Infinite Energy generator demonstrated for skeptics | Libert Engine #2

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FFS. The amount of people thinking magnets is "free energy" is both funny and scarry. It's like saying diesel generator is free energy. It's not free, if you take already stored energy and use it.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Blommefeldt 📅︎︎ Jan 28 2022 🗫︎ replies
This video has subtitles in all languages. In our latest video we show you how to make a self-powered generator by modifying an alternator and connecting it to an engine, which produces free energy. The video instantly became a viral video and that caused you to bombard us with questions and many did not believe it. In this video we are going to tell you in depth how the generator works, and we will show you more shots where you will clearly see that it is not a montage But before we start we want to ask you to stay until the end of the video as we need your help with this video and the previous one. Give a LIKE and SHARE THIS VIDEO so that we can reach as many people as possible and that everyone knows about this hidden technology- Throughout the video we will explain why. And now we begin 1.- Put the machine on a transparent glass table Many of you have doubted that the previous video was true, and some commented that you wanted to see the machine on a glass table. In this video we are going to show you many shots from all angles so that you can see that there is no trick. Here we are going to use a transparent base with a background as white as possible so that it is clearly seen that there is nothing hidden anywhere. In addition, all the shots will be uncut so that you cannot say that they are editing tricks, or that we have hidden the cable in the grass as many of you said. We are going to start explaining how this new feedback system capable of generating electrical energy works. First of all we have a single phase motor with a plug. And we have a 24 volt 200 amp truck alternator. We have modified this truck alternator as you could see in the previous video, and if not, we leave you the link above. We have modified the rotor by placing permanent neodymium magnets on it. This will cause the generator to have a permanent magnetic field much stronger than the original magnetic field of the alternator. Therefore, it will increase the voltage of the alternator about 10 times more. At about 240 volts. This voltage with the intensity that they will draw us, will give us a power between phases of 5,000 watts. That is, between one phase and another we will have 5,000 watts 220 volts, and between the other phase and this one we will have another 5000 watts and 220 volts. In total about 10 kilowatts of power How can a 12 volt alternator generate 220 volts? For this to work we will have to give the generator an initial start of movement. The generator has two of the phases connected to this plug socket. When we turn on this switch and give it a kick start it will generate 220 volts and it will cause this motor that's plugged in here to start. The movement of this engine, thanks to the transmission belt and the pulleys connected to it, will cause the alternator to rotate, thus generating energy and thus feeding the engine. In this way perpetual motion will be maintained. In addition to generating energy to move the engine and this in turn moves the alternator, there will be a residual energy that will allow us to take advantage of approximately 9 kilowatts so that we can connect anything here. In this case, as we only have two phases connected, it will give us a maximum of 5 kilowatts, which subtracting the power of the motor will be about 4 kilowatts. If we connected the other two phases we would have 10 kilowatts. Can you make more precise measurements and explain them? Ok, to start this device we will need the cable that we will wind there to start generating the movement. As you can see, for the motor to generate the current perfectly, it must rotate in this direction, downwards. In order for it to turn like this, we have to wind the cable in this way In all these shots we are not going to make any cuts so that you can always see the whole process. We begin to turn so that the cable winds up Okay. With this is enough. Now, as you can see, we have to put the switch in position 1. When this starts to move, it will generate a current, and this electrical current, through the plug, will make the motor start to move. We are going to start Now we are going to connect the tester so that you can see that it actually gets 220 volts between the two phases and now, between this and this 220 volts, as you can see, the voltage fluctuates a little but it is minimal. We have a voltage of approximately 220 volts Now to make the measurements we are going to put this device. But so that it is in a vertical position and you can see the results well, we connect it here and this here Right now here we have a consumption of 0 watts Zero kilowatts/hour, 228 volts 50 hertz, 60 hertz,... the frequency varies a little, but it stays on There is no current because there is nothing connected to this plug and we are going to start by connecting the drill again because you have asked us a lot We put the drill like this and as you can see 850 watts At startup it consumes a little more 860 watts... at the 1200 start the voltage remains constant and when connecting the drill and starting it up, the frequency also remains constant at 50 hertz because the motor speed drops a little As you have verified, the perpetual energy generator works perfectly and has plenty of energy to power a drill or something Why do you use a single-phase motor instead of a three-phase one? Let's see, in the next place you ask a lot why we use a single-phase motor of 220 volts instead of using a three-phase motor connected to one phase each Well, the reason is simply that we did not have any three-phase motor that was 3000 revolutions per minute , therefore we have used this single-phase motor that we had. In a future power generator that we will create, which will be 20 kilowatts, we will put a much larger three-phase motor and use two alternators You cannot get energy from NOTHING (Second Law of Thermodynamics) Many of you also say or affirm that you cannot energy can be obtained from nothing. Here you are not generating energy from nothing. That's impossible. Here we use the energy that has always existed in the universe, magnetism. We transform the magnetic energy into mechanical energy and the mechanical energy through the alternator we convert it back into electrical energy with a very high efficiency. In this way we obtain unlimited and free energy. Why does a 24v alternator produce 220v? Another question you ask is why does a 24 volt alternator generate 220 volts? The answer is very simple. By modifying the rotor as you have seen in the previous video and placing the permanent magnets, we generate a much more powerful magnetic field. That way every time the magnetic field passes through a coil, it generates 10 times more voltage. Therefore it gives us a voltage between phases of 220 volts "There is a hidden battery" Others say that maybe there is a cable or a hidden battery, that the motor is really a large lithium polymer battery hidden inside... as you have See, we've moved the camera around before and then you're going to see it in another shot and there's no hidden wire, there's no hidden battery. This is simply a piece of wood, the power strip with the electrical connections, the modified alternator and the electric motor. There's nothing else "Make a video where you pick it up and walk while it's running" Now we 're going to show you another long shot without cuts where you're going to be able to see the equipment running and we'll pick it up while it's running. We will also use it to drill a piece that we have placed there on the bench, at the bottom. You had asked us enough to be seen moving it, and that is what we are going to do. As you can see, the motor supports drilling a piece without problems, without dropping voltage or force. Well, you've already seen it... We turned off "There are hidden cables" Some of you said that the blue and brown cables went to another place. Here you can clearly see that the cables simply connect the alternator to the terminal strip. No hidden wires Why is the voltage kept constant? Many of you also ask why the voltage is kept constant. A constant 220-240 volts is maintained because once the system starts, the voltage generated by the alternator is capable of driving the engine. This engine moves at constant revolutions per minute, therefore this small variation in revolutions that it may have is minimal, and the alternator will always turn at the same revolutions. That is why a constant voltage is maintained, because it turns at the revolutions that the motor indicates. Since it goes by a belt drive, when the engine turns, it turns the alternator. And the alternator cannot turn faster than the engine is turning it , so it generates approximately 220, 230 or 240 volts. How does the machine stop? How is the perpetual motion and power generation of this machine turned off or disconnected? Well, it's very simple. For that we have put this socket base with a switch Turning it off and setting it to zero, since obviously the electric motor will no longer have current . It will stop turning, and when it stops turning, it will stop moving the alternator. Therefore the system stops. It stops completely . Why don't you show your face or your identity? Many of you ask why I don't show my face in the video,... why do I hide,... that's because it's a fake,... that's because the video doesn't work... No, it's not like that. Obviously I hide and cover my face because I'm not interested in certain companies knowing my identity. For not violating my safety. That is the real reason and many of you have already suspected it. Is the machine eternal? What maintenance do you need? Another thing. Many of you say that the movement is not perpetual, that the magnets degenerate and lose their magnetic power. Indeed this is so. After thousands of years the magnets in the rotor will lose their magnetic effectiveness, therefore generating much less current. But we are talking about thousands of years. Another point to consider is the maintenance of the machine. The machine itself is not eternal. You have to keep it. Once every six months you have to change the alternator bearings, there is one here and one there, the engine bearings, which also have two, and the transmission belt. By changing those things we will have a machine for life. Can I buy you one? Why don't you sell it and become a millionaire? Many of you ask me if this works, why don't you sell it and become a millionaire... I can buy you one... you could make one for me... Well, the answer to all this is that we can't put it on the market. sale because more than 60 years ago this technology was patented by a very, very important oil company, and that patent is still hidden in some drawer... prohibited, and without the possibility of being used, impeding the progress of humanity. That is why we cannot commercialize it, only make it known and make it public. Because otherwise I would be persecuted, imprisoned and I would endanger my own life. Well, you've already seen it. We have done our best for you to see how this machine works and how there was no trick in the previous video. But now we need your help. We can't market this device, but we can make people aware of it. HELP US. Help us give it visibility by LIKE, COMMENT and SHARE with as many people as possible. Together we can make this discovery reach every point on the planet We will not let the big industries continue to enslave us for energy It is time to tell those companies that we know their secret Let's change the world! Between ALL WE CAN! Thanks for watching this video
Channel: The Crazy Channel in English
Views: 1,634,596
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: free energy generator, free energy magnet generator homemade, free energy device, free energy debunked, all secrets in free ener, free energy generator with dc motor, alternative or non conventional sources of energy, free energy alternator, free energy alternator homemade, how to get free energy at, how to get free energy at home, how to make energy, 110v generator to 240v, 110v generator, electric generator, electric generator science project, electric generator without fuel
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 2sec (1262 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 21 2022
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