INFINITE Shuriken 5-5-5 Ninja?! (Bloons TD 6)

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all right sam i want to show you my new secret dance i'm working on i obviously cut this out before we start the video i don't want anyone to see my super secret awesome dance or anything like that so keep it cool keep it classy all right gotta roll my sleeves up sparing i hope you enjoyed my dance sam it was very secretive don't show anyone please what's up gamers guys it's here we've been asking for it we've been wanting it the five five ninja tower and it's going to be awesome but in order to make things a little bit interesting because i feel like five five fives are basically the same thing right it's we save up money we get an overpowered 555 tower and then we destroy the game we're gonna make things a little bit different this time all right guys and by that i mean we are only allowed to use ninja monkeys and of course to make things even more interesting we're going to play on alternate balloon rounds just because spicing it up a bit okay make it a little bit spicy i don't know making it a little spicy you know it's okay guys my my one of my best friends is italian or something like that pontoon and then we can set benjamin up here in the water so he's just there we go we're going to set up over there on the raft guys okay let's get i have enough guys i need five dollars can guys guys i need five dollars in order to buy this ninja guys like the video right now so that i can get the five dollars needed in order to buy this ninja please guys one like equals support for the ninja monkey which i'm i'm five dollars short okay if this video gets 10 000 likes right now i'll get the money okay guys i got a ninja monkey let's go okay ninja discipline sharp shurikens okay so the first thing that i need to do is i need to make sure that i can get a ninja why is there there's regen balloons already okay i need here we're gonna put a ninja monkey here yeah and we're gonna put a ninja and then we need to make sure that we can get the big bombies okay the big boom booms we need big boom boom we need flash bomb which cost three thousand dollars i didn't even look how expensive it is it is four hundred thousand dollars holy cow that's pricey we're gonna need to get the funky farm guys that's the only option here guys is we need to get the funky farm so i can only use ninjas but obviously i'm gonna be able to use like get money stuffs because i mean like there's no way i can get 400 000 unless i go to like around a billion guys i'm not exaggerating it's actually i did the math okay it's around 1 billion that i have to get to to make 400 000 okay this is not a joke in fact this is quite serious okay so i need a two thousand five hundred dollars okay ah that is a live balloon ah i can't get rid of it oh this is bad this is bad news bananas we definitely want to get caltrops and then from here we can get ninja discipline because ninja discipline increases his attack range and attack speed and that's going to make it better for flash bombs and we need to save up money for lead balloons or else we lose ninja only challenge is actually not gonna be this is gonna be a little bit rough guys they luckily they can pop every single loon type on their own it's just like not pleasant you know i want to get a sticky bomb as quickly as possible because i think that's gonna help against i think the first moab still shows up around 40 but i think it might be a fortified moab but i'm not entirely sure and i and i don't don't quote me on that because i know you guys are gonna quote me on that and then i'll be wrong and then be kind of sad because you know i was wrong all right let's get double shot because double shot is a super strong upgrade there we go do we have enough i want to put this guy on strong look at that actually this is actually kind of good for alternate balloon drones which i think is kind of hilarious to think about and then i want to get shinobi tactics and then balloon sabotage because the balloon sabotage is also going to be really really nice to be able to deal with all of the the crazy craziness this actually works out really well this this mode in particular is really good because there's a lot of like camo leds and a lot of like random balloons and these guys are dealing with it very very surprisingly well honestly eerily well do i want to get let's get another shinobi tactic here we go let's get because shinobi tactics are really good and it makes all the other monkeys stronger so we'll just get like a couple of shinobi tactics is this guy in range i don't know if that guy's in range i don't think he is we're saving up money right now because oh my god we're almost at look at that we're at eighteen thousand dollars yeah we're gonna want to get sticky bomb because with sticky bomb we're kind of good on moab for a while right that's the whole thing is we're going to be good with moabs so there we go we got our first sticky bomb so now with sticky bomb we're gonna be able to just kind of destroy everything look at oh my gosh it's really hard to see white balloons on this map they blend in very well with the sand i think funky farm is going to be the best way for us to get that oh look at that yeah so we have this guy and then boom okay i'm very glad that we ended up getting that so round 40 was the first round that the fortified moab showed up but luckily with benjamin and this guy since the benjamin puts his ability on him it works out really well so now we got benjamin doing his you know benjamin things i don't know he just like look at his hand he's just like but i mean he's just doing this and he's just making the magic work so thanks benjamin i i guess i'm not i i'm sure okay let's focus on let's get this guy up to bloonjitsu because blue jutsu is really nice let's get one balloon sabotage just in case like we panic and we need to we're gonna get another sticky bomb oh that's already at like 45 000 so we're doing okay for ourselves you guys already know what's up we need to get ourselves a monkey farmer let's get ourselves a monkey farmer we're gonna we're gonna just put on our monkey farmer does the monkey farmer attack the monkey farmer does not attack pretty sad that's okay fifty two thousand dollars let's start working on getting ourselves the funky farm guys okay we can put this guy down and then we're gonna upgrade them and then we're gonna get banana central so we only need a hundred and eight thousand more dollars i'm sorry we don't need more 108 000 more we need 108 000 total we already have 46 thousand dollars so we only need um sixty thousand dollars right now sixty thousand dollars shouldn't be too difficult we actually should be able to get that pretty quickly and then of course we need to make sure that this gets fifty thousand dollars and once he gets to fifty thousand dollars then we're going to be good to go oh round 54 see like look how good here we're gonna slow all the balloons down to give us a little bit of a bonus it's starting to get a little bit spicy around here a little bit a little bit scary guys not lying to you now we have look at this we're basically like stunning everything doing a great job what are we at 47 000 this should turn into the funky farm come on funky farm funky farm funky farm we're very close there we go we got the funky farm guys that's gonna be getting us lots and lots of money oh man let's upgrade this guy to the grand master the grand master ninja let's go ahead and i also want to get a master bomber we're going to want to get all okay what i want to see guys and then let's also get ourselves the grand sabbatula all right there we go so now what i want to see guys is let's do a little bit of like a test here okay we're going to sell this guy and we're going to sell this guy and i want to see we're gonna see what the difference is between all of these so we're gonna sell this guy and basically what happens if we have just all three of the t5s oh we needed to slow all the balloons down there we're at a hundred thousand dollars the funky farm is making money right now he's at two hundred thousand dollars made right now look at that 250 000 yeah he's he is racking up the dough for us okay and then with that we're already halfway there to being able to buy the 555 okay thank goodness we have the funky farm because this guy is crazy expensive and right now these guys are doing okay but you definitely can see that they're struggling right like these ceramics are getting by or they're not getting by but like if there was more you can tell these towers aren't doing a super easy job like this is still pretty difficult for them to maintain and keep up and they have help so by themselves they are not that great so what is gonna happen when we combine them together for a five five five tower now that's what i want to see guys yeah uh we'll need to boost again we can do this all right we have four hundred thousand dollars guys so as you guys can see these guys are having troubles so let's sell this this and this so these are just the all right so now guys we can sell this ninja monkey this ninja monkey and this ninja monkey and that gives us time and money to be able to buy no that's his name his name is null a 555 ninja monkey guys oh man look at that range look how cool he looks [Music] all right let's see guys let's see the true power of this guy wait what he was only 300 000 wait i'm confused either way holy cow look at how many of these things he puts down okay okay okay everyone needs to come oh my gosh this guy's what look at his look at the shurikens the shurikens just fly he's just melting everything nothing is standing in his way okay i was expecting something not this powerful what no there's more than 20 right that's like 30 or 40 shurikens every single time he tosses and on top of that look you can also see he throws like normal shurikens like one big shuriken as well like that one black shuriken because there's all these white ones and then there's like one big powerful one and on top of that that's the bombs and on top of that you can see he also throws the sticky bombs not that he actually needs the sticky bombs because anything that gets in radius of him anyways instantly gets absolutely destroyed we don't have to worry like we could definitely easily get past round 100 there's no way that we couldn't get past round 100 with this strategy right like this is too good he just melts every single tower look at the fortified bfb no sir no sir indeed actually the spot where benjamin is is a lot better sorry okay ready so we're gonna sell him and then we can put him down right here and now he's in even an even better spot and now he can just like destroy anything yeah look that's like that's the best spot now because now because his range is so crazy actually it might be better to move him to like right here because look at that because his range is still just like or maybe just like honestly like right here would be a good spot for him yeah i like that that spot's actually a little bit better just a just a little bit better and he still just like melts everything i wonder there's probably a spot where i could put them so we sell this pontoon and we get another pontoon guys we're trying to find the perfect placement for him even though it's already like round 79 and the the game's pretty much already over there we go okay that that's my that's my that's probably the best ah it needs to be like right on this corner oh i just realized guys we can we can increase this range where's the where's the bubba the brewmaster where's my brewmaster where's my brewmaster there he is put it on him and give him that extra range all right there we go okay now he has now he has the range now he has both range that was guys it popped the zone that was awesome guys that was so cool let's go guys i love the 555 ninja monkey he's insane what do you guys think comment down below and also do you guys have any crazy awesome mods that you want to see here on the channel let us know in the comment section down below make sure to subscribe turn on notifications check out my second channel be awesome stay hydrated
Channel: Tewtiy
Views: 164,304
Rating: 4.9422274 out of 5
Keywords: Bloons TD 6, BTD 6, Ninja, BTD 6 Ninja, Bloons TD 6 Ninja, 555 Ninja, 555 Tower, Bloons TD 6 555, BTD 6 555, 5-5-5, Tier 5-5-5, 555 upgrade, Bloons TD, Bloons, Tewtiy, Bloons TD challenge, Hack, Bloons TD 6 hack, BTD 6 hack, Tewtiy hack, Bloons hack, Ninja hack, Bloons td 6 Mod, modded bloons td 6, gaming, btd, tier 555 tower hack, Grandmaster Ninja, Grand Saboteur, Master Bomber, Ninja Monkey, Ninja Monkey Hack, 5-5-5 Ninja Monkey, Tewtiy Ninja, Bloons TD 6 Ninja Monkey
Id: 2shoJNheS4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 7sec (787 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 04 2021
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