so i made the energizer global...

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hey guys so i enjoy playing balloons but i also play other games too especially mobile games i don't know if you guys know this but i have a second channel the ryan channel where i upload mobile videos if that channel gets 100 000 subscribers i'll start uploading over there daily so make sure to go in the description down below head over to my ryan channel and subscribe to it the submarine is undeniably one of the strongest tower and balloons especially for the cost it's relatively cheap and provides a lot of insane popping power with the advanced intel upgrade you have global range if you have a tower in the radius giving you insane popping potential and that got me wondering what if you had the energizer ability become a global range what would happen if the entire map was in the range of the energizer today we've hacked balloons tower defense six so we can have infinite tier five towers and we're gonna put the energizer absolutely everywhere all right guys so we're gonna play on lotus island just because we have all this water that we can put our submarines with so we have infinite t5s so eventually i want to get like submarines everywhere literally like all along this path i don't want a single spot to not have balloons on it or to not have the energizer effect on it the main problem i'm worried about is moab class balloons right because they're gonna be able to get by because like there's no way that a energizer even if it's the entire path is going to pop mob class balloons so i think what we're going to do is we're going to get some sniper monkeys and just put them on strong to deal with the moab class balloons and then let the energizers deal with the rest but it's going to be a lot of money because it costs 30 000 so we're going to need probably a few million dollars to make this work so it's gonna be a little bit redonkulous so first things first is we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna put one submarine right here and we can just go ahead and get like we can just do that and i think that's gonna be more than fine so we're gonna put that on and we're just gonna let this guy go wild we're gonna let this guy go crazy and eventually i just realized that why did i get a submarine down this is gonna i don't even have the top path why am i so bad all right that's fine all right i'm gonna just use four cash drops just because that'll allow us to get a a bank right off the start and it's gonna allow us to start making a little bit of money here which is gonna be super duper nice wait do i wanna get a bank or do we wanna go for a better money making opportunity we're actually gonna go ahead and get the top path and get the monkey we're gonna get a banana plantation that's gonna be a much better opportunity for us to make just a lot how much does the first submarine cost balloon reactors two thousand dollars that's a little pricey that's okay we can we'll start working on that when we can but oh wait i can't put another banana farm down i'm a genius guys i've got such a boy can i put another banana farm over here oh rats okay that's fine that's right we're gonna we have to put a banana farm okay we're oh it's big brain time guys and but yes all right now we're making big bananas i want to be working on getting us been like the monkey sub so this is going to be our first monkey sub okay balloon reactor okay there we go and i also i want to put a glue gunner right at the start that's going to be really funny there we go there we go we don't need this guy perfect guys this is the best strategy i've ever seen look at this the energizer is going to be popping like all of the balloons the glue gunner is actually kind of doing good 70 of people who watch this channel aren't subscribed what are you doing you can click it it's free and if you hit that notification bell you can be notified each and every single time i upload a video so if you like the content you can watch even more of it and if you don't like it well you can unsubscribe at any point what's there to lose energize your 27 thousand dollars i wonder if the if the cooldown abilities like stack what if they you could just use your abilities over and over and over and over obviously that doesn't work like that oh my gosh some of the some of the balloons are going to try to get by the balloons are not allowed to do that that's actually it's against the rules balloons aren't allowed to do that all right there we go perfect i wonder if these pop all types of balloons we're gonna find out if they pop all types of balloons because if they don't pop all types of balloons we're in trouble guys it's working it's working come on we need some long life bananas and now we also need some valuable bananas i love the upgrading it to valuable bananas just makes the post from wood and it just turns them into gold that's that's how you know it's valuable if it's made out of gold if it's gold plated absolutely it's priceless okay one of a kind oh my gosh we're making so much money now we're rich there we go we're gonna go up against a moab class balloon soon and i don't like it i don't like the fact that we're gonna have to deal with a moab cusp balloon that should be enough banana farms right is that enough banana form i think that's enough banana farms for now but we're going to put you here and the target strong and then main moab and then faster firing all right so this guy his his these guys this guy's job is just to deal with like moab class balloons so they're gonna deal with like all the really strong balance oh my gosh it's working okay let's work on getting our first energizer it costs 27 there we go energizer yes it's become even more powerful okay so this range goes out to right here so if we put one okay right there is that oh my gosh that's not in range longer range oh wait oh my gosh guys that's barely in range okay okay it's in range it's in range so that's that's all in range right there we go so it stops right there there's our next energizer okay we're not done yet we're not done yet we gotta keep going guys okay free play i am not satisfied i want to see how powerful this strategy is okay obviously it's not going to be that powerful a little strategy okay here's our next energizer wait we gotta see if it if it changes the cooldowns one two three four five six seven eight nine okay about nine seconds so if we get these two upgrades and we use it again one two three four five six seven eight it doesn't stack oh no that's fine that would have been o p if that's that guy's over powered i love when you have this it's like the green radius this is so silly how many pops i hate how these guys have all these pops but what else are you gonna do i need some way to be able to deal with like moabs i need no i need moab domination what am i doing that's what i need where's where is my boomerang monkey right now if he is not in radius of the balloon and i put him here and that's the bottom path right and then i can get glaives or don't want faster rings i want glaives and then i want mo abdomination so he actually okay he can hit balloons that are like back here but that's fine blues get all the way back there we're in trouble anyways okay so we can put this guy here and then longer range is that all right that's that's in range that's in range there we go guys it's perfect and then every time a moab spawns he actually has infinite range so he can just oh my gosh look at it it's wonderful this is he doesn't have any pops he's just slowing the balloons down i need to get ice monkeys along the whole path too that's what's good that is what's gonna make it even funnier so this guy needs to go about right here let's see longer range that that's pretty close that's pretty close i i count it guys it's definitely in range as soon as it runs out it'll be in that it'll that will be in range okay i think oh this okay and then longer range okay perfect and now we can also get energizer we're close we're get oh wait we only need one more and then if we put this one right in here we've come full circle guys there we go okay the entire map now they are always within the radius of the energizer literally always within the radius that's wonderful now we can get ice monkeys ice monkeys the whole path we have to slow him down constantly larger radius and then we can also get absolute zero look at that oh my gosh the absolute zero has such a huge radius okay so he's gonna go to like right there so we probably want this guy right here okay let's see absolute zero oh my gosh literally this is the craziest strategy i love this so much no wait can i not put an ice monkey right here all right it's got to be done it goes the tower goes guys all right we need absolute zero larger radius is that in range that's fine i'll forgive it for not being a perfect radius right there and now we can put this ice monkey i don't i mean the ice monkeys don't have to be perfectly lined up it's just better if they're close is do we have enough money do can we sell these we can sell these we don't we don't need all these banana farms anymore we're pretty much done with our strategy i think our strategy is actually perfect guys here we can go ahead and get absolute zero and then the last one goes right here and then we level this guy up so okay there we go so pretty much they are always permanently slowed now we can get another glue gunner and we'll put this glue gunner right here too and this is going to be the same glue glitter literally the same t5 and this glue gunner it can put glue on all the other balloons as well there we go guys this is perfect because this guy will only pop molapse so his look his only job is to deal with moabs that's his only job and he actually will do a pretty good job of dealing with only moabs so we don't have to worry about anything let's make him as powerful as possible so we can put wait can wait multiple questions can you put there's no way so you can put acidic mixture dip on this guy can you buff this guy with an ex with acidic mixture dip you can't boost a submarine with it alrighty that is unfortunate guys guys this is terrible news this poor cave monkey has been trapped in the ice for over 100 000 years oh no guys if you hit the like button right now we can rescue him and get him out of the ice okay make sure to hit the like button in one two three guys look he's been freed you freed the cave monkey so this guy this guy is gonna be hitting first and this guy's gonna be hitting last so they're gonna be they're gonna be alternating between balloons of what hits what and this guy he's just dealing with this this guy has over a hundred thousand pops we're already at round 72 with this strategy this is amazing oh what everything like froze for a second there we go we keep putting uh like brewmaster potions on this guy because like i mean why not right i wonder if like heroes gain insane experience let's see if we put a hero i want a hero with like a radius of like three right this is definitely within the radius of like two right so let's see wait so it says wait while in the radius heroes earn xp 50 faster so he's in the radius of both of them so let's see how fast this guy gains experience let's see if he gains experience at two times the speed he's already level five it's definitely because we're at a higher round but still five level five levels in one round seems a little bit crazy if you ask me guys five levels in one round what level is he now he's already level seven he's already level seven he's he already has two drones and two levels what is that's insane in two rounds i don't think i think he's only getting boost from one of them i don't think both both boosts actually work but i realized we could have this glue storm going at all times let's see has anything gotten this guy only 200 bullets no balloons have even gotten here you know what that tells me guys that tells me we haven't gotten far enough we haven't gotten if the balloons aren't getting to like way over here past here we haven't gotten to a far enough round we're at 61 000 oh yeah we can turn this guy into permanent brew oh we got guys everyone stand back we got a permanent brew ice monkey okay he means business i love that this guy has the ability to just take out moabs admit it actually makes this strategy very awesome it's actually 100 perfect for this strategy because it's like we're taking up the moabs around 80. oh my gosh it literally blows the mo like it literally is like a bomb i wonder does that so it's doing it kind of pops them this guy is 8 000 pops which is my oh my gosh there we go that was around 81. i'm a little bit oh wait this guy can't see camo balloons the ddts are gonna mess us up i gotta make sure i put down a uh monkey village there we go much better guys that's a much better situation to be in oh ceramics look at the ceramics ceramics are getting by i don't think we're gonna get past round 100 but i would love to see us get past rock 100 i'd love i would be very happy if that happened i don't think it's gonna happen but if it did happen that would be so sweet moab domination is my new favorite tower guys i'm gonna say it it looks cool it's it's it's super powerful it is expensive but it's my favorite tower uh-oh balloons are getting by i don't like that when the balloons are frozen we can't do anything about it i'm changing that we're putting villages in the radius and my bmi be sweet and so that means now we gotta get ah we can't get both of these guys in the radius can i do that and then get bigger radius and please tell me isn't it yes it gets mib okay literally that's the only tower that doesn't have mib anymore we're at around 87. the mobs are getting by but now that we have mib they can pop so look at that they kind of just shred through the balloons these guys are popping them we also i totally forgot but we have this ability that freezes and we also have the glue storm and since we have the ability cooldowns we can just use this like as much as we want right no balloons have gotten to here so no balloons have even gotten past this pack part right here this guy's popping 9000 so some balloons are starting to get by but it's not enough we need more what is annihilating these ceramic balloons i have no idea oh this guy this guy's in the radius that's why nothing's getting past because this guy's too powerful his range is too crazy guys his range his range is too good guys there we go there we go we had to get rid of his range guys oh that's so unfortunate his range is still too good i don't like his range but i don't have an oh i can't sell them we kind of have to do oh oh oh round 92 okay i'm gonna sell this guy i'm selling him wait we gotta slow down for a second oh we gotta slow oh let's use this i gotta use this i gotta slow down i gotta everyone chill out everybody calm down uh we're gonna put this guy right here uh we're gonna put this guy right here no i lied we're gonna put this boomerang ah slow down again halt cease all right we're gonna put this guy like way back here that's where we're putting this guy and we're gonna do that and we're gonna do that okay and then we're also gonna there we go okay okay okay okay that's also not what i want to do i'm panicking i'm joking i'm choking guys i don't like choking i'm scared oh my gosh i can't believe i lost my permabrook because of that i'm so bad at this game that's okay okay we can speed up the process now guys everybody calm down we're fine i needed we had to do an emergency meeting where we moved this guy wait oh no he didn't oh this is bad oh wait look at that oh i actually can't oh yeah see look he he is hitting him yeah see look so he does deal with the moabs so it so it allows everything but the moabs to try to get through and is not looking good for them but look he doesn't hit them until so he does seem to have some range but it's still like a really crazy range but i like that i like that it still has oh man round 94. we're trying oh wait wait wait we can slow the balloons down we're gonna do the glue and we can slow down we can speed the village up go go go oh that's because i got homeland defense instead of getting a permanent brew obviously that's why we're in a round 95 round 95 is a kind of a doozy of a round guys this has three hundred thousand pots forty five thousand pounds this is twenty three thousand pops wait what is this any pops it's one thousand pops 800 pops oh hilly the ddt's let's slow down right freeze it freeze the ddt slow em down even more more glue oh my gosh this guy's back up to 200 000 pops i love that we have these energizers guys we only need to go four more rounds we can get blue sabotage balloon sabotage slows balloons down and it does yeah yeah we need we need more we need balloon sabotage where is it ninjas there we go we're gonna put our ninja over here oh a way as possible there we go wait oh wait guys we can get as many balloon sabotage ninjas as we want we have infinite t5 towers perfect oh my gosh these fortified balloons do not lose look at this these ice monkeys are trying their hearts out look at that two pops two pops two pops two pops two pops two pops two pops these guys are trying their darkness are these guys popping anything let's see yeah they're trying they're they're they're really really trying here they're getting a decent amount of pops yeah look they get a lot of pops of once it actually like goes through all right round 98 two more rounds guys oh mandy does dandy we can do it guys i just have to believe you know where you want to use that ability increase attack speed slow the balloons down glue storm it up freeze them again we just gotta keep using the threes ability they get frozen for so long it's like they actually almost get permanently frozen look at that it's like they can't go anywhere i wonder if they're in the same radius if they actually can like get like frozen twice i wonder if like frieza's do freezes stack i have no idea i actually have no idea if that's a thing there's i am very worried about the battery low key bad balloon scares me here we can get grand saboteur thank you uh oh oh oh oh round 100 here's the bad balloon guys slow it glue storm all right come on come on come on come on come on come on balloon sabotage at least it's it's spawned in a partially damaged state blew that he got 35 000 pops because of that it doesn't slow oh man oh he's doing damage though he's doing like an increase in i can't even speak i'm so nervous pop the bad balloon blue storm i wonder if that'll do more damage to it come on sabotage it's so close it's so close if we can we're so close we're so close these guys look at the look at the guys monkey two pops two pops two pops two pops two pops come on come on come on freeze them oh my gosh i think we got it glue storm balloon sabotage again speed it up freeze them oh my gosh we beat round 100 we beat round 100 let's go round 100 has been beaten my friends with the ridiculous strategy of infinite range energizer guys i hope you enjoyed today's video if you did hit that like button subscribe and turn on notifications you guys are amazing i love you all and i'll see you guys tomorrow for some more awesome content bye everyone
Channel: Tewtiy
Views: 193,906
Rating: 4.9030905 out of 5
Keywords: Bloons TD 6, BTD 6, Bloons tower defense 6, Tewtiy, Bloons, Bloons TD, Bloons TD Battles, BTD, BTD Battles, Tewtiy bloons td 6, mobile game, trolling, Hacked, hack, Bloons TD 6 hack, BTD 6 hack, Bloons hack, BTD hack, Bloons 6 hack, hacker vs hacker, bloons td battles, bloons, btd 6, Bloons TD 6 infinite tier 5 hack, infinite tier 5, 100 tier 5, bloons td 6 tier 5, tier 5 hack, tier 5 mod, Monkey Sub, Energizer, Monkey sub tier 5, Monkey Sub Energizer, Bloontonium Reactor
Id: dkaBBuePQRE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 36sec (1236 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 16 2020
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