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you're wicked here slurping gurgling no oh yeah back in the throat mm up and I'm D monetize I dropped an f-bomb first oh man well there's already several thousand people in Chad mr. angry [ __ ] let's do this a bunch of weirdos that's good let's let it get populated a little bit do you have my chat up by chance how do I do that just go you'll see you'll see my YouTube livestream on my channel you can bring up my chest you can read what people are saying as well hi guys I am I better I'm mm-hmm I'm getting there oh stop you give me money please no I'm doing I'm doing very well this week is just very very busy for me because I'm working on that Navy SEAL video it's taken a lot I'm talking to a lot of people about him a lot of different angles hey thanks for the super chat there Grand Am missed you too uh I'm also do my taxes this week or which are just absolutely hellacious I just did them it took me two and a half hours oh jesus cried dude I wasn't I was doing it for six hours today and I'm still not done I'm just all over the place because I have like six sources of income from all this on mine dude Daly's 19,000 dumped somebody said 19 K what does that mean there better be 19,000 people in here a big fan of what you do hate your talk what's up so that I have no idea what that means there's there's 1800 people watching us now so let's oh let's do that oh all right keep flexing these tips on angry cops average things man I'm gonna have to I'm gonna have to give angry some money I'm gonna have to split a percentage of this with him because it was all his idea I walk two dollars that's all I need okay well Jack Jack just gave you two dollars there you go there's a $2 book yeah you do seven vlogs in those six hours I don't know if that means money wisely you're getting $19,000 back and income tax sheets kreisel eerily 1.7 thousand watts in this dream angry why did you cut your last video what do you mean where they cut it down from 30 minutes to 12 so be more palatable for you dummies that have a short attention span that's why I actually told him to do that I know you told me to do that and I did it I was like a whole bunch of comments of boo but you know what I did because I put the extended version on my patreon I just exactly what I told you man I just think a lot of people have short attention spans and that it came out I think it came out good I'm gonna release the 30 minute version one I think within the next couple days just so people can kind of you know get a little bit more for anybody who wants more they can get more catch it oh I haven't even said it yet everyone if you look at the description of this video you can find your stolen valor bingo cards and you can play along with us that's how fun this is so go over there get your stolen valor bingo cards because we're about to watch them stolen valor bingo we're gonna let it hit - watch the [ __ ] out of some stolen baler bingo yes let it we're gonna let it hit mm then we'll probably start oh I'm seeing it's passed oh oh it just hit oh yeah just a mm oh yeah oh yeah all right I'm gonna get I'm gonna give them like 30 seconds to get their bingo cards up and we're gonna start oh yeah I can see chats not moving so fast I can't read everything so we're good kind of Fort Huachuca fort who watch you touka MP say hello Oh Huachuca yeah port wachuka Kansas if I'm not mistaken nice secret he's I am wearing my checkpoint charlie shirt so checkpoint what a silly me and doughnut operator do some legitimate comedy sketch shenanigans don't let that vet TV yep yeah as he said that TV app you can get on iOS or Android it's what five bucks a month I think it's thanks five bucks a month it's like five bucks a month but the humor is is oh it's raunchy its dad it's bad but it's really really good if you're offended easily it is not for you however you have gonads of Steel and a stomach of titanium you can handle Stone County that goes on there all right guys 2.2 thousand viewers I think that's enough time I hope everyone has their stolen valor bingo cards up let's do it me versus angry cops and I haven't read hardly any of the terms but let's let's do it you're gonna have to shout him out when they happen he created these cards I did I did all of this neo says longtime viewer first-time actually getting into alive love you guys angry cops reminds me of my uncle who was a marshal of my hometown who passed in 1989 what's a marshal marshal neo thanks buddy a federal marshal Sparky federal marshals yeah for I got you yeah Sparky says this money is for angry cops there's ten bucks boom I can go get some Tim Hortons with that Oh semper pie eater die that's right all right guys we're gonna get into stolen valor bingo if you do a super chat we'll stop and read them off here in a few minutes bow let's go ahead and get into this I'm excited about it I know angry is he's also a moment I'm get a raging freedom hard-on right now exactly since since we gently spooned with each other in California we've it's all we could talk about stolen valor bingo so sure let's get it started okay that cord signifies what now what does that patch me that is just a patch it's like my piece science just can't you're the student but you earned that you very you early you it's just I wear I'm wearing you form like that oh come on I know I put that other somewhere I have friends that died you know there was a war in Korea right supposedly you were there in 6970 but there was a war it said just infiltrators so you know where I got my foot on he'll honor he'll Fort Benning Georgia you know I know you know how I know you didn't earn any of that okay looks like a crackhead right oh I'm a liar that's illegal it's a federal offense it's called Stolen Valor just shoot him right now I don't know he's a till into the VA and then he flashed he like flashes insurance card to Subway we did Marco this is a felony yeah the guy said this is you know this is a felony and last week yeah but said you know that's a federal event so helices on here I guess that's a free one of course I don't have that when I know II wrote it it's a cool dude that's yeah please like that really offends servicemembers people [ __ ] died he's lost people I know people who [ __ ] died but you're claiming the skull [ __ ] that I know I [ __ ] I'm telling you who's recording this video [ __ ] away please I don't know dudes feet oh this one this seems like this guy's running up somewhere where is this making a beeline for him right by the coffee stand damn these are so low some of them I know I can hear [ __ ] hands over it oh why does he have his battle top on till angry he misspelled Walmart you you misspelled Walmart that's the point the people won't like don't know how to spell and I guess voice got real high right David I can't hear this guy chewing this dude out I didn't want to get promoted instead if you want you can go through my facebook this is now high as voices hidden when I'm mad at my fort so there's one I've got that's a box I can check that off he doesn't have military ID asks for military so he asked for military this is my man get earrings in it's got his dog tags dude he's got earrings it oh it does no no diet ear exam nice abortion survivor my god now there you go I know those ones I have my earrings oh did he just say that dog tags are wrong there's a spy this is Lau's the video guys I'm sorry I turned mine up all the way the little volume option of denied the window it made a little bit better the poor mafia is losing its touch right oh just a fresh shave he's gonna shave this facial hair care that save profile on you dude show it oh they're talking about his ID again dude this guy wasn't stolen baler like no bro shut up this guy's so full of [ __ ] walk around and is stupid in this battle top are you in a combat top right now that's not even authorized the stateside thanks Julia Kristin don't worry about it don't don't worry about the Nevada uniform he needs a drop down Special Forces bomb [Music] oil change oh it's not an airport is it a valve oil change 94 25 - I know does this count as demand respect he's got like a brother that's just like told of this stuff educating a story that he heard from somebody that was actually in I don't want to be in five that's funny thanks Julian okay okay you in a cyber school for nine weeks yes ma'am so you got prostitute going straight into Sniper school for language I know what if it's a homeless guy asking for money why'd you do the first two years I join in 2007 mm-hmm two years later I went to on record recon mm-hmm then um after I came under weight core recon shooing it I actually shoot expert whatever single firearm that I had did Marine snipers came up to me and said offer you a job yeah because that's how it happens how many times have you had seals come up to you and offer you a job man when you were in the Navy they're like you want to tried it when I was like yeah I check yeah bro Special Forces guys come up to me there's throwing Green Berets he's a tank commander OAB Airport tanker rolling down the strip okay everyone tanker said what are you here for he's drunk is what he is here you live here but I thought you just said you were still a sniper at Camp Lejeune yes then how do you live here you got back four days go honey we let this this outstanding no Marine actively just actually shoot something all over your face with this expert sniper badge hmm can I see your dog tag my dolls tag there's dog tag he died two weeks ago if you if I want to show that no I want to see your ID if you're a real marine I don't even know yeah I call [ __ ] on those it's cool you sir are a marine oh it's a younger guy and then the Bart I am right now that is the scrawniest dude mm-hmm just come over here four days here that beard in four days right now he's my drink or yeah well your story has changed in Greek or silk super sentai Percy like and subscribe for more oh my god well that blew my ears out do you have another one lined up alright man I just put enough there it is did you put the second one up yeah here it comes here it comes good round two baby friends is bed ok box yeah I only got three I have one two three four five you piece of trash oh this one seems louder I tell ya I turn it down until I could see what's happening Oh who takes a video of a video is that Mitch Aguilar oh yeah that's Mitch Aguilar who's that he's a Navy SEAL he's a pro in the make fighter now oh nice [Applause] oh it sounds like you heard someone say that they were a Navy SEAL in a restaurant or something you know what it's an Applebee's oh wait they're at a restaurant took place at a restaurant boom got it yeah tell them [Applause] I have a job yes weekends up late on the line handsome dad Dana yeah damn you no [ __ ] touch him the [ __ ] out of here you liar da come out fight at Applebee's [Applause] Camarillo Alex thanks nothing breaks them neck he's gonna crush him look at him riding his teeth [Music] yes they're gonna woo even the way sucks out of that drag he's like I'm gonna shut up I'm gonna say something do something that's funny I've never seen this good for him calling out that turd [Applause] offering whatsit I was taught just real quick I was talking to Mitch the other day mmm he's got this this 7-day our five-day juice juice diet challenge thing he's I think it's called smashing greens doesn't they call him the smashing frog and I was talking about I was like hey I might try that just to see if I can if I can do it any tips and he's like yeah don't be a [ __ ] [Laughter] the show name is nipple I think you got a bone card and it'd be better if he just flashed his nipple like you see this flag that seals have like this it's a nipple let's see the code for Navy SEAL nipple stuff he's a frog nipple stolen valor nipple guy you don't even know about this Dipple Navy SEALs got difficult rated man she's gotta tried it right there Joseph someone chatsters he's gotta try to hunt you I'm still going with the nickel this dealers have a secret nipple thing it's got it it's like a secret nipple tattoo or a chip and added in there by the government so so much as to who this man angry ooh I got threats are made what to choke them out yeah Oh threats are made yep right this was too good I wasn't even paying attention to the big Joker well this one takes place in a restaurant we got that one right how's he doing now he just looks staring at his own tits just like I'm gonna crush him but I don't want to record this what's going on if you're just jumping in it probably doesn't make much sense [Applause] that a dude claimed that he was a seal in a bar that I was at one time he I wasn't maybe seal I'm like dude you're you're like 23 but the odds are no tell me more about your fantastical stories yeah man I was doing things those like what's your nickname then like you got a nickname for a seal it frog something was it yeah it caused frogs like you're needing it get away from me get away from me frog person apologizing you're right I didn't get that one oh I didn't see that one yeah cuz he was apologizing to him they tried to shake you say it's like I got your [ __ ] hand mean too many these boxes I got nothing you probably got like 12 boxed in are you winning at the game [Applause] you have no [ __ ] idea how often that [ __ ] happens and if that piece of [ __ ] was even [ __ ] ten years younger nah [ __ ] out good for you he's the guy that would do that dear let him take a little no Liam nap anyways everybody let me just because we watched it that's Mitch Aguilar he is a real Syl and he's I think the program my father isn't him a fighter he's got a bunch of cool [ __ ] on his Instagram so go check him out and continue I need to hear that yes we do I am 24 deadly weapon so you're a marine yes you are he's not in uniform er I would have obese in uniform so last time of year loss of a teenager's want to question my authority well it's like the word can wait what base did you go secret classified do you have that on here anywhere oh man I thought I did when you dad top so there's 60 boxes look at his shoes he's rocking veins is stolen louder no realer no rank on the PC yes goob wrong place for a rank these are scream stolen better yeah oh oh hey well I'm thinking about it have you seen that TV's Isis stolen valor did he ask that they do their skits Oh God it's yeah those are good yep there we go got it thanks guys thanks for calling that out we got some egos in check oh yeah bingo scan authorized facial hair that's definitely one hold on real quick people are X that's one if you need the bingo cards check the description of this video you can just click on it and you can play along with us yeah you bury this in the description very first line just click on that and you can play with us and it's got the a security the security certificates updated on it so it's not gonna try to steal your children this time although I can't make any promises that I want so right now right now yeah I mean I have a man he's got a map he's not and then I'm done yeah me that's where I'm I'm gonna start going south as a health plan yeah okay men have died to wear that you understand that right I've said that last dude was getting roasted and called out but little kids year-olds right oh no he's Moorish uh he's a more so let me ask you a question ask him a question real talk real talk bro do I look like the dumbest guy in the world to you did this guy towing your car more trash in your talking trash to him man I don't know if you're the dumbest guy but you sure don't know how to record where are people putting this in landscape on this TARDIS up and down Instagram crap so you're gonna still maintain that story about being recon from eleventh Marines brigade specialist specialist rank in the Marine Corps I can't remember everything here's how I know you're full of [ __ ] while sitting in the same car for this guy you know truckers pick up strangers all the time for Hummers so he picked him up to give him a ride he's completely roasting it just right he's our hey I'm a letter and give me a ride he's like wait a second trains is an artillery unit always has been never been a recon unit after every calm means in it second reason I know you're full of [ __ ] the Marine Corps doesn't have brigades there's no brigade level Recon Marine Corps the Army has brigades and they don't have read yeah someone said it's a tow truck because I see the flashing recent yellow lights so is this guy like yeah I need my my car towed just broke down on the side of the road and he picks him up and he instantly starts roasting the poor guy he's like I need my car towed by the way you got a military discount nineteen seventy 203 car you definitely can't nothing you've said Adso multiple branches member get that on their local branches it's in uniform though I think he's talking about like if you have some army [ __ ] on uniform and marine [ __ ] on stuff like that right he's gonna blow him that's what this is gonna happen this turn into a boar no I caught you stole the dealer tone your truck unreasonable rank oh yeah that was unreasonable ranks would that work sure another will be like a general he's 20 so you're you're great on special bad way to relate bro thanks for towing my car [ __ ] you see the classes a lot of medals I'm with the UH the Arctic Circle medals as they have [ __ ] why would you try and [ __ ] somebody that actually was in never see that never see guys I'm like YouTube videos the guy like dd-214 light and blue like ribbons bird training in Antarctica we're saying we should watch some dawn [ __ ] weeks to Don Shipley yeah the SIL don't feel that calls out before you say there's ills all that's right you're seeing him before he's interesting he he talks like a grandfather would talk into a video camera making a video a YouTube video yeah super nice [ __ ] on earth and you do to the truck there's still a need for sham shield for life i'll dude i got out in the forum idea [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] the way they're gonna take him out that [Music] physical fight oh are they gonna smoke this dude I think your God in them they keep raising the rifle at them and he jumps onto the dude your mo often very low acid with III worry what was your uh last night oh [ __ ] doing on stolen arrows you know stolen hours you got a DD Form 214 so case the DD 214 pounds oh yeah that's gonna carry a dd-214 in their pocket wait you don't you like I'm not [ __ ] smoke punch you in the face because guess what Jack taboos III is a [ __ ] rank it's not a [ __ ] MOS what is MOS would be infantry well yeah Usopp job so yeah I mean man don't do drugs kids drugs met chef get upgrade that just tells me that you're kind of stone is a stone vomit right now saying that you're you don't know what every servicemen knows military occupational specialty job as you say your cook okay hey where were you cook at if you check it out I do standing outside of a server and you look yeah I'm being nice because some of those people will not yeah if you just go away and you just know you need to stop what you're doing you know I know yeah all right go away [Laughter] [Music] man I can't hear nothing in I can't hear anything better off just skipping this one yeah let's skip it you got it you got the controls you know now all right I'm putting a Lipper in it's getting super military right now oh my lord 30 like two minutes little rocking back and you have there we go oh okay here we go more homeless guys yeah because it really stones me either it's a homeless guy he's he's back in a bowl right now look at its kind of trying to know him and arranger tab oh it says coroner I thought it was reindeer from oh he's got a little Trident a little tried a little try from the dress A's you got enough uniform that's a good one - yeah mixed up uniform coroner and then he's got this a special police oh he's got a trident tattooed on his neck idiot I'll check in that box what about multiple branches on uniform or in uniform yeah I would take that he's got a bunch of crazy [ __ ] oh I'm gonna put horrible medal placement to horrible medal place dude yeah I need jack no headgear hey guys smoked himself you smoke our word dupa tattooed on his neck he's a pretty special guy I must say he doesn't know as you didn't get a bingo cuz he does know his class Oh God my left here just went death here is I think you just probably cover his phone up with his hand what ROTC great legs he's class 420 yeah is he just me yellow random people yeah says special policeman don't you read the patches that goatee is so in regs that is that is the most steel thing about him is his deployment go to eat yeah hey somebody says accuser chases after the stolen valor person would that be absolutely yeah he's following him I'll get your faces after stolen valor that one drive wrong I'm gonna put in wrong patch placement he's got weird patches all over his body alright does any of thanks for services I think that for a bingo and I feel like that's something I easily missed so he says take that off yes yep take that off nice nice alright clear my board then do I want to play again yes I do yes I do yeah I want to play again heck yeah bingo boom diagonal sis sneaky one you know it took it took him like ten seconds to think up hey what's your name alright I got a new board you got a new board you got a new board alright you want to get after let's skip after this dude because we'll start yeah a new video with a new board all right thanks crunch they built it just for him as he hits the ball oh that PTSD man I think that's like the only kind of big word he knows I keep saying foreign policy over and over how'd you do your training oh man so he just said I got stolen bingo you could you could eat it guy you can eat my stolen bingo is that you can do he made the internet he's not he's not doughnut operators channel on the Internet he doesn't even able enough famous he is right now worldwide Don and Jim thank you it's going on the Internet it's going in Stolen Valor bingo no another still the same guy yelling at him all day it is the same guy other schools they tried it used to be a little creek like way way way way back in the day where's Little Creek Virginia the East Coast yeah ways to have but to they're like a long long long time ago around when stills got started oh yeah right when they were coming communities and transferring I'm not putting anything in my board for this video are you no no it's kind of the same thing but it's just funny that the guy came back later hey thanks slim Shady's it's a different star it's Orion star I'm skipping this guy that did you make him pull his neck skin off they got a bird of like out what's-his-face sons of anarchy always solo no the last one had great audio quality now that's another homeless guy homeless suits are always gonna claim they did some crazy [ __ ] to get a little change cut me a little bit change it that South Park episode teenage age I just need a little bit of two takes place at restaurant hey go ahead do that one I can't hear you I think we should skip the homeless one son yeah yes if there's one come on I want to see some young guys getting torn up I want to see a Mitch Aguilar yelled at some more people yeah I want to see him boom somebody with a pavement right I want to sit I'm gonna send him a message like hey man can you go out and find some more things for us yeah just run around for a couple hours you go to any bar fella in Virginia Beach at night and you'll find people say in their sills oh my lord why would you do that right in their front yard I don't know people do it all the time though and I used to see people get knocked out doing it all the time yes yes haha identify as a Navy SEAL all right yes a Don Shipley let me find a dot a good Don Shipley video he's funny what if there's a dodge Shipley compilation here's a good one Stolen Valor phony Navy sild upside down American flag phony dude idiots cult do you see this guy nigel de superjet he goes hey man i love what you're doing his sister's ex-boyfriend was a 27 year old and in quotes she goes he was a martial arts expert that trained seals and army recon since he was 15 he's like since he was 15 because you know those 15 year olds they're combat ready absolutely they can barely make their own beds or tie their shoes or wet their ass but you know what MMA they are all about it I was training since he was in the womb okay yeah [ __ ] off I don't want to hear your [ __ ] [ __ ] straight straight to uniform your disgrace to the country [ __ ] off I don't understand what what's going on I think the guys just like protesting while they're just doing it to this guy post the whole bottle about he being a CEO who have sent it to me simply because this guy is wearing a seal how is your seal as your seals your seal no I don't know I don't know Dom man I thought don't actually can first the guy promised now done dad just talks about how he discovers all right hold on let me find a good Don ship with video guys oh here's one this one's good I've seen parts of this one before you the black guy in New Orleans oh I don't think I've seen this one oh I got my my give me stolen valor one hit Navy SEALs do you need TD to write down what it is [ __ ] fat dude because if you've never seen Don Shipley before he is of course the former SIL I think is a Vietnam SIL but he goes around he's got a pretty decent sized YouTube channel where he calls people out don't be obvious with your poems now we want to see if we can catch this Dobby [Music] basically you know holy through out their jewelry he's right that is a big boy yeah Navy I'm me Oh that would be the seal stuff we hired seal for mercy I said Mitch a message that's all I told I told I said I said Mitch a message the guy we watched the the real silver watch 2 mins ago and I said we just watched you call how to fake SIL and 5000 people agree to do that more often what what training class my brother I was excited 123 right near your California we hope you will live there [Music] that I'll be 1989 waiting for you pick it up [Music] let's take now Michael wall is by me [Music] take that one - 123 and welcome so would that be wrong wrong unit or whatever we said earlier cuz the guy said he was in the wrong class yeah I would say that one doesn't know unit yeah I'll take that's like don't know unit [Music] waiting with muscle man [Music] go ask for commands but because he has commander in there ask for command yeah asks for command I mean he asked which SEAL team he was in that's his command I mean unit two but he actually gave his commander - so it's his dollar-store mr. t I don't know that's a big boy this that might be like CBS mr. T that's a pretty good knockoff maybe you guys should check it out Treasury attention III I'll show you I told you check it out check it out look I'm gonna let you know affirmation of the universe up midship well then this is your brother right here then okay I know you don't want to believe it check it out check it out and then come see my mother no other day you have to take it up to date check it out and did it come [ __ ] because they don't worry believe check it out have you guys checked it out yeah check check check check - check it out this party go here you have a nice bone I want you to check out [Music] captain oh man a reasonable rank right here - captain the Navy's o5 it's a poker tournament in the arm you know v is a full-bird colonel right we call Colonels and the Navy and captain is an o-5 so they got the Eagle sitting on their chest like no man you're not running you're not runnin and gunnin as a frickin Navy cap um it's o6 captain in the Navy Oh a that's what I meant Oh v is that's like an extremely unreasonable right yeah I put unreasonable rank no way uh why don't I have any I don't have any of the [ __ ] we've been talking about Toby's just home he hasn't demand respect he doesn't have any authorized unauthorized tattoos yet I mean he's not in uniform he's out so he says okay I got my free spots told him Val here at least I got four but they're all over the board yeah doesn't know unit asked for command unreasonable rank and the Stolen Valor give me box would that be what that count is when I count it yet scream stolen valor yep still there [Music] I'll be right back [Music] [Laughter] that's a pretty girl telling you like jelly is a big deal I like it that he's calling I love like you CEO although the code is here not like he's trying to intimidate and annoy bring him into your home I stepped away from the computer for a minute I just need to know did he check it out I was told that based on previous encounters he has in fact double checked it out and trip effect without way to see it he's saying that he's still in he just said I'm at Little Creek amphibious base I thought he said that he was like the motorcycle bases outside of New Orleans yeah but he just said I'm at Little Creek amphibious base because they said we just came from Virginia Virginia is or where the East Coast Arlo Creek is where the East Coast teams yeah stationed at but he just said I met little creek come [ __ ] with me he is a little creek [Laughter] even has a sultana ponies in the interview stamps the entire time is waiting for this guy they're used to it it's like their hobby now it's baby's job yeah he does this for a living no these are tired don't Brotherhood tattoos are like infantry tattoos and they haven't even gone through the training at like what are you thinking what you're gonna permit something on your skin and you haven't done it he's so dumb I like I love how the guys saying now like do your homework and then come see me but don research this guy for a long time and like even pulled his records and you already forgot yeah yeah even before he went and talked to him oh he's standing here like he's standing here like do your homework then come back that's what Don's trying to tell me is like I did he's like nah man I know who you are that you're not real you're a ghost you don't exist he probably did something classified in his record these records are sealed mrs. Hill oh no he's at the Goodsell got some crazy [Music] check him out [Music] I always get this frog going on he's ready start swinging you see that yeah buddy seems like sir shrugging that's like the felony shrug he's about to fight Levi he's loosening up he's getting ready for a swing Donn's a professional checking it out he would be a captain Ted check it out I'm just looking up done real quick Donn got out of the Navy as a senior chief he was in from 78 to 2003 oh [ __ ] did he just call out marcus luttrell yeah he did what a dick what an idiot Don yeah Don was team one in tune to Henry run now everybody's running oh I'm going to eat I'm checking the box so invalid demands respect Stolen Valor demands respect there's only too much stupid juice you think threats are made would apply there yeah I would do threats are made is that we made spaces get really pissed off alright Stolen Valor can't answer questions I think that would work too because he was just getting mad oh yeah he's just saying check it out I never saw anyone check it out baby they checked it in sick oh you did gotcha oh here's a good one uh seven fake soldiers who got exposed on camera let's do it let's do it here you are D monotype has had in the video these guys are getting ads demands respect Oh Baylor oh yeah demands respect there we go sorry I forgot that one yep here we go here's a good one if you only wins at the iPad 9 giveaway contest sounds great well I'm gonna skip it oh yeah that's that's a famous one I love that one stories of people who serve without the actual risk we know what it is damn it yeah I know we're here to play bingo voiceover guy oh yeah there we go oh I've seen this one this one gets so awkward are you wearing it you should be ashamed of yourself Oh at an airport at an airport as for military members military so fake no military ID yep my business but what the [ __ ] is going on right now are you detaining me what wrong hatch placement does that count two guys yeah you can see have three stripes yeah smack there's a physical thing what sucks laughs does it go by the open pubs the do's Jack he's got the eye on a tiger right now he's Jonas he wants it he's got a murder there was a soliciting money I think we all just need to take a moment there and just realize that dude called out that guy were stolen valor and not once but twice cementum open palms smacked him in the face and said I know you won't do nothing cuz you're a liar come at me and nothing oh oh man the freedom boner is real on this side of the screen veteran we're Goodwin confronts a fake better and outside MacDill Air Force Base the fake claimed he was former Special Forces and his mouth that was secret that's chasing after a college he exists the fake was soliciting money from people using his show bingo again all right so it's a beautiful positive baby I got a bingo yeah yeah and I get a magnificent bastard photo of you and your hair fantastic tape mustache I'm crunching this bingo I got it doesn't no unit ask for military ID ask for command accuser chases after so long valor and unreasonable rank nice nice alright I'm gonna continue those i blanked it out but I'm gonna use this video since we just started it alright cool the absolutely all right I'm gonna make from this from this point all right I'm ready to go it's jackhole over here like hold up and talk jackholes that's a great military reference self-respecting veteran be wearing his uniform than our juicy patch some of the other stuff you're gonna go see so would have a quick conversation with it follow me oh I've seen this one too this one's gonna get a lot of boxes checked a lot of boxes people it's your eyes and ears open oh and if you're just joining everyone if you want to play along with us description has a link for the bingo card and you can you can do it too yeah play bingo along with us it's a new game right now yes Tolan Valor is a free space Oh show me your ID card there's one ID card look take that uniform off take that off oh sorry sir person apologizing I'm gonna hit Ike user chases after still valor again because he's still going after him [Applause] nice I got a person apologizing doing call out fake Ranger a former infantryman Ryan shut up come here obese in uniform yeah oh yeah I get obese in uniform I certainly have that one oh really uh admirers guys in the army hey buddy I'm Shawn what our you two are in shock somebody doesn't know unit doesn't know unit someone dies I got it guys all right mos eleven tacos all three you get three three CI B's right you know no matter how many you do you can only get one for Iraq Afghanistan all three you can only get them you know basically what I do is go out on missions that doesn't make any sense and you're in second bet ranges there it is where's your combat patch at wrong catch placement wrong pass placement right I'm on that one buddy from where let's go home you have that one just got home how come on where's your off your shirt underneath your tan teacher Nigel that's crazy what's your rank I'm a staff sergeant today I'm Sergeant where'd you get a basic training for Jackson for Jackson you know only a lot of infantry only goes to Fort Benning right yeah for Ranger training no for basic training what no I didn't start off as a has it for truth you didn't what you start off as I started off as an m1 as a driver what's the UH m1 driver list for that for driver my driver MOS okay I'm sorry why is he calling a Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant he's already a staff sergeant that doesn't make much sense but he's gonna Staff Sergeant Staff he's fakin ecologies like who you want me back you know you want me back in the Army's like it Ranger Ranger thing you moving back in the food court Express here it is guys dream stolen they'll hit we're in the United States Army uniform claims to be the United States Army Ranger okay let's see your SAR major let's go search on Black Friday it's a mall oh oh yeah it takes place in the mall you guys alright one quiz MA Bernie you know it's illegal right well impossible medals because he had too many too many stars over his camp and one CIB more battles guys and all of them are [ __ ] this is illegal what you're doing now is illegal because you know what I've worn that [ __ ] uniform and I've had friends get killed in Afghanistan wearing that [ __ ] uniform no you have in your full [ __ ] yet people died in valor right here some are on that it's on mine just don't okay thanks buddy go ahead for you sir major at lunch [Music] these are two major a lot of fort footage recorded back in December of a she received a Starbucks because of the you know the guy's a right to claim it was his stepsons uniform he failed to mention the 20% discount she looks because of the uniform oh he said it's a felony no I didn't hear that oh I hear that either I got though I need you're gonna be arrested and I got another bingo come on baby Oh he said I just got back so a few guys have that one I don't have that one yep just came home sort of the big boy the previous video this is an airport oh yeah he said an airport ed patch placement twos got a confederate flag on his upper right arm dude what you're the Confederate Army I don't think he takes either my stepsons my stepson just came back from South Korea all online are all a minor ones we started over Anthony have a night yeah after you pay attention guy the instruction of don't reach for it yes sir I don't I don't have anything your last name delamare how do you spell enough what's your MOS graduating class 420 team 69 check it out I actually recently got out of the army Tucker Ranger it's called Stolen Valor it's an express ranger swear to God if I had any other things to put on this morning I would have done it was 4 o'clock this morning I went to puts that on and then just like puts all the patches on it's like oh I don't have anything else to wear yeah wear that you norm oh I'm telling you I had nothing else cuz people dressed like you and pretend they're in the military fake major called out at Home Depot by former NZ oh hell yeah oh look at that kid d1 but doesn't know for the wear of the uniform battle I ran into you say that this is the proper wear of the uniform can you tell me there's not a problem when somebody's gonna win in uniform she's probably an unreasonable ranked BAM I got a bingo Oh got that one I told you it would happen fast all right I'm gonna clear my board then all right who pulls it right there all right yeah I cleared my board I got my stole from the other 3b we're two-in-one right now we are we are flying really solos right now all right hat ignorance Jack no head here it's belt too comfortable because right now you're not around what you're not around officials you're not around officers you're not around so you get secondly can you tell me why do you have all these life pins when you know it's supposed to well I love the chief knows 670 - one it's crushing it butyl don't know what a r6 area - when it's every regulation 60 - line which is there the wear of your military uniform 21 is a major damn heroes for it he went for it join us 16 joyous 17 with the uniform your ID card no ID card what do you think you should do with this officer right here no and the last thing I'm not asking I'm asking can you tell me was the race what is true the court right here tell them baby the rape regulation but you've been here how long hey you don't know the race for your uniform AR 670 - 106 area - one baby roasted you oh shoot and you know what she will have your ass on the floor doing back front goes back front goes because of the proper way of your uniform battle well that was a good story that was a good should be no shushing that's [ __ ] stupid music that this thing had someone said there's a Don Shipley part two with that that same guy oh yeah what's this a michael hall michael hall see i would love to see him check it out this time you look that up I'm gonna take this dip out my mouth oh yeah he goes after him it work oh snap you told him where to meet him at all right I'll be right back Oh SuperDuper hey cuz after if it were just the same oh man weird how much longer after the other one this was Harley dealership had nothing to do with this and fired him oh man he got fired from the Harley dealership No all right so we're gonna wait for angry to come back until then I can hit this button and then I can hit this button but we can go back to this button mmm so how's everybody doing today while we have this brief intermission waiting for angry to go take a dump it's exactly what he's doing he lied about who he was yeah you can't do that where's angry cops he had to go poop donut you have a glorious stache as angry ever grown an epic deployment sash ache a 70s porn stache I don't know if I've ever seen any pictures of angry with a mustache want to ask him I don't know he will never work at another HD harley-davidson Diller ever again probably not a chance moving fast guys so forgive me if I don't catch every single little thing good see you back for the camera hey bad dog cv how you doing buddy good to see him Chad what time does he you're pissing out your butt laughing at this I mean that's what angry went to do what am I gonna do first I'm in the audit bingo oh that's a good one I need to come up with some terms and then we can get right on that boom that ready oh he looks so clean now he's not in his crazy duds his best mannequins yeah it says in the description that he got fired from the heart oh Jesus your mic well it gently touches your manly scruff it just sounds like someone's vomiting into the into the microphone no it says in the description that he got fired from this Harley dealership Don went back to find them and here's what happens oh he's got he's got his real record he said I think you should impressive you know all this guy has to do is say man I was just wrong I was faking it like I just wanted to seem tough right that's all he has to do and Donnell go away but he doesn't he keeps it up he needs to us to check it out here's the same new clothes futures those seals anything he was classified guy like so good Houston get out anymore yeah he checked it out man he checked to check to that people always send me pictures and quick videos of phonies they find in balls real cool little cabanne as their had their street and things like that and always we're a little isolated down here you know it just never falls in our lap but we ran our final training course in New Orleans the oil platform training course and we had all the guys down on Bourbon Street and they found one and I saw that big son of a [ __ ] always look at guys that have the biker vest song or the veterans vests on to see if there's anything out of place and I noticed that guy and I looked at him from you know his right side and I saw a small anchor tattoo on here but I didn't see any tridents apparently I wasn't looking hard enough but he was just this he was a [ __ ] huge guy and he was on that street corner because of that and because he knew he drew attention and he [ __ ] he sure did and that's what he was doing out there he has nothing better to do than dress up the way he does in that outlaw biker [ __ ] of his with that big [ __ ] seal tribe in tattoo and sleeveless shirts and stand out there and run his [ __ ] good look and he is not a harmless clown that is Balor steel baler salient when you draw attention to herself [ __ ] sure dead big old guy and he felt like us he's he did it's Friday morning just get it done get him headed back to New Orleans now in a convoy captain picked up a trouble ship everybody I just don't watch it people get boned it's just time especially when they're turds it's just good TV right here this is this is the best reality TV you can get just dummies who don't know what they're talking about getting owned by a specialist in whatever field big Stevie , mr. t he was trained by Moda let me hit my voter button for that did that motor button just a little over years combined military experience which is nothing is it for two and a half years and he said he was a captain timid dating this nobody goes he's psyops episode he's doing but he's messing with your brain Connor says what's better to join Navy or army help me that's a good one it just depends on what you want to do yeah each one has its own different specialties but they expect spike we're to your favorites Navy captain he's got those birds one two three you know I might not flash one two three maybe he went to his place of work to call him out what's that you invited it yeah what'd you say oh he invited him up there no I said they would they went to his place of work to call him out that's so well Don just said he he invited it they invited him up there but he said no cameras oh you sure did the other night while you were playing you weren't playing Navy SEALs so now it's up to he's so less aggressive now the only H in one two three was a guy named Hofmann it didn't graduate from 89 and graduated in July of 83 your name was not listed up Nadia I got fast night here but I'm sure he checked him out closed State and went to school damn that USS recovery [Music] shows you is the same [Music] two and a half years of service though new clothes few tears no steel shield familiars classified guy might be thirty receive everything you see when you're not name is not less of this can you show it so many years tell you something never say something that's why I'm telling you not here where you wanna step outside told us to come yeah he still says they checked it out you got a huge national defense service little Mike and you turn yourself into a retired Navy captain SEAL one mm-wah mm-wah motorcycle mechanic in certain military nice [Music] was there just something you needed to pass on to me that you do not told you keep doing don't desert being you guys think I found you so fast tell you what what do you clean up nice nice handsome picture of you and your hair cut your beard off do heavens lovers or whatever those kind of guys like not alive oh my god she jumped into it Destin gotcha get his bus down piss test the site Domenico how did you get out and do them in here some change oh Anthony he was so angry about people about people running and not supporting one another Oh what's going on he seems like he's a little sheepish now I know a little well sure Anthony cannot provide any information and advice about applying in the u.s. do Department sponsor for green card citizenship what departments are non-citizens oh I'm not sure what do you see you know if you're looking for like a police officer can you raise your voice Devon I mean pretty much I mean tell me if I'm wrong I feel like you're in the same boat is if you need to take the civil service exam wherever you go even if you've got a degree in criminal justice you need to you gotta take a civil service test and once you test there then you can get the job and most of them have residency requirements where you have to live in the city either before or after you get hired yeah that you'd have to have your citizenship - yeah because I don't I don't see very many Department sponsoring or you know putting up the money for training or anything if you're not even a citizen yeah mm-hmm get to a citizenship no I'm not exactly sure the route to go about it but I know Canadians getting dual citizenship it's not it's not too lengthy and difficult yeah I know and there's probably some hoops to jump through but it's overall I feel like to assess and show Canadian and American it's not that it's not that difficult then you get that take this little service exam and and rain on everybody's parade with tickets are we still watch yeah yeah here's one that says Donna please a phony what no I don't know this is that it's a stupid video I don't think that it's real $5 Stolen Valor okay yeah I'll do this are we gonna have to do a new livestream it looks like it's ending up on on which we call it I mean YouTube oops we're in the hour-and-a-half limit oh really yeah does it does it cut off after that time I don't know I think it does I'm not sure I'm just looking at it and the bars like are almost there random is he gonna get out and talk to him oh this lady's like don't do it don't get out there don't do it again Bailey you can't keep telling people you're special forces what sir why they call themselves one sport what floor Campbell call themselves I'm asking you what the floor Campbell 101 Screaming Eagles 101st Screaming Eagles that's what they call one please what's your mos [Music] you're claiming to be a military wife sir horrible what's he I guess he was standing out with a sign getting money but look he's in a van now do they follow Owen if they followed him you ever see those crazy like videos that like news clips and people do about people that aren't actually broke like begging for money and then they go home to like their house and they like made like several hundred dollars that day yeah that's what my professional job is begging for money oh yeah I mean I've call it people doing that before like somebody somebody begging and then and then getting off the street corner and walking get in their car and driving home yes is like people it's just like people who drive BMWs up to the soup kitchen and get out and come and have lunch oh my god that's horrible is have you seen that for real no stolen valor screams at stolen rouler scream stolen valor oh all I have to do is takes place in a mall and I've got a bingo you're almost there yeah strip mall it's almost there dude even as girls like honey dough how do you marry a scam artist [Music] so that Fort Campbell Kentucky military installation no bullys for schooling valor but we're gonna fingers Stolen Valor that's definitely what this is going Balor oh man he's chasing oh man you got so pissed he's like waving deserved run knock the red eye brows wise hand no there's no reason to the army partially no oh did you go into the army partially no no I have the next oh you had an accident are you still active ah you're still active no never had a cat card what cat court guard no oh my god each of 14 dd-214 no hands in his pockets dr. day I knew you would call that one else your pocket oh dude he must be on the phone with his deaf sergeant sergeant major sergeant major he's got he just got home oh just got home first thing out of his mouth shitty belt this is my [ __ ] soup sandwich baby yeah what about his cover indoors yeah that's objective headgear covering doors can't head of headgear guys at replacement is checked - he's got - you did batches general mark thanks a lot but no yeah I love this guy's voice All Right see you grand Dan thanks buddy Oh Oh somebody just gave money I get some Campbell's unfiltered Brett's our maid he's gonna stop a model of his ass threats are made strangers back faker is that one on here strangers back faker yep yeah did I love the two unit patches on the same arm it's so good I can't stop smiling at this guy at his dumb voice now it's it's like it's starting over what is it doing hold on this is take this is Walmart was that one that's definitely a Walmart if that it's a Walmart area but I'm putting down Walmart all right Walmart you know wearing the right uniform sir you understand that right wearing it wrong TC you have a deployment patch and you've never been to picks out no name tape right there Stolen Valor scream stolen valor if you don't have that one already oh I don't wanna see your dick bro get them Jordache jeans away from me you wanna skip homeless people yeah we could skip all those people sorry alright hold on this will be a good one oh man all right here we go jack boots Jack boots Jack's boots shaving profile yet the facial hair [Music] it's against the law bro I see you have you got a tan beret up jacked-up dog tags he just said dog tags dog tags are wrong for him in the heads Ella he does he he doesn't even have the right flag on he's got what oh god is he pulling up his facebook like the other guy yep my facebook is official bro I'm verified on Facebook look at those shades see those shades are unauthorized this is a guy that got out at the first school he went to for some stupid [ __ ] and now he's shown him pictures of them it's official here yeah another eyes facial hair he's gonna be damn it alright everyone say in the State of the Union is on right now oh is it oh we need to watch that that's got to be interesting do you want to watch it dude oh yeah I watched state of unions they're gonna boo President Trump so many times and I hear it's live right now oh man how long do these normally last day the unions yeah usually I would say like 45 minutes to an hour and a half there's like one of the longer ones I don't wanna watch this for 45 minutes it's a lot of just like talking about like what they did and what they want to do and some of the hot hot button issues that are going on right now and then some people clap whenever they say he's you know we're parliamentary yeah if he stands up the claps and then I'm just the way that that this the de Senate and oh we're the state representatives it just don't like Trump it is it's gonna be there's gonna be booze you be somebody booze I know it there's gonna be booze yeah I'm not gonna bring it up I don't do politics on my channel so don't do politicians Jam bro keep it light keep it fun I like I like to keep I like things like this going yeah politics just makes everyone angry does people take it like it's sort of personal offense because you don't agree with them all right I say we go until the next bingo and call it call it I'm with you all right let's do this I'm one away if I got wrong placement or rank I'm a winner winner winner chicken do your best of stolen I don't think we've done this one yeah man that guy smacking that dude in the face still just rings like someone just those two like oh yeah you still you pow what it just walks off bbbbb FIFA dooba DVD [Music] what do you got what service are you guys with all right you know that you're if you're not active duty you can't be wearing the btu we are a nonprofit says for fundraising special fundraise not needy users not be to use you know that's against the UCMJ all right well branch in you what branch did you serve with well it hates almost people he said so you can't be wearing the BTUs you cannot be wearing the BTUs and you're profiting off of it because you're doing up well you're asking for money we are asking for more listen oh this is not the way to run a for one a 401 C 3 all we do is walk if somebody wants to die that's listen oh my gosh look at my car I'm a combat veteran of two tours I'm a US Marine I know the UCMJ and I work for the Judge Advocate General I'm gonna flirt I'm gonna park I'm gonna park I'm gonna park oh man chases after I've definitely catches on because he's Parker to go talk to these dudes you we're an Air Force boots those are BTU sir AC news they already call that with McCarthy on the side of the road man I almost want to say physical fight they're at each other's face so much [Music] they are not veterans they're stealing people's money that's awesome for that guy see your identification that you're actually in the service oh I've seen this this is trolling around why are you wearing the uniform you're not wearing it covers I did ask you a question you know this is basically strangers backing up your boots strangers been you know he's a stolen valor can't prove not but you can't approve anything about your military service you don't have a VA card or American best sleep role ever right such a sloppy shitbird sleeve roll it doesn't even know how to roll it no head gear oh you got that jacked up or no head gear Oh would that be strangers baxter real vet yeah strangers back real bad that one yeah cuz there's a guy like calling them out with them just don't have to talk to girls the uniform is unregulated not in regulations well I just saw you talked to two girls just for the hell of it I know in your uniform trying to get to yeah well your boots are not tucked in like they should be on a Navy uniform as well as your uh your sleeves are not correct and you aren't wearing a cover outside the sheriff has been called so yet do you even have a student ID on this campus you do you're gonna be arrested covered yet or no we've tiptoed around it walk around like a dish before you were in grade school probably 2003-2004 yeah dude I would oh man the correct form is called that much right I didn't serve I traveled this guy's a road pirate for real because you don't have the answers you don't know what it means yeah sir have a couple marine guys have been coming over here they're too busy working right now oh man I would love that I love it as a marine seal or they're just hassle adieu to the Navy or a fake navy cat you know get you'd be getting popped in the place again like that other dude open-hand [Music] yeah okay well a lot of problems don't go basic training for Jackson no Rangers are done at Fort Benning but I went okay well in infantry 11b don't go for Jackson MOS o what was your first time with us I was one driver he like memorize the entire good hire thing that doesn't make any sense sergeant what steps are saying that stolen valor guys I still won Balor hey hey if you want if you want to go talk to my sergeant major well you don't you know what's so funny about that video is that it's with a whole bunch of real solar Valor Stolen Valor videos so civilians you don't know jack about the military or actual stolen valor are looking at this like yeah that guy stole matter what a dirtbag no man he's totally ripping on the dude in the airport in the view court good to know man he remember they remember it they did it in order to they memorize like every little bit of it young man it was probably unlike ROTC or something but he needs to be promoted to like super Lance Corporal lieutenant major guy cuz he's he has motivated me he's motivated me in more ways than I can describe alright just a repo all right oh I remember this one so when did you deploy what years yeah dick that was that you were or was well no that's Hollywood stuff would say go that is Hollywood ducks why do they call it Hollywood there's a difference between the locations I love it people why is he jumping around all the time I do I keep seeing his titties bounce up and down like it's a Juggalo Chucky's commander struggle to comment what was what was their motto what I don't know you're trying to change the subject salute yeah I with the camera zoom alone he's trying to like make something more interesting to change the subject I have the Magnificent masters isn't that what they call their battalion three fives Manos magnificent bastards right yes sir I thought it was dark horse I'm pretty sure it's dark horse I love it well they give enough rope to hang themselves with Marine Regiment the headquarters in the comm company are that yeah where did I deploy Iraq where'd you go to in Afghanistan works you in Afghanistan Haiti wait what about Afghanistan where were you Mandie village with the people you know the village sheriff I know you're not a Marine I was in the Marine Corps for five years no you weren't you know I San Diego is a Hollywood Marines yes they are check it out so you better check it out number 403 for infantry what is it what's a moas for infantry what is it no no you know how I know you're not Paris island coz if you're west of the Mississippi you don't go to Camp Lejeune what you're a liar and by the way my girlfriend knows her brother and she talked in you were not a Marine you're a lying Pat so you're laughing okay three-five is darkhorse not that magnificent bastards show me your VA card you're a liar and [ __ ] what is the video wanna be for the baby pop dog yeah yeah how old are you the village eighty twenty nine yeah lying section so you said you got nine core when you were 17 got out when you were 23 and you said you got out in 2012 try to change the subject again cool right he's a liar I'm really busy really busy getting people cigarettes right now dammit I only need the physical fight or takes place in the mall oh you'll get takes place in the mall I mean we're like right there I need wrong placement of rank I can't believe I haven't gotten there yet I wonder if the Navy guy had wrong place in her rank wow you're great oh that I that I rape you with my cool movement again oh no no that was just the opening to a lot of these people's videos is atrocious just checking you and your face yeah this jacket came here he says he's 11 Bravo special forces forces got on e5 sergeant rank with the name stay go on it now he's taking it off now get away from and he's pissed oh he's pissed cuz you got what you top regular ACU bottoms did you just get it if we can't you took off this rig is that wrong placement alright cuz I'd love to get a better wrong placement of rank would you count that yeah you took it off right I got a big go baby go I got a big go the bingo on you with a nice little wheel gun there look at your photos are fantastic for winners is this what it feels like to be you when we play sovereign citizen bingo yes I feel great what is it 3-1 I think it's 3-1 yeah damn I think that actually evens our overall games almost yeah bingo we might be you might be you might be edging me out a little bit because we've done more sovereign than we've done this but wow this is my this is my game here guy wow this time yeah I got soul availa the freebie got finally got me one dog tags are wrong wrong placing a rank but this guy threats are made and fake non-military ID those were fake not military ID he pops up all the time yeah she's oh chat did you do you guys enjoy that did you enjoy the stolen palette bingo that was uh it was angry sprained child right there he came up with all that and did all the all the terms and stuff I'm a smart guy you know came over some stuff yeah do you wanna shout your stuff out yeah man I'll shout it out I mean I got my got my check point charlie shirt on mean by nine lion apparel which you can all pick up at nine line you can go check out myself and donut and the vet TV series called checkpoint charlie where we do some fun shenanigans and donut grab some Jack man Devils junk very hysterical I don't have to get that happened you know and you can find me on instagram Facebook here on YouTube angry cops and if you want to see me a drill sergeant yelled some college kids that videos up right now that's fairly entertainment yeah that's good stuff you know after I convinced them to cut it down and now everyone's complaining you know angry just cut that down man thirty minutes is too long you know what yeah maybe it is I'll cut it down and now all the comments are bro what happened was the thirty minute long special hey I didn't yell at the donut I just don't know if it would have gotten over two hundred thousand fusiform init's long I think there are more people with short attention spans in there or that's it they're not that it wasn't entertaining it was funny and sale I'll put up the extended cut in a couple days sweet sweet sweet alright guys yeah I think I'm gonna call it a night we just hit two out two hours and five minutes on this dream good long stream yeah we still got like almost three thousand people with us yeah thanks everyone for hanging out I'm gonna be jumping over to my twit dream in about ten minutes and we are gonna be talking about some crime stuff so if you guys want to come over to Twitter on TV so I started operator I'm gonna be over there and we'll talk about some stories that I've been saving up angry cops thank you so much always a pleasure check out check out angry cops subscribe to him it's got a YouTube channel Instagram all this stuff you just said but uh thanks for hanging out with us guys thank you so much for hanging out with us later weirdos bye guys
Channel: Donut Operator
Views: 2,547,832
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jBJ-6nU9fEY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 125min 51sec (7551 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 05 2019
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