The 100 Shuriken Ninja?! Tier 6 Ninja Monkey in BTD 6!

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yeah yeah boy all right guys we got ourselves our ninja monkey i decided to play on the ninja map because i feel like it would be uh it'd be the most appropriate map to play on obviously and now we're gonna start working towards getting ourselves the ultimate t6 shuriken god temple alright i am super duper ready all right we want ninja discipline we're going to want sharp shurikens we're also going to want distraction and eventually counter espionage but i mean counter espionage is not like that important to get right now especially since he's the only one that's gonna be popping balloons or at least the majority of the balloons right ideally we need to get this guy as many pops as possible okay we got double shot now now double shot is like really good i mean it's like twice as good and then blue jitsu goes to five shurikens at once guys what do you think is gonna happen once we get to the t6 ninja monkey like i have no idea what could possibly happen but i am very ready for it at the same time what i do want is i want blue jitsu throw five shurikens at once i think what i do is i get blue jitsu and then after i get balloon jitsu i don't have to worry about anything except lead balloons and lead balloons are pretty easy oh wait with lead balloons i can just get an alchemist and then i can put the alchemist on the ninja monkey and then he can pop literally every type of balloon and i have nothing to worry about except probably when we have to go up against like moabs and bigger class balloons that's when it's gonna be a little bit more difficult so trying to make this guy survive until then might prove to be a little bit of a problem but i mean he's doing more than fine right now he's kind of pushing all the balloons back he's doing good i can't wait to see because right now he's kind of like he's he's kind of struggling but he's doing okay at the same time oh at the end of this round maybe not even at the end of this round i'll be able to get bloonjitsu oh yeah at the end of the round okay blue jitsu there we go do i want to get counter espionage it's 500 no that's 500 that i can put elsewhere that i can invest in in another part and still be good to go right it's only around 14 right now i think i save up for a banana farm and we just start putting down banana farms i will need to get a an alchemist before round 28 when lead balloons show up if i lose the lead balloons guys i'm officially like i'm a mega weenie hut junior guys i'm like mega we i'm like there's like weenie hut jr and then whatever i am is like way above that i wonder how many pops we need for the ninja monkey because i'm actually not entirely sure we can start working on getting ourselves a bank let's put the banks all the way down here in the corner so we don't really have to worry about them we'll just put them down here no i need more money so i can buy the bank is it better i think getting greater production first is probably better before the bank because it gives you more money oh my goodness balloons are actually starting to get by this is not good this is not good friends oh no a camo balloon guys it's not like we were you know ready for that or anything we got one bank and so the bank's gonna like that once you get one bank i feel like my i just feel so much better than once i get one bank oh my gosh it's already around 26 we need this alchemist next yesterday next tuesday around seven o'clock let's see we have not enough money we want larger potions acidic mixture and then we want berserker brew stronger acid i don't care about that i want berserker broom so acidic mixture allows him to pop lead balloons but he runs out of it pretty fast come on there we go see there we go so he actually was able to deal with those lead balloons very easily no problems whatsoever do i want to get faster throwing i probably want to get faster throwing right let's see um attack potions more of class balloons attack potions deal more damage mobile customs and strip fortified off smaller balloons also strengthens brews and stimulants so maybe that is better to go and get like the i feel like the middle path is just really really good to get how's he doing so far he's got 4 000 pops all right we're getting counter espionage just because like it was kind of bothering me that we didn't have the upgrade you know we're to want to save up and get grand master ninja as soon as we can and then we just got to keep getting more and more pops i mean i think what we'll want to do is have some more like have up some backup towers but we should be okay we have four thousand dollars do i want to go ahead and grab another bank i feel like getting another bank might be a good play here it might be a 400 iq move yeah we're gonna go ahead and just put that down and now we can just buy another bank and then that also leads us to two thousand dollars what do we wanna do with the two thousand dollars uh we're gonna upgrade this guy to perishing potions and now we need a little bit more help how are we gonna help this guy out let's put an energizing totem down that just makes him attack faster and now that he attacks faster he's gonna be good to go problem is there's no way we're going to be able to deal with like a moab right right now i don't see us dealing with any any kind of moab so what we're going to want to do is we're going to want to put down a sniper monkey where's our sniper friend i mean he attacks really slow but that's going to be more than mine because this whole thing is just to deal extra damage to mobs just to make it so we could actually deal with some some moabs right he's doing pretty good now but i want it to be i want grandmaster ninja i need great oh wait is he on strong yes he is on strong so he's going to do a pretty good job of just taking out every everything that's in the way for the most part right we have do i want to get me mob i don't want to get my mouth i want to i want to wait i want to kind of chill out and relax and just have a good time and then the mob is going to show up and we're going to be like all right moab it's time for you to get annihilate i'm getting mo up i panicked okay i panicked i shouldn't have panicked but i did i was scared guys i thought we were gonna lose i was just making sure to do a little bit extra damage stronger stimulant 2000 yeah that's that's definitely worth it wait oh my gosh is the sniper in range for stronger stimulus how is he not in range it definitely seems like he's in range i guess i could kind of see him not being in range but still i don't know and now he has counter espionage so our sniper can actually hit some some forms of balloon all right we're at 12 000 pumps we're doing pretty well so far uh seven thousand dollars that's 14 all right let's collect that that's 26 000. let's go ahead and you guys already know what's up it's more it's time to get some more bangs let's get one more bank i'd like to have a total of five banks five banks should be enough and that leaves us with ten thousand dollars we need some kind of like backup plan i really wish i could put spikes right here i guess that's fine if it puts like spikes like it's kind of putting spikes around there we just need some form of backup in case something bad happens how many pops is he at 16 000 here we can go ahead and we'll just go and get spiked balls and spike mines and then faster production and then even faster there we go and it actually is putting him in a really good spot that's the best spot is that little corner right here because that means anything that gets by has to go through that spot so both both sides are gonna have to go through that middle part to be able to get through so it definitely helps out in the end there we go oh look at him so he see there we go it was worth it that's 25 balloons i would have gotten by guys that was definitely worth the 15 000 dollars i invested in it we're at 21 000 pops for this guy we need to get him more pops how many were at 13 dollars uh that's actually pretty close to being able to get the grand master ninja upgrade and that's the first t5 so once we get the t5 we can start working towards getting enough pops to be able to get to the t6 because in order to get the t6 tower we need to get a certain number of pops 20 000 that's enough guys boom and boom grand master ninja let's go guys t5 upgrade in the house do i want to put down another spike factor i kind of i lowkey want to put down another spike factory that seems like a bad idea but at the same time i don't really have anything else to spend my money on because we're just trying to get this guy to t6 so it's just a matter of time so the rest of the money we can put into um defense right do i want faster protection or i'm just gonna get white hot spikes i know that faster production is better but i'd i have to have a village on it to make it worthwhile we're at 45 000. okay now i'm actually gonna end up selling this sniper because he's taking away pops and i don't want him to take away pops i want him to be as powerful as possible there we go oh my gosh i love how powerful he becomes no get rid of him that could have been really bad oh see now we can go ahead and we get a promise bike okay here comes the first bfb of the game everybody there'd be a beast coming around the corner and we're opening fire oh man he actually kind of shreds he kind of shreds i did not know that a grandmaster ninja was this powerful like loki look at him go guys he's strong oh man a bunch of stuff got by 300 yeah i mean look at him he's starting to get an okay amount of pops oh buddy how are we doing we're at 75 000. so that means we need a hundred thousand pops guys we're getting there we're getting very close to getting a hundred thousand pops turmeric sixty four thousand we can't get that just yet oh look at us go we're getting there guys we're at 85 000. oh man come on i'm so excited we only need 15 000 more pops and i feel like we're gonna get that really really soon so now all i have to do is just be kind of patient wait it out and we should be good eighty-three eighty seven thousand when i look when i click away from it he gets pops away faster because he's at a seven i guess he's gonna be at like 88 now right now he's at 91. c92 oh my gosh look at all the pops let's go let's go come on three two one here's the shuriken god oh my goodness look at him he's in oh my gosh he's growing he's huge and now he's going back down oh my gosh look at that that's all right let's sell this let's he doesn't need any help let's see how crazy oh my goodness look at that guys look he it says he's got all five upgrades on him louis that is five five five i don't see him throwing out any bombs or putting down um caltrops though but look at his power wait he's got an ability what does this ability do whoa that was a cool sound effect we don't need these guys we don't need we guys we don't need we don't we don't need any guys we don't need any of this like like we don't need any of that all we need is the shuriken god guys that is the oh that is the only thing that we're ever gonna need we don't need anything else he's too powerful guys he's too strong what are you supposed to do he's like literally guys this might be the strongest t6 we've had yet he just instantly wipes out the moabs he doesn't care he just he literally doesn't care look it up that's a bfb whoop whoop he hasn't even like directly attack as soon as he directly attacks something it's all over for them it is all over i can't okay i kind of want to put an alchemist down and give him perma broom there you go now he has perma-brew and he's even stronger he's guys look at that he's almost at 200 000 pops now he went from a hundred thousand to two hundred thousand in like almost five rounds that is insanity uh like look he just how many guys wait wait how wait i want to see how many shurikens he throws out let's see all right what we're gonna do is we're gonna slow down time oh no all right here we go here we go watch how i still [Music] i still i still couldn't tell you i still can't tell you how many is it 20 is it 20 per shot i have no idea i have no idea how many he throws out i just know that it's a lot and they do a lot of damage that is amazing guys could you imagine if we had oven here too and oben was giving him like the range boost guys what if we god boosted a t6 tower guys holy cow that would be so powerful that would be amazing guys oh my god look at him go this guy needs this guy needs to chill look at that we just used his ability and then just i'm still trying to figure out exactly what this does but i have no idea literally i i couldn't tell you i think it just makes him stronger because like when i use it it feels like he's way more powerful maybe that's just like a placebo and i'm going crazy but it's definitely gotta do something we have two more rounds guys and then we're gonna go up against the zo mg and then i said what we have to do is we have to put him to the test and see how powerful he really is i say we put him in like sandbox mode or something crazy like that and that's gonna be hilarious guys okay let's see look at this i mean oh my gosh he's too powerful guys he's too strong what are we what are we supposed to do this guy is clearly overpowered he needs a nerf guys he's already at 300 000 pops it's not even around 80. this guy needs to chill this this ninja needs to chill out okay let's give him okay here we go round 80 guys let's ready guys are you guys ready for this let's see how quickly this omg meets it meets its maker that was crazy okay let's take this guy into sandbox mode and see what his true potential is all right guys we're in sandbox mode now and as you can see we have a fully buffed out shuriken god guys and he's ready to go okay we got 999 okay guys with zero spacing so let's see what he does against every different type of balloon so a thousand red balloons stacked on top of each other no problem whatsoever a thousand blue balloons instantly shreds them just so you guys can watch watch watch so he has one thousand five or ten 100 and five thousand pops 108 000 so yellow balloons one shot pink balloons one shot guys by the way this is a thousand of each balloon so like a thousand lead balloons okay a thousand z a thousand rainbow balloons a thousand ceramics because as you guys look he has 300 watches a thousand ceramics look at that it's a hundred thousand pops instantly okay let's see 1 000 moabs [Music] all right you know what let's just do a thousand bats let's get a little bit a thousand bats guys hit that like button if you've been enjoying guys let's see what happens we're versus one thousand bad balloons i hope you guys enjoyed it's probably gonna crash my computer let's do this let's do this give him the boost let's go he's damaging it he's actually damaging it there's no way he's gonna pop a thousand bad balloons guys he's gonna pop a thousand bad balloons i he think i wait what's his pop count right now it's frozen it's not going anywhere oh my gosh guys i think i crashed the game i think i crashed the game oh it's going one for it's guys guys i i want to tell i want to brag about me running at uh 1 fpm um it's called one frame per minute um oh my gosh it's actually the game crash guys we broke the game i hope you guys enjoyed i'll see you guys tomorrow for some more awesome content bye guys
Channel: Tewtiy
Views: 683,759
Rating: 4.9145589 out of 5
Keywords: Bloons TD 6, BTD 6, Tier 6, BTD 6 Tier 6, Bloons TD 6 Tier 6, Tier 6 Ninja Monkey, Tier 6 God Master Ninja, Tewtiy, Bloons TD 6 Ninja Monkey, Hack, Bloons TD 6 hack, BTD 6 hack, Tewtiy hack, Bloons hack, Bloons Tier 6, Bloons td 6 Mod, modded bloons td 6, gaming, btd, BTD7, Bloons TD 7, Sniper Hack, Tewtiy Tier 6, Tier 6 Tower, Tewtiy Mod, hack tower, Bloons TD 6 Update, BTD 6 update, BTD 6 mod, Ninja Monkey Hack, bloons, Ninja Monkey, tier 6 sniper, Ninja Tier 6
Id: yiK2o_Wyyow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 43sec (1003 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 10 2020
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