ALIENS GAVE ME A SECRET WEAPON - Cave Digger Aliens Update

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hey the aliens are here we're playing cave digger we're taking a look at this aliens update again apparently the part that we're actually looking for is it in the first part of the cave so in the last video I was looking at the last part of the cave cuz that's where all the stone tablets are that have all the drawings that showed pictures of aliens and all sorts of crap but if we have through here in the very beginning of the cave we might find something so if you didn't see the last video where we played this game we actually found like an a we found an alien egg what is this thing it's like a face it's totally your face it's like a gold face although I'm gonna open up that vault before we check out this gold face man that's why this is the door sweet all right you know let's have a look at this thing what is this it's a black rock what do we do with this to rastelli XY's cuz these eyes are gems it's like some kind of weird gold man I wonder if he's got an AK him I just have an obsession with naming things alright this place is full of all kinds of artifacts let's go ahead and grab all these things I'm just gonna use my Infinity Gauntlet just to suck them all up take that aliens I'm still in all your goods alright cheat eat this oh nice just grew massive ego here's a stack more eat then just got a little bit bigger alright so what do we have to do with you maybe we put stuff in his mouth awesome does he eat toilet paper I see if he likes toilet paper yeah eat this he homers bit my hand up could you not bite the Infinity glove this thing is expensive had to search the galaxy for these stones dude tin cans and toilet paper sounds like the name of a band doesn't it better be my band name fatter Ben Hays agreed now they were like Silvo now they're green I'm gonna power up my fists and we gotta punch the wall nice do it again it broke rocks their end up there but not actually the ones that I aimed at I'm just gonna bash it old-school so if we can complete whatever this puzzle is right with the gold man over there whatever I'm gonna call him Midas that's the best name for him but then again I mean I assume he's some kind of alien himself I just fed that to chesty or whatever we're calling let's just back up the minecart I get a blast my way through here and then we're gonna feed whatever we find in here to the gold face man Gary gold face sweets a bunch of stuff but dude he just ate half of it all right stop stealing all my gems he is a wood ice is still green did he disagree mean maybe green is good maybe that means it's done and we don't have to like go any further okay so he's eyes are green I'm gonna head further down the tunnel see if we find another one maybe like the next one is in like the next zone or something but then again I didn't see one in the final zone unless you have to do one and they have to do the next oh yeah okay so we just have to feed this one as well this one's got like columns and things around it maybe that's like a hint as to where it's from I'm sorry can it's aliens let's feed this one here you go cheap his eyes are now green okay he's gonna eat a few moist eyes too staying green okay so that's to that now have green eyes let's move on a little bit further and see if we can find a third one this guy is actually right next to a vault let's blast open the vault and feed him everything inside then the Yahoo reach head Oh Oh is he gonna bomb a hit it's not like it would take my fist just the entire fist of Piggy's nose wouldn't it I could just reach up there pull out gold not gold boogers actual God there's another alien egg nice one all right dude here you go eat that Isaac go on green hey he's gone like super gold as well he's like got all shiny all of a sudden and he's like he's not eating anymore hey what's this stuff dude what is this this thing is awesome it's really hard to hold on here you go dude try eating then try munching on this giant hammer thing no I think he's done okay so I don't know what these are but there's some kind of alien hammers can we sell them yeah we can sweet all right let's move on to the ice area so maybe it's like you feed the three heads and then the last one turns gold like if you've done them all maybe what are you guys reckon let me know in the comments if you think that's it I'm seeing it goes I'm not seeing anything else slow although it's water here that's cool all right let's grab some stuff punch open a wall let's do it just grab all the things maybe I need to just blast my way through with my cannon as I go around there's melting the ice wall take that global warming think there's normally a chest there we go awesome got the golden cone got the little mighty man I've actually enjoyed like having some great VR games to play at the moment like we've got this budget cuts to us just come out and of course Bowen works if you haven't seen bone works after this video go ahead and jump on the channel and have a look at bone works it's an amazing game alright let's go back home so we fed the gold head man I don't know how we actually trigger the ending or anything like that I mean maybe there's more gold heads that we have to do let's go check out this was the same upgrade Bank for extra bonus gold I've upgraded everything dude there's a radio it got much to say wow that is a good radio back to the regular cave that guy is still gold let's have a look back through the first cave and see if we can find any other like gold men that we have to read that we have to feed gems I mean maybe the first two that I found I didn't actually feed them enough because they didn't go gold their eyes just went green there's one there are your eyes green sheep yeah his eyes are green there's some walls and stuff so just gonna blast those with these sir with my cannon I don't know if this cannon has a name but there's some stuff in here let's just punch that open get some gold I mean maybe it's just gold that we have to feed him and by chance I just actually haven't fed the other two any gold yet alright Scrabble the stuff it's not lose it got everything there okay let's stick this stuff in his mouth and see what happens see he doesn't look anywhere near as shiny as all made at the back there okay net he ate it he thought it was delicious but that was it maybe we should put some dynamite in his mouth see if he enjoys that alright dude have some dynamite tell me what you think about this one it has explosive flavor hey there you enjoyed it alright now this is heaps like most of that is diamonds this is gonna be law right I do just eats everything doesn't care a stack of stuff just fell out over here how did that happen he's actually you know what I think he's actually turned gold I think he has I'm gonna feed him a little bit more I think that was it I think I actually have to feed him more yeah yeah the dudes like totally gold now okay let's keep heading back see what else we find I'm trying my best not to trip on my cable you'll notice well maybe you haven't noticed I'm no longer using like a wireless headset like a wireless VR headset I don't have the funny receiver thing on my head anymore just because it was adding like extra weight to the VR headset and hurting my neck I was getting a sore neck that and it would occasionally cut out it wasn't the best technology it's still got some time to come it is annoying like having a cable out the back of my head again but I'll learn to live with it first world problems man there's the magical toilets I pooped there once all right so here's the first dude and he's looking a little bit gold but not fully gold so let's go ahead last open the vault again I might even just just rewind this set this train that's right I'm not reversing it I'm rewinding it and it's gonna blast that wall as well okay let's jump into the vault hey what is this what is this thing oh it's like a fly in some amber cool all right here's a fistful of stuff for this guy to eat Oh was he fully gold yes okay he only took a little bit more to fill him up and now he's done all right let's go ahead and head back to the beginning back home where the saloon is and see if anything's changed hey the aliens are here can i I can't move dad is pretty awesome do is that a joint mothership am I about to be sucked inside the mother of ships please tell me I am this is gonna be great I can't wait to meet some aliens give like we'll learn a secret handshake we're gonna be best friends we'll play like Street Fighter together hey there he goes there go the gold and headed guys ooh yeah let me let me get in Oh cheap hello golden man it's the golden alien man hey sir sir please don't stab me with the pointy thing HM have you seen the Infinity Gauntlet before this thing will wreck you alright it'll wreck you in 50% of your mates all right hang on oh yeah noise I'm just I'm just gonna take that I'm just gonna take this she is cheap you take it easy all right say hi to your mom for me it was the bestest friend ever had and he's gone already at least he gave me a sick gun so where's my new awesome weapon there it is alright how about we get this thing how does this work it glows I like that oh yeah okay or just destroyed him it overheats so I grab the back what's the back I don't know how this thing works I can drop it let's go down the mineshaft and have a look see if we can figure out what this thing actually does so I mean is it just a magnet gun because I imagined it to be a little bit more than that oh it just rips them out of the wall yeah awesome awesome you pointed at the wall and stuff just gets sucked out of the wall now smokes coming out of it isn't that awesome I don't think smokes supposed to go yeah I just vacuumed to my mind thing my mining rod pickaxe that's service colt my mining hammer sweet oh it even pulls that like artifacts so you don't need to use the actual saw blade it just rips all the goodies out of there that is awesome and if I swap pains right Plus what paints I can still no no no I can still do these ones with the Infinity Gauntlet so I go like this and then I just pulled out on spine it rips spines out of people all right let's go again let's try this wall what are we getting we've got some gold nice just rippin all the things out of the wall man this thing is really cool I mean it's great that it pulls everything out of the wall but I've bought everything now but I suppose like a lot of other players might not have actually bought everything so it'd be great to be able to easily mine all these goodies without it you know it basically speeds up the process of making money so you can upgrade and buy the rest of the things that you might be missing but I really like it what do you think about the Mac what to call the magnetron I think it's called a magnetron let me know what you think about it in the comments below thank you very much for watching this video if you liked it give us one of these ones I'll see you guys next time [Music]
Channel: Fynnpire
Views: 233,094
Rating: 4.875639 out of 5
Keywords: fynnpire, Cave Digger VR, Cave Digger VR gameplay, Cave Digger VR game, Cave Digger VR let's play, download Cave Digger VR, Cave Digger VR steam vr, Cave Digger VR part 1, Cave Digger VR early access, Cave Digger VR alpha, Cave Digger VR beta, Cave Digger game, VR HTC Vive, Vive Pro, Vive Pro Gameplay, HTC vive, Mining VR
Id: s_LQmK6RAaU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 20sec (740 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 17 2019
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