The NEW Hero Can WIN LEVEL 100 by HERSELF!?! Adora is INSANE!

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what is going on ladies and gentlemen my name is right here near duty and today we're playing balloons tower defense 6 with the brand-new update that just came out and with the brand new hero adora the High Priestess we're gonna be using her trying her out on the new map that was released with the Christmas update we're gonna be test her out try and see how powerful she is I'm actually super duper excited about it she has some activated abilities which is the long arm of light so greatly increased attack range of power for a short time blood sacrifice sacrifice target at our great Sidora large amounts of XP and then ball of light brings forth the power football of energy to strike down the balloons if you're excited diversity more balloons you guys know what to do hit that like button subscribe and turn on notifications so we could put her I don't even know oh can we click on this no ma'am we can't click oh there's no and what what about the presents all right whatever all right bad map so we can go ahead I feel like putting her here is our best bet because her range is eventually gonna go up right and this is just gonna be more that was not the voice that was not the voice I was expecting not gonna lie I was not expecting that okay well that's fine so we got her let's see how powerful she is we're gonna start the round and let's see what what she's insane what this pitar is already so broken imagine once we like ultra boost it this is dull no this is bad ninja kiwi what have you done what have you done my friends shoots double divine bolts at level 4 so so far she's doing like insane she pops a ton of balloons first thing first is we're gonna need a lot of money right that's the first that's our first step is just getting money right so we're gonna do that let's get ourselves our our monkey farmer we'll put I feel like we'll put him right here I feel like that's the best spot for our monkey farmer she's already doing just like amazing work amazing ten out of ten work I really wanted her to get shoots double-o shows we have this ability I wonder what does it do what's your range now that range is crazy that's like global she can hit like anywhere on the map for how long that can like what that goes on for so long that's so good this is crazy this is this is actually completely bonkers not gonna lie I'm really excited to see where this tower goes okay so she's using she's already popped 250 balloons see what she levels up one more time she's gonna shoot double of these so she's literally next level she or her damage just doubles literally instantly doubles I at level four and she's already holding their balloons back around seven without without problems out any boost without anything and even order like when we use this boost like it just doesn't even become fair at that point right so there we go we got greater production the next one cost thirty two hundred dollars which is gonna be pretty expensive I don't know if we're gonna be able to pull that off but I'm fine either way let's see um she's doing fine we're so close to getting the double divine bolts I want it so badly I really really wanted I also want to put the the nuclear submarine right here and give her the extra XP but I don't even know if that's worth it we'll eventually get that we're gonna get her to max level we're also gonna ultra booster and then we're gonna have the village it Alchemist helping her out as well you guys know how it goes we can actually just speed up the process we've been going at normal speed which is kind of boring we don't want to do do that so we're just going to save up and get the banana plantation as quickly as possible because the banana plantations were like the higher up that is the more money we're gonna get at the end of the time we're gonna also go valuable bananas because bananas are gonna help us in the long run so we might as well just get the valuable bananas now and then we're gonna save up for the banana plantation she's already doing tons of work is she almost there she's almost at shooting double divine bolts and I don't even understand why they can be this is okay this tower is so loopy this tower is so good they don't have they didn't add okay yeah they didn't add any new towers right yeah I was about to say like I'd be okay so there you go stout she shoots double divine bolts what's the next one divine bolts pierced through more balloons it's just getting crazier and crazier like it's getting crazier and crazier how powerful she is I love it this is so good let's look what does she get so let's see divine bolts pierced through more balloons I guess you know what I don't even wanna read I don't I want to be surprised and I want to read it every time she levels up I want to see what's the next awesome thing that we're gonna get right there we go we got a banana plantation now we're gonna go and get another banana farm and get another banana plantation before we save up I think we should get three banana probably four banana plantations before we get to the next big upgrade right because this this thing costs $20,000 it's really expensive I don't know I I feel like actually saving up for that 20,000 might be worth it I think we're gonna save up for the 20,000 I know that seems really crazy it probably is but we're gonna do it anyways she's leveling up really bad she palpable is like it's nobody's business she really does I wonder if she can hit camos if not we might have to get a village but if we're saving up money I think it's not gonna be a problem she can pop balloon there's like these balloons don't even stand a chance she leveled up oh my goodness look at that she just pops through so many balloons okay shoots three divine bolts now it's gonna get even more powerful we need to increase your attack speed I think that's the main goal this is just a default how powerful she is guys think out this ode oh wait she'll be ok so we're gonna pop it because she'll walk in there there we go she cannot pop camera balloons okay so what we're gonna do here is we need so we need to get a village and we need to get the radar scanner just so she can hit cameras which is really unfortunate but I mean we're not gonna lose any lives and it's not the end of the world I don't need to change anything about anything right now we're doing fine how many oh she can't pop the news oh no that's really bad um that cost 8,000 mmm we're gonna lose a couple of lives here but we're not gonna lose right off the bat so we're okay but we can't hit plasma's yet that's kind of a problem that we can't hit plasma balloons we need to be a little bit more careful when plasmas show up we're gonna be ready for plasmas next time they show up we can get the blinky Intelligence Bureau which is gonna allow us to pop all types of balloons which is gonna be really really nice to have but I really don't want to have to buy that right now I'd rather be kind of greedy and not have to oh there we go let's use that look at that we just used that ability and she just annihilates everything look at that look how crazy that is that's so good what is she oh she's about to get there we go okay she shoots three divine bolts what's the next level blood sacrifice sacrifice to target our to get her large amounts of my speech so now we can start using other things to get her okay I actually want to get the Intelligence Bureau because I don't know when the next like thing's gonna come how many balloons that's given us $8,000 so it's giving us a decent amount but I want to save up for that see oh look plasma balloons just showed up really glad we ended up buying that so we're doing just fine I wonder how well she's gonna deal with a Moab I don't know if she's gonna be able to deal with the Moab on her own III don't we're having some troubles okay I I lied I'm gonna get some more banana plantations let's just get let's get two more let's just get we can we put out yes we can put up Lana plantation right there okay there we go and then we'll get another banana plantation so we're gonna start making even more money because that's the plan we need more money okay oh whoops we need a we need a boost there whew that was close oh my gosh look how crazy that is oh we're okay we're okay we're okay we're okay oh my goodness we're actually fine okay look Oh No uh-oh you could use this quick okay so we're starting to have a little bit of trouble just just a teensy-weensy little bit of troubles so out of curiosity that is it dependent on the tower so we just put down this tree monkey right oh no we're starting to lose more lives okay so we're starting to get harder and harder for us to do stuff so we really need to get her some more stuff I think what we really want to do before we do anything is let's turn off auto start and so we're down to a teen level she did little no I didn't mean to start that level I really didn't mean to do that um okay we're gonna we're gonna boost that we're gonna put this down what happens if we blood sacrifice this tower I don't know did that level or epic at all shoots for divine bolts at once okay we really need that so I think the stronger the the more leveled up the tower is the more XP that she's gonna get in the long run right so just pretty much what we want alright let's do so let's get jungle drums well it's also old so ceramics are not heard not good okay so let's uh we're gonna lose if we don't do anything so I'm gonna just wipe the street so she's not good against ceramics we need to increase your attack speed for anything to do well so she has 9,000 we have 9,000 dollars let's go ahead and let's get a couple of boost things okay so let's go ahead let's add some energizing totems we're also gonna want some monkey boots cuz monkey boots are really fun to have so first thing first is we're gonna put this on her so she attacks even faster and now she was doing really good but now she's kind of falling off and we need that's just because I'm running low on money so we need some stuff that focuses more on increasing her attack speed so Oh what's this can link it eh none of those are what we want the none of those are the villages that we want oh we have one free banana farm we could just put a free banana farm down why not but what are we looking for we don't really want any wizards right we want an engineer do we have any engineers we do have some engineers oh we almost have a supercharged engineer okay well if that's the case we're gonna put them way over here so we're gonna because this is the engineer that we're gonna want to use right so we're gonna put the engineer right there and now he has the ultrasuede out of curiosity I want to try something let's find a really ope okay so we have this guy right so we're gonna put him down okay now what happens so she has she's about right there for XP right so we take this and then we absorb it boom how much she didn't get that much XP she got almost none so is it how much money I put into a tower um we're gonna try it we'll try something else and just saying and we'll see how if it's the amount of money that I put into a tower because I think that must be what it is is it's how much money you put into a tower that like affects okay she's already doing much much better and we can we can boost her look how fast she attacks murder she's crazy okay 13,000 let's go ahead and we can get the increased production banana plantation valuable bananas okay there we go and we still have 8,000 dollars left so let's try let's try something here let's spend let's spend money - subang upgrader so if we take this guy and we upgrade them and we get the juggernaut and then we upgrade him that's five that's a decent amount of money so she's right she's right before that let's absorb it boom and she levels up it's all about how much money you put into it so we have to put more money into it okay come on alright boost it come on there we go we ended up doing just fine okay so we actually want to start pouring more more money into her which i think is gonna be okay we can put it on auto start for now I think we're gonna be okay - oh my goodness look how crazy this is she's becoming insanely opie alright I believe I believe I believe I believe I believe and she's getting word or it was this increased attack range thank goodness we're gonna want more attack range we definitely need more money though money is the money is the the problem that we can have right now so we want to focus on getting more and more money because that way we can just give the tower more XP give her more of what she really really needs how we doing we're doing fine this is so good this is so powerful okay we can get the banana research facility so there's our first banana research facility and now let's go ahead oh we're fine we're fine how many balloons is about 17,000 balloons oh let's alright we can boost right down there's something someone's I guess like building something or something below me I don't even know what's going on okay all right let's keep going though we can recharge that we're doing just fine I want to just get more and more money right I want I need work cuz we're doing oh no these there we go I gotta use my our super boost because that was not that good increased attack range oh we got a booster oh no oh no too much okay that was rough okay we almost lost there so we can't we need to let's level her up again well we have 25,000 because we can get this guy for the ultra booster that costs way too much money right let's actually let's get ourselves our brew minister where's our brew master so we're gonna get our brew master you guys know what's up and then for our brew master we want to get ourselves the berserker brew which is gonna make her just attack Mar right and now let's get do we want to get something for her to just absorb is that worth it all right at $22,000 or we can just get let's get another banana research facility she's doing okay right now she's not insanely opie yet but we're working towards getting her to be super duper overpowered right that's the plan that's the dream is to get her to be that powerful I mean we can boost her and what she's boosted she's crazy and again she's only level 8 right she's not there yet she's not fully boosted we have no idea how powerful she's gonna really be so we need to keep working on it we're at $18,000 we can get another there we go we need another banana research facility there we go and round we're now we're making tons of money there we go clear that and she leveled up okay ball of light yes level 10 gets her her new ability I'm so excited to try it out here let's use that oh my gosh it's so powerful believe that she does like oh my I love it I absolutely love it how powerful she's becoming all right as soon as we can let's get this final pan okay so now we have four banana research facilities make getting us as much money as we need we can really focus on this tower now and making sure she's really back powerful right so let's so let's see let's have her absorb another Tower let's get her let's all let's get an ultra juggernaut that costs tons of money look how expensive this is okay so now let's level or up so absorb it boom and she leveled up shoots five divine bolts at a time so she shoots five divine bolts divine bullets pierce through even more balloons so she's just becoming more more powerful that's all that's all this is is for becoming more and more crazy and powerful so what I really wanted to do is let's see we can just keep spending all our money on maxing ER and leveling her up but I really think getting our ultra boost is what's important we have a new ability I want to use it let's slow down time and let's see what happens all right ready well fine here we go I'm gonna use it boom what that's so crazy that's so good wait it just sits there and just like oh I'm so ready and now we can use this and look at that all the it just goes crazy the entire screen just goes absolutely bonkers I really want to get ultra boost that cost one hundred and twenty-nine thousand it's worth it it's really worth it can we get um do we have anything for a submarine you know we don't have any submarines available which is really unfortunate we definitely want to summer mean what's this guy cos this guy costs one hundred twenty-nine thousand for this ultra booster that's really expensive that's really really really expensive and then one thing I realize is we can actually go ahead and eat the banana farms like we can sacrifice someone so done all right so we can use that thing and the use this thing it just it just destroys them absolutely annihilates everything it goes up again I love this so much all right we're at are you already at around 61 we're already killing it it's fine okay there we go come on we're almost at a hundred thousand once we get our ultra boosted we can also start eating all of these towers that we're leveling up to right and that's gonna be what's super duper good we can get permanent brew but that costs way too much money right now we're trying to save up oh there we go we can just get this I wonder if this can be like oh wow that's crazy okay see like she's powerful on her own and then she gets all these crazy abilities oh not good not good not good not good not good not good wait we're fine we're okay we are fine and dandy oh I I panicked I panicked I couldn't I shouldn't have lost there that was my bad let's let's try that again we almost have ultra boost I could have just boosted her like just like that that's all I needed to do there we go we're starting to have just a little bit of troubles but there we go okay we can get ultra boost now and now we can start ultra boosting her yes all right next thing is going to be a look at that her range as she can hit that now all right let's keep ultra boosting her that's all we got to do ultra boost ultra boost ultra boost ultra boost all right increase all right look at her range it's almost global almost global I don't know why that's so crazy but like that's pretty crazy okay let's get ourselves we want to get ourselves a nuclear sub because giving her a nuclear sub which I'm pretty sure has to go there we go energizer gives her 50% more XP and reduces all abilities by 20% and so I just think that's gonna be really powerful because on top of that let's see this guy's gonna pop a lot but I don't think it's fine because she's gonna get XP faster and so when we absorb towers I'm assuming that we just get oh wait we got a ultra booster again there we go she attacks so fast she attacks so fast it's crazy all right there we go energize her so she's gonna be getting XP even faster now so shoot six divine bulbs so she's just gonna shoot more and more volts it seems like this isn't gonna be fair I'm telling you guys right now this is gonna be okie one she's maxed out this is gonna be these I'm saying it out this is gonna be the strongest tower in the game when she's fully maxed she level it up okay divine bolts burn through an extra balloon later it's just pure damage pure raw damage that we just can't contestant see this thing this thing does a lot of damage and I don't like it I think if we just have it on strong at me wait do I have to submerge for it to be good I don't know if I have to have it some submerged at all I actually don't know oh there we go I gotta keep putting ultra boost on her I keep forgetting to I keep panicking I keep panicking and just not putting ultra boost on her do we have the money that we need I think we do I don't think we really need it I think the only thing that we need is I guess we still need a little bit of money so it's not that big of a deal all right this guy's popping too many I'm putting him on strong for now all right we're gonna all turn booster I think it's fine so this guy's just gonna do his thing look how fast she attacks even look at that look at that and that's not even like maxed out that she's not even maxed out yet she's only level 14 so divine bolts will burn through an extra layer she's about to get that she's been ultra boost at five times we need to keep the ultra boost common we need to keep leveling her up keep maxing around keep her attack speed I want to go up I think what we're gonna do is we're actually gonna battle um we're gonna try to get to around 100 see if we can go up against some bad balloons because I want to see how crazy how powerful she is because this just seems redonkulous absolutely ridonculous okay she's been ultra boost it's six times already look that thingy that thing attacks fast too so that increases that attacks me look at this look how crazy this is and we can look how fast she attacks those were ceramics those are regen ceramics okay so homeland defense and let's also get we need to get permanent brew which cost sixty four thousand once we get that we can start absorbing towers okay we can start I know we can start absorbing towers so she's level fifteen so long arm of flight becomes even more deadly how is that even possible which okay so let's get permanent broom and now that we got program through okay we can start absorbing towers now so she leveled up oh my goodness level eighteen she shoots eight to look at this later this look boom and she's max level ball of light is greatly improved what do you mean greatly improved oh my goodness what's this does she have global range no but what's even happening right now I have no idea what's happening right now okay how it she's eight boosted right now this is this isn't even fair this isn't even fair everybody does oMG doesn't stand a chance against us okay we need to hit her one more time with this thing all right now she's fully boosted guys guys what is happening right now alright so as soon as this OMG alright ready the zoom jeez about to show up and we're gonna do everything okay so recharged and ready let's do this okay boom boom boom alright we're going into free play cuz I I just don't feel satisfied I want I want her to go up against the bad villain okay let's have her go up against the bad balloon and we're gonna see what happens okay we're already at round 80 remember if you guys are enjoying you want to see more videos like this you guys know what to do show your love and support by hitting the like button it only takes like a second out of your day means the world to me when you guys do it really does and commenting down below I just really appreciate when you guys do that thank you so much and we're doing amazing right now I want to absorb two hours just because I can does look how fast she attacks this is without any boosts I wonder if ultra boosting or increase it I think it does I'm pretty sure it does at least that's about 10,000 I've done that she's popped a lot 450,000 look at that look at that look how crazy she is she looks like Doc on this is this is just too much it's really really too much okay she's just destroying everything okay $81,000 already feels pretty good right around 85 I really want to see how she does against the bad balloon because it just seems like she's just too strong she just seems way too powerful okay so is OMG see this I'm not even trying I'm not even boosting like I could just boost this and then I can do this and now I can boost her again okay more zombies so this is making a little bit more interesting but you have to remember we're still not even close to being fully boosted right because now you have to remember on top of that we can still double her speed with with this ability right here so I want to see her true potential okay okay here we go here's a they're all just gonna pop not fair oh my goodness look how crazy that is all right look at that those are all look at that they just melt they all just melt and this is without any abilities on no abilities put on okay so let's let's absorb that tower we can do that we can do that and then we can do that look at that oh my goodness this thing by itself is popping all the balloons that was crazy I want to do it again I love this so much fun so round 100 is when we're gonna get our first so that was the those are those towers they're gone the DDT balloons dtt I don't know the DTS whatever you want to call them okay keep it going we're at around 91 we got to get to round 100 because I really want to see what happens against the bad villain like I want to see if it just melts once we use every single power this is definitely my new favorite hero she's super duper strong like she is the best offensive tower in the game even without boost like she's just unstoppable okay ready boom boom boom all right like that we just use that and it's look at that it's just it's just chaos it's just pure chaos then they can't stop us can I absorb I I thought I could absorb that guy that would've been really funny I don't think there's any other towers that we need right yeah so she just kind of annihilates everything by herself I kind of want to put her look up I changed my mind what I want to do is I want to I'm gonna turn off all the start I have I have a I have something that I want to do it's probably not a smart actually never mind we're gonna keep auto start on I what I wanted to do is I wanted to sell her and put her right here in the middle oh whoops whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa we need that we need it look how crazy the screen becomes that's just insanity and we're not even done like we haven't I've yet to been able to use every single one of my power-ups to see how crazy oh my goodness oh my goodness let's alright we're gonna do that nice all right around 96 let's go listen we can just keep using our abilities her Billy's are on a really short cooldown like a really short cooldown their half so it's half uptime so half the time you could have that you have her abilities on well this orb that orb you can pretty much have more than half time the orb can almost always be up the orb can almost always be up so we got to make sure to console and click on the orb the bad balloon is almost here and we should be we should be concerned just kidding we should not be concerned at all we haven't even been trying like we actually haven't even been trying to pop these balloons there we go we've had to use some abilities every once in a while but like once we use even just like two of them together it's just over it's just over they don't stand a chance around 98 we're almost out round 100 using just this Opie tower alright alright get ready all right here we go here's the bad balloon oh my goodness it just annihilated it it's just completely utterly annihilated I don't know what to say so this tower is pretty good and I hope you guys enjoyed today's video if you did make sure to hit that like button subscribe and turn on notifications thanks for watching I'll see you guys tomorrow for some more awesome content bye everyone whoa [Music]
Channel: Tewtiy
Views: 916,561
Rating: 4.8726754 out of 5
Keywords: Bloons td 6, Btd 6, Bloons TD 6 Adora, btd 6 Adora, Adora, hero, new hero, Bloons td 6 new tower, one tower challenge, 1 jtower challenge, btd 6 challenge, tewtiy, mobile game, iphone game, google play, gaming, mobile, best mobile games, btd, bloons td, funny, tewtiy btd 6, super monkey ability, btd 6 level 80, btd 6 highest level ever, bloons td 6 update, btd 6 update, new update, bloons td 6 new hero, Adora secret mode, btd 6 secret mode
Id: ScBgVB7I6Qo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 52sec (1612 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 15 2019
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