brush smaller and a little softer and let's see even smaller let's see if we can kind of give it that is not quite what i was going for uh opacity there we go that's what i wanted as well as the softness um does that look like fields you know it looks like something sure let's let's keep that why not uh um let us say that that is a little farming area oh we have some some hills what if make these guys a little bigger uh let's just turn this off for now make these even bigger and cool too big too big i'll take it back and we're just gonna get we're gonna get some some hills going on you know um i don't i don't know if i love this you know but we're we're uh we're in it now so this is happening um sure and then get some more hills that's how hills work right sure this is not the most beautiful map i've ever made um it's it's not even a closed contender but hopefully i can find available make this look more like an actual farm um what do we got here uh there we go that's a cute little village there we go okay here's here's what we're gonna do we're gonna put in cute little villages and then the the city is gonna be here yeah and then what else did we have in this sort of like style um oh gosh where were those up here uh oh there's like a capital okay okay i like that the capital is going to be um down maybe here right there if you couldn't tell by the confidence in my voice that's exactly where i intended it to go the whole time uh there we go that is the capital and then what else can we get going on here let's do some some regular trees i know we already have a lot of trees but ah let's do some pine trees pine trees yeah let us do some of those they're gonna be big ass pine trees perfect brilliant all right and another bit over there there we go um what can we include up in the jungle maybe the jungle is like an elven city that'd be kind of cool let's get this guy uh make it a little bit smaller put that over there there we go and then i also saw i like this idea let's take this tower a little smaller and we're gonna put this tower right up here on this island and does that look terrible a little bit a little bit um what about this island still strange but we're going to do it we're going to do it um all right let us see if we need anything else here uh yeah i like that let us do let's do some runes it's kind of cool do some runes over there let me make them a little bit bigger i like it all right uh now let us do there's some cool stamps for um compasses and things like that on the map there we go we're gonna do this one it's pretty cool oh that's a big boy uh turn that down a little bit bigger and we're gonna put that you know what let's put it in the bottom corner there we go that works awesome and then i feel like we need some some sea creatures you know maybe kind of like this style this is kind of cool so maybe this the great serpent is sort of like over here right by the uh by the snowy place big ice serpent boy and then um yeah let's put this down here this is gonna be like a a port uh sort of thing right in this bay so we'll put that there and let's do one more thing why not um dragons there here be here be dragons um dragons b wherever dragons dragons be here why not cool uh okay let's add some text so uh i like this one let's use this guy this guy i don't really know we're gonna use that one yep we're doing it all right there we go um this is going to be the i apologize in advance for my clicky clackity keyboard um this is the capitol it doesn't stand out super well can we do a shadow that helps a bit uh this the shadow yeah there we go yeah i like that that stands out better um let's put it underneath so you can still see the city i like that and then i'm just going to duplicate this and we're going to make a little smaller this is kind of big um sure and we're going to call this oh um human city because i think that's what the stamp was called uh i swear i'm more creative than this but you know this is for illustrative purposes so it's okay um i'm gonna duplicate that one more time and we're gonna call this the weird fields that's not how you spell fields fields there we go i before e except in weird um we're gonna make this one different font oh that's cute i like that that's very cute okay and then we have you know let's just do we're gonna do totally new one oh i kept the same settings that's fine um these are going to be the ruins there oh i'm typing the font the ruins i swear i did a tutorial on this program you can trust me um it's fine um yeah there we go the ruins and then we got these elf things still up here i think this is all gonna kind of be one area and let us that seems elfy this seems maybe like sure we'll have fancy elves fancy elf uh fancy fancy elf area i am apparently the least creative person on earth while recording that's okay um there fancy elf area will make a tiny bit bigger so it's a little easier to read uh there we go so yeah um oh one more thing here i guess i can make a path um so of course there would be a path between the elf city and the ruins and there would be like maybe a big road through the forests to these little villages uh can i like hold on can i do another path here yeah right there perfect and uh yeah do one do it up from here too and then let's do one more little path to there i like that in fact you know what that goes towards the water i wonder if we can do some sort of little port or maybe like a ferry maybe this could be like a little ferry ship by fairy i mean like you know fearing you back and forth not uh pink and with wings there we go yeah and then that takes you over to the incredible place of fancy elf area um cool uh so yeah i covered the note tool and tutorial as far as i'm aware what you only can see the notes on this tab but you can kind of leave little notes for yourself about things and stuff like that um so i mean i'll do one just to try it out here let's say the human city here we will say human city and the description will be as humans which is very insightful uh and then we'll save that and then yeah i think if we just are on this tab uh yeah we can we can check out these little notes so anyways uh kind of a weird little feature but you can use it to kind of make some notes for yourself if you go along if that is something that you would like to do um and then let's try a bit of a grid on it um let's just do yeah let's just do like a normal hex grid we're gonna make it pretty faint uh yeah pretty faint like that um what's the shadow make that a little bit wider okay i like that just like a really kind of faint grid so that you could see kind of distancing a little bit and we're gonna make it a little uh is that kind of there we go yeah i like that a little bit bigger grid um it can even be the tiniest bit less opaque more opaque more opaque i know that works uh cool yeah so this is our little map here actually we're gonna add one more final detail we're going to add in this banner we're going to put that [Music] do we want this banner maybe this banner let's do this banner i'm gonna make that bigger oh too big uh yeah that's about right and then we're actually gonna move our little serpent boy because he's hard to see there we go he uh come come this way sir thank you and we're gonna do uh text once more we're gonna yeah let's keep it in this style make it a little bigger perfect and we are going to say best map ever um brilliant and then we're gonna put that on here cool okay so yeah uh as as you can very clearly see this is the best map ever um but yeah this is this is uh just kind of a little overview of how to do stuff with incarnate uh this is definitely not the best map i have ever created as i said before but uh hopefully it kind of shows you the process of uh sort of building out the terrain using the brushes putting down assets the text tool things like that and how you can kind of combine all of that to make a really cool looking map and hopefully a better map than this one so yeah thanks for joining me for this uh if you're looking forward to more content like this uh do subscribe so that you can see when we pour post more stuff uh we have a lot of sort of tutorial type content planned as well as uh world building type content so we have a little bit of that going on right now we're kind of just getting into the swing of things in terms of producing content but if you want to see more and you enjoyed this video definitely give it a like leave a comment as well if you want to share you know if you can come up with a better name than fancy elf area i challenge you leave leave a comment and uh and subscribe when you do uh alright that is it for me today see you guys
Channel: Silver Dragon Academy
Views: 13,734
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Inkarnate, Inkarnate map making, map making, how to inkarnate, make a map with inkarnate, inkarnate guide, inkarnate tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 36sec (1476 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 24 2020
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