INFURIATING Portland protesters nearly drive mentally ill man to self forever sleep

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this video is sponsored by zydex they just sent me a laptop yes they make really rad laptops they made me a police car computer last year and it is great so not only do they make amazing custom desktop computers they also do some pretty badass gaming laptops check them out at donut operator what do you guys know about sidewalks you all remember the video i made the other day called the most frustrating anti-cop idiot i've ever seen sidewalks well i think he was the most frustrating anti-cop idiot i've ever seen until the video that i found on mr andy knows youtube we're gonna pg language this video because youtube has not been letting me get by with a [ __ ] thing while old mr candle company ceo was an annoying poop sickle he didn't do much more than assault our ears for 15 minutes and make himself look like a jack wagon in front of god and everyone also his girlfriend is still a backfinger she's something like that the video we are about to watch though the people interfering with police procedures almost gave a mentally ill man permanent nap time with their booger flicking window licking antics guess where this video we're about to watch took place at that's right portland the taint of america i would say the butthole of america but most of southern california already holds that title in this video i'm going to explain exactly what's happening as opposed to what these oxygen thieves are screaming about you see after this video came out the portland police bureau released an official statement as to what happened let's start the video i'm going to run into people go across don't push me what don't you want us to see why are you pushing us it's not that we don't want you guys to see me don't touch me they're saying that the police don't want them to see something because the police are probably up to no good remember blue man bad before we get too far into this video and all of our brain cells are sucked into the black hole that is the cesspool of portland and their back assword thinking let's go over what really happened well starting off what really happened and what the police are hiding from them on friday january 15 2021 at about 1 pm central precinct officers responded to a welfare check call outside of an apartment building in the 300 block of southwest 4th avenue the call indicated that a man had jumped from a second-story window of the building probably because police pushed him from the second story building as we all know he jumped from the building pulled out a knife and began waving it around at people and cars going by why would police show up to that and try to protect the public am i right how dare they go to that call the 30 year old man showed arriving officers his knife held it to his neck and said he would kill himself if they came any closer an enhanced crisis intervention team officer began a dialogue with the man in crisis while other officers attempted to clear the area hoping to reduce the stress of the situation the officers learned that the man was schizophrenic and extremely paranoid he not only threatened to kill himself he said he would hurt others as well rather than rush in exacerbating a dangerous situation officers slowed down kept their distance and exercised patience and de-escalation a guy with a knife threatening people he takes one step toward you you can shoot them that's what we call awful but lawful the portland police on the other hand set up a crisis intervention team didn't rush in and tried to talk the guy down he's schizophrenic very paranoid and he has a knife guess what's gonna make the situation worse that's right a dozen screaming people across the street from him but hey portland continuing where we left off there's a mental health professional here i'm walking seriously we're literally walking so keep your goddamn hands off get out of the goddamn street and mind your own [ __ ] business [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's leave it right there for a minute these pieces of [ __ ] police officers sicked a dog on them shot him you've heard the pop that's not god oh wait a minute you and i are reasonable adults that want contacts without screaming in the middle of the street that's weird the negotiation lasted for an hour and a half before two separate crowds of protesters began showing up to the north and south some in the crowd began chanting and one even started using a bullhorn the extra noise and distraction made it impossible for the specially trained officers to speak to the man officers implored the crowd to stop interfering but their energy only increased makes you pretty angry huh when they're only trying to help this man oh but wait listen to this part even when the suicidal man's mother arrived and begged the crowd to stop most in the crowd continued some in the crowd began threatening the officers a supervisor requested resources city-wide and all available officers responded from north and east precincts this caused a major resource drain city-wide and all but the highest priority calls had to wait the officers had to don helmets and facials to protect themselves as they stood in front of a hostile crowd so a mentally ill man was trying to kill himself they had specially trained officers on scene to help him not only did these people screaming in the middle of the street almost make him kill himself but because they were so hostile every single resource in the city was drained meaning if their families were in trouble guess what the cops can't go help them because you're in the middle of the street screaming about something you don't know anything about you almost killed a mentally ill man with your [ __ ] oh [ __ ] i said i wasn't gonna curse what you just heard there was a canine making his dog bark to divert the schizophrenic man's attention away from his knife so that another officer could come up and tase the guy the taser made a successful connection and officers rushed the man and took the knife away from him the only injuries he had were from the taser probes you [ __ ] people need to reevaluate your lives pull your head out of your [ __ ] ass and again these are probably the same people who throw fire bombs at federal buildings then cry when they get bunked in the head by a tear gas canister they're also probably the same people who cry about unmarked vans and the big scary plate carriers yeah i'm a little upset by this one like i said the rich candle ceo who has a girlfriend whose parents are two attorneys was just kind of playful and annoying these people tried to kill a mentally ill man because they're dumb and then screamed and made threats at the people who saved the mentally ill man you suck there's over a minute left this video the situation is resolved police save the man's life let's continue [Music] [Music] um you put your hands on me you piece of [ __ ] you don't deserve that fto literally what i just said what don't you want us to see they said nothing and as that happened there's six dogs on him i mean i don't know what much more to say other than like i i hate all of you in this video you have no idea you have no idea what's going on they just saved a man's life you see why cops are leaving the job in mass now hey we just saved a guy's life oh what are they saying across the street you you piece of sh oh [ __ ] me then well that's my video for tonight i hope you enjoyed it i'm gonna be streaming as soon as this video is released over at slash don't operator all i can do is smile and and try not to go mad seeing videos like that every day you can subscribe to me for free at twitch using your amazon prime account connected to your twitch account when you do that it doesn't cost you anything gives me a couple bucks to help support the channel coming up this week we're going to be doing inauguration bingo it's going to be live here on youtube presented by the donut news network tomorrow around noon mountain time i'm going to be streaming at my favorite breakfast place and every time you tip me on twitch that tip goes to the waiter what else i don't know that's all i can think of for right now but i love you all thank you for being here and watching my videos you're amazing people and please have a fantastic day whacker you
Channel: Donut Operator
Views: 1,683,794
Rating: 4.9504004 out of 5
Keywords: donut, operator
Id: qiZi-BpzFuc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 41sec (581 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 18 2021
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