How to Create Dungeon | Inkarnate Stream

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hello everybody let's go ahead and just verify we're gonna do an audio test for the next couple minutes just to make sure audio's working also let me know if you're picking up any feedback or background noise it's too loud i'll see if i can adjust that welcome everybody okay awesome okay let's just make sure the audio's working hello everybody sound is good perfect not too much background noise i hope sounds good right now great thanks chris bearns appreciate the feedback on that fantastic okay so we're just gonna wait just a couple minutes for people to filter in hello anne or annie i don't know is it ann with any um hello welcome sound is great excellent awesome i'm so excited so for those of you who are here let's just break down real quick what we're going to be doing today i'm going to be showing you how to make a dungeon on the fly real quick and we're going to make two dungeons today one each hour with different uh with a different technique so i'm super excited about this it's going to be great no background noise chef's kiss magnificent okay so we're going to be like i said we're going to be showing you the quick methods on how to make dungeons on the fly real quick super cool techniques we're going to start with the first one a mask tool technique that doesn't require endlessly piecing together a bunch of cliffs and walls because we're going to let the mask tool do that for us and then in the second technique i'm just going to show you how to piece together wall pieces and cavern pieces on how to make a dungeon so super exciting stuff so first hour mass tool second one is gonna be with stamp so i'm excited to do that howdy joy baker welcome mike hey juan hernandez yes awesome some awesome people here okay well it is that time so let's just jump right in let's also do some announcements too by the way if you haven't yet please join our discord channel you can go ahead and find that in the link in the description below join discard we have incredible mentors and users that are always helpful and always willing to help you so go check it out hey mike king clap keep clown awesome really glad that you made it all right so let's go ahead and dive in now the first thing that you're going to want to do when i when i make a dungeon is you're going to want to pick your style so fantasy battle maps this is your standard landscape aspect ratio okay and then on top of that we want to also use a grid because grid is going to help us with scale so in most dnd campaigns on most maps about five by five foot square is what that equals or if you're in europe or using the metric system that's going to be 1.52 meters okay 1.52 meters by 1.52 meters so it's up to you whether you're using imperial or metric so the next thing is again putting down that grid show the grid so you can see it and the default is 40 by 30 so one of these squares is going to equal five by five feet or 1.52 all right and we're also going to bring down the grid tool all the way to negative five and the reason why i'm doing that is because i want the stamps to be on top of it okay and then on top of that we're going to want to do some other things we want to change the bg and the fg layers textures so let's first go do that let's go over to the brush tool b key go ahead and click the texture open up the catalog and then kind of pick the texture that you want now there are a lot of different ways that you can go about doing your background you can just do straight black background so that when you do create your caverns in your rooms the background area where there's no dungeon is going to be black or you can change it to different color so remember we're doing mask effects not stamps in this particular one so first i'm going to choose this texture i'm going to go ahead and first fill this up with the add mode too so those of you who don't know how to do a quick fill mask tool m key switch over to shape rectangle click hold drag cover the whole screen right and you can click the add or a key press enter so now the whole screen is going to be filled with the add mode okay then we want to switch to b key and we want to add that texture and make sure it's set to the f g now shortcut keys one for f g layer two for bg layer so we're going to do the f g layer because this is all set to the f g click hold drag press apply and the entire canvas will be covered that's your quick fill once you've done that now you want to switch over with your m key over to the mask tool and select your edgy brush now the reason why we're picking the edgy brush is because this is going to represent those edgy natural looking cave walls on top of the straighter line rooms that we're going to use the grid tool for so first let's just uh select feature size eight turn the smooth off and let's just apply real quick onto website with a subtract by the way if you want to know how to quick between the add and subtract mode there's a shortcut key and b shortcut key now the whole canvas is the add mode to the mask tool or the fg so we're going to switch over to subtract and we're just going to quickly put one little section of the bg on here we're going to zoom in take a look at it now the only reason why i'm putting just a little bit on this is we're going to play with the mask effects that we want to work with okay let's also choose the background texture or the i'm sorry the floor texture that we want to put inside the dungeon so go back to that b key open up the catalog with the f key and i'm going to pick this texture right here it's called gray ground and the reason why i'm picking it is because there's some really nice artifacts in there some nice line work within this texture that i can use to create some interesting things whether it's shadows lights extra textures on top of it now before you do that you probably want to size it because it's going to be pretty big at 100 the artifacts are large so we want to make the artifacts a little bit smaller and you're going to just know the caveat that when you down scale a texture it's going to become more repetitive so the way to do that is to one thing is to rotate so it's not so repetitive so rotating is a way to mitigate on top of on top of just making sure that you use a soft brush and you don't uh quick fill the entire dungeon with it so we are going to do that right here and i'll show you how to work with that so this is that bg right here just a reminder bg this is f g okay so let's go ahead and switch over to bg quick fill the whole thing okay so now the entire bg layer is going to be covered with that particular texture now whenever you edit a texture whenever you change the size the rotation or the offset make sure you immediately favorite it okay because that way when you go to a reapply that texture 20 texture applications later that way it won't be gone from your recently used and it will show up in your favorites so click your favorites right here and you're going to see that that texture i'm going to delete all these other ones but that texture is right there in your favorites so always remember to save your or favorite textures that you edit or change in any way otherwise holy shmoley you're going to be you're going to end up having to go and resize and re-edit that texture all over again okay now that we've added the fg and bg layers let's play with mask effects so you just go right to that m key or press the shovel it takes us there you're gonna find out all the mask effects first let's mess with stroke let's change it to black instead we don't want it to be brown you could change it to one if you wanted to two works as well we're going to turn off ripple effects there's no water so there's no need to add ripple effects let's just zoom in too to get a closer look at the effects go back to that m key okay we're going to do an outline of 1 and we're going to make it white and what the reason why we're doing this is because we want to add uh the effect of kind of like a wall then there's also the outer shadow and we're gonna make that black okay and what that represents is the shadows that are along the cavern walls so then that also creates the sense of depth and if you look carefully it already looks like it pops out right that looks like there a natural kind of circular looking cave right there in the center so by messing with the mask effects you can create the walls that you want okay let's keep going we also want to create some effects going outward so if we want we could make the inner shadow white if we wanted to and the reason why we're doing that is to kind of create this contrast and you don't have to do this it's up to you how you want to go about it now if you don't like that white then you can turn it off or change it to black or something else that's up to you okay now that we've got the mask effects that we want we can go ahead and just remove this by just you know add in over it so we've added the mask effects that we need okay if anyone has any questions feel free to ask philip in the chat or you can address me and i'll try to get to your questions when i can so thank you phillip okay now once you've done the mask effects the bg layer textures and you set the grid to what you want the next step is to think about your layout okay now this is actually pretty easy because dungeon sometimes can be kind of complex and you're thinking how do i start a dungeon well it's not complex the first thing you have to create when you start your dungeon is obviously your start position right so think about where your start starting position is in the map and don't forget to think about your end position that's your exit okay now when you're thinking about your exit also think about like is there going to be some giant boss battle a heavy that you're going to have to have your players play against so maybe you want to consider a large chamber close to the end where that battle is going to take place okay so let's follow that logic so let's first a start with our starting dungeon okay now i'm gonna be using the mask tool m key and i'm gonna use the grid okay i'm gonna set it to zero okay so i'm gonna start with where where our start's going to be so let's just go ahead and make sure it's set to subtract by the way so d key okay and i'm going to go down to one and we're going to put the start right down here by making a nine by nine or i'm sorry not nine by nine a fifteen by fifteen feet uh room okay and in the center we can put a staircase there and that is gonna be the center of the room now i'm gonna start with um using the grid first to make a lot of uh straight square like rooms and shafts and tunnels and then from there we'll switch over to the edgy brush and really add in the natural parts of the dungeon okay so let's first add that start with that center piece or that not center piece i'm sorry the start point okay now when you're when you start your start point and then you're moving on to the next section you think a little bit about what you're what you'd want your dungeon to be like do you want to scare the poo out of the pants of your players and kind of make a small tight claustrophobic like dungeon where around every corner uh there's a monster or a trap it's very dark like think about the tension and the atmosphere and the ambience that you want to create the tension that you want to create for your players okay so for this one let's make like maybe a kind of a maze-like section where there's a bunch of dead ends and stuff that kind of lead nowhere so you can do that make little sections here let's say one that goes over to here just kind of leads to nowhere or you can go this way and it also leads to nowhere let's say there's also another one here that kind of just leads to nowhere and make sure that you add a lot of corners because when your players are going around and then they see this part they're going to be like oh well that's just a den i'm not gonna go there so make those paths a little bit longer so you can lead them to nowhere in a dead end and then laugh at them maliciously when they bump into a dead end because it is funny okay so we've added just some difficult some little spots we can move around and then we can continue on to the next section okay and we'll create a chamber right here like this and we'll make it fairly large at first okay so you have this nice kind of large section and if you're worried about the squareness of it don't worry we're going to be getting to that cavern part that's going to be a lot more fun so don't worry we will get to that so this is a nice little section a little more open space for your players to run around explore you know give them a slight reprieve from the claustrophobic little little passages so there's always give your players a little bit of reprieve don't you know scare them to death unless you want to and that's also fun right let's keep going adding in sections whenever i add a large section to a whenever i add a large section i like to add a whole bunch of paths leading out to some various other sections so go over here add in some more keep going go up let's just add a little a little room here okay now that i've showed you some of that let's go switch over to that next step without making the rest of the of the dungeon let's just switch over to your edgy brush okay and we're going to set it to a little higher than just one let's set it to say 20. now just remember that when you're adding in the natural cliff and you're making a natural cavern looking room factor in that each square is five feet square okay when that happens you have to make sure that you don't make a natural cavern section that's so small that you can't really do anything with it you know what i mean there's not enough room so let's give an example so let's say that i want this room to not look so edgy looking and i want to add in some natural walls to it okay so now you have this nice natural looking section here you can do it everywhere you can say you want to do it in here here you're connecting it like this you can see make sure there's room within those within that section for the players to walk around okay so if you made it something small like this obviously the player is not even going to be able to walk around in that piece okay so always factor in that scale part okay let's keep going let's add in some natural sections here and maybe even create a passage and i'm going to make it five by five feet wide so that's why we're using that grid to make sure that it is that wide let's just add a nice big section here and we can put something fun in there to work with there we go looks nice and again don't forget about scale so factor that bit in let's also go ahead back to grid and just add in a small grid section let's say it goes down to here and there's another section for a grid and so you're just going to alternate between the grid brush and the edgy brush okay and that way you're going to have a mix between very symmetrical straight line walls and your more cavern looking walls okay so much easier and so much quicker than trying to piece together tons and tons of stamps but we're going to be doing that in the next map and i'll also show you quick ways on how to do that okay so let's just zoom out and take a look where it's 77 changes i do advise you to make changes about make saves about 100 changes or so it's kind of a pro tip okay let's also make this more natural let's just first fill it out a little bit with this and then we'll go ahead and switch over to that edgy brush again all right let's make it big enough to where it fills in a whole square and then we can just put it in right here nice little section here okay there we go i think that looks nice let's see here let's put it in here okay now the next step uh is also learning how to use the shape tool that's right here this is that polygon shape and this thing when now just factor in that when you're using the polygon shape tool that the grid might not fit perfectly so make sure that you line it up with the grid when you apply it okay first let's make a path that leads to um this polygon shape room that we're going to add so let's go over here and say that it goes in right about here let's actually undo that a little too far i think don't forget that undo key but don't mad undo let's say that you've made a couple let's say you've made 30 changes don't click undo undo undo undo go to your history and then use this history log instead so that way you don't have to undo undo undo and every time that you undo it takes some time right and you don't want to sit there and do that 20 times instead go to that change history look for where that is in that change history and then just click restore quick caveat if you do a thousand changes 100 plus changes like with a brush tool or with let's say forest making a forest you're going to fill up that change log so much to the point where you won't be able to go back to other changes okay so just keep in mind that after a certain number of changes in your change history they'll start disappearing because the change history log isn't going to catch the 5 000 changes that you've made so just keep that bit in mind okay all right so we're going to go ahead and move over here and we're going to create a chamber that's going to be just totally different from the other chambers not a square not this edgy looking uh cavern wall we're going to go with the polygon shape okay and then we're gonna also pick the sides okay so we're gonna go pick the sides let's just go ahead and pick one that's got an even amount of sides to it let's rotate it like this and make sure you line it up with the grid so let's take a look at it like this let's say that i want it to go right about there and make sure that it connects to with that passage and all you have to do is just click subtract and boom there's this nice looking polygon looking shape and this can be like a boss room or mini boss room or a puzzle room that has like a door that's locked for your players so think about that okay so now we've created this nice larger room for your players to explore if you don't like a completely symmetrical shape of course you can go in and just start putting in some parts that are not looking natural like this or i'm not looking looking very straight so you can do that honestly i kind of like the uh the shape of it so we can just go undo and just remove it and keep it now if you don't like it let me know i can go ahead and change it back to or change it to where there are natural parts that's up to you okay so we've undo that just a couple times all right and you have that nice shape let's go ahead and oopsie we want to go back things are getting a little laggy i am editing in 3k if you haven't noticed there is a new edit in 3k option it shows up uh when you create a new map just hit click the 3k resolution it will open up in 3k it's a nice middle ground between the the more blurrier 2k and the very much sharper 4k ultra hd editing option and that can lag on computers so hopefully a 3k editing resolution will make it look so much crisper and nicer at that resolution when you're working on your map because nobody wants to look at a map that's blurry right okay so let's keep adding in um let's keep adding in our shafts and our tunnels let's just don't forget to make a couple random couple rando sections don't forget to add in some maybe some dead ends for your players okay let's go ahead and put in a dead end here it's always nice to mess with your players be mean not to mean but me mean enough okay mean enough okay so we got some dead ends there they kind of lead to nowhere let's just take a look at the overall design 109 changes let's save we're doing good we're going to call this dungeon one well that's not how you spell dungeon so don't don't do that okay we're going to quickly save if anyone has any questions so far please let me know oopsie i think i accidentally went off screen you don't want to do that so i'll be able to fix that shortly okay no questions in chat things are looking good awesome sweet i hope this you find this technique to be much quicker we're already about 20 minutes in we've almost finished half of the dungeon shape so it is a very quick and fun style to do that will because you know i mean not everyone has time to sit down and make a you know a in-depth five-hour 20-hour dungeon right you're on if you're on the fly you're trying to get this dungeon done before your players before your game you know next week or tomorrow so that's what this technique is all about it's about boom get in this dungeon quick and fast okay let's keep going let's go ahead and next they add the next section we're going to add some more tunnels you can even add tunnels that might connect back into it so like this connects right here and you can put like some fallen debris or some kind of stamp that cuts off that section and you're forced to go do the loop around the other other part of it so we'll add in those once we start adding in stamps okay let's keep going real fast just keep going keep adding in more sections and we'll also add in those natural looking shapes let's put in another 15 by 15 square foot room that can be traps monsters a chest whatever you want it to be okay let's also do some irregular shapes that also look kind of interesting so i'm going to use the grid as a guide i'm just going to go ahead and shape it up this is the rectangle i think it's called the rectangle shape absolutely let's rotate this and what's really nice is to remove all the perfect symmetry so everything's to this grid and all that symmetry all those straight lines aligned with the grid makes it look kind of weird so by adding in some elements that are not square to the grid kind of gives it more character so i'm going to go ahead and just subtract two sections right here like this and i'm going to make sure to line them up with the grid like this let's take a look i think about there looks good let's go ahead and subtract that there we go okay so you have these nice two little kind of rooms just sticking out that kind of looks nice and we're gonna do the same thing right here and don't forget these are this is a a 10 by 10 uh room 10 by 10 feet i'm using that grid as a guide right let's just put in one more on this side just for fun rotate it make sure it's lined up properly and then just subtract boom that's it so now you have those nice sections done and we can go ahead and keep on moving along to the next section let's keep going on over to here and we might want to consider making a boss battle room whoopsie i did not mean to do that might have been a bug there things are going to run a little slow let's go ahead and just go back to add we'll just cover those up my mistake jump back to subtract let's go ahead and put in oh actually let me make this kind of a windy path instead of just a straight line because that's not generally how it works so let's just do this i'm going to create a series of windy passages like this that goes to the the boss battle section let's go ahead and push this around like this okay and we're going to create a large room where the boss battle is going to take place so let's go ahead and do that okay let me check the time sweet we still got time i was hoping to have the whole layout done in 30 minutes and then put in the stamps in the last 30 minutes and then move on to the next dungeon okay sweet let's just fill this in perfect all right that's done and we'll have the exit be right up here this is where that exit's going to be let's go up one more and this is where the exit is okay and we're also gonna go ahead and create other sections of the dungeon right here let's go ahead and do the edgy brush since we've been doing so many straight lines so let's do that okay let me just check that size let's make sure it's big enough to where it fills up it's about the size of about a five by fair five grid section okay and let's just go ahead and do this and we'll add in a little section that goes like that okay and don't forget this thin section has to be wide enough for your players to get through okay so just kind of keep that in mind let's do this maybe add it up to here and i'm just kind of filling in negative space because i don't want to have this huge negative space where there's no rooms okay so just factor that in let's go ahead and do this let's go ahead and add in a room let's just do one more like that perfect there we go like this let's add in one like this there we go let's take a step back and take a look at it so far so good let's add in another section two there's this negative space right here so let's fill that up let's just do another windy path that kind of leads to a little section right here okay and that can be anything it can be a trap it could be whatever you want it to be no questions so far that's great awesome okay let's take a step back take a look again yeah this looks good so far i'm happy with it uh this is a very very straight looking uh room so one thing i'm going to do is to make it look a little bit more natural i'm going to go to the add mode edgy brush size 1 and i'm just going to apply real quick and just see how it looks like when i add it and what i'm doing is just kind of breaking up some sections of the room to make it look a little bit more interesting like maybe i'll remove this corner here don't forget to remove any little floaters shall we say let's just add a little crack right here and we can do the same thing to a lot of other things like right here we can add one in and let's also don't forget to cut off this section so i'm going to remove this to make it look like this part of the tunnel maybe collapsed or got ruined so you can't get to it all right and let me take a look at the other sections and continue to add just where those parts are at i think this looks okay let's go ahead and subtract and also just add in some more little sections so that it doesn't look completely straight because i just think that too many straight lines looks weird it doesn't look as interesting um having the different lines kind of creates this contrasty feel between straight line and natural shapes and that when you mix those two together it creates this really nice contrasty look and i really like that okay 74 changes i think we are almost done so let's just go ahead and save i know it's not 100 changes but let's just do that all right all right we're saving i'm just going to go ahead and check oh yeah chloe sorry i missed you good morning to everybody all right okay we're saving okay so earlier i had discussed about uh using this particular kind of cracked ground texture and the reason why is because you can see that there's some nice little negative space to see how this is darker section right here let me just highlight it real quick so you can kind of see what it looks like so this little section right here these are little spaces that you can kind of work with to do things this is that thing where you're letting the tool do the work for you so if you're thinking okay i don't know what to do next now that i've added the rooms and i've done that stuff how do i proceed forward from there you're going to use the elements in the ground texture the floor texture inside the dungeon to do some extra fun things so let's maybe add in a different texture right because look at this floor it's all the same and that looks weird so let's try applying a different texture press that b key click that f key and i'm going to choose this sewer cracked ground texture okay and i also want that texture to uh i want those cubes i want those tiles to match up with the grid okay so now the way to go about doing that is just to figure out what is the proper size now i've already figured this out it's 80. so if i click 80 you're going to see that it's matched up with the grid okay now this particular texture is at 80. not every texture that has a tile is going to be at 80. you'll have to experiment with that okay so but for this video i found out that this texture at 80 fits perfectly okay now i'm going to show you what i was talking about with filling in some sections with a different texture we're going to set it to bg it's the background we're going to set it to the circular shape softness all the way up and let's drop the opacity a little bit okay because we want to do multiple strokes to give this natural transition between tile and this cracked ground okay let's also bring the size down and you know scale it to about where if you fill in this section it isn't going to overlap now let me apply and show you what i'm talking about okay so i've go ahead and apply this texture that's a little bit too much let's try 49 like this and i'm just going to fill in that section that i highlighted with this with that texture okay so i'm going to fill it in like this put in a couple sections here i'm filling in that negative space with this tile texture okay again you're letting the tool do the work for you or this texture is working for you as a guide same thing if you're using the texture to make like a world map or landmass shapes it's that same concept let me turn the grid off so you can see what i'm talking about so if i turn the grid off boom you have this nice um cracked ground that blends perfectly with that tiled ground so it looks super nice a bizzle chicken oh i love it the monster will the final boss is a monster chicken i will crush you and then lay an egg on your head and crush your skull i love chickula yeah i like it okay let's keep going so i've added that nice thing you can do that everywhere too right so i want to maybe fill in this section right here another negative space looks kind of nice so we'll put that in there like that okay so there's that now if you want to create um it was the colonial all along the kernel all along okay so i'm also going to show you something else that's completely optional but i think looks pretty good and that is to also highlight some of these edges so you can do that by just boosting up this the the opacity a bit bringing the size down to around let's say two or so set it to black and if you go like this you can outline that area like this and what that does is just going to kind of create this kind of illusion of a harder edge which also represents kind of like height okay so i'm going to do this put some black around these edges completely optional just something i do okay let's take a look at it and it looks pretty nice at least in my opinion [Laughter] i'm coming to get you okay all right so now we've added in that okay and also again let's also uh favorite that that tile texture so that i don't have to edit it again when if i end up saving and refreshing the page so that's available i also want to show you another trick real quick before we put in textures i'm actually gone over so let's quickly just do this other trick go to that particular texture that you use this one right here and i think i forgot to save it because i'm super smart like that let's go to size and bring it back down my mistake and let's also go to filters and do the brightness the reason why i'm increasing the brightness is because i'm going to show you a quick uh light and shadow trick that will show you how to represent when something is higher elevation and lower elevation now those dark lines around those artifacts on that texture helps already it makes it looks like that's popped up but what else if you want to add a little bit more depth and the way to go about that is just to take this cracked ground texture boost the brightness drop the opacity a bit and then save it obviously we're going to add it to our favorites and i'm going to apply it to certain sections to make it look like it's higher up so if i apply this right here let me go up just a little bit more if i add a texture like this okay what it's doing is kind of creating this illusion that these two parts are higher up because you're using light and shadow or light color to create the illusion of height okay let me go through and just add in a couple sections where it's going to be high up like this okay let's add this section right here it's a little bit higher up this one's higher up let's do this one as well right here here let's just all just do right here and you're just kind of doing it in those negative spaces in the kind of these spaces right here where it looks like it's open up let's also do it here as well a little higher up here here here and you're kind of letting do the texture doing all the work for you that's the whole point of this let the textures let the tool do the work for you and don't get killed by chuck sulu or okay looking cool okay i like that let's do a little bit more here okay looks fine let's go ahead and quickly add that texture as well that tile texture i'm gonna put that down in these negative spaces like this like we were doing before okay looks good let's just do that real quick and then we can move on to texture hi uh welcome welcome i hope you didn't miss the uh the cockthulu eventually that'll wear off i'll stop doing that i probably no probably not no promises sorry about that it will probably go forever i'm just sorry to inform you it's just the way it is now okay sweet let's do this section two right here and some tile yeah okay this section right here will look good with some tile yeah hello mike aven welcome oh wait no wait king clown yes you've already been here my bad don't listen to me i don't know what i'm talking about okay take a step back okay one more section a couple more sections to add in that tile okay oh thank you both chicks i'm glad that you're here appreciate that let's go ahead and add in that tile and to this boss section here yeah and i'm going to show you a cool trick about um how to put a how to put the grid only on your dungeon floor and not on the outside it's a really cool trick i'll show you how to do it don't worry okay let me put that there one more right here and then we'll call that good for texturing because this is just a quick how to make quick dungeons on the fly okay let me take a step back 62 changes i think that looks okay um you know what let's also add them in some of these square sections because we want some tile in there put a couple in here like this one here maybe and let me see this room should be okay but a little bit i'm just going to put kind of the tile in also where those straight lines are because it looks kind of nice okay we're adding in here all right let's take a step back 69 changes say all right okay we're going to save and then we're going to move on to the next part i'm going to show you how to put the grid down only on a part of your map and on another part of your map because that is extremely useful by the way extremely useful okay we're just going to give it a moment to save show you how to do the grid thing okay you're first you're going to go to your grid tool turn that grid on make sure that it's visible okay now you're going to export once so just export at 2k save image boom there it is right there okay oopsie actually this is in 3k so let's export one more time and make sure it's set to three oh no it is i think it is already set at 3k so it's perfect okay now once you've exported go to your catalog go to upload choose image file and look for your dungeon texture i think this is the one that we we did let me just verify real quick yeah that's it and now just you know these are just preview scale and opacity they have absolutely nothing to do with what the image is going to look like when you apply it you have to do that with the advanced settings so let's just save the texture give it a moment to save it's so slow [Music] okay now we're going to go up to oh wait a minute uh oh where are my custom textures at i just added one was it too big oh there it is right there okay now we want to go to your size and i think it should be set to 400 let me just verify uh no it doesn't look like it's set to 400 let me bring it down a little bit more just to get it right scale scale scale i think that's it right there perfect it's lined up minus oh i don't think it's fully lined up actually let's set it to 250 just to verify oh come on you can do it 250 no that's not right true 75. did i get this wrong i probably did naughty man okay let me check let's see where it's at oh no just keep going the scale is just not right okay let's try 260 maybe sorry for the weight sometimes this can be difficult to find the right size so apologies normally this works for me i think what i did is i because i did it in 3k it's just a bit different i did my testing for this map unfortunately in 2k so that's a naughty me naughty naughty me don't make the same mistake i did there we go i think that's about right okay let's turn the grid off okay now the grid is off you've got that texture it should be scaled right set to fg and let's just go ahead and turn off the softness i'm going to apply real quick to make sure that it works it should be set to bg sorry it's set to bg and you will notice that the grid oopsie it's not scaled perfectly but you do see that the grid is applied to the bg okay so now you have a full-fledged grid that is lined up with the tile and it's only on the inside so that that worked out nicely you have that grid sorry that i made that mistake about the size my bad do is do as i say but not as i do okay that's that's how it works here all right okay so now that we've done that we can go ahead and start adding stamps and we have about 20 minutes to do that so let's go ahead and start with your first room as always right so first room five by fair five square grid i like to add stairs so let's go with stairs and this kind of represents that you're going down or into into the dungeon so let's go ahead and do this let's do a long one and pretend that the exit is or the entrance is right about here okay going out and makes you turn off that layer you don't need layer shadow and of course you're probably going to have to drop the brightness a bit down that's super bright or you can just flatten it to the to the layer okay so if i flatten it like this if i flatten to bg then all the shadows and everything will affect that stamp let's just drop the brightness down first of it down like this okay a little bit and then we'll flatten it to the bg layer so there it is right there you've got this stairs going out and we can add an arch if you want to kind of represent that there's some kind of overhang leading down into this thing so let's just choose these arches like this we'll go ahead and pick one like this and let's just go ahead and size it up right i think about there looks fine okay so this is your entrance and just so that people remember we're gonna put enter entrance excuse me i'm sorry about that that is not how you spell entrance again i don't know what it is with me in spelling i don't i don't know i know i'm just gonna say enter so i don't have to embarrass myself further okay so this is your entrance this is where you start okay and we want to put your exit up here as well this is your exit so let's put exit and you know what we might as well just do the same thing and put that right here going out like this okay like that exit and we'll put that here as well okay and don't forget to make those changes to the oh i see the grid is off yikes oh no it's embarrassing okay we're gonna flatten to the bg layer boom there you go okay so that exit is done and the entrance is done which i spelled incorrectly you don't know what that's about okay any questions so far please let me know and we'll make the fixes we will we will do the fixes okay all right so normally what i like to do after i've done the entrance and the exit with stamps is i like to work on the boss room because that's going to be the iconic room where you're going to do your boss fight so think about what you want your boss to be is it going to be a giant slime is it going to be like a slime mold is it going to be a dragon is it going to be some very angry gnomes is it going to be dwarves who just don't know how to be nice like whatever it is that your monster is going to be think about that and the theme of that room okay let's say that i want to create maybe a pit in the ground and maybe there's some uh let's say some tentacles coming out and you have to fight that so let's just say that that's just gonna be that main boss so the way entrance ah thank you thank you joy thank you i've embarrassed myself further i love it oopsie why didn't i just knock over there hope we didn't hear that so i'm again gonna make a kind of like a pit i wonder if we have pits i don't think so armpits maybe no don't think so could check for armpits always think of entrance yes i am entranced thank you so much thank you troy okay um no pits whatsoever so you'll have to make your own pit really that's the way it's gonna be so how am i gonna make a pit well that's not complex i'm gonna use the brush tool i'm gonna use the color black and i'm gonna use the edgy brush turn that smooth off and let's just bring this down and let's pick a section where our pit's going to be and don't forget you can use oh an ancient undead oh like you know i i i like the idea of an ancient undead that's that seems that seems nice let's do that let's do that ancient on the dead yes the evil i did i did i i really did okay so let's go ahead and put down some stairs leading up to this room so let's flatten that to the bg some stairs go up you're going into here let's put in a summoning circle i think would be a good idea so because you have to where's the dead coming from right we're going to summon them from the deck okay so let's put down a summoning circle put it in the center here maybe okay right there looks good let's do that so you have a nice summoning circle and remember the grid has been painted on so it's not going to show up over your stamps that's okay with me i actually prefer that so that works okay for me okay could definitely use some battle map pits oh i absolutely agree j watts absolutely 100 you can't find pits it's okay with me you can make pits at home like armpits all right so we've added in this and we would say we want to do something like some spooky let's tune in some lighting let's maybe add in some torches you know i mean you got to have torches right in your in your spot so let's put up a couple of them against the wall like this one right here one right here maybe and let's put another one over here how much time i got 15 minutes to finish the interior this map not gonna happen impossible okay and i kind of want to make these torches like something creepy let's maybe add in some green glow let's change this to green maybe oh no no let's do a color screen color scheme blue and green or green and purple are complementary colors so let's go ahead and go with purple for the um the summoning circle and let's go with green for the torches really cool trick when it comes to selecting multiple things select a torch let's say you want to select all those torches hamburger menu select select all from the set boom everything from that set is selected okay and i'm going to go ahead and change that u to maybe green so we've got green that's done then we're going to go switch over to light sources lift lift or what what i just don't have the ability to spell properly okay put down your stamp let's go ahead and switch it over to green where are you my pretty there we are there's that nice yes oh i use clips to flatten them absolutely i think that's a great idea we're going to be showing how i use cliffs and stuff for walls and stuff in the next one so let's go ahead and first put down two light sources the first one's going to be just directly over the light source itself a smaller one okay so you got that one and then copy paste a much larger one and i'm not going to put it like this because i don't want the light going out okay going outside of the dungeon so i'm going to go ahead and place it inside a little bit copy paste one there one here like this and one like this let's take a zoom out and take a look oh yeah i dig i'm digging so far you could use ghost lights oh absolutely ghost lights work grime too for just straight out of the hat green my bad i'm just getting schooled by the people in a chat and i love it trevor white hi y'all hey trevor welcome glad to have you here okay so that next step too i'm gonna go ahead and do something i it's kind of fun to do if you look up cloud you type in cloud and there are some clouds right here i'm going to show you a really cool trick to kind of fill a room with kind of an eerie looking glow to it let's go ahead and add a cloud make sure it's set to layer up all the way up to layer five we're gonna select it we're gonna transform and we're gonna change the height and size of this one okay so it so about fills the whole room like this next step object shadow let's switch to green shadow okay so now you have a green shadow and then after you've done that you can go to your blend modes and we're going to shift through the blend modes and kind of see which one looks best if you see one that looks good let me know so that one's color burn we got lighten we got screen color dodge overlay we've already got that green let's see here a hard light maybe oh that's tripping me out right there [Music] add in hue saturation color oh wait you can add in color i think color looks pretty good i just want to make sure that the room has four green torches in it so you would expect the room to kind of be filled with this kind of eerie green light right so that's why we're adding in this clad adding in a green shadow object shadow to the cloud and then changing the blend mode to color so it kind of fills up that green green room with the green so yes absolutely lighting is one of the most beautiful parts i absolutely agree so we've done that boss room i'm going to go ahead and do one more room i'm just going to show you how to do one room how to do rooms in general and then we'll skip on to the next one and if you want all off screen or off video i'll be sure to finish up this map with the other rooms and then you can go ahead and clone edit it change it or look at how how it was done let's just quickly say we'll move on to the next one but you've killed the purple yes that's true i have that's a naughty man that can be fixed we can fix that we in fact we will do that we'll make sure to do that all right and a way to go about doing that but you've killed the poop are you purple slayer you purple killer naughty you will be punished forthrightly there we go we got some purple in there that looks good to me and you know i think i might actually change the blend mode as well on this just to make it interact better so we'll just see how it looks first but maybe darken multiply let's see here oh you know that is kind of cool i kind of like that is everyone cool with that i'm cool with that does that look cool not cool i'll get the whip okay yeah i'm cool with this if people aren't cool with it let me know and we'll make sure to change it up let's just move into this next room just make it glow would you damn it make it glow get with the glowing okay oh yes one other thing i forgot to mention too i love doing this with light sources is to add in the spark stamp and the reason why i like to use spar the spark stamp is because it makes it look like there's those little floaty particles um you know when light hits light hits like dust particles you can kind of see it so it looks super cool so let's just put that down first okay and i'm gonna drop the opacity down a little bit on this stamp because i don't want it to look too crazy there we go yeah a little bit of sparkly sparkle there's nothing wrong with sparkles not the wrong glitter looks nice yes there we go we'll add in some dust particles floating in the light street there we go yeah now we're talking all right next room okay some let's think about what we want to put in this room so standard so what are some basic stuff that you can put in a dungeon real quick it's going to be rocks crates um i also recommend adding in small wooden timbers that look like uh the the uh cross beams that collapsed so i'll show you how to do that as well let's just go straight over and just show you how i do that real quick okay uh who put the vampires the vampires going to suck your blood so tasty this is is this a true blood dungeon it's a true blood dungeon it's what it is okay i'm going to show you a little bit about how to create the illusion of a collapsed ground so there are cross beams beams that timbers that are above that kind of support the ceiling right of the dungeon let's say that you want to portray the idea that one of those timbers those supporting um timbers has collapsed fallen under the ground and there's a bunch of dirt too that fell down so let's go ahead and portray a collapse in a tunnel so i'm going to first type in wood with three o's get some extra wood yeah okay sorry i'm gonna stop doing that now okay we're gonna put down um a series of wooden pieces oopsie i think that is set at the wrong opacity i can see right through this piece of wood how did this happen and i'm also going to also make it a little bit darker i think too bright a wood doesn't make it look dirty so we want to do that yes it's your fault it's all your fault mike how could you shaven carrots over here i'm just gonna not to naughty you there will be punishments blood for the blood gods okay first let's add some pieces of wood on the ground like this first so this is where the collapse took place the next step is just to fill it with a bunch of rocks okay and you want some rocks to be underneath the wood and some rocks to be under on top of the wood so let's do that rocks where are you my prettiest where are the rocks where are the rocks oh you're so slow you're just so slow okay these small rocks right here are gonna work just fine okay maybe it's a ghost wood ghost wood that just has a nice feel to it that feels like a tavern welcome to ghost wood i like it i i can dig that skulls for the skull for round yes i love it okay let's just put a piece of let's put some rock first on top i'm just gonna quick click just mad click it you and then take it down a level and then now you got some underneath it oh you know what i did a boo-boo i just did a big boo-boo oh no let's remove those i forgot whenever you're stacking rock the rocks that are going to be beneath the wood are going to be darker while the rocks on top of the wood are going to be lighter okay so i just you know poopied that so my bad is what i get that's what i get i was i was doing stuff before thinking about it i'm really guilty of doing that i do that a lot i really do okay let's bring the brightness down on that rock okay let's put one down to see what it looks like yeah i think that's dark enough and then we're just going to go ahead and place the rocks underneath you can do it you can do it yeah [Music] nice little collapse section there we go yeah so you got this nice pile of wood that fell down the ghost wood has collapsed the ghost would it's what kind of wood is it it's bad okay so you've done that and then we also want to create like the illusion of maybe that wood slivers that the timber that broke left some shavings or whatever and there's a great texture called dry grass dried grass and it's in the orc texture excuse me oh nalty all right i'm gonna bring the size down so that a lot of the artifacts can kind of show up like that and don't forget to switch over to your circle brush bring your softness up drop the opacity and then also make sure that the brightness is going to be relatively around the same as the wood okay and then i'm just going to apply this like this oopsie let's go with something like 64. there we go and we'll put a little bit of you know kind of looks like dirt it's dirty this is a dirty dungeon it's not like the clean dungeon that we're gonna make next it's dirty it's dirty dirty like my mouth okay so this is how you kind of simulate or make it make a collapsed section and what's really cool about this is that you can just go ahead and select all of this copy and paste it or just group it and then copy and paste the group and don't forget whenever you make a group rename it so let's just call it collapse and let's see if i can spell collapse correctly joy please help me you're my official stenographer all right copy paste and the way that i go about doing this is whenever you copy and paste a piece just so it doesn't look exactly the same all you've got to do is just grab a section rotate it like this and just rotate up these pieces around so that way it looks like a different pile okay that's it it's really as simple as that so boom there's a whole new pile did it in just a couple seconds let's just size it down okay let's put that one over there so another collapse over here right there we're making tunnel collapse sections i like it yay thank you choi yo again personal stenographer okay let's go ahead and put another one right here and again just rotate them and move them around okay how much time we got oh yeah there's no way okay so i've kind of showed you how to simulate that let's also put in some crates and barrels this is a very stock thing that you can put in a dungeon so let's go ahead and put down some crates where are the crates oh we don't want crates full of stuff just a regular crate like that there we go you can do it all right now so we are focusing again five by five feet so if you had a if you had a crate that was this big it's gonna be five by five feet so if you want to crate that's smaller let's say that you just want to do a quarter that size so four of these equals one and that's about two and a half that's about two and a half feet by two and a half feet that's how the area of that particular one let's put it up against here like this and i'm gonna drop the brightness and if you want it to be affected by the shadows you can flatten it so just go ahead and flatten that to the bg and you'll notice that it is indeed affected by the shadows you can do the same thing to this if you want you can flatten these if you want to the bg i just recommend then that you put one pile off to the side like this that you can copy and paste because once you flatten it you obviously can't select it again so it's gone i don't normally do a lot of flattening but it is kind of necessary for this kind of technique a dungeon because you do want those shadows up that are projecting away or that are projecting from the wall to interact with the objects okay so and you know again if you don't want to flatten it right away then just put them all everything on the mat first and then save the flattening for last so that way everything is arranged and ready and then you're like ah crap this i accidentally flattened something and then you painted over it by accident so you could save flattening for last if that's your preference okay so i'm going to be a big jerk and call this this one is technically done i've put you through the basics okay i've showed you how to make the general layout what are the mask effects how to create natural walls and obviously the straighter walls how to put on putting more polygon like shapes to break up that monotony how to put the grid down and then how to populate one room or particular room okay so you're going to add a series of staircases where you want them you're going to want to put in collapsed areas you're going to want to put in crates and you're going to want to put in uh maybe like pits that you can paint and stuff like that okay so let's go ahead and move on to the next one i'm gonna save this and i'll show you how to put together a dungeon with stamps okay i hope that you found this this one particularly particularly useful because this is really the fastest way that i've made dungeons is using the mask tool all right looks good well done thank you joy i appreciate your support you are too kind just so so kind so that's okay okay so let's go ahead and call this good this one is quote unquote done okay create new map we're gonna go to fantasy battle maps 2.0 i'm going to choose that style i'm going to choose landscape i'm going to choose here's that 3k that i was talking about ultra 4k is extremely experimental these hd's are extremely experimental so just understand that you know it might cause some lag so i'm gonna pick three you're gonna have to click this little box right here whenever you go into a higher resolution like 3k or 4k it's going to give you that toggle that helps you to understand that the editing in hd is experimental i'm going to choose the landscape option create new all right time to make the dungeon of chuck cook through okay so now when i am doing a stamp based dungeon for the walls the way that i go about it first is again set up that grid make sure the grid's on it's set to 40 30. so those squares are again five by five feet or 1.52 meters a square okay all right so i'm going to first make the background all black so let's go that square go to color go across bg okay all right now i'm switching it this time i'm going to make the background actual bg and the dungeon part is going to be the f g so i'm switching it up just to give you a heads up okay once you've set that part up the next step is to go into your stamp tool and go open up your your catalog and go ahead and type in cliff once it works so here are your cliff stamps now something you should know about the cliff stamps is that they have what's called a clipping mask on them oopsie i forgot to drop my grid all the way to zero so or i'm sorry negative five because i don't want the stamp to have the grid on it okay so if you don't know what a clipping mask is a clipping mask is basically a part of the stamp that picks up what's on the fg layer so let me give you an example if i was to go to the add mode you'd notice that the fg layer is this texture okay now if you want to get rid of that you're going to have to go back over to your brush tool with that b key go to texture and you're going to go ahead and pick a texture that you want for your ground and there's lots of options here let's not use the same texture i used before and let's not use the same theme let's maybe go with maybe a lava some kind of lava thing or something instead so let's use this red ground and we're going to create kind of this lava like dungeon as always whenever you edit a texture make sure that you save it so let's go down to advanced settings let's make sure the size is right and we're going to rotate again to kind of remove the um the kind of the repetition of the artifacts and then we're also going to switch to fg you can just press that one key and we're going to go like this all the way across just like we did press enter and now you're going to have that nice texture in there okay let's also remove this we don't need that anymore it's just to kind of show and i'm going to turn off every single one of the mask effect features i don't need them so just if you click over to the mask tool m key enable mask effects they're all going to get turned off okay let's just go ahead now and subtract and remove this let's go to subtract gone okay now so the way that i go about making dungeons with using cliffs and walls is by first just making what's called like a palette okay so all i'm gonna do is just place a bunch of stamps onto the mat like this okay i'm going to size them down because these are obviously huge if that's a 5x5 grit and what's really nice about this is you're just going to go ahead and take one piece and you're just going to move the pieces around and kind of put them together to kind of create a shape that you want right and then from there you're going to use that entire shape as a palette for the other rooms okay so let's first start with that let's put these together this is the time consuming part but don't worry it won't take more than about 10 to 15 minutes to do this okay let's keep going we're going to create a one small room and then from there we can copy and paste that room and just move them around just like we did with that collapsed with that collapse section and the last map you're just going to copy paste and move some things around and that way you're not adding a new new clip every single time and putting it all together that can be very frustrating that takes time so let's not do that all right so work with the palette work what's with what's what already on the canvas so that you can move quickly because there is no there is no trick to finishing a map in just boom record fast time all you can do is just speed up your process and get a little faster and the way to do that is by using palettes using the texture as a guide to where you want to put things using shortcut keys which is an absolute must shortcut keys are right here you can also press that k key boom here's all those shortcut keys absolutely use shortcut keys and if you can afford it buy a pen a drawing pen or tablet for your machine because i can tell you right now texturing and pads are going to be so much easier to work with when you have one okay there are some decent cheap tablets out there a yuion is a decent tablet if you want to use that one also there are more expensive ones of course like the cintiq pro which is like a wacom tablet those are really nice okay so now that we've put this section together we can go ahead and place it somewhere and say that this is going to be our entrance and let's move the entrance somewhere different last time we had it at the bottom let's just switch things around like this okay and the entrance is going to be right here instead now all i'm going to do is just take sections of this that i like and copy and paste it so boom that section okay that looks good let's just delete that piece and then put that there right let's say i want to use this part of it copy paste flip it around let's delete let's say oopsie oops not that oops not did not delete that piece and then put it over here like this okay let's just move this whole section over to here okay let's delete that piece so this is the quick way taking and working with what you've got so much so much faster right this is just so much faster than trying to um try to um sorry trying to just keep adding new ones each time okay so let's go ahead and do that let's put one here let's delete that one let's look for this piece i like that piece let's go ahead and rotate okay so the nice thin section here you can get to let's keep going put one here let's go ahead and copy and paste this whole section again copy paste okay let's go ahead and put that together like this okay that'll do let's delete that section let's move this section elsewhere let's go ahead and move let's say this one goes right here like this okay so it's a little bit quicker not not like ridiculously fast but you know it works in my opinion putting these pieces together and let's say that i want to just go ahead and copy and paste this whole thing again so i have those pieces there let's go ahead and delete this section and just kind of make another section that goes over to here like this copy keep copying and pasting and don't forget to think about that five by five grid so don't make a tunnel section that's so small like this to where your players can't even get into it okay so factor that in unless it's a crawl space and you're looking for let's say that you have a halfling or a dwarf or someone who's smaller that can fit into that okay so always factor that bit in let's put this together let's rotate there should be enough room there what's the hot frequency for control paste ctrl c ctrl v absolutely yes that is correct sean dylan absolutely just like photoshop or just your basic key shortcut key for that okay great that's a great question i'm glad that you asked that and i apologize for not mentioning it sooner okay let's go ahead and do this okay let's go ahead and take this whole section right here copy paste and let's put it together right here like this let's scale it down just a little bit and remove some of these pieces so this piece right here can go like that this piece is going to go like this okay we're putting it together i hope that this this technique is probably not as fast as the other one where you're using the mask tool but i think we're moving along pretty quickly we've already made quite a bit of room already okay let's move this section out of the way over to here and let's connect this piece to right about let's say right about here okay and we can just go and delete the pieces that we need to get rid of so let's delete those put that together put one here let's just go ahead and connect these while i can much much better okay we'll put an entrance there and we'll also put one that connects to here as well so let's do that let's go and connect all these put this together okay and i'm gonna go ahead and look at these pieces right here flip this one around so that way i can connect this piece like this there we go looks good let's rotate this piece cool we're just going to delete these pieces they're kind of just in the way and kind of a problem let's go and connect this whole piece right here copy paste rotate okay so extremely useful just copying and pasting pieces because just doing one individual piece of time going all the way around the camera wall it's just a pain in the freaking butt it's a pain in the chithulu okay just a serious pain in the cup and so that's frustrating so don't end up doing that okay will this live stream be available on demand i joined later and missed the masked approach ravi absolutely yes yes um these will after i finish this these are going to be checked by youtube algorithms and then boom it'll be ready to go so as soon as this video is done you should be able to go back also i think there is replay you can uh start from the very beginning if you want or you can stay live with me it's up to you okay i'm cool with either or let's go ahead and copy and paste like this so we're closing off that chamber i'm gonna copy and paste these copy paste flip rotate nice so super nice super useful super useful just copying and pasting all the freaking time okay rotate that nice question awesome awesome yeah so glad everyone is here i have such a great such great followers it's fantastic love it okay let's go ahead and copy paste this piece is this the right one i think so copy paste there we go put these together oops that's your note no put those together okay now i can go ahead and move this let's select everything move it over and then we're also going to put together some square pieces as well so that'll be the last part so i'm going to pick some sections to just remove like this let's just remove some of these sections and then from there we'll go ahead and add in some walls so now we're going to switch over to wall and go and pick whatever wall piece that you want um let's see here since this is a dungeon you might want to consider going with like maybe a kind of brick or maybe even like a broken wall of some kind so we'll kind of take a look and see what our options are let's actually save real quick and refresh the page i made 135 changes i'm going to call this dungeon 2 if i can spell it right for god's sake all right awesome now i i personally like both of these methods i i really like it using the mask tool or using the stamps both look cool it's all really a matter of personal preference really when it comes to your dungeon right whether you want to have to piece all these pieces together or if you want to just use the mask tool and they both have different looks so it's really up to you what you like i'm going to refresh zip age it's making me log back in i don't know what that's about let's go ahead and edit the map dwarven walls always look good as dungeons oh joy great idea and that is what i am going to do dwarves i love dwarves they like to drink they like to party they like to hang out they're goofy and they pick their noses that part not so cool okay type in wall in your search well now i believe i heard the word dwarven let's take a look at how these look huh come on now you can do it awesome dwarven walls let's scale them down okay so now we're just going to go ahead and piece together let's go ahead and rotate through these i think that's either the alt or the command key i can't remember we'll have to check shortcut keys for that now and you're just going to use the grid as a guide and also don't forget don't uh make everything perfectly straight so if you want to add in like a little bit of curve so if you want add in like a strange angle like this to make some interesting looking shapes for your rooms so i'm just going to piece these this part i am kind of piecing together so i'm going to piece these two together whoa now what just happened right there what is happening what a butt i'm gonna copy paste do what i do rotate like this not a naughty thing how dare you copy paste this together like that okay and we're gonna go ahead and copy and paste a bunch of these rooms these together i think that looks good so you got a nice room there let's go ahead and do the same i'm just going to copy and paste because there was some kind of bug that i just saw right there naughty thing nothing okay copy paste and let's go ahead and make let's just do a square room since we didn't have one before okay yeah okay i'll try to get this done quick we'll add one irregular shape oh you naughty oh look at that what the fart in hell is going on here naughty noddy your rig is haunted yes it is haunted rig oh dead rig jerk rig what's wrong with you why are you being jerk right okay put in some rooms here i'll even add in some interesting things have it overlap like this so it looks like there's an interesting kind of just popping out like that i like that okay there we go that room and then i think there's another room right we can put right here and then we'll call that good i'm just going to copy and paste because there's some kind of error going on some kind of naughty naughtiness going on that i'm just not happy about dirty dirty rig it's a recalcitrant computer recalcitrant we're gonna send you to the booby hatch your naughty naughty thing okay yeah we're having some fun shapes here sorry i don't know what's going on with my copy and paste or what's going on with the tool right there so i'll have to recreate that z bug and then fix it naughty thing so naughty okay keep going keep going and add a little angle in here yeah there we go does it all come nicely together oh yes there we are okay those parts are done so now once you've done that we can save and we're going to fill in the inside of the dungeon with the add mode of the mask tool all right we're coming along how much time do we got here we got 40 minutes to finish this i might go over a few minutes we'll see okay mask tool m key circle brush okay and then what you're going to do is you're just going to fill in all of this with the add mode of zmask tool and all you gotta do is just stay within the lines that's really how simple it is and what i like to do is just do maybe like one room at a time or a section like this go along the walls like this and now this you have this whole section right here that you can fill in with a larger brush or just fill right in okay it's just like if anyone's played minecraft i'm sure people have mine played minecraft and you have to make this giant building and you just and you have to make the whole floor one block at a time and so you just you do all these fancy little tricks to kind of like make little sections and then you fill them in yeah you guys know what i'm talking about none of you have heard of minecraft before okay so we're gonna fill in these sections oh yeah i like that red color too that's spicy that's just that's delish i like it all right fill it in here you can do it and then i'm gonna put in some lava pits because this is another dungeon all right filling it in oh my gosh my mouse is just being having so much fun right now are you gonna work no okay that's what i get for recording and editing in 3k recording while editing in 3k but i want you to look at a nice crisp map i didn't want the stamps to look all blurry and icky okay that section's done i'll show you another trick too with the grid that doesn't require um exporting your map and then repainting it all you have to do is just get rid of the white shadow that's on the grid and then once you turn that off you'll no longer see the grid in the bg or in this layer outside where the black is okay because that's what's making the grid visible in the background area is that white shadow and when that happens the black lines will disappear in the black background but they will show up on the inside okay so it's a kind of a cheat sneaky way to include the grid only in the dungeon area okay so i'll show you how to do that this is going to obviously take a minute because for some reason it is just very slow my computer is just doing lag fest over here hey matty do you like lagging no i don't we'll get over it okay let's fill in this section you just feeling it in minecraft style beep beep boop boop okay here we go we're almost there we're almost there thank you for bearing with me all right fill that in yeah oh yeah i love this color red this red color with this gray just looks nice it's got a nice feel to it i like it kind of complimentary i'm digging it digging it okay almost there almost there oh yeah all right sweet okay so about what i was saying about that grid okay so you have this grid and you can see that the grid is also outside of the dungeon that's a big no no we don't want that so let's go over to our grid settings let's go to shadows and let's turn the blur to zero and this opacity slider to zero okay now let's take a look and you'll notice that the z grid doesn't show up on that black background but does show up on here it's on fire tonight that's right it's hot in here scissor okay all right so now once i've done that i'm going to quickly just save i know only 27 changes but it's always best to save because i don't want to do that slow awful process of filling that in with the admin i'm a whiny child and i don't want to do it why wine wine mine wine okay sweet i love this grid trick i use this grid trick all the freaking time for all my dungeons even isometric dungeons same thing turn off the white shadow and make sure that the lines of the are black and that way whatever your black background is won't pick up the grid and your interior of your grid or of your dungeon will so i like that okay let's now there are some other things i like to do for fun as well i like to add some transition between these wall pieces and the black and so one thing that you can do to do that is by adding in like let's say like a rock texture so let's just choose this texture right here rocks it's an alpha we're going to advance settings and we're going to change the size okay and we're also going to drop the opacity quite a bit okay we're going to make sure that we set it to the uh bg layer let's just apply it see how it looks so you can see it like that i'm going to undo that now i'm just going to line around the edge like this and what this does at least this is my opinion is it creates a transition between your background your that black background and the uh and these stamps okay so it's excuse me sorry i'm still feeling a little under the weather uh just know that you probably will see some of the grid on over overlapping that alpha okay so just keep that bit in mind it shows up brown because the background is set to that color uh right so yeah so yes exactly just what just what joy said these stamps have what's called a clipping mask okay now the clipping mask option shows up when you select it watch very carefully one so look right there i picked up that fg this is the fg right the fg is that color i turn the clip mask off you see how it no longer picks up that fg layer let me click the clipping mask toggle back on boom there it is again okay so that's really the trick and philip also explained it as well so let's continue adding in that uh that texture and i'm just gonna make it fairly big and that way i'm just gonna go do this real quick pass around the whole thing just go around that pass there we go yeah oh yeah oh look at all those rocks oh yeah rocks [Music] okay yeah i'm weird okay so we've added that i just like a little bit of rock around the edge i just think that looks nice so we've done that now let's do the next part we're going to add in some lava and again just like we did in the last one use the texture the bead the fg layer texture that red texture to decide where you're going to put your lava texture right so let's go ahead and move over to texture so b key switch over catalog f key and let's just type in lava there should be some options i know what's my what's the best lava is it the first one the second lava or the third law but please let me know i will sit here patiently and bore the living daylights out of you while waiting for you to select which llama the first one the second one or the third one which one let me know let me know please oh yeah i am rather privy to the third one myself though that second one does look nice maybe we can use all three of these textures the first one okay let's use the first one for now okay so we're gonna use the first one thank you joy i mix them oh absolutely jade i absolutely agree i think we should just use all of them i think that would be nice first let's play with the size because this is huge you want something a little bit smaller and of course as always rotate okay so that way you can kind of fix that problem of the repeating artifacts oh the third one as well andre oh yes all right well we're going to fit them all in mix mix mix it's the catalina wine mixer i mean the catalina lava mixer all right okay let's just apply one and just see how it looks because sometimes textures don't work well together so let's apply that first lava texture into a section that we want oh i think i have to set it to bfg by the way not it man not to not all right let's go ahead and just use this negative space right here that we had just like we did in that first video right or that first video okay let's actually increase the opacity so i don't have to keep doing this repetitively okay i will put some in here yes this looks quite nice i'd say yes yes okay yeah that looks nice i think i dig that yeah i think that texture works well with that so let's that looks good let's move on to the next lava texture will it work good as well will we have will it be bueno i wonder let's go ahead and apply here okay fill in this section yeah there we go all right and let's go ahead and do another stroke lots of strokes in here yeah all right this looks okay to me i'm okay with that yeah i like it oh we can even add another little lava section right here maybe don't want to have just one lava section gotta add in a couple let's put one up against here as well the catalina lava mixer okay i think that looks good let's try that last texture i think this one right here and let's maybe pick a section that might look good right here set to 44 right here let's go ahead and put that in come on you can do it all right add in some mozilla here okay yeah that looks fairly good in my opinion okay looks fairly good oh let's just pick some sections to put in a lot so let's go 100 and just go where those bright yellow sections are and really get those popping okay there we go lava section over there oh i do like this lava texture this is cool all right let's take a look at some other sections that maybe could have some lava in here i like this one right here let's fill it in right here yeah oh let's just have this whole area filled in with lava like how are you gonna get past this you got some floating boots you got like what what kind of goodies what kind of equipment do you got what skills okay fill this in like that looks good oopsie i just noticed that there's a section that hasn't been filled with the ad mode got it oh wait right there too get it yeah i love lighting lava sections me too light sources are the way to go too we're going to be doing that as well don't worry so and i generally try to do um i try to do light sources last generally though it doesn't always work out that way of course as you know okay let's go ahead and keep adding in i think this section it's just so nice to work with like you're it's like you don't have to figure out where something goes just using the contours of that texture is just so nice like that's to me that's like one of my favorite parts it's just so much less work you don't have to try to figure out like okay well this lava pit looks like this or this bunch of water looks good to this it's just so much easier to use a texture to your advantage to make something look right i that's just that is my method all right boots of fire resistance behind the lava the boots of fire resistance is that the same as the boots of butt kicking that's like my favorite i loves the boots of bud kicking okay let's go ahead and add some lava in here how much time we got third oh you know what that's pretty good 30 minutes we've been moving along i can't believe we were able to do well semi-do two dungeons i don't wanna i didn't really finish the first one but i hope that you at least got the general idea i hope i pray i pray to the blood gods that you you figured it out i hope all right some more lava yeah okay oh yeah right there too i think should look good you can do it mr lava i love the textures for the exact same reason absolutely yeah like the trick is just let the tool do the work for you you know why work work smarter not harder that's just the way i kind of see it cape of billowing well i mean i guess that's better than the cape of flatulence you know i mean because that will just show when you've done a flatulence you know you don't want to wear that kick you know the camp it's the the cape of wind of winding shall we say okay listen add in some lava here too yeah i like it this is so nice such a nice all right yeah now we're talking let's add in some brighter sections here okay let's take a step back uh you know i think that's enough lava for now we can go and move on to the next part let's go so also apply some light sources wait a minute let me think here oh yeah let's apply some light sources because light sources you would expect lava being that it's you know or magma hot magma and just you just a little just a little tidbit here if you don't know the difference between lava and magma is lava comes out of the ground it's above the ground when it's below the ground it's called magma hot magma that's the stature to the lava guards yes i love it great idea okay let's go with light sources heck yeah i like that that's the way you know i think every every every bard needs to come in with an entrance it's a bard right i mean don't bards like flirt and do things with everybody i mean isn't their charisma stuff just crazy [Music] there's that meme bards will sleep with anything [Music] all right okay so i'm gonna use this light source and i'm gonna go ahead and just apply the orange light and i'm just gonna go ahead and put one next to every every single lava source and make sure that it's set to layer five so that it interacts with the wall okay so put it right there it affects with the wall you have this nice lighting going on here and then you can go ahead and add a light source right here and make sure you add them to each each one a little bit of light source there and another one right here okay let's take a zoom out take a look let's add another light source here here and over here here here one over here here and maybe a smaller one right there and then add another one right here make that just just a teeny teeny bit bigger one right there and one right there okay let's take a step back take a look i'm giving one of my anti-pc rich kid who thinks he's the ultimate hero what do you mean you mean he's not the ultimate hero world is crushed just play a song and everyone falls asleep or goes crazy yeah right it was with bards man bards hey bards are cool you know i mean if you're in a pinch a bar can really help you out the truth is bards are useful right they're useful there are scenarios there are scenarios i like the bard class i think it's fun okay so we've added that stuff and we've got 40 45 min or not 45 sorry 15 20 minutes left a little more than that about 25 minutes so excuse me yeah okay now someone had mentioned something about statues well i like that idea let's do it everyone needs a statue let's see here let's go with maybe some marble statues maybe put them up against the wall or something and then maybe have lava coming out of their mouth or something that'd be kind of kind of cool right yeah i kind of dig that let's put this statue let's pick one let me look that one that one well we don't want lava coming out of a book oh the death one yes yes i think this one's gonna work let's do this let's do this one okay make sure the light source is affecting it and then we're gonna do some fun stuff here i know that some people need to know something about the path tool it's it's kind of a path tool i mean i don't always use it for a path tool i use it for a lot of things and one of the things i'm going to use it for is to make the lava yeah so i'm going to pick a yellow oh whole set first first thing about paths you should put one down first okay now it's live and you can edit it and change it as you see fit right so let's go ahead and change it to yellow maybe and then add the shadow be red and let's so it's got some nice glow there i think that's gonna work just fine let's have some lava dripping out of this guy's eyeballs and going into the lava pin so let's just do like this go down going over and then into the lava pit another eyeball just here and going down and just there and then once you've done that just go ahead and select those two those paths and we're going to change the blend mode so let's go through let's say darken multiply color burn lighten how about screen no let's i like that i like that but the transition between that and that is a little off so let's go with color yellow and we're going to put in a little bit of yellow right where they meet with the lava so that it comes together well okay so let's just do that here we are some oh wait am i on the right layer oh i hope so please lord tell me i'm on the right layer there we go there we go oh yeah there we go oh yeah yeah oh no wait it's not really are we gonna work what's happening here oh i see the problem this thing has an object shadow naughty naughty none there we go yeah nasa talking okay and i want the transition to be a little bit smoother so let's just make some let's say like some waves like this kind of just going out a little bit so it's a little bit more transition add in some little dots here and there there we go yeah the lava god he cries tears of of lava there we go all right yeah yeah okay yeah i think that looks good what do you guys think is it good um yeah if it sucks you're saying ready it sucks do it again and i'd be like yeah okay i'll do it again okay i also want to put in some like more height everything's like super flat as you can see like this is kind of flat this is kind of flat so to play with like height and distance and things like that just take like a just a regular old rock this take a big one maybe and let's just put one randomly in here like this so that you have your players have a little bit of height to work with okay and if you don't like uh the color you want to match the color of the texture below you blend mode luminosity and it will probably be pretty bright so all you have to do is just change the brightness and now you have a rock that's relatively around the same color scheme as the ground below you okay unless you want it to just be gray and match with the walls that's entirely oh not redo right you do it right now gosh why you're so vicious so cruel what do you mean do it okay i'm just kidding yeah all right so adding it like some rocks and stuff like this really helps to create sections where your players can jump on top of a rock maybe you have a spell that's more effective you want your arrow to have a little bit more distance so things like that whatever it is your tactics that you want you want some room you want some height to make it more interesting you want to hide behind a rock when the lava demon or lava whatever is shooting you know lava poop at you you know you know and you want to avoid the lava poop so you know hide behind the rock right so that is why you want to add in stuff like that add in some rocks some nice things okay let's add it maybe another rock somewhere put one right here same thing you're going to probably want to change it to luminosity maybe another one right here maybe i don't know no i don't think so okay let's add a rock there let's also add in some rocks along the wall and the reason why i like to add rocks along the wall is because it makes it look like the wall has collapsed a little bit there's some i mean just what you would expect like let's say that you have like a cliff or a ledge you would expect from rain earthquakes whatever to cause some of that um that cliffside to break off and fall on the ground it's that same concept you are in a lava section so i would expect some kind of seismic activity going on so you would expect some collapses part of the wall fell down you know stuff like that right so let's go ahead and choose lava rocks i think that'll work just fine 100 opacity we're going to have to play with the size this is huge so we want to go with something a little bit it be 80. we want to set it to fg because it's going to be inside here let's change our side let's maybe drop it down to like 80 and let's just apply a little bit see what it looks like so you kind of create this nice feeling and it's a transition right again just like we did the rocks out here it's a transition between this red texture and those walls so that way it's not like this when you look at this wall right here just there's this flat straight kind of line and it doesn't really blend well so that's why we're going to add these lava rocks along the edge here to make it look like there's been some collapse you can even do it to these sections that's okay that's that's quite all right so just go ahead and add those in there add in some rocks along here add some locks around rocks along here and in here just you're just going to travel around kind of look for those spots where you're going to put your racks where you're going to put those rags put some over here as well yeah yeah yeah some over here let's go back take a look oh yeah and here should be fine there we go yeah yeah some rocks this is a rocky place right it's getting rocky in here okay excuse me okay let's take a step out and take a look you know i am very pleased with this i actually like this one better than my last one i mean i mean no the last one was green it's great it's fantastic okay so that next step is to use that same texture that we use just like i said before right you're going to go into filters and bring the brightness up so that we can create sections that look like they're higher up right just that same technique so i'm going to go in there's this nice section right here let's go with a hundred percent make sure it's just a little bit brighter we want it to be bright enough to where it's extra where it's visible like whenever you're doing this height thing you want or maybe some treasure oh heck yeah no no there's no treasure there's no treasure this is just a place for players to go to die that's it there is no treasure yeah absolutely one i absolutely o'neal absolutely i agree with you let's let's make sure that we do that right i totally agree i absolutely agree just keep going i kind of want it to be even brighter let's go even brighter than that my goodness i'm not getting the brightness that i want there we go maybe that no no even brighter let's go all the way up let's try this ah there we go and i can bring it down a little bit too and let's put another section over here oops you know i don't really want that section to be that way let's put it over here instead like this a little bit brighter there and see here let's put a section right here a little bit brighter section here right here okay let me take a look right here should be fine okay um here should be a good spot okay yeah let me take a step back and make sure that isn't over the top i want to make sure that it's not too bright um yeah it does seem just slightly too bright so let's change it down just a hair i'll go over it like this there we go okay there we go i don't want it to be too bright i might have overdone it just a smidgel there okay my bad there we go yeah that looks uh that looks much better to me i dig that okay grab the light sources we've added a nice little lava lava dude here okay and since this is probably going to be the last room right here let's go ahead and put in the treasure as suggested by the one and only onion jeremy yey more people watch it okay so let's first put down some treasure oh there's the treasure piles okay so you're gonna have to again factor in you know this is that that scale part this is five by five feet okay so these coins are i think i think at 26 that's about right that coin is probably about that big so that should work i'm going to turn that shadow off first and we're going to put a couple piles together let's just scroll through the various piles let's put one here okay i'm going to turn that shadow off because we're going to play with that later i'm also going to take that smaller treasure pile let's go ahead and first drop the brightness this is that trick right things on the bottom darker things on top brighter it's just kind of a one catch-all kind of trick so let's drop the brightness down like this and then put this one on top and it should be a little bit brighter than the other one let's just bring it down just a little bit more let's say 80 and i can also switch this to a different treasure pile that's maybe just a tad bit bigger like this one right here okay and make sure you turn that shadow off because it's going to affect it so this is how i stack treasure i have two treasure piles one on top one on bottom one on the bottom darker one on top brighter that right there alone is so much treasure it's crazy so you really don't need a lot more than that i think that's okay i like my enthusiasm oh i'm very enthusiastic good sir or madam or whoever i'm sorry let me save real quick pardon me while i do my saving well it's good to be enthusiastic i have to keep the retention rate i have to keep you watching if i sound like a complete idiot boring professor then you're all gonna fall asleep and i don't want that to happen i'm trying to keep you guys awake snap snap stop wake up let's do it oh that's okay carol that's quite all right it will be absolutely recorded so just go check back with it enjoy your game have a great time okay all right now we've added in those and i do believe there is just regular coin stamps as well should be coin and of course you're gonna want to put them up against some of the coins in here to see how big they are and the reason why i do this is so that it looks weird when there's just a straight line coins aren't obviously going to just be like that right you want to throw in some rando some rando coins okay and i've obviously made a boo-boo by making them just a little bit too bright so we gotta do it again you gotta add in the rando coins it kind of helps okay we'll go to 80 because i think that's where i set this at let me put one down and verify oh maybe just a smidgey more there we go and just start mad clicking mad clicking okay and you're again this is that trick where you're just doing that transition right you're doing a transition just to make it easier so that this big stamp pile doesn't look like it's just like a sticker that was just planted there right you don't want to place stamps down but make it look like that's just a sticker there's no transition between the texture okay so make sure you throw in those rando coins so that you have some nice transition between the ground floor texture and these treasure tiles yes okay and i'm also going to throw in a chest or two let's also throw in the chest and i'm gonna try to do something fun i'm gonna try to have the chest be like in the pile and look like it is like covered with coins so like you have to dig the chest out of the coin to get to it i think that would be kind of cool so let's do that let's turn off the object shadow let's turn this one to a layer above so it's covering some of the chest like that let's rotate a little bit and then we're going to take those single coins and we're going to place those on top as well so a couple on top of the chest like this some on the ground like here and make sure that and remember this is a circular chest so just have the coin on the very very top it doesn't make the sense to have the coin like right here because that's the front of the chest a coin obviously isn't going to be able to do that it could lean up against the chest i guess but i think that looks okay and to make it pop more we could add a shadow so object shadow and let's just set it to zero because i just want the shadow to show up uh around it instead of um instead of like projected somewhere like moving the offset i don't want to move the offset let's just keep it at zero that way there's this nice little shadow so it looks like it's popped out a little bit of the coins okay 54 changes treasure pile looks good i am digging this is it looking nice you know what also let's go to the treasure pile some jewels maybe maybe some jewels no not jewels what okay i got to find out where that treasure pile is give me a second this is one of those times where you're going to scroll very enthusiastically through the stamp catalog and then get distracted for 10 minutes or five minutes buy a bunch of stamps that you're really like oh pretty ooh i like that one i want that one okay oh here we go i'm seeing some gems some treasure let's throw that in just to break up the uh coin like it's just nothing but coin could look kind of odd so if you just throw in some like rando gems and stuff it looks so much cooler so let's just throw in some goblets and some gems it will look nice that way okay throw a green one over there oh yeah i dig it and then we also want to throw in maybe some chewery so we'll put in a nice little jewelry piece right here and then we'll add in another uh i'll put in a mask in here let's just say that this is a an item or some some sort that's nice i have to think about how big your face is five by five square foot here about that big should be fine let's put it like there and move it okay was thinking that candle melted could work oh i like that next to the lava i put melted coins oh yeah that's a cool idea you know i think yeah jeremy good idea let's just do that real quick let's type in candle i think that's a good idea i think that should work if i know how to spell candle uh oh yeah these unlit candles might work um let's boost the saturation so they're a little bit brighter uh let's go with saturn let's go with color make them kind of bright maybe we can play with the contrast i'm not sure it's going to be kind of difficult to mess with let's put one down yeah i think that looks okay yeah i think that looks good we'll put it right next to the lava good suggestion by the way both jeremy and joy baker great one good thinking smarty smarts so nice i got the smart people in here i do like that that's nice it's also nice okay yeah yeah yeah i did i did okay i'm gonna do one more room one more room for fun and then i'll call it good just so you guys can get a feel for some other things that will be fun we haven't put in any traps or anything like that so let's try putting in some some traps to make it a little bit more interesting we could put in some spikes wall spikes are a great trap oh not walks back spiegel okay i'm gonna add in some like spooky long ones like this i'm gonna put them right against here like this so you're gonna your players are gonna you know we're not gonna let them off that easily right we're not gonna make it that easy for them to run around right we want to make it scary so we add in some spikes uh 20 kg yeah that's a ridiculous amount of gold right yeah like wow that's quite the treasure hole you can now buy three you can buy a ton of boats now because you know boats are really expensive well just for fun it's exaggerated gold we don't have to put in that much obviously you can put in a much smaller pile absolutely absolutely okay let's put in some more spikes here yeah there we go adds in six packs and i do think there are some other ones as well so you got some nice spikes there let's also do let's type in trap i think there are some other ones some fun ones there we go let's expand all the traps ooh there's like this trap right here where you fall in and i would put in this kind of trap into a section that's like very small space to walk around excuse me sorry about that so like you could put one right here like this there's not much room so you're gonna your player is probably gonna fall right into that or you can just put in a whole bunch in one section two you can put one here right here let's make sure it's below those so put one here one here here so this is going to be a little challenging for her for players to get through unless you've got the boots of floating how i can carry all that home you're not you're gonna have to teleport it the only way or just leave some behind and do the dungeon again right so whatever whatever works right so we'll add in some spikes there let's check out our other traps there's also these bear traps and there's also these broken trap doors which just no need to put those in there okay so one thing we didn't do let's just do real quick let's just put in uh some stairs to represent an entrance and an exit some stair okay and then we're gonna do two more things and then we're gonna call it good all right well you know what we don't have that i really want is some natural looking stairs all these stairs look man made or dwarf made or elf made or whatever made i want some stairs that look natural i know you agree i know you will the fact that i'm being so dramatic about it means you will okay put in some stairs okay and i'm gonna put them over the cliff i think like this just completely going over the cliff like that or you can put it in somewhere else i put it generally next to like a grid piece try to line it up with a grid piece but you do not have to do that that is entirely up to you yeah i hope you got a really good wizard better be like a level 8 wizard okay let's drop the brightness down i'm gonna go ahead and type in entrance or enter because entrance is a tricky word for some reason with me i i just don't know why okay so we've got that enter part i'll put it right here that's where you start and we could put a staircase that goes out like this and that is the way out i'm gonna okay i think that looks fine that looks good yeah that works for me yeah you better have a tough wizard good spells okay so that last part uh or some of the last part is to also don't forget to create a shadow but what's called ambient occlusion which is basically a shadow around the edge of your walls now because there's so many walls it's really frustrating to just edit the object shadow of every single wall so don't do that don't do that instead paint it in and the way that i paint in is i usually start around in between 30 and 40. i start with a medium sized brush 19 is well not necessarily medium and i make sure i set to the fg layer and what i do is i just add some black black color around the edge like this okay and what i'm doing is basically again creating this ambient occlusion and what ambient occlusion does is creates this illusion of depth right so this black color now you look at the difference between this wall and that wall and you'll see that that black causes that light gray um stamp that clip to poop just pop out so much more so painting in your ambient occlusion around your walls is extremely useful and you might take a couple passes it might not it's up to you how you want to go about it so i'm just going to go ahead and do one section so you can kind of see what i'm talking about so you can kind of see how ambient occlusion works really well and this works for all your walls by the way let's say that you're making a building outside put your black shadow on the outside of the wall outside and on the inside of the wall as well like here okay it's extremely useful to always add in ambient occlusion look it up vocabulary today kids today is brought to you by the word ambient occlusion okay here we go i personally feel that the ambient occlusion just adds so so so much we got some lighting we got some uh some ambient occlusion wizardry going on here mike okay so that always do that especially in including on the outside of a building too if this was the inside of a building and then there was an outside you'd want to also paint the outside of those walls with that ambient occlusion because again it's going to create that illusion of height you're using contrast to make something look like there's depth it's just a nice little artist trick that i am now bequeathed to you okay 12012 and i think it is time to call it good so i'm going to go ahead and save this i'm going to stay on for just a few minutes and i'll answer any questions that people might have in the chat shoot edition is just real quick and i will make sure to finish all these maps as well and make them cloneable on my profile those maps will also be in the map description or the i'm sorry not the description the uh the video description below once i finish them i'll add those links there boom go ahead and you got it okay so if there's any questions please let me know right now or ask philip and if not we're gonna call it good because it is my lunch time i had a lot of fun making these maps these were so much fun and it's always great to add a butt load of treasure no questions it seems at least not yet heck yeah lots of people here too that is awesome yeah i mean this has been so much fun so thank you everybody i really really appreciate you all it's been so much fun thank you for all your suggestions i hope to see you in the next youtube stream i think uh the next discord stream monday next week 10 a.m pdt let me check the schedule real quick let me go out let's just check is this no i've checked the schedule i do believe shoot where'd my schedule go thank you for the lesson petite thank you mike i appreciate it i actually cannot for some reason find the oh here it is right here i found it okay so right here is the grid so uh next week on discord is going to be monster tokens and that's with all styles next wednesday 10 a.m pdt is gonna be how to create an elven settlement with our new elven pack for the watercolor cities followed by winter settlements understanding scale which i did a little bit in this video already and an underwater scene so that's going to go ahead and be the schedule thank you so much everybody i wish you a wonderful week merry map making and please stay safe and healthy love you guys bye
Channel: Inkarnate
Views: 19,233
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fjpm762F8Hs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 126min 35sec (7595 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 13 2022
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