guy PUTS COP IN COMA, but blue man bad

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hi everyone donut here I've got a few stories I just wanted to talk about with you guys today involving the NYPD and slimy little defense attorneys it has been a busy weekend for the NYPD a lot of stuff has been going down there lots of hate on Twitter towards the NYPD lots of blue man bad when the facts haven't even been released or the facts have been released and people just stuck first up I want to talk about my channel for a second you guys are probably seen that I've been doing a lot more ads on here if you're not in that type of thing I'm sorry but I'm trying to move to Texas this summer and it's a necessary thing for me to do in order to have the money to do that if you're not into that just skip past it you're not gonna hurt my feelings thanks for being here continuing on to what we were gonna talk about involving the NYPD and people here just mean mean people first story we're gonna talk about you guys tagged me in actually you guys tagged me in all my stories thank you so much for helping me out with that cuz a lot of this stuff I wouldn't find if it wasn't for you guys when do you tag me in this from Noah Goldberg says he's a justice reporter formerly in my Daily News he said breaking a cop shot and killed a man selling t-shirts outside in East New York nail salon after workers at the salon called cops to remove him of course that reads a guy was selling t-shirts police rolled up and shot his ass because that's what police do it was followed up by some very colorful comments such as I'll never understand this how are there so many trigger-happy incompetent cops I'm appreciate and respect the good very few cops but this is out of control this is not okay it worked exactly as Noah Goldberg had planned people are already pooping on the Popo and without evidence of anything happening according to reports what had happened was a guy came into a nail salon asked to use a restroom they said no it's not a public restroom so he pissed on the floor the people at the nail salon go outside they see some cops passing by they're like hey this dude's pissing on our floor officers go inside and talk to the guy turns out he has some outstanding warrants I don't know what they were for but they go to place him under arrest that's when 33 year-old quasi ashen I'm butchering that I know probably runs inside and starts fighting with the cops he wasn't even a part of it turns out he's got schizophrenia and he's bipolar and has a bunch of mental problems back in 2004 he was arrested for injuring one police officer and stabbing another one in the side of the head they're all scuffling around inside of this business the guy that has some mental disorders quasi ashen he picks up a chair hits a cop so hard in the head with it that he has to go to the hospital it'll be put in a medically-induced coma the officer by the way a 21 year veteran of the NYPD was released today after being in critical condition all weekend NYPD news put this video out earlier today of officer Lafontant being released from the hospital [Applause] if you're watching this man I'm glad you're out of the hospital I had your back this whole weekend hopefully your road to recovery is as quick and as painless as possible the guy hits him in the head with the chair messes him up real bad he pulls out his gun fires six shots killing the dude you hit a cop in the head with a metal chair of what do you expect to happen case closed right know in these situations you know it's never that easy in comes defense attorney number one that we're going to talk about in this video Rebecca qivana picks up the story and tweets out an NYPD officer shot and killed quasi ashen and unarmed black man in Brownsville Brooklyn this afternoon he was the fourth person the NYPD have shot dead in the last 10 days overheard on duty jumps in and says unarmed you put a cop in a coma with a metal chair I wish police could sue people like you for defamation as well as charged with inciting violence with your lies she comes back and says so take issue with me describing someone as unarmed because they didn't have a gun but you're absolutely going to have to check yourself to suggest I am somehow inciting violence this tweet by you is incredibly irresponsible yes Rebecca is actually saying other people's tweets are irresponsible I'm not gonna dig through too many tweets but here's one last one I'm gonna show you from Rebecca Pat tweeted out a chair can be a deadly weapon as you can see because this officer may very well die you shoot people who have deadly weapons why are you defending this person record comes back and says I'm not going to continue to argue with you but no you do not shoot and kill people even if they have guns which this person did not have police need to be trained to deal with situations other than shooting people dead peace out I'm just as confused as you are by this tweet you do not shoot and kill people even if they have guns the peace out at the end was definitely the cherry on top you know a mic dropped like she just said something smart in comes defense attorney to the guy that we're gonna talk about next it's always retweeting Rebecca and there they go back and forth and you know retweet each other's nonsense this tweet was originally posted by someone else but this is where I found it defense attorney Scott Hechinger tweets this out and says two minutes 20 seconds of terror dozens of transit police officers guns drone people fleeing all to arrest a young man sitting down his hands in the air at doing nothing this is a militarized police out of control and they hired 500 more for the subway let's go ahead and watch the video oh yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] they love to talk about [Music] in the video you see a few police officers standing outside this subway train with their guns drawn that people see what they're doing they start to clear out of the way because they're pointing at one specific person the doors open they holster up come in and arrest a guy completely militarized I know I think any reasonable person would ask well what did he do for that kind of response which is what I did Scott retweets me and says my opinion it shouldn't matter he was sitting down hands in the air compliant nothing justified this level of force pick your crime it's unnecessary no matter what there's a lot of people in here talking about brutality I just don't look at that I fail to see where the brutality part is no one got shot no one even got roughed up they didn't even slam him on the ground they put him down put him in handcuffs and walked off the subway train with him sorry I'm going too far let's go back to this tweet it shouldn't matter this kind of response shouldn't matter hypothetically speaking if the guy had just murdered someone or he was wanted on a murder warrant he was wanted on a rape warrant he was wanted on touching kids warrant they recognize them from armed robbery early that earlier that week none of it matters he should have been approached like that another thing about this whole they have their hands up there harmless that's that's a fallacy it's complete [ __ ] appendix carry hip carry shoved down the back of my pants okay what if I don't even want to come to full extension without fully extending cross-draw anyone get my point here when your hands are up it doesn't completely mean you're harmless so why was he approached like that the NYPD released a statement - and this is funny clarify the incident and identified the man's Adrienne Napier in 19 in Brooklyn witnesses told police officers they'd seen him with a gun near Atlantic and Flatbush when officers approached him he fled into the subway jumped a turnstile and got on the train when the train he was on got to the next stop there were a lot of officers waiting there some of them pulled their guns out because they've been told a a guy with a gun just fled from us appropriate response to protect the people on the train I think are maybe I'm just a biased bootlicker trying to cops plane everything away I don't know if you guys noticed it forgot to mention the has been viewed 3.3 million times I'm not gonna go through all the hateful comments like I normally do in these videos I don't give a [ __ ] anymore I'm done talking about these incidents if anyone wants to come hang out with me you can come Sly Stone and operator I look forward to seeing you all there everyone please have a fantastic day great wacker [Music] [Music]
Channel: Donut Operator
Views: 1,673,173
Rating: 4.9479532 out of 5
Keywords: donut, operator, nypd, police, subway, metal chair, coma, news, liar liar, pants on fire, liar liar pants on fire, new york city, cops, law enforcement, new york police department, nyc, new york, manhattan, brooklyn, times square
Id: RuPF_UKftx8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 8sec (608 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 28 2019
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