How to Create World Maps | Inkarnate Stream

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hello everybody happy monday it's incarnate live stream time yes all right yeah we're going to be making a world map with the fantasy regional style super excited about that yes fantasy regional is like one of my favorite styles i like love working with that so i'm super excited for this so yeah howdy king clown welcome glad to have you here hello cheryl awesome yeah yeah again we're making a world map with the fantasy regional style so i'm super excited about that let me quickly just go out and just do one announcement i think we only have one announcement we did release the temple pack for the watercolor battle map style and we're also doing a contest which you can find on reddit so if you just go to the bell up here you'll see what's new this is our notification system and if you click this link it'll take you to uh the contest post with all the rules and everything make sure you follow those and go ahead and submit a map we really want to see what you got we also have some just some videos here that you could watch if you need some help with how to make temples so go ahead and check that out i'm excited to see what people's contents entries are also don't forget to join our discord server because our discord is awesome and everyone there rocks so go check that out so let's not waste any time let's go into the fantasy regional style which i already started so i'm just to open the map and edit it i'm just using your standard landscape which is uh the default aspect ratio and it's a simple it's just that i'm trying not to do anything crazy no crazy aspect ratios or anything just landscape that way it's a lot easier and it's printable as well now my first step in my process when i'm thinking about a world map is i want to think about what is what is happening in my world map how much of it is going to be explorable um how many continents are there i think about all the various things that i i kind of want into my world map and it doesn't have to be decided all at once the map kind of has a process it flows and one of the first like roadblocks that i kind of find when i'm working with a world map is just where to start and that can be very frustrating and one of the first kind of like downers when i look at the canvases it's blank and i have this oh blank space and so what really really helps is to sometimes add a frame so i'm gonna make real quick a frame with the add mode of the mask tool so that way it can be painted so first i'm going to turn on the grid and whenever i'm working with a frame or if i'm doing something like if i want to make like a little cutout or something i like to use the mask tool because it allows me to paint on it so once the grid is up the first step for me is just to create the basic frame so if you go to that mask tool and you go over to the grid block shape and you bring the size down to one and i'll for now i'll turn off all of my mask effects so just click that enable mask effects and then you're just going to create a basic frame so step one make a frame now i want to mention why making a frame is actually kind of important uh with world maps it kind of makes sense to have a frame right a frame it's a world map it's where everything's going to be taking place and so it's nice to add a little frame to kind of encase your map but it also kind of cuts down some of the space on the map allowing you to have working with less working with less space is kind of less intermediate intimidating so you've gotten rid of all of this out here you don't have to worry about adding any stamps out there or anything like that so you're cutting down its size so that helps the next step is i'm going to do a little something else not just put in this frame this part but i'm going to use a circular part i'm going to use i guess you could call it what's called mole wide and mole white is a kind of a map projection map projections are basically the different kind of maps that you see that cartographers use they use very complex and sometimes not complex equations so it's very mathematical i'm not going to go into the mathematics of mole wide i'm just going to kind of use the that form of map projection artistically i'm not going to go into the mathematics because it's a little complex i'm going to first create a oval shape i'm going to switch over you'll notice right here phil's outline of shape instead of fills the interior of the shape so when i click that you'll notice that there's a border and i'm going to decrease the size of it so maybe bring it down to 17 and then from there i can line it up so i'll put it at the top here lean up against here push all the way down let's go right here here now within that oval is going to be where uh the world map is going to be so you've cut out all these corners and so there's not you've cut down on your space to work with which is nice it's less intimidating it's easier to work with i'm going to press enter and once i press enter you'll have this nice shape here now once i've done that i can go in and create a circle shape and i'll bring down the width just a little bit more of the outline and i'm going to put them in these corners and there's a couple things that you can do with these little circle shapes i'm putting in the corner you can create your your north and south poles or you can put in four important cities uh in each corner you can put the four normal noble houses you could have the four uh the four winds it's it's up to you what you want to put into it so i'm just going to stick with this for right now where i'm going to use this circle shape press enter and i'm going to put them in each corner press enter and i always have the grid on because the grid is extremely helpful when you're wanting to put together your world map whether you want to use the lines for uh distance scale which we will get into scale first let's just finish uh the frame so put all these together here one more let's say right about there looks good okay so now you have each each corner and you like i said you can put in maybe the north and the south pole in two of them and up maybe in the other two corners you can add in maybe uh a small map of the moon or the two moons of this world so be creative and think about what looks good all right so there's the frame i'm also going to go back to my grid and turn the grid to layer negative five i like to do that so that way the grid is not on top of my stamps it's kind of distracting now that i've done all that now i can go in and maybe play with my mask effects and figure out which ones i want to keep so turn on enable mask effects they're all going to turn on and you might not like these effects so i like to turn every single one of them off except for stroke now that i have stroke there i can figure out how much of my stroke lines around my mask tool do i want to add in i'm going to say maybe go to a 2.2 so they're going to be a little thick let me just zoom in and take a look first yep these lines are very very thick but that's okay i don't mind there we go all right doing good so far let's just scroll out okay now from there you want to i'm going to go ahead and start coloring some things i'm this is not the final textures and colors that i'm going to be using but it's nice to paint in the parts of the map that are not going to be where the actual physical map is so these corners these circles and these edges around the frame i'm gonna paint different colors so i'll stick with black and i like black because it's a color that may it is kind of neutral and a lot of colors look good with it i'm gonna go with the grid tool go down to negative or down to one and then just fill in with the bg layer that's two key and just fill in the outline part black that'll help mitigate some of the black around the stroke and it will also again kind of focus everything into the center of the map because it's black and there's nothing going on so it gives this black area as a nice reprieve to give your eye a break now that i've done that i can go in and pick some textures again this is not the final texture that i'll be using so i might want to take a look at it and see what i want to add blue works just fine but i don't want this part to be ocean so maybe i'll go into the catalog and pick a darker color the frame is quite the frame is quite light it's not the final color but for now we'll go with a dark contrast so the frame is light but we can switch it any time for now we're just doing the coloring just the base colors that we want to work with i'm going to increase my size and i'm going to go in and just paint this i'm going to make sure to drop my softness whenever i'm filling in something i like to instead use the hard brush so that way i'm filling it in properly so let's just go ahead and do this now if it goes off into the other bg areas that's okay don't worry about that again not the final color scheme here we go all right oh see how i i got some a little in the frame that's okay we'll go back over that mistakes happen and again because this isn't the uh the final rendering it's okay also if you make mistakes so again you're just trying to separate the parts of the map the parts of the map that are not where the actual map is just the frame okay now we can fill that last part i'll just go ahead just for fun sake just go in and add in the black right here there we go all right so step one frame is done okay i'm gonna turn off my grid real quick just to see what it looks like without the grid yep i like that where it is that looks fine yep okay i'm gonna go ahead and just say oh wait a minute i noticed a problem right here when i deleted right here with the subtract mode it kind of made an error so let's go back in with that grid and i'm going to press oopsie add mode my mistake there we go right let's go all the way across there we go yep that looks good and i'll go ahead and just check around here too to make sure there aren't any inconsistencies oops i noticed i missed a spot right there okay yeah and there's a spot right there okay all right let's zoom back out awesome so far okay now that we've done that part we can decide about a couple things so when you're thinking about a world map it doesn't have to be an entire world with all the continents and everything like that it's actually only the part of the world in which your players are going to explore so if you want if it's just a campaign you don't have to make six continents for your world map you can just make one or two or a super continent or like a pangaea maybe your continents are just it's just maybe the planet is just an archipelago where it's mostly water even more than earth so maybe 10 of the planet of this world has land and on 90 is water let's say that it's mostly land instead of water too so it's up to you how you want to go about that and when it comes to uh figuring that out it's really just about thinking about how much work you as a dm wants to make or as a map maker now if you're doing this for our campaign if you're making a massive world keep in mind that you will have to create regional maps battle maps and everything that comes with it so if world maps is so maybe your first maybe your first world map or uh you're just getting into it you've made a couple i don't recommend you know if you're doing the campaign to make a whole bunch of world maps super complex and you can do that if you have a huge campaign in mind but if you're just starting these the kind of things that i like to do is to kind of keep it simple maybe just have two continents maybe a super large one and then maybe a smaller one and then maybe an archipelago somewhere so mapping this that part out can be kind of hard i'm gonna put down some lines real quick to decide where my equator is and i'm gonna and just know that the lines yes they're straight but remember on a map projection uh it's supposed to be flattened out so it's easier for your eye to look at the projection of the map so first let's decide the equator line and let's also decide the pole lines meaning where snow is going to be most predominant on the poles okay now i'm not going to go too much into uh plate tectonics the subduction and all that kind of stuff i love that kind of stuff and it's extremely helpful when making your world map but at the same time it can be overwhelming and it can kind of kill the experience when you're focused so much on the realism uh that it just takes up more time now a lot of you when you're making your world map you don't have you know 60 hours to kind of make this map maybe you're making it for as a private contractor you're trying to make some dough by making a map for you know with a contract with somebody or if you're a dm and you don't and you have limited time because you know how busy dms are no time whatsoever you got to prep something you got 24 hours to do it hey so keeping it simple and easy is a great start for those who don't have a lot of mapping experience so i'm not going to go super complex here i'm going to turn the grid back on because the grid is helpful and we can see where the center line is and we can start with that so we'll start with uh the equator line go to segments with your path tool just click that p key go to segments and i'm also going to click the straight line and i'm going to add one real quick first and i'm going to go ahead and change turn off the shadow i don't feel it's necessary to have a shadow i'm going to include increase the width and make it let's say black for now okay now that i've done that i can go ahead and add the line just start right here at the center and oopsie let's start actually on there there we go right there hold down that shift key to go through direct angles go across like this so i see a little bit of a bug there we'll have to fix that oopsie now what's all this cute littleness right here it's etch-a-sketch time i love it just catch okay we're gonna quickly save refresh that page and i've added the equator line and then i'll go ahead and add in also my north and south hemisphere and that way that way we can decide which if there's any land at those poles we'll know to add some snow to them okay oh yeah who doesn't like the etch a sketch let's go ahead and refresh the page oh i love making world maps they are so much fun awesome 15 minutes we've already like pretty much got that map frame together and you know what's really exciting about map frames is there's so many different ways that you can do a map frame like that's the beauty of it there's so many different ways so let me decide where i want maybe a kind of where my northern hemisphere is going to be and i'm just going to select this path and that way when i select the path tool again the same the same settings will be there instead of having to redo them all over again so well it looks like segment there let me check to make sure yep okay let's start up here okay now once i've added that i can go in and just copy and paste that down to the bottom part down here oh i wish i could go into all the different details about about this kind of stuff but oh man it's just too much and the stream would be so long if we went into all the different physics and stuff it is very time consuming but this is just an easy start for people who are just beginning so again we've got our equatorial or equator line here we have uh our southern hemisphere and our northern hemisphere so that means if you make any land up here above this line then that will likely be uh have some snow on it so i'll go and select these two these three i'm going to group them and just call them lines for right now whenever i like to group things i try to name them if i can remember to do it if you don't mistakes happen it's okay now that i have my lines there i might also want to consider dropping uh the opacity of it just the hair because it is kind of a thick dark line and by dropping the opacity it doesn't stick out so much there we go so now that's there and let's lock it so you'll see a little lock next to whatever item you have and it means you can't select it so perfect now i can't select that anymore okay so next step is making lead excuse me making land mass shapes how the fudge do you make land mass shapes tons of different techniques on how to do this first let me turn off that grid i don't really need it right now because i'm not going to be lining a whole bunch of stuff up for now i'm just going to be figuring out how i'm going to make my my landscape and how much where my land masses are and how i'm going to put them together so sometimes for me the easiest thing to start with is the actual hemispheres because what the when you first start with the hemispheres then you know if you want any land like an ithmus uh long formations of land to go further down towards the equator so if i start with the hemispheres first it makes a little bit easier for me to to line up where my other land masses are because i mean at least from earth physics most land was a all land was a massive super continent what they call pangaea a super continent and those plates that continent broke up and became multiple continents so we're going to follow that kind of method and just make sure that our land mass is kind of lock up against each other properly and we'll we'll go over that step now some of you might be asking well how am i going to make uh how am i going to make land when i've used the mask tool to create the frame right so what happens if i make a let's say let's go with edgy brush i'm just going to just see what it looks like first when i apply it see how the edges are let's go down a couple more let's go say three maybe four maybe i'm going to undo that real quick right here and that will go away and you're going to ask yourself well what about if i add land at one of the hemispheres you'll notice that it will kind of remove that line don't worry we'll show you how to fix that so let's just figure out first what i want to do let's put some land here going down here like this here and right there okay oh let's just go down maybe create a horn right here for now there we go okay and you'll notice right away you'll see that that line now that line has been removed now if you like that that looks good to you that's fine you can go right move right forward and don't worry about putting any kind of line right there now if you don't like that and you would prefer to have a line there the text tool is going to be your best option because text tool can curve so let me add down a text first i'm going to turn off an outline i don't need that and i want to go with black now the best text font best font i've noticed to use for line any kind of line work is going to be i believe it's called metamorphosis and the reason why is because when i use the dash lines it creates a straight line without dashes now you can for style maybe do dad actual dashes and that might look interesting so let me add these dashes right here i'm going to put it up against here and i'm gonna begin to curve it real quick let's go i think up there we go and i'm gonna have to add probably one or two more oopsie i think let me just double check that yeah it looks like i have to add a couple more one second there we go all right and if you curve it properly and line it up now you have a border right here and honestly i kind of think that the dashed line just makes it look more interesting kind of adds a style to it so that's part of the frame now i can go down here and this is just the first step whenever you're making your land masses i don't recommend that you quickly try to make them all perfect right away just throw down some blobs it's just your first blob okay if you decide um you can go back later and start adding things to it okay so this might get a little bit bigger it's really small remember we are using fantasy regional style and remember fantasy regional style is a very blown up larger style it's called regional right okay but so we'll have to increase the land masses a little bit later for now i'm not going to worry about that i'm just going to put down the base landscape or sorry the basic um shapes and that way i can go back over with multiple passes and create the horns the inlets the seas the bays the isthmus whatever whatever land shapes you prefer so i'll go back in and since it was so small i might want to go with a larger size and let's do the um let's do the southern hemisphere okay so go in like this and let's just make a little bit bigger i'll go right here and if you want uh you can kind of make it go out like this it just creates some basic shapes to work with which i'll be working with later i'll put this in here maybe make a shape here goes up to here maybe that will connect into another piece of land who knows right so this is the beauty of it you're just putting down the first stuff and then from there you can figure out where the rest of it goes now if any of you are interested in the actual scientific process and everything we can go maybe do a time lapse for that because if i was to go through all the actual science for it that would take forever so if that interests people let me know also if you're on discord and if you haven't joined naughty on you shame no i'm just kidding go join discord because we have a stream request channel and oh man there's some great suggestions in there and if you have ideas yourself things that you want to see make sure you leave that request there okay so now that i've added in that part i can go in and take that same text right here that i just used copy paste flip it around and you might have to add a bit more dashes to it that might be necessary let me first rotate it all the way so it's proper let me add in some more dashes there we go and i might have to actually change the curvature as well it looks a little off so let's bring the curvature up just a little bit more let me check that a little bit more i'd say let's go up to 11. there we go i think that's proper yep that looks right now once you have those two set in place let's go right ahead and just lock them or group them i'm just going to lock them because i don't want to accidentally select them when i maybe i'm going to go up here and select some stamps ah they're going to get in my way okay all right so now we've added that and i like that style now we can go into adding in the main land masses and the great thing about it is that you can look at the general shapes that you already have so you'll notice this shape right here this is oopsie let's go to free draw and i'll zoom in a little bit so you can see it a little better there we go see a little better so what we can do is look at these shapes right here and create land masses that kind of look like they connected into those shapes you see how this fits a little bit right into here okay let's say that you want to add in another shape right here it goes out like this i'm not making the landmass yes i'm just giving you an example of how to piece shape these pieces okay and let's say you want another landmass like over here that was once a part of that maybe there's a little island over here somewhere like that you see so trying to make sure that the land masses kind of fit together like a puzzle piece it doesn't have to be perfect where you have to follow every single detail along this ridge because that's crazy and i don't know if it's mathematically possible but don't don't worry about that too much you just want the general shape to be able to fit okay so i'll go ahead and delete all these you got the general idea where are we at we got 39 changes that's not worth saving okay let's go ahead and add in the large land shape so go back in with the mask tool and i think what i'll do is say that maybe this piece right here was connected once and so i'll make a rather large what i'm going to do is make a really big landmass shape make it massive and then from there we can break it up into smaller land masses if need be remember stick with that kind of glob format because once you start deleting some of this or using the subtract mode new shapes will be created okay so say there's a super continent right here maybe it's pretty large okay and then let's say i want to just connect this a little more here have this shape connect up to here then we can add more as we go okay go like this right here okay all right let me take a step back and just see where we're at so far i think i'm going to make the super continent quite quite big so i'll keep going and adding in more just rando parts that i can end up breaking up later and you can also add more as you see fit so again super continent real big and then i'll end up breaking it later okay we'll go ahead and fill this all in there we go all right now you finished that super continent okay super helpful now once you've done that now you can start breaking up into smaller continents so you're going to go with your subtract mode you're going to go with obviously a smaller brush let's try maybe around 11 or 15 for now and you're going to go in a little closer i'm going to go ahead and just remove that so i have some space to work with okay and now i can go in and kind of make the separate continents that i want so right now we have the two hemispheres and one super continent so let's maybe not go too far and maybe just make it maybe two more continents so let's just go ahead and create maybe a c here and one technique i like to do is to go at a diagonal when i'm doing it so when you're doing it go diagonals like this that's basically that's what it looks like diagonals with the subtract mode i'm going to go with diagonals and you'll see what it looks like when i do it and it kind of creates these nice kind of jagged shapes which look nice now i want to create a decent ocean between the two continents and maybe even leaving maybe leaving a small continent right here keep doing those jagged shapes there we go and let's see here okay even some small islands here let's remove that one the smaller islands are generally going to be located along the coastline uh there are random a little bit there are uh archipelagos that can be a little bit further away but for me i like to keep my eyelines fairly close to my landshapes okay let's go ahead and do the subtract mode with this one that shape looks right so let's not screw it up okay i'll go in here and i see a some a very similar shape on both these continents so i'll break up this one so that i'm not keeping that similar shape and maybe we'll put uh this going out on this side that'll be a little better going here and let's go ahead and break this up this right here looks like that maybe was a part of there so we can keep that one we can remove this one i think maybe put an island in there some small islands along there there we go that looks just fine and let's add in this shape right here which kind of creates a point right there where those kind of connect there let's take a look at this let's remove this shape get a little warm in here take off my sweatshirt it's a toasty in here okay let's take a look so far so good let's remove this piece right here and say that that small island right there kind of connected into here so up there so let me go ahead and just look at the general shapes we have this shape right here connects in with this shape right here so that works out just fine uh we have this shape along here that works just fine let's just keep looking at it oh this shape right here kind of locks in right here and this shape right here goes in right over here okay so you're thinking about uh this is what this is what i use when i do my close to the last passes to make sure that the land masses kind of connect into each other it's kind of a good start let's go and delete all those pads we don't need those anymore and i'm going to go ahead and save at 85 changes if you have any questions feel free to ask glad to help you with anything that you need okay and don't forget that in our corners we're gonna create our um we're gonna create our northern and north and south poles or hemispheres and we're gonna put those in two of those circles so we'll make sure to do that and this part can be kind of difficult because you do have to mimic the shape that you're using right here okay so that's the one trick so if i go in up here i want to make sure that i make it the shape right so now first i'm going to open up my right panel again click into my lines and select a path because i'm going to use that same path so that same segments and i'm going to go ahead and create the center of my circle so i'm going to open up my grid select my grid is not going to be helpful here so i'm not going to worry about that and instead i'm going to go ahead and create some lines that i'm going to be using to create my center and i can always move them as i see fit so let me go ahead and do that push this up one i think that looks about right so we'll put cop well let's change the opacity like we did bring it down before i'm going to copy and paste so my poles will be up here and down at the bottom i'll put either in some family houses maybe some history maybe the two most important capitals on these major continents here all kinds of fun ideas okay so let's just go ahead and put these on so my lines are there i'm also going to go in and fill in the bg layer so that i have oopsie remove that softness layer and put it down right here like this there we go and we'll put it right there there we go okay all right so now i think i made a mistake too some blue right there oopsie let's fix that go ahead and put that on there there you go and so now you have uh these poles here so we'll put some land on top of it first i'll go ahead and just lock these because i don't want to accidentally select them so i'll just lock pretty much every single one of these okay so now they're all locked and i won't accidentally select them okay perfect all right next step let's go ahead and add the landmass so i have to look and decide which one i want oops here i see an error right there let's just fix that up okay oh there's some more right there as well silly me i'm making a mess everywhere where did i miss all this stuff okay let's keep going all right so now i'm gonna keep this close i'm gonna eyeball this uh continent right here and i'm gonna apply it here on this part of the map go to the add mode drop the brush size and i'll first start with just a general circle shape just to get it started so now i have this circle shape and then from there i can add in the different horns that are on there okay so if i want i can put the horn right here let me just make sure that i do it right like this and then we'll add in that shape right here and since you can't see the other side we can add in another shape in the back because this is the the part that we can see the lower part and we can even add a little island maybe in the back okay so now we've done the north pole and we can move on to the south pole okay so let's move over here let's make sure i look at this shape properly so i know what i'm doing and again start in the center because again that's going to help you to kind of mold out so let's take a look here now i've made that circle shape let's go ahead and take a look at my options here there's some interesting horn shapes going on here so let's see here first i decide which side we're looking at and i'll go ahead and do the other way this time and put the horns on this side so one one right here i believe there's another horn that goes out right there and let me take a look this kind of goes inward and kind of creates a horn in a long island that goes out right there and i can also put in something in the back there we go what's the spot right there there we go okay all right now if you want you can add a ton a ton of archipelagos and islands if you want i like to do my islands near the end just go with that subtract mode and bring the brush down quite a bit let's see how big it is that looks fine let's go to four okay so just make your brush size kind of small and then from there you can start going in making your kind of islands and stuff you got going on so you can throw in some islands let's throw off this one now these are really small so with the fantasy regional style this is going to be kind of tight but one of the beauties beautiful things about making a map is is that you can exaggerate the scale to your advantage okay because you don't have to make it perfectly to scale i'm just borrowing mole wide projection as a artistic thing and then if i want i can still have my mountain ranges be quite large in comparison to the rest of the map because it's up to you on how you want to go about it everybody likes varying styles and scale so if you're the kind of person who likes everything to scale that's perfectly fine uh that's more work for you but that's perfectly fine if you have the time and you want to make all the little scales and kind of make sure you measure all the distances between everything properly that's great i do that all the time i always like to use scale for certain things with world maps though it can vary between if you want hyper realistic with to scale or if you want to go more with a stylized type of map it doesn't matter if you go into if you go into pinterest and you type in dnd world map you'll notice that there's large varieties and range of maps that are going on there's all kinds of varying styles with varying scales some with highly exaggerated mountain ranges that are really quite large you would never see at the scale we're working with and in other maps you know you're not even bothering to even show the mountain ranges on how small the scale is so if this is really something that's up to you and how you want to go about it okay okay let's go ahead 38 changes oh that's great advice phillip i like that awesome okay so we've added that stuff in we want to go ahead and add in our islands you would expect some island so i'll go ahead in with that small brush and just kind of break up some small islands so let's put one maybe right here oopsie but with that brush tool let's go ahead and here and maybe add in a small island right there maybe two islands and so you're adding in now all the various little tiny details that you want okay you want to throw in a bay let's say there's like a bay that you want to explore you can go in like this and create a rather massive bay if you wanted to maybe you want to have a horn so you want to add more details you want your horn to be more distinct so go with that smaller brush and just kind of make the horn more distinct okay so adding all the details you'll notice that this section right here kind of fits in right here with this section okay so making it more natural is is difficult for sure okay 44 changes we've done that uh so options are is what we might want to do with these bottom ones i'm going to step away from that i'm going to save my changes and we can start maybe applying some biome stuff okay because we're already 38 minutes in and i don't want to take up too much time going over all the physics and all that stuff okay we'll quickly save here all right so now that we've done that pat done that part it's nice just to throw down some uh throw down some random textures to act as your biomes it's just a guide it's not necessarily the end texture that you're gonna go end up working with because it's just to basically label what your biomes are okay now i don't want to go too much into the physics on how deserts are formed and lakes and all that stuff that's a lot and maybe that would do great for maybe another series but for this one i'm just going to stick with some very basic utility stuff when it comes to adding biomes okay there's a reason why we added these and these lines so that it can kind of help us to figure out where some things are going to be like where are some of our deserts going to be a tropical zone a swamp a jungle arctic snow tundra okay so one of the easiest things to start with of course is with your um is with your hemisphere so i'll type in snow and for now we can just start with let's not use that i'm going to go with a whitish color instead for now just to kind of help me out just land white we can go with this one kind of bright i'm going to turn on my softness and it's okay if you go over here if you want you can use your use a harder brush if you want if you don't want the white to go over here but it's just starting out but i'll just apply real quick first so fg okay and i'm just gonna carefully just make sure not to go into the edge if you do it's okay just go back over it because remember this is not the final texture this is just to let you know okay and i i where that line is right there we'll be sure to do more texturing there i'm going to start with my southern hemisphere same thing just paint the whole thing white for now okay just for now i'm just painting it this snowy kind of white texture again not the final texture it's just to remind you that this is snow this is a cold frigid region it's just to remind you okay now that i've done that i can go move on to the next step clearly where that is now i want to decide maybe where my deserts are going to be and when you decide where deserts are it also helps you to understand where mountain ranges are going to be okay so let's say that i want to create a desert somewhere first thing i'm going to think about deserts is that um it's probably not going to be up here right here where the snow is right it's probably going to be closer to the equator now with earth closer to the equator means hotter the way that the planet earth is tilted how it wobbles and its exposure to the sun okay so we're just going to use that same logic kind of physics here so where the equator is is where the sun is going to have a lot of contact and so it's going to be quite warm and you can decide if you want to have your desert be massive or they're going to be small some things that people have mentioned about deserts in previous videos and people have said to me is that deserts don't grow by the ocean or not grow deserts aren't lining along the ocean yes they do there's one on earth that does i don't remember the name of it but it is possible because you have to factor in uh basically winds and wind direction the currents of the ocean and how they move uh clouds and formations so there's a lot going on but deserts absolutely can be next to the ocean i don't remember uh the one that's in africa that is right along the coastline there so it does happen um but you know if you if you don't want to that's okay but i'll go ahead and put in a desert real quick i'm going to bring the softness up because i'm not worried about making hard edges so i'll just say that my desert is maybe this section right here this was a rather large desert you could say like it's a wasteland now once i've added that in you'll notice that i can totally actually make a mountain range here to block off okay if i wanted to if you don't like if you are one of those people who doesn't like your ocean um oh there's more a wonderful excellent um if you don't want your uh desert to be close to the ocean that's okay maybe put it along in here and you'll notice that it's not connecting uh to um up against any of your coastlines so don't worry about making a crazy shape just start with your basic shape and you'll be doing more with that later from there you can decide where um other biomes will be whether it's going to be a plane grassland there's a whole different there's a whole subset of different biomes that you can work with so we can go with maybe a green or a brown color to represent like a mountainous area so you could put a mountainous area here if you wanted to say this is all going to be like mountains and we can put in green later let's just say for now this is kind of where our mountain area is going to be and then we want to maybe put in something here so there are a lot of tropical so we can put in some green to represent a jungle or a swamp and you can change it so it's okay if it does change biomes might change as you go it's just the first start okay because remember it is hard to figure out where to start so just putting down your basic biome textures will help you to be like okay i know where my desert's gonna be i know where my jungle is gonna be okay so we can put a large jungle space along here along the equator if you want and then maybe a swamp can be down here if you wanted to you can make use a different color to represent that so there's a swamp area down here and yes these are rather large swamps you'll see how large they are okay let's just go ahead and add in more right here and it doesn't have to be swamped will end up changing okay and then the next step here is just continue just adding more and more so we'll put maybe some grassland along here and then more grassland going along here and we can add in our mountain ranges as we go okay so we'll add in some brown here and around here now i'm not done with mountain ranges this is doesn't have to suggest mountain range um because mountain ranges actually play a large role in how land masses connect so we'll go into that later again for now we're just doing some basic uh textures to put down to know where some things are so it doesn't have to get complicated i'm at 19 changes don't need to do much so let's go ahead and now and apply some stamps okay so with stamps you're going to have to figure out your scale okay now with scale i generally start with mountains first because they're the largest thing that are going to be on your world map uh when it comes to an object obviously your oceans are massive in comparison okay but we're gonna go with mountains all right now you'll notice right a whale that the mountains are huge because again this is a regional style we don't generally make world maps with this regional style but you can and i actually like to do it because there's so much beautiful detail in the fantasy regional style and i feel like it shouldn't be uh shouldn't be underappreciated it can absolutely be used for world maps so i'll have to go down quite a bit and bring it down quite a bit and 10 is the smallest size and i think 10 will work actually it's just fine so this size works just fine and then from there we want to maybe start with where the desert's at okay because the desert there needs to be something that is blocking the flow of uh air air of warm and cool air something that's changing the atmosphere and the environment and it's kind of blocking off cool air from the ocean and from other locations like mountain ranges and things like that they're going to try to create more moisture in a desert and there is moisture in the desert tons of deserts do have a monsoon where it'll rain flood um and then that is when a lot of the wildlife will maybe move into uh parts of the desert to go get their water and then leave and then go back to a coastline so it really just depends on what you want see some questions in here what type of match would you make with the fantasy regional style would it be more perspective maps to show players what a city for example looks like oh fantasy regional um just like the name says i normally use it to make a region but you can do anything with it you can make scenes regions world maps um you can even make a city with the style there's so many stamps in that style you could absolutely uh make a city map if you wanted to would be time consuming because all city maps are time consuming but the possibilities are really infinite really there's so many different things you can do with the regional style just because it's fantasy regional doesn't mean that you only have to make regional maps with it there are so many different possibilities so let's go with our mountain ranges real quick and these are not set in stone where my mountain ranges are for right now i'm just placing them for starters and we're going to figure out how they connect in and where they go i'm not going to spend too much time on plate tectonics again that is so much so i won't get too much too involved in that first i'm going to maybe semi ring or create a crescent that goes somewhere around the uh the desert so let me just go ahead and move around great trick hold down that space bar click and hold and you'll be able to drag uh your map around so that way you don't have to keep going into this section and then all over to this section and then zoom out and then go over to this section i mean if you want to go crazy go for it i don't blame you so that's up to you now one other thing that i do want to mention with world maps is that you can play a little bit with um kind of skewed perspective and whatnot so if you wanted to you could throw in the actual line work that comes from a mole wide and then rotate the stamps that seems like kind of a complex one but i'll maybe show that i know that i did request a forced perspective uh with maps so that will be of kind of a fun stream to maybe do in the future all right only see more time bladding let's go ahead and add our mountains down and i'll just start by just creating a first range what's called your first range the main range okay that's going to be the all other smaller little branches will break off from the main range okay you're going to start with a much larger size mountain for the main so with this one i might want to use the smaller mountains to represent the uh the smaller branches that go from the range so i'm not going to worry about brent doing all the branches first let me just add the first couple ranges to it so i'll put some range here along this side here up against here so this way you'll notice that there is mountains here that are kind of blocking off from moisture collecting into this kind of area right here that doesn't mean that it doesn't rain again in the desert it totally can but it doesn't happen very often this is why it's always kind of an intense situation for animals that live in the desert it's a very hyper survival situation all right so i've added those mountain ranges i want to keep going and maybe i want this range to continue upward so i can or create parallel ranges to create a valley so if you don't know what a valley is a valley is in between two mountain ranges okay so if i wanted to create a valley somewhere then i would create a second range that goes like this and now this right here is where your valley will be this right here is what we call a valley oopsie i'm going to use white text you can kind of see what i'm doing here there we go so you've got this is basically a valley right here i live in a valley i live between the coastal range and the cascade mountains and i live in what's called the willamette valley so i know a little bit about valleys i live in one so that's how you create your valleys and i'm going to stick with that range because maybe i do want to put a valley there and then i want to continue creating more ranges now i can continue on these two ranges maybe push them further up or push them further down or create a second range that goes right here like that up to you how you want to do your ranges and you can always throw in smaller ranges too because mountain ranges vary in height and in size there are some larger mountain ranges with some very tall peaks and there are some smaller mountain ranges that are not nearly as tall so we'll go into that in just a moment okay let's just again add in our mountain ranges so i might want to consider extending some of these mountain ranges off the continent and over to here so this mountain range i might want to consider adding in a range right here and one thing i also want to recommend is that your whenever you're adding your mountain ranges have them overlap a little bit so i'm going to put it right here and you'll notice that the peak right here overlaps the stroke line okay we might want to go back and address uh the stroke line later it's super thick we can totally bring it down too and i do think it is a little thick we can totally bring it down but we'll do it later so i've added in that range there and then we'll go over here and add more ranges here so i think what i'll do is create a range that goes here through here and then another range is going to go right here and then we'll create another range that continues well actually i'm not sure about that one i might have this range be here and let's continue on up right here let's just take a look oh i set another range up here i think should be okay and again when you're done you'll have to go over and make sure this happens a lot when you're making a map but sometimes the line work can go outside of the map just make sure that you bring it back in so don't have any of the line work from the stamp you'll notice here it's on the stroke right here bring it in okay make sure that you bring it in so i'll put that back there let's go ahead and go back now with your uh with your mountains for your hemispheres you might want to go with a different mountain range color i for now i've just made them brown but you can totally change there are various mountain ranges uh in the stamp you'll notice here that you've got these brown green white uh snowy ones so i think i will go with the snowy ones as you would kind of expect so i'll go up here and add in my ranges and i'll have a little bit of fun too and have it overlap over the frame a little bit as well just to kind of give it a little bit more character so i'll first create one range that maybe goes down into here like this and create another range it's right here and you see again it's overlapping i might want to actually go in and make sure that these two texts are actually at the lowest layer because i want the mountain ranges to kind of be in the front let me just verify that i have that let me see here where am i oh right here oh they're locked that's right let me unlock them real quick select them both and bring them down there we go layer negative five there we go and then just lock them again okay sweet there we go if you have any questions feel free to ask oh yeah oh cool i like that flashlight a really fun encounter for deserts awesome i totally agree flash floods are awesome okay so let's go ahead and continue move this over here and don't worry if the stamps don't match right if they seem kind of off don't worry we're just putting down the ranges to get the position right first remember step one get that part done we can go in and add more details later we still have like a whole hour left so that's fine i'm going to go ahead and add in my ranges i'm going to have one go on this horn and kind of go in like this another one here and then we'll add in another one right here and let's add one going along here okay now once you've added those larger range you can go in with some smaller ones so we'll go in and grab small mountains you'll notice these are quite a bit smaller and that's perfect because i'm this is how i'm going to end i'm going to create put small ones on each end of the main range and then create uh branches that go off okay so let's start with the one that i started with this one right here and i'll put one at the end right there to kind of give it a point and i'll put maybe a couple two or three together like this and then i'll also just throw in some rando ones along the side you'll see that there's a very straight line right here and it's nice to break up that line by putting in your smaller pieces so if i put in some smaller ones two right here maybe this one's a nice little edge right here going out and let's put in another one that goes right here and then we'll put one that maybe goes out further and what you're doing is just kind of breaking it up and these are small ranges that branch off the main range okay so i'm go ahead and doing that to every single one of them so same thing with this range i might want to go in put one there go in here put a couple over here let's see you're making maybe a tight mountain pass that goes right there okay and we'll add in a couple here branch out this was branching out there we go awesome yeah little mountains are absolutely helpful it really because you know when you're making your mountain main range it just looks like a glob of stamps but these rando stamps these rando little mountains off to the side break up that glob and kind of create some scattering which kind of helps to break up that perfect line that you see that line that you make okay so i'll add that in and of course you can always vary the scale don't forget you're going to add in your foothills which we'll do next after this so we'll go in real quickly without too much commentary just quickly throw in these smaller mountains real fast we'll go into this one next we'll throw them in put one a little bit overlapping into here let's put one right there as well there's a nice little pass that goes into this one and you can even throw some smaller rando ones if you want as well to go further out to cause a scattering if people tell you well mountain ranges there are no lonely mountains well hey there's something called the lonely mountain in the in uh one of the most well-known most well-known uh fantasies of all time tolkien's uh lord of the rings there's a mountain called the lonely mountain so if anyone wants to argue that there's no such thing as lonely mountains please confront the grave of tolkien because he you know added that in there so don't let realism actually happen let realism help you to make a better map instead of hampering your map skills and abilities okay so focusing too much on reality i can't stress this enough but uh i try not to let realism hamper my mapping abilities and my flow because it just gets really frustrating to try to make it perfect let uh let mountain ranges let uh let realism help you to make a cooler map instead of dragging you down and having to go through all the details again it's a matter of personal preference so i don't want to like be rude to anyone who is who likes realism there's absolutely nothing wrong with that realism looks great but just kind of remember that uh that a map is a representation of reality and not reality itself if you're looking for a perfect reality then just download a satellite map you know and then kind of work with that if you're looking for realism go with that kind of technique instead so because you'll look at a lot of maps fantasy maps and they don't look realistic to me at all i mean like why is the desert here why is this here i gave up on trying to worry about that and so instead i try to focus on just using realism to kind of my advantage to make a better map instead of letting it hamper it okay i'm done prosthetizing about that let's continue adding in our ranges what put a range there is that a range and over there push this one in [Music] let's give this range a nice little curve push that one in let's push this range down there we go put one in here there we go and you're wondering where i add uh these i generally do it where there's a bend so you'll notice right here that there is kind of a bend right here that's a good place right here you'll see kind of a bend right here i usually like to put that's where i put my smaller branches of my ranges so if you're wondering like well how is it that you decide that right well that is how i do it so i'm going to go ahead and delete uh undo all these and i'll go ahead and add the ranges so you'll notice that there it jets out a little bit right here so i'll add an arrange a little part right there add more right here and let's put in a smaller one just rando right there and maybe put some even on this island right here because it does look like they create a ring so we'll add some there and let's continue adding more and more detail to each range and then we'll move on to the next step which is making uh the foothills because you would expect foothills to be at the base of your mountains okay all right sweet awesome all right i'm at 244 changes so i should probably save it i would assume we're one hour in and we're moving right along maybe this will be a part two i don't know i'll try to wrap it up quick again uh we've i think we've done almost all of it except all of the mountains except for uh where uh where our hemispheres are so we'll go ahead and make sure to put in our small mountains in our hemisphere and then we'll move on to foothills all right yeah moving right along getting things done love it sweet all right okay so i'm gonna go into the catalog and find those smaller uh snow mountains these ones right here they're nice and wait a minute that seems a bit weird i'll have to fix that okay so just like before right all i did was go in and kind of create a little little spot so you're just doing that again push some ranges in there let's make sure push it this way put one in there nice little spot there one here this is a nice little bend right here to put a one and let's put another one right there maybe and on this edge we'll put some there rando there and maybe even put one on this island let's go ahead and push the mountain range up into here there we go and let's go back this way no more mountain ranges let's go back up to the top there are those ranges quickly add these yeah as good as a bend it's kind of a little bend there would be good one right there let's push this range a little bit further out there we go and we will be doing changes to the mountain ranges because once it crosses this line right here it won't be all snow so we will probably end up changing some of these mountain ranges things are always subject to change it's just that remember the hardest part is getting it started right and so if you instead of trying to get it all plotted out and everything i like to just start with this stuff first putting down the frame and then putting my landscape down my landmasses putting down my mountain ranges because hey the mountain ranges are the most recognizable geological formations that you can find they're huge and then you go ahead and put in your foothills and then you can start adding in everything else and you're just scaling everything to uh to it okay so now that i've done that part i can go in with my foothills okay and we'll add just a few foothills so i'll go in right here and they're actually quite large so i might actually have to end up scaling them down a little bit this is quite large let's go a little bit smaller about that size i would say would be correct so let's just go ahead and throw in a couple mountain and i'm just going to put them at the base of the mountains okay and how is it that i decide where uh where these hills might be well the way that i like to do it is to look for spots where there is kind of a flat line there's not much going on so right here you'll see this section right here this section right here can foot some foothills some nice foothills would go along here foothills would go all along this nice edge right here you could even add some foothills along here okay so trying to figure out where foothills go if you're if you're curious is that i try to find the negative space spaces that are created by the various branches and the ranges and i try to just like i did with these smaller mountains i scattered them around to kind of break up that main range we're going to break up that main range more with foothills so i'll throw in one here you can even connect it to where it's up against the mountain itself there's nothing wrong with that let's go up a layer so that way it's not underneath it i don't want if these are at layer uh one these should also be at layer one okay so that way if i'm putting one behind it will be behind it if i put it in front it will be in front of it okay so i'll add one there let's keep adding more and more foothills this one is massive oh they all got big again so i'll have to change that i can scale everything up if i wanted to but because i i think what i'll do is have the geological formations all be kind of small around layer 10 or i'm sorry scale around 10 and then maybe some of the more important pois like a capital a wizards tower those kind of points of interest i'll scale it up so you can actually see what each one looks like and remember you don't have to do it that way you don't have to stylize it if you want a village at this scale would be so small it'd just be a little dot right connected by paths but if you want to add in like maybe there's a city and the most famous part of the city is a clock tower then create a clock tower and put some buildings next to it and then have that be the poi to represent that this is a city that's well known for its clock tower and we'll go through the various styles of pois that you can make okay so it's really the style that's up to you do you like small little pois that kind of are little tiny cities and this really depends in my opinion the way that you go about annotating the map and the pois is just how much is going to be on it if there's only like maybe 12 locations you're not going to fill up much space with the map with little dots right okay it's going to have a lot of negative space so maybe you might want to go with larger stylized pois if there's a lot if there's not much space to put in a stylized point of interest then go with the smaller dots and the paths you know be functional think about the negative space that's on your map if you have a lot of space and you want to throw in lots of pois then maybe you might want to consider going with smaller little tiny little dots and paths if you want to put major emphasis on the five major locations then absolutely makes make it stylize now since this is such a small because this stream this is just a stream i'm not going to worry about making really tiny points of interest i'm going to go with a style that i really like which is exaggerated scale of points of position for the pois so i'll go with that first let's continue adding in our foothills real quick i don't want to forget about that make sure it's set to layer one and i'm gonna again connect them up against uh here and i'm gonna just probably scale them down they are quite large in comparison to the mountains so i have to figure out where to put each one so i'll put in smaller ranges and i might have to scale scale them down unfortunately that's okay we go do we do go below um the actual size and that's nothing wrong with that let's go and add that in let's go ahead and add in a mountain range here against here i'll scale it down there we go up against there should be just fine let's look for the smaller one right here i'm going to turn off rando the random and just use this small one right here because it's kind of small and it works kind of nice so i'll just throw in the small one first this way and then i'll obviously change the size these are most recognizable and hills and they're quite small so it works quite nice so i'll throw in these small ones let me zoom out real quick let's throw in some hills here i'll throw in the larger ones later let's just do the smaller ones first so this way i don't have to keep resizing and changing the angle of everything all that stuff so if i just put in these small hills first it's kind of a good start put one here and i'll scale some of them down as well let me see here let me go over here make sure i didn't miss anything oh yeah this whole section kind of add in some small hills and i always like to connect them to the mountain as well because the foothills i mean there's not like a dividing line that shows you where the foothills are from here so i like to put the foothills just right up against the base of the mountain that works just fine and then i'll add in more hills don't worry for now just the small ones because i am fighting against the scale unfortunately but i don't mind i actually love like i said i just love fantasy regionals so much it's such a beautiful style that i absolutely love making world maps it's again not just for regions that's the beauty of it and you know it's all personal preference there's no one way to do anything incarnate which is super nice it's nice to go with different techniques different styles and trying different things being creative okay now i'll go ahead and scale this one down quite a bit i'm going to copy and paste it so just press alt or command c that's selected now i can go in oopsie now what happened there i accidentally copied and pasted something there just go ahead and alt v and now i have these smaller ones and i'll just copy and paste some smaller some smaller smaller hills and i'm going to put them of course right next to my larger hills okay because the farther the hills get away from the mountain range the smaller the rolling hills are going to be so up against the mountain the hills are larger farther they go away from the mountain range they're going to get smaller okay so i'm copying and pasting a bunch of these small ones right next to the larger hills okay there we go we'll put one here let's see here let's go up yep let's just keep adding them totally worth it okay so i'm here along here ah we're doing good we're doing good and then of course after foothills we will start with blending in uh your you can start with blending in your stamps with your textures that's up to you um normally in the process of making a map if you're getting kind of discouraged copying and pasting and putting things together and doing these things then it's always nice to go to something else that's not quite as intense you know you can always switch over and do something different okay and i'm gonna hear quite a few changes there we'll be sure to save it okay i think for now that should be enough you get the general idea on what to do it's the larger remember the hills are larger closer to the mountain range and they get smaller as they go away okay let's go ahead and save those changes we're moving right along oh thank you king clown oh yeah i love making those pois you know with the part two we just finished that last week and i also just made clips for each one and so i'll be adding that to youtube oh no oh can't finish anything disorder oh that's rough no good no don't do that so we'll save i'm also going to refresh the page too and we might want to go back and do something different so one of the things that happens and i mention this in all the streams that i do is that you can get very discouraged by doing something very repetitive when working on a map if you start feeling that itch for discouragement then stop doing what it is you're doing on the map right it's okay to take step back and take a break um you don't just step away from the computer and do something else take a nap eat some food watch a show whether you like anime murder mystery whatever and then come back to it to give your mind a rest from it or if you're just tired of the monotony of doing the same thing to keep yourself from getting discouraged and stopping it go work on something else right so one thing you can do is just go to address another part of the map we had talked about earlier about the stroke line and i thought that it was kind of thick so i can bring that stroke line down to one and that will and i kind of like that a little bit better i thought it was kind of dark or a little too thick so that kind of helped to bring that down we might want to even continue playing more with uh oops i notice i missed the spot right here we might want to also contin maybe consider continuing uh playing more with mask effects and i think i will do that so i'll go in here we'll continue working on mask effects i'm going to zoom all the way out so i can take a good look at it because just remember that when you make a frame when you use the add mode of the mask tool to make a frame its mask effects will also be affected okay so be careful with that so we can go with an inner shadow to kind of create the effect of like a bevel so you'll notice right here that there's a shadow in the inside and it kind of created a bevel just a little bit all right let's go in and use baby black and change the blur size and everything else we'll we'll make more changes as we go so bring the distance down and bring the opacity way way way down and again we're creating uh the illusion of like a bevel okay let me just take a step back there we go yeah i kind of like that i think that this even on even on the land mass itself it looks fine see notice here it kind of looks good even along here so that looks nice so it still looks okay to me and again you can see it here okay so it looks just fine doesn't bother me too much you can play with outer shadow and other shadows if you want that's up to you like we could apply the outer shadow and it's going to probably going to create this crazy white all around and you might not want that because it doesn't match in you can if you want we can play with it and see what happens let me go with outer shadow and i'll choose i think that color is just fine and we'll bring uh this bring it way down so it tighten tightens up nice closer uh to the line work so we'll bring that in one second while we do that here we go let me see here uh and i might want to go with yeah i think that white just that white line right there works just fine because now it's creating contrast you have the white against this dark black and this bevel right here and so i think overall that helps and you'll notice that it also has that white around the landmass so i think using these mask effects all around works just fine it doesn't uh make the frame look weird if anything it helps to accentuate the frame and the landmasses as you would expect and maybe a whole tutorial on using let using mask effects would be helpful because mask effects can do so much for you i mean so so much it's worth worthy of an entire tutorial so maybe we'll go into that another time okay let's keep going i overall like like the mask effects that looks fine so uh now that i've done that and i feel a little bit better and maybe i want to move on to the next thing so i can go back to what i was doing so let's go in and maybe add in some biomes and what to put in the biomes now the largest biome that i can see so far i'm not saying the largest but the one that sticks out the most is the desert okay so maybe i want to add in some desert stamps and that's totally possible so let's go into the stamp tool and type in dune and there's a lot of different ones there's these long dunes and these these shorter dunes whichever one works best for you it's just fine okay now at the smallest size that are kind of hard to see so i might want to consider making them a little bit bigger let's go with that for now let's scale it down just a little bit more there we go because you don't want necessarily your dunes to be as tall as your mountains dunes don't get that big they are can be quite large but they're not mountain size large okay so i'll bring it down uh i think to this size right here is just fine now if the desert texture that you're using doesn't work with this i think that this texture i think works just just fine uh with this but if you want to match in more you can totally go to select the stamp and then go to advanced settings and then oh i'm sorry not advanced settings go to your blend mode and go to luminosity and what it will do is we'll take on whatever texture is below it so if i was to put this here you notice how it's going to pick up that texture if i put it here it's going to put up that texture okay so using your uh blend mode luminosity allows you to for the stamp to perfectly blend in with the texture now as you can see depending on what texture you might see that's really light so if you have a dune on this brown or whatever stamp you want you might have to drop the brightness so that it matches in with it okay so you will have to make changes with hsbc as you go to make sure that the stamp blends in okay so just factor that in there we go keep the luminosity blend mode and what i'll do is i'm going to create a series of i'm going to use that same concept of making mountain ranges only i'm going to do dunes okay because the way that dunes form is wind blowing along the sand and then it builds up and creates a crest or uh it creates the dune and then the sand flows over and the dunes are basically or sand is the dunes are basically moving the whole time they're moving moving moving so super cool over long periods of time though it would be cool in a fantasy setting like maybe dune where your dunes are always shifting and turning due to extreme weather kind of an interesting little plot element that you can throw in okay all right so now i'm going to continue adding in my my my dunes i'm going to go in with these smaller ones first and again i'm going to change the blend mode right away to luminosity so they just immediately match and one thing that's really fun to do is to make sure that the crest line uh or where your edge is lines up so i'll show you real quick let me go ahead and show you let me add this so that way you can see it make sure there it is and oh let's go all the way up there you can now you can see it so you'll notice that there's ridges right here these ridges right here okay now looking at these ridges is really helpful for when you want to create more natural dunes okay when how is it that you connect your dune so that makes looks more natural i'll show you how i go about doing that you're using that ridge line okay to your advantage okay so what i'll do is i'm just going to use these ones instead of the longer ones and you're going to line them up to where the ridge line follows each other so as i go like this you'll notice that the ridges follow a little bit follow each other those ridges follow each other okay and this way you kind of create that proper that proper feel of when you're um when your dunes are created so i'm gonna create one range that goes across like this maybe add another one and you'll notice that there is a continuity in the ranges so let me just show you like this you'll notice that i am following the ridges okay so the ridges is what i'm following when i'm placing the whole thing so it'll help you out okay okay all right i hope that helps you get a general idea of how that works i'm going to go ahead and just keep adding more i think and so i'll put another one right here and again i'm following the ridge lines so that that way let's see that one doesn't look right let me do another one oh this one looks a little bit better let's add this one here oh let's see here oh let's add in another one let's start a new range that looks like it's enough right there as i'm creating again kind of a valley in between each one of the dunes you'll notice that there's a little bit of a valley here okay now again this isn't to scale probably the dunes would be a little bit closer to each other but i like having a little bit of negative space in between my my uh my dune ranges because that way you can put pois in there right you want to put a poi you want to put maybe an oasis you maybe want to put in a path or uh whatever it is you want so adding some space if you fill in too much there's no room to put your points of interest okay so i'll continue doing this adding in more so let me do in the next range and i might even want to start it down here and again start making sure that those the line work of the ridges are somewhat close to each other okay let's do this one just make sure the ranges are right that looks fine i'm not gonna go any further than that let's add another one right here make sure that range uh no that doesn't look right so we'll go with this one instead that looks better i think that will be okay let's go with a little bit oh i like that one right there and then we'll do a smaller one right there there we go okay so now the range is i'm going to move this mountain right here don't care for that mountain being right there and i might even scale it down to make it even smaller there we go okay so now we've done our desert that part i'm going to go ahead and save it 54 changes and we'll go ahead and move on to the next section we're 12 21. it does seem to me that this will likely have to be a series unless none of you none of you here mind me going on for another hour because it probably will take that long um because world maps are things that you have to plan out i mean a world map is not a slap dash thing it's not a boop done it is it requires planning it requires thinking it requires figuring out your lore all those things so um it just unfortunately oh it's not unfortunate i actually like all the pre-planning but uh you just you just have to have a little bit of patience it's not world maps are not something that are just gonna snap gonna be done overnight they take time um i'll try to get one done within two to three hours if i can but we'll just see how it goes so i went ahead now and added in uh this and sometimes it's also nice to break up so i might want to delete one i've deleted one now you've kind of created two let's say i want to delete maybe this one right here and maybe i want to delete this one right here and what that does is it kind of removes the perfect straight line all it does is create the hint of the line you can see the line right here it creates the line of the range i just deleted a rando in there the range line doesn't stop doesn't go away just because i deleted one but by deleting one i've kind of to help to kind of give it a more natural feel okay especially sand dunes okay so now we've done that and we might want to consider in adding some next things let's do forests forests are really fun to do and they're not as complex as you think to make and i'll even show you some cool forest styles that i've developed that i've been working on and i'm actually kind of excited to share with you that are kind of fun so now where do forests kind of grow and where do they come from and all that kind of stuff well as a rule of thumb and it's not uh the end-all be-all this is not like a dogmatic thing or anything but a lot of forests grow right up against a mountain range literally they go right into the foothills grow onto the trees and they'll even under the hills and will grow even right up to the side of the mountain okay so putting your forests right up against mountains is a good start you can add forests anywhere you want they don't have to be uh up against your mountains but it's a good start just where to put them okay so we'll do that i'll go into my stamp tool press that o key or just click that little tower icon okay so i open it up and i'm gonna open up the catalog that f key i'm gonna go in and pick the tree that i want and there's all different types of trees here you can see all right there's deciduous fall trees pine trees snowy trees all different kinds of trees okay so there's a lot to choose from i'm going to go in and you're going to notice right away that the tree is really quite massive and that's okay you don't have to worry about that what we can do for starters is just to put them down and then we can scale it up so we're making a cluster so let me apply the tree let me go let me change this real quick i think the density is at the wrong thing so let me go back you're going to notice up here there's density i'm going to bring my density all the way up to 150 so they're really close together and i'm not going to bother with changing the area size because it's i'm working with really small area right here i don't need to worry about that so let me first throw in a desert or throw in a forest so you can see it and i'll throw it maybe against in this range right here so maybe there's a nice forest right here and i'll go ahead and throw it in and i'll show you put up against here don't worry about the size and consistency yet don't worry about that we will address that don't you worry we will address that first without letting go make the whole forest without letting go make the whole forest so get that size get the whole thing down first okay now now that i have all that i can go in and see it selected everything now i can go in and just change bring the size down as i see fit and i can now bring the whole thing down and just hug it right up against like that and you can even copy and paste it and keep applying more to continue on the forest copy paste continue on the forest copy paste continue on the forest okay that's one of the cool things about about that is you can throw it in and make sure it's again at the right layer and we can even throw in maybe a forest part that's right here you can even take in a section copy paste put that section up against here copy paste put another section uh that just looks like just a random forest right there looks too much like those edges delete these couples so making forests can be uh kind of interesting and unique when you're putting them together you can put another one right here maybe to create that part right there okay so now you've added in this nice forest range here see how easy that was didn't take too long i didn't have to go do too much all i did was just start with the little 10 size don't let go because once you go over the select tool it will select everything you just put down so i don't recommend doing single clicks with your forest not yet save that for later now if you like there are different styles that you can go about um making forests like i noticed it on some maps you can see the tree line on the edge but on the inside you'll notice that it's a little bit lighter so i'll show you some fun tricks with forest i'm only gonna do it to one right now i'm not gonna do it to all of them but i do wanna teach you the trick so take this a vegetation stamp right here and i'm gonna put it make sure it's a layer above so when i place it you'll notice that it's above right okay the next step i'm going to go into the blend mode and go to lighten okay and what lighten does is it's going to remove a lot of the dark a lot of the dark that you're going to see so i'll go ahead and go and click this again make sure it's sent to the light and blend mode and i'm going to just place a couple of these in the center okay let's go ahead and throw them in make sure that they don't go bleed off to the edge okay you might have to scale them down okay all i'm doing is just kind of creating it a little bit lighter in the center so that that way it kind of looks like uh only the edge of the forest has that darker line work and it makes it easier to label because that's one of the reasons why i like this style is because once i've kind of removed a lot of the darker textures and darker colors in the center now whenever you put your text down it won't clash up against all the dark line work in your forest so i'll quickly just throw on a label so you can see what i'm talking about just go ahead and put in forest here and i do would love to do a whole tutorial on making forests and how to label maps as well because labeling labeling is can be kind of frustrating like where do you start with it how do you go about doing it and so i'll show you how to do that as well okay so one way is you can go about doing this if you feel like it doesn't pop out enough you could change the color so you can make it white if you feel like that pops out better you can even throw in an outline and make the outline very thick so i can make this very very very thick outline i'm gonna give it a second to kind of there we go thick thick outline and i'm gonna change it to green that's a little too there we go a little bit darker might be better a little bit lighter there we go and then i'll change the uh the blend mode as well on it to overlay or i'm sorry luminosity and it's going to pick up that outline color is going to pick up whatever texture is below and so that way it'll create a little bit kind of a nice little border that goes around your text okay so yeah there you have your forest and you don't like that text font you can change it okay but you do see the big difference here you can see the lighter interior part of the force the interior forest interior of the canopy is brighter in the center and it's darker over here you'll notice it doesn't have that so the light and blend mode works really great uh to help you to kind of create that forest style so i really like that myself always enjoyed that super cool okay we're 142 changes we'll save and we'll keep going i'll probably add some more forest maybe some different kind like maybe we want to add some pine a pine forest further to the north maybe we want to add some jungle that's going to be going away from this forest down here south let's go do that let's do a jungle real quick okay one second let that load okay now it's saved so let's say we want to continue this forest kind of turns into a jungle the further down it goes or this whole thing could be a jungle it's up to you so i'll go in go to trees and there are should be there's swamp right here and then there's jungle hmm let me take a step back and take a look this is rather close to the ocean i think a swamp might work good and then we can even go in and create some water that's around that okay as well so first let's go in we'll talk we'll punch in swamp bring it down to this size and again i'm just gonna apply the whole thing so just put it on then we'll resize it okay there we go nice and big and i can copy and paste things as i go so let's do this now when i go to select tool every single one of that is selected of course scale it down okay let's scale it down there we go and then i can go in and just copy and paste these as i see fit to fit into each section and again overlap a little bit because overlap looks nice now this is a swamp so i do want to have some water showing so i'll do some rando stamps along the side here and then i can go ahead and add in some water in there those those look kind of big so i might have to scale those down just a tad a little too big bring those down and even delete some in here to kind of create some holes in the center let's go ahead and delete that's a lot let's see i might be able to select a couple there all right let's just delete a couple there delete a couple here i'm going to create some kind of openings or what they call like a glade there we go so kind of create some sections in there there we go and then from there you can go ahead and throw in all your water and little smaller plants but at least we have a jungle or a swamp right here and we'll add more to that let's go further up and maybe add our pine forest and i think a nice pine forest along this mountain and then some smaller forests might look nice so we'll go in the catalog and collect the pine trees and again just put it right up against the map oopsie it's on the wrong layer by the way let's undo that bring it down to layer one always remember to make sure that when you're doing this if all your mountains and hills are at the same layer they're all at layer one so that that way when i put a tree behind a mountain range it'll be behind it and when i put it to the front it'll be in front of it okay you don't want to have it be on a separate layer unless there are several stamps in front of it behind it okay so we'll we'll go into that a little bit later so i made a mistake there boom and we'll go ahead and throw in this so i'll throw in a nice pine forest and again don't let go don't let go just keep going until you've finished the basic shape that you want then when you go over to here again just scale it down and i can put that for us just right up against say right up against here is a good spot for it i'd say and then i can go in and copy and paste some stuff copy paste and kind of use that to create uh some smaller little forest sections copy paste and let's do another one copy paste this one and i'll maybe have it go up a little bit along this coastline right here and then maybe another group of four trees just right there there we go all right take a step back yeah oh i love doing this with a variety of trees absolutely yeah forests are generally not uh one tree there's a giant mix there are some forests that do have a majority of a certain type of tree but for the most part there is generally a large quantity of different types of species of trees and plants okay you don't have to mix them all together that's the beauty again of the of the map representation the representation is that you know you can just use all pine trees to represent uh a forest or mix and match so whatever it is that you really like best this is kind of one of those things where it's a matter a matter of personal preference like so i've added in those ones and i might want to consider adding in some more stuff so i've added in for my forests along this ledge here maybe i want to continue on adding in more forest and i can maybe even use a different uh maybe a different style we could say that um we could maybe start with maybe putting in some some snowing trees so i'm going to quickly save and then refresh the page because i have made a lot of changes and a lot of saves without refreshing the page so let's do that real quick okay okay yeah it's going along great antler panda i thought that name it's so awesome a panda with antlers i love that can i be a panda with antlers that's so cool it's like i got a coat rack on the top of my head and that makes it so much easier for me to not lose track of my keys and stuff i would just love to have a rack on my head man that'd be so cool so useful then i could like you know headbutt people with my rack maybe poke my eye out poke someone else's eye out for sure i mean of course why wouldn't you do that right if you got horns man you might as well use them right bump excuse me yeah you know what i'm talking about what's with all these horns man all right we'll save finish the save hello welcome agree agree i know you would agree with that okay let's refresh the page and we'll continue going on the force then we'll move on to like another biome so just kind of give that a moment to save unarmed attack is with the antlers yes i love it all right so just kind of give me a soup see what's going on here nothing okay i'll fix that there we go just give it a second to load so why so slow well let's take a look at it oh yeah i actually like it from this distance it's going pretty good yeah this looks sweet i'm enjoying it but we'll make sure to add in filters and stuff as well to help it all come i'm going together keep drinking as a coffee and continue doing the art the maps all right sweet hey for any of you who haven't seen it yet make sure you go check out phillips world map um time lapse it's totally awesome go check it out very very useful okay all right so let's go back up into our mountain ranges here and we'll throw in some snowy trees okay and you will just do what we've been doing the whole time so i'll add that bring it down to the smallest size and friend again just put them all down and then scale it down so oopsie i'm gonna make sure that my density is right so i'll undo that for my density we go all the way up and we'll go ahead and create our first forest right here along here i think that should do and then maybe a large section right here we'll go back in select and we'll scale it all down i'm going to bring them over to here and i'm going to take these various sections just go with this one right here and see i want to make sure i get all of it put this section along here let's bring it a little bit closer into the forest are these the right ones one correct and then we'll take this one and put it along here there we go that's just fine and then you can throw in like a little forest if you want right over here so i'll throw that i think i need to scale that down just a tad there we go we'll throw it right there there we go okay what's also really nice to do is just to throw a couple rando trees along the edge so if i throw one rando here rando there rando there and a couple randos right here what kind of happens is you're breaking it's the same thing with that mountain ranges you know with the mountain ranges we added in foothills and smaller mountains to give it more realism well throwing some random trees away from the main tree line helps to kind of create a transition between your basic ground texture right here going up against your main forests against the tree line and these little tiny trees or these single trees help that transition because what really helps to make things look good is absolutely transition you're transitioning from open from negative space to positive space so with the mountain ranges we added foothills and smaller mountains to create that transition okay let's go ahead and keep going so we've added the trees there let's go ahead and do the same down here and maybe there's a little bit more space here so we can add a lot more uh trees let me just take a look all right this stuff might change as we go we'll cover that let's add a mountain ring add in more trees and i'll show you some luminosity blend mode on how to fix it when you have sections that are outside right here and you want the mountain ranges to be the right color so i'll show you that in just a moment yeah it's up to you what you like do you like to have all your uh do you like to have all your trees be visible obviously from a scale you wouldn't be able to see forests at all i mean it would probably just be a glob of green um but you know it's up to you what you like and how you want to go about it okay stylize or not so up to you let's keep going with trees real quick and then i'll move on to that next part about how to deal with this this line right here and we'll do some we'll maybe show texturing how is it that you blend in your how is it that you blend in your stamps right so i'll go back in and i'll start putting down some trees put in a forest somewhere and i'll maybe fill in this whole valley right here with trees and then i can kind of scale it down maybe even go across the mountain here well let's see here i'm not so sure about that let me undo that let me do that again add it in here expect to make mistakes now why are those stamps right up top of the mountain are these mountains in a different ah that explains it undo it let's undo i see what i did here this is where you start making those mistakes so i'm going to take all these stamps let's delete that sorry i don't want to select these select all these make sure they're set to the right layer so go up layer one there we go much better now i can go back in the trees and i can do that again mistakes they happen yeah okay we'll go ahead and fill in this little valley right here with a bunch of trees and of course we'll scale it back down select they're all selected there we go go down and let's put this for us just kind of right along this right along right here i think that looks kind of nice and we can add in maybe another one over here fun stuff i like a very realistic style says rz well yeah that's absolutely personal preference it's whatever you want there's no right or wrong when it comes to the map stuff okay that's the beauty of it if the if that's your style to have realism that's great that's the style you should go with if that's something that doesn't float your boat then don't do it the thing that i hate is when people try to you know say well that's not realistic and this doesn't look right and you start being kind of a little kind of pushy about it when you start pushing your style onto other people then it gets kind of rude you know like people want to do what they want to do and the way they want to go about it and that's entirely their choice so whatever you do don't don't make anyone feel bad for using a particular style you know that's entirely up to them okay i'm gonna go ahead and select pine trees i'm gonna not make sure i don't select any of these gray mountains i've accidentally selected some grey mountains because i forgot uh and didn't do them as a whole so i kind of goofed up right there nice nice move right so now those trees and i have to like deselect all these giant mountains now to make it look right you gotta love it when you make a mistake but i can fix that i'm just gonna have to go in and delete all these large kind of uh mountains in here and then i can go ahead and go back i think that's okay let's scale it down i'm pretty sure i accidentally selected at least one mountain which i did and i expected to there we go all right i can throw that down yeah i just don't like when people try to enforce their own you know their own kind of map making style and what they like under others that's frustrating you know like if you like realism cool if you don't that's totally up to you okay so we've added in those forests uh let's let's cover on another another basis about blending your stamps so let's go ahead and start with that main area we kind of started with over here how was it that i would go about blending in because you notice that there's kind of a just no transition between this sand right here and this mountain range so how was it that i would go about doing that first i would go into my catalog and try to find a texture that already goes so well with um with the mountains right so let me apply a texture here and i'll put it right up against the mountains and we can just see how it looks that looks a little dark i think we might want to go with maybe a lighter one so let's keep going on this one right here i think let me take a look i don't know let's try this one you know i kind of like this texture it's a little bright let's maybe go with this one and then maybe increase the brightness just a little bit whoa that was weird never seen that before oh how odd okay so what i'll do when i blend my textures so once you've picked the texture that you want to use to be at the base of your mountains i bring my softness up i bring the opacity down and i bring the size down now if you want you can use the edgy brush if you want at this scale i don't recommend using the edgy brush because the little cells within it might be too big and it might not be too good for blending so instead uh just use a regular circle circle brush okay now i'm going to go in and just start with first go up against the very base where the mountains and the foothills connect into uh the ground texture apply it and just add a little bit first just a little bit underneath this is this that first step so wherever you have a mountain coming in contact with the desert texture make sure that you put a little bit oopsie i don't think that was necessary do that again there we go it's causing a little bit of lag i think there we go put a little bit of brown under like again underneath every single mountain section where it connects with that sand okay so i'll continue adding more here here along this edge that's just step one okay now once you've done that you can go in with a smaller brush and just start doing some single clicks and what you're doing is you're creating little dot artifacts that are basically going to cause a transition effect so i'm just doing little single clicks like this and what those single clicks are doing it's just creating again some transition between it so that's how i do it with pretty much all my mountain ranges if this was grass i'd do that same thing i just use that brown texture to blend in this desert texture with the mountains and that brown texture so that's usually how i go about doing that you'll see the transition is a little bit better some spots might need a little bit more you'll notice some sand along here uh maybe the base here but more if you as you go along you can single click or create a little bit darker so because what you want is the texture that round texture to be most prevalent beneath the stamp and then it kind of fades away as the further away you go from uh the mountain range the same thing with the hills right your hills get smaller as you go away from the mountain range your textures are gonna uh they're gonna be going down an opacity the farther away you go okay so it kind of helps orz i totally understand i have people friends and users who message me and just say i can't figure this out i need to have an explanation for everything that's perfectly reasonable there's nothing wrong with that um everyone has you know a different style in the way they go about making their map it's totally understandable now it's all a matter of personal preference that's the beauty of it where are we at here okay we're almost into our second hour this one we're almost over with our second hour and moving into our third hour here i do appreciate everyone having some patience with me as i mentioned before a world map is not something that you can make within a couple of hours unless you're highly step stylizing it there are some rpg maps from rpgs that are just highly stylized and those ones are a lot easier to make because you're not following so many guidelines with realism because you know you look at a lot of fantasy rpg maps on pinterest and they're not following reality in the slightest bit whether the when it's concerned with how close the biomes are the mountain ranges whatever okay so all right so i've showed you a little bit about that i'm going to do that same concept i'd like to add a little bit of dirt underneath my my forests so i'm going to do that same concept i'm going to use a dark texture a brownish texture and put it underneath my forest because what generally happens is that there's something called duff and it's when all the forest uh the forest basically forest drop things just think of it as tree poop okay it's tree poop we're talking about tree poop right now okay so tree poop is called duff okay so everything that falls off the trees twigs um uh leaves all those fall all the bark all that stuff falls onto the ground and creates a thick layer called a dump called duff and that stuff is highly flammable because it's dry it's protected by a canopy of trees and naturally forest fires occur and it's actually good for the forest clearly so all that duff gets burned away and that nice top rich nutrient soil which includes the nitrates that comes from when all the ash that comes from that gives into that soil and it gives it a boost like a fertilizer and a new forest can kind of grow it's a natural it's a natural thing that happens so i like to add a little bit of brown to represent the duff underneath so i'll go ahead and just put a little bit of brown underneath like this just put it right underneath the base of your forest like this makes for a good beer nummy beer so tasty me likes a beer there you go let's add a little bit of brown underneath very very very helpful because i do think that um again i try to use some reality that duff the brown and i think brown just overall looks looks nice underneath that green that nice kind of a warmer color against that kind of cooler kind of green looks a little bit nicer so i kind of like that okay and again i'm adding that brown along each one of the mountains because it looks kind of weird when you have a brown mountain on top of a green grass right wouldn't you expect some brown to be uh underneath right so that's kind of the thing that i recommend i also noticed that this mountain right here is kind of looking a little weird so i think i might end up changing that up just a bit there we go okay all right let's do some other stuff so now that i've explained a little bit about blending stamps let's do a little bit about rivers okay rivers and lakes we might want to add some bodies of water now one thing about rivers at this scale is probably they would be so small that you would not see would not see them but if you do want to include rivers there's a couple methods that you can go about doing them you can now when you're making uh your rivers think about the method that you use so for starters you'll kind of notice that i used a really thick stroke line so it probably wouldn't work so great if i took a circle brush with a zero but with zero size and tried to make a river let me just go real quick subtract and i know a lot of people have kind of encountered this problem where they're trying to make a river and it looks good like that but then when you put it on there you'll notice that it's just a big thick line because the stroke line is so thick so if that method doesn't work for you then the next step is to maybe use the path tool okay the path tool works great for making rivers okay i think i even have a great i even have a guide for that as well how to do a wildfire wildfire in progress oh that's a cool that's a cool one don't forget to add that one to the request so let's go ahead and do a a river i'm going to start real quick by just putting down a path first and then i can edit it to what i want it to be okay so i'll turn off everything i'll probably make it a blue color oopsie that's that that's that blue color so let's go with this one for now okay i'm going to change the width i might even want to choose it to match in somewhat with this color right here so i can go in and maybe go a little bit more on the greener side just a little bit and oops actually it might be a little on the dark on the blue side let me try here i think that looks fairly close doesn't have to be perfect okay and i'll bring down the width a bit and then also i'm gonna change the blend mode to let's try hue okay and you'll see that it keeps it keeps the blue color but it also catches the texture underneath so if i go back to normal you'll notice that it's just a blue line and there's no texture underneath if i go over to you you'll notice that it gets a little bit brighter and it doesn't show up so much out here as well so you can make it overlap a little bit so now that i've picked the path that i want and that works just fine the next step after that is to now decide how where and where the river is where it connects and everything again i just want to say that again you might not even be able to see the river from this scale but we're going to use an exaggerated style we'll keep with it and so the first thing you should know about rivers is they start in the mountains okay and in the mountains there's something called their headwaters and that's where they start now headwaters are created by rainfall and snow melt okay so there's usually like lakes that fill up with snow and rain with snow melt and rain up in the mountains and then gravity pushes that water down the mountain and the water will flow downhill and will go out to the ocean okay okay so i'm go and now when you're doing that when you're making your river make sure that it does what's called meandering okay meandering is when uh well first i'll show it to you so this is what meandering looks like just basically s-curves okay all right now a little bit about why rivers do this and what it is and everything like that i'll just do a real quick explanation just to explain it real fast okay so this right here is called a meander okay and what causes meandering so as the flow of the river goes like this it keeps breaking away the water the current breaks more and more away of uh the coastline not the coastline but up against the edge of the river okay and so it what that's doing is it's breaking away uh causing that meander to get larger and larger so the larger the meanders are the larger the meandering are more meandering the older the river is okay if the river is new it won't have as many okay it won't be quite as s ker okay now just to get out of the way yes rivers do do split they do doesn't happen like all the time it's not crazy but rivers do split so you can increa include splits in your river uh there are river islands because this is such a small scale i'm not even going to bother with any of that stuff so what i'll do is just start in the mountain first where i want to be and i'll just create a river that meanders out to the ocean like that okay all right and i might want to even change my layer to have it below so i don't actually have it showing on top of the mountain okay now this is just how one way you can go about rivers lots of different ways okay so not the only way uh if you wanted to make like what's called a river delta a river delta is where the soil is so there's not enough force of the water to push the soil outward and it's shallow enough to where little islands will form so if i go ahead and take that same path and kind of create a bunch of little branches this is what's called a river delta okay and the river delta is again where there's going to be some parts where those little islands okay all right okay i actually did mention already rz that yeah you wouldn't want to use uh if you're using a very small scale you would not want to use the subtract mode because it might not be it might not be thick enough so using a path tool is just a way to go around that if you look how thick this line work is right here see how thick that line work is it's super thick right and so obviously the path the mask tool isn't probably going to work very well for making a river so instead i would use the path tool it just works better there's no need for apologies by the way everything's all good the path tool works is much smaller so it works better at that smaller scale again if you don't want to add rivers don't okay because it's all a matter of personal preference again just kind of remember that so that is how i go about doing rivers and i would do the same even with um if you're making a lake so let me just real quick put together a small lake and you'll see what i mean you'll see that when i make it there's this very thick line work there if you don't want to do that you can just use the path tool to make it let me put it in a better location let's do a lake real quick let's say there's a lake in this valley right here okay a nice lake in this valley and i want it to be maybe up against this mountain right here up against here like this big lake this is a very very big lake okay but yeah you'll notice that the line work is super thick and if you're not satisfied with that that's fine you can go ahead and use the path tool instead okay so with the path tool again just use that same path i'm going to boost up the width of the size so it's nice and big like this let's go with the biggest size about that big now it's less work for me so now i can go in and go ahead and put this along this ledge right here so i have a nice kind of river right here okay or a path sorry this is your your lake okay and you could just say that there are several rivers a couple rivers here that are in the mountains that start in the mountains and the headwaters and that water goes down into creating this lake okay uh you can make river uh you can make mountain lakes as well but i don't recommend it this scale because it's just way too small but if you're doing a zoomed in version of it you can absolutely make a river make a mountain lake like you could put a mountain lake right here and have it kind of go down like this into there like that if you wanted to okay if you see that you can see the actual water right there okay but because the scale is so small i don't think that's really necessary um if this was a bigger scale yeah i would totally do that but for now this is just fine okay so this looks just fine and i'm not going to add any more i just wanted to show you that unless you want to know where uh most i don't know i think that's a pretty good explanation for now for reverse just not a whole lot okay all right okay so now i've explained that let me quickly say and people are right with continuing on for maybe another hour is a long stream if you can't uh if you wanted to cut it short make it a part two let me know i don't mind secretly i want my lunch i'm just playing with you guys okay all right so we'll save and then we'll go ahead and move on some more stuff because there's so much to cover uh with world maps i mean there's just so much so maybe let's move into um move doing some pois and i think this will probably do a two-parter because this is so much work but i just want to show a 24-hour stream 24 hour 204 hour 24 hour yes 24 hours i'm gonna be here forever i don't mind okay let's go ahead and throw in some pois okay now i had mentioned that this is a uh a highly hyper stylized so i'm not worried about adding in uh little tiny towns so my pois are gonna be larger so you're gonna see inconsistency in size you will notice that a poi will probably be as big as a mountain clearly if you're going more to scale your ply you wouldn't even be able to see the city it'd just be a little dot with a path okay but for this video for my style that i'm going to be using for what i want to do in this video i'll make a larger poi just because i want to uh you can again use little tiny dots if you want to represent uh the thing but again i'm going to be using poi so let's first start by just making a poi in an open space and i'm going to use a hill like this and then as always i like you when you noticed that i was doing my um you notice that when i was doing my pois uh on the let's see here it was the poi stream for fantasy world i'm using that same concept and method i'm going to zoom up to scale in to make it big so that i can see what i'm working with and i can decide what i want to put on top of this so i can put like a tower normally i start with cities and there are icons for that but first i'll start with something simple a tower is pretty easy so i'll just put a wizard tower and just put it right on top of this hill i want to go up a layer like this like this and of course i'll scale it down so i'll just put these two together i'm going to group it and i'm going to go ahead and scale this back down let's see i want to select it and it's a this is quite large so i might want to make it a little bit smaller let's make sure i go up a layer let's scale it down about there is fine i'd say let me just put it somewhere and let me see how it goes yep that is quite large so let's scale it down a little bit more i'd say right about there looks just fine it's a bit large but it's fine i don't mind that's about the size actually i wanted that that works just fine so you have this nice tower right here on top of here and again it's exaggerated scale just to show you there's a nice p o i there okay now whenever you're putting your pois together you've put that part together you might want to continue adding some more things around it to make sure that it blends in so it's on top of a hill so it doesn't hurt to maybe probably put maybe some more hills around it and maybe some trees so that it blends in right so i'll just copy and paste the rando hill and just put one right here kind of slowly kind of encasing kind of creating a frame maybe around some of this right here and i'll take some of these trees copy and paste and maybe just put a couple maybe one on top maybe one on top right here one right here i'll copy and paste and make a couple smaller ones copy paste copy paste okay and then you have your first poi right here is it oversized yes but we're doing that style okay so i've added in one section right there maybe i want to put in a city as well like maybe i want to put in a city now you're obviously not going to make the whole city right you want something to represent it so you'll see that there's a walled city this city right here there's an eastern city there's even some smaller stuff so whichever way you want to go about it so maybe i want to put a uh a city right up against the ledge of this lake okay so i'll put one right here up against this lake like that and they maybe they're close together so there's a wizard tower here let's go up in scales a little bit more i want it to be slightly bigger so we'll maybe put it right up against here instead but against here it's a little large that's just fine i don't mind one bit okay what is it actually at the normal size oops 100 it's bigger let's zoom out real quick hey there we go there's my poi what do you think guys that look nice yes love it oh there we go we'll scale it back down to 10. there we go and i let's see here oopsie i want them to be they're at layer one in front that looks fine let's move this mountain out of the way there we go it's a big poi right okay so we have a city right here and i am going to scale it down just a little bit there we go all right put it up against this section looks just fine see this nice kind of city right here let's scale out and take a look looks fine to me and i'm probably going to want to blend this a little bit so underneath my poi sorry about that noise there i'll move that i'm going to go ahead and choose a texture underneath of this one maybe i'll choose a lighter texture so it kind of pops out more that looks a little even maybe even lighter i want to go with an even lighter texture go to advanced settings filter and bring the brightness up just a little bit more there we go and get some light texture underneath here and we'll go like that that looks fine okay and then from there i can go ahead and actually create a path that i want so i'll first put down and then change the what i want to let's say go with white probably for the color go with normal blend mode and then i'll change my advanced options to caps to squares because i kind of like the squares a little better and i'll change that there we go okay and there are a couple ways you can go about doing your paths you can even do it like this as well change the width to where it's a straight line and then drop the opacity down like this include the width a little bit higher so you can always go about changing whichever kind of way you want to do your roads and stuff so let's say there's a little road that kind of leads along this ledge here and then kind of goes into the city along there and i'll have to obviously change the layer of the path they'll bring it down so it's underneath and then another path that kind of leads out this way through the pass like this and then maybe another that goes like this okay now when you're doing your roads and your paths leading to certain pois do that same concept of meandering that a river does because there are generally elevation changes rocks formations of land that get in the way your road at this scale at this scale your roads are going to be pretty windy at least that's the way that i go about it i try not to make straight lines if you are zoomed in in a city on a city block of course your roads are going to be perfectly straight right but when you're doing it on a really scaled out map like a world map your roads are probably going to be pretty windy right they're going to bump into ridges into mountains and hills and stuff like that so of course you want to create a little bit of that meandering technique into your roads right so we have the wizard towers here and we have this okay now i want to mention something about people who want sometimes you might want to say well i want a three-day journey between uh this city and this tower so how do i go about doing that and i'm about to show you so we're gonna go go to uh search all styles i'm gonna type in a scale and i'm gonna help people to kind of decide the distances between pois now i'm not going to do this with every single poi on this map but i want to teach people how to do it so they have a general idea because i know a lot of people are like well i want it to be exactly 60 miles or exactly 20 miles between these two pois and stuff like that so how is it you go about doing that go ahead and pick that scale from uh the fantasy world style okay and we're gonna right now put a scale together so i probably should have done this from the beginning for those of you who wanted to know how to do this so i do apologize for kind of doing it a little bit later in the stream but what we'll do is we'll immediately start putting down some scale to help us out so we'll start with of course zero which means there's just nothing there put that there and you can decide your scale on how far you want something to be away okay now the scale is only for distances it's not used for how high a mountain is how tall a tree is it's only used for measuring distances so if you're going wait a minute this mountain is 30 miles high no of course not of course it isn't okay the scale is just for the distance between two points of interest okay now the pretty standard route that i see on a lot of maps is they go 10 75 or 50 if you want you can do 50 increments it's up to you how you want to go about doing this that's up to you so 0 50 150 okay you can set the scale it's up to you how you want to go about it okay let's bring the size down nice and small so it's not getting in the way nice and close okay now you can go ahead and group this and now it's your scale i would just recommend calling it your scale and then from here you can start uh make sense to layer positive five so it goes over it and then you can start measuring your scale between this town and that town so if it's not this one it's 150 miles from this one to this one right so again think about that from the beginning if you're in if you're way into the scale if that's the thing that you want and of course if you're doing a campaign it's probably going to be important make your scale right away and then that way you can start rotating it and start making sure you can get your measurements properly between your two between your distances this is how i've always done it this scale is very helpful so i know how many miles are here how many miles between each poi how wide is this how wide is this is this um this 150 miles maybe even further so it's up to you okay oops i think i accidentally moved the dune to i think i just saw it oh man what's going on here there we go so that's scale and just put that where you want it for now and use it so what's up to you will this video be available on youtube as soon as the stream is done i will send it right over to youtube to upload for you to do it no that's not one day later anymore king clown actually sorry to call you out there but no actually i try to do it right after the stream i'll let it load while it's it'll load during my lunch and then when it's all done i make it public and people can use it so same day basically um pretty cool stuff all right so that's it yeah i know very exciting right i don't want to keep people away from the videos no way so that is how you go about doing your scale your scale make sure you create a scale right away and then you can just start deciding your distances and your land masses that's a lot of work so i don't really bother with doing that right away um but for those of you who are into that that's how you go about doing the scale between your pois you want to be a six day journey build that scale make sure that it's correct and start rotating them and putting them against each section so that that way you have a way to keep track because that is very popular you know a lot of people want to be very specific about the number of days because they want maybe they have some things planned that are going to take place in between those days right so it's always important to add in a little scale in there and it's not just that too it's also going to be an element in your map right this one's kind of large so you can go with us or kind of small you can go with larger ones scale it up you can put some together it's whatever you want so i'll put a scale right here so if you don't like if you feel like that's too far away like you didn't like the 150 uh between that just make the scale larger now it's only basically a hundred miles between well actually about closer to 75 miles between look here so zero to right about there yeah about 75 miles okay so if you don't want that just scale the scale down or make it bigger okay that's up to you all right a bigger scale is easier to see so you can put the scale wherever you want i can maybe put it down here put it aside put it on the map somewhere and the border put it to the side if you're not done with it use it later so entirely up to you okay all right let's go ahead and save at 60 changes where are we at 113 let's see what else we need to continue going on so far i've given a lot of information so far let's step away from the map part per section and maybe go back into uh go back into the frame and maybe do some stuff with the frame a little bit so i'll let it save and we'll move into the frame i just want to help people understand what you can do with your map frame and what to add into it so already we already added our north pole and our south pole into these circles we could you could put uh the major capital maybe there's a huge empire uh that controls much of these lands and you want to put the maybe the the coat of arms the heraldic achievement uh of that empire or dynasty in that corner maybe there's a major capital uh that you want to accentuate here you know you notice that we used this kind of city right here and if you wanted to you could kind of put it in here and make it bigger and then kind of create a mini map inside of here so you could actually start giving start labeling these individual buildings so that way you can kind of create a mini map of the capital so if you want you can kind of create just the center this is the city center obviously if it's a capital you'd see tons and tons and tons of houses all around surrounding this whole thing so this is just the city center right and we'll go and we'll label each building let's just scale it up a little bit more and maybe i can go in and emphasize the city center by taking some uh buildings surrounding it and then dropping the contrast so that way there's specific emphasis on the city center so let me show how i'll do that real quick okay so i have these kind of buildings right here i'm going to scale them to make sure that they're around the same size so let's just zoom in real quick and scale this down that looks a bit large let's go down and what i'm looking at is i'm using the doors you see the size of that door on that building so i'm going to scale this down to to where the doors are about the same size okay now i can go in and start placing a bunch of random buildings around here and i'll even create a little bit of some roads underneath so let me just place these kind of rando buildings normally you would try to make an actual squares but i don't want to spend too much time doing this because this is a little bit from away from the world map but it's nice to have a little mini map on your world map to show like maybe like i said a um excuse me a uh a city or whatever one second here let me go to bg i see some errors that i made and of course i'm going to fix them so i'll go ahead and fill in that section there's some blue there and i noticed some there as well it's always nice to make do a little bit of fixing there here and there mistakes will happen let me see is there anything else i missed i probably missed a lot knowing myself let's increase the size i'm gonna go up real quick around and just make those changes and fix any errors again this might change let's see i used the wrong one my mistake there we go my bad naughty naughty don't want to use the wrong texture there we go oops there we go fix all these errors i kind of made there we go okay all right now i can go in and kind of create i'm going to take all of these buildings that i put down and i'm going to drop the contrast and the reason why i'm doing that is because i want to put emphasis on uh i want to put emphasis on the city center these other buildings are just there for aesthetics and they have very little to do with the labels i'm only going to put labels on the buildings that don't have the very low contrast okay i'm going to piece them together a little bit more so that way i at least create the illusion of kind of a block i'll do that real quick piece these together okay one there and we'll put one up against here so i have a nice little block there i can go in with the path tool or i can use a concrete texture if i go into here into textures and you'll type in pavement there should be some pavement stamps these pavement stamps right here and of course you're going to have to scale them down they're going to be kind of large so scale them down bring the softness up the opacity down and i'm going to create just little pads for this to go around so i'll create a little road going maybe a main road going around right here going off this way going one here because this is the city center so all the roads are going to lead to this section okay so roads leading that way roads leading that way and i can even throw in some grass to create uh some nice kind of garden spaces like this is throwing a little garden over here throwing a garden right here a little grass here here there we go okay now that after i've done that i can go and start labeling in some stuff so um when it comes to deciding how to label something it's really about the space that you have to work with okay so because this is such a small space to work with right here it doesn't make much sense to use banners banners are large they can take up some serious room and kind of hide stuff okay so instead i'm just going to go with straight text and i'm not going to worry about adding in a banner so let's just give label to the major buildings i don't have to label every single one of them let's just label three one is going to be the church and you could call it the church of saint whatever oopsie i don't know i don't know how to spell whatever come on it's the easiest thing to spell no church of saint whatever okay and we'll throw that in and make sure it's above make sure it's a layer above so church of saint whatever and then i can throw in maybe the blacksmith or just put it smithy there's a smithy shop right here over here can maybe be the inn you can call it the wandering goat and put that over here so there's a wandering goat in and then we can add in maybe a potion shot okay whatever the most important sections are in okay and now you've created a mini map of this capital right here okay so there's a mini map right there in the corner and that's one thing you can kind of do it and it's nice to add that in there so that people know what to look for yes it is the best i agree jay to go absolutely okay so yeah so we've kind of labeled that and put that in there and we have our mini map you know and the last thing that we can throw in here is maybe create some heraldry we did make our last stream i think was covering herald achievement so let's maybe throw that in there okay so while i'm putting this heraldic achievement together just do a little quick reference about heraldic achievements heraldic achievements are basically uh those are what uh nobility have used to kind of represent their house or or an organization a church a university and these are uh generally have in the achievements so uh there's i'm trying to remember all this i had it all prepped for the last stream and not this one if you haven't go check out that how to create heraldry stream by the way but i'll quickly put together some heraldry and i'm to go into the fantasy world style to do that real quick wow just stumbled all over that harold reed explanation hey uh was that clear enough for you guys i hope that made sense did that make sense no it didn't well i'm not surprised all right so i'll throw in i'm going to throw in some uh some heraldry here because i also want to represent uh maybe a royal house maybe an organization uh a guild or something that is kind of maybe rules over much of the empire so we'll throw in a shield and the simplest thing when it comes to heraldry is just to throw in the shield which is generally an escutcheon i think i spelt pronounce that right and then some kind of icon to represent um the the institution the family the individual whatever okay so i'll just throw this in for now okay so now we have this nice dragon and a shield and i'm not going to add too much more uh probably put a banner in there and then add in the title and i would do the same thing with the with the city as well so i would go in and maybe select one of these title plates right here and or a banner if you wanted to i could type in banner type that in should be a couple banners there you go and a banner is a good choice to use if you're trying to give a main thing a label so the whole city will be labeled and this whole and you can give the royal house institution a label as well okay and of course you can do those same labels right here so you want to maybe put south pole north pole and then put south pole on this one oopsie i do believe that oops you see that naughty naughty go in with those lines real quick nope okay i can just push this up a layer my bad there we go make sure is that line here too as well yep oopsie try to try to remember to put my lines at layer negative five okay there we go so now you have uh your labels here let's go ahead and quickly save and we can move on to the next part let me see what is left on here um let's see here i've done pois done the pads displayed rivers we've covered uh is there any other things that people would like to uh maybe suggest and we can follow through with those if there's something that i haven't covered with world maps let me know and we can cover that so i don't want it to go too long four hours would be insane maybe it's a good time to wrap it up and then continue this in a part two because i actually really like this i think it works out pretty good uh let's see here yep okay wandering goat church of saint whatever oh yeah i love the saint whatever patron saint of sassiness right patron saint assassin is saint whatever whatever okay let's throw down a couple more pois to kind of represent uh other important locations if you're going with this style i don't even mind i don't really bother putting little tiny um little tiny uh if there's like a little village that there's not a lot going on there and your players it's okay to throw in like maybe a little tiny icon to represent the city or the town or village so if you want you can just use like a little tiny icon to represent that the shield right here should work just fine if you want this can represent small villages so i'll make it small and just say that this right here is a village in between here and now with that i also might want to consider causing my pois to have a little bit more um to make them pop out so i'll do it to this one as well i'm going to add a shadow to it object and i'm going to make it white and i'm going to make it like this so that there and the reason why i'm doing that is because my path is already white and so i this little glow around it helps to make it pop out and i'm going to do that same thing i'm going to take this thing right here go to object shadow make it white okay i'm also going to change those shadow settings like this and i'm going to bring the shadow up above because i don't want the white below i want the white above okay and so i'll go ahead and bring that down and what that does is it causes your poi to pop out more okay now if you don't like that if you don't want that white you can bring it down as far as you want but it does kind of help to make it pop out against uh the ground and against the mountains so it pops out a little bit okay and i'm gonna do that same thing with this one as well so i'll open up this one and i'll take uh this wizard tower and i'll go with object go with that white again bring it down bring the opacity way down and bring the shadow up above so now you have some of your poi kind of popping out that white is creating contrast against what's behind it allowing it to pop out okay so now that you've done that you might want to consider labeling it and that all depends so because sometimes labels can also be important on deciding how important an area is right so with a capital you might want to go with maybe a larger text so maybe the capital is called waffle dump okay waffle dump this is the uh the capital okay and the text is going to be fairly large okay because it's a big it's a big one right it's a big waffle dump is a it's a big place if you haven't been to waffle dump waffle dump downtown has some nice developments some nice i mean there's some nice places to stay in waffle dump i mean it's a nice place it's next to a lake you know so it's probably got some nice swimming some good camping and so i add waffle dump i have my leg my uh thing here now what happens if um i want a poi that's not quite as large and as important right so i want to say a tower so i'll bring the text down and i'll say uh wizard tower okay and so the text is a little bit smaller right and you'll notice that it kind of suits well to oh yeah it does sound oh yeah waffle dump has the best artisan cheeses that's what i heard wait who told you that oh giving away company secrets okay so when you're labeling think about uh how important a poi is if this is the capital i mean obviously it's so important that we put a small mini map in the corner here and even the heraldic uh achievement in the corner here so we're going to give it kind of a more a larger text and you might even want to throw down maybe a banner on it as well because it is super important right so i can go ahead and throw down a banner and put it right over it well it's underneath the mountains right now it's just hanging out but so then you can add that on there and of course when it comes to your banner your text your text uh color should be determined by the color of the banner right so the banner is this kind of lighter color obviously you wouldn't want to use white for it you might want to use a different combo so we'll put ruffle dump in the banner here and curve it a little bit so it curves in with it now if you're going to do that of course i might want to make the banner a little bit bigger so i'll select let's see here where are we i need to find the banner in the text yeah i think that's fine and the wizard tower right here with the white so it's up to you so maybe the important maybe the most important locations uh the cheat the best the finest cheeses and waffle dump that place is going to be uh you know kind of sticking out a little bit and you can even throw stuff on top of an icon so if you feel like that you want it to pop out more you can even throw in an icon like maybe a fantasy world icon uh a flat one because it's just you're adding in a decoration so maybe you want to throw in uh this right on top oops it will push it up there you go like this and so that way you've decorated it even more now you've added in uh this kind of symbol and if you want you can even add in that shadow just like i did before and in fact i think i might actually select that and the banner let me just verify that i have the right banner oops see let me type it in banner there we go which one is it there it is uh i might even want to consider adding a black shadow around these things because a black shadow will cause them to pop out more so i'll go in with object shadow and i'm going to go ahead object oopsie why oh i see just one let me select both of them my mistake let's see here this one where are you that banner and then this object as well those two are selected object and we'll go with black let's bring it in a little bit closer there we go and you'll notice that there's a black kind of outline underneath and that will help to cause that to pop out so waffle dump where the finest cheeses are has a bit of a bit more um a little bit more flavor to it you've added in a 2d flat front facing image on to rest on top of the banner to kind of give it more emphasis okay so that kind of works really well to help with it like a wheel of cheese oh yes oh cheese is so good you should keep it away from me though it's so good that i shouldn't have it it's just so good i'm also going to change up a little bit of my text here and add a black outline around it so that that way it kind of pops out more so i'll add a black outline there we go and this will kind of help to make it pop out a little bit more because it's black and white let's zoom in the text so it's not so blurry there you go and now you have this black text which creates kind of a frame to go around it yeah so far so good yeah so waffle dump i love waffle dump this is my new favorite place let's keep adding some more more pois you'll notice here that i made a little village right here too the village doesn't have a lot going on whenever i include like maybe at this village uh they're just going here to maybe rest grab some supplies but there's no npcs you're really going to encounter with there's no little side quests or anything like that and so this little village right here it's just to give a reprieve because if this is 150 miles or 70 miles in between these two pois it maybe you've reached a series of random encounters or you've gone through a series of battles and side quests that make you tired so it's nice to have maybe a little poi a little village in between some some of the pois so that way there's a reprieve for your players in between the two more important pois okay nice place needs to make fancy crackers okay well you know what maybe we should put something some you know what there's a desert right here maybe we need to make a saltine factory yeah let's do it it's time to make a saltine factory because you can't have cheese without well no no yeah yeah yeah let's do it let's do it saltine factory anybody it's like the cheesecake factory only with crackers because we're all crackers here man we're all crazy in the head we're all nuts right we're we're bonkers here we're just gonna do that right okay i'm not gonna do that but i am gonna make a poi in the desert and then i think after i make the poi in the desert we will call it good okay so let's go ahead and add a desert piece and before just like with fantasy regional open it up and now there is some new stuff that babylonian stuff is fantastic that works great maybe we can choose something in the babylonian pack that will work just fine so let's go up here there's some desert stuff right here that's fine or you can add in this babylonian stuff maybe a tower a little village maybe even a statue maybe that represented like maybe a fallen uh society or something like that that maybe fell apart so maybe we can add an angle like this and maybe surround some maybe we can put some dunes around it so it looks like it's just sticking out of the ground so i'll select a dune real quick and i'll probably put it right up against it and behind it as well because i want it to look like it's wedged in between some stuff here so i'll put one there and so you have this kind of fallen icon i'll make it even bigger bring it down here like this there we go it's nice and big all right remember we're doing exaggerated so if you're saying to yourself this statue is like 80 miles high yes it is yes it is 80 miles that is it you nailed it this thing is freaking massive if you're going by scale right i mean it's huge okay so i'm just going to put a bit of sand dunes right in front of it just to kind of make it look like it's wedged in a little bit let's bring it down this way a little bit more okay make sure it's wedged in there come on you can fit in there like a wedgie just go in there like a glove come on you can do it there we go nice so i kind of have this kind of fallen civilization that maybe lived uh in the desert and maybe the desert consumed it and so all that's left is this huge statue that kind of is like the remnants of a fallen society right that was destroyed by maybe the environment global warming i don't know whatever it is destroyed this place a catastrophe magic you name it whatever okay whatever took it down it was going down all right it wasn't meant to last so i throw that in there okay and then from there i can start to decide uh maybe a label that i want to give it i could go with the same text that i have here if i wanted to you could call it uh what kind of maybe it's uh what is this what is this it's a statue of uh i don't know lord bisque lord biscui marts lord biscuity i don't know lord biscuits i don't know why not lord biscuits uh sounds good lord biscuits of the deserty zone yes this is the statue of lord biscuits and lord biscuit oh i didn't spell biscuits right hello what am i doing here that is not how you spell biscuits dude what the heck yes the lord of biscuits uh he also has control of the uh the preservation room where they make the delicious jams and jellies just to let you know because you can't have crackers and cheese without delicious jams and jellies and of course the wine of course right i'm not gonna leave that out but anyway lord biscuits is lord of the preservation room and uh that's where you find all the delicious jams and jellies just uh just to let you know the cookie lord the lord of cookies boy this is just really crummy okay yeah i'll stop i'm done i won't do it again okay maybe later it's a cookie monster okay so we have lord biscuits we have the all that goody goodness and maybe we also want to create maybe a village that's on the edge between the desert and this kind of grassy area so i'll make maybe a small town right here i think that's got to be the right style fantasy regional hd there should be a very small town there's town one town two let's go with town one it's quite large so i'll make sure to scales it down there we go about that big just about right here looks fine make it nice and cozy right here in here to this desert area right here kind of cozy just fits in real nice put you right there oh nice and cozy you fit right in there nice ah you have your little alcove town isn't that nice so so nice and of course i'm gonna go in at object shadow just like i did before now excuse me probably have to do the same with that statue so we'll get to that my band you forgot to give that shadow give that statue some shadows i'm sorry lord biscuit please forgive me for my trespasses i'm a bad person my bad there we go we'll add that light in there there we go and i think oh of course drop down zeo pass a day there we go and i'm gonna go and do the same thing with this statue here and throw in a object make sure that it's white let's go ahead and select that statue okay one moment [Music] there we go bring it up there we go and that way again just you want those things to pop out so now i can go in and create my path and continue going on so maybe i want it to go along this ledge here up into and then maybe i want to create a path with dashed lines to represent that it's not really an official road if it's a desert you're probably not going to have an official road okay so this is more of a path that kind of leads in and i'll change that a little bit let's change it to this one there we go i like that a little bit better and so it's more of a path and kind of will make it windy and crazy kind of leading up into that section right there there we go gosh lord biscuits you are so kind and forgiving so we've got more biscuits that wizard tower we've got waffle dump i don't know what's next i mean there's probably all kinds of fun stuff in here we might want to even consider changing our text of this forest to a different name where what let me just make sure i select this text there we go forest let's delete that we're not going to call it forest we're going to call it something else of course we can call it uh tangleberry tangleberry i was gonna go with something else but uh you know i decided to change my mind i decided to change my mind we're just gonna call this tangleberry okay it's it's a nice one i like it get over it so we got tangleberry i'm glad i didn't go with the other thing that probably wouldn't have gone well all right there we go nice all right let's take a step back and see where we're at oh yeah this is definitely a part two i'm gonna go ahead and save the 64 changes the brain sausage this morning it's just it's not it's not working the sausages are not rubbing against each other in my brain and not working the cells are not working okay can we harvest tangleberries i don't yes of course you can tangle berries are delicious they're fantastic delish reminds me of dragon fruit very good for you high in fiber delicious you should totally try it now yeah exactly i'm gonna say when it comes to dingleberries don't recommend those don't probably not on the list i don't recommend that so don't don't go with that i left it wide open for that so if someone said that it's entirely my fault i i opened the window and someone walked right through it's perfect i just i sorry about that okay well you know what i think i'm gonna call it good um there's still so much to do on this map and i overall like the setup but there's still so much to do there's all these details all this coloring and stuff i think i'll just do just do a real quick coloring with some maybe some fun textures uh maybe just real quick break down some fun things that you can do with a frame i want to go into fantasy battle maps this is the last thing i'll do and then i'll jump in uh to a quick q a okay and i'll avoid picking any dingleberries all right so i'm going to go in and just kind of pick um a kind of a really kind of these kind of textures that i really like um there's some wallpaper textures in here that might work really really good look at these beautiful wallpaper textures here these can work really good let's just apply one and just see how it looks let me check out filters let me check the size how big they are that looks fine to me and let's just color that in real quick and just look at our options because what's really fun about frames is that you don't have to put a whole bunch of stamps inside the frame to make it look good you can just find a texture that might work fairly well that looks good so i'll go ahead and just fill this in so we'll work on the frame and step away from the map part and we'll throw in maybe a nice wallpaper texture that will work pretty good all right let's go ahead and throw that in let the textures let textures let filters do the work for you there's no need for you to have to like fill in like this literary map where you have to put in all this text and all this different stuff a frame can be very simple it just needs some simple elements i'm just going to use this kind of texture that i like it's got some fleur-de-lis on here and the fleur-de-lis are cool so i'll go ahead and throw that on there and it kind of creates a nice kind of little background and it's got artifacts on it so it's filled in it's not just a solid color or a texture with minimal artifacts so we'll throw that in like this and so that way we have some nice stuff and i'll even think about adding in a filter or two let's go ahead and paint that in you just got to be careful to make sure not to go over and paint into here like that oops oh no yeah that won't do good don't do that don't just please don't okay just take a step back yeah i think it's kind of pretty i like that i think that works just fine yeah that looks good and maybe i want to go in and change some things about uh maybe some of the frame or i want to add in a different design so let's maybe do some fun stuff with painting the frame i'll show you some ways to go doing about that now when you're thinking about uh let's talk about color scheme a little bit so once you start applying textures you might want to choose maybe three or four textures within a color scheme and so what i might want to do is i've used some of the textures from right here from recently used i've got some browns in here maybe i want to create a kind of a checkered look to it so i can go in and just make sure that you have it set to one and let's do each corner with the fg layer selected and i'll just go ahead and just see how it looks first so i'll do each corner and then maybe i can kind of create a pattern on the side let's turn on the grid so i can kind of see what i'm doing i'm going to go in and just kind of create a pattern using the grid like this and a lot of maps actually have this kind of design if you go look at maps online you'll notice that they have this design and i notice that there's an error right here so there's not an even number so i'll help to go back and undo all this and look for the center and now when you're dealing with stuff like that if you're like oh no i made a mistake i'll show you how to fix that how to fix that issue so let me go back make sure that i'm using the right texture where is the texture i used for this oops i don't think i used the right one actually let me undo that let me just go through various undo's here i'm loading images things are going a little slow let's go with history here brown brown yeah let's remove all that so i'll just restore this and remove all that brown real quick and i'll show you how to make sure that you do it right so i'll show you a cool trick just one moment uh a lot of the times it's just black and white around the corner and you'll see that a lot of maps have uh black and white checkers all the way around it so that happens quite a bit so what i'll do is i'll start on each end you can do math and count each one but what i'll do is i'll just put two right here in the center because it looks like that's what's going to go about so i'll just go ahead and do this but sometimes it's uneven so let me connect and now i have that so let me do this one second here we'll do this to every single one of them there we go so we have a nice kind of pattern there and if you don't know the direct center just start by doing one on each end one at each end one at each end like this okay same thing with the design go here one at each end it does kind of look like an old-timey map doesn't it i don't mind old tiny old time is pretty cool well i mean for me the the frame isn't necessarily our beginning the role wasn't to actually try to make a um a frame just for the heck of it the frame really helps to um kind of divide your negative space in your positive space so that you have stuff to work with so i'll go ahead and add that there and remove this it's just that you see if we had we didn't have this frame we'd have to fill in all of this space with land masses so it's really helpful to use the frame to kind of zone down or scale down uh your map space so you have less to work with which is actually kind of nice for me at least and it also just kind of looks nice to add in a frame because i would kind of expect a world map to have a frame obviously if you're making a battle map it doesn't make a lot of sense to make a frame right but your world map which shows your whole world right it kind of makes sense to um it kind of makes sense to put a frame on it right because there's not going to be 12 world maps there's only going to be one and so you want that map to have character like king clown said you want to pop out and so that's how you do that now i'm going to real quick just add a filter so you'll notice that a lot of this is kind of crazy a lot of the colors are kind of all over the place so filters can kind of help to fix that as well so you can go into color filters and there are a couple filters that help to cause things to blend together so one of them is cold warm one of my favorites and it's going to add uh that filter to it it's going to help it to try to blend in more so it kind of adds a little bit of purple some blues and some worms so that that way it kind of pops out more and then you can add another filter you can keep adding more clarity is a nice one to make it pop out more and another really cool trick is hsbc hsbc can give you some really interesting results right now i mentioned this in um the parchment map but this works for other ones as well so i can change the hue to different colors so that i can make it whatever i want so if you prefer to have it even more stylized you can go ahead and go to the u and let's say you want it to be kind of this bluish color let's say that you don't want to be exaggerated that much so you can bring the opacity down so you can kind of retain some of the previous color okay so using using hsbc is a great way to change up the map so to make it pop out more to give it maybe a little bit more style it's up to you how you want to go about it okay i missed the forest part how did you make the grouped forest so smooth uh well you know i'll make another forest i think it's only fair to to do that if you're we're late let's just go ahead and create one more forest i'm having too much fun i don't want to go i love you all so much oh i love the way the cool warm works i agreed i love that oh yeah so i'll just make one real for us real quick to show you how i did it okay now at this scale at this scale what happened was is that the trees were too big they're too big all right so what i ended up doing instead was creating a whole forest now when you're adding in your forest make sure that you uh make sure you know what your mountains and make sure your mountains and your hills are at the same layer layer one and then make sure your trees are at the same layer layer one okay and for a lot of forests they go right up against um a mountain and they can go further out now you don't have to put them up against a mountain forest can be totally random off to the side without being connected to a mountain that's perfectly fine now don't let go when you're doing this okay i also want to mention that i have my density sent to 150 so they're nice and compact to each other watch what happens when i go to 100 they're not as close to each other by bringing the density down even more they're even farther away from each other so make sure that the density is at the highest when you're doing it okay now once you've done all that i've selected all these trees i kind of made a mistake let me undo that real quick my bad i'm going to go ahead and delete all that i made them oops let me redo that there we go all the trees are selected so now you'll just have to scale it down like this so it's in the right scale and then there you go so the forest is right there up against the hills and it's behind the mountain and not in front of it there's one in front and one behind okay so that's how i go about doing forests and if you want to know how i did uh the light green here i just took a bush put it to light and blend mode put a layer on top and then put them all in the center so just go watch earlier in the video on how i did that okay all right well i think that's it for now uh the filters are was the last thing that i was gonna show we can make this a part two and that works well for me so that way i don't have to keep coming up with thousands of different stream ideas so that's helpful now if you uh in the stream you didn't look you didn't find what you were looking for feel free to go to the stream suggestion channel or stream request channel on our discord go ahead and join that and just let us know what streams you want to see in the future uh other users can click give it a thumbs up and the more thumbs up that a map or that request has the more likely it will end up on the stream calendar okay so let's real quickly just mention what strings we have coming up this week and then we'll call it good so we just finished how to create world maps part one on wednesday uh the 11th how to create cosmology maps and i'm super excited about that because making a cosmology map is super duper fun super cool and it really helps um to learn how to do that because when you're doing your world building sometimes things go way beyond your first world right if you already have a lot of worlds already put together in your head and you have all the lore cosmology maps are the way to go that way you can kind of put in uh your worlds and kind of get a map to kind of show all the various worlds in your kind of universe okay and then on the 12th that's the next day on thursday we'll be doing how to create city blocks part two and i am super excited about that as well not nearly as excited about that as i am about cosmology maps but city blocks are super fun that's going to be in the water color style watercolor city style and we will be covering that we made a couple last last time and so we'll make a couple more city blocks and then eventually we'll have to add the group to stamp or stamp group to stamp option and you can just make city blocks and just apply them to another map so i'm excited about that eventually uh right now we'll do a quick q a for seven minutes and we'll we'll cover that q a if you have any questions feel free to ask about things like oh how did you do that what how do i fix this issue please let me know ask any of those questions that you might have and i'll cover them and then i will take my lunch and upload this video to youtube because heck yeah this was a lot of fun i really enjoyed this um and i think what i'll do is i'll do it do a stream as well on how to make custom frames because there's about 15 different ways to make frames and frames are really really helpful again for your world map so maybe we can cover that um let's see if there's any questions here feel free to ask don't be shy yeah yeah let's just take a look at what i've done so far yeah i like this we'll have to definitely add in some stuff in there oh and i like this so far looking good yeah all right let people ask questions yeah i like the way the frame turned out definitely might go with a different color scheme we'll we'll see that in the next stream aza no questions is no one curious enough no that's okay all right i'll just wait just a few more moments i'm going to go over this other stuff here heck yeah i can't wait for the future of incarnate me too it's musi absolutely i agree i'm super excited i just want you to know we have a lot of really cool stuff in the pipes i can't talk too much about it because i want it to be a surprise surprise surprise but there is some really cool stuff coming up and it's exciting what's for lunch oh i don't know definitely not dingleberries that's for sure uh oh i don't know probably some delicious nummy foods i haven't really decided yet what to do for dinner lunch yet i'll figure it out all i know is it's not going to be dingleberries might be tangleberries i don't know where to find those i know they're on demand we'll see with all the supply chain issues that we're having i don't know if i'll be able to find some really good tangle berries we'll see all right well hey thank you everybody so much it's been a really fun stream i appreciate you guys going with me on another hour on this and i'll make sure to upload this to youtube and i'll also be sure to cut out some clips for it and put it on youtube as well so for some of the more important questions that are being asked and stuff so hey it's been really great thank you everybody i appreciate all the questions appreciate all the advice and i'm really glad that you were here so please uh until i see you all tomorrow please stay safe and healthy and marry matt making my friends uh vidazine cheerio goodbye toodles
Channel: Inkarnate
Views: 16,624
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: P7fzTWesk0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 176min 36sec (10596 seconds)
Published: Mon May 09 2022
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